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ORD 0340
; _ �C�' t� ��� � ,w,,...F. .-, ,� —y T n r � +� -�* -�r _�: C::�?Ii��.��C:i; t�:.��:�'I.��G ._C �.H�� 1:;OR�'�';.:�RI; :tr��I,�'I�.� :.:.riTi�a�� CC�":T�t.i:Y� I'iS .. _, _ .._e...,. ,.�..,., _...,...J �.�.. ...��.... . ' `1T7.`.�f Ti�.l�ii �J ��:��v i.L:1��.TJ� Y+i�`yuo:.:.)-�iir .tii...J Ti.1'a:."' : ._ �. .:: ': �_� _ ..� , .�.._ -�:�iTI _,..;:1 0�'�:.�.;'� �?«.1T��Os�� :�?�`:C:�;� .��C:.�O,�� {��_. •r T •-�-� ,.,y� � i'u7:eTi.�� _.....1.�. �._J.I�J� ...�.._ .,.. ...... .. . ._ .. . .. . . ...:.._ ,,._ ... .'� ;:,.:. . ;.., . ., . . . ... � �. . . . .�....�,_ _..—...� V��/�.1:V r.r ti�. ,r a..._::! J�..0 1 .,.4 aiaJls L �i ti __ �, .._...-.w.�_,.._ �._... ..._ �._. ....a- .. .., .. �t ,s�ion 1. '�,�e %ox�z�e;^n �eacifie Rail�ay Comp�;�, a cozy���r:�: ._ _ e:�_e la�s o�' :�i�co�sin, it� �accessors and �s�i�t7s, a�e h� _ � _;�.���ed �Iz; ri�.;�.�, privilege, �u�'r_o�it;T �.nc� f:r��c'�i^e to la�y a�`: ._.-�i�taiu a�.d o�era�e t�;o ma�n lin� i�.1.�:C4a�a �rdc'�s t one i�1 ����`� � _ _ -;., ';��e r.�ail� lsne �s ack no��: c�ns��.�c�ea ax�d ou. ". � :A��ss�.��G� SyYZUC1ie�� cresso�rvrs, si�zin�s a�d � � _ _. _ ��s presen� r�i�h� o-y ^�.�T �:�c� c�nstructed an�. o�7ex�.te� line � - -..,ori, Glon��, over �nd �cross a1� o� f?=� stx�efs }nd �; _ . ::._ __ .r •: .,.,� . _ �.� _ _ . t�e I��o r��� S:in e o f ����--�aur i 4) ?',��-� ��;�����e��:-����o���. ,.�--��'�_� p-rodueed �.'ast�;rly to t�,e Se���ion lina be�ee:� see��.: _ _�_����e� ( 13 ) a,::�� 1��:7.:cie vee;:z �19 ) � �LLI To��rns"t�i� .��y�LtJ-�lz-re� (��� cr�'.�, Rari�;e �i-��: ( �) .�ast. Pro�rided thaf no �r�c�� s' _ " " . - .. , . _ _ _ _ �. _ ;� -, - , _ _ _ . : � �:. .. _ �: _ _. _ . ..._ ., ..... . `Js � . +. ,...�. i l/1�I.1 .._ @ ,.,.....<�.. __ ....._ �.-,._ .� .�... _ .�.__ _ : ... ..-.- _ , ._ __ ,. . . ...�.� .. _ - _ __ : '� s.n�� �wne';�--:�in� �999 ) y��.rs �re:� tre dauc of tilis Ord�.� :..-, � �. .:��;i�n 3. ^�e gran�;ee b� tl�e acce���d:��� o� �Ilis o�Ei.���:�,.�: :; .- � -b'� 4Y'i�il �L18 �'i7.u� 0� ti8i2j"i�:11 110� yG �'i.St�3 �,Tl�T C." 7.�� 'G:Cc3C�''S �3�'f��':;`. :��:CC2?� 2�VGI�.LZe 75rUS� �''�.C� 5��.