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�1 Ordi�z�_„ce �r�nLing to tihe CHIC�?G0, _-IL:�:�.��.���:::� �"D �'T��-�"��
SOU�3D RA.ILt'��Y C�'?`��'Ar'Y, its successors a�.c� �4ssi„_;-.; , ':-'��e
right, privile,�e anc� aui,noritJ �0 1�;�, construc� , �..:-�_��:_`�ri
a�ld operate a telegr�ph �.nd telEp;.;.oa1� li�e in, al�n;,; �__v1r.
u�on a certa�.n �ublic stre�t oi= ',__.,;'__T;��:,?:- ��. ��_e _ -��- �;:'
�e�.tc�, I�ing Count�;, �ash��gton.
`:.'�� C.T..^�=' C^t7T.'CI�: G'�`' `w':� CT�' �J� iZ��` ��OT_` �G O�iDr�I-� '�S �0�_� `� '�;;_
Sectio�. l. ihe Cit;�r of I�a�ta� c7ces ��ereb�;� grant to �-,��;
Chic�go, '�i?�raukee a�d �'ug�t Scizne� P�ai1r���y Co��?any, a cor_�orat���
ot' t�.e St�,;.� o�' ?�'�zs�i�s�r tc�� its successcz=s ar!� ass� is t�ie �i^r�
!7 . y r�' � O '
priv:le�e and a�%trorit;;r tc locute, co�s�ruc�, , �:e��,�e_':,r}.��� r._�c r-- :.r�,t-e
�-_ telegray�h ar�c� telel_hone lir_e i?i, a1on�; ��;, -.;�_;�.:_� ^ ceL���.:�.M, v;;-°�.et
cr i:��l��Fra:_ in said C;i�� of�enton, �t�o„�n �.s z.:�._ 1�: ��:11a ,venu� ,
v��roug�eL� its er_�tix•e le_n_gt� an� across a:�l in�ersecting s��r�.�Ls,
.ritti� the r��'nt to ��?�.t�in said ?i�.e �or � ��r•r: of th�rty (30}
�T-�=�c:i'u 1�'0.�� �Yi� �..1��•�' u�iE uG�i.+-%��� �f'��C�i 0�.' �i1"i1S �tc^,.��.
�ectic��� 2. ihe poles for �ize s�id tele����.ph anc� tele1�hoY�_e
���=e s'n�zl1 be erecte� in �. ne�t a�c. :;Tor�;.m�nli1Le :��n}�er alc�� t'�_�
sou�herly iine of saic�� �Talla �alla Ave�.ue, an�s shall b� of :��_c�,
size anci length, ana set in t:ne �rc:�.na At s�zch del�th, as �o
prevent the �i.aLger of leaning or fallin�, r�nd t�_e v;�r�s to ;��e
strurg on s�.i�. �o1:.s sY�.ail b� sec�ed �..hereto iu a s::�f'e , �1��1�ur
a�.�t ���cr';r_na�Ltik� m�n�er �.nei ai, st�ff i��.e�� '�ei�ht �'rorl the g�.�ota�d
to cavse no obstruc� io� ta �ravel a1an; said �1�11� ��a11�. �.venue
cr s�.iC �ntersectirlg streets; anc ��'te-r t_�e erectio� or sa�c�
poles, the gr�L7nd ar�^u�.d the bases ther�,>of' sha:il be restorec? ��,
its o��igi�^1 conc�itior. Bef ore a�.�r ai sai� LL-o-w.e� �'_;:,.,_�. ,1��
��°ecte�. a ��at snatrin� }„��e px�ct loc���ioli oi e€vc:`�_ ;-;c?� ,- �a���
�lat to be -�.rs:. a'���•ovec� ��r tl�e Ch�ir�ar of the S�ret:ts �nr'� I
a ' ♦
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s��.d g��+�t�::, its successcrs a�c� assi;�s, and. i:-� sz�ch :naa�er
as �o� to ��t�rfs�e ��it�� t'_�e vse cf sa=d tele�r�r�h aLd telei hoiiE
' 1ir_� '��r s���. ��antet , its successo�s qnd assig�s�..����-��
Section 6. The sa�.� rai?,�1�.;,� ccr2p�n�r sha'1, .ait��.�i�� ten
(10) ciaJs r��ter tl�� ta�:ing ef eet of t"r�is ordi�.�nc� , f�1e ti;rit?:
the C1�r�k e� saic Cit� its �r��it�en accei��arce of thi� ord�na�c�
