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Approzred tiiis 2nd d�y of June�190£i .
F.E.Rnotiales,�3yoi. '
Pa:�se3 t�iis 2nd d�y of June , 1�08 .
A:,Ad�ms .��lerk.
S t�.te o�' �dJ��}�ing ton; I �Gran t. B3te:� ,Ci ty Clerk, in �nct f or the
Co;unty of Kin,� ;ss City .es_�' :�ent4n,�=�s}i3;n�ton,do �zereby cerLify
' Cit�r of Renton ; tli�t the �'�bo�re �.nd �'oregoin�; is � true and
cox�rect copy of Qrdinanec� :Vo .120��� i t appears on f ile in my off i ce
Copied by me this 27ch d3y of June � l9130
r l •
City Clcr�.
��.� � �� o
� {� �3� ����� , ��rdinance `do� 121 ,1�r�is�in�;,
C.�IZ�� ��i�� _ ���� �.�. _
�., -��`r'�inanee ato .1?2.
An Ordii�anc�; �rantin�; to the �i ty of ;�e�t Lle i�ashingt�n the
rib�lt t� con��ruct and maint3in '�i�r e��r�i�st��` in
the T:ojvn o_f �?entot�,',��el�iin�t:�n ' � . �
�R.�. �0...._.�__��__..�.�._..,..�.�..�
I3k� I�i ORD;�IN�+�D BY 'T"� COlJr1CIL OF '1�'�i�: TO'�'1N 0�' RFN`�nN:
�ection 1 ; That permissi��n be �nd is hereby �r�nt,eci to the
City or a��tt1.P,`;'J�.�s}iin��;un,� municipal corpo�a�i�n org�ni.zed an�i '
doin�; businesg under the laws of the s tate of `r��.s�ian�;tun� to C011t3t-
ruc t �nd m�in t�in �. pi?ae ��ne in �,nd g�nder the f ollo�vin� s tr�e t� ;-
�n;.erin�; tile :�outh line of th� Zbvvn of I?Pntnn undex th�t ri�;ht of
way kn�wn a� t'�e Cedar River Pipe Liz�e ri�;�it of v�3y, follo�vin� t�1e
s�m� in 3 northwestwrly direction, crpssin� in its coarse,��ii,;h Strec�
P,enton avenue, Ce�i�r :�txec t �n� �iill �tr��e t, th�nce crossin� �'��113
;rJ�,113. .�venue �nd c�ntinaPing in -� north�ve:3t�rly directi�n to ��.e
intersec��a.on tiei th `l"hird �txeet, thence n�rth.west�;rly �lon�; said ,
ri�ht of w�y to the wes t m�r�in of tlze Tozvn or Renton.
Section 2; S�id pipe line ,frnr� the intersection of saidri�;.i� �I
ne�:r ,
�f �r�y .�t t'°�e end of t'ne curve �E� ths es�t lin� o� I`�ain �tr.ee t
�' s���.11 Y�e loc ����ci fift�eri (15) f�c: t �ou�:n r}I t'':.e c��n�er lin� ;��' Third
-'s'"F;f: ti.
.) V.L
Sect�r�n 3 ; `l'h� ri�;ht to constxuct �nd �,ain L3in said pipe 1in�
�� �.bov� se� f. ortn� is �r�nted on the follo.�vin�; condi tions ; "
s;�he� e s:-�id proposed pipe line cro;�ses Hi�h �treet,Renton St.r-
eet .'klells �treet��nd Bux�nett ��treet, th� exc�v�tion ta be Tr,�de 'oy
i s�ic� �;r�.nt�c: for �.3�/1T1� s�i�� pipe shall be so bridged t':�a� ��id
� s t,rp e ts si1�,11. ,at �11 tim�:s,be open to travel�bo tl1 by pede a tr i�ns
.� f��
r �';`;
�nd vehicles , ��,I�ereiaer s=��d pipe line cr�:�se� � sidew�.lk or stxeet
cro3sin�;, t'-ie s�me sh�.11 be so brid�;ed that it s}7�.1�.�� �].� time�
be open for the msQ of pedc;strians . t�ny s�,�iewa$� or crossin� rer�m
ovec� from its present loc�tion by s:�id �rantAe s11s�11 be repl3csci
+�n completion of s�.id pips line in t'Ze s �,r�e c�nditicbn d'le ^>��e is
z���;v i� ,�=�t tlle ��pense of s�.id �;r�,r� t;��f� a
��b dirt removcd from �the tr�:,:icti�i i� :-�r-��� a�-���� 'i'c�i_»�� :3���.E� v
:;`�.�I1 be re:noved from s�id Third atreet� a,nd t�:ie �or �ion t'riere�"
r;ai l,nC!,L(,' r()i° L};.c� sur.fr,.c� of �;�;.:ici s crc��t fiIl*'ii�. be kept sept�r�.�Le
frc�m t�i�t porti�n un�uit�ble for th�:t purpas�. aYie en �ir� �ti� c�t.��
�f s�,icl 'iliird Strec'�, ..k4�3y1 b� �V =��1 times enti��i;P fir�cs �'r�rr
t�C't3`�i.2'1.lCt.1027 '�T1(� open d0 �T'=xZ:t''•� �F!=%��C���)`:]IiF�' 1�,'l�.m T?��3:' �`-�l:iit �Ca �;.�'; C,>:'i:U.«�
�sied by s�id tr�nch�
�ny di�•t depos�;ec'.� in ���e s�l�,'e'�s r��° the �.'ca•:�n o�° ?.e?ra'ri�:�:: �;�
�~��id �;r<�,ntee ah�ll be pl�ieed r�.t tlzA dir�etic�n of ari ins��et.�r 4c>
• ,:, °�ni?�:>}.� ��,f?: �T� s��id lown . ��11 extra soil r�fi�inin� frc�rr, the �����-
��tion on ���ic� Third utreet �f�.er tl��e consi:ructi ��r, o�' sa�ic� �;��-��:
Iiney :�l,.�.1]_ be d�posi�,ed in �th� strec;�a of s��id io;arn� under t]:e d:.re:�
c Lior of s�ia in;�,�ec�or ,�rovicted, that no Yx�ul o�' over tv�o b��c�l:^ '
ce xec,uir�d to be m�.de . lhe ser�rices of said ins�ector so appoan�
�ed by s�.id io��n �as afor�sFiid, s�,�.11 be paid f'c�r t�y �=sid �r=x��tee
:3 t the r3;te if .�3 .00 per day.
