HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0298 • ORDINANCE NO. _,' . _��,�.- (0 :�\T OTiDI\�110E PROVIDI\G FOR 'I'III�: I.lIPRO`'E\ILN'1' OF v"', � �" That portion of Third Ave. bounded on the we�t by M�1� S�� and on the E�st by R�nton Ave; '�hat portion of F,�nton AQe, bounc�ed on the North bv Third AQe. r�nd on the sonth bv S Q��.on St; �Eh�t portian of S cti n S� bp�.n�led on t��$t. b4 Rg �on Ave. and� �n the E�.st i ir�::,�,°t s' •�<�t:� r or �o S ?�r�� � �e n t� vec � ���if -f��� i°�of n�iroven u ) ��7' ��BpT g�i$ 0�' �8� O� ��18 �'�� ��' �'�,�3.����� � � by g;ra a�r�� Axid g�z��erin�; the same � e,c ar =�i�r p3pe 13.ne. ��11 i71 �ic��ur�lan«; ��-itli liesoliltio�i \o. _�.Q�.�G of the Cit�- Coilncil of the City� of Penton, ere��tiu, �t local i:iipro�-e�nent district therefor, and providin� that p��nient for said improvement be �iiade b�� speci��l assess- iiients ilpon property in saicl district payable by the niocle of `'Pa>>ment by Bonds." TI�E CI'1'�' COL�\CIL OF �l`HE CIT�' OF �ZE\TO:�� DQES ORD�I\� ��S I'OI�,LO��'S: se�t����� 1: �rh�t �hat portion of '�hird Ave. bounded on �he W� by �;ill St. and on the East b�r R�nton Ave ; that portion of RPnton Ave. bounded on the N ' t� by �ird Ave« and on the sou�h by S�ction St; th�.t �or�ion g� S��tion Et. bounded on tl�e W�st by R�n�on Ave, and on th� Eas� by ths ri�ht of �ra�r of the Citp of seattle �� C���- R�Qer pipe 3.3ne i i��sert streets or portions thereof to be i�iiproveci) be improved hy (s�ecif�•in,`�iatnre of nnpr��eementl grading and �gnttering the same � � - . _ �-�� ���.. <and t�lat such ofher �-ork be done as may be necessary in connection there��-iTh, ��ecorc�ii�,� to the pl�ins and sp�cificatioiis tl�erefor prep�irea under the direction of the City Engineer and on file in the office of the CitS� Clerk. Section 2: 'i''hat the cost and e�pense of said improveinent, including all necessary and incidental e�- penses, shall be borne b�� a�d assessed aaainst the property included in the assessment district hereinafter e�reated in accordance �vith la�-. The City of Renton shall not Lc� ]i�l�le in anv ,n��ariner for an�> portion of t�e cost and espense of said iinprovement, escept as herein pro��i�led. �ins��l•f a��l�ruj�;�i��te pro�-i;u j`r�r ��outribntion j'roui tlie �;:�nt�r,�l I�tni�l it ��z�;-� :�ec�Y����i :3 '1'hett th��r�� i> herel��- establi5l�e�� a lo�<�1 �inproti�e;ueiit clistrict t�; be called "I.oc�il Izi�pro�-e- n�e��t lli�trict \n.�___'��__.__..._," the bonndaries of �5-hich are h�reliy speciiiecl zincl dcclared as f�llorns, to-��-�t: ��Cj�3.[.'ui��j cit� li�l�i ��1C��.x`S�r�i4Z0� �l ti1.2C: �3Q1Y.