�i1 �TT�:I1lZe %r���'� 1Y'_ S^.7�� �'� . � " . "' , • _ . .. - : o�' �Grs, r��.� on�.v= to use s�.2fa �rac�is lor r1.:��.n�.. �. .. _ �_ .._, .,,,, .F. - � • n• r � -�- �n�v. 0`FG'::3'-..,�.�"i111� v:L'ctG'_� , _.:_ , ���.�s, s,�t:�r �r�c��s, pasuln;; ���.e,%s and o ��.�.. .� , f.�- r y �n' � .,e �n:�e-�3��i o�. a.� _ . :��itz�ui���e� :£rc��. ,:t�cr��;e tsx'• 1+.::59 i� bein� t � - _ �. � __._ - _. .�, _; .,_. _ �__ . _ _ , �_.�.,. . ;,,�; w�.ei1 to pre�e���: : - _ , ;. ,. �. _e�s.� �A:�:�e� strG��'� _ �__� ___��_ _ - �_ .: . _ . �, i;; tn� �.ccey�v�....��; o� ���i�� �.� �,�_M. _ - _ �.�. �: _ y�i.S �z'�.�?;. a,Y'i:� b�f;?�;e�. _ � d , -`' On '�''.Ei �; � �. • " y,. i�:1:?� `u�.f1C1. �11�' yC0 :, v C.' fil�.:. - __ �il�f��.^l: . ..��i' �:.��.�_�C �i.ti{�i-..�u {i.i�y�' i=� JfsvvUii Qr..U:.i ill... u..'.�'.."+�4�.,_ �l.l ..i t�.r _:_5.:1.1 ..s.�u�i�. �f �'r_� travel�c o� i��?rove�� �����, and �.�at cy��en the ���-.- o-� Ren�o�. impxov�s �.n;T o" s�.id s�yee�s cro�sed ��T the tracks of tne �ail�4*�.:i Cor�n�.n� b� la�in�; �own a _�wve�e�1� t'_�are�r, vii� R�ilt�ra�? vam�an�' �vill �.t t�,P s�e -ti�ne s.zrs����e i�_ �. s'�i1ar manne� � are� ��c �r� s'��� . cro�sed �y its trac'�s unde.� �his -`ra.�c1�ise equal in �i�dti� �o ��. � --�.-� , �r 4i'czr'a I ��etior� �. T'rla.s f`rane�ise sha11, be �Jeid tiu31e ss �'re ��.-�.;�t::e �nal� r;le ::i�i� �he Cit� Cl�xk o�f the C�ty of Re�ton i�s �-ritte� accev�a�._. �e��o� �vit'c�iiZ sixt;� � 60i d�;s af�e:r �:�e �.€�.ssa�;e and ��p�oTr�.l o� tt�=_ �'"�:a�I,;�,nC�. �ection 5 '�.'�:i� �r,�.:.r�ance �:^��_�.�. ��.c��� ��fe� �'�:.Y�� j�:_v� �, w.,,.. �,.,��: , u �.` y cf� :.� �,. •'���_�� i:c�rthern Facific Railwa� Compan� �elivers ta tlie Ci�� of �Q�ton, �. good and sufficient d.eed of rui� clai.� to t��e �ollati�i71� �lescr�bed l�nd fo r utreet pu:c�oses, to-::��t�: All the follo�i�J po:.��i��� o� t?^�e preser� �:orthern F�.ci��� R�:��;. .;a� Co�u��a��' sl ri�;h� of eva;� loc�.t�d ii� t��e Tov� of �erz�o�� in Sec�ia���� _ ''-�-�"-�fl.U�'@i1 ��..� ) � �0.:22,.�`,}'11p `.�LL�'iiE3�i��j-vi�ree �`�,�� ��i 01" l�`"i11� �..�i1�'8 r7.Y@ �.r7� .ic^-..�':.:J �.