'„Jh�rever. said pip� line ero:;��s r��y s�l,r�eL in ;-�xid i�ot�n ��z;ri
�z�kere tY�e s�.me tr�.veraes s�.id 'i�hirc� �treet, :cui ta�rle �ur�.rds sh�l l.
>:�: nl�:ced to preven� t�ams ��.nd pedes t�ian� fram injury l��r re•���,�c�n
:��' :�uch excr�.v�xtic,n � such �aarcis to be con� tructed sub�ect �.o �.?�c?
�c�ason�.Lle �.�pr�v�,l of s�.id irt.:�nec vo� ta be �ppc�in t�d a.s �.forf:-
� :��.oc3�.
�11 pipes and w��ter m<�.irrr.-� now iz� p1=�cP in Lt�e � tre��s ca`'
s.�Li� �ov�ra �li�ll '�e 3,ll;o��d to rem�.in in their prc�sen L loca�tior, ,
:.n t��ct., �nd if inj ur��d or des troyeci, sh�ll be replaced by s �id �:��ri-�
a,,,e, p
�f,�:t any time �� the construc�ion of any �.�ter�,l for �Rc���:�ca
;��:�°��i�°e ��.dditton�Z cos-t �,nd Qxpense be imposea upor,. the `�own c�.�'
T:er ;,or ,�S� any ci tizen thereof,by re �:�on of tY�e 10 c�.tion. of t��e
pi��e lines of s�tid �rantee said ad�itianal co�t anci expense sYlal�x.
be fully Uorne by t�e Ci ty o_f �e�t u�� �such ac�di�ior,al cc�:::b- '::�� ,Ji�
a�c�r;;=�.in�d by a com�r�i :>einn of th.r�e disint�regted par <�;.�=r-; , :r;;�.� �c
be cho�en Y�y the �own of fienton , and one by the �rantee hereir.ig ��
� _
� N� Fc ���
.- _-.
tY�ird ta be selected by the two so chor�en� auch �.dclitianai cost to I
be pa�id Ly grantee ivithin thirty d��,y:� of the deci;aion of s3ic� com-
mis�,i�n. :�o �ppointed �.s �fore:�-�id:
A four inch �ain sha11 k�e connected frnrn the pd�F�Q„ to be l�id
un.der t;��e provi�sion� of this Ordin�nce to the water t�nk of tr.e
To�+m of R�n�an .
S�c t�i�n 4 ; 'I'he work done upon +hird ;;t�rpe t .be L��een the tives t
� T � �y L l * C"'.
m�.r�in of ����in �trc�� 4 �nca tne �ves� margin of �3urne �t .�treet, shall
be :�o prosc;cuted t���.t the same shall be completed ��rithin seventy-
�ite d�,�s fr�m �����d �.ftc:r t��e f�rst openin�; of t�e trPnch t�.er�:on�
- Upon °L'rle compl�: ��ion of Lhe tivo�k herf.in contemplfited the :�urf-
�ce o£ a.I1..� s tre�e �s inter:�ec�in� s=�ic� pipe line �.nd th�.�t portion
of s�,id `ihard Stre�t tr�;v�erse� b� s�id pi��e line s�i=�I�. be restored
to their pre�ent �rade ancl so surf�ced �s tc� be ir� equall.�C �.s �ood
condition �s t���ey no�Fr �.r�� �.nd �6r the purpose of en�blin�; tYie auth-
oriCies o� t�ze iou�n of gen ;,c�n to maint=�ir s=�,ic� �trecti� ir., �;ood eon-
�i.ti Gn. un�.;.1 �uch tirr�e 3s the;� shall have become compact under '
, •,'
travel, so 3s to be m.�de as firm r�n�x hard as they now �re, tYiere sh�l�,
be paid into the �;en�ra� funci oF the 'I'o�vn of Ren�t�n,uporz Lhe conp- I
��tian of t,he; v�ork herei:n cat�te�;pl�ted tlae sum oi' fi��e hunclre�d I
doll�ir� . `I'he Ci�y of ue��..ti:le i� also Lo buila �.- si�.ew�.lk, si.�: foot
ira t�idth on e�-�ch aine of it;s ri�tilt of way�ex�endin� southeasteryy
fram ��1].r� '?all�i �venue to Iiigh �trE�et; alon� said ri�}it of way
anci 3cross irlter�rer�:ir��; :� vr�ets, there is tca be cons�truct�d� in con-
nectior �Nith s�.id sidetv�lk� suit3�tle �;uttes°, for t}�e conveyttnce of.
