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T A C O M A • 5 E A T T L E
Technica/ Information
95 South Tobin Street, Suite 201
Renton, WA 98055
6th Street Short Plat
City of Renton, Washington
203615.10 �
Glenn C. Hume, P.E.
Project Engineer
� J. Matthew Weber, P.E.
Associate Principal
January 2006
Civil Engineers • Structuraf Engineers • Landscape Architects • Community Planners • Land Surveyors • Nerghbors
Technica/ Information
95 South Tobin Street, Suite 201
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fo:v�.. � � � �' �,� City of Renton, Washington
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EXPIRES: 11/7/U �� �
I hereby state that this Technical
Information Report for 6th Street Glenn C. Hume, P.E.
Short Plat has been prepared by me
or under my supervision and meets Project Engineer
the standard of care and expertise
that is usual and customary in this
community for professional engineers. REVIEWED BY:
I understand that King County does
not and will not assume liability for
the sufficiency, suitability, or ). Matthew Weber, P.E.
performance of drainage facilities
prepared by me. 14SSOCIdte PI'IflClpd�
January Z006
1.0 Project Overview ............................................................................................. 1
1.1 Purpose and Scope ................................................................................ 1
1.2 Existing Conditions................................................................................. 1
1.3 Post-Development Conditions .................................................................. 1
2.0 Conditions and Requirements Summary .............................................................. 2
2.1 Core Requirements ................................................................................ 2
2.2 Special Requirements............................................................................. 4
2.3 Preliminary Plat and SEPA Conditions ....................................................... 5
3.0 Off-Site Analysis.............................................................................................. 5
3.1 Downstream Analysis ............................................................................. 5
3.2 Upstream Analysis ................................................................................. 5
4.0 Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis and Design.................................. 5
4.1 Water Quality System............................................................................. 6 �
5.0 Conveyance System Analysis and Design........... . 6 '
6.0 Special Reports And Studies.............................................................................. 6
7.0 Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 6 �
Appendix A Figures
A-1 ................... Vicinity Map
A-2 ................... Soils Map
A-3 ................... Existing Conditions Map
A-4................... Developed Conditions Map
A-5 ................... Downstream Drainage Map
Appendix B TIR Worksheet
Appendix C Hydrologic Analysis
C-1 ................... Basin/Conveyance Map
C-2 ................... Pre-Developed Basin Summary
C-3 ................... Pre-Developed 100-year, 24-hour Hydrograph
C-4 ................... Developed Basin Summary
C-5 ................... Developed Basin 100-year, 24-hour Hydrograph
C-6 ...................Treatment Basin Summary
C-7 ...................Treatment Basin, Treatment Hydrograph ',
C-8 - C-25......... Conveyance System Summary
Appendix D Hearing Examiner's Report, dated February 10, 2005.
1.1 Purpose and Scope
This report accompanies the application for the 6th Street Short Plat. This project
includes clearing and grubbing within the clearing limits, grading the site to design
elevations, constructing storm facilities, provide finish surfaces, utility construction and
providing temporary and permanent erosion control facilities.
The project site is located in the City of Renton in the southwest quarter of Section 7,
Township 23 North, Range S East, Willamette Meridian in the City of Renton, King
County, Washington. This site is located at 505 Rainier Avenue North (see Appendix A,
Figure A-1 for Vicinity Map).
The 6`h Street Short Plat project is proposed on three parcels (9564800100, 9564800070,
9564800106) totaling approximately 1.84 acres. The proposed project includes a private
road to serve seven proposed residential lots. The proposed private road will extend
from the NW 6`h Street public cul-de-sac, which will be re-constructed to current
emergency vehicle turnaround requirements. Utilities including stormwater management
systems will be provided to serve the proposed project.
The design for this project meets or exceeds the requirements of the 1990 King County
Surface Wate�Drainage Manual(KCSWDI►�, which establishes the methodology and
design criteria used for this project.
1.2 Existing Conditions
The site is located at the top of a soft ridge with steep slopes (greater than 40 percent)
on three sides (north, south, and east). There are existing wetlands at the base of the
north and south slopes. There is an existing ravine bisecting the project site. This
ravine is associated with a utility corridor. On each side of the ravine is a relatively flat
area where the proposed building construction is being proposed.
The site is predominately covered with second growth forest vegetation and dense
underbrush. Stormwater runoff from the site flows in the northerly, southerly, and
easterly directions. These flow patterns will be maintained in the developed conditions.
The SCS Soils Map indicates that Aldenrvood gravelly sandy loam (AgD) is the
predominate soil class on the site. For stormwater modeling purposes, Alderwood is
considered a Type C soil.
The site lies within the West Hill sub-basin of the Cedar River Basin and ultimately drains
to the south end of Lake Washington (see Appendix A, Figure A-5 for the Downstream
Drainage Map).
1.3 Post-Development Conditions
The project consists of constructing a private road to provide access to seven proposed
residential lots. The site will be graded to provide for building pads and site access. A
retaining wall is proposed near the eastern property line on the adjacent parcel. A wall
and temp�rary grading easement from the adjacent parcel will be required. '
1 O� � O
Stormwater discharge from the site will emulate existing conditions by maintaining the
various flow paths. Some roof runoff discharge will be through level spreaders into the
proposed Native Growth Protection Areas on the south side of the project to maintain
flows to the existing wetland. This existing stormwater discharge pipe from 6th Street
that discharges onto the northwest portion of the site will be preserved in order to
maintain the existing flows to the northern wetland.
All pollution generating impervious surfaces, as well as some roof and landscape areas,
will be collected in the proposed stormwater conveyance system. A wet vault is
proposed for stormwater treatment prior to discharge to the City's storm system in
Rainier Avenue. Due to the size, layout, and topography of the short plat site, AHBL
determined that the wet vault would not be able to be located on-site. Therefore, the
wet vault is proposed to be located on the commercial property east of the short plat.
The wet vault is designed to treat stormwater runoff from the entire short plat and
approximately half of the future commercial development that is currently under
development planning. The design computations for this combined wet vault are
provided in this report. The following table provides a detailed breakdown of the total
new impervious areas created by the project and the new and existing impervious areas
tributary to the proposed wet vault.
Existing (ac) Proposed (ac) Tributary to Wet Vault (ac)
Road 0.083 0.252 0.269
Driveway -- 0.077 0.077
Roof -- ;Q.�42 0.171
Commercial Parking 0.567 '�0.52�, 0.522
Commercial Sidewalk -- ;' 0.089 ; 0.089
Commercial Roof 0.194 0.446 --
Landscape 0.129 0.830 0.677
Native Vegetation 1.517 0.030 --
2.1 Core Requirements
2.1.1 C.R. #1 — Discharge at the Natural Location
Currently, runoff from the site sheets flows off the site in several directions.
Runoff flows off the north and south slopes to the two existing wetlands, while
runoff from the central area of the site flows off the east slope and onto the
developed parcel east of the proposed project, with an eventual discharge to
the storm drain system in Rainier Avenue. The proposed project will mimic this
flow pattern by allowing roof runoff from Lots 6 and 7 to discharge to the
southern slope, while preserving the existing storm sewer that discharges onto
the northern slope. The remainder of the site runoff will be connected to the
Rainier Avenue storm system via a proposed closed conveyance pipe.
2 O� � �
2.1.2 C.R. #2 — Off-site Analysis
AHBL staff performed a Level 1 off-site drainage analysis in March z003. The
analysis included:
• Defining and mapping the study area;
• Reviewing available information on the study area;
. Field inspecting the study area; and
• Analyzing the existing drainage system including its existing and predicted
problems, if any.
The downstream conveyance system consists of an existing storm drainage
system located east of Rainier Avenue. The stormwater is conveyed north in
this system for greater than a 1/4 mile to its ultimate discharge in
Lake Washington. To our knowledge there are no existing downstream
restrictions and the project site will only slightly increase the flows through this
system. Therefore, the downstream conveyance system should have adequate
capacity to convey the additional flows from this project.
2.1.3 C.R. #3 — Runoff Control
The short plat project is a separate project from the commercial development,
However, because a portion of the proposed future commercial project will
share a stormwater facility with the short plat project, the increase in peak flow
was calculated for the entire basin area tributary to the proposed wet vault.
The 100-year, 24-hour pre-developed and developed peak runoff rate is
1.54 cfs and 1.96 cfs respectively. This is a difference of 0.42 cfs. The
increase is less than 0.50 cfs for the 100-year, 25-hour storm event; therefore
stormwater quantity control facilities are not required for this project.
Downspout dispersal trenches are proposed for Lots 6 and 7. These downspout
dispersion trench final designs shall be provided at the time of building permit
application. The dispersal trenches shall be designed so that each trench
serves a maximum of 700 square feet of projected roof area. The engineering
plans show the potential locations of the infiltration trenches.
Water quality will be provided through a wet vault.
2.1.4 C.R. #4 — Conveyance System
A conveyance pipe will be provided down the eastern slope to a point of
connection with the existing storm drain in Rainier Avenue. The conveyance
system is sized to provide capacity of the short plat and future commercial
property runoff. Conveyance system calculations are provided in Appendix C.
The tailwater starting elevation is based on the rim elevation of the existing
storm manhole at the proposed point �f connection.
3 �� � O
2.1.5 C.R. #5 — Erosion/Sedimentation Control Plan
Erosion and sediment control design drawings are provided in the engineering
plan set. A Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Report is provided under
separate cover.
2.1.6 C.R. #6 — Maintenance and Operations
A maintenance plan for the stormwater management system is provided under
separate cover. The wet vault is proposed to be a shared system for the Short
Plat and a portion of the future commercial project. Therefore, a joint
maintenance agreement will be required and necessary easements recorded.
2.1.7 C.R. #7 — Bonds and Liability
This project will provide for a Drainage Facilities Restoration and Site
Stabilization Financial Guarantee and a maintenance and defect bond.
2.2 Special Requirements
2.2.1 S.R. #1 — Critical Drainage Areas
The project does not lie within a critical drainage area.
2.2.2 Compliance with an Existing Master Drainage Plan
The project does not lie within an area covered by an approved Master '
Drainage Plan.
2.2.3 Conditions Requiring a Master Drainage Plan
The project does not meet any of the conditions requiring a Master Drainage
2.2.4 Adopted Basin or Community Plans
The project does not lie within an area with an adopted Basin or Community
2.2.5 Special Water Quality Controls
The project does not meet any of the conditions requiring special water quality
2.2.6 Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separators
The project does not meet any of the conditions requiring a coalescing plate
oil/water separator.
2.2.7 Closed Depressions
The project does not discharge to a closed depression.
4 O� ' O
2.2.8 Use of Lakes, Wetlands, or Closed Depressions for Peak Rate Runoff
The project does not use lakes, wetlands, or closed depressions for peak rate
runoff control.
2.2.9 Delineation of 100-Year Floodplain
To our knowledge, there are no floodplains associated with the project site.
2.2.10 Flood Protection Facilities for Type 1 and Type 2 Streams
The project does not meet the any of the conditions requiring flood protection
2.2.11 Geotechnical Analysis and Report
A geotechnical engineering report has been prepared for the project site.
2.2.12 Soils Analysis and Report
The soils underlying the project have been accurately mapped by the USGS;
however, a geotechnical report was prepared by The Riley Group, Inc.
2.3 Preliminary Plat and SEPA Conditions
Plat conditions have been included in Appendix D. The proposed engineering plans meet I
the required conditions of the preliminary plat.
3.1 Downstream Analysis
Stormwater flows from the project site are conveyed to the east through a proposed
12-inch storm drain to the existing storm system in Rainier Avenue. From that point, the i
runoff is combined with runoff from Rainier Avenue and adjacent developments, and is '
conveyed north to an eventual discharge to Lake Washington. To our knowledge, there
are no restrictions in the downstream system.
3.2 Upstream Analysis
Some stormwater runoff from 6th Street flows onto the project site. This runoff will be
collected by the on-site system to be treated and conveyed downstream. There is an
existing pipe from NW 6�h Street that discharges on the slope at the northwest corner of
the project site. This upstream drainage pattern will be maintained in the proposed
As stated earlier, stormwater peak discharge controls are not required per the
0.5 cubic foot per second increase exemption. Stormwater quatity control systems are
provided for the project.
5 Oa � O
4.1 Water Quality System
A wet vault is proposed for stormwater quality controi. As previously discussed, the wet
vault is designed to treat stormwater runoff from all the pollution generating impervious
surfaces as well as some landscape and roof drain areas. The wet vault is also designed
to manage runoff from approximately half of the future commercial project. The
impervious areas for the commercial project are based on the current conceptual site
plan prepared by Baylis Architects. The calculations assume that the commercial building
roof drains will bypass around the wet vault. The required wet vault volume was
determined by using a precipitation value equal to one-third of the 2-year, 24-hour total
precipitation. The 2-year, 24-hour total precipitation per the isopluvial is 2.00 inches.
The treatment precipitation equals 2.00/3 or 0.67 inches. This precipitation value was
input into the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph model to compute a treatment volume of
2,091 cubic feet. The proposed wetland vault has interior dimensions of 50 feet by
12 feet by a 4-foot water depth, resulting in a total storage volume of 2,400 cubic feet.
The total impervious area tributary to the wet vault is 49,135 square feet. The surface
area of the wet vault is required to exceed 1 percent of the total impervious tributary
area. The required minimum surface area is 490 square feet. The wet vault has a
surface area of 600 square feet exceeding the minimum required. The wet vault is
divided into three cells as required by the stormwater manual. The first cell contains
10 percent of the total surface area, and the second cell contained 45 percent of the
total surface area. Per the stormwater manual, a flow splitter is required to direct the
treatment flow to the wet vault while bypassing all flows that exceed the treatment peak
flow rate. The peak flow rate for the treatment event is 0.14 cfs. An orifice flow
spreader is provided with an orifice diameter of 2,75 inches with a maximum head of
0.5 feet. The orifice calculations are provided on Appendix C, Figure C-6.
Stormwater conveyance is provided by a network of catch basins and underground pipes. ,
Calculations provided in Appendix C show that the proposed conveyance system has
adequate capacity to convey the 25-year, 24-hour and the 100-year, 24-hour runoff
events. The conveyance basins include the short plat area and a portion of the future
commercial project. A minimum scouring velocity of 2 feet per second is provided in all
pipe reaches.
Wildlife Reconnaissance by Raedeke & Associates, Inc.
This project is designed to meet the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual II
guidelines for stormwater management.
6 O� � O
This analysis is based on data and records either supplied to or obtained by AHBL, Inc. These
documents are referenced within the text of the analysis. The analysis has been prepared
utilizing procedures and practices within the standard accepted practices of the industry. We
conclude that this project, as proposed, will not create any new problems within the existing
downstream drainage system.
AHBL, Inc. �
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�Glenn C. Hume, P.E.
Project Engineer
January 2006
K:1Civil�Yr_2003\203615\STORM�SHORT PLAT\71R�615-Storm TIR(SP)-wp.doc
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A-1 ................ Vicinity Map
_ A-2 ................ Soils Map
A-3 ................ Existing Conditions Map
A-4 ................ Developed Conditions Map
A-5 ................ Downstream Drainage Map
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_�I.� 22,s"o�,'°"S,. DOWNS'TREAM DRAINAGE
�•. '^ Suite J00
� r/M D Tacwwa.WA 96�03 ���
• �61.3s�.SA21 TEL 1 1
251.383.7D7�FAX 6�' Strcct Sh�rt Plat
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TIR Worksheet
i �
King County Department of Development and Environmental Services
Project Owner Project Name 6`"Street Short Plat
JDA Group LLC Location
Mr. Jack Alhadeff Township 23N
Address Range 5E
95 South Tobin Sfreet .............Section SW%. 7
Renton, WA 98055
Project Engineer
Glenn Hume, P.E.
Company AHBL, lnc.
Address/Phone 253 383 2422
Subdivison DFW HPA Shoreline Management
X Short Subdivision
Grading COE 404 X Rockery
Commercial DOE Dam Safety Structural Vaults
Other FEMA Floodplain X Other
COE W etlands
Drainage Basin
West Hill Drainage Basin/ Cedar River
River Floodplain i
Stream Seeps/Springs
Critical Stream Reach High Groundwater Table
Depressions/Swales ,
Groundwater Recharge
Lake Other �
X Steep Slopes
Part 7 SOILS
Soil Type Siopes Erosion Potential Erosive Velcoties
AgD 15-40% Moderate to severe
Additional Sheets Attached
Additional Sheets Attached
X Sedimentation Facilities X Stabilize Exposed Surface
X Stabilized Construction Entrance X Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities �
X Perimeter Runoff Control X Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris !
X Clearing and Grading Restrictions X Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities
X Cover Practices X Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation
X Construction Sequence
Other �
Grass Lined Tank Infiltration Method of Analysis
Channel Vault Depression SBUH
X Pipe System Energy Dissapator Flow Dis ersal Compensation/Mitigati
P on of Eliminated Site
Open Channel Wetland Waiver Storage
Dr Pond Stream
Y Regional
Wet Pond Detention
Brief Description of System Operation
Storm runoff drains fiom pavemertt info a catch basin where it is conveyed to a manhole stormfilter
for treatment. Driveway runoff is tributary to the catch basin in the cul-de-sac or are connected to
the storm system by drain stubs provided to fhe lots. The freafed sformwater is discharged through
a closed pipe to the existing system rn Rainier Avenue. Some roof runoff is discharge from site
through leve!spreaders to native growth protection areas.
Facility Related Site Limitations
Reference Facility Limitation
Cast in Place Vault X Drainage Easement
Retaining Wall X Access Easement
Rockery >4' High X Native Growth Protection Easement
Structural on Steep Slope Tract
X Other
I or a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have visited the site. Actual site
conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of
my knowledge the information provided here is accurate.
/�,l � �- 6/�y/o�
Signed,�Date I
Hydrologic Analysis
C-1.................Basin/Conveyance Map
C-2.................Pre-Developed Basin Summary
C-3.................Pre-Developed 100-year, 24-hour Hydrograph �'
C-4.................Developed Basin Summary
C-5.................Developed Basin 100-year, 24-hour Hydrograph I
C-6.................Treatment Basin Summary I�
C-7.................Treatment Basin, Treatment Hydrograph
C-8 — C-25......Conveyance System Summary
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COMMERCIAL BLDG �2 , � 1 J � �
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—,,.-�� �, a , / 1fJ`. 1 _ _ � � � M;�#2 � I
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� � 1 �� �
f' w�n I
PRE-SP Event Summary
,Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol(acft) Area (ac) Niethod Raintype
:--_.__._ __
� Treat 0.1004 8.00 0.03�8 2.4900 SBUH TYPEIA
_. _ __ _
25 yr 12630 8.00 0.4499 2.4900 SBUH TYPE 1 A
, :_.___ _ __ _ _
'100 yr, 1.5405 8.00 0.5416 2.4900 SBUH TYPE 1 A
Record Id: PRE-SP
� Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA
--- _ _.__ ____--._�_.____.__._ ____ ,
Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00
____. _.___ ___ _ _ _ _..____ _ _ --- _ _
' Abstraction Coeff 0.20
' __ --___.__ _. _. _ _____..
� ;Pervious Area (AMC 2) 1.65 ac DCIA 0.84 ac
---.__ _ _. _ _ __ ____.._ __ _. _ _.._ __.._ _ _
Pervious CN 81.39 DC CN 98.00
_.__ . _ _ _ _ __ _.._____ _ ------------_... �
Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min I
__ __ __ ____ _ _ _.. _____ ._ ____
__ _..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ---
I Pervious CN Calc
---_.._ __ ._
'', �� Description SubArea . Sub cn
I (i--- -_ _ _ _ ._ _.._.__..
;j 2ND GROWTH FOREST 1.52 ac 81.00
; _ _ __ _ __ _
� �� � Landscape 0.13 ac 86.00
l � ----------.__ _ _ _ _ _ _._ -- _ _
' :� Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 81.39
___._ __ __ _ _ _
, , i `+ _ -. _ Pervious TC Calc _ _ ,
� � '� T e Descri tion Len th Slo e Coeff N1isc TT '
- ;; YP P g P
�------... :;
, !Fixed None Entered 5.00 min
,.--- - _
�; Pervious TC � 5.00 min ��
�___ _______ __._ _.__ _ _ ___
_.__ .,--- _.__ ___ _
;� Directly Connected CN Calc
, _ _ _ _ _ _ __..__._..__ �_..--.
'� Description SubArea � Sub cn
'r---^.___. _ ____,__ _
� EXST. PVMT 0.84 ac : 98.00
; _ __ _ _ _-.-_-_.
'� � DC Composited CN (AMC 2) ! 98.00
',� Directly Connected TC Calc
';: Type Description Length Slope Coeff l�-lisc TT
'�Fixed None Entered 5.00 min
:--_.._.__ _
� Directly Connected TC S.00min
Hydrograph ID: PRE-SP- 100 yr
-____ _. _.
Area 2 4900 ac Hyd Int 10.00 min Base Flow
�_.._._ _ _
Peak tlow 1.5405 cfs Peak Time 8.00 hrs Hyd Vol 0.5�16 acft
... -___�_ .____._.._._. . ... . ... .._ . . . �.
Time(hr);Flow(cfs) Time fhr) Flow(cfs) Time(hr) Flow(cfs)
---_._. _
0.67 0.0022 8.67 0.6911 16.33 0.2523
____.______, _.___ __
` 0.83 0.0094 8.83 O.SS86 16.50 0.2526
;,__�._._..----.___ _ _ _ . - _ I
1.00 0.0185 9.00 0.59� 16.67 0.2529
` 1.17 0.0287 9.17 : 0.5236 16.83 0.2532
--________ ._. _ __ _..
133 � 0 0385 9.33 0.4521 17.00 0.2535 '
---- _ _ _
1.50 0.0452 9.50 0.4548 17.17 0.2454 ,
_.__ __ _ ___.
1.67 0.0528 9.67 0.4344 1733 0.237Z I
;_____'. . ___. _ _. . . _ ;
1.83 ' 0.0597 ' 9.83 0.4137 17.50 0.237� I
-- '2.00 ` 0.0641 10.00 0.4157 17.67 0.237� 'I
--- _ .._ _
233 0.0760 10.33 0.3728 18.00 0.2382
__-- I
; 2.50 0.0790 10.50 0.3743 ]8.l 7 0.2300 '
^ 2.67 0.0816 ; 10.67 0.3600 1833 0.221� i
-- -. _ . I
i 2.83 ; 0.0839 ; 10.83 0.3456 ' 18.50 0.221�)
` 3.00 0.0858 I1.00 0.3467 18.67 02221 �
-______ I
3.17 0.0875 i i 1.17 0.3399 18.83 0.2223
-------.... _ __ _ ___.
; 333 0.0890 11.33 0.3331 19.W 0.222�
_._ ...._
; 3.50 0.09(kl 11.50 U3341 19.17 0.2141
�---- -
3.67 0.0944 11.67 03270 19.33 0.2058
;�____ _
3.83 0.0984 11.83 03199 19.50 0.2059
_-___ ____ __. _
4.00 0.0995 12.00 03208 19.67 0.2061
__ �_ ._._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _
' 4.17 0.1072 12.17 0.3136 19.83 0.2063
4.33 Q I 175 12.33 0.3063 20.00 0.2064
---.__ ,._ _
4.50 0.1235 12.50 0.3070 20.17 0.2066
_.____ .
' 4.67 O.1364 12.67 0.2996 20.33 0.2068
4.83 0.1496 12.83 Q2922 20.50 0.2069
-----..._ _ . . _
5.00 0.1561 13.W 02928 20.67 U.2071
:......._... . _
5.17 O.1703 13.17 0.2934 20.83 0.2073
� 533 0.1848 13.33 0.29d0 2 L00 0.2074
':.y 5.50 ' O.1916 13.50 0.2946 2 L(7 0.2076
;___ _ _ _ ___ _
' S.67 Q2070 ' 13.67 0.2870 2133 0.2077
------ _ _
5.83 0.2227 13.83 0.2793 21.50 0.2079
-. ._ _. _
6.00 0.2297 14.00 0.2798 2 L67 0.2080
s 6.33 0.2829 14.33 0.2808 22.00 0.2083
r---...,_.... . . ..
; 6.50 0.2912 . 14.50 0.2813 22.17 0.1998
--��_ _ _ _ _ ._. _ _ __ _ _
6.67 0.3309 14.67 0.2735 ' 22.33 0.1912
----_____ _ _ _
; 6.83 03718 i 14.83 0.2656 22.50 0.1914
-__.. ._.._ .._ _ _ _ _
7.00 0.3822 15.00 0.2660 ' 22.67 0.1915
i 733 0.4838 15.33 0.2669 23.00 0.1917
7.50 0.4964 I5.50 0.2673 23.17 Q I 919
^.__._. _
7.67 0.9679 15.67 0.2593 23.33 0.192[I
' ___ _ ___ _
i 7.83 I.4707 I�.83 0.2513 23.50 0.I 921
.___ _ __ _
8.00 1.5405 16.W 0.2516 ' 23.67 0.1922
-----_ _ _
' 8.17 L U28 16.17 0.2519 23.83 0.1923
_ ____ _
833 0.7788 16.33 0.2523 24.00 0.19?1
_�._._ _ __ _
5.50 0.7905 16.�0 0.'S'_6 24.17 0.0�)6�
DEV-SP Event Summary
Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Method Raintype
_.__._ _
Treat ' 0.1937 8.00 0.0686 2.4880 SBUH TYPEIA
__ _. _ _ _ _ _ _
25 yr 1.6703 8.00 0.5727 2.4880 SBUH TYPE 1 A
_ _. _.
,100yr, 1.9624 8.00 0.6721 2.4880 SBUH TYPEIA
_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Record Id: DEV-SP
__ ___ _ __ __
Design I���ethod SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA
__ ___._ _
Hyd Intv ' 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00
-_. __ _ _.__._._ _ _ __.:._ __ _ _ _
Abstraction Coeff 0.20
_ _ _ _____-__ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _--___ . ___ _
Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.86 ac DCIA 1.63 ac
---.___. _ _ _._.�_. ___ _ _ ____ . _ . _:
Pervious CN 85.83 DC CN 98.00 '
--__._ _ .,_ _.___ _ __.._ __._._.__1__.._,
Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min '
-. _ _ _ ._. _
Pervious CN Caic
:___�_ __. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ...__ ..�. _ _ _
Description SubArea Sub cn
_..----__..---- ______-____- _----- -__ _ _...._.. .
LANDSCAPE 0.83 ac 86.00
...... ..�.._..._...__:.._......... .. . ...... ...... ....... . . . .. ..... . . . ....... .. .. . . ... ........,�....._,�._........ ....... .. ....... .
2nd growth forest 0.03 ac 81.00 '
---____---- __ _._..--. ___ _
Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 85.83
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Per�-ious TC Calc
; Type Description Length Slope Coeff Nlisc TT
__ __ _
Fixed None Entered 5.00 min
Pervious TC ' S.00 min
__ ____.. . . _ _ _____ __� _
DirecNy Connected CN Calc
_ ____�._.__.__ ______ ......_
_. - - -------.._
Description SubArea Sub cn
, Impervious 1.63 ac 98.00
_.--..__. _._. _
DC Composited CN (AN1C 2) 98.00
_. .. __
Directly Connected TC Calc
Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT ';
_ ;
Fixed None Entered 5.00 min
_ _ . __ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ __
Directly Connected TC S.00min
_ __ _ _ __
Hydrograph ID: DEV-SP- 100 yr
Area 2.4880 ac Hvd lnt 10.00 min Base Flow
_..______. __
, Peak flow 1.9624 cfs Peak Time 8.00 hrs H}'d Vol 0.6721 acft'
__---- -�� ___._ ___ . __..._
Time(hr) Flow(cfs) Time(hry Flow(cfsl Time(hr) Flow(cfs) ,
------.. .___ _
) 0.67 0.0043 8.67 0.8368 16.33 0.2789 :
. _.-- , ._.,_ __ _
' 0.83 0.0182 8.83 OJ077 16.50 0.2790
.____,_____._._ __ . _____ _ _
1.00 ; 0.0357 9.00 OJ 102 16.67 0.2791
�----- ._ _
, 1.17 0.0553 9.17 0.6232 16.83 0.2793
� r-----: _ ----__ ___ __ __ _
1.33 ' 0.0743 933 05356 17.00 0.2794
---- --- ._ ___ _ _ _ __
1.50 ' 0.0873 9.50 0.5368 ' 17.17 0.2702 I
� ---- --_____. _ __ __._
1.67 0.1018 9.67 QS l l0 17.33 0.2610
,- 1.83 ' 0.1152 9.83 �.4851 17.50 0.261I '
2.00 01237 10.00 0.4860 17.67 0.2612
r-- ___-��__ _.._ ._ _
� 2.17 ; 0.1355 10.17 0.4597 17.83 0.2613 '
�--------,- __.__ _ ._
I 2.33 0.1465 10.33 0.4331 18.00 0.2614 ';
I 2.50 0.1524 ]0.50 0.4340 18.17 0.2521
_-------.._._.__. . _
� 2.67 OJ 574 ]0.67 0.4165 I 833 0.2429
i 2.83 0.1618 10.83 0.3989 18.50 0.2430 i
------_- -- --_ _ . _ _
3.00 0.1655 11.00 0.3994 18.67 0.2431
--- ------ _ _. .__. ______ .._ ._
3.17 ' 0.1691 11.17 0.3908 18.83 Q2431
--.__ _ _ _ __
3.33 0.1736 ' 1 L33 0.3822 19.00 0.2432 '
__._...._ _ _
' 3.50 0.1787 : !t.50 03826 19.17 0.2339 ,
'_____�._._ . _ _ .
i 3.67 0.1894 ! ]1.67 0.3739 1933 0.2247
------- _.. __._ __ _...
