HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0157 ,. S �. � � � J .. � �� � � � � i . � . ! . . . � , ,,,� �, . OR�IT3hNCL �TO. : �6Y� nT1 ORllIN�T7CE "��R4`JI:i3IIy�T �j'Qi 1_,; IT�:i`'R�V�Pg�;T�'�' QT' '"�+T; ;.,GU�"H . SI1�� G:� .�MI�I�1i ::_;7�IaA. 1�Vr;ryU: i3F�':",mI;ld �3LTRTl';'"� �.TdD �OR�I,"a �i'?-� �w;'n��s "+Ir�.; f I i1GRTI� :`:TTD �iCU�'H �I�L 0`�' "�IFTH �1 i�NtT� :bL�"7-,.;,�Iu �UT?N:�:"'`y' ai�T1� 1�,�'iCi�t:i15 ! �^ ?�...�.m�:�f ����i ld���i.f"�ti11��'L' Qi a l.YT� �,��""" *it•,.T,y�7�� Tm 7r��r*t ti�,r, 7,r- <• n � _.,�. �JJJ�.�/..�..�ll �VI.1V..�i.1. h�.V� 1.1�sRl.Za S�'R'':T;TS� 2'?3�'P ��'9.,.�T G;:' :'�i�' ?,,T'';S�' `�;ID^ 0?i' :uU�1':'�m Si'R�'.�'L' ��C)UT.,:�.:7E:`J CTd '"�� Iv OR�'Ii �Y �'i hZT�1 ElliZLt; t�V�NITr riS1D GT� "'�; �:�0 U"'H �X "'E� �0�;NT� �O.�D, � i�i.�'�� �'ART 0'_, S1��ZI'?'I��;R`:; S�'?,^rm i30Ui�D�D OTI �'� TYCRZ'�i isY r71.I,.i11� itE,'��J.,rx � t,V�i�iV..; �'� C�T� ?�?�^ ;OU"�.'H �3Y ��^ ��CUTa�Y tOtiD� �..� �'Hlx�' P�1.�^ Q�' ".".� � �1;5'i ;�ID� 0_�` T,ZO�;RIu Sn??I�^'� isQUT:YDED OTJ �'Ii?� �10��TH 3Y '�'�bZ���: '��.'.TL�`i I i�Y �.:il�iT U.L� 1il`V.l� QlY "�TLu 2:)�l.Jr 1� �Y -.�1,L,_, :i d V�L i 1`�'�Qli.�= 13 1 �1y;� v l.'11 J TS1 U v�I Q1i Q 1 � �t����:H �r���.:-,oTz, �.z� zl�::z�F �..hzz ��-��Lo�� �o �� o�TM a=�o���� �^:��, ����i��.� TO ^'I�,`f; �;UiiFi�CE OT' '':'�i.a �'�Rr:�T SI� F���' �'ROI:a St1I1� I�;:�ZD� ;�.&5,�,, StiID I�;:rID"; �'I��I;I, �'0 .:5;_, ITIrTi: 1�'E�� L�20I�t �'�i� r�Or�'.;��I'Y I�IT��; 1iI1S� 0'{" S�:�I� � xU'�"'�'_'�S �C1 �� (.�.OI,�':C'1'�"J ��Y r'�0�`�: ��:rt'�';:;`�' �U' .V?aF�^'Sy "'i� CC„�' C-, ��,--, 1 �� L J ' S�,t?:� 'n0 I3'; i,�VI�:;� Us'0.%T �'�I:; I'riOF^ri'Y TO B� �T;TI�it I�,?:� "L�_�_�,�Y� ,d � � � r ,,,�,.. f iL.e �ity Council of the City of ?�en�on do ord��in �s iollovrs: i ; �ec. l. Th<:;t th�t portion o� �he south side of 'rl�7.i� ;,��.11� � �'.venue b�t�,�een �urnet� �trc�et �.na T�:iorri� �treet, �..nca. ;h<:t portion of G.^^�^^.��� , Fif�h �s� bet�re�n �urnett �n� T�iorris :.;trect, {.;h<_-f, �or�;ian of ::ixth �t�een .��urnett �� nd T:iorris :atreets, tht.ut poxtion of the ��est side of �urne�� �trE�e� �ounded on �he nor�h b� !��lla :Ialla � ( hvenue �.�nd on the �,ou�h by �he Caunty Road, thr.� portion of :�mi�hcrs f :;treet bounded on tne north by �J�,IIa '.�7�11€�i.venue �nci. on the uou�h � b�r �he County i�o�d, and th��� �ortion o:� the east side oi T+i.orris � atreet Y�ounded on �he ncrth by ':«�lla ;�all� :�venue �.n� on the south I , , by the Cou�.�y fio�d, sh�.11 1�e impx•oved by the cons�ruetion of � ' � g•utter thereon, fh� inside �vali thEr�of to be one fio ot in clepth, I t:::pered to th� surface of �he stree� six feet fi om s�,id iilside �rall, I I� saic� i�side cr�ll �o be ni.ne feet from �he �x•oi�ert;; line, �_,11 of ' � s��.i� �;u�ters to be cannec�ed by p;oper strcet culverts, '�he cost i �hereof �o be levied �upon ;he pro��erty abu�tii� the-reon and, in� � _ - - ---- - - � � � � '-.. ' _ � . - "�� � , � �� . � .. � i M .