HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0303 , ��- ! �• � ���'� � " .. .. r
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(Iinpruveu���nt Ordil�<�uce---�luun��diate 1'��y�u��nY F'orm.)
ORDINANCE N0. ..�,..,,;
:��' OPDT\��\C�F 1'KO�VIDI\�G FO]� 'ftlF i�ll'14�)�'I�:11.1�:A'1' �)l�' ��ia�� por�G�.:�::
c�' :'r�i�•d �venue �fes t bounded on the eas t by the wes t b�:�..:.-f r�:
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.; {ttering and �ravellin; Y'��> _-�-�,., �
;ill iu a����urdr�nce ��•ith R.esolution \o. ....�_L�3_�'.���+�f tli�� ('i��� ('uiui�•il ��C ili�� �'it�� ��f l<<�nt��n. �•rr.iliii, �i 1���•�iL
iiiil�ro��ci�ient clistrict th��refor, and providirig tliat paynicrit for s�id i�i�proveinent he n�;i�l�� h�- ,�>����i;�l ;;.�.,��s,-
ments npon property in �aid district pa.y�ble bv the n�odc of "Iiii�ue�li,ate Yayni<�iii."
TIII+:� C'1'1'Y COi'\CIL OF" 7'I�1: CI7'S' OF REV'1'O�\. ��V.�S�II\(a'1'O\. llOE� (llil)_11\ .�,`� l���IJ,I)\l"�:
Se�>t���n 1: '1'h�at that portion of Third "venue 'WeaL bounded on the ��� .
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by the wes t bound� _ �, " ' . .
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� iti,���rt sir��rts ��r poi•tiun� tli��reof to be impro�-���i 1 1��� i�iiprov���l 1��� i,�,rcify-iva iir�ture of iml�r���•��in��iit �
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and that snch other ��-ork be done as m�iy be necessary- iu connectiou tliere«-itli, acc��rcli�ig to the plans au�l
specificatioiis therefor prepared twd�r the direction of tl�e City� F.nn•ineer and on file in the office of the Cit��
Section 2: That tlie cost and expense of said improvement, incltiding all necessary and incidental ea-
penses, shall be borne by and assessed abainst the pro�x�rYy �ncluded in the assessment district hereinafter
created in accordanee �vith la�v. The City of Renton shall not be li�bl�� in ��n�- ni;ni����r f�ir ��n�� portiun of thc
cost and espense of said irnprovement, �exse�as.la�exei►; pro�:ided.
( "�Y'k�Pl�u}1a'i�.te.��r��i�o�fr�r c�rtitri�t+#irnr--fPZ4trr-t�rr l;+�r+rF;+1��'-trr�k-��-.iu�-1---
����•ti�in ;3: That t{i��r�� i5 I�erel��- ���taV�lislie�l <t lo;•�il iiuj�ru����iu��nt �li�ti•ict tu l�c rallc+il "Lu�•<il liu��r•u��c-
ruent District No. ��3._..___._," which said clistrict is described as follows:
, "�1] the property between the tern�ini of sai�l iinprovexnent abizttinn upon, adjacent, vicinal or proii-
iYiate to such portion of said streets and avenue�s to a dist�nce back from the marginnl lines thereof, as pro-
��ided by law."
� Section 4: '1''hat the c�ost and expense of said i�uprovement s►�all be defray-ed by special asaessnieiit,
� payable by the mode of "Iuirnediate Yayu�ent" as definec� by law xnd the charter a�id ordinances of the CiY�-
of R�enton. Warrants b�arin� interi�st e�t the rate of 8 per cent. 7�er ann�u�i> >ultil i��iicl, sh��ll he iesued t<�
the contractor for tlie redemption of a� ii�any of the warrants issue�i ��u ih�� L����,�1 In��u•���-riu��nt I?i,frirt l�'�n��l
on estimates of the City En�ineer, a� �uay not be redeemed in cash.
Section 5: '1'his ordinance shall be in fnll force and ef�ect fi��r ��:�� �l;i��, fi���n� ;in�l aft��i• it�, ��u,sa,����,
approva] and leg�al publication.
Approved this ..- /r�-- - - - - - da�� ofG��i!/l--e_...- • � `�1-�� .
