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(:Iii�r��v��ni��ut Ur�,li»riuc���—.liiiiu��(li�tt' P�i�}�ni��nt For�».)
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ORDINANCE NO. ._..... .�...- _ �
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�.Zlj.�'.::;:; �.���:.:':;C't', � 1:i1`' %�G1'iZ�TC8i1 i��c; __0�.�' i,%'i Z1i1� 0� �.:�GC3011C�. '
��l1ue �.iid the south liue of Cor��;nercial ',":aterw�.,; �istric� �:io. 2 righ-t-
iu5ert stre��ts ur j�urtiuiis thercof to be i�upro��ecil li�• (5��eci��-in� n�tture of iiujiruvcuiciit)
;e2'7=1f' �'ii"?G ��11iG'
<ill iu ;i�•���u•�l�ui�•�� ��,�ith R��,��I�iti��i� Au. __�___,.�-.:� of thc City Council of the City of IZenton, creatinn a local
in�prove�uent district therefor, ancl providinn that payinent for said improveinent be n�ade b,y special assess-
znents npon prop�rty in said district p�yable by the tuode of "I�un�ediate Yayiii�mt."
T�1�; ('T'CY COZ'\('IL OF� TIIE CITI' OF ]ZE\T0�\, W�SIII\(:TO\. DON:S (�RD:�I\ �� FOLLO�ti�S:
�f'('t1011 1: 1�}1'dt �=�u u y�01� �10�1 U1 .� i.1..1.1�:..'S ,} �.�1 C;�:' � ���1.L1`; �-:C;' �',./cVPill ;�.c
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_ .__ .:_-i.;e o�� a��coild r�venuQ a?1� tsle south lirle o� :�on�r�ie�ci�,l•�`�'atertiva-�.
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�insert streets or portions thereof to be iinproved) be ili�proved by (specif�ina n�ture of improve�nent)
�_C� 1:i1;'� '_ '•°�,r'�_ � _ - �= ��l'�� C:y"'1-�"':.. . _. S --t;
�in�l that sucli other �vorl. be done as may be necessary in connec�tioii t�herewith, accordina to the plans and
,������ifications therefor r�repared tmder tl�e direction of the CiY�- Fnn�ineer and on file in the office of the City
��i�>>�i� '�i�.a1� ra�.1:1 pla�,:� �.� €���.��.�3�e�;��;ie���,�; ��.�H I�r��+a� ����e����► r�����•ov���.�
�����tion 2: '1'l�at the cost and expense of said improveYnent, including all necessary and incidental ea-
����u,��,, sh��ll be borne by and assessed ag•ainst the prop�rty included in the assessment district hereinafter
�•r���ite�l in �lecordance with law. The City of Renton shall not be liable in any inanner for any� portion of the
�•�»t and E��pense of said i�nprovement, escept as herein provided.
�inscrt a�i��rii��ri�ite ��ro��iu� fur c�ontril>>itiuu ft�o�n the U��u��ral Fn�ii3 if ��n��)
���ctiun 3: 1'li�it 1,Lcr�� is Lerrl�y ��strtl�lishecl �i lo��t�l impro����iu����t �iistrict t�� liu ceillecl "Lur,�l lui�i�o�e-
tu��nt 1)istrict I��o. ____�.'_.," which said district is describecl as follows:
"��11 the property between the termiui of said improvement abtittin;;� tipon, adjacent, vicinal or progi-
mate to such portion of said streets and avennes to a clistance back from the m�rginal'lines thereof, as pro-
�-i�l���l bv law."
���etion 4: That the cost and expense of s�id iiuprovement shall be defrayed by special �assessments
�����-;ihle by the inode of. "Iinn��ediate Yayri�ent" as definecl by law and the charter �ud ordinance� of the City
��f K.euton. Warrants bParing interest .�t the ra,te of S per cent. per annum lanti] paid, shall be issued to
Yhe contractor for the redeinption o£ as �nany of the warrants iesued on the Local Iinproveinent 7)istriet Fund
��n estimates of the City Eng�ineer, as may not be redeemed in cash.
Section �: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (�) da3-s from and after its passage,
,�l�proval and legal publication.
:Approv��d this .- __ _- � �� ------ �lr��- of _ _ � v ._.., 19] � •
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P�i�����1 tiii5 . •'_ �____ �1���� i��` _.__ :_ _. 191. •. � ,
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City Clerk.
]):it�� ul' Hrst I�tll�lir.iti��n . _ _ � "' _ __ _ - ------- -- ----