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(In��rovet�i�nt Ordinauce--�ni�ue(ii�te 1'�i,yli�ent F�rm.j
ORDINANC� NO. �,�,� ....
:1� C?I;�)1\.�\r�, I.'1{,nVlll�\G Ii()R T�IF I\Ik'P�OVE.IIT\7' (aF'
t�^.��t por�ion of the �:�,st side of �r illiam� St. abbutin� upon tn.e
�:Te�t- lina of Zot si� ( 6) B1o�1T fi-�,�^:�fi:�- ;� '
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Plat of the Tov� o� Renton
��1����'���k��`e�e�'�6.��4��� v�� ����u�'i�u�%����r��y .
fhe c;onstruetion o� a boar.d �ideti��:lk therPon in co��l.iaz�ce �rith
�he � ovisions o� Orda.na�iee Tdo. 39 of �ne Ci�n of �'�r�ton, �7;�ash.
all in <�ccoi•clxnce ��-ith R�solution Vo, ...�.��A., of the City Conncil of the Cit3� of R�enton, creatin� a local
i�nprovclnent ciistrict therefor, and proviclinb that payinent for sa�icl improvement be �J�ade by special assess-
��- ments upon property in said district payable bv the mode of "Irmi�edi�te Paynient."
'�� THT' CPl'Y COl"\CIL OF THI+: CPl'Y OF RE\T0�\, W�SHI\UTO\, llOES O�RDAI\ :1S F'OI�LO�tiVS:
;' Sectio�� 1: rhat that portian of_ the East s�c1� of ;�illi�ns St., ubti�;tin�
� upon the t�e st line of I,at six �6) Blo ek tv�sntv--�hree �2:) in t he
t� origin€�1 Plat of' the Toti�rn of :�enton
� ��`�i�'�� be improved by �)
`� fhe cons u��a.ction of a bo�rd sidewalk thereon in c��plir�nee vaith
�he provisions of Ordirianee �Io. �9 of the Citv of �:ex��ton, ?�'r�sh.
and tliat stich other work be done as may be necessary in connection therewith, accordina to the �lans and
specifications tl�erefor prepared under the direction of the City En�ineer and on file in the office of the City
ci�rl�, �hich �aidr�plans a� �pec��'icu��or.� are hs2eby s�.-pra��l;r ap�roved,
Section 2: T'hat the cost and expense of said improveiuent, including all necessary an1 incic�ental ea-
penses, shall be borne by ancl assessed against the property inciuded in the assessment district hereinafter
created in accordance with la�v. The City of Renton s hall not be liable in any �uanner for any portion of the
cost anc��expense of said improvement, e�cept as hereui provided.
(insert appropriate proviso for contribution from the General Fund if any)
'��...� ,��''_-.�''''�._-��':��
�ectiun 3: '1'h<it there is hereby established a loeal improveinent district to be cnlled "Local Iiuprove-
�i���nt llistrict \o.��______," whieh said district is described as follows:
"�111 the pi°operty between the termiui of said improvement abuttin� upon, adjacent, vicinal or proxi-
mate to such portion of s�id streets and avenues to a distance back from the marginal lines thereof, as pro-
�-ided by law." �
Section 4: '1"hat the cost and expense of s�id impiovement shall be defrayecl by special assessinents
��ayable by the niode of "Immediate Payi7�ent" as defined by law and the charter anc� ordin�inces of the City �
of Renton. Warrants bP�arinb interest at the rate of 8 per cent. per annum until paid, shail be issued to
the contractor for the redemption of as manv of the warrants issued on the Local Improveineilt Distr�ct Fund ��
on estimates of the City Enbineer, as may not be redee.med in cash.
Section 5: T'his orclinance shall be in full force and effect five (�) days froni and after its passa�e,
a��pro��al and legal publication. �
��pprovcd this �(P --__ -- da�- of. - 1''y;X'�a.__ - --..._. 191-�-- • .
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P���sect rhis ---��-- --- da�� of _-�- ��''��'�Z - -�-�- - 912.
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9 � City Clei•k.
D,�te of first ��ublication ..��J�'__i:�.�r'//--,----/�.��°�-
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(Immediate Payment Plan)
Y�it�_.���.�'�?�i a��e�isa ��.�i ���JIl�e �z .lilr a :.''�-���'-pf,".+�rl' �¢`;
Tmprovement of- - - -- .. � - ..._- ._ �7`. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (>`� ':..� ,. �,�
L. I. D.-- - --- �Z --- � - .--.. -- �- ORD.-- �'.:�-_ _ _ _ _
\otice is hereby �iven that the a�sessnient roll for the iin�rovc�uent of pOTtlOri Of ��1Vill��xt7�i
Street in front of Lotif�I31u�k 23,��i�;ina1 Plat �f .tl�e To�vn of
(insert ��������;�������'li�������1d�;7 bY �SP��i����E�i��r����� '
cc�n��r�.�ctian of boar� sid�t�aii�
all in the City of Renton, comprisin; Local Improvement District No. ._��_..___ under O�rdinance \'0..__2$.3_._
is in my hands for eollection, ancl any assessment thereon or any portion of any such assessment �nay be paid
at any time within thirty (30) clays fiom the date of t}�e first pnblication of this notice, withont penalty,
interest or costs, anc� unless payment is made within sueh time such assessment or unpaid portion thereof
will become delinquent. T�pon clelinquency a penalty of five (5) per cent. will attac}� to ancl become a part of
such assessrnent. Delinquent assessment will bear interest at the rate of eibht (8) per cent. per annum uutil
paid. Such delinquent assessment ���ith penalty and interest�vill forthwith be collected and the lien thereof be
enforced in the manner provided by la�w and the charter and ordin�nces of the City of Renton. �
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Cilty TY'e$SL1Y'eY'.
Date of first publication
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