HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0293 ". ti . „ . • , � • • � J / a � =5�`#t�Y�•� :�.,., , �. �.t' (Iinprov��iu��ut (h•�li»r�ucc—I�ii�i���c�i_����� 1'riynir�it l��oru�.) Q ORDINANCE NO. 2.93........... � AN �)P,�I\���CE I'ROvID�\�G k'ux� 'C1lI�� ��II'Kov���i�N'1' 0�, that portionof 1�i113ama 3t�Narth,bounded on th� eouth by the right of way of Commerci�l Wat�rway Distr3ct No 2�and on the north by �ixth Avenue � North� that portion of �Vell S��North,�sin �t�North,Pelly 3t,and of �311 �t,North bour�ded on the south by lst Avenue Nort►b and on the North by �ixth "vanue� NortY►, that portion of Fi�st Avenue North bounded on the sa$t by Mill St�North and on the weet by �illiams 5t North, that portion of Second �ve-North bouruled on �the easi by Idill (iiisertSs�r������'�o�tc�is��iert5f�to�e�ilnprUOYvedjl�.li,s��dm$�y�1t�,NOxth�t�t�at�porltion of Third � Ave-North,Fourth Avo-North and of Fifth �ve-North bounded on the east by ]�[ill St,North and on the we�t by Williams St�North,ehQll be improved by grading,�ravelling dc guttering the same. �ll in ,�ccor�lance «•ith R�esolution \�0 10 7�A �f the Citv Couucil of the City of R�enton, creatin;; .z local iinprov�nient district therefor, and providing that payn�ent for s�id improvement be �nade by special assess- ments npon property in said distriet payable hy the. iuode of "Iii�niecliate Yay�nent." T�3F.� (7'1'Y COU�CII. OF� T��I�: C'Pl'Y OF RI:A'1'p\, ��V�15III\(.,'1'O\. ll(�I?� O]�D�I\ .�S I�'OI,LOWS: �ect,o,� 1: r����t t��at portion of Williams `'t,Rorth bounded on the south by the right oP way of Commercial �laterway No 2� and on the nor�h by eiath Anenue North, that porti on of �'ell St,North��da,in St�North Pally St,�nd of Mil1 St�DTorth bounded on the eouth by 1st,Ave,No�th - Qnd on txie nor th by Sixth Ave-�Toe th, t:iat por tion of ls t,Ave-Nor th � bounded on ]bhe eas � by Mill �t,North and on the weat by Willi�me . �t,North th4t portion of Second A�e,North bounded on the east by (insert �trcets or portions thereof to be improved) be improved l�y (specifyina nature of improvement) �ill St�North and on the vre�t by Williams St�North� that portion of Third Ava �North Fourth Avs,North �nd of Fifth Ave�North bounded on the east by Biill St,�Torth and on the waet by Wi11i�,ms "t,Noxth shalil be im�roved by gradin� gr�velling and gutterin� the eame .ind that snc i othei° wor, be done as may be necessary in coimect�on therew�th, accord�na to the plans and specific�tious therefor pr�pared nnder the direction of the City ]�:nnineer and on file in the office of the City Clerk. Section 2: Tl���t the cost and expense of said irii��rovement, iuclndina all necessary and incidental ex- penses, shall be borne by ancl assessed ag•ainst the pro���rty includ�cl in the assessment district hereinafter created in accordance �vith law. The City of Renton shall not be liabl� in any manner for any portion of the cost and expense of said improvement, escept as herein provided. (inscrt a��propri�,��proviso for contribntion frorn tt�e General Fund if a�iy) ' , �`� � �,� M j: .. ^`�t �Y �f� 5ectiiiu �3: That ther� is hereby establishea a local iinproven�ent clistrict to be callled "Locell Iuiprove- rnent llistrict No. _tjg-__.__.," which saia district is described as follows: "��ll the property bet�veen the t�rrnini of said improvement ��h��ttin�,� upon, adjacent, vicinal or proxi- r�nate to such portion of said streets and a�•��nnes to a distance back from the marainal lines thereof, as pro- �•ided by law.,, Section 4: '1'9iat the cost and expense of s�i�l i�uprovement sl�all be defrayed by special r�ssessments ��ayable by the mode of "Iinmediate �'a�-�uent" as �iefined by law ��nd the charter and ordinances of the City ��f Renton. Warrants b��rin�� interest .it the rat<� of 8 per cent. per �nnnm imtil paid, shall be issued to the contractor for the redemption of a�s �nany of the warrants issued on the Local Irnprovement District Fund ��n estitnates of the City Fnniueer, as ivay not be redeemecl in cash. Sec�tion �: This ordinance shall be in fiill force and effect fice (5) da3�s fro�n and after its passa�e, approval and legal publication. � � Approved this -�-a -- - -. d��y� of ����""�` . - - � 1 �_ • - �. :�_._ . ..�..... � - - - --� � � llayor. . f,� , 1'�i�.����1 tlii� �o _ �I�it- ��I'� ;"``�'"c • 1 1�- • -/ �� -C �i�c�0-�" ---- -- --- �-- - _.-. .- -�--.....-�---- -•-•�----- -- - - - -- � City Clerk. ll<�t�� ��f fir�t j�nlili�•�it i��n . � - �J ...����"---- --••- J