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�I1 ORDItJ1�IICE Pf�OVIDITIG �+'CR ^'F�T; �i:;�;'���:::::;���' C:' �kil+� t�.Ui�"�Ca�
�F T� r[�Sm SIDL OI+' SI-il��.'^�'IICH S:.'R.r�'�T Eili� ��E r' �ST S�E OF "�iIT�IC�TH S'�^F�;L'1'
' BOUNDED OTZ :.'IiI: �,TO��i DY LHIRD ��Vr.YtUE A1dD QTI '"I�: SOU'�'H BY iIF'.r,'�I 1�VEPZUE� i
TFi�iT POR�`IOT_d OF '1"HE �;115'^ S.T��E OF �iI"l`"10�?�H iTRErT� 0�' r��TOF:RIS S'�R��;T� I
S1�ZITFL;R,"� Si'R:l�i �iLi�`�. �'��: r;EST SIDF, OF BURi]Ei'L STREEi' �OU�,'DI;D OIa 'iIiu I�ORT$
BY �'FiIRD �� 1� IIT� AP� OtT �II� SOU"�'�i F3Y "i1�1L�:,�1 �AI�?��1 t�VEi1DE I3Y :.�fiI': GOI�S�UCTIOPT
OF !+ S�ATi�ZI�S� SE,��,,. 1 i�ZI;IP1ItT C OTJ�+'OI��IITY '"0 AND ii�� COlP.:P7�It^�NCE EIT�i '"��E P�7S
AT1D SPi CIF'IC�1^.'IOT�S FOP. ^_'�3.:� S�'iii�: Ii0F1 ON �`II�E IN �fi�: OF�+'IL`E t`.�+' '�'�i:' CITY CJ�I';R�
OF Z' ' �I'^Y OF RT�l`!'Q��, �3LI�dG PZAIJS AITD S�CIFICA�'IOTtS ii0. � "'�E COST OF
mHE SAI4� i'0 .t3� T,EVI;D U OT' m • ^�t ' rn�+ �, �
P 1� ��� i'R Oi�'�£:l ��:BU.. _I TtCt, �,�.�ROYI r���T�: QR �D JACETJT 0
SIiID 1'_BOVE DI:SC�II3.r:�� POY':.'IO1ZS OF SAID ABOVE �.i�;>Cidl�?�:7 i^n?:�;�� I.i y IIIvI�UDE� ,
Ii� :�I-� b:1.;T;c�:::�',:�^ :DI S�'R IC T �',S ��?Q�JIDi+:� I3jT Tlf���a I
�'bi.; CI"_'`T C OUi'�C II. OF 'i'� CI,`Y �r :;�';i�'�:�I .:;1� t)?;I?t1m�.s ��S ��"JZ�T,O i S: I��
SEC"'I0� I That th€�t port ion of the eas� si�.e of ahattuck I��
Street ancl the �vest side of �Yhitrrorth StrEet bounded on �he north by �^hird
Avenue ar_d on thE �outh bJ Si:tth t�venue, �h�.t .pflrt aon of t�ie e�.st s ide of
y9hitrrorth Street, of T1lorris Street, Smithers StreE�r��d the v�e�t :�de o{' 'i
a3urnett Street bounded on the nor�� �y Third �venue and on �'r�P ;;c�u�h �� I'
�Palla �'lalla Avenue sh�,li be ir:��roved b� the construetion and ir_�tillation '
of a later�.�. se�ver t�erein in confor�it�T to ana in eompliance vrit;h the I,
plans and speci�ic�,tions for tre sar�e noc� on file in �he o�fice of the I,
City Clerk of the City of Rent on, be in�; plans and specifiaations Ilo.. ����
��le �.��v���. l,oint of v�hich s�,ic� lateral sev�er shall be at t7ie a,lle;�•
ruVzr.i�:�- e�.Uv and �es� thron�h I31ock 33 S�nither'u ls�. addition to ��e �oev�
of Renton Rith nurnett S�reet, thence v�e�t on s�.id alley to th� zr�tersectie� �
of said east tznd �est alZey c;�ith the alicy r�nnin� north €a,nd �outh through I
s�id Block 33, thence south on sa�d a�iey run�in� nor�h and �outh through
said Block 33 to �fall.a 'YY�.lIa �lvenue , thence in a south��ve�terl� direction
on said �l�,lla �Yalla Aatenue ta the intersee�tion of said „a1Za �alla �ver.�e
wi'�h�t hE center line o-� �he allE�r ru�ning noi•�h an� south throu��h. 131co��
5 Smither's 5�h. hddition to the '�o��n of Renton, pro�eeted north, th�nce
tiou�}� �����„�- - ��Ly�� d�:�_�e;; -�y,r;�i;Y` north �
� bn and �outh thrcugh said I31ock 5 to
' �2.
