HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/18/2007 - Minutes ,�,, �:87'Y U�����UN
MINUTES jA� � � 2008
City of Renton C�T?'�LERKSOFFICE
Human Services Advisory Committee
Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2007 City Hall, 7th Floor
3:00 pm Council Conference room
Committee members For your calendars:
present: The next meeting will be Jan. 15. The February meeting will be Feb. 19.
Janet Bertagni/Chair Both meetings at 3:00 p.m. at the Council conference room, 7th Floor,
Margie Albritton Renton City Hall.
Laura Brock
Rolf Dragseth
Charlie Gray Janet called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm.
Robin Jones
Adria Krail
Samantha Williams 1. Minutes from Nov. 20, 2007, meetinq It was moved, seconded
and carried to approve the November minutes.
2. Absences It was proposed to modify the bylaws of HSAC in
Alicia Glenwell Article 2, Section 5, by stating that three absences in one year shall be
Laura Law
cause for dismissal, and removing the possibility of a quorum excusing
staff Contacts: an absence. This change in the bylaws would take effect for 2008. The
change was debated among the members present (Laura Brock and
Karen Bergsvik Samantha had to leave early). It was moved and seconded to change the
425-430-6652 b laws as stated in the handout. As the vote was a tie, it fell to the Chair
kberqsvikCc�ci.renton.wa.us y
to decide the motion. The Chair voted in favor of the bylaws change and
Dianne Utecht the motion passed.
3. Update on the vacant position As Laura Law has resigned,
Katie McClincy there are currently two positions open. Karen is still accepting
kmcclincvCa�ci.renton.wa.us applications. Copies of one application (from a youth applicant) were
distributed. The position is being advertised to the general public and is
Mary Ann Anthony also being targeted to diverse populations.
4. Meetinq location/schedule for 2008 Occasional meeting
locations at agencies outside City Hall for next year are still to be
determined. Available meeting places were distributed in the handout. Also, the Community
Services Department may possibly be located in the old City Hall next to the Renton Library,
starting sometime in the spring. The HSAC meetings may remain at the new City Hall. To be
5. 2008 Citv of Renton budaet Mike Bailey, Finance/Information Services Administrator,
spoke about the 2008 overall budget process as well as the supplemental Benson Hill
annexation budget.
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By state law, the Council is responsible for appropriating all budget monies. The city is using a
new accountability management tool, Renton Results, to more accurately explain how budget
dollars benefit the city. Renton's Business Plan, updated annually, is another tool that gives
direction and vision to the manner in which the budget is deployed.
With the Benson Hill annexation, the budget has been increased about $10 million, from $223.7
mi�lion to about $234 million. Funds not captured from revenue will be made up by the state.
6. Update on ARISE and Homesiqht Homesight has not yet utilized the loan funds that were
approved by HSAC, due to contract delays with King County. Dianne put it to the Committee to
decide whether to extend the timeline for the loan, or to recapture the funds of about $26,000.
The assistance from Homesight is targeted to homeowners of under 80% median income. It
was moved and seconded that HSAC allow Homesight an additional 120 days, until the end of
April. The motion passed with one opposed.
Dianne also reviewed ARISE (assists homeless men in Renton). There has been staff turnover
recently. The agency is working on compliance issues and case management. It was pointed
out that the Kent program has partnered with Valley Counseling for case management. Case
management is an important issue insofar as it helps the clients grow and transition out of the
homeless phase.
7. Annual report Renton's Community Resource Directory, printed in 14 languages with an
annual update by the Human Services Division, was discussed. Points reviewed included the
cost of printing the directory when it is available online. Also, the effectiveness of the 2-1-1
phone directory was felt to be better when used via telephone, rather than the online resource.
Karen discussed in some detail how the Human Services budget will be enhanced in 2008. For
example, the Benson Hill annexation has added an additional $8,038 due to the 1% for Human
Services benchmark. We await input on the affordable housing issue as it currently exists in the
2008 budget.
Some of the other specific changes for Human Services include a new vehicle and new
employee for the Housing Repair Assistance Program, funds for interpreter and translation
services, and website improvements. Tim Lawless' salary/benefits will no longer be paid by
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, but will come from the General Fund;
therefore, he will be able to spend more time working on affordable housing plans for the city,
among other projects. This change should free up more funds for the Housing Repair
Assistance Program as well.
8. Sharinq of the Children's Societv Monitorinq Visit Adria attended this visit. She thought
it was a good program with the goal of getting people back into the workforce. She would have
liked to hear more about our clients. Dianne said that they are not doing much outreach now
but they can handle Limited English Proficiency clients; also they use the Head Start income
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm. .� �
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