�2.,.. cluded in the �.:sessment district, as pi•ovided b�r lav�, ,aid improvQ-� men� �to be constrncted under ana according �o �nc�. in eompli�nce cri�h the plans, �peci�ic€�tions �.n� pra�ilea for �he same on �ile in ths o�f�ce of �he ��ity �lerk of the s�.�id �i�y of i2enton, �hich suid plans, :��eci�icWtions und profiles �re �Zez•ei�a specific��lly referred to €�nd �:de �: �wrt �.ereof, �he s�xne ws tho�h inco-rnor�.ted r�t 1en.��h herein. i �ea. �. ih�t th�;re ia� hereby est�»bli�hed �L locc�l im�rove-� �ent distric'� �0 1�e knor�rn and designated as "Zoc�.l Zr�provement �istric� Iuo. `� W �", vr�iich s�id dis�rict i;� described as iollows, to-��rit: .�';lI the ;;ro�erty abu�tin� an s�id por�ions of sr�id �ya1�.a st'all� ��venue, �i�ifth �venue, Sixth rvenue, :�urne tt .atrE:et, r�mi�Yiers �tr�;et €�nu T.�iorris �treet. The :,:ropert�r includec:� in s��..d I,oc�1 Znirrove� � men� Jistrict �.nd none other sh�ll be deemed to be �nc:. sY�11 be �he �rro�:er�y es�eci,>:11� benefited by s_kid improvement, �.nd �he �ot�.l cos�: �::nd e��enses of �he im�:rovement Ile rein ordered, includin�; �al� neee;�saryT e���enwes, sh��..11 Y� e defr��.yed by tr�e collection of upeci�l a�;ess�ents to be levied upon the pro��er�y included in the said loc�l im�:roveraent district. S�.i�. assessment sh�ll be due €�nd pz>y�ble ten dr��s ' �,f�er the comple�ion �.nd �cceptanee o� the t�ork herein ordere� done, ' and i-� no� so paid, shall �hcr�upon become d:elinnuent Wnd bear interes�� � at uhe r�te of t�i�elve i��er cent. .�.��er €:nnv.m. : ;�ec. 3. :'�"ithin ten days a,f�er the p�:t:s�.�e, �,�pprova.l I �n�. le�ul pu�lie4.tion oz this ordinance the Cit� �l�rk of �Y��e Cit�T of Renton sh��ll c�.use �o be published a c�.11 for Lids �'or the con�true- tion of the �rork herein ordere� done� in �ccord��ce ��i.th the ordin�rnces of �he City of Ren��on, �nd �he s�t�tute, of -�he :�t�te of �,i�sr.in€;ton. �, '; ._ � . , f / . � e . - '�' � �'r" • r *. * � �. � �ee. 4. This ordi�ance sh�,11 be in �ull yorce and ef�eet five d�,�s from �ncl �fter its p��;sa�e, ��.r��rovul €�,nc� le��l publication. �!pproved �his ���.y of T��y, 1�09. 7 , �-,' � ��l � �'� ��1 �y I.iayor. Passed tr.is � ��d��� o� T��,y, 1909. � -�7C���1��' �it�r lerk. `�ubmit t ed �ud. �.�pr ov�d by me t his �'' E� da;� of l�ay, 190�. ���� � � � � , � , �--�� ���� �''� ---� _ � ,� _ ' �ity �-ttorne��, ,� P ` , ' � � i , �''""r: 1 ; ' -j�����e��: ��� . . . � �_ ..� , . . f � . �.. . _ � . � � _ , . , , �- ..,. ��.;.. �.,;,�. 4 . . . .. _ . ' � � . y_ _ . . � . . .. . I . . . . ' .. *} ' . . � , . . ��...� . . �.f,� , � . . '�.ti, :1..w ��y . . ' ' a 1 ,