HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0170 �, � . . ra , , I � � � � � `" t� �RDIrv�� dCF Tt0 a ��� s �1 ORDIIIANCE PROVIDING FOR T� CO��'I�"'IOIV� ,.,G�`���v0� TH� SPRI�GBROOK �AT�R SY�TEl�ip �ND THF ISSUI�G OF BOND S IN iHE SUItiT OF T s`1EZVE THOIISAND DOZLARS ��12,000.oo ) T� PgY � THEt�tEFORE, �TD PFcOVIDIIIG FOF. A S�'ECIAI� EIIECTI0IV' TH�T THE VDiE�ZS OF TAE CITY �F R£�N^OiT� STxTr nT�' "''ASHIT���'ON r.2.13.Y VOT�' FOR OR AG�IT�S'^ �'HT'; SAID PR�POSImION, TKF CITY COUT�'CTZ OF '�H�: CI1'Y OF REId�flTT Df� ORDr_IIT AS FOZL(�:?S: Seetion 1, Th�t on thg 7;h. day o� Deaemb e�, 1�. D. 19Q9 in the �ity of Aentan, County of Bing, S�a�e o� �tashin�ton, pursnan� to the provisions of an �et of th� �egislature of the State of �ashin�ton approved I�a,rch 26, 1901, and the gcts p�,�,( u ��w1'"�".e,'�°'e 8mexidatory thereto, t eleation in �1�.� �-�a-2Q -�e � the City of Eenton, �tashingtan��� ��--a�-- '-'^��- the voters of said City m�Y�+ ��a e,n�—�$ �ot�--��► ;�^�+ the proposition of au�horizing the s�.id Cit� of Renton �o issue bonds in the sum of �12,000.00 for �he purpose of �ompleting the constr�zetion of the Springbrook �later System, the v��ork to be done under the e provisions hereof be ir..g to acquire, construat, ma,in�ain �nd operate a grav��g system of water �rorks, with pipeline and necessary at��,ehments , �nnd to condemn or pnrchase �he stream oz �aater and the �cater rights of certain prope�ty hereinafte� described at Springbrook in sazd gin� County, three and. a i�alf miles southeast zrom the C3t� of Rentan, aud to condemn or pnrch�,se the realt� necessar�r to fu31y c�rry and conge�r the water from said Springbrook to the Cit� of Renton, and to acquire all nece:sar;� €�ppurtenanees, r.machiner� and impro�ements necessary to �ull;� operate the snme, which sh�,ll be sutficien� ' '�o adequately supply the said City of Renton ancl its in�- ' . , �2� .� ' . r. , � � , t � r�.bitants �rith pure spring water suf�icient �or all their necessary uses, the estima.ted cost of the completion o� sa�d �.�...� . . system being, t o�-a�it, the sun of �12, 000.00. � Seation 2. ThY�..t the plan proposed by the s�id �ouncil of the said City of Renton in reference to said system i of water ��orks is substanti�ll� as follrntvs, to--wit: Th� �rater shall be taken from said springs and graup of springs situated at Springbroak, v�hich swi�. �aters shall be conveyed through pipes to the Cit� af �enton �rom said loca-- tion of said springs €.�d the route of said pipeline is sub� �tantiall� as folloa�s: The real estate to be acquired by sa�.el City ior the construction of said �roposed system af �vater �vorks consists of twenty acres more or less in t�e l�ortheast quarter of Section 6, and in the Northwest quarter of Section 5, in Tav�nship 22 ' l�vrth, Range 5 Eas�, in Kin� Coun�, Y�ashington, together c�ith tize right o� �ray tc�ent�r feet in �ridth rur�ning thence in a Nor'�her-- ly direction through Sections 31, 30 ancl 19 in Township 23 I�orth, Range 5 East, King County, Washington, gcre Traet No.23 in Plat �o. '� of the Renton Co-G'�per�tive �oal Company�s ' gere Tr�ets. Tha� upon said aere tracts shall be constructed a concrete reservoir of a capacity of Five hundred thousand (500,000 ) Gallons, said water �o be conveyed from sai� reservoir to the corporate li.mits of the City of Renton, �lashin�ton, and. there connected with the present water system of said Cit�. I That the water shall be con.veyed from said s�:rin.