�: ;:'i1l�met�Ge i::eri�ian� K7ng Co.zn�%, roash;ng�on, descr�'r�ed as zcll�4;;�: 1. �:� u�rib of land �if�eeA t 15) feet i� ti��i�t�, l�e in� ���.e �r'esterlv �_`=-'y�e�. f 15) feet of t�ze pxes�r_t r��h� o-y �;a�r of ti�e i7or�l�ern Fa��' - -'" �� �ai1�:�a�T Co�npan� ar_cz ruiv�in� f�am ��Ze secti�n line bet�ree� �e r.�- '����s ;iaYi�een �18) an�. iaiz:e�ee_= t193 , To�rls�ip T�re��J�-�riree ���. 1` ;,���1, ��i��e �`�.ve �5� Lust, E�. �.:., ti_ �he South I�-�� of SiXt�i ���.. ._; �detit, produced eas�erl�. 2. A �trip o� l�.na si�.'�� � 60) f�e� ii� ���idt�n �.ero�� the 1�re�e���` rig��t of :���= o� th� i�or�i�e-r� Pac�.fic Railw:a� �o:��oal��ta th� nortn al::;� sou�h l��es oy saic� stzi� bein� resnect i�Tel� �rs r_o���� and ��uta 1.i�es o� Si�th Ave�ue ��tsst �i oducec� e�.s��r1V. 3. A ��ri� or l�b.u. iifteerl f 15) fes� i� �riG�h, �e�n� the �er�,,{,��T �i:�teen �15a feet c� the pre�en� right o-F' Y�ra�r o� �he l�or-ci�:�rr Ra�l�ka�� Corapur;�, �..�d rz�nnin� from �'n� narti� 1�r_e oz Sixth .�ve�.: ��e;�t to �Y!�, sczi.�h iine c� �ifth hvenue ;�Test. . 4, A strip of 1�a�;. �ix��r t 60� y�e� in �id Uh �c��N� �he pxe�er�t � righ� o� ara�r o�' the Taar�herr�. �'acific �.�.il�a�GT i,orap€�.n�r, �he I,ortii ar�� Scuth l:�:ras o� saiu strip �e�r:;g retipec�ivel�r the iTorth �� South 1�.�.es o� �_�it�� bvenue iest p�oc�ueec� Laste�';�. 5. r'� st-ri�:� o� 3�.r u. t�ert�-�ive (25� feet in �:id��.�, '�eirg tl�e �le _ erl�T �«cr ty--f�ve t 25� f�e� cf trc �rEs�:nt r:�h� ny �2�; o� t'�e i:��ox°-.. e�l� Fac�*"�c R��1;^��.��- �onipG.r��, ar�� ru:ar�ing fi.om ts�e ::;ar��. i�ne c:� i;:�t� Avenue :ties� to the �ou��-� li�e �y t�he right ot �r�.J o� �ne Co1.-�n�ai�. ancl pu�;et Soancl �u�l�oad, �'r�e ����t l�ne o� s�.i� stri� �ue:�u� ��aralle� tc ��r�C�. ttirteny�-�.�iva �2�1 ieet e�.w'�Gri.�� fxor:: the e�st l��i� of �loc� �ni-r-��r-�tl;o (3�� Smi�:i�ers r�ddi�;ier t�o tre �'o��m o�' �:enfon• .. 3�Z.S0 ��1� l:az'�;1'_ei 3�r -r=i?"U�j' �J�j . :iG�''i, fli ��� ::�-`�,.s�exl� �VY�'Y'iv�-"i1V:; ��5� ���:.'@�, 0?" t'_r'_8 ��,Y'E,'St�,ili� Y'1.��1�'. Oi� trJci.�% �G�C4r�::E71 �1.�f'i�l liVGTlZ.'�j� �, . _ _. d�-� _�:.:,;',;a ar��. �t��;et SoLu�.d �aii.r.o���d C or�ipGny� 5 ri�il� oi �q�c�, � �, �"� strip of l�nd t��renty-�ive (�5� leet ir� �rr�.d��_; _ .