Y �
. t
Sivth l�venue, conr:ectin€ orl s�.�ic? ;3ivth u��enue ����7� u truni� se�rer r�o�
in process of con�truct�on under the � oviU�ons of Orci�n�,nce i�o. 212
o� the Cit;� of Renton p�.ssed ��ncl ap��rovec� ��u�u�* l6tii, 1910, s�d
lateral ueti�er to be cons�rticted ��i'th branches runnin,�; no�h rro� ���d
r�all�. �7alla Gvenue ��ou�h t'��e a11eJu runnin� nor�h t�n,� uouth t�rc�u�h
bloe�.s 34 �n� 35 a� 'ther's 2nd bddit�on �o the "_'otivn o� Renton a��� bloc�s
1 �,�d 2 in S�ither's 4th �ddition to �h�� '"ovm o� Ren�on a�a I31oc�.� 1 �.nd
2 S�ither's �th �lc�d�tion to the ^o�fi�n o�' Renton, Sa�.c� irlprov�:�ent to
include the con�t;uc�ion €�nd in�ta?l�.t�on of ��11 necess��r� �ind �roper
r�anholes �.nd o�her necess�.�� a�t��chrients. '"he cost o� uaid ii�prove�ent
to be leT��ed u�o� +he pro�ert;� benefitte�. thereb�r ��nd incluc?ed in the
assessr�ent diutr:et au provYded b;� ��.�F�.
iection 11. "_'hat t�iere i, hereb� e���.b�i,hed �� loc�,1 i���rove-
ment ais�rict to be ?�ovrn �.nd desi��a,-�ed "Zoc�,� ?r�prove�ent DiU�rict
No.�" ��vhic�l s�,id �i�tr�ct i� de scrib ed as f ol�Qt9s, t o-���t : All af
the propert� a��ut��n�;, �,�pro��ir�ate or adjacent to s�.i�. �,bove c�escr�.be�
portionso-� uaid above described streets, to-ti�,it : ��iyt�rorth atreet,
T�orris 5treet, Sr���ner;.� a��eet and iszirnett atreet.
Sec��on III. '"liat tihere is herebTr l���ied ������nst each o� �he
lots and p�cels of land in �€��c� ?ocal �r�pro��er�ent d;s�i�cty such �. ��an
as sn�,ll be rleces��,r�.r to pa�T pff ��nc� c�ischar�e the total co�� of tl e
ii~:��over�ent herein orclerea, to�ether �-,i�h a11 necessarV �nc�der.�al e�;-.
?�E21S@S� L�.21Ci �O�E�her tiluil t�l� int�rEs� +hereon, ;�uch t3.SSC�:i�1�21t`, �0 17E
due �,_nd pa��.u�e t���rtyr�(30) da�rs -�roM anc? a�ter the Be��-;ce o-� r1ot �.ca
thereof, upon �he otmers of such prol�ert� so �nc�iic�ec� r:ri�h�n �r�e �ac�
i::;�rovemen� ��,ti�c�, b;� �ailir�� to the ormers thereo-?, �:, `�ri��en rl��ice
s�at in,� �L� t:a�oun� o�' such � �e�:��nt �.nc� th�_t Y iiF, „��r� �7; �, beco�e de-
linquent ��it;hin �iiirt�= (30� cla�rs frpr, C���,�E tYiereo-�. ^lie fissessa�erl� here--
?�� levied u11U.1� �C G178 <z:1C� �c`'..�T�:,�)ZE t`'i311.1t",�1"i � � -F'r a-
; (30) cl�,Js or.� �.n« �.�te r ��ie
�.�1V1.�� O� IlU�1Ce �'1�2'e1T1�lG�OZ'8 p�'OZ'�C?eC� €:.T1Ci ��leY'e�.�t.;G�' ;%;��?� 'r�er-ii ;_71i;�i—
i.i �_a. �.'�C � � n
e�� �� ._ r�.,,e o� t�:e1-Te (l� ) pRr cen� per �.nnura.
:�ectyor. IV. ;;'ithi�i t111?"t�T (30 ) c���rs a-�ter. �:_e 1���;;;;���;e , � - -�o�al
ir.,? , F�-:1 ���i�;lication of ��zis orc?in��nce �he Cit�T C?er1� o:F �he C�.t�t o-�
� - .�
l�en�on, .."�3,a'r1i21�'�Ol'] :>i.��1� C�a11SE Td �?e p17.b�1 i�18C� �3. Cf3.l l fpY' ,�1.C�8 f0z' �11E
� � • �
con�tructian of the :va_k herein orciered 3one �.., accord�iice �;c� the
ordin�lnces of �:�e C�t�r of F�enton ��.nd �he Ut�.tutes of the S�ate of
Section V. �'hi s ordin�.rlce �h�.?1 be �n -�u�1 -�orce f�nc? er��ct
f ive �����s (5) fror� anc� �.-�ter it s p�Us��e, �.rZ�ro�r�a 1 ��.n�:�_ 1 e��z:, ;�u��;e�:--
t ion. .�;
�� ,-�=
l�ppro;�ec? thiu �J� �a�T o����r�h i�. ll. 191�.
;.tW'�`�r-.t�,.,�,�;L. „�' V-�._
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P�.s�ed thi�.�� c�a� o � ��h i�. ;).l�Jl?.
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