3.83 0.2000 ! 11.83 03651 19.50 0.2247
�_ _ , _ __ ,. ___.._ _ .___ _ _.
4.00 0.2046 ' ]2.00 0.3655 19.67 0.2248
�--- -- _. _ ___ _ _ _
4.17 0.2215 : 12.17 0.3567 19.83 0?249
---- ---. .__ _ _
' 433 ' 0.2386 1233 0.3478 20.00 0.2249
___._._._ _
' 4.50 0 2434 12.50 0.3482 20.17 0.2?50
----_.. ._ __ . _
4.67 0.2611 12.67 0.3393 2033 0.�251
---------- __ -_ . _ _ __ .
4.83 0.2789 ' 12.83 0.33(� 20.50 0.2251
:_.__..---- _ _ . _ _ _ . _
I 5.00 ' 0.2836 ' 13.00 0.3306 ' 20.67 0.2252
--.____ . ._.___
' S.17 0.3020 ' 13.17 03309 20.83 0.2252
' S33 0.3204 ' 1333 0.331] 21.00 0.2253
--__-- - -.. __ _ _ _
5.50 0.3251 13.50 0.3314 21.17 0.2254
-.�.---- __._. _ . __ _ __
5.67 ' 0.3439 ' t3.67 03224 : 2133 0.2254
_-- --_ _ _ . _ _ __ _
5.83 0.3629 ' 13.83 0.3134 2 L50 0.2255
---- ____ _
6.00 03675 14.00 0.3136 21.67 0.2255
, 6.33 0.4366 14.33 0.3140 22.00 Q2257
----_ _
6.50 0.4416 14.50 03142 22.17 0.2163
------- _.__ _ .
___ _.
6 67 : 0.4931 14.67 03052 2233 Q2070
'...________. _ _ _ __ _
6.83 0.5451 14.83 0.2961 22.50 Q2070
---- -.
i 7.00 O.SSII 15.W 01963 22.67 01070
' ?33 0.6755 15.33 01966 23.00 0.2071
---___._. _
' 7.50 0.6824 I5.50 Q2967 23.17 0.2072
_______. .__.__..
7.67 L2969 15.67 0.2876 23.33 Q2072
,____....__._.. _. __ _
7 83 19272 15.83 0.2785 23.50 0.2073
^ 8.00 1.9624 16.W 0.2786 23.67 0.2071
_.__..-- - _
; 8.17 1.4672 16.17 Q2787 23.53 0.207�3
:_----..__._.. __ _ . _
8.33 0.9589 16.33 02789 24.00 0.2074
_ _._
8.50 09675 1650 U.2790 2d.17 0.1037
TREATMENT Event Summary
Event Peak Q (cfs) Peak T (hrs) Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac) Niethod Raintype
Treat 0.1342 8.00 0.0480 1.8050 SBUH TYPEIA
_ ._ _ _ _ _
(2091 CF)
---- --____ __ _ _ _
___ _
Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPE 1 A
_ ___-- ___.__.__
Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00
___ __ ___. __ _____
Abstraction Coeff 0.20
------_ __ ... . . _ _____
'Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.68 ac DCIA 1.13 ac
---_--_ ___ _.__._. _..__._.__..__ ..____._
Pervious CN 86.00 DC CN 98.00
__ __.._ _.__________._______.---------.._ __..___.________ __ __
,Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min
---- __._ _ __ _ _----- ----.__�___,_._.. _._ __
. . __.___.__._�__ _ ...._ _._._._.-------------.._._ .._ __ _ . ,
��—_�.____.___- -
;; Pervious CN Calc
�-----___ ......__ . ___ _ _�__ . __
� Description SubArea Sub cn
� Landscape Area 0.68 ac 86.00
:____._ __ _
Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00
;--__ ----_.. ____.._ __.. __.___._._.---___
Pervious TC Calc ',
' Type Description Length Slope Coeff l�iisc TT
.Fixed 5.00 min
__ _ _ , __. _ _
Pervious TC 5.00 min
__ .------_____,_ _._ _.. .. _ _...._ . .._ __ _
, Directly Connected CN Calc ,
_.__ _.
Description SubArea Sub cn
_ _ _
IMPERVIOUS 1.13 ac ' 98.00
DC Composited CN (AMC 2) ' 98.OQ
__ . _ _ ._ _._ _ .__ _ _ _ _ _ _...� _ _ _ _..
' Directly Connected TC Calc
Type Description Length Slope Coeff Niisc TT '
__.____ _ __
Fixed None Entered S.00 min
__ _ __....__.__.
Directly Connected TC S.00min
Flow Splitter Orifice Sizing: �
Qwq = .1342 cfs !
h =0.50 feet i
d = ((38.88*Q)/h^°5)^°5= �.736" use 2.7� inches I
C-6 '
Hydrograph ID: TREATMENT - Treat
Area I.8050 ac Hyd Int '10.00 min Base Flow
�, Peak flow 0.13�32 cfs Peak Time 8.00 hrs H}d Vol Q(k380 xft
Time(hr) Flow(cfs) Time(hry Flow(cfs) Time(hr) Flow(cfs)
2.67 0.0007 IOAO 0.0369 17.(Hl 0.0242
2.83 O.00U 10.17 0.0351 17.17 0.0234
3.00 0.0025 10.33 0.0333 1733 OA226
3.17 0.0032 ]0.50 OA335 17.50 0.0227 '
--__ _. . _ _ __ ._
3.33 0.0039 I0.67 0.0323 17.67 OA227
-. _ _ _ _ _ __
3.50 0.0045 10.83 U.0311 17.83 OAZ28
__. _ _. _ ___ _ __. . _ . _
3.67 0.0053 11.00 0.0313 18.00 OA228
--_._. _ __ _ _ _
' 3.83 0.0061 11.17 0.0308 18.17 0.0221
4.00 O.OW7 11.33 0.0302 1833 OA213
__�_. . .__ _ _. _ _ _._ _ _.,
, 4.11 0.0078 I1.50 0.0304 18.50 0.0213
_ .__ __ . _
' 4.33 OA089 11.67 0.0298 18.67 UA214
, 4.50 0.0096 11.83 0.0292 18.83 O.U214
_--- _ . _ _ .
4.67 0.0108 12.00 0.0293 19.00 0.0214
4.83 0.0120 12.17 0.0287 19.17 0.0207
_._ ._. _ _ .__ .._ _ _.. _ _ _
5.00 0.0127 12.33 0.0281 19.33 0.0199
_..___..__ _...._. ___ ___. . ___ ___. . _
5.17 OA141 12.50 0.0282 19.50 0.0199
5.33 0.0154 12.67 0.0276 19.67 0.0199
5.50 0.0162 12.83 0.0269 19.83 OA200
5.67 0.0176 13.00 0.0271 20.00 0.0200
___ ____ _ _
5.83 OA191 13.17 0.0272 20.17 0.02W
_ _ ._ _ ___
6.W 0.0198 13.33 0.0272 20.33 U.0200
6.17 0.0221 13.50 0.0273 20.50 OA201
_ __ _
633 0.0246 13.67 0.0267 20.67 0.0201
____ _ _ _ _..
6.50 OA254 13.83 0.0260 20.83 0.0201
_ __ _ _ _
6.67 0.0289 14.00 0.0261 21.00 0.0202
_ __ _ _
6.83 0.0326 14.17 0.0262 21.17 OA202
7.00 0.0335 1433 0.0263 21.33 0.0202
7.17 0.0380 14.50 0.0263 ' 21.50 0.0203
733 0.0425 14.67 0.0256 ' 21.67 0.0203
_ _._.._ _ . _ _ __
7.50 OA436 14.83 0.0249 21.83 0.0203 �
.... _ _ _ _ _ . _
7.67 0.0849 15.W 0.0250 22.00 0.0204
7.83 O.1287 I S J 7 0.0251 22.17 0.0195
8.00 0.1342 t5.33 0.0251 2233 0.0187
8.17 O.1018 15.50 0.0252 , 22.50 0.0187
_. __
833 0.0673 15.67 0.0245 22.67 ' 0.0188
--. _ _ __ _._. __
8.50 0.0682 15.83 0.0238 22.83 0.0188
_ _ _ _
8.67 OA595 16.00 0.0238 ' 23.W 0.0188
8.83 O.O�OS 16.17 0.0239 23.17 0.0188
9.00 0.0515 16.33 0.0239 23.33 0.0189
_.. .
9.17 0.0457 16.50 OA240 23.50 0.0189 '
9.33 0.0396 16.67 0.0240 23.67 Q0189
9.50 0.0400 16.83 0.0'4l 21.83 0.0189 ;
9.67 0.0383 17.00 0.0242 24.00 0.0189
9 83 0(1366 17 17 O.p?34 25.1? 0.0095
C-7 I
----. _. I
Reach Area Flow Full Q Full nDepth Size ' nVel �'e1 CBasin/Hyd
ID , (ac) (cfs) (cfs) ratio (Ft) (ft/s) (fds)
__.�_--._.... _ __ ,
R1 0.0950 0.0630 3.3172 0.02 ' 0.0952 12" Diam 1.6565 4.2236 CONVEYAI�CE#1 �
____..___ _ _. _ . __ _. _ _ �
R2 i 0.2010 0.1397 12.�643 0.01 0.0757 12" Diam 5.1525 ' 153607 CONVEYANCE#2
_ . `_ _ _ _ _ _. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _
R3 ; 0.2840 0.1850 12.8476 OA1 0.0835 12" Diam 5.9022 I 16.3580 CONVEYANCE#3 '
R4 ' 0.5890 0.3921 19.6250 0.02 0.0981 12" Diam 9.8609 , 24.9873 CONVEYANCE#4'
-__--- _ _ __._ __ __ . _ __ _. _ _ __ . ___ _ __ __ _ ;
RS ' 0.7100 ' 0.4857 ' 18.7651 0.03 0.1108 12" Diam ' ]0.2186 23.8924 CONVEYANCE#5 '
------,._� .__._.__ _ ____ _, _ . . ___ _ _ _ _ __ __._ _.
R6 0.7100 0.4857 4.6913 0.10 0.2173 12" Diam ' 3.8588 5.9731
__. .---__ . _. _
R7 0.7100 ' 0.4857 4.6913 0.10 0.2173 12" Diam ' 3.8588 5.9731
___--- _.__. _ ___ _ _ _
R8 1.8080 1.2011 ' 4.6913 0.26 0.3452 ' 12" Diam ` 4.9959 5.9731 CONVEYANCE#6'
____ ._.___ _ _ __ _ _ _.
R9 1.9820 ' 1.3357 12.7939 0.10 0.2183 12" Diam 10.5442 16.2897 CO:�'VEYAI�ICE#7 ''
R10 1.9820 1.3357 2.3771 0.56 �.5366 12" Diam 3.1114 ' 3.0266
_ _ __ ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ _. :
__ __ ___ ___ __ _ __ _
R11 2.3070 1.5870 2.3456 0.68 0.6030 12" Diam 3.2062 ' 2.9866 CONVEYANCE#8'
--- - --- ____ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __._.
-- - _____ _
' Fmm Node To Node Rch Loss App Bend Junct Loss H1W Loss Elev r�Iax EI
(ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) � (ft)
I-_ __ _ _ _ 47.2000
------ ._..--- -_ _.. . __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .
SDMH#7 ' EXST MH 47.326=1 0.0449 0.0421 ------ 47.3237 48.0000 '
--__ __.._._ _ _
SDMH#6 ' SDMH#7 47.4375 0.0449 i 0.0005 ------ 47.3931 48.0000
__ ___ _ _ _ _
SDMH#5 SDMH#6 47.4730 ' 0.0363 ' 0.0458 ------ 47.4825 48.0000
FLOW SDMH#5 47.5995 ----- ------ ----- 47.5995 48.7500
___ _. ._ _ _
_ _ _ __ _
SDMH#4 FLOW 47.6164 0.0059 0.0038 ------ 47.6143 50.0000
___ ._..___._ .. __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' SDMH#3 SDMH#4 47.6275 : 1.6214 0.0144 ------ 46.0205 50.9000 '
SDMH#2 SDMH#3 62.2342 1.5099 0.0079 ------ 60.7322 71.2500
- ----- ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SDMH#1 SDMH#2 85.6268 i 0.5409 0.7995 0.2467 86.1320 95.0000
_ _ . __ ._ __. _ _ _
SDCB#3 ' SDMH#1 90.5628 ; ------ ------ ------ 90.5628 95.4000
- _. _.__ . __ _ _
SDCB#2 SDMH#1 98.4196 0.0426 0.0317 ------ 98.4087 103.2800
__. . _
SDCB#1 ' SDCB#2 98.6663 ' ------ ------ ------ 98.6663 103.3700 '
Reach � Area Flow Full Q Full nDepth Size nVel Nel CBasin/H�d
ID ��: (ac) (cfs) (cfs) ratio (ft) (ft/s) (ft/s) -
RI ` 0.0950 0.0742 ' 3.3172 0.02 ' 0.1030 12" Diam 1.7368 ' 4.2236 CONVEYANCE#I
-_____._ - _ _ _
R2 ' 0.2010 0.1634 12.0643 OAl 0.0815 12" Diam 5.3959 15.3607 CONVEYANCE#?
i ;��R3 0.2840 0.2184 12.8476 ', 0.02 0.0903 12" Diam 6.2045 16.3580 CONVEYANCE#3
I ! R4 0.5890 0.4613 19.6250 ' 0.02 ' 0.1060 12" Diam ' 10.3682 24.9873 CONVEYANCE#4
__._ . __ _ _ _
RS 0.7100 : 0.5691 18.7651 : 0.03 0.1196 12" Diam ]0.7093 23.8924 CONVEYANCE#5
�-- --- -._,.. .. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __. _ _
R6 ' 0.7100 ' 0.5691 4.6913 0.12 ' 0.2349 12" Diam 4.0487 5.9731
--------.._ _.._._._ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _
R7 0.7100 0.5691 4.6913 0.12 0.2349 12" Diam 4.0487 5.9731
R8 1.8�80 1.4136 4.6913 0.30 0.3765 12" Diam 5.2271 ' S.9731 CONVEYANCE#6
------ -- __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _
R9 : 1.9820 1.5686 12.7939 O.12 0.2368 12" Diam 11.0284 16.2897 CO:�'VEYANCE#?
---- - _ _ _ _
' R10 i 1.9820 1.5686 2.3771 0.66 0.5933 12" Diam 3.2314 3.0266
I --- --- --' ___ _
R11 ' 2.3070 1.8581 2.3456 0.79 0.6714 12" Diam �.�141 �.�1H66 CONVEYANCE#�
------ --._ _ _. _ _ _ _
From Node To Node Rch Loss App ' Bend Junct Loss H« Loss Ele.� nlax El
(ft) (ft) (ft) �� (ft) (ft) (ft)
___--- --_ ___..__ ____. _ _ __ _
�------ ._ __.__ __ _ _ _ ___
SDMH#7 EXST MH 47.3733 0.0619 0.0581 ------ 47.3695 48.00(���
SDMH#6 SDMH#7 47.5?65 0.0619 0.0007 ------ 47.4653 48.00(iO
�-------__ _ _
SDMH#5 SDh1H#6 47.5754 0.0503 0.0635 ------ 47.5886 48.0(}00
--- ---___ _ __ _ _ __ _
�"�W SDMH#5 47.7506 ------ ------ 47.7506 48.7500
.____--__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SDMH#4 FLOW 47.7739 0.0082 ' 0.0053 ------ ' 47.7710 50.0000
___._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _.
SDMH#3 SD�fH#4 47.7890 1.7809 0.0159 ------ 46.0240 50.9000
_-- -__ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SDMH#2 SD�4H#3 62.2692 1.6692 0.0087 ' ------ 60.6�87 ' 71.2500
,..._._ . __.. . ___ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ __ _ _
SDMH#1 SDMH#2 85.6�85 0.�978 0.8834 0.2708 86.2150 ' 95.0000
._____ _.__
` SDCB#3 SDh1H#1 90.5839 ------ ------ ------ 90.5839 95.4000
--------__ . _
' SDCB#2 ' SDMH#1 98.4367 0.0468 0.0348 ------ 98.4247 103.280u
--- __.._ _ __ _ ____ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _
' SDCB#I SDCB#2 98.6792 ------ ------ ------ 98.6792 ]03.3701�
Layout Report: SHORT PLAT
____._ _
Event Precip (in)
---..__ _ __
25 yr 3.4000
_.._..___ _
100 yr 3.9000 �
Reach Records
Record Id: Rl
;Section Shape: Circular
------.__._ _ _.._ _ _ ___ __ _
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0140
-------__ ___ __ _ _
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Contributing Hyd
----_�_ -- __ _ _
7'.DnNode SDCB#2 ',UpNode SDCB#1
�------ _ ---------___ . _ _ _ _ _ __ ___
;Material Smooth CPEP 'Size 12" Diam
._--- - _ . ._ __ --- ____ __._ _,
Ent Losses Groove End Projecting
.__._ _ ___
_ _ .___ �_ _
Length 24.0000 ft Slope 1.00%
__._._ _ __ _ _ _ _...
;Up Invert 98.5200 ft Dn Invert '98.2800 ft
------._._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _
�Drop across MH 0.0400 ft 'Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr'
-----_ __ __ _ _
'Up Invert 982800 ft Dn Invert 98.5200 ft '
--__ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Record Id: R2
----- --____ _ _ _ _ ___
Section Shape: Circular
_ _ _ _ __ __.
____.____ ._ _
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0140
' '--__ _.__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Contributing Hyd
------_____ . .__ .. ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
DnNode SDMH#1 UpNode SDCB#2
_._�____._._ __ _.. ___
Material Smo�th CPEP Size 12" Diam
--_ _ _
;Ent Losses Groove End Projecting
_ _ _ _ _ _
1Length 97.0000 ft Slope 1323�Io '
____ ____ __ ._ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _
;Up Invert 98.2800 ft Dn Invert .85.4500 ft
___ _ __. _ _ __ __ __
_ _
Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
--------- . __
;Up Invert 85.4500 ft Dn Invert 98.2800 ft
_.__.__--__�._..._ _
'Match inverts.
Record Id: R3
Section Shape: Circular
_ ._ _. _ _
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Ccefficient: '0.0140
__ _ _
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Contributing Hyd
DnNode SDMH#1 'UpNode SDCB#3
_ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _
� Material Smooth CPEP 'Size 12" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End Projecting
Length 33.0000 ft Slope 15.00%a
__ __
_ _ _ __ _
Up Invert 90.4000 ft Dn Invert 85.4500 ft
_ ____
� Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
Up Invert 85.4500 ft Dn Invert 90.4000 ft
Record Id: R4
Section Shape: Circular '
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0140
_ _
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Contributing Hyd
- - - __ _
DnNode SDMH#2 L`pNode SDMH#1
_ _ _---____.._ _ ._ __ __ ___ _ _
Material Smooth CPEP Size 12" Diam
_..___ _ _ __ ___ ___
Ent Losses Groove End Projecting
_ _____ __
Length 67.0000 ft Slope 35.00%
Up Invert 85.4500 ft Dn Invert 62.0000 ft
Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
Up Invert 62.0000 ft Dn Invert 85.4500 ft
Record Id: R5
Section Shape: Circular
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0140 '
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Contributing Hyd
DnNode SDMH#3 .UpNode SDMH#2
Material Smooth CPEP Size 12" Diam
Ent Losses Groove End Projecting '
Length 47.0000 ft Slope 32.00�Ic
Up lnvert 62.0000 ft Dn Invert 46.9600 ft
Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
Up Invert 46.9600 ft Dn Invert 62.0000 ft
Record Id: R6
iSection Shape: Circular
-- -_.___.. __
, ;Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.O1-�O
_, ______ _ _-_ _ _ _ __ _
_ Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Contributing Hyd
; ^_ _ _� __ __ _ . _ _ _
� DnNode ',SDMH#4 UpNode SDR1H#�
r----_ _..-___-_.--------__ _._
;Material Smooth CPEP Size 12" Diam
_.___._ _.__. .__._ _
'Ent Losses Groove End Projecting
___--______ __
;L.ength 28.0040 ft Slope 2.00�7�
� _ _ _ _ _ . _._ _
-- ..-------.._____ _
;Up Invert 46.9600 ft Dn Invert 46.4000 ft
—_ _____�_ _ _ __ _._: __ _ __
`Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in'hr
..—_ ._.____ _._ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___
;Up Invert '46.4000 ft Dn Invert 46.9600 t
Record Id: R7
�---- _ _.. ___ _
!Section Shape: Circular
-----_._._ __ _
';Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0140
�--- __
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Contributing Hyd
-- -- _ _ __ _
_---_ ____ _ _ _ .
_ _
� Material Smooth CPEP Size '12" Diam
----- �___. _ _ _ --- .___._�_�_._
',Ent Losses Groove End Projecting
----,.__ _..___ __ _ _ _
I Length 46.0000 ft Slope 2.00�I�
___.. _ _ __ .
Up InveR 46.4000 ft Dn Invert 45.4800 ft
_. __ ._ __
� Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
_-- ._. ____ _
Up Invert 45.4800 ft Dn Invert 46.4000 ft
i ___ _.__ _ _ _ _ _ _
� Record Id: R8
Section Shape: Circular
___ . __.
-_ _ __
• Umform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0140 '
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Contributing Hyd
- - _
____ _ _ _
. Material Smooth CPEP Size ,12" Diam
__.._ _._ ...___ _ _ _
S 'Ent Losses Groove End Projecting
Length 56.0000 ft Slope 2.00�Ic
� Up Invert 45.0000 ft Dn Invert 43.8800 ft
_ __ _ _ _ _
. Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
_ _ _ _ --- -...._
Up Invert 43.8800 ft Dn Invert 45.0000 ft
� _.
� C-IZ
Record Id: R9
__ __
Section Shape: Circular
----------__ _
_ _ _...__
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Ccefficient: 0.0140
—_-----.__._._. _ _ . _
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Contributing Hyd
�---- ---._. _ _
DnNode SDMH#6 UpNode SDMH#5
------___ _---..._.___ _
_ _ _ _ _. _
Material Smooth CPEP Size 12" Diam
_ __---__
Ent Losses Groove End Projecting
Length 16_0000 ft Slope 14.88�Io
-----__ _ _
_ _ __ _ _ _ _
,Up Invert 43.8800 ft Dn Invert 41.5000 ft
_.____ __.._ _. _ _ _
_ .�.._.:.... _ _
Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
_..-----.._ _._
_ _
Up Invert 41.5000 ft Dn Invert 43.8800 ft
Record Id: R10
_ _ _ ___ _
Section Shape: Circular
_ _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ _
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0140
_________ _
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Contributing Hyd
---_ .__ _ _
DnNode SDMH#7 UpNode SDMH#6
_-----__ ----,.._.._,.__ _
Material Smooth CPEP Size 12" Diam
----..----___..___. ____�..--_.._____ _ _
':Ent Losses Groove End Projecting
__ ..___ __ ____.._ _ ____ _.._ __
Length 37.0000 ft Slope '0.51%
____._.___ __. ___
_ _
Up Invert 41.5000 ft Dn Invert 41.3100 ft
'Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr
._____.. _
Up Invert 41.3100 ft Dn Invert 41.5000 ft
Record Id: R11
Section Shape: Circular
Uniform Flow Method: Manning's Coefficient: 0.0140 '�,
__. . __ _. __ _
Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Contributing Hyd
DnNode EXST MH UpNode SDMH#7
_.___.__ ___
'Material Smooth CPEP Size 12" Diam
'--_..___ __-- _ _ i
Ent Losses Groove End Projecting I
,_ _ -----.. _ _
Length 22.0000 ft Slope 0.50%
'Up Invert 41.3100 ft Dn Invert 41.2000 ft i
___._ _ _ _ _
'Drop across MH 0.0000 ft Ex/Infil Rate 0.0000 in/hr j
,__-- __ _. .
;Up Invert 41.2000 ft Dn Invert 41.3100 ft ,
I �
Node RecordsRecord
Id: SDCB#1
___._ ___ _
Descrip: CATCH BASIN Increment 0.10 ft
-------- _ -.—_-- _--- __._�;
'Start El. 98.5200 ft Max El. 103.3700 ft
�_.-- --._..__. ___ _ _ __..____.___.______�________ _ _ _ __,;
'Classificati�n Catch Basin Structure Type CB-TYPE 1
_ . ____ _ _ _ __ _ _ _
iEnt Ke CONC: Headwall: socket end of pipe;.ke=0.2 Channelization Curved or Deflector
Catch 1.4160 ft Bottom Area 3.9700 sf
Condition Proposed
_..__..____ _ _ _
Record Id: SDCB#2
- - _
Descrip: CATCH BASIN Increment 0.10 ft
___ _ ---__._. _ __ -.---._..____--- ---.._._ _ ___ ---
Start El. 98.5200 ft Max EI. 103.2800 ft `
,_. _____ _
__ _.___ __. __ __ _ __
',Classification Catch Basin Structure Type CB-TYPE 1
._�_ -
Ent Ke CONC: Headwall: socket end of pipe;.ke=0.2 Channelization ,Curved or Deflector
---_. _ _ __ _ _ _
� 'Catch 1.4160 ft Bottom Area '3.9700 sf
---..-- __ _ _ _ _
Condition Proposed
_ _ _ _
Record Id: SDCB#3 !
;Descrip: CATCH BASIN Increment 0.10 ft
__ __ _
'Start El. 90.4000 ft Max El. 95.4000 ft
-- ---.__ _
'Classification Catch Basin Strucwre Type CB-TYPE 1
_._ . _ _ _ _
'Ent Ke CMP: Headwall or Headwall & Wingwall sq Channelization Curved or �
` edge;.ke=0.5 Deflector
Catch 1.4160 ft Bottom Area 3.9700 sf
-__ _--- _ ___�------__--.._
'Condition Proposed
Record Id: SDMH#1
------.. _ _ _
Descrip: Manhole structure Increment 0.10 ft
____---� _ _ _ --------- _...--- ----�-- __ _ ______
Start EL 85.4500 ft Max El. 95.0000 ft
___._ .__ _
Classification Manhole Structure Type MH-TYPE 1-48
'Ent Ke CONC: Headwall: socket end of pipe;.ke=0.2 Channelization Curved or Deflector
Catch 0.0000 ft Bottom Area 12.5664 sf
;..._____ __
Condition Proposed
Record Id: SDMH#2
Descrip: Manhole structure Increment ',0.10 ft
_ _____ ____ ______ _ _ _. _
Start EL 62.0000 ft Max EL 712500 ft
Classification Manhole Structure Type MH-TYPE 1-48
Ent Ke CONC: Headwall: socket end of pipe;.ke=0.2 Channelization Curved or Deflector
_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ . __ _
_ _ _ _ _ _
Catch 0.0000 ft Bottom Area ',12.5664 sf
_ __ ___ __...----___.--- -______...__ .._�_ _._.__... .
