HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/18/2008 - Minutes , r r � � �i: S S�f ftC9V{lff�C MINUTES City of Renton ��'� � � ��d� Human Services Advisory Committee �,�c�,v�� ., uf�y CLE[�K'S OFFICE c� ,,,_ =u Tuesday, March 18, 2008 City Hall, 7th Floor 3:00 pm Council Conference room Committee members For your calendars: present: The dates of the next two meetings are April 15 and May 20. Both meetings are at 3:00 p.m. at the Council conference room, 7`h Floor, Renton City Hall. Margie Albritton Janet Bertagni/Chair Janet called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. The members and staff Laura Brock introduced themselves, as new members Elizabeth Stevens and Anthony Anthony Costanti Rolf Dragseth Costanti were present. Alicia Glenwell Charlie Gray 1. Minutes from Februarv 19, 2008. meetinq It was moved, seconded Robin Jones and carried to approve the February minutes. Adria Krail Elizabeth Stevens 2. Soft fundinp tarqets for 2009/2010 fundinq cvcle Karen reviewed Samantha Williams the nine Renton Results, Strategies and Activities, for the benefit of the new members. There was discussion about the wording of the new Results 8 and 9 Absent: on homelessness and connector services. It was decided not to use specific agency examples in the Results/Strategies/Activities (such as ARISE), and to None not use the word "chronic" to describe homelessness. There also will not be a Staff Contacts: result for newly annexed areas, like Benson Hill. Karen Bergsvik HSAC had decided in prior meetings to use soft funding targets (percentages of 425-430-6652 the total amount of funds available for each result) for the results, instead of kber4svikCc�ci.renton.wa.us weighting the results. A breakout of funding for 2007/2008 by result was Dianne Utecht distributed. 425-430-6655 dutechtCcc�ci.renton.wa.us There was much discussion as to how to determine the percentages. It ranged Katie McClincy from looking at the greatest needs/results in the community, to dividing the total 425-430-7555 based on the applications received. There was no agreement among committee kmcclincvCc�ci.renton.wa.us members on how to best do this. It was suggested that a smaller group of HSAC members study the options, and report back at the next meeting. It was Mary Ann Anthony moved, seconded and carried with one dissent to form a committee group to 425-430-6650 investigate soft targets. Adria, Alicia, Tony, and Charlie volunteered for the manthonvC�a.ci.renton.wa. committee. 3. 2009/2010 Application and Ratinq A new process and rating tool for reviewing applications was presented. Staff would do the initial screenings, and applications would receive a pass/no pass. . A Finance subcommittee comprised of HSAC members would review the applications as to the quality of the budget information, and would rate the applications. After discussion, it was decided that the subcommittee would develop what criteria they would use for rating the applications. Committee members felt that agencies should not be required to submit an audited statement, as most agencies would not be audited. HSAC would get only those applications that had passed all the prior screenings. It was moved, seconded and carried to have a Finance subcommittee. Elizabeth, Janet, and Tony volunteered for this committee. H:\HS 08Wdvisory CommitteeWgenda-Handout-Minutes\Minutes\Mar 08 MIN.doc p. 1 of 2 version 4/11/2008 , r �✓ � Members read an application from the prior funding cycle, and rated it, using the proposed rating tool. Comments regarding the tool included the following: Orqanizational Experience: ✓ 4a: It was suggested that the words "at least two years" be deleted. ✓ Other criteria were easy to find in the application and were approved Need supported bv data ✓ Delete: "How old is the cited data? Is it still relevant?" Too open ended. ✓ Change "Is there a documented need?" to "Is there a quantifiable need?" How easilv can Renton residents access services ✓ Committee members had trouble finding the answer for: "Was the language and cultural needs of the clients addressed?" Dianne clarified that the new application specifically asks this question and it should be easier to find. ✓ Change subcontractors/partners questions to yes/no question depending on if the agency has subcontractors. Change wording to: "Are services accessible through the organization or through subcontractors/partners?" Lonq Ranae Plan ✓ Committee members felt the criteria were ok and it was easy to find in the application Karen will revise the rating tool based on these suggestions. Karen asked that members forward other suggestions to her before the next meeting. 4. Communitv Development Block Grants (CDBG) Dianne has received the final funding allocations for 2008 CDBG from King County. Funding was less than $200,000 for the City of Renton Housing Repair Assistance Program. It was moved, seconded, and carried to recapture the $33,000 in Elderhealth funds from 2006, bring the funding allocation of the City of Renton Housing Repair up to $200,000, and carry the rest forward to 2009. Under the final funding allocations, agencies funded by CDBG Public Services would get a cut in their budget for 2008. King County is allowing the City to use some of its capital funds for public services. It was moved, seconded, and carried to use capital money to make up the difference in public service dollars, and fund the agencies at the 2007 level. There was a question as to where Homesight was, in terms of recapturing its funds. The agency just got its contract signed with King County. It has a deadline of April 30, 2008, to spend the money that Renton has allocated for it, or HSAC may recapture it. HomeSight assures staff that the funds will be spent. 5. Reqional Affordable Housinq Proqram — renewal of interlocal aqreement The Regional Affordable Housing Program Interlocal Agreement with suburban cities and King County is up for renewal. Renton's participation in this Agreement will give Renton the opportunity to influence the use of county, state, and federal dollars for local affordable housing and community development purposes. It was moved, seconded, and carried to recommend the renewal of this interlocal agreement to the City Council. 6. Location of future meetinqs Due to the large size of the Committee, and for consistency, it was decided via motion to keep HSAC meetings at the present location at the 7th Floor Council Conference Room. � Other handouts: Manager's report and 2008 calendar � t The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. �'� ���1 olf ra th � H:\HS 08Wdvisory CommitteeWgenda-Handout-Minutes\Minutes\Mar 08 MIN.doc p.2 of 2 version 4/11/2008