�s ta said rese�voir in a fourteen �14) i�.eh wooden mail pipe and. from said rese�voir to said City limits in a ten (10) ineh wooden �ail pipe. � - - �� , ' ' -3� . � . � ' 1 � ' - r � � ESTTPs�AT� CO�T 0�' S&ID �gm�R �YS�'�+.lyl. Pa�ment in acquisition of water righ�s 't` ��` Cost of right of way for pipeline �� � �'�l� Cost of construction ���1 '. - . �eetion 3. That said eleetion shall be held in aecoraance �ith the general laws of the State of �9ashing�on and ordina.nees of the City of Ren�au; that at ssid eleetion the polls wi11 be opened a� the Renton Counai�ooms at �enton, 19ashington, at 9 o'clock A. �d. �, 1909, and closed at � o'clock P. �. of said date. Eaeh voter who sha11 vote in favor of authorizing the City ot issue bonds in the sum of �1�,000.00 for establishin� the water system as set forth in this ordir�nae will vote a ballot containing t he words: "In favor of th e Citg I of Henton issuing bonds �or the sum of �12,OGO.UO for water purposes as set forth in ordinance No.��-Q of �he �i�y of Rent on•" I Eaeh"vot�r who shall vote against said pr opos iticn shall �� vote a ballot eontaining �he arords: "�gain�t the �i�y of Renton issuing bonds to the stun of �12,000.00 for �rater purposes." as set forth in Ordinance l�o. � of the City of Eenton," ' �ec�ion 4. The City Clerk of ssid Cit� sh�.11 give notice of �uah special election by publ3shing no�ice thereof for a period af two weeks in the official newspaper of the City of 8enton, to�wi�, the "�enton �ournal" b�r aausing said notiee to be published in full in each issue of said paper du:ring said period of two weeks. Section 5. Tha� if three-fifths of the qualified voters o= the City of Renton votin� at said election go�e in favor of authoriziz� the Cit� of 8enton �o issne bonds in �he sum of �12,000,0� to be expended in the m�nner provicied by this ordinanee, the Mayor and Cit�r Council of said City shall be and . • �4� • • � � � � 'I { � ' theg are he reby authorized to have printed and engraved bonds of the said Cit� in �he sum of �12,000.00, whieh shall be styled "The Renton �ater Bonds No. 3:" Said Bonds shall be pa�able twenty (20} �ears after � � their issuanee to � ��'' =��',���-�-z�,.� , or bearer a�E the offiee of the Treasurer of said City, shall besr interest at the rate of not more than six (6� per cent. per annum and ha,ve attached thereto semi-�nnnal coupons payable a� the offiae of �he �'reasurer o� the C it�r vf 8ent on on the fir st da9 of �� n--����� �,-�. ;` and - ---- , semi-annually; said bonds � I shall be issued under the seal of said City in denominations of not less �Gh�zn 100.00 nor more tnan `� 0 0 • P �5 0. 0, shall be numbered from No. 1 up cona ecutively; shall bear the da�e of their issue and shall be registered b�r the �ity Clerk in a book to be � kept espec�.ally �'or that purpose. �ection 6. To provide for the payrnent of the interest on said bonds there is hereby levied, set agart and specifica2ly appropriated an annual ta.g of not to egeeed three mills on each dollars worth of prQperty, real, persoz�l and m�ed, within the said City of Renton, not exempt fron tagation 'by the consitutian and la�s of this State; sueh taxes to be assessed, become due �nd be collee�ed annually until principal and interest of said bonds are fu13y paid up and discharged as vther taxes are levied and collected for general muniaipal purposes. Before tea (10) years prior to the matu�it�r of said bonds or an3r of them an. annnal sinking fund tax stzifieient fo�^ the pay- sent of said bonds at maturity shall be levied ancl colleeted as other taxes are 1e�ied and