� Condition Proposed
Record Id: SDMH#3
__ _
_ _ _ _
Descrip: Manhole structure Increment 0.10 ft
_ _ _ __
_ _ __._...._ __...._ ___....__ _ _ _. _ __ _ . __
Start El. 46.9600 ft Max El. 50.9000 ft '
._ . _ _ _.._..__.__ .....____ _,__..__._ _ _ ___ .
Classification Manhole Structure Type MH-TYPE 1-54
_ _ _ __ _
_ _ __
_ __ _ _
Ent Ke CONC: Headwall: socket end of pipe;.ke=02 ,Channelization !Curved or Deflector
__ __. __ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ __
Catch 0.0000 ft Bottom Area '15.9043 sf
_ _ _ _
Condition Proposed
Record Id: SDMH#4
Descrip: Manhole structure Increment 0.10 ft
-----_- �--._ .__.,___ _,_ _,.__
Start El. 46.4000 ft ,Max El. 50.0000 ft
_ _ __ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
__ _ _ _
Classification Manhole Structure Type MH-TYPE 1-54
__ _ _ _ __._ _ __ _
_ _ _ _ . _
Ent Ke CMP: Headwall or Headwall &Wingwall sq Channelization Curved or
edge;.ke=0.5 Deflector
__ _ _ _ ___ _
__ __ _ _
Catch 0.0000 ft Bottom Area '15.9043 sf
_ _ __ __._ __ ._....._. _____. _. __._ _.�_...__ __
Condition Proposed '
__ _ _ _
_ _
Descrip: FLOW SPLITTER 'Increment 0.10 ft
_..__ __. ..____ ____ _ _
Start EL 45.0000 ft Max El. 48.7500 ft '
_ _
Classification Catch Basin Structure Type CB-TYPE 2-54
_ _ _
_ _ __ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
Ent Ke CMP: Headwall or Headwall & Wingwall sq Channelization Curved or
edge;.ke=0.5 Deflector
Catch 2.0000 ft Bottom Area 15.9040 sf
__ . _ _ _
_ ____ ._ . _
Condition Proposed
Record Id: SDMH#5
Descrip: Manhole structure Increment 0.10 ft
:--- -_ _.__ . _ __
Start EL 43.8800 ft Max EL 48.0000 ft
----- -._
Classification Manhole Structure Type MH-TYPE 1-54
___._._______ _ _. _
__ _
Ent Ke CONC: Headwall: socket end of pipe;.ke=0.2 Channelization Curved or Deflector
,__- --- ._ _ _ _ _
__ _ _ _
Catch 0.0000 ft Bottom Area 15.9043 sf
�Condition Proposed
Record Id: SDMH#6
_._..- -.__
Descrip: Manhole structure Increment 0.10 ft
^----- _ . __._______.._. _�__. _ . _
:Start EL 41.5000 ft Max EL 48.0000 ft
------._._ . _ _ ______ _...___.__ _...__.____._._
�Classification Manhole Structure Type MH-TYPE 1-�-1
:..__ ... __ _ _ _
Ent Ke CMP: Headwall or Headwall &Wingwall sq Channelization Curved or
edge;.ke=0.5 Deflector
__ ___ _ _
Catch 0.0000 ft Bottom Area 15.9043 sf
�__.. _ ____
'Condition 'Proposed
Record Id: SDMH#7
� � Descrip: �'lunhole structure Increment O.IU tt
-----.__._ _ _ _ _
'Start El. 41.3100 ft Max El. 48.0000 ft
� �---,- _
;Classification Manhole Structure Type MH-TYPE 1-48
- _. ,_.____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _
Ent Ke CMP: Headwall or Headwall & Wingwall sq Channelization Curved or
edge;.ke=0.5 Deflector
------ _ _ _ _ ._ _ . __ , . _ _ . _ __ _
'Catch 0.0000 ft Bottom Area 12.5664 sf
----- ---.__. _ _ __ -- ----______.._---_.- ----__------._._
�� Condition Proposed
Record Id: EXST MH
Descrip: Manhole structure Increment 0.10 ft
---- -._._ _ _. __ .. _____. __ ....__ ..__
'Start El. '41.2000 ft 'Max El. '47.2800 ft
-�__ ___-- _ _ _
Classification Manhole Structure Type MH-TYPE 1-48
------- _ _ _
Ent Ke CMP: Headwall or Headwall & Wingwall sq Channelization Curved or
edge;.ke=0.5 Deflector
i Catch 0.0000 ft Bottom Area 12.�664 sf
--- _ _ ___.____.___..__ .._....__---- . _ ----
ICondition Existing
� 1
� Contributin Draina e Areas
g g
__ ___ _ _ __
)Design Method SBUH Rainfall type ' TYPE 1 A
----____. _ .� _.__....._._�....__�. . __ . . _ _,_..�._..__._. _
Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00
--_ --_ __ _ _ _ ._ --___ __.____ __ _ _ .__,_ _ . _
' Abstraction Coeff 0.20 �
__ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ �
Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.04 ac DCIA 0.06 ac
---- -__ ... _._ . _ _ _
'Pervious CN 86.00 DC CN 98.00
— - -_. . ___ _ ___._ ___ _ __ _ _ _ ____ __ . ..__ _ �
Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min 'i
;__ __. _.__. _ .___ . _ _ ___.__,. __ _ _�__ _
Pervious CN Calc
_� _ _ __ _ ___ _ __ _ _.
� Description SubArea Sub cn 1
, _ ---__�...___ _ �- --.._ _
Landscape Area 0.04 ac 86.00 '
________.____.__.__ _ _
_ ______._._ _ _____
Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00
, ..,-----_._ . .__ _ _ ---.�..___.
Pervious TC Calc
___ ---._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ .._ ___
: Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT
------- - .
�Fixed 5.00 min
,_ _-- _ __ _ _. _ __ _.._ _ _ __ __ _ _ ___ _ __ _
Pervious TC 5.00 min
------- __- -� ----- - --_ __ _ ________.. _ _
Directly Connected CN Calc
______.____�_____ _ _ __.__..__...__
Description SubArea Sub cn
--_.________,._ _ _ _ _ __
Impervious 0.06 ac 98.00
--------- _ .
DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00
_______.____ .___ _ _ ___.�___ _ _ _
, --._._
Directly Connected TC Calc
Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT
_ _______. __ _ _ __ _ _ _
Fixed None Entered 5.00 min
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Directly Connected TC S.00min
______ _
Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA
__._ ___ . .._____ ____._ _ _
Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00
______ _ ___ _ __.__._.__ _ _
Abstraction Coeff 0.20
----___ __ __...__.. ,
. :Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.02 ac DCIA 0.09 ac
�------ ___ _..___ _------ _ _ __
'Pervious CN 86.00 DC CN 98.00
�._ -_ __ _____-___ _ _ __.._._-- ---._ __.._._. _ _
iPervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min
__ __ _ _ __ _ ___. ,
_ _ _
� Pervious CN Calc
_-_____ _._ ..__ _ _ . ____-__.. __ _
Description , SubArea Sub cn ;�
�._________.__._�_..__ _ �.___._ _ __
;I Pervious 0.02 ac 86.00
i ---��..---. ._..__ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __..__ _ __ ___ �
�� Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) , 86.00 ;;
--- _ __ __ _ _ _
i ; _ _ ,
Pervious TC Calc
'f Type Description Length Slope Coeff Niisc TT
�-_____ :
`::Fixed _ _ _ 5.00 min
;.____-_____—_------_._ __ __ _ ___... ___�--___--------------=---_._. _ _ _ _ _ ..:._ ;:
� Pervious TC 5.00 min
— _. . _ . __ _ _ ___ _ _ .
_ . _ ____.�... _
�r Directly Connected CN Calc
___:.___ .___.
E� �� � Description SubArea ' Sub cn i
� - � ._... . .... . . . ....... . . ... ..... . . . . .... .. .. . . .. .,.:�____" .._.... . .. ...... .. .. ..3 e
'� � Impervious 0.09 ac 98.00 `
�___ _------_ _--�___..._.. _.,
DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00
,_ _ _ _
Directly Connected TC Calc
-' Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT
-- _ _ ,
': Fixed None Entered 5.00 min
----_--- - -_.._.. ..__�___�______.___-____ �
� Directly Connected TC S.00min �
_......__.�._._ _ __ _ ___ _ ___ __. _. __..__ � .._ _ ___
� � C-18
Record Id: COI�VEYANCE#3
------___ _
'Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPE 1 A
—____ __._ _ --- --___._-- - .__.... __ _
Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00
----- -----____ _ _ ____ ____.__:
Abstraction Coeff 0.20
.---- - _ _ . .
� Pervious Area (A141C 2) 0.12 ac DCIA 0.17 ac
r---------- _ _ _ _ _ .___ _ _.:
;Pervious CN 86.00 DC CN 98.00 '
� ----- -.._ __ _ _
Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min
--- -
i-- - _ _ _ __ _
, Pervious CN Calc
; __ _--____._ _
����� Description SubArea Sub cn ;
� _.. _____
Landsca e Area 0.12 ac 86.00 �
� p
� ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _
� Pervious Com osited CI� AMC 2) 86.00 �
--___ P r (
,�------ - �
,_—v _ _._. _ __
�----__--_._, _ _ - _ �:
--- -.._...__.
_ _.
�� Per�ious TC Calc
� � �� Type Description Length Slope Coeff 1��Iisc TT ��
� i Fixed 5.00 min '
r-------__ _
� _ .
. - ----.__. . _ _ _
� Pervious TC 5.00 min
--- ------ _ _ _ .. __,
_ _. _______ ,
�� �� Directly Connected CN Calc
- _ _ _ . _ _ __.�. .
;� Description SubArea Sub cn
_. _. __ __�___._
;� �� Impervious 0.17 ac 98.00
j -------____ ----___ ,
;� DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 ,
;-------___:_.._. ._ _ _ __ ,_
r_----_�__::. _ _.�._ I
�� Directly Connected TC Calc ,
--------- _ _---
�; Type Description Length Slope Coeff 1��1isc TT ;
i�----__ _ _ . _ I
�iFixed None Entered 5.00 min
:.�------_ . _
!� Directly Connected TC S.00min
___ _ _ _ _ . _ ___
Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA
.._.._ _ _ _ _ .._.__.. . .--
Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00
_ _ _
__ __..__ __ __ _ :
Abstraction Coeff 0.20
___._ _ __. _ ,
Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.05 ac DCIA ; 0.06 ac ,
,_.__ __.__ _ _ _ ._ .. _ __ _ ____�__ __.. __._,
Pervious CN 86.00 DC CN 98.00
_.,..__ __ _ _ __. __ ___ ___.___ ___ _ __.__._ ------.._ --- --- ____.
Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min
--.._ _ _ _ _ _ ___ . __.. _ __�..----__ .___ __
; Pervious CN Calc
_ ___:_.__ _
` E�_.__ __.__._.�_____ Description SubArea Sub cn
; _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __�..__.__ _ _
;f � ~ Landscape Area ' O.QS ac 86.00 �
I�', ir------- _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __.._- -------_ ____ ----
�' Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00 ;
,� :
�.r.__� �. � . _ ..... _. .... . . ._. ... _. . . . . _..__. . . __'"" .._.
......_ . -..._ •:
._._'" ._....,...__._ .. _ .._ ...... . . .. .._. ... . ... .. _ _. ...
._..__., _......_,.._ . _.. .. . ___,-_i
I' ' ',,._... .,_.,__....._.. _._.._.. .. .__. .. ...._... ... . _. .._..._. .... . _.. .__. ... .._.. . .... .. _._ :1,
... ..... ........... __.__. ....... .. ...-.:
Pervious TC Calc
, ,;
: Type , Description Length Slope Coeff Misc ' TT
;_._. ___ _ _ _ _ .
�Fixed 5.00 min ;
---- ____.�.. ___. _._____ .__.____:_________.__�._ _____..
��------. Pervious TC 5.00 min
____�____�_. ,:
�:.�:_._ .______ _ ---- --- ._._�._.
--------____ _.__.. _ _.. _._ _ _ .
_____. _ ____ __ _._ .. _ ..;
, _ ___ _ _ _ _ ._._-- -------._.___ ..._ _ _.
�~ Directly Connected CN Calc
, ____ _ _ _ _ _.._..___ .__ _
! Description SubArea Sub cn '
� _.._.__.�__.___ _ _______:�_,_�..__ _ ;
;i Impervious 0.06 ac ; 98.00
_ ._-----____-_--_
�____�_.__ DC Composited CN (AMC 2) � 98.00 '
,_ _ _ ;.
; Directly Connected TC Calc
�-- - _ _ _
Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT '�
__.............. . . . . ... . . . .. .. ... ... . . ... .... . ........ ... ......j.
;Fixed None Entered ' ;5.00 min
;.___.___._.__._ _ _._: _ . _ _ _.__ __.___.__�..____._�_._. _ _ _
� Directly Connected TC S.00min
Record Id: COI�VEI�'AI�CE#5
�------ _
Design Niethod SB l;H Kaini'all t��pe TY YE 1 r�
---_.__.___ _____.._ .__--___ _.____ _ _.___
jHyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00
�..---- _ _ __.. _ __ __ _ _ __.
Abstraction Coeff 0.20
Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.00 ac DCIA 0.12 ac
:____. .__.__ __ _ __ __. _ _ _ _ _ _
'Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00
__.._ ___ ___ _..._..- -----_ _ _ _ ._ _ __ __.___ __ __ _ _
Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min
�r---�__ _... ______ ___ __ � _ __ _
_ _ _ _._. _ _..
� Directly Connected CN Calc
;---------- __ _ __ _______ ---
;; Description SubArea Sub cn
� _._...._ . _
E�__.._ __.. ___ _ _ Impervious 0.12 ac _ 98.00
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ ___
�_ ______.. ._ _ _ . _
DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00
� . _ _ :._, : : _�. _
______ ___. _. _ ...._._ _ _____.
, _.
Directly Connected TC Calc
; Type Description Length '; Slope Coeff Misc TT
�.._....___ ._ _ _
Fixed None Entered 5.00 min
_ _ _ _ _
Directiv Connected TC S.00min
, ;
I �
___.____ _
Design Method SBL1H Rainfall type TYPE 1 A
------ -- _---------------
Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00
•-__ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
Abstraction Coeff 0.20
Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.46 ac DCIA 0.64 ac
__.__ __ _._.._ _,.._._____
Pervious CN 86.00 DC CN 98.00
._ _ ____. __ __.----- _._--__---._ __------_�____.__
Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min
� -------
_ _. ___._.... --_ _ _ --- ... _ __ _.._ _.__ ..__. _
,I Pervious CN Calc
�,_ ..-- --__ __
, Description SubArea Sub cn
:- _____
i Landscape Area 0.46 ac 86.00
,._._ .__.__ . _
� Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00
' Pervious TC Calc
Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT
Fixed 5.00 min
__. _ __
' Pervious TC 5.00 min
_ -----.. _--_.. ---- -- _ . _.__..._
: Directly Connected CN Calc
_ _..__...._
__,__.._.._.. _
Description SubArea Sub cn
____ _
Impervious 0.64 ac 98.00
DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00
____ __ __ _ __
Directly Connected TC Calc
Type Description Length Slope Coeff A�1isc TT �
' Fixed None Entered 5.00 min I
-- ._._. . �
Directly Connected TC S.00min
C-22 I,
,_._. _.__ __
Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA :
--- -- -_ ___----_ .. .___--- _ .. _
Hyd Intv lO.OQ min Peaking Factor 484.00 ;
___.. _ _ __ __ ___--- -----. __ _____ _ _
Abstraction Coeff ' 0.20
Pervious Area (Al��1C 2) 0.00 ac DCIA 0.17 ac
=_____ _...__ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ __ __.
Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00
_ __...____ _ _ _ _ _ _.
_ _ _ _ _ . _ ___
' Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min
_.._. _. �
, �._.. _ _ _.__ . . ..._ _ _ __ _
...._._ _ ----.._ .
;j Directly Connected CN Calc
,�_-_________ __ _ _ __ _ _ ----- ---.._ _ _ _ ,
, ,� Description SubArea Sub cn ;
_ _ �_.�.._.. . . __ _ _
`��~ - �v�- Impervious 0.17 ac ; 98.00 ;
;-- -__ _ __ _ _ _ _ .. _-_-------- __ _ _ __--:;
,� DC Composited CN (AMC 2) � 98.00
,___ _
i Directiv Connected TC Calc
� .
'� Type Description Length Slope Coeff Misc TT
___ , __ _
;Fixed None Entered 5.00 min
� Directly Connected TC S.00min
___ .__ _ ___
Design Method SBUH Rainfall type TYPEIA
---- _ __ _ _ _ -----_ -------__.
Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor 484.00
__ _ _. --___._ __._ _
' Abstraction Coeff 0.20
-------__. _.._.._. ____...
Pervious Area (ANiC 2) 0.00 ac DCIA 0.32 ac
_.___ __ __ __ _ _ _ . _----_. __._ . _.__ ---..._. .__ _.__
Pervious CN 0.00 DC CN 98.00
__ _. _ _ .____ _ __..._.. _______.___.
Pervious TC 0.00 min DC TC 5.00 min
__ __ _.. __ _ . _ __.. ._.._.._ _ _
� Directly Connected CN Calc
: ( Description SubArea Sub cn
_ _.:...-,--:.,..
;� Impervious 0.32 ac 98.00
__ _ __.._:___�_�__._�. __-
,i-��4VJ�-� DC Composited CN (AMC 2) ; 98.00
__ _ _ _ _
Directly Connected TC Calc
Type Description Length Slope Coeff 1��1isc TT
__ .__ .
;;Fixed None Entered 5.00 min
,_.__ _ _ ___ .. _.__._.. __._...._ _
Directiv Connected TC S.�Omin
Hydrograph ID: EXST MH - 25 yr
' Area 2.3070 ac Hyd Int 10.40 min Base Flow
>---- ... _ _
Peak flow 1.5870 cfs Peak Time 8.00 hrs Hyd Vol 0.5434 acft
Time(hr) Flow (cfs) Time(hr) Flow (cfs) Time (hr) Flow (cfs)
- 0.67 0.0009 8.67 0.6761 16.33 0.2251
,__..-- _. __ _
0.83 0.0091 8.83 0.5717 16.50 0.2252
�.�. ----._ __ _____ . _ _._ __ .. __ ._. ____
1.00 OA228 9.00 0.5736 16.67 0.2253 '
-- -.._ --_ _ _. _ _ _ _ .
1.17 0.0391 9.17 0.5033 16.83 0.2254
---. _ -- --._._._ _ __ __ _ _._ .. _
1.33 0.0550 933 0.4326 I7.00 0.2255
--- 1.50 OA666 9.50 0.4335 17.17 0.21 S I
---- __
1.67 0.0794 9.67 0.4127 17.33 0.2107
----- ----- _ _ . _ _ _. _ _ :
L83 0.0911 9.83 03917 17.50 0.2108
.__ _.__..__ . _ __ _,.._._ __ ,
2.00 0.0991 10.00 0.3924 17.67 0.2108
-___ __..___ _ ._ _ _ ___ ___...._
2.17 0.1096 10.17 0.3712 17.83 0.2109
r----....___ ___--_ _ __. .. _ . _ _ . _.__
2.33 0.1194 ]033 0.3499 18.00 0.2110
------_._ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _.
2.50 0.1251 10.50 0.3504 18.17 0.2035
,^__ .._._____ ..____._. _ __._ _ __.;
' 2.67 0.1299 10.67 0.3363 1833 0.1961
-- _----_.. __.__ __ __
2.83 0.1342 10.83 0.3221 . 18.50 0.1961
____ _________ _ _ _
3.00 0.1379 11.00 03225 18.67 . 0.1962
-----_. _ .._ . _ . _,_ _.. _
3.17 0.141I 11.17 0.3155 18.83 0.1963
333 0.1440 11.33 0.3085 19.00 0.1963
----- _ _ _.__.._ _ _ _ ._
3.50 O.1466 11.50 03089 19.i 7 0.1888
-------...- _ - --- __ ___ _ _
�: 3.67 0.1544 11.67 0.3018 19.33 O.1814
•----........._... . ._ _. _.. _ _ _ _ ._ .
3.83 0.1633 11.83 0.2948 I9.50 0.1814 i
------ _ . . _ _ _ __ _._ _
4.00 0.1672 12.00 0.2951 19.67 0.1815
' 4.17 0.1809 12.17 0.2879 19.83 0.1815
-------__ . _ ._. _ __ .
� 4.33 0.1949 1233 0.2808 20.00 0.1816
.�_----__... ._ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ _._...__ ____
' 4S0 0.1987 I2.50 0.2811 2017 0.1816 '
_....__ _ __ _ _ _
� 4.67 0.213 i 12.67 0.2739 2033 0.1817
,�_ _ _._._..__ . _..--... . _ _
4.83 02275 12.83 0.2667 20.50 O.1817
,__ ,_ _._.
I 5.00 0.23 i 3 13.00 0.2669 20.67 0.1818
__.. _ _ _ __ _ _. _.._ _ I
� 5.63 0.2954 13.83 0.2530 2 L50 0.1820
f---- _ .._._....... ._ _ . _. __..._ , _ _'
� 6.00 0.2989 l�i.W ' 0.2532 21.67 0.1821
:___ __.__ _
6.17 0.3267 14.17 0.2533 21.83 0.1821
-- - __ _
, 6.33 03548 14.33 0.2535 22.00 0.1822
__ .. ._. . .._
6.50 0.3588 14.50 0.2537 22.17 0.1746
�--_ _ ___ . _ ___ _ _ _ . ... _
j 6.67 0.4IXk3 14.67 02463 22.33 0.]67 I '
;---------�__ _ _ _ _ _--..
6.83 0.4425 14.83 0.2390 22.50 O.1671
-_ ._ .. ' _ _ _ _ _.
7.00 0.4471 15.00 0.2391 22.67 0.1671
;�__._. -- . __ _ _
7.17 0.4971 1�.17 0.2393 22.83 . 0.1672
7.50 0.5529 ]SSO 0.2395 23.17 0.1673
._..__ . . .__ _ _ _ . _
7.67 1.0501 15.67 Q2322 23.33 O.1673
----- .._.._ _ _ _.,_ _
7.83 1.5596 15.83 0.2248 23.50 O.I673 ;
:___ _ __... ___ _ _
8.00 1.5870 16.00 0.2249 23.67 0.1674
8.17 1.1861 16.17 0.2250 23.83 0.1674
_.____ _
833 0.7750 16.33 0.2251 24.00 0.1674
8.50 0.7793 16.50 0.2252 24.17 0.0837
C-24 i
Hearing Examiners Report, dated February 10, 2005
— :cb:u::r� ;ci. ��G�
Uk�'ICL nF 7N�; Fik;�i�2�N{� EX1�Tvd�N'�:�?,
CI7'Y (�F' Kk:M't�t`7
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I.U. Kliitc C�rp.
� ')5 Sou31t'I'c�hi:� Strcc:
Rcntoit, W.��9805S
CUATZ'ACT: R icF�:ttcF�V�b-trcr
BZytis Archiicctt
i OS01 1�3ain Strcct, St�, 1 i�
f-lcltcvuc, W1L�JSOOn
Sixth Stnx:; tihvrt ;i:tC
LU A �4-1:�9,5 Fif'L-1•i_�/-i E_ GC�', 1.:.A
I,UC:A'1'1(]l�: IUU blo�k at��W fs„' Strccz
SU�itVfARY(7F [��r;C1U�.�."I'� �fc;aring �..taminerShortPlat ;�pprov{�) iorascvc,i l.�t
subdjvissotl of� 1.8� acr.:4itc.
SU�JfMfIiZY C�1' AC�T[()N; Devci�Jrmcnt Services Recq�tl�riCnt�ati<3n: Aoprave SLi�7ject c❑
DC\•'l;l,C'jY��t;N'I' SEiZVICfS ftl?PC7R'1': fie Develonmcn[5e,-rvices Report was re��ivc� by t(ic
i:xamtner on Jaauary !1, Z005.
PlJBL1C.ITI'nittNC;: Afcz:r rs:vicwing Sl�c Deveiflpmcnt�crvit;es Rcp<zti, cx.����irti�,�,
avnilzblc infalTnation on fila wii� �hi .�pFlication. fic?�I
chc�kin►�thc property and�urr���mding are��the ;;1:tPt�1�r
c�nd�t�lcd a pubiic hearin7��n �4�c xu't�jc=t�s faifc�w�:
1�t iNL'TES
Tl:r foll��w��,a,Ri�,�tar arr.n.rur.,rrrury u f 1hc,lanu�ry I.Y. «DOS hcr��irrb.
The Le�n[rccned i�ru_r�rrlcd.yn�D_
'I nc I�cari��G op��+uu 1>n !'ucsd:iy, .lanuary I R,���5, nt�};S�}a.m_ in t1�e Caur.cil C�,um�ers cn ihe scvc:�t�t fT��nr��t
cl�c i:cn�u�� C:Ly �•li11I_ Y:l.Ct]C3 WIS�11l1�SA iC.SL1f}�WCTL:11Yi�'mC(� t}�!II)C L.Y21'Ai�TCr.
1'hc rollowing cxi3ih[ts wcrc cntc.rccl int<�cl�e recc��
• J� F,xl►ib.it�lu._L: 1�6�ruF#�{a Eok�►i.�iftittig tlk �si�;i��ui Fs�bii,�P�2: NctK,hbex�3voc's Dc�T}�f.�fr
i applicl[ion, p��x�I'c��'�vsrins:. ptDofofaubiic�tian nnd
� cil11cc dUctunenu�ti��n Pciy�n,CSlt (o t�115 79gL10.5i.^_ _ .._ . ----•-• --
IExiiiR�i(Nu. 3: f�n:limin:�c-v Shoct N1:1[AIsi1 I_ b:xfiihit Nn. a: !.:iiid C;t�.irii�� Plzn_ ' _
_ _ '
�;}.Ea1, `;:,u:c `i�i:�c i'1:rE I
t�;1� �„_: t.t;n.oa_I.-i��, ti�i��f.-t-t, v-t��. ;•:c::=, i.l..n
1�clT:vary �0, 2�)OS
I'n�c 2
f I:shibit No. 5: Toyo�,raphi� SutvcY _._ ....,,_ h:xf.ityii No.(,c C.;r:�din ; i'lan. � ,
� .. - _____ �
�----- -- _.------ — --� ------_..
r�cr�.�ic Ro. 7: U�•aina�,c PT�n (:z�iififf;�I�.A: Cl�ci�ir.x Pfati
-• - - —�
--� i
I F�l�ibit Nn. 9: Private Rc�.zd Pluit vic: PratFle F.�iAibi[ iVo. 10: F.xemPt:;t,_cn �t�,pcs!hsou�h �
1 Maditi�:.ziion ! i
- — — - -••---.— _.�.._�_�__ . ..---- •-•--- i
� fxhil�it Nw. 3 7: �czninu Mes l�.xhihit No. IZc h:KC Miti ��tion�Measures . �. �
I P:X]aibit N�i. I:;: Variai:cc; rc;cj:i�t�ht>win�thc 40 Foot ------ . . _ — �"" --4 I
L��th:�c:k �or cr!c:h i,�ll�c fc>lti ,
_.----�--- -_�..___
't'fsc hc;liflll;clj)C'.IICCZ Wlf�l :l QfC5Ct1t:IL1Ql1 Of tI1C S.�f C:.�uo►z by�yi�;yi,�i�Iw, Sc�iiar Pla»ncr, i�cv�lnp�nu�i
Sc..�;c::�,C'ity ot t�cntA�s, IUS; S Lir:�dy Wny�Kcnton, Washin6ton 98t�5;. 'ibc subjc� shor: piat is for�cvcn
t;+i�c,n :� I.g4-;�cre sire th:ir h�s had :i lot linc adjustrnent thac l�as i�ot yct 5ecn recurdcd. 'I'l�c si=c is toc:etcC 'sn t��
Wc.t Mi[I arc:� :>t'c!�c �:ity vf Kcntcm. 't'hc�ubjcct�it� is mnc.Yl k:-23, EZcsidontial SiR�1c �arnilv undcr r:tc �
C.»nnrcl�en�ivc: l�la,n l,:nc Ll�c I)c,:si�;n;�tion. '1'herc arc wctfanu� th:�l;�rc �n and off sitc �s wel3 �s associ:�tr;d �
huI��.:rc_ "1�1�crc i� CaitvncCcl;►1 IOGatc�� ln thc cast UFt1�c suhjc::t sitc nlon�, FL•�inicr f�vonisc �:�rth, �'��re is cr.istiil�;
��ntil� 1iu�:ily rctiicic❑ii.�1 �ilon�N W 6`h Strc;�t,;u�d ti�cF slvp�i,�x�th �rc,tcciccl sl��cs thst�re 4U°�a and�;rcatcr, ,
��zc: �cvcr;L! i,i:in nt:ulc tilonr.,�c th:tt l�avc hccn�pprvvcd t]►ruu�,n czcc:p�ian, silon�;thc c:��t prnpc:tty lia�c.
