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OF�DI�IA�SCr I;:O. ,•' �_
�< ordi��_ar�u� �'or• �}:� im��rov.z�?:�a1t o� '"air ctr��t ��nc? li
in�erseetions, 'oy graain; and gravelin;� the sarne .
�'4: IT ORDAII�:�L` ?3�T Tj`'� COiJi�?CIL 0�' T�?� TOC�i•: � 0�� 1�,i�iOT�:
lst. i"�e To�rm Council of tre town of R�nton ���reby
OT"C�:?f5 t�::; 1Z'1��f0?*E�'71.:;11�; O{' �;�'c� �OZ.ZOi�Jli7t' S+ti'8::� 5 0�. G"::' �0,+n
* �
of R,�nton, more particularly desc;•ribed as follovvs, to-�:�i� : -
'`f B�gin_�_in; at tre County �rid�;e at the north extr�mity ;
_ of ��Till Stre;t , �h^ sa;�n� bain�� the ncrtheast corn�r of T,ot
' ,
2 iT� �lock 11 of th� �o�^Tn of R�;nton ; thencL sol�th a].on� �:ill
�r,,:-�� z�'�,� .�s-��-�- � � ',
SLraet to � - t A t,renc�� fro�� 2nd S��r:,��t incl�,din.� th�: I
) U
intersection f�o ._ �'�ill �������:t to � air.� Stre��t; t'_r�enc�; so�:�h ,
on 1��ai._ St���e� fro.�; 2��a Street andF int��:��ction to a liile
:;, ,- _
dravin t�te�� fro�l the southtir�es� corn��r of 7Lc t 5 , �1ock 8 ,,
of th=� to�vn of Renton , includin� also 2nd Str;=:;t prod�zc�d
fro�n ?�Rain Street ti�est on 2nd S�Y'02t t0 tl��: �ziddle �f �. lin,� '
,aroduced north fro���. th� midd.le oY'' �lcck 13 �hrou��n saic� 2nc'�_ �
_ ._
Street ; also f�om the intersection of 3rd Street and T:'ai_ 1
*,. Street �vest on 3rd Street to th� middle of �lock 13 ; also
___._ . . . . .. . ..>�.M
i:�te:�section of -�tiain Street of� 3rd Stre�t l�roduced e�st
to �, lina dra��n sot�th fro�?� the middle of ���a�d�7.0 of tr.
'� to���n o� Renton; also b�:;ginnin� at t��-� inl:ersection b��Lv�re�;zz
4th Str�; :t and ?�`ain Stre�t ��est on 4t;r Stre�t �to th.�: c<;�:�.�� .r
o�' �locl�> 15 , b�T a lin<� �roduc�d south fro:� t�^ ::�ictc3l� oi
' J31ock 15 ; also at i:he intersection of 4tn �tre:�t �,Y,��_ < i��_
�-_ _ <,� �^,_,_� ���:�.<.�� 0�1 _ .�" c'�^� :'u �c� ;,i�_ ��id�;_l� �i �?_loc'�_ 9
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i�y a lin� y�ru�v.c��d sol��lz t�:rou�_- the �niczo_l�� of _.loc�. �� .
Th� irnpro?���a,�nts upon the sa,id stre�.t:� and crc:,�:.
intersec�ions of said streets in said_ district shall be :.nade
i�� t��: � fol � o�,-vin� manner, to-�Jit : -
�y ?radin� trQ said stre��ts so that �__� .,w:_-..� �,';�,1� _�a--�
a �oy��r �-rade i_� �;:ccord�,nce ti�rit: t'�� s�;a'��, :a� n , � ,_
�__ ineer on t�^e said �re�� anc� the ��lans and s��ecific�.�i;;%.�ti
o� ��� �:-� ineer of t�ne toym of Renton fil.d in t?�e Cl�r��' s
0�'a'�c� o� �az� to��+m oi Rento_n_; also to r�a'�e ��ro��r�r
�di�e?��� on both sides of such straet , ti�l�ic�^_ saici c�?tcl^��s
s^a11 be bet�dreen the str�� anc� tre;.°�7�ar'�inm s�rip a:�c+ {;�;:�
said s��eets s�iall b;: round��d so that th : sarae yJil� -�����co�n�
_�:� incline fro%�! the cent,r to tn-� S1d�S o �-� said �treet.` ;"��:c�y
,���i�all �e le f� for �, 6 fo o� sid�vralk and 3 fe-�t bettivpen ��e
c�r�=-,_- of tr�-=: street and �he sidetlalk in the proposec� r:istri�t .
