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ORD 0182
7t �+ . � 4� M. � .• ar r • � ' r �' � � � � "'w'� � � � WA!! i;, �, �. ���`� n:. . . `'� � ��i.)Il�tiZTvii l��i. , t± �� �. `"k' :i:1 O�iDIiTAiIC�' x-�30�TI:D IiT^ :?�i '""�: ITu'�"'!.-::UV�^�T:L Tb:' Ol' �� .i?G:;�'I�`io ' S� C�:+' `r'I.:.�_It�.I,ZS S?'R �r:! ii'T �Ii� C I�Y 01� :i?ai?`r'pTr� ,:�`��±�I7"�OTT.� ���jT'y�')�I? QlI 4�� I� I T.n� 1J_L �.�,',1 ��(li� .Tf\ '(� ��� '1 , � �,°.fl �r� SCL E �� `�� �I��:.: 0�' �..�C Cl� �' � �,.� OT: "'�� �?C,t?�,H � y ! e �-�.;, � � � � L� -��r=-; T;OP.'"H �CI1�T�1:.PY C;` °';`� Or;Ir'�ITI�'�S, P:�i'.'� OF ^�+ m�."%� Ot :��I���CT$ i:T') '�;�r,� PU:�^IOI� Ow' `�'ii� "CU:�^�r r;O�:D i:0. 3'76 �Qu�;)�'� O�T `�'�' �OU�'fi . Y `�'T'^, i�C':Zi'Ii �3C'UIiDi:R�' 0�' �.'�:' C`�?I(`�Iyy�il� PSl.t��' C��z ��r^ ���rT�' C''' `,.:y:�OT� �.:,;,,,.�. 11;ii7 Oi" �Tr-1 �j{��'"�i 1�`�' CIt''..:.'I_�'. i I?7'�;:i. , �1L� vl.�i .ri�ll.�iil�l� Vr '17;T, ^I "1� ,_., �.�1� ._�Ir �� ���..� .�_., vT _� (, r-� t �"'r_ii� ia J .'�0�.�.T�;i;�; Sec�ion 1. �h�,t th�,t �or�ion of �7illia�r�u ��f;reet in the Cit� o� Ren�on, '4'J�,shir�ton, �ounclec'_ on tl�e aouth 1�f �ne T�Iort71 line o� Secoii� S�reet 4�nd on L1,P �Top�h b� �}y� �:+orth 1in� boun�'€�rJ of trze ori�i.n�,l pl€�� o� �1�e '"orrn of �entor�, and th�,t 1�o��tioii o� the �ount�T �o�.d I�o. 376 Y,oundeC on +nE� south bvr the nor�h voun,����� o� �;�1E ari�in�l �al�j:t o� �3:.e �o���n of Rei��on and oxi �?iP Iv"arth 1�y ��cl�,r i�ivar, shal�' be im�:;Y cced b� ;�r:�=�e11in� a.'tic °���me, +he co�� th�reof to ��e lf vied u�;on �he �ro;�,r_�r'��r ...�:t�t�- in� �l��reon �,nc�- i��cluaeci in the zz���e�s:.1�n�: c?istric� w�„ ��ro_ vi�ec� by 1€a��r, s�,id im��rove�ent; �o be cor.s`,ructed u�ic�er °�.ncl �we-- cordin� to �n� i�. co;��;li��nc� T,i��1 ;;7�� ;;�e ei�f ic�.�io�s �?�ere for oi1 file ili thc o�''fice ai tlie �i�es Clerl� of s€�id ��it�; c,� Rent;on, �:nieh s�.id �T,eci�'ic�ations, �l�ns ��.rjd ��rofile� wre �ierein e�- � ;.�r��:sl;; �efe�•rea to wncl i::ac�e �. �..art hercof ���_e s�:.rle as ��.otix�h irlcor�or�:�ed �� len�th 1i�rE�i�, the cos� o� �c�id im, rover��ent �o be ievied u�;or. the E.:ro�er�y ���ne�ited t�lercb�- ur�t inclucled in the a;�:es:�ient dis��rict, as ��rovided b�r 1�,c��� Sec�ion �;. ihs�t t.�ere is ?aerebfr e��;al;lishecti �, loc��l ' in�;;l.ov�raen� c is�rict to ��e 'tnc:�� a�icl �e�i��n�.�e1 as =-oc�.l Ii�1- f �=rovPinent �is-trict l�o, , �t�Yi�ch sa�u c�istric� i, c�es� eribed as �'ollrn-:�s, to--tirit� �jl�. the �raro�ert�r �.bti��in�, on said , � �"' . �. --2�- _ � ' �' ._ .¢ ,' • ( � � _ ` � `r �� ��� *�/�irt � � • ,�',� ����/I'o 37� ;-ortiozis �J` s�,id ��illiar�s �treet.� ������ The �-�ro�ertdr i7zcluded in said Zoc��l Improve��n� District, �zn� none o-�r�er sY���.11 Ue c1Qer�:ea ta b� t'r�e �rope�t;� rand �rall be the ?�ro';,��ert� esl:;ec��.t11;; benefi+�ec'� U�r �he s��c1 improver�ent, �.nd trie to��.l cos�s �,nd e�:s,enUes o� �he im�^rover.ient ���rein ordered done, ir�clucliii�; �,Il incident€�.I ex���ns�s, sha.11 be de�'rayed �y the �ol-- lec�ion o� �. s��ecial a�sess��ent to '�e leviecl u��on the ��ro f ert;,T included in sa.icl loo€�l irn��rov�r�nt clistrict, suid s�:�cial a::ti�ess� me�.t �o Le du� ��,nd �wy�ble ten t10} da�s fro� wnd after tY:e com-- ple�ion and. acee_t�ee of t':e '�.ior�� �l�r�in ordered don� , anc� th�re- wf�er to bea.r in�Erest �.t �he ra�e of 12 �er cent. �e.-r annura. Sectiou 3. ;�ithin th1rty c?a--s after tl�e x�s..�s��e, u;��rov�l fzn� le��l ��u1��lic�tion cf �his crsin�nce, �he �ity Clerli of �l,:e �i� ar �enton uh�zll e�.u�e to be �^.z�li;�lied � c�.Il for bids �or the eonstrue�ion of f,}�e �c�ork r�erein orderec� done, in �::.ecord- �.nce �ith tl�e orr�in��.noes of t��,e Cit;T of i�e:�ton, G.n� the st��tit�es o� tre �t�.�.�e of '�"Td�l�in�.ton. Section 4. This orc��n��n�e sh��ll �e in :Fu.11 �orce ancl e:�rect five �aw�;r� �rom ��:� wf�cr its �a� s�,r,�e, <z;,,;2ov�1 and le�al �,uialic�.�ion. �'F� 1 S 191� � �i� -�•roved �Y�.�s _.. c-:. , l�IG. ��- � _sl��` � U�n�l'���� • _�� �, -_�i�� .�tauNed this a° a.r � . 1� , i::ic;�. I,l��;ror. . , i" �' � ' � ity 1_ r -. SuUi.2i+�ed to und. €�x;�raved b;� r��e �Y���� �EB 1�cl���o o� 1910. � Ci�y ��torn�y. �._ ---'- ------ ______._____�__�_. - .