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� (Irnjir��v��me�it Or�liu�tn���� Iion�3 1+'oi•�u.)
ORDINANCE N0. _��y�. _ _._. �
a��•�.t porti�an caz: ;,K3urna ��� ��:;rc�F,�� �� ���,�:.:�e� �b�b� .,:.ca r:� in t'r:e Urx�,�.:=-:�:
?'l�.t of th� `1`o��n of ��enton.�k�vur2d�a ��1 i:�e �iA�tii 'r�;� ��le �:�nuth lir;
of i�'if'th tivenue �th�t por�ion of r'if th nvenuQ bounded an t'riQ eas v
��y the �o e t 1 t n� o:� iv311 i t�,ms �tr ea t and on tYie we s t by t'Ze �ve e�t
line of :3nith�are �treet�tr�at �ortion of a�ithorm �trQ�t boundad :;
�.�i� nart}i by tiYio south line of �'ifth ��venue <ind �n t�is south by t': :>
n+brt,� line of Goun:�,� xo��, ':;�--_�t�z��t xaca��*ion o:' �-,.�,�,��;r �-,;��d �to�--
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all in accordance witli R�esolution No. _ �7�1,,,,_a of the City Council of the ('ity� of h��i�t��u, ��r��atiu�, �i li��•�i1
iv7provement district thereEor, a�id provi�mg that payment for s�id iYnprovement b<� iuri�l�� l�,y- �p���>i��l ��ss�,,�-
iuc:nt� lipon property in said district p��yable by the inode of "Yay�uent by Iionds."
1'FII1 GI'1'� CO["\('ll. OH` 'I'lll,; ('I'1'I' (ll� i�h;A'l'�l\ ll�)1�,� UIiI):1l\ :�� I�,O1J.�)!1'ti:
Section 1: '1'h�t , �
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sauth lin� oi` -'�if�ih �venue, t}iat pp��ian of' �if th a�v�enu4 boundod ;�;..
' ttie eaa L by thL wee t line csf 't+illi�ms :treet and on t��e :�re� t by +`
vroet lina of :imith�re :3traeL� txi�t portaon of�mit+icrs :atr�eL
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msert'� c., „ � po i 'zs'.'���r�of.�b ,bi�',iui`pro�et���b�� � °' �''� j��s��' y'1 �' � �`ure of Liri�rWveinatztl '�
� ,�` � `t� �, , �'t �J,� , rn »c�vec� b. . e 3'f i i t �
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F�nd nn tha wegt �y 1::1B6Q8�L 11riE3 of' �'i'raat A" �r�ith�r4 �� : . ..
���.011�i �7Z'�i.:UCE:i �E?al�.�'? �:� i.�r`z� lll,'� C',A'."ra �.;� �i?'. �t?'L�T:L:. .. �•�,�{�:
and that sl�ch other �vork be done as may be necessary in connection therewith, accordina tu tlic Ei1���5 an�l
specifications therefor prepared under the direetion of the City En�ineer ana ori file in the of'fice uf the City
Seetion 2: '1"hxt the eost and expense of said improvement, ineludin� all neeessary anc� ineicir�it�il e�-
penses, shall be borne by and assessed against the property included in the a5�essmeut district hrreinxYt�r
created in accordance with law. The City of Renton shall not be li:ihl�� iu eiii�� in��nr���r f'r>r ,�n�, ���ir•ti��u ��f tl���
cost and expense of said in�provement, except a� herein provid<�d.
(inti��rt a����roj�ri��te C�roviso for contril�utiun fruin the (x��n��rril Fiin�l it ,�u�')
�ec�ti�iii ,'3: 'C�h�it th��r°�� is h��r��l��� e5to-zblisl�e�1 x loc€il itnpr��vc�u<�nt �ii�trict t�� l�e ����Ile.i "Li�c�il Iiupr��v��-
iiient District No. -_�1�� ---_," which said �iistrict is deseribed as follows:
"All th� propert,y between the terr��ini of �aid improverr�ent abnttin�� upon, adjacent, vic�nal or proxi-
mate to such ��ortion of �riid 5tr�,��t5 tan�l rtv��rni��s to a disteanc<� hack frun� tli�� ui��r�,�iu��l lin��5 th��r��of, :�s }�ro-
v�aea by i����-.�•
Section -�: 73onc15 bearin� iuterest at thc rate of .__.._____.__ ��er cent p��t� aiiin�iu payak�le un or befure.
_____._.__..___.._.._ years from the date of issuance shall be issuecl in pay�nent of the cost ancl eYpense of this
improvement,� which bonds shall be redeemed by the collection of special asse�sments to be levied and assesset�
upon the property within said district, pa�yable in _____.___.______. equal annnal installments with interest �at the
rate of ._____ per cent. per annum under the mode of "Yayment by Bonds," as defined by law and the
charter and ordinances of the City of R,enton. These bonds shall be delivered to the contractor in redemptio�i
of warrants on the l�ocal Improvement District Fund issned on estimates of th�� ('ity En�;ine��r, or thc City
of R�enton �nay, at its election, sell said bonas and make such redemption in c��ii.
Section 5: '1`his ordinauce �h�ll b�� iu fiill forc�� ��n�l ��ff��ct iive (<i) �1�i}°s fironi an�l aiter its pass�r�,
approval and le�al puhlication.
Approved this ---.-----------.._. --__ cla,y ot --_ _ --_- --- _- _,-----.-_---, ]9]- --- •
. .... - - - _ _ __ _ . _. _ _ . _ --
D1 ayor.
Yassed this ---.--..-------._._... day of ---,--._ _----._._..._.---------, 191------•
----- �-- - --- -.. . __. __ ....__ . _ __ _ _____ .- -- --- -
('ity Clerk.
D�te ��f first pnblic�tion _. .._._.. _,_._._._----. _ _._.._._---,- .
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