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ORD 0379
^ a � � . � '� i• � "'C_ (a��l�rovin�� Ordinauce—Imiued��Ye Paanient 1+'orui.l �RDINANCE N0.�� ,�� _ �\ ORDI\A\CE r�PPRO�'I\G 11\D C()\FI?�.III�G '1'IIF: :���E��\Ii?\'f :�\L) .!�`�1�:�11i1�:\1' Rt)C.1. �. �)F T.(1(`��L I,ITPROVFIIF�T DISTRICT �0�._-_.-,-�_-__ I'0� TIIE IJIPRO�'EIIF.AT� (?I�'- _.''.t�L p�ii.'ii.z.F.:�� Sal 'a._��:i £:1�1i ti� .i"5.��.i.'�.�liQfi i`�...v.iLi,i.. Gi:�it�. �v�..1.a.�e��•,�J�=lZ�j raVtn�ii.�tkl"h.`�?r� �l,4- ,�:i�:,; I3e�inning at the �n�e.�section o� t=�� c�nter liz�e �� Sh�attack �treet with south li.ne of s�etion Ia township �3 nArth ran�;e 5 eaat of vile Willa.rn�tts �Ieridian� co�nt�. a�' z�ing and �tate of ��ashin�;ton-- T'�:;;r��: north alo*�� center af Shattuttk Street to center of �Palla Walla Aven�n_:� Thence nox���easterl;� alon� the c�nter of 4'�,lla W�11�. Avenu� �o $li� c�nter of �3��rnett Stre�t--Thence nort�� along center o� �urnett �tr:_: : . to center ��' �hird Avan�.ae--Thence aa.s�: along cr:nter a� T��ird Av�:��... : ; � cen�ter af T:-`�.11 Stre��--fihenee south alon� center of :��11 5treet �.1��,-°. center of���ill strest produced, south, to south Zin� oP secLion I7 �ov�nahip 23 nortn range 5 east oP �iT.A�. --T'��nee wegt alon; �aid �r : _,; . lina of said s��ctir _ _"' , _:? _ �_.__ __ _.�.�.,,,. . �. . .. Y. , _ pl�ce of b��innin�A - _...�....,,,� ������� 1»>u,cc _�o. ;`. - - - � for the ini�»•u�-�>>uent of .o wSe �a„�,.. -'t,«i. _ ti.. "v. ti 3.-wv ate . . .�:'J...,��: �+x _ U..>a.'. c+:.L`w .c "-1�....� .J��. ..�_��., _, ,.... ,t .:.a�h.4 ,k.ti."�... . wi�;�;� :�aginnin� at the int�rsec�iQn �F t�e a�r�t�ir li.ne e�f' �hat��ck Street �uit'ri �o��'z line cf ��c��.on I�3 ��a�=nship �.:i naacth. r«�n��: 5 eas� �.:� t��a �i11.��tt� �i�ridi�.n;caunty a�' 3�in� �nd �t�t� uf P'a��ington-- ��, .� r north a1on� c�nt�r caf �ha�;uck Str��t ta cen��.r oP Wr�ll� ��lla, AQ�.� ;:;:.. T��enc� nor�i�a�astierly al�n� t'�e c�nt�� t�f ��lla �a�11a Ave�ue� �d �L.;� centsr aP "�urr���Lt; :�t�eLt-=T,iL�z�� �pr�z� �7.nn�, c:.nter of 3urn�tt 7�� :; : to canLer of T�.ird A��nue--T�.�na� e;�st a,ior��c a�n��r o�' 'S��ird Av�;. c�nter of ��i11 Stre�t_-i:��nae s�;.��tli ��on� ��ntex af �illl ��rc�et aF°���. cer���� �f =jzi1 �tr��t produ��d, ��ut��, to. �au�h 13�e Af ��etian I7 tew��ah�.�a 23 nr�r�h �����;t� �: ���,�# vf ro.��. --Th�:nca ���t dlang �aid , _ ,-. lin� Ot' ��tiCi :aU��i.Q21 ' ° _ ,'' . ._ , <''.�" �.,.�" .� . ' '' � p�.,,r� o� b:�:�innir.�. _ -- -__ _._ _�...,� �... ,�..,�„«.� ���« �. ;«.�..,< <«� sai�ie an�� th�lt the assessinent appearin� aaainst the sanie is in proportion to the several assessme�its appear- iu� upon saici roll. Tliere is hereby levied and assessed a��ainst each such lot, tract, p�rcel of land and other property appearina� upon such roll the aniount finally charbed a�ainst the same thereon. Section 3: For the purpose of this impr.ovenlent there is hereby created and establishecl ei spccixl fun<i '� Yo l�e �°,tllecl "I�;�ie�il Iiuproveuient Puntl, llistrict \o._____`_�____.__._._. � 5ectioa �: This ordinauce sh�ll be in fnll j'o��•<�e r�ncl cfiEecY fi��e (:>) �la��, frrnr ar�d ��fter its passa�,�e, approval and leaal publication. j�� ,F?�1 � _ :1p��roved this - �'`3:"� - -- � - day of -� - �--�.�.v' - - - - - • 191.�- - i �- - -- .-G��.�.�-.� .�. �e_ �:.��-�: --,__-- ---- --.. _ , �/ , �r��.��,;�. Passed this '�i�---_� day of ----.-.---J-�J-,;r•----.---.--------, 191_�.. �.7�� - ^ � ��, - --- �/- - - � --vl -�' ��"�'�-�_��-- -- City Clerl�. '�� D�te of first publicatiou __, .. .:.._.�_�__"..%.__�.�%_r:�___.. � � /' �� T- ,j � = � , - - - -