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I'.i�sr�l tliiy .��-/�l.. .- -- day of - - -� - �- - - , 191?'. . ,
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Itnprovc�u�ut ut ;�:,;i.__1�VC.r,�:1i:�.G ... .... . .... . . �t. 13y�_�i.l;�Ciss_._.ff �i�`�x�l�' � `
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\otiCe i, h��rch,� ���i����n tl�:it tla�� a����.titini��!it r��li f�ir Lnrnl [ni��r���-��n���ni �listi�i��t \��. i';�,.
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� ii��'z�( ''��tN(>tftN t�1` "�>f�r•fi���ti� 'th��r��=���r'�tn I�c �ti�ii���!"�,t E��1��� i,� ;i�e���i'a�iu� � �i�.��`ur�� 'i,t'iir��ti'b�t�t„�,,.�if,
�..: - .. .. . ,, i • _. . . . .,. . ">v'�� .
� is »o�v or� file in ttie office of. the Cit,v (,'ler�l.. � �
� Said roll has been set do�vn for liearina at the regnl�ir �neetina� of the City Gotmcil to be hel<I i�� tl�r�
Couacil Chamber in the Ci�y Hall in the City of Renton at _.7.,.:"7.�?_._ o'clock______P_____ 1�1. on the _____7.<<�ki___
day of .__.TZS�C!�rilb�:r.-____._.____., 191F�„_.._, and all persons who may desire to object to said assessrnent arc
noti ied to make snch objections in writ�n� and to file same with the City C'lerk, at or prior to the dat��
fixed for slzch hearing. At the time and place fised and at such other ti7nes as the hearing may be continu���l
to, the Council will sit a�s � Buard of F�qilalization for the purpose of considering such roll, and at such heai•-
ina, or hearinbs, will consider such objectionq made thereto, or any part thereof, and will correct, revis��,
raise, lower, chang�e or modify such roll, or any part thereof, or set aside such roll and order that such assess-
n�ent be inade de noe�, as t�� �nch hody shall appear ji�st and eqnitable, 1nc1 then proceed to confirm same l�>�-
- -
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f).�;�� ��{'first Z�nl�li��.�ti��n �,? ��.� �
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�Immediate Payment Plan)
fm��r��ve�uent of -__ __ � "_ .. ._ ._. _ �'1'..._. . . -- ____._ . .. li� _ _
li. 1. D. _ . nRi�.-_ �`�
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\utic�° i, h��reli�� ,��i�-��n il�.it tl��� ��tti��ss�u��ut r��ll t'��r tli�� in���r������ni��ul ni'
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(ins�trti,�.t��sf�ori,'porUio��i�ti�er�d�,�to ��r'e,��tiYr�ibo��d) by (sp�o��a��i'�J,natilre�if in���r��ceme�ii)
.��.i..:7 ; r..;- �r�•,q•:r[•'' � ].'��"; ''i Yl�. ..' r �-��,-j �
all iu the CiY.y of Renton, c�>>uprisinn Locxl Luprove.nieut llistrict \ro. .__,���:____ iu�der Or�linance \�o.__::,.�.;_; _
is in m,y hands for collection, �nci any assessment thereon or an� purtion of any snch assessnient �uay be ����i�l
at any time within thirty (30) days from the date of the first pnblication of this notice, withoiit pei��ilt��,
interest or costs, anc� ��nless payment is inade within euch time such assessment or unpaid portion thereoY
will becoine delinc�uent. 1?pon clelinqiienc3� 1 penalty of fi��e (5) per eent. will attach to and become a l�tlrt of
such �ssessi7�ent. Delinqne�it assessment will bear interest at the r�ate of ei;�ht (8) per cent. per �nnmu nntil
I�aid. Such delinquent assessment with penalty and interest will forthwith be collected and the li��n th�r����f he
��nfur����3 iu tl��� �uann��r �ir�i�-i�l���j 1��� 1<i��- ��n�l tl�e ��h,n�t��r >iu�l i�rdin,u�c��s ��1' th� ('it�- ��f H��ntnn.
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City I're��s�iri�r.
])��te of first pnhlication
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