-:7�Cc� is:ti1 at�.a oI'lliit�currccrtly ow+�cd lsy the Ciiy tltaz is scparatin�U�c,��rtl� p��cl 1'r���n 4�i�:ui l.l�c Iwn
sot::t+.crn parcel.��tl�e op�(ic,1n[has ccQuested �vaeation af�ai pr�pezty,.:.�i e�secnCsit would be �iv�b�ck To[lsc
C�tv, dio� wouW bc aElowcd S�r public uYility area.
, n 3 U-f:+ot yvide priv;tte�ecess�+scrt'scnt woult�e:ctcnd tv Ule:;�s[:usd.c�uth af tY�c re-construetcd ee3 t-dc-s:je:u
f hc c:-�d ur N W(>'h titrcct !o:�cccss tfic Inl�. Tp thc rmr�n �cl couth�f ihc�itr,r,ticrc arc:c:iticu] ,�rL:��, lhc�c �u�c
pr;>[ccrcc� aii;:� �Io�c� th;it:�re 4Q`%:u,d gtz:;itcr:�nd [ha�i woulci bc: lc�c;sLcd wi[hin :i 4iupc�::LSc:nc�t arC:z. 'l'}:cr�
..V�1; hc ne>vc�;cttzl.i�.n rcmovcJ �rvm the critie�l ares�nn �he sitc. 'TIic aveca�c:Ylu�c arthz- yi(i:t,}it� rtol m�[TJte
l;f:{.l'.:1:::Lt:1���Ll�-l::li�tiL1ZZ[�lYL'il(SIL�.�- .
T:�cre arc t;-rcc parccls �o tiz�s site, C}�e l�t�aro long u�d natr�vv, 1�owcYZ::tiey cIo �iteerthe requ�re,��c:�L; ot�f:c
R-k zone.
'I'i:is ;ubjccc lantf is vcs:cd to tl�e it-8 dcvciopment re�ui.iliuns 1IUil wcrc in crfcct prior to thc ite�.+v cacf� uf7�:.•�.�:��
datc:�CN��vcmbcr 1J, 2UU4,
"I'hc F,���irunm�Tlta1 lZcvicw C;c�mmi�icc istiucci 3 Dctcrrniilntiou ��f Nt�n-Si���i1 icancc- viiti;;aicd w;t3� ;�x
",�t�;�aciur. r.�casures, tio �npc:�Es wcrc tilcd.
�v:in:inCC: -
-'���� :i�.,r.li�_;u:t i:+ ��;�i;L:iiin� .i vsrf:u�cc :r��iy� tlta SZcn[t�i� ?�funiciQ.�J L':�dc�I-i-170.r'_1, �I�ticL'�ttl YCcjctireiric::1C5 T.�r
mc;�,uri�i�.thc required li��nt yard 3ecUack, Proposad Lc�ts 3.�4.S..attd � in.the east poi�tioanatfc.on - �y.'l�c
: ���ibl:� Cui-dC-5;1C, :111c� i:u�l�i(��lCl� �;pe.;�c;,n �ots whercby tl�e F-on; y�r:.! sctback is �nc�surcd tf�m che poinr
.�hcrc thu I�u i�: RO per�.nt ut�ilze rcqteire� !ot widih. in ihis cayc iu!'tl:e (Z-S propertics, a 50-f'�x�t lot widih ��
rcc�ui�ecl, 3o% �s A� E�4-t_ The applic.ant conre�ids tliai the site is anciirnhernd by snvo�;�! e�zvir��t�inenral ele�n�����
t,�,:�t encirr.le ehe p�riillCtor c�l�lhe:5�[�aqd rodtice the �uildahlc ;�rc��3f�hc�itc, Stal'Preconimeud; ;h,t� il�c fru:,r.
��:lf;!`: c�:��.:�(� _, a. . , :1JiC� ;5 �C lT��:1��1rCC1 (�t'piTl lriC ���Y:�t;;:SCc:L'[� �:n.C�nL::l �.1{ � �{SC.lI1C:: !fl:lC WI�U�� .:CC<<l:: :i
�.�Eh Stsa.�f ti�,errZ Y1;rt I
t��l� Nu.: �tl:1-���-l:s�), �ri)'t,-I i. �/-t I. !:C'1�. l..l_n
I'Cl�ru:iry I ti. 2(it15
Pa�,c _i
unilur�tl sclb�cF, f��r thcsc tour ivts. �Icewcvc�, i�s nu uL�c; !;Iu�uW .my struc-tur� bc closcr iha» 1 S �ix;t fr�m t��� '
privatc,►ccesS.::isc�ne:��t_ '11�o si�.lo Ztx! rc::tryud setblcks A�lcyuired hy;he R-e ionc�vould b� mui[1C1i+ltd.
"I�i�c,l�\1t11it��r:+L'iICC� Ul;lf 11�LI7CtC Wcr�: lcys 1oL�.thcrc wuulcl not he a�Srobl�m. "['ho hzzd�hi�scc.�s ti� ��=
�t:�cr;ted '�y t.�:: t����nbcr af lats.
'v1�. �iZ :; s[�iicc! tliut �.hcy had rovicwecj alI tho�riictia niu] thcy would I iko ln se:c th:�L e;ach uf[Ili huuSeS o�� :.ots
3, 4. 5,��nci a be locaicii to providc a unifc�rm scib�ck, rtot sacxc;s,ti:srily�1! iu Q row, bu1 so fhli ihCy:irc:iso[ in
Such :i h��7;l:tT�rt� ���a:ntit�ll :SIO11b C1lC�fiY�1s:i�CCCJS C1tiLTlCt7C_
Shart 1'l:il C'rltet'i�:
"1.,e cuhlc�a sitc: i, d�tiig��atr_cl Kcsidenrial Singic �:�mity(RSF) rn� [hc: Comprtt���l�ivc I'l;in Land llsc ►v1:�p. ]t i�
in �oR,plietne:�: w;tli t?te l�i�d �ase el�-i��en� l�uux�n�clr�ment an:1 e:�vii-c+nn�ent�l ele+�icu� c��thc Camprr;�en�i 1e i
i'!an wieh llu�,� Pc�licie� relzCiu�;�u dc;nsity, lot Sixc. infiil ;,�s we3l as protcctinb thosc arc.����f;,rotec.-tecl s,oFrs �•i
and othec critia:ii nrc;13:7¢fI1C WCLIEli1tI8, I
�'he 1.h� acrc..;rc is J�i�nzscd Rcsi<lcr�tia!—8 (R-K)dwc:llnl�uniLS per acrc: ��n �hc zotiin��s�.�r. '1'his wouiu ��
;i11a�v t:i�c���+�iniciion of u�s ic►ticvec� dwellinr wtits:����ypj�;� ZS,�ociutcc� �lut imprave�T�entti, 'i'l�e nei eleiTsitl� I
it�r tl►iS s��c iti 7 c!u/;�L. '1'l�is dc:�isity i5 bascd oi�iitc iic��ilcr thc loi li��e adju:�Irncr�i t��1s l�cen u�mPictcc?. I
3'FtC.'i: 8]'e Ill7 C�)��1CT jc�l;�Wltl]111�1L5 siic�rr.plat. l'I�e foi withhv:usd dc�ths mee�1hc ari:cri;. tor�z�i»i�t�u�n li
�'CC�I11FCII7(;1Lt.5. I..�1L.�S'1_i:.ti.lI►113tICS.tfld�l1III:�a�ne�ciater f�i.7�1���}te�2te�►ienurrz c>f 4�,504 sqt»rc:Fcct. q11 lou eon�ain
j,ortiun, of�.ce�� slonc�v th:,i :�rc excnpted or tc� tx;placeti within n c:ritiwl are�s a:tsomcrit
�cts l,2 au�! 7 �nmply with t1�a}2..fi miflimum seiback recic�in:mont. L.ots 3,4, 5, z�nd G arc pnr«�f ihc •��rin�c� -.
, r;::�irostcd t�y il�c aPPiic:.a��t.
�7�c�nnlpl::u�cc wi:h a!1 bt�ild'tng �l�»tl;�rd� would ba vcrif;esi nric�r*c�Lf�e issua,�cc:if indiviclual :�uiitlin��
�S�r�rs it5.
�lr �,�rvp�sc�, tt�� i�;L; .�c»npfy wit:i:vrang��n�n�Hnd :�c:vSS tcc�uir�mu�t t:f thc �u(�clivitiic:n i-�e�t�1�!ini��_
�I +'�I! I��lti, ��+i�h i.�c;�npn��a) nl�ihC v�iti�itu:c,sppc..--�r tu hitva sufficic�il 'nuiiciiRc�rca ti�r zl�c �Icvclap,neni oi
J�tacl�c:l.in�1e-Yant'siy I�:>>nc4. 'I'1te pru�ca,ed s�ibdivision does i5ut inc:lu�;c;�ny lots to bc ic�c;�ec�3 at iltc
intcr,cctia>> �,I'�,obiic ri�l�tv-.�f-w;iy.
"��ic �rnpcnc.-� privrrte r,�.�c�.scr.ientwt�utdbe-3#?fecfwitl��4feci of��avemcnL. /�1Tseven toLS wputJu�iii�c
ihe �rivate ���cs�. casemont. Tlte rcy�icst for one addiri��nal lot c�Cf the priv�e uLsc�ricnt h�ts been .n�s�rt�v�c!
� :ic.in1t17isu'1t.v�iy wi�h co,�ditions. Thc �c�lb-th of tlic dead cztd rvuJ, N W G`�' Strcc�wt�t�ld ba 650 Icci t��tfic cncl
of�hc up�ondc�i cu�-da-.1ac. Fu•e h�S indic:�tc;c1 thai<ut :ldditi�il�: Sp fu.-t beyan[!Lhc c;ul{�o-s.7C woulci yc:tl lnwed
;i��d bc:yond tl�:�i 7!)0 tcr.t�li liomc,wunl<1 hnve to be within 15(7 Tc�t af thc fortl��st c�lbc af thc 4tru�tur� u�
ulluw i�x•e.�t�er�cncy�ccess.
Se�ff rtec�++,rr��reszRc c�-r.jhhi,�hma�a['ot a r:�nintent�ncc:i�;rce�tionr7'ur airec�mmau im�rnvuy�cne5, includ:r��,
l:[,litV :t�ii[ rriv;�fe :1C:-etiti ectti�mcnts�tnd crft�cal:arui c:L�ccmcnl�/f:acte_
-I�l1C 7�snti r�.l(IIL'::tc :h:tt a1( v�bcluiic�n w��L�l� bc rc,R«v�� r�,�,h�acycrop�Y���t►.ofahc sl�urr n�s�, cxiepf vvithi» ihc
cntic:al ar�:��.�;i.�c:r�c:�! 1tc:�. �::� ��:.�ult ci�2hc �n��nf vc�ci:itiun��iat�t�rcr��uu»cnd� tllat tWt> irccr t�c �I.�nfcd iri
thc ;:��:;�t yarcl al'u:�ch <�I�;hC.tiC Iu1ti. h1i�wCVC-, wiL1� thc:vr�ri:incc ior��nc.�Ci1-rc y.�rds, il�thcrc i� no(:�dcytt.�cc
�i.:ih �Yr�:ci�i;7�zrt T't:i[
f�il;; �lc�.: 1.E:�1-()4-13�), S11PL-11. V-1�. LC'l�, l.l.A
l:,.hrt�nrf ;�,, ?;�!]5
C'a�c 4
a,-c:x ;n �J,� fron:ya:d, sraiT wuuld Uc wiilinb Sn wock witlZ ihc upplicaiit snd vcc ttiai tl�e trcc:: arc l�c:itcs�l
�,iac:wh�rc: wi�hin tlle p11C.
Hirc, 'I'raFtic a�i�i F�srk Mi�i;;;ition F'acs are prQ�scd
�I�)C .S�IC t5 IL'L'.�tC[j will�iii Chc hc�unaiuric� of fl1e Ke�tttsdt S��t�n� Di�Lrit;l. '1'l�c�choo! Disirict hns indi�::�ted sl,�;t
�hc;y c,�.n �ccmm��edzte tftie additi��n;if students.
'fhc�;ee lie,s witt�in tho West I till suh-h:isin of the L`edat Itt'v�f Sa_cin 1nd ullimzlcly Jclins io tite�ouih i-nd uf
1_�k� W;�,.hin�,ton. "1'i�c pro}�oscd �rtja:i will :111c�w sorno roofdraia.tia1;�:tn tlaw aaru the nont, a,�d ;n«cn ,lOpc:y,
L��Iiile ihc rc�t of the ni�3oY:'wiIl be �onncctccJ lo the 3�<�inicr Av�aae;tocm �y�tem vi:� � c]osed pipc, �tucmw..te:t
fl��wt �Tt1m 1hu site would bc c;�swcyrc::!:rt}u};e5:t propvsed f 2-i►icli sior�ti� cl�:n tc� thc c':c�sti»g titorm vy�tc�n in
Itainicr Av�nue.,
"I'F�crc is a (��(RCIl 171C,�1t-i77C.CV(Ifl:WS�L'f{T�i1Qj /j�rIW G�k S[fCC�IIST(�Ll�!�l !hc sito to L2Zi�ticr Avcne,c (�e�17h. Nv
;�:��e:turc:s w;It be huitr�vcr U�i,�uxc:.c»c;u� E�ire [1aw requirr.�uent�d.i�talcsnaw 8-illcli waur,.c.�:Lis� �111 hc�iv�s�
witihin I.bi� pllt wt)u!J be rtit�vircd lc�i�c�prinklered per Cndc requircmLnr.
S�aff rc:c:ommcods :�p}�mva! ��t t1�;ti vhorc pt;�t�ubjcct to six co��dstiori<.
Ri�f��r{i �Vi< <�ncr, Yt;�yiis Arc:sitcctti, �d�Ol Msin �t.r�ct, �ic. : i0,BCIlcvuc, Vti�A 9R{}(y4 s-tat�d tl�al wiic;n the
�tspiicaiit ��:i�inatty pur�h�sed ttiis proi�ct h�mci with sania; staff at tlze City an� wati en�oura�ed;tt itiat iinle ;�
ca�}sioo�•clk:.v►:le�}smctt�t>€tlit�stt��s a muql� }►ig�ur i.onc�itc. "Fhr�u�,h thc yc�m if 4x.�e::zrrt��cry elt-<`er tlrtt.�
sin�ie-lamily z1�.rcluJ»nent `JVOUI(1 I)C IlIAS[t3Vn1'�I�l�r TL'L'l;lyt;ti h}+ bOt:1 the neigl�bura anc3 ehc City, 'fhcy are in
a�rneil�ent���e��u;l wiLlt sr:�ff recnmsi3enc::,tions.
In rLL�ards to soine r��:.i�c c��re��ic�ns, sh�rtin�wiLh tlie puhlie walkway, thal l.erni is u�ed in Uic un�icrlyint� pf:�t
il�:�: w:�s ru.:�:ded in !9�0. "t'1�� waikw:iy;Ls such i�as ne�er I�eet�clovalopee! :znct ►t would be dif t;�uit w:il� ��iki��3
� tx�o�, i<, l'l�;L1C8 Olit hOW t� :��ancuvcr:I�rc�u�;h ttzcrc. Ciry utilitics arc �» ti:st arc;:� �hn waikway arca •.�as »cvcr
imrr�v�rJ, it is 1 ttfility�a:c�nc:�t. "S'1Tay urt;wprkin�witft st�f�"orthevacation c��`thc w�lkwsy arca.
'[':u:�c ;�re �arne nic:. :re�ti ��n �lie ctcc:n�ic,�tht�t wiil ba pr�servecl_ Within thc dcvo)c�ped aro�1lierc ar� o»iv
t1�r�c ur {'i}ur si�nifioant trcc.5. Tlzc siic wti5 cic:urLd 30 lc�4U ye�rs aga and .^•.S:1 C�;��7II ih^.rc :S not aId growih;1r�d
no scco��ii �trt�wll� c�st tlle Site, wI�at i�Li�crc nUw i�IhiTc1 growth.
1:�t;;,rd�nb th� nuit�t�cr<�f IOt.v,'I'hc �xarninersta;nd tl�at reg�rdic�,uf wha�had hnppc��cc( in 1.3�sc {�;�5f.t1�i5 1.:5�
{�1uc i.ti,:vcraly cunstr�ir.�.L.c15y boch uisc;inc.e.tiom 1ac.aCstreezS.scui.iLti(e��agraphy.icsclf. 1�_i"tiu�.:iry �cs �;r,n.c
t!�c n�iuimum v:iri,�nc�c nac�ssary far rclicf, not �hc maxS3�lu�u in a1i diu�c,��ic���:;. Wliile :R foi� �n:.y I:avc bco�� �
i�iLc, �: «r i 1<�h m.�y be wlZas arc givice�. Aftcr:he nipcstcnzs�cc:t+h[ractcd F�vm so�»r of tl�c tc��5, ct;� thcy �til!
r.tcCl S1�C minttiluin req��iren�cr,i5 ?ix thiti scr�.z�?c?
11rir �.N'',_>,�cr.t:stcd th,:t�I�c nct arca of cach !�rz i�Yhown c�n ti�e cnv�r<f��-c:t r�f iho ar�li�:iio::_ "r`.:c L�l��l^�;:t��:;
��a�� hccn �ii�,:l�. �iit -�, Wi[1]A,jS2..�uaCC �ixi iS ihC sm:ifl�st lot w11eu calu�l;�iuj pc•r tl�c�Set nr�:�dctinitio+',-
'fl�:_�� �vn�:1�i hc :i:.�py tc� w<�r1c with ct�f o!i t'tc scib:u�c iSet�cd 1nd thu u��i{2�rnsily;;;.�ttos of tl�is cicvclopr�icn:.
'1'lic 'c:xamincr:tatcci lh:il.tli� .itc presc.ts sotr.c nnvcl twiyts nnd thc Ca�L th�t a �iieefc�riTi sefUac�c iti:ryin�:o �:c
cr_i;O:� L)ti ll S11L' t{l::l It:i� �i��ii('ic::nt �:r:,c7es ni�y or:t�zy vc�t�n:ikc ariisn.
[TG4� D� X2I/YJ� s��8� Q�.�► SD/9Z�ZU
5�:��F� 5f��;L�s �s���F;.>>�:,i
j�I�� Nl).. �.�.J�^-n�-�.in� S�E�Ir��� V-li. �:�''.-.I.I.t�
('cbrt;ary ll)..'..Qt15
P1�,.. .. • I
K:�rcr�_K�uriLk, Dcvcf��n�rics►t Scrvi�c�c SLaiCd C�fc►t il1C h:�d i►oLlfiri�;tu:1i1cS_ T�1Ca`t: i� lut� �y(�wzlcr�c1T t��c j
cic;vclu��n�i�l 1ikl :►n�llclii.ic�n:1� Ii�Ic wiEl bc built bCC3llSC��igh-}�r�55i1fC IuICS�ila2�Slc�wcV ao :;crvc: �li•tcct.
'Cl�c b;xarilAnir callccl Rrr Surlhcr tL'Y1.fmony rc�:irdin� I.liiv prc�jcct. '1'hcrs: w:i.��tU c�nL�ftic wisRin�?to spcak,sncl I
no ft�rthcr ;:�;:t;;nC:�:y t'cum sta`,�f�. 'Yhc:iic.:rrinn elp�eci nt i t:U4�m.
r 1;N131.N�`z(.�i.)Nt'1,I,;t�t)Nti �Cc l2b:(:t)MMN:IV!]A'7'1().N I
1 lav;ng rcvicwcd th� r�:�rd in this matt�r,tho Gxa�nincc i�ow ix�akes ai�d ciitcrs thc fatl�weng�
rt.[�w i;tit��:
.. TI;C :�:F:!tL�tti, JU�. C1mur, LLC :uid i_D_ Ktinc�orp, tilcd a.equcst for a s�vcn-�oc shor[ plaL tosedicr
witft vlri�nc;cs fcoin i�a�it y7rd scthack fequi[zmcltt�.
2. 'I'i�e ycllrw i�ilo cont,ti3iinb thc s�att rcport. thc 5t�tc �nvironmcntal l'otic:y Act�S�Pn} cl�c;iuncnt:,ciu�s
n�ul alhcr p��incnf ntatcriafY w�� �nlCTCtI inip�hC (i:Cn�;I ati I-:,chihit ll!.
3. "t'hc t;rtvir<>rnrr�rct;r� 1�teYicw C:ammTttce ErkC'}. IIIC�.jI'r�_t ICS�rt)1131�14'i7��t�t�i;-FtiV(Kf�:� Fkkcrrr�riia4i�n of
N�n-Si�Jti{�c,nc:� - Miti�;:iL�::! (J�N,^,>.M�.
4. '1'hc sc:hicci ��c�nn�sl w:L��ev�cwccf 6y all dcp�tcrtLa with an intarest in t2:c mlttcr.
5. T,t��uhjcct si�.c is ��x�tCd in the 140 bio�k of?�iW Gtl� Street. NW Gth 5ti�d ;tciva�ly�t1Tts e�sY inlo Uic
:tibjcct sita and tar�nin�t�s at thc propc:ty iinc. 'i'lu:atsblcct�itc is luc:u+.:u!L:L�t��f't;syiar 1\vnrsu�NV4�
a»d w�sr c,f[Z�i��F�r Avcnue.
b_ 'I'he tn:�r cicment aF 1Pst:C:c�mpn;hcrtsiv�Pla�� des�g,iu�es d�e are�in which Ehe subjeti sitc is lucatcd �is
st�itrzhtc fi�C�IzL' CICVC�C��rnCnl O��in�ic-�11t71;y VSCS, IIUt I�OC.S 1702 llla11G�8CC SL1Cj3 dCVClon�ltari:wiih��ut
cr.nti ider�[iu�� c�f tzihcr J�c�lic:i�S nf Lflc Plan_
�. Thc subjeci Sicc it cut-rendy zoned R-S(SingIc S�a»>ily -S dwelling unitslzLrL). n L.ut L�s,a�',�:,iu,trncn!
i, bc:isl� ��r�,c�.scd tn scnrc�a;c tfic prQ�cr.ry Uy Zc�ning Disti'ici, �TI�e subjc,ct site wc,u[�t bc R-� :ind
:c�ar.tu:c! !i'tz�tt Lh�[poition s�s p�operry zoi7ed CA.
8. "Iltc�itbjnct sitc w:�s annexcd to thc City with thc :u�opcion c�f'c?r�in�,�cc ta61 cnactcc� iit S.:�uambc�
�). "i'i�C .tiuhjC�! yitc; i�: 1p�rc�ximitic:ly 1.R4 iticn:s��r 80,297 x�u�trL fcct. Tho subjet;t Site is ift�gttSar'ty
siza��cJ. 1l �ti.:i`7Ph1XI1L1�LCIy�00�viJc(c.2st to wcst�by�GU ii!ct to�tg.
10. "E�;ic;�arc�icC:s to vcry siccp slopGs {ocflfcd on thc�itSjCCt�iic thitit :�R;�,;cc<�Itr th:�n 41) xn�:cni. 'i'[ic
,��::s� .IPLil�t7t�i�1C�iCC :ICC IaC1tC(j in thc nartl�w«yst. a�si nr�f scU?h_ 51:ff fnu»ci ,�o�r;c t�t rA-+c:;lc��.�.:, wc;c
�u:tczniacic:tnd grz,�ted a modif►cation troni slapc rcr�i�izc:mcnts_
I 1. 'T'i�ccc i.��;;c�,sncnC ct_:t L��::.�UCy �.wetl�nci t�n liu=titsu�ll++��"�t c:pnu:r c�l"�hc Sut?�u.:t ti ii4_ ft w�ill h�
�mtcc�c�i auct buf'li:rccl,
I�', i�il vc,Ctsi�„�� ,vi11 'r-x:r�m��vcJ Itvnt tlie.i+hj.;r.[ Ssic yvi�l�tl�e excapuon �r trees lc�c.-�tcd in thc s�cn�ici�<-
_ �r�f�bio5 --'=`-'-,,� 4�r_ ? , 3��3�7�.,,1 a;�8�. -r,.�p.�:
[i}i��b' i:,�� 1;Y.`F.I.I 55� 9!] (T"?a1 S0:9C/Z�
'iiY}�r:;EftC1 .l4ic�P4 t'�rn`IZ- I
rilcNo.: I.l.�';1-a4-�.�t), �Ft1'1.-ti, v_i", C:CI". l:L.; �,
l��hrtt:iry I U.; 2UC)5
P�gc ti '
I3. '1'hL ;j��„icant nrc��oSe,S dividi��g the sulsjcct siic intc�sLvcn IaLs. "1'hc lc>tv Lv�u1c1 bc ar�yccf aro�l�d a
n�u� cul-dc-sac tti;.c,wouid hc cr�ntccl sfigFt{y c;:z,[c�Ctltic cxi,tin�NW G[t� cui=di:-sac. "}'�'r„ecs,�st�c�,L
dc�,a+c�b� 5i►C�-��c�rr�ca€-e�a��adr. .�a€Y rt►ci�Ti(iAe i.h� two
1», �� ��e�ted,the �ubject sito i�qx�iiv i�;hulvrly �ltapec] aitd 21115 1i�5 foSislT�c7 in very iTre�ul:uly shaned ;o.;.
1�1;,;r�r-;�,� n�n�;nsc� lors wuutd havc wl�at iTtiig]�r bc dcstrit�cd �s narcow,sk�tvttf pipc:stcm3 Connccfiing
thcm tc�tl�` c�tJ-tiG,:�c_
'�'}���,�1�c:nrr i,:z,�czrrn.�cc!a v�riarrcc for Pro�rosad-L�C�3;4,-S�isnd-€>w�►ici� w��rEd•rtot rtteeE�vont ys�rd
se�h;tcl: afand;irds. N:err�:w ��ipesteins set the srand�rci fc�r��c;;�Kuri�g fsr�ytc yard scshack. The frcr.7.y:�rzi
i� ,nc:i�ur�d [r���n tHa pnint wi�crc for width is Kt) Ex:i-cci�t oJ'tJ�c r�qnin:ci 1ot widtlt, IU 1I�c caso c�f ii�tcriur
l��tti lii��tie:uf ilze j�ropc�se�} lots ac�e come� Ivts) wcsulc! he 40 f�c�(SQ feot is[he requsred v�ridth). C)[kser
,�tha�i:s wilI he rravided as requ�recf by cocfc.
�S. St:�fT'h;is c+cco�nn�ctzdcd tha:thc homc;: F�C`Sl:L�1:iL'k rinL ICS.1 tf1:11� 15 feet tc�provi�ic a ;tnif�rsr. s�poanncc
l i Un* 1 R�tit7L`c[.
1 G. i'lia l�ict i]c:pa[tment ciic! }�c:rmil llt�cle'.adena ruad len�tl7 tc� e�c�ec:il tlic nur:»�l liniii� bu[ rac�vicaci th::�
thc Furthc�r, ::�(qc c�f iill humcs Uo witltin 154 fc�t c�f ih�7{lQ-fi�ot =�uElic strcct ci��. �s�f':x�Lod'aEsaer3ie
�ocx�ttc�xr-a���sx S �+�ro�c me�tlee�c�
;7. ;^� izc�tul, ,z�cc�;tn thc sitn is vi�a 3c�n`et innn nnnnal deadend ro;tdw:ry, jn �cld���v�l, �:�T1=lsas
:u1�-�i��i.�ra[ivc4y approvrd �mvciiiic;�tic�n all:�wing mare than six hc�mcy to t�c tiwcd 6y a privatc
n�aclwav. -
1 C, 7'l�e Sul�jcc.t Site ;s luc:��cd wi�lti�� the Rentoi� SchQol llistric�. 'C'he: pr�ject is expectcd tr� gencraiL
a����r�yYirnntcly � scl�oc�i u;;c clsildren. Tl�cs�Sudc��ts wau7d bc ��rc�cl ;�cr:��� thc ;;rades and wo:�1d �u
:iti�i�u��i �» z sp�co avaiSable b:��is_
���_ �F�hc f�,,siry fnr tfrc�tSf�tVG4lPC� tTC?r4�re�lirt�:rnits �:ac-e:rik-r:svi�trsetir:�;�,�sits�+�a�e<s��te::� .;l�.�x.s
anJ wctl:,nd) :ind c,�actways.
