HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/17/2007 - Minutes ``'�' M I N U T E S � �ITY OF RENTON
City of Renton SEP 2 4 2007
Human Services Advisory Committee RECEIVED
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 7th Floor Council Committee Room
3:00 pm Renton City Hall
Committee members
1. Minutes from Mav meetinq
Janet Bertagni/chair
Margie Albritton
Laura Brock Robin moved to approve May's minutes, Alicia seconded. Motion carried.
Casey Bui
Rolf Dragseth 2. Fundinp Process Discussion
Charles Gray
Robin Jones a. Onpoinq Fundina Process 2009-2010
Laura Law
Alicia Wells Due to staff members struggling with the present roles of the Human
Samantha Williams Services Advisory Committee (HSAC) and South King County, and how
all fits together, June's meeting was cancelled. Staff asked for input from
Absent: staff from other cities and United Way in order to help clarify some of
Laura Law these issues. In response, a pre-application was not supported. They felt
this was additional work for the agency and we would get limited
Staff Contacfs: information from it. Staff then followed up with Terry Higashiyama. She
concurred with the recommendation of the other cities, and suggested we
Karen Bergsvik go back to the basics: What is the outcome desired, and what are the
425-430-6652 various roles of staff, the Advisory Committee members, and agencies?
The pre-application was removed until these things are clarified.
Dianne Utecht
425-430-6655 There was discussion about the ro's and con's of the re-a lication.
dutecht an.ci.renton.wa.us P P PP
Dianne said that it could save time if the agency doesn't qualify for
Katie McClincy funding, and would also help Renton identify what agencies are applying
425-430-7555 for what results.
Mary Ann Anthony 3. Future meetinas
It was suggested that the HSAC learn about City issues and how they
relate to human services. For example, Alex Pietsch could talk about
Highlands redevelopment, Suzanne Dale Estey about legislative process, Mike Bailey on budget
process. Additionally, regional items such as the Veteran's Levy and housing proposals could be
placed on the agenda.
4. Updates on Homesiaht and the Multiservice Center Emqlovment Proaram - handout
Homesight was allocated $31,000 in City of Renton Community Developmenf Block Grant capital
funds in 2005. They have had numerous problems in spending the funds. Renton, along with other
funders, approved raising loan amount from $25,000 to $35,000 and deferring payment. Staff
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recommends that if they do�spend Renton's money by the en�''the year, to recapture those
funds. Charlie moved to recapture the Homesight funds granted in 2005 if they have failed to
spend it by Dec. 31, 2007. Seconded by Laura Brock. Motion carried. Casey abstaining.
The Multi-Service Center(MSC) was allocated $61,140 in 2006, but spent less, so the City allowed
them to use the balance of$12,763 for childcare scholarships. HUD is seeking clarification if the
funds can be spent for childcare. Until this is clarified, no funds can be spent on childcare.
5. Aqencv contracts
a. The Salvation Armv(TSA): There is not yet a contract with them for the $24,000 in
general funds. $11,285 is to be used for a generator and the balance for salaries of two staff at the
Food Bank. The fundraiser raised $54,000, enough to buy a generator.
Karen obtained the health regulations regarding homemade food and shared them with the Food
Bank. In essence: TSA can't use home canned goods, but can use commercially baked goods.
TSA has stopped accepting homemade foods.
b. CDBG: King County signed their contract with the City for 2007 CDBG funds. Three
contracts with agencies are signed. All contracts should be signed by the beginning of August.
King County takes over six months to process the contracts.
The quarter just ended for General Fund agencies. Dianne said there will be some performance
issues. She is reviewing Big Brothers/Big Sisters as it is only at 33% of its perFormance goal for
outreach; the YWCA is behind on bed nights; Volunteer Transportation has lower numbers than
c. Catholic Communitv Services (CCS1: Has lost 2008 United Way funding, over$400,000.
CCS wants to renegotiate funding for ARISE. Due to funding issues, they can no longer staff the
emergency assistance line. They will forward callers to services until they hit the cutoff for the
month, then they will suggest to call 211.
6. Absences from meetinqs
Janet stated that if you will not be attending a meeting, please notify Janet or Mary Ann. You are
entitled to three absences per year. HSAC was increased to 11 to get more people involved. Dan
is out of town but he has been appointed to the committee.
7. Veteran's Lew
a. Overview: The Veterans and Human Services Levy passed in 2005. It created a new
funding source for housing & human services for veterans. $13.3 million is available per year for
six years. The money is split befinreen veterans and human services. Its primary goal is to prevent
or reduce homelessness, and provide medical care. In February 2007 two oversight committees
were adopted. One of their accomplishments was to have a combined application for six different
funding sources. Most applications are from Seattle. There will be a Funding Workshop July 18th.
b. Charles asked how the allotment is figured for South King County. Do we need to assist
South King County agencies since they are not competing well? Also, in ARCH (based on the
East side) cities all give to ARCH rather than directly to the agencies. Is South King County
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, �
rejecting in favor of high-end�...using? Should we partner with BeII�e�Cie so as to join the ARCH
rather than duplicate it?
Karen explained what the Veteran's Levy means for Renton. An office will be opening in Renton,
for veterans. It will be near Worksource.
The Renton Lutheran Project proposes Veteran housing and a Compass Center. They have
requested funding from the Veteran's Administration and will know shortly if it was granted.
For the $400,000 set aside for South King County, mobile medical and dental units to the
homeless will be expanded.
8. Annexations and the imalications for Human Services
Marty Wine, Assistant CAO, spoke regarding the possible annexations of unincorporated areas
from King County. She reviewed the growth management and regional goals of annexation in the
West Hill, East Plateau, and Fairwood (Benson Hill) areas. Impacts to Human Services: In Benson
Hill area, 4000 households are below the median income. There are four King County Housing
Authority There are more mobile home parks too. Financial obligations were discussed.
Cost increases would be tallied by each department, which the City Council will consider. The goal
is to extend the City's current level of service to the annexation area.
Karen announced that on November 13 there will be a Regional Homeless Outreach at the
Pavilion. It will be a landmark event in that services will be extended onsite. Also, the Renton
Historical Society & Museum newsletter was distributed by Janet.
The meeting was adjourned via motion carried at 4:55 pm.
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