HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/20/2007 - Minutes � - "Agenda Item#1
�`"'' Minutes �
Human Services Advisory Committee
February 20, 2007 CITY OF RE�pN
Committee: Margie Albritton MAR � 1 2007
Janet Bertagni
Rolf Dragseth
Charles Gray
Robin Jones
Samantha Williams
Absent: Casey Bui
Laura Law
Guests: Sylvie McGee
Liaison: Katie McClincy
Staff: Karen Bergsvik
Gloria Gamba
Dianne Utecht
The meeting was called to order at 3:10 p.m.
The January 23,2007 minutes were approved as submitted.
2006 A�encv Annual Performance Renorts:, Dianne reviewed the Annual Performance Reports.
Hearing, Speech and Deafness Center and Visiting Nurse Services of the Northwest did not
achieve 90%of their annual goals. The City is not funding either of these agencies in 2007. She
explained that agencies report all Renton residents served, and not just those that we fund. That
is why the year-to-date figures and percentages are high.
Karen asked the Committee if the Annual Performance Report is actually needed. Is it useful,is
it too late to be of value, does it impact the Committee's funding decisions? Charlie feels it is
useful because of agency accountability. Laura feels it would be useful if provided for the
quarter neazest to the funding cycle. It might be useful to compare prior years and trends. A
decision was not made and this topic will be brought up at the March meeting.
One Ni�ht Count Recan: Katie and Karen identified chronically homeless sites and mapped out
the areas preparing for the January 25�' Count. This collaborative effort included the Police
Department, Vision House, The Salvation Army, Gates Foundation, Census Bureau and the
Chaplain. There were nine teams, six volunteers for each team. Fifly-six homeless were
identified; twenty-nine were in their cazs.
Katie mentioned they may have missed many of the homeless in camps. Perhaps they were in
jail or sometimes a relative may let them stay a night or two due to the cold weather. She also
mentioned the Count was a real eye-opener for her teammates. Katie clarified the Police do not
issue trespass citations unless an incident has occurred. The Police do not drive the homeless to
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other cities. The Parks Di�vi�sion posts the camps on pazk property t�or 24-hour service to clean
them out.
Karen and Katie are going to Council on March 5`h to explain the One Night Count and for the
Council endorsement of the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness.
Samantha asked if this year's Count was accurate since the weather has been so cold. Karen
explained that State Representative Mark Miloscia is proposing to have both a Warm Weather
Count in addition to the Winter Count. She stated they expect to see the numbers reversed in
warm weather with an increase in the unsheltered and a decrease in the sheltered count.
Karen mentioned a Renton"specific"Homeless Task Force will be established and meet
Results/Outcomes/Indicators: Sylvie McGee, Consultant/Owner of All For A Good Cause,has
30 years experience in Human Services, of which 14 yeazs were in consulting and grant writing.
Sylvie is working with the agencies to gather data that would be part of a City report card. She
went through her handout, explaining the results,outcomes and indicators. There are two levels
of outcomes,the City-wide outcomes and the agency-wide outcomes and indicators. The report
card is a means of communicating to the public that Renton has identified seven results of well
being for its residents and has awarded grants to agencies to help achieve these results. She
presented an example of the report for comment from the Committee. The Committee agreed to
the format with an introductory pazagraph for each resuldindicator on why it was selected,the
data included agencies funded along with anecdotal information.
She reviewed all the applications submitted. Based on her review,she had recommendations for
changes to the funding process. They are 1.) Identify key results you want to achieve and only
fund those results. 2.) Weigh all results equally and allow programs to gain points only once.
3.) Identify a menu of indicators that agencies can choose from and only report on those. Sylvie
said there was not much of a relationship between the one page on results they submitted to us
and the rest of the application. She recommended training and technical assistance to agencies.
Fundin�Process: The Committee decided to review the funding process at the March meeting.
PledQe Form: After reviewing member expectations,Janet asked that all members sign the
Human Services Advisory Committee Pledge. Those who have not yet signed the pledge were
asked to bring them to the Mazch meeting. She also wants all members to actively participate in
the meetings.
Bvlaws: In the bylaws, members shall not miss more than three meetings. The time period is
January through December. If a meeting date is changed and some members are unable to
attend, this is an excused absence and will not be counted in the three absences.
Undate on Exnansion of Committee: Changing the number of Committee members requires
amending the ordinance. The second reading is February 26, 2007 with the change going into
effect thirty days later.
A�encv Visits: Janet asked if the members wanted to go to visit agencies or have them come to
our monthly meeting. Should the members only visit the new agencies this year? Or, should one
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w or two members visit the a'�4'icies and report back on their findings.`"'�here was not a consensus
and the Committee agreed to discuss this again at the April meeting.
The Salvation Armv: Karen gave an update on the status of The Salvation Army contract. For
the first time, an agency is not able to use the funding for the purpose requested in the
application. They have submitted a second application for a different program. Charlie made a
motion that if an agency recommended for funding, changes the scope of services from what was
proposed in the application, the application be referred back to the Human Services Advisory
Committee to make a recommendation to Council. Laura made an amendment to that motion,
suggesting that if the scope of services changes,the funds come back to the Human Services
Advisory Committee who will develop a process for allocation and will then make a
recommendation to the Mayor and Council. Rolf seconded the amendment.
A number of options were raised on actions the Committee can take, including reallocation to the
same agency for a new program,targeting the funding to one result and allocating the funds to
agencies addressing that result, funding an agency that wasn't funded, or increasing funding to
currently funded agencies,or reserving the funds. Staff pointed out that General Funds cannot
not be carried over from year to year. Further discussion and development of the process will be
done at a later meeting. Charlie moved and Laura seconded the amended motion. Motion
Meeting was adjourned at 5:15. _ r
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