20. '!'!�c rlc�+cli��a�i�Cnt wiit i�icrease rrafFo b��spproxiiYiatci� 7U trips pec day.
�i, tiii�r.nwuLCf L�t»M5 (l� '�7C SltC to 1f7� nc�rth, LaSt�lSC�SOU[�'!. T�E Pi��h .�ncj ��ul]Z flc�ws r�i? OIf t;7C
n�nir�lly st�p slopc;�ancl rc!:c.�i�!� wctlands ba7ow ii�as��lo�cs, C,can�:toritiwater trom rcx�3':ir�,i�:ti
� - •.vi IF hc �fircctc�to tf�e naiut��syslcros nc�*cA :znJ snuffi of ti�c 5ub}c,-cc tii[.:_ 'T'hc c�stern ntn�t�shcct '.lows
t�iw:inl fi:catsi�r���d thc property ciownslvhc_ 'T'liis ST(�fii7w;�tCT tvill ht; t!iTcJLCeti �ntn �pipc [o �I S;l�CCIT1
lc�c:itc:i i�� lZ:ii�:icr 1lvcuue. �!l; it7o ylormwa[cr CVCsitu��ty t1�� tpw:uci E_:skc: W:xs3��ngtcn, ,�crth��f di�
22. TI:� Gity wiil p;ov's�c�::wcr s�riicc to Tlic p(at. 5cr-v:�_ i�nvnilsbla a�d a m��i, ac:u��ldy runs �i�m«�t� a�
clscmc�nl tt��L�.�`�1� il,� ��cc_ Ap�;ropriam hookupx wi11 t�c i�r�pleme:�ted as�•equircd t�v cc�d.:. �,
23. :y'lii��:� :n:xjnr w_�ter�aazi�a also r�,ns tlzrou�l� ih�`ub.�cct site i�� the sime c;�,5cm�n���5�l�L.�wer liilc;. ii.� I
��r�:;;ur� ir �a,�li il��i�, ir canne[s�rvc�hc yilc. :�/atc:�:,�fi he proviti�d sind il�c:i�piic-:xn; w�il h:.ve 10 mcct �
cv�(c rc_:��sr�ntcut�. �
'd � -7:. � 3-� -,
s Sl.bt-LSS-�,, , a�-U ' � � �: _ �� - � = ,. _,
, �.__ _,'7 _ _ --;
- ------- i:� :
,_ 1Y'.S/t6/Q� }�}: 3Z �A\. °75SS:r='- �ll}3�. i!_'J`1i ,
�c, ..:�
� ' �
[OL"vB �:� �.�Y�,] fi��sa �3� ��:ariz� .
5ixlh '�hcrl �1ti>i•t I'tat
r i l��„_: LUn-a�t 3��, �:i!>L-1 l, V-1 i. �;::t�. f.(,�1 1
rcl�r�ar; I U, ?,?(?i �
T'age 8 '
-� A
5. 'f'Ihe pr���c��ecd,ho�t plat appears to�:crvc ihc usc and interc�t, it ere�tes 1ddi2irn:tl sin�lc-f�mily h�>:ncs
i�ti ;�� a:-c:t where urban ser�i�L� s�r�:�v�ifavl�. It Zppe�rs!c� rezconlbly work wi�f� th� tii�L'}s[Lff'a�il �nc�
d�:�dcnc! ;�cCc�e tttltou�h thc do�ihlc cul-do-j�c is,a bil nnorillodoX. 1!5 oldcr �<ir thc pf�i c.z hL apprvvrc}
i.hcy ttiave ��eaded mocii[icatit��is tor roadwa�lcr�;ih ,���d the uumbet of 1�.sincti ,u;c:cs�cd � �xei; as
��rianCes f:'om �eth:tC� rc;qiiirunen2s. Lniy�c; pmperties require unic}uc aulu�ions.
7. 1t wiTt erc:�t� .�frn� t��t,witit vicws;nn wit3r�xpositre to-the t�:i'Fic rt��w��ltai�z-iec 1\v-eAua anclru�ise
Pmm the ncarhy:e irport_ J� ,
R. Thc :�E�r!ic:��:i will hc�»y��1g�niLi��:i�r� tec�tn��i2'sct its imRnci����► rro sccviccs, ra�ldway� r:nd
('CL:7G11 IQri, i
�, ln ��rdcr to divicic a�prn�w�cd tl�c applicant iwiil huv� it>vo�tlp]ote tlsa Iot [inc udjuSlmci�t and a(su u�� :�
v:��:ation uf�tl�c walkw:sy �:i;cineii;tl�tiL cro�c.s Ihn ,�,E,icct siro. 1[wili :c1Scs h:sv�t�rc�fitftv vs�=:-�c ��- ::�c
siacP ti;a��c�itci respectthc �itility (i��c�d�at cm�s lhc sit�:. �
I U. f)cvcla��,ncut ot`t:�i �ilc will crcat�addition�i auir�in�;oppc�rtunitics and iiTcrc:;isc t7ia;a.-c La:;�, o�:��
. C:ily. f
1 t. lit c��,icltisictt�, whitn :i l��t rcductiaa miriht ti;cvc crcated a tx.-ticr c�vcrslf fnyout a,�d r.:-du�c�i i:,�:ic;ti :c: ::
v�rianec, lh� PruPc�s:�f is rc�sonable:. �
UI�:i'I�iON: �
'1'hc V:iri:�,tc� is approvc:d suhjc.-ct to tlle fellc�wim�co�idit:ons:
t_ 'Y�s^• r� ot nllnf tfiahQnus sir���aciesst#�rs i 5 ��rtie_omr�x���o�'
z. "Tl�e ;erl,acks rnay br reducad 1« :n4et any fire��parcrnenc restrictior.s '�uz _��:;y h�� �,.c m;r,in.�:�:.
�niouni nece.��ar�to �neeE thosc:rti:quirements.
Tt�c Shorr I'!nt �.:,p�m�ca subjec� 1c�,hLfollowi�b�o���c,��,�;:
t. '�'hcap��l;en�xsh:ttEeon�q4�wittyth�EK,'�.c:i,udiYioa�
�. Tl:c.ipplic�nl �hs;i comply with ,�ny rcquirctnc»Ls iniposcd 'ny�.l�c 'r ir� �>�partmc:ic.
3. "l�ia�vZc�tiq» of lfY� wnSkway sha11 bc Cin:�lizeci �►hc1 ,Q�r+,vcd prior LO inal �h�rt plat ��prc,��l.
d. N« co>>stcuction, �;radi���; orotl�cr o�crations s�nSl di:[urh titc Cicy awncu ut�lite._;� 4.;��� �_:c��.*.
:,s::nci:tTod wifh�rz�nc�Lion t�tl►�YS�'tlfl�ttte� 1�T;t�t k� F)c1F»o::�lal�l��c�h�.ap.}�Li��L
4. 'l�hc 2�cx►t y»sci sciback ot`t,t��5 3, � � iil'.E� i�Yhl13I I7C ni1�2'�tS"lLt:L�t�){L� :1�C �.Tf�v::tc: .ic:L:::.�
c�:scmt;nl. 'I'i�c ti-ont ya+zi ::c�hack �I�all bc: rnc::t�«tCII.lt ;1 <I75t�(7Cc Crnrrl 1F1C t1T1VaIC 1CL'G`<`
c;�,cil,�ist that ::raitc:s�� �n;t���,�� r►�o�c y:�rt1 �ctb�cf:. /� nc�tc tih:ill lx; t�l�ccd ort thc Cacc ,�f�cf�c �
fu+:i3 aljip;'Ip}a�st�tir��;d�c��mc_ "I�hc��Ii�tlCtlC�n «f th� �o�nplction of thi: rcquircmcni sh�ll hc ,
��_�1�{��i tn tho revic��:�»c! apomval oFthr. Dcvei�nmcni. Gcn++c^s nivlsioi�_
b '� �Oy ' -�..t35 -�z� �aw �u;� ana'3S �`�s =E3� �:�� � : :,�.��
'1— _�� I l.i ��•2,` '1 ; .�7 '
(j7,� LF �:1� at� 2-+ F�_1F ���r�•5���--� � __.__. T�. . .
— --- - --- - .T ' _ ;._�Yt`. 'i�`'.'r`;H ... -
- " c;i� .
,.TL�� U�: X"�!,Z�1 83�9? �ri �7�;:!�G
Sr:ct� tirrCLY11M�'t E'!,-r:�
�•I�L'�ll." l,�J�1-�l�-�3�)� _71 jf�.-��_ V-i7. l�l.1�� �.�./`
FVI��u�irv lt;, ?O�)�
1'tt�,c q -
U, 1 i�c l.ut I.i»c I�djusLmaui�I�all b� rccorciccl prior to rcc��r�ii�ig c�fth�il�i�r; pi�T. '1'hc�:tli�fsction
c�Pfhc compictian of thit r�quircn�ent �,ull t�c snbjict`c� �hc rcvis:w;u�d �ppreva9 of t!-,c
t)c;vclopmutit�c;rviccs Divisit�n.
i. 1111 �in�ic: i:ui�i(y residcnti:d 1d�lresses oi 1c�1: :.c�t S:�c:syg;t pi�bfic slrcci�:I�aJs oc visih]c (r�,��
��ibl;�s�rccc l�y pmvidinK au aE�provecl p�i�:ttc sirecr :iddress�ign. "t'1,c tatisfictic�n vf'tl,�
cumpictiil�ti nt'lhis rcquirc:mc�it Shali be suhjc�[to tho savivw znd.:���t��v�2 of tl.e ��cvcloF�i:ierr
ticr�i�cs Divis;oi� prinr Ln tlic rccccdin��uf ihc (i:►a►sit�R�It:�.
S_ /� mi����Lcrl.11l[:L:i�,Tcx:mcnt sfiall6�:cr.:ut,ed concurr�ntry wid3 thc r�cor�:rr��r' thc��c:t p��t irr
��tdc��ta c;stat�li�lti rnaintenancv rc�Tioi�sibi�itics i��c:�ll sl��uicd improvumc�i��.
9, 7'lie applicant.ha)1 l�e rr,cJnircd to p�a,�t two new;�j�rmvcd treeS within t1,�; lmnt yard :;ctback
:11'C�! Rf 1II 1nLti w�t!►i�� tlie sl�ort PI�t Tti� ;tpi,licant�hsl1 l�royuircd�� ru:otd a resU•i��i�c
c:uvcll:tiit��;:�inst the prop�:rty priar to i•inal sfiis;�,p11[toevreiia�,wEti�lt it�dic�tes Ih;u �w� trees
;zc ruluirt;d tn be pl:u�tc:d withiit the fmnl yard�ct4�ck�rca af c.1c�i now jot. 't'hie co:iditior,
.Iy:ilt b�;ul�joct tc� thc r��icw a�d appro�:it ��1'tI�C Dcvelt+9minL Scsviccs [Sivizic�ty ac�d t[�c �rc�.�
.l�atE h� nt�utcd pcivr tu {in�i b»ilding�cnniE icZspc+crio�,,
t1KDI;IZL:) -1'3 J.l� `���h c::ty ��f�}'ohru:�ry 2005
_'� _�_ � f
��t�:n 1. Kaur� N __. _
hi�r�R1TvC� E',Xn INFR
T1��1�1S�vtITT1::1? �('1-!IS �n",ct:.y oCrchrvary 2(?U� tci tl�c pn�Tit:.-��.�f rcc«rc::
�u�:>>t C'i��l� Ri�1��c'd�:i�R►:r ,Ft>h C',rix►�. L�:k-
'U55 S G:ady �N::y i3�yliS/lrchiE��LS 1t� 1Cii��c C:<srp.
Kcntun, WA i�K(�SS f O80I M:tin Strcci, 5t�e. I �0 95 S�uth�'c�bin Str�ct
- Rullevt�c, W�� �Rq44 K.cntoT►. We1 j�8(l5S
Kayrcn Kittrick
]a55 � Cir:��1y W,y
Kc;�ton, W r. 9RQSS
�'�:'.•`�ti�l�Ti�.�17 1 !-I!5 ;Q d:�y t7[�:�ci�runr�2Q�� '.o ?he fvllc�wialS.
titayc�r Kathy Kcc�lkcr-W1�ccicr �tan �:nglar, l�irc
:1y LJVI77'f,1�;F�. �;�:�=i��dill3:lltiif:l.�'vi: viit_CI' L�r:w �fa:kling.'s.>L'i:;iir`� :'f;..::S;li
)uti.1 Med.'/�A.r��Ian_C��un�i1 t.iaison Pf;uinie�Contmissio�
Larry W.n•rcn, c:'i�y Auomc;y Tt�T1Y(x�rL2LlOI] DIV���tsn
C�rc:r�'Lim�ncr+rini�, FBI'W Ad�ni»isinfor Utiliticy [)ivisiofl � ,
nlcx !'ic��c;h, C�.��numic 1.)cvclonrneni Nuil Wi��L� OGv�lvp�ncut �crvica:a '
1c�r�iitar id���ni�,�;, L)cvc;nnnic�li SCrvic;r.� 1:�ncL C':�nk!in. t7c:vcluptiitoni Sc:V�cc�
�tEIC�' I:ICACi_ UCvC:IU'�IItC.T1C��:rV IC.I:� ' }`ill`', C'�wi�ty Jc,ur�uil
Z "� 5i?�iT. -%S��-'-S'�r �?:L [ �,y anaz, -BS � ;30 rt7 7 C '=,��r
'i- _ : ; '� '.� v- , . ` ' � , .. '
-- ���;��
�'d/16.'�5 �0: 3-? F.� Z533&3_'�72 4$Bb T:�CUM3
�f UlU
(OLi+:c �74 R�/Y.i.l ���8o Q�A1 So/9T/Zo
SixEFr StrCG�E 4}inr!'Pt'�r
��;�� uo.: r.tln-o��-t t9, s:t,�t.N, v-F�, L:t:r. l.L.1
f�cbr�:irv i U, 3i�05
i'a�c 1 O
1':�:sUa1,t tt� 'i'itic 1 V, Ch�Pter !�, Sc�iion �oocoetne c�t�S c:odc,rrqnact luY rccon�ider.tiion miis� bc �ilc-d in
writin�ou ar lkfn�n: 4:00 p.m.. Frhsulrv 24 20pt My:�qg,ti4vulPcr.ww f.,cl�tt�;fh�c rh�decisian c,�t-zhc
�x:+miilcr is:��zlbi�iiuus or hascci on �rro���ous proc�c3un:, ormrs oT law or fact, crTor in jucl�;mcot, i>r cl��
- discovcry o(-��cw c:vldcncc whicit Coulci n�i�be rc:tsnnZbly avniluUric �t[I�o prsun c�:�riitK tnay mnkc:l wriucn
:eq«c:yt fes;3 rc:vicw Uy thc C'.xa�niner wiiltin tourteei�(14)dayc frGm the date i>f ilte Gxamincr's�Icci�iau_ ',[31is ,
rtquc�:t.slYali s�t for�h tl�c spca�Cc:,mi�i�uitfc�or Lrrors disc:overcd by such :lppcll�»t� tiul thc �.-camir�cr may,
if:ct n;vicw o!=the recortl,taftic furtl�er aetioa as lio dec.-ms pro�er.
nn :►pp�-�I �o tl�c C'ity C:ouncit i� gover��cd by"L'ixlc.lV, C.F�a�ar g; Scietivn }1�� wNietr�quires 11�at sticl�a e�l II
he tiled w�th tf�c C'i(y C:lerk, acc��mp.ellyln�a CtfiOg Tee nt$75.Oa �t1d moe,ing other specified n:quirements.
Cupies r,Ftlti�u�clii�anca are:�vait:ible far inspection or purclta�e in the Finnncc De;p�ttment, t;rsi ticx�r ol�City I
f L•:Il. Ao �n�►C�I nat�;et bo rlccl ie writir�an nr ba�F�rc 5:80 Q.m_ �efi,rqarv 24 Zf�OS i
It chc�N:;�n�,:nor'. [2ccoa,uncndatiaa or Uccivion cooc�ins thc requircmcot for R�ttictive Coae�ant�, t1i� I��
cxectttecl Cr�ven:usts will hc rcqu(reJ prior te�nnrov�l bv C'iri C'�oncil n�fn:►1 »rr�c.c.��n�oi t�c filt. Yna ��
�:►y eentaci eh�9 �ff�ce for t�foemztioa cu�fwa��(Qxn��vvrr�ni�.
Thc Appear�nc�oP f�:zis�nc4s Doctn�c prc�vidcs thaL no cx parto(Priv�tc onc-on�mc) �om�nunicaticlns jnuy occur
cutst:���iii�;pcn�;ing l�nd usa dc.�cisi�ins. 't71is mrans lh:st artics tu a l�nd u�ca �ci�i n T ., � -
p d , O ma nol co��nit�nic,.it.. �:i Il�
�irivat� wiLi� any<lceixi�e�-tn:�kcr c��tcc��n�nb t!w prc�po�af, p�;cisi�,n-inu;;crs in d�c I�nd usc proccSs �ncJud�both �i
tl�c Hcnrirt�; t;xln:tncr�nd m��bcrs uf d�c City Cou>>ciL �
/�l! wntmnnic:�iionY ca�u,cctui�g tCso-pr�,pesc�}�rrcrst-bc-,radc in �ubfic. TTiis puf�lic uommut�ic:�tinn permi�S:,i[ I�
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,���:�:�.��rto�s}: ��o�a-la�,.�L�v-r�_u�a,Ec�
PROJECT NAM�: Sa�ct� Street St�ort Piat '
APPLlCAN7: .�DA GrouQ, LL•C and ID Klina Cory. I,
LOCATlQlM OF P�Oj'OSAI. �00 61oclt of NW 6'�'Straei I
DESGATPTtON OFPAO'PO�S1�L: TTfc3 �ptScar+i� �s � a. tot k.krs h�c�stmc.•rrt, �r�viconmenta! '
-• •.:.�-=}.Ro�w,•Nearing �x3m+r�er S�rt F'Sat 3nd Hea�ing Dt�.'�minar Varia�ncvs laC�s�o� lo�scbdiv�vn of.a t.3d acre
site (afber W[ lino adic�trnont)_�tiona)reques�-ts inetude_��tfons oi stt�eet stand.ards to aliow a dead-end
streat gr�ater Shan 700 R and to albw a priv�to s4eet tv senro mora fhan snc bts. T��varian�es Mroutd be trom
the R-8 requ+rod 20 ft_tront y3�d setbacic tor Lots 3� 4, 5 and 6. A separale r�que9t fcr vaca�rp a portion at a
pubfic rralicway would alsu �snoc',o by�tho applicant Ti�e 1ot sizes range fnxn 4,SS2 sq_ft to 26,8�5 sq,ft,(gross
�t+�3.The site is located $t iha end o�`a sul�star�darcl doQrt.ond zn�eot ot wMch iho ccd-de-sac woWtl be eniarc� �
to mmLc,od�A.3Q.fL�atidu priYatn aqcess easement w�ould extend to the Bast and svucfi af t?'�a re�onstruc:Bd cu�
da-sac to aCovss tJ�e }ois. Partia! �locatFon o� exlsting city uiiGti� and r�e�w �„tground vCtit4es are af�cludnd. I,
Stoop sfopes {cL�sifjed as pcatected sJapes of 40 pvr�erzt or groa�er in grada) axisi as wop � a poriion oi a '
Category 3 weUand and associatod Dui[er_Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of toQsoi! woufd be removad !or ro- �,
uso and 5,000 cy ot SmaoRed tNl is proposod. '
LF�4D AG�NCY: 7he Ctty of ReMon
faepaRtnanS ot Pl.�ing/BU1dnglPuDi'ic Wvt±^s I
�iopmeni PlarrrtingSsc:R-^
1_ TF� a�p�icant sha11 oomp{y with r+ecornm .aatior�s contalned 'sn 1he Gootcchn�l Engi�eering Repa-;,
��.�,1 nv 'i�o Riby Grv�p. da�-' ..unu 2. 2003. regacdng 'SetDacks fran T'op of Siopc-�ntral
c�-;.cMo�ing t�ru�, — -_,� _._.,�.n of thfs requirement Sh�B bo roviowed and approved by Do�o{oprr��ni
servscr,s dvri�,g btnlding co�.sal,wior�.
2_ The projeci'shall be rsVUired 2o ioe designed and comply wilh the deflar�nent of Ecok�g�s t40� Etosion ancl
Sedhnerfl Corftral Requirements,ou�ulQd in Va2um9 11 of tt�o 2001 Stormvrater Ma�ac�sment M2,nua1
3. In tfw event�hat�rchaeologecal dopa5lLS are iound duril�j construciion. woric shall stoQ and�he conitact�r{sj
shatl oo�ta� 1l�a State Arr'.haeologis! ai itia Sbte af Was7�inc�san Otfica ot Archaeology and �listor�c
� Prc�onation.Phone (3SD) 586�t365.
a_ TTse app�icant stTaJl pay the ap�xoQriata F'�re Mh3Qaiion �et� b35ed on a raie ad $dB�Q(? per new sing3e-farnih/
lot rf�o fee sf�alr be pat�pciorro tt�e r�oordr�gori�e�ar st�rort ptat_
5. 7�e applicant shaJl pay the appr�r'ia�te Trait)c MtUgation Fea based on�'75.00 pe�each new average c�aUy
trip assocfated with ti�r�project�l�a ipo sha11 be p�id pr»�So tre reaording o(s}�a final short ptat..
6. Thr�applica�t shatl pay the appr'opriate Parks Nldlgatioa Fes�ased on$530.�6 per now�i�gl�tarr+�►`l fo[.T!'e
fee st�a11 be paid Dcior lo the recw+ding a!the f►nai short�iat
, F.�;-i1$�T 12
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T A C O M A • S E A T T L E
Maintenance P/an
JDA Group, LLC
95 South Tobin Street, Suite 201
�I ' Renton, WA 98055-1324
6th Street Short Plat
� City of Renton, Washington
Glenn C. Hume, P.E.
Project Engineer
J. Matthew Weber, P.E.
Associate Principal
October 2005
C�vr!Engineers • Structura!Engineers • Landscape Architects • Community Planners • Land Surveyors • Neighbors
Storm water
Maintenance P/an
JDA Group, LLC
� 95 South Tobin Street, Suite 201
- � Renton, WA 98055-13Z4
�,'S`����' 1:°�:.,_
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� '��� � � ' PROJECT.'
� ._�:i 6th Street Short Plat
.� '�'c��Rti� ��' ' City of Renton, Washington
�'�' i
�s��u.�, �����-��� Z03615.10
EXPIRES: 11R!��; ;
� I hereby state that this Stormwater PREPARED BY.•
Maintenance Plan for 6"' Street Short Plat,
has been prepared by me or under my Glenn C. Hume, P.E.
supervision and meets the standard of Project Engineer
care and expertise that is usual and
customary in this community for
� professional engineers. I understand that
the City of Renton does not and will not
assume liability for the sufficiency, REVIEWED BY.•
suitability, or perFormance of drainage
facilities orepared bv me. ). Matthew Weber, P.E.
Associate Principal
October Z005
1.0 Introduction .................................................................................
........................... 1
2.0 Responsibility ..........................................................................................................1
3.0 Schedule................................................................................................................. 1
4.0 Vegetation Management Plan.................................................................................... l
5.0 Source Control.........................................................................................................2
6.0 Instructions for Person Maintaining Stormwater System ..............................................2
7.0 Conclusion ..............................................................................................................2
AitachmentA —Maintenance Schedule
AttdChment B —Pollution Prevention Plan
This report presents a maintenance program that meets the requirements of the
1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. The private stormwater control
facilities associated with the 6th Street Short plat include a wet vault, catch basins
and conveyance pipes.
It is vitally important that these facilities are maintained in a timely and
conscientious manner to ensure the facilities operate as intended. If the
collection, conveyance, or treatment facilities are not adequately inspected and
maintained periodically, it could lead to surcharging of the stormwater
conveyance network, local flooding, increased erosion potential and possible
groundwater contamination. Siltation, debris or lack of general maintenance can
reduce the performance capabilities of the facilities.
The stormwater facilities associated with the 6`h Street Short Plat are shared with
the commercial property to the east. The proposed storm water systems are
private, and the Homeowner's Association and the commercial property owner are
responsible for maintenance of the proposed facilities. Maintenance agreement
and easements are required between the two sets of "owners".
Maintenance of the stormwater facilities shall follow the schedule as specified in
the DDECM. Additional maintenance may be required to respond to unusual
storm events or reduced performance of the treatment and retention facilities. A
copy of the recommended maintenance schedule is included in Attachment A and
may be photocopied and used as inspection records.
The attached maintenance schedule provides guidance on vegetation control and
management. Irrigation and other maintenance as necessary shall be provided to
ensure that vegetation remains viable and that a hardy root structure forms in
the first year. Vegetation planting shall be provided as described in the
construction documents.
1 �� ' �
Wastes for this development will consist of oil, grease (and other contaminants
from cars), sediment, and small quantities of fertilizers and pesticides. The
following actions should be taken so that pollution generated on-site will be
1. Vehicle maintenance, washing, mixing of pesticides, or any other activities
that would contribute high concentrations of pollution to the stormwater
conveyance system should not be performed in the parking areas.
2. Vegetation along the road edges including cut and fill slopes shall be
maintained to prevent erosion of the banks.
3. Street sweeping shall be performed to reduce the quantity of sediment being
transported to the storm drainage system.
4. The stormwater facilities shall be inspected and maintained per the
checklists and BMPs in Attachment A and Attachment B.
(See Attachment B for source control BMPs from the Sto�mwater Management �
Manual for the Puget Sound Department of Eco%gy, February 1992.)
Attachment A contains a stormwater facility maintenance schedule. Plan to
complete a checklist for all system components per the following schedule:
1. Monthly from November through April;
2. Once in late summer (preferably September); and
3. After any major storm event (items marked "S" only).
Using photocopies of the attached pages, check off the problems that are noted
each time the item is inspected. Document comments on problems found and
corrective action taken. The inspection checklist sheets should be kept on file
and presented to Renton officials upon request. Use the suggested inspection
frequency at the left of each item as an inspection guide (see Attachment A).
This maintenance plan is developed for the stormwater facilities associated with
the 6th Street Short Plat. The maintenance plan has been prepared within the
guidelines of the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual and the 1992
Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for the Puget Sound
Basin. If this plan is properly implemented, the Owner can expect the
stormwater conveyance system to function as designed.
2 �a ' �
This analysis is based on data and records supplied to, or obtained by, AHBL. These documents
are referenced within the text of the analysis. The analysis has been prepared utilizing
procedures and practices within the standard accepted practices of the industry.
AHBL, Inc.
,/',�u,��- � .
t� .� � �
lenn C. Hume, P.E. �
Project Engineer
October 2005
K:�Civi1�Yr_2003\2036151�ORM\Maintenance�615-Main[enance Plan 3-wp.doc
3 �� � �
Attach ment A
Maintenance Schedule
Maintenance Checklist for Wet Vault
Drainage Conditions That Should
Frequency , System ✓ � Problem Conditions to Check For Exist
'. Feature
M I General I TrashrDebris Trash and debris accumulated in Remove trash and debris
Accumulation vault,pipe or inletroutlet fincludes from vault.
floatables and non-iloatables).
M Generai Sediment Accumulation Sediment accumulation in vault Remove sediment trom
'in Vault bottom exceeds the depth of the vault.
sediment zone plus 6-inches.
A General Damaged Pipes Inleb'outlet piping damaged or Pipe repaired and/or
broken and in need of repair. replaced.