�:ter_7y tbver�U;;_�'ive (2�) fee-� o-� the prF3sent r���ht o� v�a�;� a � ���a� -::urthe�; xacific i�ail��aa�T Com��-�x�1J, U.nu aunning from �,lye ��ert?� l�i�m,,:; ���' t�,e ri�hi o-��' �ra� o� �he Cclu7:il:ia °�:ncl Pty.�et Sounii R�.il-ro�.� to v:,E� Scz��h lin� o� Thira l�venue �v'e�t, the r�es� lir,c �� :�uia s�ri� �:eiu� -_;-.�a�•�11.�1 �o ��,t ���:�lu��r--rivE (25) fee� e�.steLl�T frc�� the ��.�t lir!e o� ��::��cl� thir�y_thr�;e (33� Sr�ither� t�ci�.it ion to �1�� L•o�1r� c-� �er�-�on. '�. ,� s�ri� c;" l�r_�. L�rer.t�T�t�ree (23) -�ee� i� �ri�.th, be:�r�g �_-�: .. �,:�+er3� t�erl��-t�.ree (�3 i feet o�' the pre�er_� ri�h� of c�a- of � _ �- m::u�:°�he��n ��es�'ie i uil��ra� Company, auc� r�;i�r_ing fram -��e �:�orth 1�.��:'_ of �'hircl .�venue ��es� �;c tl:� S�i����� l�n�: af S�ec�nd �^venue u�es�, t�.:. . :c�t l�.r!e o� s�:.i�7 �uri� �.�ein� the �ast line o�' t�loc� zwo t 2 ), i��ic�c:x• _- �- -:{r� i�ddii;ion to i�er!�o�. "' � str��, o" lanc� s_;�y (60} feet i�_. Y�ic��h �.c-ross -�.ic preser�: �. �- �i'� of t.ay o�' �i7e i�or�n err ��.ci�ic R��1,tra�T Ccn�arl;t, the ��ortb �._'._-' _ .:_�-'r� f_a����c�;a:.��.�� c�^ s���c�. ��;-��� �eing xes�ec�iv�lp t�r�e S?orth a�� 5� :.��;.. � �_ �._ ��. � �. _ ,.,.. _ ;, _ :�owuce� ;as�erly. . �', t� � :_ _ :�.�w, ., - '���^ree (23) fee� irl 4;intn., bei�1� ti�e :.}�sV��'y �����eri��r-t'r_i�e ( 23� y�,c�t e� the present right of zr�� o-� t'_ne ��:�r�l�ex�i Faciiic Ru�.l�roa�,� uompwr�� �.n� r��n�..��; frem �:t�.� �`Yort�� Zir�e of :�:eeci�� nvenue ��est t� uhe �tior��� la.n� o� �1 -'.� `'�� �--�-���- �'..� �.' ��- =��.��r-�e '���, ��oclueed :a�Ue�°l�%, the '��es�c l�rze o� sai� strz.p :� :i��.;; �he �as� IiY�.e o� �loc�: �cu.x (4) �:ictor Z�?..ne Ac�c'�iti.on to Renton. �w`�.ss�d a�r t'ne Ca�:�c�ii �u '"I�e d�..�; o-f' , A. 3�.1�I���a �::�:-: �� � �; _�; :� . z.._._�.�� �� '��`�'. _ . �,_ .._ �_ 3 ..:� .Je �d ��.'� 1�i...L - .,�,_. � . .. _ .0 !_ 'v . ' . . .. .__ __..:... : -.. ._. .. ___. .. ._. . . .. . _...._ . ..._. . ..__...... I I �' .4. � �,i �..'-.. . . 1 !V'^♦ p . � � ``Q_.��.� C_ 1� �: v../S� lP .f ( .I � J