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ORD 0185
' ` , i �1 � � .. E � ,� . � r � . ° � i, .t t i , ' f� u�; ��r � � � �� ` °- ' �� � ;�� _ o..�zl���Tc� T1o. 3 ��.. � _ _ 'q�e� � �in ordinanc e ,,r ovidir�; for the irar-,���� � �_.� ��� ���` �;.w� 'jh.. �;�. ` ��� por�ion of �he nort�erlv side a-� the �our_�T� �oad T+o. ��y�r�`� ' ���+ �ounc�ed on '..,_e y�est b;,T ��,_ e€ist�/line cf Park uvenue unu. on �:_�- _ .a�'{'`��:�' ►°G.�k:`_. �t east by t��e ��es� line of Avenue, b�T the corstnuc'��.c�7 �..__._.__ of a board sic�e��.lk �hereon, the s�e �o be built in �,ccordu���� I to �nc� in cor���liG,nee ���i�n �:ne s��eci�'ica�ions �or siczeti�v�,lks �=.;� set �orth in Ordin�.nce Tto. 39 of the Ci+y o�' T?er�on, 1`l�,shir���c:�:; � �- �. , �.. . �l�e in;�ide c�all ��iexeof to �e �.n est�.blished �;ro~:erty line, . � cos� o�" >;e ti�_�:,� �,�: ��e �_� ��._e' i,- �,, x;,y�, ,� e�.+, �;o ,e ',�rae -" - - , � vhe r eb�, -- t - � �., ,„ _. , , __ _. ,., .,_ , � , . _ _ :, , ,_ � .� . .__ : .. , _ __ '' _ ;; � =j'Q�a��O'`�: :;�v�;_.�:>�, .�� �i �r.G.t ���,� _ a `�i L lb .. ,����_� 1_.., ,_�� _��._a c .�.. ��, . � ?�o�,d iTo. ',ounde�i on tne c�est ��;T fVY�� eas� side oy y�:.�"-� y �:.. ' � Y M....t� r s;.r ,.{W.�' � i-venue �.ncl on ��he e�.st b� L f.e �;;e s� s�c e of�.,- � :w�r -A;:�- shall be improved by �he cons�ruction o�' �, l:oarc� side�;�,l�_ y._ acco rclar.c e �o and corailliarlee r�itn t l�e s?;e ci��c ut ious ror ��o�:�r:�. sidez;�lks �s set �orth in Orclin�znce i�o. �9 0-� �he Cif�r of Re��.�;c��, �7�,�hin�;ton, �he iri�ide edge ���ereof �o be u�r�on the es��a.bli;hed pro�:�erty line > `�he same to be built in a �rt�cle es��;�.blished b� ��-_.�: Ci�y �n�;ineer o� �he (�i�� of �entan, ��ashingtc�n, �,nc� inc;orpor�.�� ed in ��ecific�,�ions %�o. � noti, on �'i1e in the o�'�'ice �� saic:, cit�r. 'lhe cost there of t;o be leviec� upon ti�e ;_�ro�_:erty �a�:,_:;�-- . , , ,��. ��-�, ,. , �, .. , - 1� J .�.. ._" _ �_ .�C; _ �_. _ . _.�. � � , . � .i , . t. _. _i�~J � ., i l%11� ..� ._ by 1�_: o ,� �ec`�_;.u�� �: � ,. ��e _..>; =��r��";;�� c �`����:��.�i�eu �, icc�_ V 11�:_- U 11�_ improve��n� dis`�r_i_a� -o �;e __�«. ,, _ r.�_ .�e;, � _.. -� '� , �- . , �.,e _ .�.w� �c�.;_.� �m1,_ o�e- ment ��strict i�o. � - lhe prorerty includecl in said loc�,l improv�men� c�is�rict, �.nd none o�her sh�.11 be deer:ed to, be �Lnci ;'r�G.11 be ���e �,ro;�erty . . �. . . ' � , ' e � � � � , � � ,,,� � � - , i bene �ite� b�;T sai�. ir�Prove�ent €�nc� �he �otal costs and ex,E:enses of the irn��rovernents rere in ordered include� ��.s ne cessar,� �.nd in- sidental e��enses shall be defrayed b� +he coliection cf a speci�l assessment to �ae levied u�;on �ne proi;erty inclu�ecl in s�.id loc�l im��yovement dis�rict. Said �,ssessraents ah�.11 be aue �d p�y€��1e ten da;�s from ��nc? af�er the com�;le�ior� �,nd �,cce�:-t�.nce �r�' �he �;ork herein ordered done and if no+ so �:€�id shall ��!e�eupon 1�ecor:ie aelinc,uent and �:e�r interest �,t i���e rate of 12 ;���er cent . rer �.nnura. �ection 3. �ithin thirty da�s �.f�er ���le �€�.��sage, � �.�,,rov�.l �.ncl legal ��u�lieaticn of �;Y�is o}•rlinar.ce ��,e C��+y C1erk of ;,he City o� Re;�ton �h�.11 e�,use �o be published �. c�ll �or bi�s for the corstruction o.' the �or� �-�erein crdere� c.oz.e, in accordance , r=i�h �he or�in�:�nces oi' thc ci��T o�` F�e�i�an �.nd �he st�e,tites oi -the S�a�e o-� ���.shin�ton, See�ion 4. �his orclin�.nce s'.�.13 be in ��.i.l �:'orce ' and e��ect �°ive days iror� and aiter i�s p�,swa�e, �.1�1..roval an�. - i � legal �ul�lie�.tion. �lpproved this �_ da� o���r���, 191C. , � ���� � � � �`i��yor, , �., � � ��'�,Y ��r Passe�. �,12is �S , a€j� ur , 1910. = �—P � C it�r c le rk. SuU�i�:�ted to �,n�. �:,;proved b� rae th������ o-� ��a�u�.��'� 191G. � �� G� � Ci��r n,+,torr�ey.