A � General Access Cover Cover cannot be opened or Pipe repaired or replaced
I Damaged.�Not Working removed,especially by one person. to proper working
M General ;Ventilation Ventilation area blocked or Blocking material removed
plugged. or cleared from ventilation
i area. A specified%ot the
vault surface area must
provide ventilation to the
vault interior(see design
A I Vault Damage-Includes Maintenance�nspection personnel Vault replaced or repairs
' Structure Cracks in Walls Bottom, determine that the vault is not made so that vault meets
I Damage to Frame structurally sound. design specifications and
andJor Top Slab is structurally sound.
A Vault Damage-Includes Cracks wider ihan 1;2-inch at the Vault repaired so that no
Siructure Cracks in Walls Bottom, joint of any inleVoutle!pipe or cracks exist wider than
� Damage to Frame evidence oi soil particles entering 1/4-inch at the joint of the
and/or Top Slab through the cracks. inleUoutlet pipe.
A Vault Batfles Baffles corroding,cracking,warping Baffles repaired or
Structure and/or showing signs of failure as replaced to specifications.
determined by
maintenancelinspection staff. '
A 'Access Damage Ladder is corroded or deteriorated, Ladder replaced or I
Ladder not furictioning properly,not repaired to specifications, �
attached to structure wall,missing and is safe to use as
rungs,has cracks and/or determined by inspection
� misaligned. Confined space personnel. Rep�ace sign
warning sign missing. warning of contined space
entry requirements.
if you are unsure whether a problem exists,please contact a Professional Engineer.
Com ments:
(M) Monthly from November through April.
(A) Once in late summer(preferable September)
(S) After any major storm (use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline).
Maintenance Checklist for Control Structure/Flow Restrictor
(Structure that controls rate at which water exits facility)
Frequency Drainage ✓ Probtem Conditions To Check For Conditions That
Systems Should Exist
M Structure Trash 8 debris Distance between debris buildup All trash and debris
(includes and botlom of orifice plate is iess removed.
sediment) than 1-1%2 teet.
A Structural Siructures are not securely Structure securely
damage attached to manhole wall and attached to wall
outlet pipe structure should and outlet pipe.
support at least 1,000 pounds of
u or down ressure.
A Structure is not in upright position Structure in correct
(allow u to 10%from lumb). osition.
A Connections to outlet pipe are not Connections to
wateRight and show signs of rust. outlet pipe are
structure repaired
or replaced and
works as desi ned.
M Any holes—other than designed Structure has no
holes—in the structure. holes other than
desi ned holes.
M,S Cleanout Damaged or Cleanout gate is not watertight or Gate is watertight
gate missing missing. and works as
desi ned.
A Gate cannot be moved up and Gate moves up and
down by one maintenance person. down easily and is
waterti ht.
M,S Chain leading to gate is missing or Chain is in place ,
damaged. and works as
desi ned.
A Gate is rusted over 50%of its Gate is repaired or
surface area. replaced to meet
desi n standards.
M,S Obstructions Any trash,debris,sediment,or Plate is free of all
vegetation blocking the plate. obstructions and
works as desi ned.
M,S Overfiow Obsiructions Any trash or debris blocking(or Pipe is free ot all
pipe having the potential oi blocking) obstructions and '
the overflow i e. works as desi ned.
If you are unsure whether a problem exists, please contact a Professional Engineer.
A = Annual (March or April preferredj
M – Monthly (see schedule)
S = After major storms juse 1 inch in 24 hours as a guidelirej
Maintenance Checklist for Catch Basins and Inlets
Frequency Drainage / Problem Conditions To Check For Conditions That
Systems r Should Exist
M,S General Trash.debris and Trash or debris in front of the catch No trash or debris
sediment in or on basin opening is blocking capacity located immediately
basin by more than 10%. in front ot catch basin
opening. Grate is
kept clean and allows
water to enter.
M Sediment or debris(in lhe basin) No sediment or debris
that exceeds 1/3 ihe depth from the in the catch basin.
bottom ot the basin to mvert ot the Catch basin is dug
lowest i e into or out of the basin. oui and clean.
M,S Trash or debris in any inlet or pipe Inlet and outlet pipes
blockin more than 1/3 of its hei ht. free of trash or debris.
M Structural damage Comer of irame extends more than Frame is even with
to(rame and;or 3/4 inch past curb face into the curb.
to slab street if a licable).
M Top slab has holes larger ihan 2 Top slab is iree of
square inches or cracks wider than holes and cracks.
1/4 inch(intent is to make sure all
matenal is runnin into the basin).
M Frame not sitting flush on top slab, Frame is sitting flush
i.e.,separation of more than 3/4 on top slab.
inch of the irame irom the to slab.
A Cracks in basin Cracks wider than 1/2 inch and Basin replaced or
walls;bottom longer ihan 3 feet,any evidence ot repaired to design
soil particles entering catch basin standards. Contact a
through cracks,or maintenance professional engineer
person judges that structure is for evaluation.
A Cracks wider than 1!2 inch and No cracks more than
longer than 1 foot at the joint of any 1i4 inch wide at the
inlet/outlet pipe or any evidence ot joint of inleUoutlet
soil particles entering catch basin pipe. Contact a
through cracks. protessional engineer
for evaluation.
A Settlemen�' Basin has settled more than t inch Basin replaced or ,
misalignment or has rotated more than 2 inches repaired to design
out of alignment. standards. Contact a i
professional engineer �
tor evaluation. i
M,S Fire hazard or Presence ot chemicals such as No color,odor,or
other pollution natural gas.oil,and gasoline. siudge. Basin is dug
Obnoxious color,odor,or sludge out and clean.
M,S Outlet pipe is Vegetation or roots growing in inleU No vegetation or root
clogged with outlet pipe joints that is more than growth presen[.
vegetation six inches tall and less than six
inches a art.
If you are unsure whether a problem exists,please contact a Professional Engineer.
Com ments:
A =Annual (March or April preferredl
M = Monthly(see schedule)
S =After major storms (use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guidelinej
Maintenance Checklist for FencingiShrubbery Screen/Other Landscaping
Frequency Drainage / Problem Conditions To Check For Conditions That
Systems r Should Exist
M General Missing or Any defect in the fence or screen that Fence is mended
broken permits easy entry to a facility. or shrubs replaced
parts�dead to form a solid
shrubbe barrier to ent .
M,S Erosion Erosion has resulted in an opening under Replace soil under
a fence ihat allows entry by people or fence so that no
pets. opening exceeds 4
inches in hei ht.
M Unruly Shrubbery is growing out of control or is Shrubbery is
vegetation infested with weeds. trimmed and
weeded to provide
aesthetics. Do not
use chemicals to
control weeds.
A Wire fences Damaged parts Posts out oi plumb more than 6 inches. Posts plumb to
within 1-1/2 inches
of lumb.
A Top rails bent more than 6 inches. Top rail free of
bends greater than
1 inch.
A Any part of fence(including posts,top Fence is aligned
rails,and fabric)more than 1 foot out of and meets design
desi n ali nment. standards.
A Missing or loose tension wire. Tension wire in
place and holding
A Missing or loose barbed wire that is Barbed wire in
sagging more than 2-1i2 inches between place with iess than
posts. 3�4-inch sag
between osts.
A Extension arm missing,broken,or bent Extension arm in
out of shape more than 1-1/2 inches. place with no
bends larger than
3i4 inch.
A Deteriorated Part or paris that have a rusting or scaling Structurally
paint or condition that has affected structural adequate posis or
protective adequacy. parts with a uniform
coatin rotective coatin .
M Openings in Openings in fabric are such that an 8-inch No openings in
iabric diameter ball could fit ihrough. fabric.
If you are unsure whether a problem exists. please contact a Professional Engineer.
A=Annual (March or April preferred)
M - Monthly(see schedule)
S =After major storms (use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline)
� '
Maintenance Checklist for Conveyance Systems (Pipes, Ditches and Swales)
Frequency Drainage ✓ Problem Conditions To Check For Conditions That
Systems Should Exist
M,S Pipes Sediment&debris Accumulated sediment that Pipe cleaned of
exceeds 20%of the diameter of all sediment and
the i e. debris.
M Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free All vegetation
movement of water through pipes. removed so
water flows
freely through
i es.
A Damaged(rusted, Protective coating is damaged; Pipe repaired or
bent.or crushed) rust is causing more than 50% replaced.
deterioration to an art of i e.
M Any dent that significantly impedes Pipe repaired or
flow(i.e.,decreases the cross- replaced.
section area of pipe by more than
M Pipe has major cracks or tears Pipe repaired or
allowing groundwater leakage. replaced.
M,S Open Trash&debris Dumping oi yard wastes such as Remove trash
ditches grass clippings and branches into and debris and
basin. Unsightly accumulation of dispose as
nondegradable materials such as prescribed by
glass,plastic,metal,foam and the County.
coated a er.
M Sediment buildup Accumulated sediment that Ditch cleaned of
exceeds 20%of the design depth. all sediment and
debris so that it
' matches desi n.
' A Vegetation Vegetation (e.g.,weedy shrubs or Water flows
saplings)that reduces free ireely through
movements of water through ditches. Grassy
ditches. vegetation to be
lefl alone.
M Erosion damage to See Ponds Checklist. See Ponds
slopes Checklist.
A Rock lining out of place Maintenance person can see Replace rocks to
or missing(it native soil beneath the rock lining. design standard.
a licable)
Varies Catch See Catch Basins Checklist. See Catch
basins Basins
, M,S Swales Trash&debris See above for Ditches. See above for
M Sediment buildup See above for Ditches. Vegetation may
need to be
replanted a`ter
� �i,��n r�.
�. I
; �
M Vegetation not growing Grass cover is sparse and seedy Aerate soils and
or overgrown or areas are overgrown with woody reseed and
vegetation. mulch bare
areas. Maintain
grass height at a
minimum of 6
inches tor best
Remove woody
reseed as
necessa .
M,S Erosion damage to See Ponds ChecklisL See Ponds
slopes Checklist.
M Conversion by Swale has been filed in or blocked if possible,
homeowner to by shed,woodpile,shrubbery,etc. speak with
incompatible use homeowner and
request that
swale area be
Contact the
County to report
prablem it not
voluntaril .
Frequency Drainage ✓ Problem Conditions To Check For Conditions That
Syslems Should Exist
A Swale does not drain Water stands in swale or flow A survey may be
velocity is very slow. Stagnation needed to check
occurs. grades. Grades
need to be in t-
5%range if
possible. If
grade is less
than 1°/
underdrains may
need to be
If you are unsure whether a problem exists,please contact a Professional Engineer.
A=Annual (March or April preferred)
M =Monthly(see schedule)
S =After major storms (use t-inch in 24 hours as a guideline)
Maintenance Checklist for Grounds (,Landscapingl
Frequency Drainage ✓ Problem Conditions To Check For Conditions That
Systems Should Exist
' M General Weeds Weeds grov+nng in more than 20% Weeds present in
(nonpoisonous) of the landscaped area(trees and less than 5°-0 of
shrubs only). the landscaped
M Insect hazard Any presence of poison ivy or No poisonous
other poisonous vegetaiion or vegetation or
insect nests. insect nests
' present in
landsca ed area.
M,S Trash or litter See Ponds Checklist. See Ponds
M. S Erosion ot Ground Noticeable rills are seen in Causes of erosion
Surface landscaped areas. are identified and
steps taken to
slow down/spread
out the water.
Eroded areas are
and seeded.
A Trees and Damage Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs Trim treesishrubs
shrubs that are split or broken which to restore shape.
affect more ihan 25°/of the Replace
foliage of the tree or shrub. trees/shrubs with
severe dama e.
� M Trees or shrubs that have been Replant tree,
blov+m down or knocked over. inspecting tor
injury to stem or
roots. Replace if
dama ed.
A Trees or shrubs which are not Place stakes and
adequately supported or are rubber-coated ties
leaning over,causing exposure ot around young
the roots. trees/shrubs for
s� ort.
If you are unsure whether a problem exists,please contact a Professional Engineer.
A — Annual (March or April preferredj
M = Monthly(see schedule)
I S =After major storms (use 1-inch in 24 hours as a guideline'�
Maintenance Checklist for Access Roads/Easements
Frequency Drainage / Problem Conditions To Check For Conditions That
Systems r Should Exist
One Time General No access road Ii ponds or other drainage system Determine whether
exists features needing maintenance by an easement to
motorized equipment are present. drainage feature
either an access road or access trom exists. If yes.
public streets is required. obtain the County
permits and
construct gravel(or
equal)access road.
It not,report lack of
easement to the
Munici alit .
M Blocked Debris which could damage vehicle Roadway free oi
Roadway lires(glass or metal). debris which could
dama e tires.
A Any obstructions which reduce Roadway overhead
clearance above road surface to less clear to 14 feet
than 14 feet. hi h.
A Any obstructions restricting the access Obstruction
to less than 15 feet width. removed to allow at
least a 15-toot-wide
A, S Road Settlement, When any surface irregularity exceeds Road surtace
Surface p�tholes,mush, 6 inches in depth and 6 square feet in uniformly smooth
spots,ruts area. In general,any surface detect with no evidence of
which hinders or prevents settlement,
maintenance access. potholes,mush
spots,or ruts.
application of
additional gravel or
pitrun rock will be
M Vegetation in Woody growth that could block Remove woody
road surface vehicular access. Excessive weed growth at early
cover. stage to prevent
vehicular blockage.
Cut back weeds if
they begin to
encroach on road
M,S Shoulders Erosion damage Erosion within 1 foot of the roadway Shoulder free of
and ditches more than 8 inches wide and 6 inches erosion and
deep. matching the
surro�ndin roac.
If you are unsure whether a problem exists, please contact a Professional Engineer.
A - Arnual (P�larch or April preferred;
M = Monthly(see schedule)
S = After major storms fuse 1-inch in 24 i�ours as a guid�line,
Attachment B
Pollution Prevention Plan
I � i
iv-a.s 3i� c 1.so r.7¢xcrlrc�r srzL1. ctLANvr ri.Axs
A+n�rs of taellitie• enqaqed in =torinq, processinq, or refining oil and/or oil
producti .ar� required Dy Federal La++ co have a Spill Prev�ation and Conirol Tlan
(SPCCy. ovnezs of bu�ine��e� that produce Dangerous Ftastes are reqvir�d Dy Sta�■
Law to har� a spill cleanup plan. Th��e bu�in�s��s •hould al�o teter to R.7 ia
CJuptsr 2V-5.
The bu�inao�e■ and public aganei�s id�ntified in Chspters IV-Z and IV-3 ot thir
oanual that are r�quir�d �o hare an Fsarqency Spill Cleaaup Pl�n shall follov thsse
qon�zal yuidelias• in its prsparation.
1. Th� fir�t part of th� plan shall contain a description of th• faeility
ineludinq th� o+mer'• nam� and addr���, the nature of tAs facility activity
and th� qsneral typ�• of chamical• u�ad in ths facility.
2. The plan shall eoatain a sits plan •lsovinq t�e �ocation of •toraqe ar�a• tor
cheaical�, th• locations of storm drains, and the dir�ction of •lopes towards
those dsaJ.a�, and the location and daseription of any devieer to �Lop apills
troa laaviaq the ■ite �ucA as positive control valves.
�. Th� plan shall de�csibe notification proc�durea to be used in tl�e e��nt of a
spill, �veh a• key personn�l, and aqencies such as Ecoloqy +nd the local Ss�+�r
�• TAe plan •hall provide instructions regardinq clesnup proceduzea.
5. Tha ovt�er ahall have a dasignat�d pezsan with overall apill zeaponte cl�anup
6. Key per�oanel •hall De trained in tAe ute of tnii plan. AI2 mploye�s should
hate baaic kno+rledqs of ■pill control procedures.
7. 1► tummary of the plan •hall b� �rritten and po�ted at sppropriste point• in tt►�
. buildinq. idsntifrinq the spill cl�anup coordin:tora, locatioa of clsanup
kits, aad pAon� nua�bsrs of regulatory aqencies to b� contact�d in th� sr�nt of
a spill.
d. Cltinup of spill■ ■1�a11 begin immadiitely. No emulsifiez or di�poraant shs1l
be used.
9. In fuQlinq areaa: ab�orbant ehou2d b� packaqed in ■mall bags tor •a�y u�s and
•ma12 drums ahould De availtblo fcr stozaqo of 4b�orbent and/or us�d �
10. ]►b�orbent matsrial shall not be va�h�d dwr� the floor dr:in or �tocro s�wr. I
11. Ermtrgency splll coatainn�nt and cl�:nup kit(�) shall bt locat�d at th�
facility sitt. She content� of th• kit ahall De appropriat� to th� typ� and
quantiti�• 01 chesical lfquid■ •tored at the facillty. Th� lcit �iqht eont�in
apprapriately lined druma, ab�ozbent pads. �nd qranular or powdar�d at�rial•
for neutralizinq acid• or alkuline liquids. Kiis sAould b� deployed in a
aunn�r that aliovs rapid acc��s and us� by employees. Shia plan ahall be
updated reqularly.
12. Hcoloqy and the local Sewer J�utAority •hall be notified imroediately if tA�
spi21 may reach sinitary or atorai aeaer�, or ■urface vater.
Iv-4-21 FEBRU)►XY,
' i
11i-�.4 a1W 51.70 9LGCTASYON Itl1lI71G�tT/ZTi'SECRASED PESS� KAN11G�l1'S ,�
� S1ro �ery ditterent types of veg�taticn manaqea�eat art used by busine�ses. The lirit
, type of eunaqement is neceaaary for Dusin��s�s auch as pubiic and private utilitiea.
?twir aaad i• to Ainisise ibe qro�rth of r�qstation in undeiirable locatioa• •uch as
vtllity corridora. oth�r busine�ses, �uch as puDlie and privac� qolf coura�s and
p�rb n+�d to �xnaq� ds�irable v�gat+►tfon for luxuriant yrovth and baauty. Kany
bu�in��ss� hav� at lea�t a �aiaienal am�xsnt of landscapinq aroand th�ir �uilding that
tt�ry wi�h to maint�in.
Ia •hort, one typ� 01 busine�s wsnts to �einimize t?u presenee of v�qetation whare
the ott�ez wish�• to maximize it. BotA Lyp�s of bu�ine�sea, whether u�ing herbicid�s
to bR rid ot unde�irable vaq�tation, p�sticide• to r�duce pe�t infestations or
f�rtiliztrs to promote veqetative qrowth a�sd Lo implemant thsse practicsi in aa
intelligent, enviroc�oentslly sound fa�hion.
S�dinq and Plaatinq DNPs
su�ia�ss�s vho vi�h to use tcmporary ar perminent aeeding, or �+ho intead to plant
��tation should refer to th� folla+ing BHPa found in Volume Z2, Erosion and
Ssdiasnt Control:
E�LP L1.20 ?e�porary Se�dinq
Elt� t1.15 Mulching and Kattinq
� 81.20 Clear Plartic Covering
' 1!Q E1.35 P�smanent Seodinq and Pltntinq
1� E1.t0 Soddinq
2lf��� BtYits proride intormation on gra�s ni�ctur�s, tanporazy and permanent serdinq,
raint�t�anc� oi a rfefntlr plant�d area and fertilizer application r�t�s.
Iat�qrat�d Psst Manaqement (IPH) i• a lonq-term, �cologically based sy�tms approaeh
to eoatrolling p��t populations tt►ai uti2izas a needs assessmen� based on dccisioa-
eskis�q eziteris. IPM t�a�cimises relianc� on aatural peit controls. 2PM ha� two
lunda�eeatal aiss. The lLr�t is to ■tKr p�aticide1 u�c awaY lrao prophylactie,
Droad �pectrus u�• tovard• optiais�d •al�ctivs u��, usiny th� various Zpli ccaspon�nts
to quid� d�efsion-makinq and achi�v� aa economieally ju�tiLiablt inc�. TA� •scond
is to r�cogni:e that the non-�conooic con��qu�nces o! pest eontro2 (arsd not jnst
p��ticidt use) aay be harnful to the �nsironmsnt, and ■o pasticidf input■ �hould b�
r�duc�d and aatural control� wci:fz�d in order to sinisize �h� eavironmental fid�r
•ft�ets (1j.
Integrated eontrol is a peat manaqement syetem that uti�izes a12 ivitable t�chnique�
sitA�r �o reduce pest populations and �+aintain tT�em at levela belov tho�e causinq
econooie injury, or to �o manipulate the populatians that they are preves►t�d fzom
esu�inq sucb injury.
� Aa�urd'u l►is 11MT.Kti u�sGnd�o�rae�r�tsa�,vbc�Scc io�c1.lunl�l.►.ctcri.l a.c:cu�ioa rAich uwea da�r or�in Wc
c�s ef��.ir i�6s�roa��Mu�t�6c��ow�dmc.
� 1 As rrd M'c.We�rcr:cids:�irde�rLor ciemicala com�awd�b�wn u psaticidss,rodsaioidcs.fi+a�cides,rcm�tieidu aad
. b�ebr�rs��dns absrri�c 4eciGcdly idicatcd.
. IV-{- 2 FEBRUI►RY. 199
2ateqratsd control achieves tRi• idea2 by harmanizinq techniques in an orqanized
war, ny eakinq the techniquea caopatibls and blendinq them inta a multifaceted,
ll�xib�• s7�tw (2).
the ujoz component• of IFK are:
• Initial inforoation gstAerinq: She peit and/or problem nesda to D�
identifi�d, information ■hould bs collect�d on the biology of the p���
and it• e�anagea+ent, and pravtou• a�ethods used to maaaqs ths p�st in tha
ar�a. Reeords �bould be kept in some aanner o! on-qoiaq actiritisa.
• lionitoriaq: Obs�rvr the plaat• or th� site for potential pe�t proDlems
at rtqular intervala. Zaeh aonitoring •y�te� need■ to b� tailor�d to
th� particular •ituation, and th� level of effort •hould b� apprapziat•
to tA� amount of danaq� caused by tAe pe�t, th• tist availablt, and ih•
skill ler�l o! the person exakinq tAe inspections.
• E�tabli�hinq injury ler�l�: sn injurY or iolerance level is used to
determine i! the problem is •erious enouqh to justify some kind of
tr�atmueat. 11 trade-off n��d• to b� mads betwcen tTe amount of daeaq�
done versus the co�t of control. xn injury lavQl should be detaznined
for each pot�ntisl pest, and that lerel ahould De compared with tield
•amples or oDs�rvation• befors any action i■ taken.
• R�cnrd-keepinq: Reeords should be kept oi v1�st i• sesn, deciiiona wd�,
actions taken, and results. Rscords are tAe memory of tha •ystem�.
. Nhen per�onnel l�ave, their experienee is lost if there are no records_
• Least-toxic tr�atmenta: ?reatsent strateqies ■hould b� ehos�n that ar•
the least disr�ptive of natural controli, least hazardoua to huo:n or
noa-t:rgei orqanism� health, least damaqinq ta the qenrra2 environaent,
the ao�i likely to produce a peimanent reduction ia ths coviro:�o�ent'•
abLliLy to •upport that pest, and the so�t co�t-eflective in the •hort
and lonq ters. The aw�t energy and co�t-effectivs p��t sanaq��seni
•trateqy in the long tezm i■ to redesiqn the system to eliminat• the
life support •y�tees required by tha pe�ts.
� • �valuation aad adjustnent: Zn�peet a![er the treatm�nt action ha■ be�n
taken. Ha• the trsatment been worthr+hile? Hor+ ean th• vAola proe��• b�
improv�d to achieve the overall objecti�es of the program? (3)
T�tticide• are used only whsz• other t�chniquea azs not adequate or po�sible [o us�.
?te�entioo is a major component of IYM and can be be�t •ddtessed at the pro9raa
d�siqn staqe. j4). ,
Seoniinq can zeqular2y Da don• Dy work aad road crews for ins�cC and wasd
init�tationr �o that ■ume •ort of early aeilon can b� takan. Yrompc aetion against I
a p�at b�iora iG becoas• e�tabli�hed means that l�i• toxic nethode of co�trol ■ucb
a■ hand weeding c:n b� u�ed in�tcad of an herbicide or pertieide.
l. A pasticide-use plan ■hould be formulated and ■hall inelude at a miniaivmi a
liat of �elected pe�tieides aod theiz ■pecifie naes; brand�, fozmulation�,
application m�thoda and quantities to be usod; cquipasat use and maintenance
proeedure�; safety, stora9e, and diapoeal methods; monicoring and record
k�epinq proc�dure• and pnblie notice pzocedureo. I�11 proe�durea •hall eonlos�
Lo the requirements of CR. 1'7.21 RCit and Ch. 16-228 iiAC (see R.8 itt
Chspter 2Y-5).
IV-4-2 FEBRU�RY, 2
1. 71ny eontrol used •hould be dons at th• life �tage when the ptst is oo�t
wln�rable. Fos �xampl�, if it i• necei�ary to uie a Bac;llus thurinaien�is
•pplication to control tent caterpillari, it must b� applied bcfore the
aat�rpfllar• cocoon or it vill be ineffective. any method u�ed ahould be
sitripecitic and not u��d vhol��al• vver a vide arsa. ooc• an appllcaGton is
wade, Lt� •ifectivenes■ •hould bs svaluated so that lutuze tr�atsent csn bs
�ors tin�ly tun�d.
�. She p�sticid� ehoren ahall D� th� lta�t toxic pssticid� availabl• tDat i�
capabl� of z�duciaq th� infe�tation to acc�ptabl� l�v�ls. Th� p�itieide
. ahw ld readily dtyzade in the •nvirons�ent and/or havt prop�rtie• LAat itsongly
bind it to •oil pazticlei.
1. Docvmented �ridence ahall D� pro�ided showing the inappllcaDility ot availabls
5. An anttual �valustion proe�duz� sAould be dev�loptd and inelud� s revitv of th�
efftcti��n��• 01 tz�aL�oene�. buif�rs and •en�itive ar�a�, public eoac�rn• and
coeplaints, and r�c�nt toxicoloqital infosmation on peatieidas u�ed ot
propo�ed for use.
6. P��ticide■ •Aall not be �prayed wit�in 100 f�st of open vater■ includinq
v�tland�, ponds, ■treaau, •louqh• and any drainage ditch or channel that lsad•
to open vater. �
7• If r�quizod or recomm�aded by the local qov�rnm�nt, public po�tinq of the area
io bt •pray�d shall b� done prioz to the applicttion. I►11 •ensitive •rea•
including vell�, creeki and vetland� ihal� be flagqed prior to spraying and a
. buffer ■trlp of �pproximately 300 feet chall bo used.
8. Spray application ■hall not occur durinq veather eonditions indieat�d in th�
appllcaDl� ti7►G.
9. Spr�ader/�ticker• u��d shall be th� l�a�t toxic znd/or eo�t tarqst speeific
10. 7►pplY tAe pesticide aecordinq to la��l dir�ctions. Pe�ticid�• ahould b�
oixed, and �quipoeni cl�ancd. in an area where aceid�ntal apillt vill not
� enter •uzlae� or qround vaters, and vill �ot contuoinate the •oil. Ain�sate I
fro� �Quipoant cl�aninq and/or tripl�-rinsinq of p�oticid� eontainers should li
be us�d as produet. I
11. ?he application equipm�nt u��d should be capable of imaediate sAutotf in th� �
�wnt of an ue�rg�ncy. i
P�r�on• intereated in findinq out ooze information on IfM can eontact iAe Bio- i
Int�qzal R��oures Canter (lIRC), P.O. Dox T41�, Serk�ley, CJl_ 9�707. 2h�y i
publi�h a nweber of rsporta and a pertodical, 'IPlS Pr�c�ition�r'. I
TA• D�partseni of Ecoloqy publiiAe■ 'Bazardou• Na�te P�atieides' (/g9-41} I
vhleh can Aslp to d�tesaine if a particular pesticide is a danq�rou• vaate,
and include� inforaation on psrtieid� vaate r�duction.
LP71 publi�he� "Su�pend�d, Caneel�d and R�strictsd Pesticidos' vhich liats all I
ss�tzicted pesticides snd tne spccilie us�■ vhich are allow�d.
' SY-�.30 RfR 52.00 It7lZIR'E1f1►1fCC Ol fTOR?l Di71INJ1Gt ll1[ILI?IES
Pzoper auint�nance of public and private otos�ww+atez facilities is neees�ary to
in�ur� thsy •�rve their inter►ded tunction. Zn a study recently caaplst�d by the
1Cirsq Caunty CoA�ezvation Di�tziet (3), almo�t one-half t1+s BtIP• in�tall�d on larqe
conatzvetion •ite• weze not oaintained. ltilhoue ad�quate saintsnanc�, ■edlpant and
ath�r d�Dri• ean quiekly eloq facilitie�, �sakinq tb�o ussl�s�. R�habilitstion of
�ueb lacilitie• i� •xp�n�i�e, and in th� ca�• of infiltration �ystems oay be
iapo��ibl�. Pollut�d vater and ��die�nt s rmov�d duzinq Lhe clear�inq operation ou�t
De properly dl�po�ed of.