v�a�ter�an� the ri�ht of vr�.�C of tYie pipe lire throu�;h� the Town of.
Renton shalx be kept open for.- travel and �hall be used as a hi��:�
�v�.y by the public �,nd the :�aid aide�valkt� �nci �utters ���-�.11 Y:e cc�:a� ,
;tructec3 ��.nd corr,plet�ed by :;epGerrbeZ` I5th, 1.909 . �,
�ec�i{,n 5; A.11 r�pa.irs tc t�e m�.de Y�ere�.fter on saica pi��e lin`� i
I'� ��. within the limits of s�id �o�vn sh�Il re r�ade under the dirE�ctio-
^4 0�' an inspec�on to �ie appoint�d by the �n��r; o�' Re��d�n and said
�r�nt�;e sh�.11 replace t%,,e surf=�ce of t?le street in the ���.r:�e cand.�
i*icar,. it wa� in prior to n;akin� such rep�irs . �
3ection6; The s�.id grantee ��rees to save and keep h3rmle��
tti:e `i'own o�' P�enLor, fror �ny los� o~r damage �ustsiir�ed by abbattir�� �`'
pro�rty oti�:n�r� or by any oth�r persnns occKsioned Uy the exercise �
of the ri�hts h�re�ir �ranted.. i
.�� ��
.�.oE'.,r.°�1-i'tt"�. � � ?�'�.li.i�T'c? �.p G0�1"�j.ljt �1 V�"1 '�Tl� O`' ��1e �X��Y J�:s1O:i..a f3f'
this 4rdinanc� shall woek an immedi�te forfeitur� of the ri�h�C.r
hereby �;ranted ��nd sr�id grantee� i ts offi r.er� or agen Ls� slza�ll.
trier�ugc�n b�� �rcalL��.» tec3 f�°c� f�_���s-.��e.r. �;�:E.��(�� :-sc� c�f ta�-€� 3 , ���ti;¢c ti;e9~°�=
�:y �ran ted .
In G'�.SE; fi'i.l('., �r�illi�C'C' `.311't,'p_i. f`3Yi. �,0 Z'P.T)1.`-ACofs 3?C�(',Y:'-3.i'�'� '�21C� S�T`>
eet cro,sin�;s on the surff.�ce of any �trPet upon or �.crnss vuhic��:
s�.ici pipe line s1�=�11 be cons;,rus�ec� � in the r�anner her�in conte��:�
pi ated, and sYi�Il upon �vri tten notice fail so to do,within for �,�Ys
ea���.t laours �.fter �:�le :;e�vice of sai� riotice, s�.i� ';;;�„r,, c�' ?=:�=r: �c�r,.
sii�:11 h�;ve tre ri�ht to repl=.zce �ai� sidetivalks an,: c:rc�::::�-.��:; ;>:�°
i;l:e �ux�f�.ce a�' t;�.,e s vrc•� Ls,3� t?.e expense of the Ci ty of Ser3tt2.� o
f��cticr, �3 ; 'Thi:� Ordin�.t;c:c: ;;���11 be in full force anc� ef�'ect
five daus frarn �r�c� �,ftei its pa:=s���c, �.gprUv=�1 �nca 1���.1 rublir.:«.tm
i ar:»
Apprc���d t��i: 15t�� d�y of uep t,emlaer� 7.�G�; ,
, ,,
�! .�'�rYY](3';q.a,C^F. ai..':�:j%C?:`,` .
Pa�sec� thid 1�tYz d�.� of September, ].9�f3 .
A.Acl�,m� , C1Prk.
Publi:�hed Oct 9�19Q£3 .
Sta.te of ivaehin�ton; I ,Gr�,n�, F-�tcY�, City Cl�rk, ira�and �"vz° ts:c:
Coun�ty of Kin�; ;ss Ci�y� of Rentc�n�b�ashin�tcn ,do hereUy c�:� ���
Ci�;y of Rer�torz ; fy that tr►e :;bove anci fore�oin� is �. tr�a�
ar�d correct cdpy of Ordi'.r�anae T1n .].2.�,�.s it a���c::�rs on fil.�,��n m�
o Copied by me this 27th day of June , ].�13.
�.''`�; , ;�, ,
�-��-/���=> >
Ci�y cl���c�
(-r.� /Z� fir i�-� "✓;