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ORD 0305
- ., , _ . _ ' . .. , .. c .� � � i:�����r��� in��� f)r�lin<�n�•�, _luiine�lj��tte 1'ay�uent F��r3u.j � � �,� � ORI3INI�ATCE N0. _ . .A\ (llilll\:�\1'!�: .Ai'I'1i11V'I\�� .1\U ('U\Fll�lll\l� '1'lll�: :A.1�I�:�tiJll�:A'l' .�,A1) :A��I:��\ll;A'l' l;�!I,'s. ��1, 1,OCAl� I1�TPRnVEPTENT DIS'1'RICT NO.---42........... F01� '1`IIE I1IP1101'I�;1I}�;\T OF �o�}��. ��' tih�: eas� �ide of Willi�m�i ' ` � � � : " , , .�rri �`' �'entRt� ,�ri�ina.l ?'la.?� �++i+( �•�•rt�tir� Jr,rrrc r�f rr•rt,iin nth�r �h•r���ts t1n�1 �i�-rr�n���. all if� th�� E'ii�� ��i' Rci�turi. i��- -, .: � _ �i�ider Ordinance No. _..�?7_____., and levyin� �nd assessina the amonnts thereof a�ainst� the several lo±�. tracts, pam�ls of lancl �tn�� other �iri��iert}� �s sho���n ��n ���id roll, ��n�i ��sY�hlishin,�� ,� L��c�tl I�n�r�v�riient Fili�+l. 'flll? l'L'1'1" l'Ol'\('ll. OH' '1'lll? l'I'I'1" OF lil�:A'fll\ ll(ll�:ti l)RU.A�[\ :�ti 1�111,1,(l�`1`�: �ection 1: That the assessment and assessment roll of Local Imporovement llistrict \'o._.. f-` fiur ili�� in�provement of p02'ti10ri Oi' ��s L gi�� 0� �1�1�.]r� � "�`' - � . � �" �, , '; R.i('i�)!`":: %�c.�. ��l'lt,:►�`�� €�'�,�s d�W?^•, n't' I'�.t�i�k"� � , �irr� �T��•t.li�i ��;ii•t� nf ��;�rt,iiri nYi���r �,1r����t��:m�l i����ni����. ��11 i�a 1l��� l'itv ���'T;��ut�r�. I,� � , � - iin�l��r l)t•�liu��n���� \n. � - . ,i, tlir ���iu�• nu��� �t;in�ls. li�•. ;ui�': iL�� ,;un�� i�. h��r��li�- in :ill tlii����� �����ir�������i ,in�1 ronfirnied. ���etion 2: '1'l���t e�ich of the lot5, tracYs, ��:�u�cels of lanc� xn�l otliet� prol�ert�� �lio�-ii li�>ori ,aici roll i�. l�creby cleclared to be specially benefitted b�� said iinprovement in at least the amonnt charaed against th�� �rline and that the assessment appearing a;ainst the saine is in proportion to the several assessments appe;m- ina upon said roll. '1'here is hereby leviec� and assess�ed against �ea�ch such lot, tract, parcel of l��n�l ��nd otih�rr I»'��i�erty appearing upon such roll tt�� amount finally char�ed a�ainst the same thereon. tiection 3: For the pnrpoqe of this improvement there is her�h� �reat���l ��n�l e5tal�lisl����{ << s�,���•i;�l �tu��l t�� I�e called "Local Improvement Fund, Distriet No._._.��_.__...__. Section 4: T'his ordinance shall be in full force and effect, li��c (�) �lxy°, i'i•�,iu ,in�1 aft��r its ��assa�e, � ,i������oval and lea•al l�ublication. 1����r�����:1 thi� /� � �I,i�• �if ._........___... .. - -• 19] - ` �� � ��� _ - - -- -- - �- --- - --- -- - - -- - � -- �i�y�r. . �- � � , � ]�;�..,���i ti��� � �1;��- ��l ---- - �--- _"�-- � -�- -- -� 191-- - - � / � .._. _ ...__------- - - -- -------�------�-------- -- - -- ---- ----y-- ---- -- -- `' Uit Clerk. ll.itr ��f firsY ���il�lic�itio�..:�_.. ..-- -�--.;,.�t�� ....�•--�jj-�--� � � %