Loeal qo��rnmsnt• •hsll de�elop •Landards for th� aaint�nanc� ot puDlic and private
�torawat�r laeilities. Yh��e atandards •hall iaclude but need not be lisitsd to tA�
1. Catchbasini, stozmvater detention and treatment •ystt�a shall be inspect�d ai
l�a�t annually. I► repzsaentati�� of the local qoverrvoent shall also insp�ct
pri�at• laeiliti�s at l�a�t annual2y ta insurs complianc• by the owner of the
lollwinq aaint�naaca r�qulres�nti_
2. hny d�terioration tRreatiaing the stsuctural integrity oi Che facili[ie• •hall
b� ieosediately repair�d. 2�es• include •ueh thing■ as seplacement ol elean-
out gat�s, catchba�in lida, and rock in eeoergency spillvays.
3. l� catehba�ir► ■hall be cleaAed if the depth o1 d�posit■ are �qual to or qr�ater
than 1/3 the depth froe th� Dasin to th� invert oL the lwo�t pip� into or out
of the ba�in. I1 a catchDasin i• found durinq the annval in�p�ction• to
siqnificantly •xe��d thi� atandard, it •hall b� eleansd �very 6 aon�h�. If
wody deDzls ia likel7 to accwsulate in a catchbasin, it ahould b� cleansd on
a weekly Daiis.
4. tiarninq siqn• (�.q. 'Dump No itaste - Drayn• to Ground Mater', 'Streass',
"Lakes• �te.) sha12 De paint�d or embo�sed on oz adjac�nt to all ■torm drain
inl�t�. TAey •hall b� r�paint�d aa a�eded.
5. D�bris •hall be zaqularly removed lrom ■uzfac� baoins used for either pe�k- �
rat� coatrol or stormvatet tr�atment. ,
6. Stoz�vat�r trsataent faciliti�• shall b� �saintain�d tccordinq to criteria or I
procedurei prei�atcd in Volumc IIi. (Maiot�nance r�quiresants aze dctail�d at
th� �ad of �aeh SKP d�scription). li
7• Paskinq lot• ■hall bs �wept whea nece��szy to semove de�ris. li
(leoloqy policy s�qardinq dispo�al i� undar dsvelopment by t1�e Drban Nan-Point ,
)tanaqo�nt onit and i■ not �vailabl• at thi■ tiw.)
(6coloqy policy reqazding dispoul 1� under development by the Urban Non-Point '
Mana9eseat Unit and i� aot availaDlc at this tim�.) I
IV-4-25 FEBAUARY, 19 �
Illicit conaections are su�itazY or proce�t wa�tevater drains locsted in a Duildinq
tAat dlaeharqe to the stors drain, zathar than to th� ssaitary •ewar. lu� allovabl•
�carpLion i� noncootact coolinq water which wy be di�charqsd to a •torm dzaln.
�ri�nce ba� sl�ovn that illicit eonn�ctions are �ery ccas000, �vsn in buildinq•
e�strnct�d a• late a• th� 1960��. Buildinq ovnsrs ars ��ldoe avare that lh�iz
dsain liu�s �re Saprop�rly eonn�ct�d •inco their s�ver bills are tied to vater u�e.
?!r follwir�q are q�rs�r�l quideline• to a�siat local qoverroaent� ia establishinq
tlwis Droqraa�.
1. lrioritise us�• by aqe oi •trueture�. Cive priority �o buildinq� who��
intsraal activiti�� *ay eause wataz pollutioa i1 the drains ar• iaprop�zly
2. Tr�pas� a up of •tch ar�a as it Ss to be •urveyed. Shoa on tk�e sap th� ks►own
location of •tozm drains and sanitary sewers. xerial phato• may bs useful.
Ch�ck rseord■ to idsatify knoan side •sver cocuuetiona and �Aov these otf the
3. Coaduct a field •ur�ey of the Duildinqs to loeate ob�ervable ■torm drsin• fres
buildiaq• and pav�d �urtaces. Note vher• th�i• join the publie •to� drain.
{. Tetform 2V in�peetion of tht •tozm draina and record vith video tape tIIat
note• footaqe s• the TV pa���• throuqh the line.
5. C1o�pare th� ob�ezv�d 2oeation• of tannection• with th• in[ormation on th� sap.
11ot� •u�pect conn�ction• that are inconsi�tent vith the fiald surr�y.
' 6. ltaa�e •iqnifieant aecuaul�tion• of •edinent fros tl►� •torn drain arstm.
?��t the sediarnt befor� di�po�al {BKP R2.OD, Section IV-5.10). A�k private
prop�rty own�rs to cl�an th�ir eatchbaains •nd lints at the ■ame tim�.
' T. D�t�rain• vMther aaeh �uspect connsctlon i• a stoza draln or internal drain
bY ln�pection of Lha bulldinq and dye te�tinq as n�cessary.
, a. Ietforv pri�ate ovn�ra vho ha�t illieit conn�ctions of their obliq�tion to
conn�et to th� •anitary se.+er.
E!� is dew lopinq a 'Draft ?tarsual ot practic� Zdentification of Zllieit
. Ooa�etions', prepas�d by Th• Cadou■ Croup, Ine. and Triad Laqinesrinq, Ine. Lor ,
1Ct�io M�is• at the IISEPI► p�nsit• Di�isic+n (id-]36), �O1 M St. S.N., itashinqton D.C. '
304i0. Ths �ost curzsnt dr�ft is dated Septeaber 7, 2990. �
2lsf• OSL711 �anual cov�z� ovtfall wppinq, araluation and analysi�, idtntifieation ot '
pot�ntial industrtal ■ourc�s, on-�ii• iavestiqation and fi�ld survey t�ciu►iqv�• Sn �
qr�at dstail.
IV-4-Zb FEBRVARY, 1 92
t9-L.12 1NQ 52.20 STRLET SNLLPING �
1►�licstion: Strset •veeping ohould be implemeot�d for sites vith high impervious
eovsr. It abould be iapl�menGed for proqrsin• d��iqr+�d Co improv runoff quality
froe sxi�tinq dev�lopsent •ite�. Site• vhich exhiDit hiqh l�v�ls oi ��di�nt on
isper�►iou• surlace■ •hould al�o implem�nt rqgr���iv� source cvntrol m�asures to
pr�v�nt aceu�ulacion of ■uch ��dim�nts.
Stseet rw��ping i� � eo�soon maintenanc• oethod in so�t urban azeaa, but is ��ldos
thouyht of s■ a wean• to control pollutant�. Stz��t �rn�ping r�f�r� to tha r�mo.al
of accusulatsd du�t, dirt and debri• iroe imp�rviou■ �tr��ta •urlaces with th� u�•
of seehanieal cl�aner�. Streat �w�pinq may bs aa eff�ctiv� method of pollutant
contsol in hiqhlr urbanised areas vhere •pac� i� at a prsaaium aad zetrolittinq i•
Iikil• traditiona] �trtet ■veeping has •hov�► llmit�d •ftsctivsneia at impro�inq vat�r
qualitY th�re i• �vid�nce tAat it can b� eflecti�e wA�n Dottez �quipm�nt and
op�ratiaq prxedur�• ar� u��d. Th� Clty of �ustin, T�xas, (1) doeuiaen��d
statisticallp a3ynificant impro�mnt� in wat�z quality at a shoppiaq mall 1xatW'
fn a Qround vater recharqe zoae aft�r iaplem�ntation o! an intsn�ive a..Npioq
ptoqraa. Monikorinq eoadueted b�for• and aft�r •tartup of th� �vicepinq proqram
docuw�wnt�d tl�:t w�nt mean cone�ntzaCion• droQped fzom SO io 8� pere�nt fos
particulat�-t� pollutant�. Sh� Citp eonclud�d that polluta�t conccntraiion• fras
hiqA-d�n�ity d���lopment could bc dropped with bettcr maintsn�nc� and fr�quant
parkinq lot nreepinq.
Sil��rean and st�n�tran (3) argue that streot sveepittq could pot�ntislly be
, �il�etivc at removinq oil �nd qrease. Shey itite that svicepinq effort• vould n�d
to cortc�ntrat� on loeation� vhich reeei�e heavy depo�its (e.q., curD�) and that
innov�tir� •treet �veeping tecbnoloqy nseds to b� detilop�d.
�, 'Th� zt�ult• of ■tr�et �veepinq in the Puqet Sound basin ssem to b� less eertain_
. tM lov inten�itp zains vnich occur in the Puqet Sound Dasin rarely el�ar street� of
all dirt and debri�. Pitt and Hi�sonrt�tte (2) found that in Btll�we, lros SO to
100 qraa� pez curb-ost�r oi •traat •urf�ce partieulatea resain on tre str��t• after
' •tots� of about 6 m or qreatez. toadinq va2uer would b� �aucb hiqh�r in ar�a� vith
sts��ts in poor eondition. On �he •urf�ee, it ■eam� that �+eep�r• used in �hi• arsa
vould hav a battez opportunity to cl�an •treet• of all particulat• pollutants.
Ho�re�er, _Pitt and Si�aonnette al�o conclvd�d that stra�t sveepinq had littl• elf�ct
on wat�r qualily. 7� possibl� reason for tbi� is that most polluCants adsorb on to ,
silt and cl�y-�iz� particles, vhich are the ones nost lik�ly to bs renwvsd b7
Zn ord�r to ramo�� ihe�• particl�s, tTe eo�t •ItScient typ�s of •weepers, such �s
reqensrative air cleaner• or vacuu� �ve�per' rust be ueed. No current eonv�ntloaal
sweper i� elf�ctire in ze�aoriaq oil and qreas• (3).
l. Nuober of pas�e• and frequsncy:
� Incr�ase the frequency of aweepinq •trett� vith hiqh pollutant loadinq�.
particularly in industcfal areas
• Gensrally ■pQaking, one pass can rrmove SU� of avail:Dle eolid�, tw
passa■ provides 75� remov:l.
• Streets cleaned veekly will provide more remov:l efficiency; les•
frequ�nt •�+eepinq vill •ccompliah littli.
� I
. 2. �quipsent typ� and op�r:tions
• As ns.+ �veepers ar� purchased, conaidcr vacuwn or reqencrativr atr
�w�pers ai th��� typ�s ar� th• �sost •ffecti�e in renovinq th� s�w 11
particls• eost as�ociat�d vitA pollutant�.
• Train opsratars to attain mazisus �xeeper perforaanc� •uch thae iw�p.r
�p��d, bsuah adju�taent and rotation rste, sweping pattezr, �an�v��rifp
around parkid �ehlcl�s, intesLa atoraqc and di�poaal eethod• r��u2t in
optiMsl pollu�ant r�mov�l.
�. Pollutani loadinq/sourc� reduction on rtrast ■urfae��:
• irtablish proqras� !os proept �+►�epinq and remo�al oi dcDri� from
�p�eial problaa uea� (speeial •vents, high litter or tro�ion soAet).
• De�slop, Smplement and •nforc� r�gulation• for alt�rnate ■id� parklnq
durinq cl�aninq operation�, litt�r control, trash aad rslu�e •tozaq• and
di�po�al (sapeciall� yard debrf�, waste oil, atc.).
• Zcforca con�trucLion sit� erosion controls.
�. Str�et aaintsnanc�:
• Iaclud• vater quality bsnefit• Sn co�t analy�is foz stze�[ rspair.
particularly in hiqA traffie sone• in order to reduc� th• asount of
particulat�• ■haken lroo ��hiel�• travelling ovez zouqh road�, and tAa
amount of particul�tes gensrat�d lzo� the decerioratinq ctreet �urls��
• Co��ider impro�ing �tr�et conditioni in order to it►cr�a�• the �ltsctiv� �
t oi �tr��t �v.epinq.
• 5. Public awaz�n��a and iupport:
� Educat• citis�ns and public offieial• abovt the multiple beneflts
a�allabls from an iaproved •treet s.nepinq proqras.
• tducate citiz�a■ about •tz�et pollutant source zoduciion by �liminatiny
yard d�bri�, oil and other wa�t�• in •tr��t qutt�r�.
(1) 11v�tia, City of, Stormwatez Pollutant Loadina Charscteri�tics for Vtrioa• Land
St��• in the ru��in J�rea, July, 1989.
(2) Plti. llobert and Pas ni��onn�tt�, �elle•u� Urban Runoff ?roarun Swwearv
��, City of Bell�rue, J►uqust, 19e1.
(]) Sil+crean, Cary S. and Micluel 1c. St�n�troa, 'Source Control of 011 and Cr�as�
ia an �zbaa 7►r�a', in Desian of UrDan Rvqoff Qualitv Cop$,zole, l►SCL, 1988.
tt) 1►u�tin, City of, Inveniorr of Uzban NonDoint Sourr,• Poliution Control
Pz�ctic�s- 7►ov�ration and seasiDilitv fvr Uzbuf wate�hcd• �batsrsent
lta;�ur�s, D�partment of Environm�ntal Pzot�ction, June, 1988.
IV-1-�8 FEBRVA3tY, 199
2 �O • ■
� � 1
_ �
� _
. _
T A C O M A • S E A T T L E
Erosion and
Sedimentation Contro/
JDA Group, LLC
95 South Tobin Street, Suite 201
Renton, WA 98055-1324
� 6th Street Short Plat
City of Renton, Washington
Glenn C. Hume, P.E.
Project Engineer
J. Matthew Weber, P.E.
Associate Principal
October 2005
Civil Engineers • Structural Engineers • Landscape Architects • Community Planners • Land Surveyors • Neighbors
Erosion and
Sedimentation Contro/
JDA Group, LLC
�,���,y "'��� 95 South Tobin Street, Suite 201
� o�wAs�, ,�.. Renton, WA 98055-1324
ti� �� ' x ,
i '
$4J rJ �� t � � �
�cr�,,,� ` � 6th Street Short Plat
�c�'��s''���,`��`� `�,�� �����I°y City of Renton, Washington
" 203615.10
pCP1RES: 11171 J(d _
I hereby state that this Erosion and PREPARED BY.•
Sedimentation Control Report for
6'" Street Short Plat has been prepared Glenn C. Hume, P.E.
by me or under my supervision and
meets the minimum standard of the City Project Engineer
of Renton and normal standards of
engineering practice. I understand that
the jurisdiction does not and will not
assume liability for the sufficiency, REVIEWED BY.• �
suitability, or performance of drainage
facilities prepared by me. ). Matthew Weber, P.E.
Associate Principal
October Z005
1.0 Proposed Project Description ....................................................................................1
2.0 Construction Sequence and Procedure.......................................................................1
3.0 Soil Stabilization and SedimentTrapping....................................................................1
4.0 Permanent Erosion Control and Site Restoration.........................................................3
5.0 Geotechnical Analysis and Report..............................................................................3
6.0 Inspection Sequence................................................................................................3
7.0 Control of Pollutants Other Than Sediments...............................................................7
8.0 Utilities ...................................................................................................................7
9.0 Conclusion ..............................................................................................................7
AppendixA Exhibits
A-1.......... Vicinity Map
A-2.......... Erosion Control Plan
A-3.......... Sediment Pond Basin Map
A-4.......... Sediment Pond Calculations
Appendix B DOE Guidelines for Controlling Pollutants Other than Sediment on
Construction Sites
This report accompanies the application for the 6`h Street Short Plat. This project
includes clearing and grubbing within the clearing limits, grading the site to
design elevations, constructing storm facilities, provide finish surfaces, utility
construction and providing temporary and permanent erosion control facilities.
The project site is located in the City of Renton in the southwest quarter of
Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian in the City of
Renton, King County, Washington. This site is located at 505 Rainier Avenue
North (see Appendix A, Exhibit A-1 for Vicinity Map).
The 6`" Street Short Plat project is proposed on three parcels (9564800100,
9564800070, 9564800106) totaling approximately 1.84 acres. The proposed
project includes a private road to serve seven proposed residential lots. The
proposed private road will extend from the NW 6th Street public cul-de-sac which
will be reconstructed to current emergency vehicle turnaround requirements.
Utilities including stormwater managements systems will be provided to serve the
proposed project.
The design for this project meets or exceeds the requirements of the 1990 King
County Surface Wate�Drainage Manual (KCSWDI►�, which establishes the
methodology and design criteria used for this project.
The proposed development includes an erosion/sedimentation control plan
designed to prevent sediment-laden runoff from leaving the site during
construction. Erosion/sedimentation control will be achieved by a combination of
structural measures, cover measures, and construction practices that are tailored
to fit the specific site.
Prior to the start of any grading activity upon the site, all erosion control
measures, including a stabilized construction entrance, filter fabric fence and
catch basin inlet protection shall be installed in accordance with this plan and the
construction documents.
The best construction practices will be employed to properly clear and grade the
site and to schedule construction activities. The planned construction sequence is
included in the construction documents on Sheet C1.1.
Structural control measures will be used to reduce erosion and retain sediment on
the construction site. The control measures are selected to fit specific site and
seasonal conditions.
1 O� ' �
The temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) plans include the following
structural measures (see Appendix A, Exhibit A-2):
1. Stabilized construction entrance to prevent transport of sediment onto
existing asphalt pavement on NW 6`h Street. The entrance shall be
constructed using quarry spalls per the detail on the plans.
2. Filter fabric fencing around portions of the perimeter of the site to prevent
sediment-laden stormwater from being transported offsite including fencing
between construction activities and the critical slope areas.
3. Catch basin inlet protection to prevent sedimentation of stormwater
conveyance systems.
4. A temporary interceptor swale is provided at the top of the 2:1 slope to
intercept runoff prior to flowing down the slope.
5. Rock check dams are provided in the interceptor swales to reduce flow
velocities and remove sediment from the runoff. The check dams are
spaced so that the tow of the upstream check dam is at the same elevation
as the top of the downstream dam. The check dams shall be inspected for
sediment accumulation after each significant rainfall event. Sediment shalf
be removed before or when it reaches half of the original dam height.
6. Sediment pond to remove sediment from concentrated flows collected by the
interceptor swale.
A stabilized construction entrance will be used to prevent the transport of
sediment onto the adjacent paved surfaces. If sediment is transported onto the
road surface, the road shall be cleaned each day by shoveling or sweeping prior
to washing. Sediment removal by washing atone will not be allowed. If sediment
is tracked from the site, the City may require stabilization of internal roads and
car parking areas to contain the sediment or require the installation of a wheel
wash basin.
Since source control is the most important form of erosion control, construction I
practices must adhere to stringent cover requirements.
More specifically, during the period of May 1 through September 30, the '
Contractor will not be allowed to leave soils unprotected for more than 15 days �i
and immediate seeding will be required for areas brought to finish grade with no
further work planned for the next 30 days. Areas to be paved may be armored
with crushed rock subbase in place of other stabilizing measures. The area of
clearing will be limited to the amount that can be stabilized by September 30 of
that year.
2 �� ' O
During the period of October 1 through April 30, all disturbed soil areas will be
covered or stabilized within 5 days or 24 hours when a major storm event is
predicted. Cover measures may include mulching, netting, plastic sheeting,
erosion control blankets, or free draining material. The extent of clearing shall be
limited to the amount of land that can be covered or stabilized within 24 hours.
Soil stockpiles shall be stabilized by plastic covering or surrounded by filter fabric
fence. The stockpiles shall be a minimum of 50 feet from critical areas including
wetland buffers and drainage swales.
In order for the ESC facilities to function properly, they must be maintained and
sediment removed on a regular basis. Inspection and sediment removal shall be
performed on all ESC facilities as described in the inspection schedule located in
Section 5 of this report.
Permanent site stabilization and erosion control will be accomplished through the
following measures: '
1. Gentle grading and slope transitions.
2. Paving of driving and parking surfaces.
3. Landscaping (including hydroseeding).
4. Permanent storm facilities.
A geotechnical engineering report is provided by The Riley Group, Inc.
The following structural items will be used to control erosion and sedimentation
• Stabilized construction entrance
• Filter fabric fences
• Inlet Protection
• Sediment Pond
• Cover measures
3 O� � �
The Contractor's certified erosion control specialist and City of Renton officials
shall inspect the temporary erosion control facilities, construction entrance, and
erosion control barriers prior to commencement of construction. During
construction, the Contractor shall be responsible to inspecting and maintaining
ESC facilities.
Erosion control facilities shall not be allowed to fall into disrepair. All ESC
facilities shall be inspected, at a minimum, according to the following schedule.
Dry Season: Once a week.
Wet Season: Daily, and after every storm event that produces runoff.
Needed repairs shall be made within 24 hours or immediately if possible. If
necessary, the engineer or Ciry will instruct the Contractor to provide additional
facilities as warranted during field inspections.
The Contractor shall provide the name and contact information for the designated
ESC contact to the City of Renton prior to beginning construction.
Additionally, the following inspection/maintenance schedules shall be utilized to
ensure the ESC facilities are functioning as designed:
Construction Entrance:
• The construction entrance shall be inspected once a week during the dry
season and after every rainfall event during the wet season. If the entrance
is not preventing sediment from being tracked onto adjacent pavement, then
alternate measures to keep the pavement free of sediment shall be used.
This may include street sweeping, an increase in the dimension of the
entrance, or the installation of a wheel wash.
• Any quarry spalls that are Ioosened from the pad, which end up on the
roadway shall be removed immediately. Additional rock shall be added
periodically to maintain proper function af the pad.
• If vehicles are entering or exiting the site at points other than the approved
entrance, temporary fencing shall be installed to control traffic.
Sediment Trapping Facilit rL�.
• The sediment trap shall be inspected once a week during the dry season and
after every rainfall event during the wet season.
• Sediment shall be removed from the trap when it reaches 1-foot in depth.
• The staff gauge shall be inspected and replaced if damaged then
repositioned after dredging. Any damage to the trap slopes shall be
repaired. '
4 aQ � O �'ll
• Check pond slopes for raveling. Concentrated flows shall not be allowed to
flow down the pond slopes without providing rock armoring.
• Inspect outlet to ensure it is functioning properly and is not plugged.
Tem.porary and Permanent Seedinq:
• Seeding may be used throughout the project on disturbed areas. During the ,
dry season, areas that have reached final grade, or are not being actively '
worked, shall be seeding within five days. Seeded areas shall be supplied �
with adequate moisture, but not watered to the extent that it causes runoff.
• During the wet season, all disturbed areas not being actively worked shall be
seeded or stabilized with mulch or plastic sheeting.
• During the wet season, no more area shall be exposed than can be
controlled and effectively stabilized by the end of each working day.
• To prevent seed from being washed away, confirm that all other approved
erosion/sedimentation control facilities have been installed and are
functioning properly.
• Any seeded areas that fail to establish 80 percent cover (100 percent cover
for areas that receive sheet or concentrated flows) shall be reseeded. If
reseeding is ineffective, an alternate method shall be used.
• Seeded areas shall be inspected after every rainfall event during the wet
season. Any areas that experience erosion shall be reseeded and protected
by mulch. If the erosion problem is drainage related, the problem shall be
fixed and the eroded area reseeded and protected by mulch.
� Seeding shall not be used in areas subject to heavy vehicular traffic.
• Mulching shall be inspected once a week during the dry season and after
every rainfall event during the wet season.
• Mulch shall be inspected to verify that the proper thickness is being
maintained if applicable.
• Any areas that experience erosion shall be re-mulched and/or protected with
a net or blanket. If the erosion problem is drainage related, the problem
shall be fixed and the eroded area re-mulched.
Plastic Coverinq:
. Plastic sheeting shall be inspected once a week during both the wet and dry
5 �� � �
• Torn sheets must be replaced and open seams repaired. I
• If the plastic begins to deteriorate due to ultraviolet radiation, it must be
completely removed and replaced.
• When the plastic is no longer needed, it shall be completely removed. '
• If tires are used to weight down the plastic sheeting, they must be disposed
of properly.
Inlet Protection:
• Catch basin filter inserts shall be inspected frequently, especially after storm
events. If the filter becomes clogged, it should be cleaned or replaced.
• Inserts shall be replaced when tears are detected.
Silt Fence:
• Any damage shall be repaired immediately.
• If concentrated flows are evident uphill of the fence, they must be
intercepted and conveyed to a sediment pond.
• Check the uphill side of the fence for signs of the fence clogging and acting
as a barrier to flow and causing channelization of flows parallel to the fence.
If this occurs, replace the fence or remove the trapped sediment.
• Sediment deposits shall either be removed when the deposit reaches
approximately one-third the height of the silt fence, or a second silt fence
shall be installed.
• If the filter fabric (geotextile) has deteriorated due to ultraviolet breakdown,
it shall be replaced.
Temqorarv Interceptor Swale:
• If erosion is noted on the swale side slopes, provide armoring using quarry
spalls or sod.
• If the soil infiltration rate is reduced by siltation causing prolonged ponding
in the swale, scarify the bottom to a depth of 12 inches minimum.
If the erosion control facilities are damaged, or if the project engineer or the City
of Renton determines that existing controls are inadequate, the Contractor shall
install additional measures as required.
6 �� ' O
The Contractor shall be responsible for controlling pollutants at the wark site.
Key elements such as centralized areas for equipment and concrete truck washing
and temporary storage of debris and other stockpiled materials are the
responsibility of the Contractor.
The Contractor may elect to follow the detailed guidance on control of non-
sediment pollutants as outlined in the Sto�mwater Management Manua/for the
PugetSound Basin, Department of Ecology, February 1992, Section II-3 (included
as Appendix B).
During trenching activities no more than S00 feet of open trench shall be allowed
at any time. Excavated material shall be placed on the uphill side of the trench
except where limited by safery or space requirements.
Trench dewatering shall discharge to a sediment-trapping facility.
Erosion control procedures as described in this report and illustrated on the
design plans, if properly implemented, should mitigate anticipated erosion effects
from the development of this project.
This analysis is based on data and records either supplied to or obtained by AHBL. These
documents are referenced within the text of the analysis. The analysis has been prepared using
procedures and practices within the standard accepted practices of the industry.
AHBL, Inc.
Glenn C. Hume, P.E. G
Project Engineer
October 2005
K:\CINI\Yr_2003\203615�STORM�TESC�615-Erosion Control Report 3-wp.da
7 O� O
A-1 ..............Vicinity Map
A-2 ..............Erosion Control Plan
A-3 ..............Sediment Pond Basin Map
A-4 ..............Sediment Pond Calculations
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2215 Nortn 3Uth Street,Suite 300,Tacoma,WA 98403 253.383.2422 TEL SEDIMEHT POND BASIN �
316 Oceidental Avenue South,Suite 320,Seatlle,WA 98104 20616T.24Z5 TEL
TESC Event Summary
Event Peak Q (cfs) 'Peak T (hrs)!Hyd Vol (acft) Area (ac)�1�Iethod�aintype;
10 yr I 0.2942 ' 8.00 � 0.1�27 � 0.6480 ! SBUH �TYPE 1 A ':
Record Id: TESC
Design Method ; SBUH �Rainfall type ; TYPEIA
Hyd Intv 10.00 min Peaking Factor i 484.00 �
Abstraction Coeff 0.20 I
Pervious Area (AMC 2) 0.46 ac DCIA � 0.19 ac (
j Pervious CN 86.00 DC CN 98.00
- Pervious TC 5.00 min DC TC 5.00 min
', -�� Pervious CN Calc
�-- Description SubArea � Sub cn
landscape area 0.46 ac 86.00 �
� I Pervious Composited CN (AMC 2) 86.00
Pervious TC Calc '
� Type j Description Length Slope � Cceff Misc TT '
Fixed fixed 5.00 min '
Pervious TC 5.00 min ,�
- (
_ Directly Connected CN Calc �
Description SubArea Sub cn
PAVEMENT 0.19 ac 98.00
DC Composited CN (AMC 2) 98.00 i�
Directly Connected TC Calc '
Type Description Length Slope � C eo ff � Misc TT
Fixed None Entered � r5.00 min
_-_-----__--- --- -- r ---------
� Directly Connected TC S.00min
I --
Sediment Pond Calculations
SA =2(0.2942)/0.00096 =612.92 square feet
DOE Guidelines for Controlling Pollutants
Other than Sediment on Construction Sites
_.. Potential pollutants other than sedinent as�ociated with conatruction activity,
includa awasrous haz�ardous wast�s as well a• ot2►�r aolid usd liquid wastas.