�11 ��.n.f`7 �� �J�tt a �l�^'� � o� the +Ori�in�,l �' �t o�' ��ie �"o� a� Ren�t;on �ai�h �hs e�.s�; 3ine o� ���1 st. ��nee Et�Ss� on �he �on�h �in� A� s�ic� ?�ot 5, �Sro-� �ee��d e�.st to tha ��a�er�eetibn og ��c� 1in� �ri�h �h� aenfi�r lin� ���•in� n�rth �ncl s��z�h throu�h Aar� Tr�c� 2 in P-��� �fl., 1 R�ntor� � .,OpBP€?.'f;1.'P� �i�BZ "G��'1}�lr tg .�.�T� �3'��.�,C'�8� $;�2�71GE3 :3pTt1;�1 021 1;�'lE3 C�YI'�t?�,' 1� o�' .E�.cx'� �' �ets c�.y��?1.� r� �i r1� r,��s10��.1�12,�13 �11c� 14 a.xz s�.�:.`` P�,at �o. 1 �en�on �a,a�er�.�;�.°�e �;��1 Camp�.n.�T� ,�c��-� ��.�,�;ts' to �cc�Eion 5�;; th�;na� canf;inu3r,�; ��aa;��i on �h� l�n�a rt�a�� �ort'� �cns� :�ou�h �aF�ti�e�n Aax•e �'r.�.et.� `�. �c�. � �.n x;��,�t�,:acs .�"�c�z�;ic�n to �he C:��; o�' ��,nf;on f;cs ths �.�. �orn�;x o£ ritcr� �'r�vc'� 4 in sF���. �.��ntl�nc� �d�iA �%��r, �h�nr.� ea>�t �.Ir�n� ��A so��f,�, bonn�.�Lr� a-� ,� � Si�;hlaa�. �'�c��.��ion f,o F�n�; .: sar� .,ract 5 in s€��.d on :1��; t;hanc�e a�.�i; �;c� �h�s �.�. �or�a.er a�' .�cl e �'r;::� 1� 3n �ic� F�i�hl�c�. 1��4c?�.f�on, �;h��.c;� :�c��if;�t wlo � bour.rl�.r�r o� A�r� a�.���� �^ <�nci :�� in. ��.� H3. rh�.�n� �+ ,� �� �he ���t TM � �f�.:i tr�0�1 l/0 �'iSt$ S. ��. �orne?^ u:E :�f21C�. �;c�e �'x�.et 14, th�n�s �€�.��; �lc,n� s:he �au�h bounu�zrv o�' �Cr.� i3°�.c�s 7.� �d. l5 :in ��.xc'� R:i�hl€�n� �,�.r��:i.°�:�€�n �o �;1.� �.y�. corn�r o� Ac:re ��c�� ?7 in ���xc? Ii.���,1����� 1��,<'�.tzon, �;h�.nc�� ��,_J�� to �he :�,�'�. ca�nex� af �,cr� !'��.��c;� 2'7 �n+��.�d. .��c�.c�3fao�t �;h�ncr� �4�.7z, �.lon� �� s+�u�;h b ounc?��r� o�: 1���� �+�.,��;t�, 2►�, r�; 4l anc.i 42 3.n ���.c? �i�1�1�.r.ci A�.�i����r� �o �he ���f; �.�n� �c�' J ���� ��st l�.ne o:f t7Qn€�s S�. to ��h� ;? -� or�s �.�, �-,�.��c:c� �'c�rth �1��:; �'�,�t ��. 1 Rer�f;c.�n Ca--oT�€�r2f;iae ; �� .�. C�r�f�° o�' ��Q�� '� ,�c:f. 38 �r to t}ie ?d.�a. �a , ��• ar��?�r�.�r � li�r� �rn��.�, t;h�ncE ��;:� eo�nEr Q:� .�€��.c� hQre `���.�:t 3€3 t;�i�a��;� in a �?.��. 'l�r c��ree- �iors f,o t�h� 5.�:. �arner o�' .�:c:r� "'r�c� 26 3z� �a� Rc�nton Go_op�r«.+x�rr �oal C�r,�zr,.;r'� ��cre �r€ic;-�s; �;h�nc�: 7�orth ��.c�n�; �,h� ��.�t; �o,u2ci�°�r� C��.lCC���x`�`ts 27� 2�, 29, 3�, ,1 ancl �2 in �s:f�i R,�n���. C�y�oper��`a�� o c�r p��rt� ,�.�r.� _�.r��c�s ta tl�� I��.T. corn�r �:f :��ic�. ,�^� .� m .� �n�nce conf;i�.�.:i.�� ,�cr. �h -�c� �;?^�s �az?�� �oiulc���r;r o:� th� r.�.�h'� o��c�'� �F., c��' t;he Colw.�b�.a �; �.'t��w finz�.n.d T��; 1t1���r� �;hc��.:;�; "�'l�r PJ.an� �'�� sou�?� �oundr�.r�r a� t;�z� r��-�fi; a�' ��.v o�' ���� � � ` �. 'n z� �o the 3n��:r�ec�aan a�` ��� , o�l�.