�nc� of �11 the ter s anci corciiticns thereo� �^���-z`� �--�'�. :
'�-Q ���e. °`� `^�� � a-�2 �' V��� '-`-�_
�- '�`�'"eS�ctior` �:��o �a�,W=�i=eizl cant�.�n c��hall be cor�strued
�::s gr�nti��; an e�:clv,ive �Y'G.�.ch�se, a�.d t'ae C�t�T ef' �e�toY�
res:�-�ves all �3���ts conf�r7°ec. '�;�T 1��a i�i res?ect ta the i:~,_���c,�.T�;:�7�t ,
rep�ir �Yzci r:�airt�na�.ce of said street, so f�?� �s t�e s�r^e �a�r �ae
lati��'ul.l�r exerc�ised corsist�ntly a,i��� t'r_e granting of' tl�is
Sectio� � . The City oP Ren�0�7. eYp�essly reserves the
ri�'it at �n;T ti�:e after =��-�.�_��_�rear5 f 1 c�: the �ass�i�;E: of' t�:��3 s
ordinu-ce �O� ��7 O�'C�1nci�'].CE � Cci�C�i �+�3.E.-' P1bYl.ti$ r�e:P8�2�. �1.V�� c'S
te tne erectio� ��c� �ain��.i�,ing oi' said ~;cle 1ir_e as here���bE f'ore
�rovidec., _an�. to r�a,uir.�e s��ici r�ilvra� c�._���r�T, its successors
�nc'i assi�,ns, T:�i�hin th��ee ;�:�onths o� tne d.vt� ofl service of �.
�ritte�{ �.o�ice o± the pass��� ann ap�rov�<< of' said erdina�ce , to
rc��,ove s�i� pole s ar.��. �:�ire s (ar_d a_l af t�.e:�) �ror: said tiVal_l�. ,
�;�alla ,�ver_ue a�c plac� �he s����. Frires i L An. vndergraunc� con��v��
oz� ccna.uits in and u�on said ���a�.1a ayal:la AveY�ue, f'ollotvi:g as
nearl�T as possible tlle rc�i�te oi said �ole li�e, the st�ic� under-
grcLu.ci cox�duit �r CO?1C�U.��B to be so loc�:.te� �.s �c� t� interfere
�rith the ���ter �iPes and ser�ers o� s��.d cit�,r; plans ana
s_�ec�fic�tions f'or sa�.� conduit or corcauits, to re a��rovec� b�
�he �it�� .�ngin.eer of sa_�? �;it� before t'r:e cc�lstructior_ t��ereo�';
prov_�iera, hoti��ever•, sa?c� a;�prov�.l sh��1 not ?�e �rvitr�ril�� ���t=,_-
� h�1c1. U�on the cc,�structic-� cf' saic'.. cow�c�uit or co^r_'�a:its and
the �lacir_g o�" all o� saic? �;°?res th�re_7�, �'_�� ri;��s ��ere��
• .
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�;ranto�. sha11 eYist �'or the rer�.ocl h�reinbe�'ore s� cifie�, ta ��it:
f'or �l�irt� (30} �e��� �'�°o� the t�.�.ir�; effect of this gr���.
In case s�.id r�il�ca� cot�i a�iy, i�s s�.�.ccessars ancl ass:igns, s��a��
i'a_1 tc remove said �oles anc� r��res (and a?l of t�.�em) f'ro� s���.
�1�lla. tFa11a Averue and �1�:ce suica :-;ire� in said uncler�rou��i
conc�uit or con�uits �ithin t�.'ree �or_trs o�' the service of sucr�
nc�ic:= �s af oresaid, any �nd �.�1 ri�ts ���nt�c� l��r�in to sZici
ra��1::•a� cara�»��, its successors and assig:�s, s'�a�? ��i,�erl�T
cea_se �na ��terr��-�re.
Sectio�. �. This ordinance sha11. t�.ke eff'ect a�cl be i�
�o�ce five (5) da�,%s �ro� and a�ter its ��.ss��g� , ap��ov�1 and
��ublic«�io_� as rea1��ir ed b�r la�.
Pass�ra the Coun.cil of t�.e s�:ic� Cit�; of R�n.ton, tliis _
ria� c.i ��� `�� �g�� A.D,1909.
A�'�'ROVED: ,% .
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