Hasardous waat�a includQ-peatici.des Eina�cticidos, fursqicides, he�bicides,
zodenticide• etc. ), p�trocRemicals (oils, gi�oline, asphalt deqr�aeez etc.) and
oth�r construction chemicala •aah a• concr�t� prociuctc, soal�r, paints, und wash
wat�r ass�ciated with thtse products. Other waste• include papar, wood, garbage,
sariitary r+aetes, and fertilizer.
Practic�� muet be used that provent these potential pollutante from 2aaving the
conatruction site. Good Qrooion and sadiawnt control, coupisd with �tormaat�r
satsaqeoent, Will deter the awven�nt of laxqe ama�nt• cf s�dim�:rt ott tts� �ite. (It
must b� r�coqniaed, however, that pol2utants ca�rriad in solution in runoft water, or
fixad with �adiment crystal2ine atructur�s (e.g., crpstalliae claps), urill b�
"^ carri�d throuqh the erosion and sediment contzal dsfenses.j Pollutanta such aa
oils, aa:es, aad r+stex-inaoluble p�aticidos, form surface films on water and on
solid particl�s. and al�o, oi� films aezv� as a m�dium for coneentrating water-
so2ublr ins�cticid�e. Other than by uae of aery costly rrater-treatm�nt facilities,
-- oz 2�ng runott vat�r dRtsntion pariods, these pollutants becomQ nearly imposaible to
contr�l onc�r pr�sent fn the rvnoff.
_ The most sconevical and etfsctiva coatrola for pollutants oth�r than sadi.m�nt
-- g�narat�d on con�truction sites, aro tbQ �xareise ot good "hou��k�epinq" praatic�s,
and an awaran�ss by conetruction wor)csrs, plaan:za, enqine�rs, asid d�velopers of the
ne�d asd purposQ of compliance with foderal, stat�, and local requlatioas. Tor
�x�mple, mo�t peaticideo can kill forms of lif� other that� thsir pe�t tarqats.
�- Certain in�:cticidsa can p�rsi�t for month� or y�ari in soil and wator, �und many
toxic cheatica2s aan be passed alonq plant and an3,mal tood chains. Similarly, hiqh
levela af nutrients (principally yhosphorus �nd nitrog�a) trom lertflizars u�d to
reveqetaia exposed subsoil4 in qra�d ar�as may snter watrrways and pond�, and
_ increase the qrowth of alqae at the surfac� to such an extent that liqht penetration
in tho water coluroi► i� decrQas4d. Thf er�d r�snit i■ ov�r-enrichroent (or
•utraphication). Zn confin�d Wat�r bodi�s, ov�r-�nrich�nt can lfad to compl�t�
deoxygenation o! the vater and consequant death ot fish snd other orgwnisms.
Wayo muot bQ found to prot�ct ponds, wtlas�ds, lak�i, streana, and_coastal aad
estuaria� water bodies fran dam:qe by ��diment and other pollutante qsnerated durinq
coa�tructioa activitios.
Ths varisty of pollutants and thf severity of th� damage they cause depead upon a
mmb�r of faetors. Th� most siqnific:nt of th�se iaclvde:
l. Th� aaturQ of thA conatruction activity.
2. Ths phyaical characteristics ef tha construction sit�, includinq such
tactors as weather, tise of year for coastzuction, tapoqraphy, soil
aonditfon, drainaqe systoms, �tc.
3. The proximity, quantity, usd quality o! the receivinq wat�rs (l..e., the
a�oount and purity of the wat�r r�cfiviag tho contaminated runotf).
it it reasonahle to �pact, for example, that poteatial pollution r.sulting from
ftrtiliz�ra us�d durinq seveqetation would be more s�vezo on a hiqhway or houainq
development than tor a �hoppinq cQntez development. Thia is because highwaye and
housinq develop�oente usually have far greater landecapinq requirementa than ahoppinq
c�nt�r� which are campos�d mo�tly of rooftop■ and pavemaat_
�h� physical charactari�tica of the con�tructfon sitQ hava a major Dsaring on the
potsntia2 sovQrity of pollution from oonstruction activitiea. As ia the caae of
s�dimont, thQ vast majority of sl2 pollutants are ctrzi�d into th� r�ceiviag watera
via runoff. The anwunt o1 runoff cominq lran a construction ait• is d�pendent upoa
hydro�oqic factors. Th��e include the aaount, int�n�ity, and fr�qu�ncy ot rainla2l;
tts� infiltration rate of the �oili auriace roughnsr�j and Lhs l�agth and st�epness
o! th� qround slop�. Larq� ar�a• d�nud�d or �tripp�d o! vegetatioa, long alopes,
�t�p ■lop��, tiqht soils, and hiqh int�n�ity rainfall are all lactor• conduciva to
haany ruanff.
Motbtr physical factcr influoacinq tha severity of pollution ie the proxin►ity of
the pollutaat, or potential pollutant, to th� riceivinq water. For axample,
f�stilis�ri applied to a =tre�mbank art �oor� apt to cau�• water pollutios� than
f�rtilis�rs appliod to a •lope wall upland of the waterway.
T!� lollo++inq infermation deals arith thQ natur� and aontrol o! various con'truction-
r�lat�d pollittu�ts, othar than s�di.m�nt.
2I��.1 � C1.10 tESTICZDE C011T7[OL
--7l�thouqh th� �vord "pesticids" haa cvm� to mian only thost chomicals which attack
i�stat populatioas, h�ze th� �ord i• u�ed to includ� h�rDicides and rodentfcid�s as
v►�11 s� ch�mical� cc�esnonly kna+n a• pe�ticidee. In�ecticid�aF rodaaticidas, and
t�trbicidt� have historically bs�n us�d on construction •it�s to iacr�as� b:alth snd
sai�ty, mafittain s pl�asant environaent, and z�duc� aaint�nanc� and tir� hazards.
OltfA, rodento ar� attractad to construction sit�s and rodenticides ars us�d.
Psaticid�• ■h�ll onip b� us�d in conjunction with Int�rated Psst �lanaq�merst (IMd) .
ZP![ utilis�a a nNds ass�ssment which d�tar�fn�s vhich mrthod to u�� and tt�e
t�c�ssity o! controllisq a p��t population. P�sticid�s shc�ld b� the tool o! last
z�sort� �aethod■ which are th� l�ait diaaaptiva ta t2s�-sn�iro�t �nd to h+am�er
tf�alth should b� u��d first (1). IPM as a BNP ir turth�r diacusaad in Volua►e IV,
-ChapCwr I�T-4, BKP 81.90.
It pt�ticid�s must k» usad, •clearanc� tor us� ot any ot th�s� cbemicals is otten
r�quisyd by r�strictiw f�deral and st�te rsqulations. A1� pt�ticid�• should b�
stor�d and appli�d in accordaace xith r�qulations o! th� Stat• D�partaant of
llqriculture, 1�7►C 16-228-185. =PI► ha�s produc�d a patphlet 'suspend�d, Canc�l�d snd
Raatsietad Bssticid�s" (Jan. 1985), which iacludas intor�astion on-m�y p�sLfcid�s.
Jl� Lt i• �aore than five years old, it is wise to ch�ck with EPI►'s R�qion 10 P��ti-
cid�s Sranch, S�attlt, if any qu��tion• r�qarding tb� us� oi p�atici�es arisa. M
awars�ss of ttx n�+d to adbor� to recomm�nd�d dosag�s, typ� of applicatioa
�quipmeai, tia� o! applicatfon, cl�aning o! application �quip�nt, and aaf� di�possl
vt th�s� ch�aical�, will qo far in limitinq th� pollution o! water�rays. �lication
raL�• should conlorm to r�ister�d label dir�ction. !lany of these coa�pounds ar�
eon�idsr�d "Dangerous fiastos" usd sust b� dispo��d of properly. Disposal oi excess
pNticid�• aud p�sttcid�-rrtst�d Wa�t�a should confoz' to r�qist�rsd lab�l dir�c-
tioas !or th� disposal and storaqe ot p��ticid�s and pe�ticid� contain�rs ��t forth
fn applicabl• federal, state and local roqulationa. Genaral dfsposal proc�dur�s
• Dispo�e of throuqh a licens�d wa�te eaanaqau�nt tira or treatment,
atoraqe and diapoaal campany (TSD) .
• Uss up, or qiv� away to garden c�nt�r, landocap� service, etc.
• Triple rinae containers beforQ diepoaal, reuee rin�e water� as product.
•Hassrdous Waste Pesticidea - Determininq if Your Pesticide ia a Hazardovs Waste,"
booklet #89-14 provides guidance and ia available from Ecoloqy's Publications
Cffica_ For more information call Hazards Line (587-3292) or Hazardons- SubBtanCe il
Information Hotline {1-800-633-�585) .
Pt�ticide storage areas on the conotruction site should be protected traa ths �,
- �l�nte, from vandals, and lraa thQ curious. Warninq •iqnals ahould be placed in
ar�as rsc�ntly aprayQd or treatsd with the ioost dang�roua p�sticide�. Peraone
involv�d in thQ mixinq and applitation of these chemicals, to be in compliance with
tt►� law, a►ust wear auitabl• protective clothing.
Oth�r practicea include:
• Set aside a locked, weather-resiatant storaqe area.
• Lids should be tiqhtly c2oaed.
• KORp in a coal, dry plsco. Hany pesticides rapidly los� th�ir
aft�ctivenese i! storsd in areae exposed to haat. I
• In case of a leak, put oriqinal container into a larger container and
la.bQl it properly. I
• chock contain�r� periodically for l�aks or d�terioratfon.
• xefp a li�t of product� in storaqe.
• OsQ plastic oh�tinq to litse the area.
• Tha applicator must tollor+ the notification requirement• of th� WDs�i.
N�ighbors on prop�rti�s adjacent to the one beiaq sprayed should also bo
notified pzior to sprayiaq. •
. All storaqs eh�ds, dumpsters or othQr ator�q4 facilit3.�a ahould bs
r�qu�arly monitorsd for 2�aks and repafred as n�c�ssary. Rsmind Worlc�rs
during subcontractor or satfty meatings about prop�r storage aad
hand2ing of mat�rials.
ZS-3.3 BNP C1.20 �ifD2.I110 O! p�'1'1b0iLSiAI �IADQCTs
Petrol�um products arQ widely us�d durinq construction activitias� Thay art used as
fu�l� and lubricaats for v�hicular operations, power toois, and g:neral equipment
yintsnanco. These pollutants includ� oil�, fuels such aa qaoolin�� dies*� oil,
k�ros�ne, lubricating oils, and qreaae. l��phalt pavinq can ba a pollutant source as
it continues to r�lease variovs oils for a considorable length of time. Mo�t of
th�se pollutants adhere to soil particles and other surfaces �asily.
Oss� of tht b�st mod�a of cantrol is to r�tain s�dinwnts contsininq oil ors th�
coastxuatiot� sita. Soil �rosion ar�d s�dianL cantrol practic�s caa tfftetivsly
acco�aplish thfa. Improved maint�nartc� and �afe storage faciliti�• will r�duc� thair
chanc�s of contaminating con�truction eite�. Cne ot tho qr�at�st concerns
confronting uses of these petroleum product• is the m�thod for waste diaposal. Oil
and ofly wact�s such as crankcs�o oil, cans, raqo, and paper dropp�d in oils and
lubricants, can b� best diapos�d of in prop�r rec�ptacl�■ or recycled (call 1-800-
RSCYCLE) . waat• oil for recycling ahould not b4 mixod with dfqreasors, solventa,
antitr�eze, or brake fluid. Th� dumpinq oi these wa�tes in sewers and other
drsinage channels is illeqal and could result in fines or job shutdown. A further
II- - 1�EBRUARY, 92
_. . _ �
sourae of those pollutaats ia 2eaky vahicles. Proper maintenance of equip�oent and �
installation of proper stream cros�ings �rill further rcduce pollu�ion of water by
th��� eourcea. Stream crossinga should be mini.mized throuqh proper planninq of
acc��s roads.
Guidolin�s �or staring petroleum producta ar� a• follows:
• Store producta in w�atbar-rasistant eheds where po�sible.
• Creat� shelter around area with cover and wind protection.
• Line the storag� arsa with double laysr of plastic �heating
_ ar similu material.
• Create impervious bena around the pQrimeter. ��
• Gpacity of bermod area •hould b� 110 p�rc�nt of l:zqeat containar. I
• Pilll products should be cleazly labeled.
• 1Ceep tanks off the qround.
� 1C�Qp lide seeurely fastan�d.
• Contact local fire marshall for mor� informatien. �
• Poet intormation for procodur�s in cas� of �pill�. person• tra£n�d in
' handlinq �pills should b� on-�ite or on ta21 at all times.
• lSatezials for cLaning- up- spills •hould b� lc�pt ost-�itr and
- easiiy availablo. Spilla should ba cl�an�d up ismsdiatalv and th�
contminat�d mat�rial properly di�posed ot.
j�--'• Sprcify a �taqing ar�a for all whicle maiat�nanc� activiti�s.
� 1'hi� area should b� located away lraea all dxainaq� courses.
• All storaqe ah�d�, dnmpster• or oth�r storaq� laciliti�s should be
r�larly moaitored for leaks �ad- rrpaired ss nsc�ssary. R,amiad �a�orlc�rs
. durinq sn.bcontractor or �af�ty me�tings about praper �toraq� and
handlinq o! matorials.
II-3.� � Ci.30 11QTR�1aT 11lFI.IG'PI011 7NID Co�27tOL
Zswtqaaic nutri�at pollution ia most olt�n caused by fortilis�rs us�d in
rfvpatati,nq gzad�d u�as. TIs� a�s ot pro�p�r wi�-rtabilizstioa m�asur�s, �edia�at
coatrol, at�d stos�wat�r d�t�ntfon �tructures can b� stt�ctiw m�ans of k�ping th�s�
a�t�rial� aut of wat�rwaya. Only small �awuats of iaorqanic autri�nts are
b�licial to the productivity oi w�t�rWays, while axe�s• �ount• r��ult in owr-
�nrict�w�at {eutzophication).
litrtri�at pollution cas► bo minimis�d by workinq f�rtiliza�rs and liminq isaterial• iato
tt� �oil to d�ptA� oi 4 to 6 inch��, aad by psop�r timioq of th� application.
Ay�ro-s�dinq op�rationa, in whicb ��ed, fertiiis�rs and liae ar� appli�d to ttf�
qround surt�c• i� a oru-step optratioa, ar� eor� conduciv� to nntri�nt pollution
than ars conventfona� s�adbed-pr�paration op�rations. ti►h�re th* fertilizers arid lfar
at� till�d into th� soil. ia th� caa� of iurfacQ dr�sslaqs, control caa De achiev�d
by applyinq ttw r�quirod quaatity of iortilis�r ia mors than ono operation. !or
�xa�pl�, aa arsa x�quiring xn application of 500 lbs. per acre o! fertilisor aould
b� drais�d with about 225 lbe. per acr� at four �eparat� tim�s over tho qrowinq
II- - OIUtY,
� i
Os� of fsrtilizere containinq little or no phosphorus may be required by local
authoritiea if the developcnent ie near eeneitive water bodies. In any event qreat
care ehould be taken to uee only the minimum amount of phoaphorue nesded, aa
dttermined by soil teats, or advice frao the local Coneervation District or Soil
Con��rvation Service. I
�ar ��naitive surface waters, the addition of lime can atfect thQ pH (or acidity)
of runoff and receiving waters. Importation ot topeoil ia bettar than heavily
23.mfaq and lertilfxiaq exposQd aubaoil.
II-3.S Bi� C2,�O SCLZD N718TE E7WDLZl� 711[D DZSl0�71L I
Solid wast� is one of th� major pollutanta causQd by con�truction. Solid waote ie
gfn�rat�d trom tr�ea and ahrubs resoved during land clearing for conetruetion of
str�tt• asid parkinq facilities, and during the in�tallation of etructures. Other '
v�ast�• inc3nde wood and gaper from pa�lcaqinq and bui2ding mat�rials, scrap metala,
•anitary waetes, rubber, plastic and glass piecea, maecnry products, and others.
lood contafners such aa beveraqe cans, coffse cupa, luach-wrappinq pap�r and
plaatic, ciqarett• packaq�o, leftover food, and alwninum loil contribute a
substantial aaiouat of aolid Wast• to the coastruction •ite.
Th� major control mechanism for these pollutant� is to provide adaquate dispoaal
facilities. Coliected aolid wast� should be ramoved and dispoaod of at authorizad I
dispo�al areas. FrQqutnt qarbag� removal h�lp� maisitain con�truetion •it�• i.a a ���
cl�an and attractivQ manner. wa�t• cont:in�rs should be lab�ilsd and located in a
cover�d ar�a. Lids should bs kept clased at all tim�s. ]�y us�tul mat�riala should
b� salvaqsd aad recycled. �or instance, masonry ti+ast� c�n be us�d tor f illiag
_ borra+ pit�f trsea and brush fzom land-clearing operationa can bs converted into
�=aoodchips throuqh m�chaaical chigp�rs and than used as mulch in qrad�d arsas.
�itary facilitioo aust b� corveai�nt and wrll maiatain�d ta avoid indiscriminate
soilinq o! adiacent araas. Selertive (rather than whole�ale) ra400val oi tr�ss is
t��pful in cons�rvation of soil and raduction o! wood Kaetes. Zadiacrimiaat�
rMaval ot tree• and other b�neficial wqetation ahould bf avoid�d.
Soil �rosion and o�dfs�nt contzol �tructures capturf much of tt� solid wast• trom
co�strnction rit��. Constant r�moval of 13tt�r fram thess structures vill reduce
the awount of �olid aa�t� d��poilinq th� land�cape. Th� extension o! local and '
stats anti-littor ordinance� to cowr con�truction •it�• is also a viable control
mschani�m. sdb�rence to th��e rQqulationo by conrtruction pereoanal reduces
u�c�ssary iitterir�g through car�l�ssn�ss and negligenco.
Many typ�s of ch�nnical� may bs us�d durinq co»struction activitf�s. Thest chamical
pollutant� iAclude paints, acids tor cl�aninq masonry surfacea, cleaninq sclvents,
uphalt p=oduata, saiL additive� usad_fo� s��hi�{�tion aad oth�r puzpa�s,--
COAC=KMCtiIlAiJ compoundi, and many oth�rs. Thsse oaterials ar� carrisd by s�diuwnt
and runoft from conrtruction sites.
E larqt p�rc�ntaqs of th��� pollutants can b� •ffaatively controll�d through
iwpl�ntatian ot sourc� control soil eroiion and sedimentation control practicas.
By u�irsq only the roco�andad amounts of these material• and applyiaq them in a
prap�r mans�er, pollution can be further reduced. J►s in the aa�• of othor
pollutanta, good hnuiekeeping is the most i.mportant m4aaa of aantrollinq pollution.
Th� correct mathod of dispoeal af waetss vari�s urith thQ material. Naah-up waters
tsoa water-based paints may qo into a sanitary sewer, but waste� lran oil-based
. pafnt�, cleaning solventa, thinner*, and rein�ral epirits mu4t be dieposod of through
II-3- FEBRtTAiiY, 2 2
a licenaed waste manaqement firm or TSD. Dioposal of concrete products, additivea,
and curinq compounde dependa on the product. Infosmation ia available from the
local heslth department or the Hazardoue Subetance information Hot2ine (1-B00-633-
7585) .
II-3.7 OT�A POa.t�T2111iTS
Other pollutanta include concrate wash Water from concrete mixers, acid and alkaline
solutions from exposed toil or rock units hiqh in acid, and alkaline-forsninq natural
Th� control ot th�s• pallut�nto in�rolv� good �ite-planaing ar�d pr�-canatruction
qeological survey�. 11�utralization of these pollutant• often provid�� the beat
treatment. Sealing of fracturea in the bedrock �►ith qrout and bentonite will reduce
tho saount of scid or alkalina seepage from Qxcavations. !►dequato treat�o�nt and
di�posal ot concrat� iusth�r roduces pollution.
u-3.s a�7►�. cvtt�.rxzs
G�Aaral quid�2in�s for roanaqiaq or minimisiag any oi tho abovo hasardou� wastos ar�
as tollaws:
SI-3.8s1 BlIP C1.60 1�Sanagina Haztrdous Products
• Buy and us� oaly what ie nNd�d. L�ftov�r� neQd to bs storsti, r+-ussd,
qiven aaay, r�cyalfd or disposed of safely.
. Read lab�l■ and follow direc:tions on th� laDel. Hasardous products �nay
b� label�d:
Danger Poisonous Volatil•
.Caobustible Caustic Explosiv�
►larning Corrosive Plaa�aab�e
Gut ion
• Try ta kaep products in oriqinal contaia�r• aad alwaya k�g thaa►_well-
lab�led. If ttu produet aust be translerred to small�r contsinar�, ua:
th� proper sisQ funnel and avoid spills. I,ab�l all containers.
• Labe�a can fall otf witb wath�ring. To prrv�nt, cov�r rrith transparent
tap�. To relaD�l, use a metal taq attach�d to th� caatainer or u� a
atencil and spray paint.
• Do aot mix ch�ical subataac� unl��s r�cosnend�d by- tlu asautactur�r.
• Os� in w�ll-ventilat�d ar�as. Protect skin, eyes, no��, aAd mouth wh�n
a�c�ssary by w�arinq q2oves, r�spirator, or other prat�ctive clothing.
• l�p corrosive liquids away from flanable liquids.
• Laok for nontoxfc or l�a• toxir options (check Nith th� 8tate D�partment
_ ot scoloqy-Otfic� ot liaste R+sBuction at 1-800-822-9933) .
• II�e all ot the product batore di�posing of thQ container.
' • T�re :r� privat• finus that sp�cialize in the c2�anup ot spills.
Z I- - FEBRU1tRY. 2
II-3.8.2 �(� C1.7Q Eqaivment Waahina
Thinn�rd or solvents should not be discharqod iato the •anitaxy oz etorcn gewer
�p�e�oa when cleaning large machine part• where diacharqe of Water is required. Uee
alt�rnative method� for sleaning larger equipnent pa�� snch as hiqh pressure, high
t�mptraturQ watar washea, or steam cleaning.
8quipim�nt wa�hinq detQrgents can be used and wash water dischazged into the sanitary
- sy�tom if grit is removed fran thQ solution firat. The water diseharqed into the
s�r nwet not eaceed tho diecharge limits set by the Sewer Authority.
Sssll parts can ba cl�aned with daqr�a�inq solvents Which are r�used after filtaring
or r�crc2�� Thss�-rol�sntr should ,� De discbarg�d into any s�inr. lurther
iniormation i� avai2able fzoro the DeparCment of Ecology.
II-3.a.3 B14P C1.B0 S�ill Control Plannina �} Clean�,p
Can�truction aite suparvisors shall adapt a spill tantrol plan and identify parsons
rl�potiaible for implamenting the plan if a spi21 of a dangerous or hazardous waste
should occur. I►ny spi�l that occura, reqardleas of the aize and/or type of spill,
should bf r�ported to the followinq agenaies:
• It tha 4pi11 of a hazardous substanc� could reach •urface wateza, the
fo11o�,Tinq aq�ncies must b� notifi�d (thnre are fin�s tor tailinq to
National Rsspons� Csntrr 1-B00-424-8802 (24-hour)
• 2.oaally, notity tho regional Department of 8coloqy olfices:
Northve�t Raqion - Redmond 649-9000 (Z4-hour)
South��t Aoqfoa - Olympia 753-2353 (24-houz)
• Nithin th� City a! Sellewe
Storm � Surface Water �tility 455-?846 (24-hour�
. For spills within szlt wat�r
U.S. Coast auard 286-5440
�s� ar� fia�s foz failiag to notifi tLe sppropri:ta anthoritr Khsa a spill oecars.
Soa of th� iaportant componenta o! a agill control plan ares
• 8otabliah aho to aotify ia thQ Qvent of a spil2, particularly if it is
• Provide apecific cl�an-up inetructiona tor different groducts handled on
• l�asiqn a psrson to be in charge of clear�-up a�eiatance.
. prepare epill containmant �nd clean-up 2i�ts that e�re sasy to find aad
• Post a awmmary of th� cl�an-vp plan tt apprapriate locatians.
• If a apill xcnrs, demabilize it as qu3ekly as poesible.
• If therQ is a change that the spill could enter a storm drain or sewez,
plug the inlet and turn off or divert any incaaing water.
• Cover the spill with absorbant naterisl suah as kitty litter or sawdust.
Dn_ not uae straw. Dispoa� of th� �aed absorbesst per-Zco2ogrp- or-
manufacturer•s instruction�. If the apill is flamnabl�, dispvse of as
dirocted by the lxal fire marsha2.
. l�osp the arsa w�ll veatilat�d.
ZI-3.8.4 Bi�tP C1.9Q Tr�atm�nt and Dievosal ot Corits�ainated Soila
Ccntaminat�d qround aatar or aoil msy- bo �nco�trtt�rae� durinq �arthworlr sctiv�tsrr os
by th� spill or leak ot a hazardoua product. Th� cont�mis�ant may be known or
nnknown. Samplinq and laboratory tests siay be z�quired to determine whetAer a
landfill can accept the contaminated •oil. Ia some cases it ia possil�le to reduce
th� hasardous pot�ntial o! the soil by aerating it, for axample. Local health
a�p�urtmanta can supply the necesaary procedures. Private lirms caa al�o bs
coRsultsd for dispo�al.
TM l�tod�l T�xica Control_Actr Ch-. ?0�1D5- RCi�, requires- that gco�oqy`s-?oxic- C2eanup
Proqras be notified if contaminated soil or ground vatar ia encountered durinq a
II-3.8�5 HlSP C �.00 Concrete Trucks/Snrav idashinq of �xvos�d Aacrevate Driv�ave
- � Nalkwav�
T!k wa�hout froo a coacret• truck should bs dispo�od of Ss�to:
• A desiqnated area which will later bs backtillad: s slurry pit.
• An ar�a where th� concret� wash can hardon, be broken up, and thsn put
in the dua�pster.
• 1� location ti+hich is not subj:ct to surface aater runotf, and taore than
50 fe�t away from a stor�a drain, opor► ditCh, or receivinq watar.
g� Dump Zato:
• Sartitary s�r
• Storm drain
• Sofl or pav�ment which caxri�s starmwattr runofi.
Nlun �pray wa�his�g driveway oz vralkway� to sxpose th� agqr�qate, all wash water
s2�ould b� divert�d or opray+Qd to the •id��, not down tb� driv�,ray. Zt �nt�r eauot
run down th� drivaway tovards the stzeet or oidewalk, it shculd b� divort�d st the
bottom to a sump or ��diaent trap.
II�,}.S.j, � C2.10 D�a of Sandbl�tina Grita
I! ns�d to cl�an o2d buildinqa. whare_-leadr-cadmium, or chraaie-bsrad paintt a�rr
appli�d, th� •andblasting qrito are a h�zardous wait�. They car�not b� wash�d into
any s�w�r �yat�a. Coatact a lia�ns�d wa�te o4aaag�nent fism or TSD facilitp.
IZ-3.8.7 BMP C2.20 Disaosal of l�ebe�toe and PCBe
�s� and dispoaal ot th4�� potential pollutants are raqulated by both itate and
l�ra2 ay�nci�s. For furthar information, contscL: -
_ _ _ __
- i
or AsbQetos:
Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency: 296-7330 I
U.S. EPA: 442-73b9 '�
Tor i�iastes Containing PCBs:
Waehiaqton Department of Scoloqy, Hazsrdoue Wasie Sfction: 449-6681
U.S. EPA: 442-7369
- �
Z i-3.! �ElER�110E8
(1) iiaihinqton Toxics Coalition, letter datad Jas�uary 31, 1990,
(2� Rein�lt, Loren, Construction Site Srosio� ,�d Sediment Control 2nspgcto� I
Trainina Manual, Gnt�r for t3rban water R4aourc�a M�nag�oent, Univeraity of �
i�is�rhinqton, OCtcber, 1991.
-- �
il � -
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