HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0117r • r � :�.�""'+��,' � ��, "=�t' { ,� . � � 1 . �.�SY'.�.�ll�A���i�' i��i . r� i/ e -� �� . �, �:�' Y A;,� � �y �--- ; �� An or�inan�e i�posin,� an d?��•aal li�.;��se o� on� c�c"!1�r �'v� every � mal� do� and trro cci=�.�s fox ev�ry feMale do� a1?o�r�d to run �.t lar�p �' '��' � itz�iri tne li�:its of the Torrr� of �entol�, �Jashin�tan, a^_d prov3.c?in� for tre 3i�po�,a,,,�,di*!� and d�structaon of all do�s found runnin�; at lar�e and I � not c�a�y li:;�;�.sed, �ritn�n sG.id. to�n, and providin� certa.in i��oundin� fees � P�. tc� be char�s� for do;s ii�po�,znde�, �r�vi�zn� � �erjalty fc�r viola�7oz� hereof, and reml¢�lin� all ar��.n�:i��es vr parts o£ o�dir�a.��vs in �.�;:,_a��=.;� nith the rrovis�ons heraof. �e it ordai:�ec� ^y t2ie Cauncil oi t2�e T��r. af �Renton: aection I P�ve���T orrr�er or Keep�r of any do� a1Zow�d to rwz at lar�;e �rithin the li�:its a� the �o�rn of '�enten s���_l� nrior to �T�r�e 1.st. �.n each year, a�3�ly to the Tce�n �le�K of SGid ToRn for a do,� license fc���• the c�arrent ye2s anc? shali �ay to said �ler�. the �� of one do].lar fa�° every r�a1� dog and the sw.�: of t�o c�.ol?ars for �very famale dog for �rhie�; a li�anse is sou,;ht ta p�rr�it said dom to run at lar�;� �t:.�,.��� t��; 1�r.:«�„� of said To�n, and thereu�on said �14r:t s:�all e:nter ���� n�s �,�d �esic���-�ce of �u�h o�-n�r or kepper in a book to be kept �y hirr� for that �urposa sric? snall dLliv�r to the persor. sa a�plying a 1-�cense for such c�o� to rurl �t lar�e Rithzn thp li�it� ��' the Tonn cf �enton fro� dato of' execut�.or� ��h�r�e� unti� �7�,�� �,at. of the fol�o�in� y�ar, pxovided ha�rever, �hat �11 lieens�� i�sued afier Januai°y lst . 1909 and prior to �4ay 1st. ?9�9 shall e?�ire J�an� l�t. 19G9 a�d thpi�e�.ft�r a2� �_ycens�� issu.pd. betRe�n Jan. ?�t. a���; Jun� lst. a#' eac2i year sha11 ox�ire an t:�a fir•s% �.a;r o� Jure fo1l��ir.�9 ;�uch lieen�e shal? gtat� �:,izc n��e anc? ac�.�r�ss o� the o�ner o� keeper sc a,�flyin;; and the rn.amber of the ta� to,�ae issued in a�ecx•dar�L� r�ith the provisions Y�rAof; at �.i� s�.� tfr.1� ��id �lerK shall dUlivc�r' to s;zch own�r or �Qcp@z" a a�etal ehpcb ar ta,� upon �rhich shal.l �e st�;m��.=� ��n°���., �o� L�.C?:1.5�� n the y�ar Rhen iss�aed, 2�na the nw::ber of such ta,� so issued. yuch tags s�d.1� '�a n�..zmbered fx°ou nux�ber one up. SuEh ta; �hall be securs�y a�tach�d by tn� a�r��er or Keeper so ����1;,�r���� arsa��,.�d t��ic= rec?�, �f ;he c)o� for Rhi�h sueh cr�e�;�, or ta� i� 1SStiE�a �ection ZI A31 do�s rLu'i.�:ir:,� .=:a w�:���rt:-:� �.r_ �.I,.� `�c�r� of R�ntor.� af��r June l�t. 19Ql� �rithout sucYi c;hec'.i cr tag, coritrary ta the ��rovi;���a.�. of ��iis orc�.ir�„�ce, are here�y declared a nuisa.�:ce and s:�all �e des�troyoc� bjT �:3.� !':ic.;r'��'`..`_-�.� � OT �s.fT '��-C'�-^-•?1 @�l�'?1�370� !�v ti'i$i'� fQ�' �1?