collected for general municipal pur-- poses and if at any time snch taxes shall be �onnd insufficient to yield far the payment of the said interest anci sink�ng flxnd � . „5� . , � ► � � � � � annu�.11y a sum equ�,l to �;he sum of six per cent . �6�) of �.11 bonds issued it sh�.11 be the duty of �aid Council to set apa;rt and. appropri.a.te sueh additional amount of the general revenue as ma� be necessary ancl sufficien� to s�zpply sneh deficienc90 Sectiom 7. It shall be the duty of the Cit� Treasurer to plaae all moneys collectec�. and recea�ved fr�m the tax levied to pay the interest on said bonds as the same aecrues to the eredit of the interest �ctnd of the said bonds and after t'he tax shall be levied and colleated as herein provided to pay the interest and principal of s�id bonds at maturity, it sha11 then be the duty of the Treasurer to place all sueh money collected and reeeived from the t ax le vied to pay �he intErest a.nd principal of the said bonds at maturity to the cre�it of each of said bonds sepQ.rately. �;,�,;:�:„,;>.. Section 8. Th�.t the said �ounc�I shall eause the said sinking fiznd and all aceretions thereof �o be invested at an�r time or times, not less than sig mon�hs prior to the maturity of said bonds in an� interest bearing bonds of the United States, or the state of �ashington, or in any other seeurity in which its investment m�.y be authorized b�r a general law of the State, in �rh�ch ease alI of the interest or premium that ma� be realized or any such inves�ment, as well as �he principal there�:�f shall be credited ta such sinking �tznd. Seetion 9. 3aid interest and sinkin�; �nnd are her�by made specia�. funds for the special purposes herein n�.med and shall be disbursed onl� for the purposes for �vhich they are respeotively cre�,ted and any offi�er of said City mis--�pplying the f'nnds shall be guilt�r of a misdeneanar and shall be fined in any sum not egeeedin� one hun�red dollars t�100.G0) and im� prisoned in t he Gity Jail for any term not exeeeding thirty (30 ) daysd . _6� � { ` � _ �, . � Seetion 10. That �he �ayor o� sai�. Cit� and the Ci�y Couneil of the City of xenton �re hereby suminoned to neg�otiate €�nd sell the bon�s �.uthorized to i�e issued b� this ordinance, provided, hov�ever, that none o� said bonds to �.e issueti shall Y�e issued s� Iess than p�,r. �.nd the proceeds I th�Peof shall be used for no other purpose than th�.t con�- , temglated b�r this ordinanee. I Section 11. It shall be the dut�r of the City Cle�l� to no�e upon �fi�he faee of each bond, as well as on the reg�.str�r of the same the purpose for whieh �the said bands were issued, to-�i�, "For �a�er Bonds No, 3." �ec�ion 12. This ordinance �hall be in f't�.11 force and e-�fect fi ve days from �,nct after its ��ssa�;e, drproval and legal public�.tion, 4C i � ' �pproved -�his / � day of �� -� ,1909. c � . ° � � � �/ ' : � ` 11�ayor. ��� :L'assed this �� day ofL ; A. D. 1909. � � . � � ,- , ,. , ; �'t �,_���; ,�, � C le rk. ��.- , Publi�hed October � � -- , 1909, . . . _ - - , a � ' � j . 7 STh�'ECOF j�ASHINGTOTI) COUTJTY OF I�II�TG. � SS. CI�'Y 0� t�' TON. ) I, g. �. Tic�or, Cit�r �lerk of the City of Rentfln, SNashington do hereby Qertify that the within and �oregoin� is a true and correet Qopy of Ordinanee No. �____ of said City, as �he sane apge�.rs o� file in m;l office. SN S7ITNESS �iEi3FQ�, T hava hereunto set my hand and ' affixed the Seal of the �ity of Renton this first da�r of �areh� A. D. 1909. � � �`f.�:,�- , . . , , L- � � � � �c Y i City C1erk o� the City of Renton. �