�h�.�c �'"° _1�'.�i; ,'c�zzr;c» R ��;�ra•r �;�3c,. �on�;.� b o�d�.r.Yr r�s-�;h �:h� �:;��t lin��n� T��a� J, �loe3� 3 �.n �he Or;€,i�.l ��,�,� o-� uhe �oti�rn e�� F; �� �o �h� 13.�;. �c�rn��.• o�' ;;��c1 T, � 3, �;h�nc�e in a �.�n�;�n, #;h�:nee nc,?�,��? ��.1on; tne so�zth �o2u2d��r.v of �c,1,la ;� 19' ��-r�c�;ion .:�. th�ne� south �.o �;�� *��;,�- ����.�.�. ���e. �c� � ?;he :. ��t� �.ine o�' r,a7�:� ��r°�s �-�,.,� �> .� � , Zi�?g o�' 2�'ill S-�;� fio t�iF �;1�:�;e :ay _ i 1�1..� a; -- �.� ��ectio�i -�: Tliat there be z�5sessecl a,��xinst thz�t portioli �ii tlle prol�ert�� �s�it{�in stich e�il�ir!,'�'d distric.i: lti-inn between tlie termini of the proposecl im�rovement a»d extendin� bacl: fr��ni the rn�rgival lines thereof Yo the n��i•ddle of the block on each side thereof in the li�ode prescribecl in Section 13 of Chapter 9� of tl��� �cssion I:�iws of the St�te of �'Vashin�ton for 1911. ---------.------------------------------------------------------------------------ ��f the cost �ind espense of such improvement, and that such portion of th�e remaii7aer of stich cost and ez- l�ense as rna,y not be borne by �ny �eneral func�, be d;stributecl arid assessed a�;ainst all the propert,y inchlcle�l >>i the rei�i��inder of such enl�r�ed district in accordance «ith special benefite. Section �: Bonds bearin� inte�est at the rate of __._.__.___ per cent. per annuzn payable on or before _._______________ years from the date of issuance shall be issued in paS�ment of the cost and expense of tliis itnproveiuent, z�-hich bonds sha]1 be redeemed by tl�e collection of special assessments to be levied and assesse�cZ npon the property �-ithin saicl district, payable in __________._____ equal annual install�nents �v�ith interest at the rate of ____________._. per eent. per annum uilcler the moc�e of "Pa��nient by Bonds," as c�efined by la�v and the charter and ordinances of the City of Renton. These bonds shall be delivered to the contractor in redemptio�i oi <<-arrants on the L�ocal Impro�ement District Fund issued on estim�tes of the City En�ineer, or the Lit�- of R�enton inav, at its election, sell said bonds and make sncYi redempiion in cash. Section 6: This ordinanee shall be in full force and effect fi�-e (�) days fronl and after its passaoe, approval and lebal p�ablication. _�l�provecl tliis -----------__._.--- da�• of ----�� _--------, 191.�_� . -- ._ . _ -- - _ __ -- - - -- _lIayor. Pz�s,c�l tl�;,� --.._. -- - - da3' �� - � --�� - -_ - - ., 191 ��� - __ - -- - - - -- Gity Clerl�. D.lte oi first publication .- ----------- ---- ---------- - - -- ----