�f �'.?'L�'�Oa!3? C�y �L�i':: ► _ _ do�� �ay �� t�:;�:�� ur �y s�id s:�ara��.... ox ��rson e�ploy�d 5y hi� for �hat �ur�ose azid pla�8d in the po�and prav�iaa�. �ar that �ux�ose �y the a�tarshal, to ?�e Known as the � do�; �ou.�c� �, a�ci shall be i��pt therein for t�rQn�y four hours duri�� Rhi�h L�ne the aRner of a,°�y do; so ir�o�anded �ay ha*re the aame released 3y pdyir�� on� dol2ar in addit�on to the eost of a �hecK or ta� far �ucn do� a� pro�ridad in section I herpof, previded. any dog se rel�ased may again �e i�po�andea. or de�tro;�ed if ag;a�.� �o�and runnin� at lar�e in violat�or� �f t��is ordi�.axzce. All dogs 3�ovnd�d i� not .�E31�SS9C2 �ritlzi�i twenty fo�ar hour� as herpin s�Qoifiect �ha11 ?�� removed *�y the �arshal or perqcx� �ppointe� 1�y hixn for th�� pur�ose, b�y4�d the city lini tq a21d destroyed. Seatio� III The �iarshal i� hare�y authorized tc� e�ploy o�� or �ore c43���et�nt a�si�tants ta aid hi�a i� enforcin� the �revisions of this 2sticle a�d he i� also suth�rizeu tc� offar a ra�rard of fi�ty ee�.t� I� �or every do� ta.kP;� u� �rithi:; the liraits of sazd To�ri, �rhile runnin� at I lar;� ther�i*�, arr.d ��ou�ht to h�s alive, to �e paid frt� the fses to be �olleeted as aforesa3.d. UTho9v�r snall resi.�t, hinder c�r �Alest the said b{a�shal or his assistaz�t� rvhile �rsgagad in t��e �ischar�o of any d�aty herai� en�oined upo�. him o� t�e�, s�ia31, o� conviat3or�, bc; lined r.at less than fiv� nor �o�Q than. txent fi y vo do3.lars for each offPY�sQ. I Section IV Fo� aaah do� i�pa�,zz�ded uz�der the �r�visiang ' hereof the �arshal, flT his said assista�t�, �nGll be paid the su.m af fi�ty �aents, a,�� f�r �aeh do� destrayed undex the provisions hAreQf � aftPr b�iz�� i�ound�d, t�e :�axs�al or his assistant� sha11 reeei.vs a�; ad�itional fift3T �ents in Qase �u�h dog ia ianftitl�.� disposed oF '�� s�icl ;�arshal c�r his assist2riLs xi�noat aciditi�nal oast t4 said �vwza,. 3e�t�o�. V This a�;t shall apply to a11 dogs frnand x�unnino at lar�e �ithin the li�it� c�f sa�d T.oRn, �►hether o�'ner or kept �iti�i� nr wi�ho�a� ti1� li�it� of ��id Town. S�ctic�� VZI No officer ar other persor. s:i�.�.l taka up or ir�po�.�ad a.�y do, xhich is Rearin�; a ta� as hereiM provided, �ar s:�all reffiove or take a�a;� tzle ta� fr�r� any do., nor �na31 ent3.ee or de�oy any dog out of any ho�ase or �:�.elos�� 1c��, nor nr�.n� �� cause tc he �arc��,�ht I or e�tieed, any �om fro�. eit�Zout thE ?'aRz� li�:;,its into the sarue, for the puur�ose of impo�,z2�ciin� suc;h dog, undQr a �g�alty �.� eaeh ease af not 3QNs thur�, th�ee :�or �ore than tReMty �ive dol3ars :�ar ea�h of'f'ens�. Seetic�n VIZI A1� ordinances or p�.rts o� orai�a�ces in con�lict witli the provisions heraof shall bP anr� the same are herdby exnres�ly � rerealed. 3ectic�� I� This ordina.�.e9 sh�11 be i:� ��a.lZ foree and effset , frora at�d after it� na:�,a�e, appsaval and le�dl pu'�lieation� �l1'�pro7ec� this ` i�ay of >;� ��'�- , 19a8. - - a,9�. �;: � �iayor, . , i Pa�se� th3,s ,� day af ;����� , Z908. __� � _ ,, .- � � _ �,� ��_= � � t�Zark. L