._.. s��r the fur .;her ir�prov�m�nt of gratrelino said
s ��re��� intersections �nd sid: streets , cam��ncin� at c=_e
�:�a�id Coi�nty Bridoe in the center or the'.north end of T-��1 ��z-e:�t
i�: th: rniddle of the str�F;ts of the said improvem�nt
c�;ti��:�ict to the �nd of' th� said line pr c�uced west i'�o �:
Lot 5 in �=slock 3 of the to,Jn of Rento_�, Vvhich said �;raveli.�;�,•
s��.a11 be done by placin� to a �idth of 10 fe.�t o�; .ac�,_ tiic�::�
�� t�? : cent�r lin� of said N�re :ts i_Z said i:;�l�ro�r�;r�. ��.t I
C�_:�+_��ct , `:hroug�out t,.he anti-r:� d�_sta�c.� t��er�g�qd, cl��an ,. �
_r�.�-al, tirl�ic�� sh�,ll contain not ��nor.e �t�an on� third sand,
_ ---
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wti,ic = :�aid r ��a,-�1 s':,all ��e ci 3" i:_ .,l�th c-�' �r__fo�� �, -c-�-
I nass, a� the said �rad:. snal"1 be to y�� �rfect ��ade , and.- al�
of th� said streets, inte�s�ctions an�3 si�;e stre ��s desc�i":.;�d.
as a'oove , shall be so graded; it beina understood that ���{'ore
��:� �ravel s},a11 have be�n p�aced on said i�n1.rove_r,i ;7��
nist�ict iTz the i�lace�_ inc�icated, th� rcad shall �zave �;� .rl
made to �::�rfec� grade .
i3rd. �.Chat th� �-��od<, o: i�a;�ment for the cost and e�?��n.��
of such im�rov�m�nts , shal ? be by �ayin� for said �r adi-=;-_,
;,�,�,v L2.>
-razr�liri, ar,d i��f�rov:.ments ir� �,rarrants, � ��ayab�l e^�€,r � _,--
='ro�n date of th ; issuance of st�ch �varr•an_ts out oT a
�;_.ecial fund deri��d fro , local�`improve-�ant tax� aNsassed or:
the said district o�� the abuttin� �ro�Arty an�� t.rle waid.
�raarrants shall be :�aid froY�l the �rnounts raceiTred fro�a �._-�
assess��nts �nade on th� said ��ro��:�rty abuttina on the .
i���prov�men� fro���. the center lin� of said stre�.ts �,nd the 10�,s
anc� ���ortions of lots fronting on t��-� said strezts ard c�vossF=
street� �o the cent ;j� o.� t;�:: blocks o� the said cros:, ��re::�s
as aforesaid to the ext�nt of the iull de���:i o� �ac'�
��a•r�icular lot shall be ass�ss�d propor�i�na��;l;r �"`�i �=-�:�
f;,�ll d�pth th:�r;of in �roportion to tl�� b�n�fits upon t���
l,roperty �o be ben�fit�d sufficient to co:v-�r t'r_: total es>�� �rls�
of the ip:n�rov�men� to t�e cent�:. of t��� street on ��Thich it -
frcnts� ann �^er� a cross str�e��e:�ts t�e w J `=- I'
treet o:'
, ' � � � , r y. •I
-� • ' " r
. �1'
�:�, ,
sa,id im�rc�ement di�trict , and cross�s o�� zne�ts th� said I
i:�l�ro�rement dist�_�ict , the �x�,e;nse of �rl� ir.���rov�-Tr_�nt in the
�i,pace forr�ed by the junction of tn�:� tvJo streets sha11 be
��a;�� f or b�r tr�e "'ovr��� cf Renton ��
�'- . '�'l�a� t��e Toz.�rn �;"l�rk c f tn� i own of Renton i s +
h�reby dir�ctPd �to report to t?^ � Cou�cil of th� To��n of
RQn�on the estirnat�d cost o�' tht� u,aid i�aro�rement and
, d�sc•riyu�ion of the pro���rty which sha11 be benefited t�lt�.raby;
a stat�^Z�nt of' the �ro_��rtionate :a.u�oiani: and ex.-��.nse of said !
i:My�rovement , trhich s��all le borne h�- said y:ro;,U��rty i.�
_ �
accor�.ance v�ith ';he ��r��s anc� co,�ditions of t'r�is ordinance ;
that all .;���rsons :�+rho desir� to obj�ct to said in1orozrem:;nt �
ar=� hereb�* noti�'ivd to a;��1�e� a�t a �re�:tinm o�n the Totivn �'
Council of the Toti�z of Renton to �:a hald in the to��7n hall of
the said town of Renton on '�'_�.e �� day o#' �/���� 1908 �
at 8 0' clock P.'.`. of said �.ay , ai:d there present t'��i_� �
objections i•rl tivriting, at ���'_^ic?1 time t�ie Town Council of
the Town of Renton srall conside� an�- objections made and thQ
report to the Cle.�k of th� to�vn of Renton and the engine�r of
the Tovm of Renton in th is ordinance , and any person �
interested r:1ay a�uear before �id counc il at said t im� and
! y�z.
maka his objections, ��e-�e� -�� said im�rovemen�.
5th. Tr�at th�� assess�.ents so made u�aon th�: said
p��operty abuttin�. u-��on the said impz�ove��nts shall constit��t�
- I
, ' 1'[ ti ,
r: r •
4 � �
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1 • �
,��-� .
:ii�:�s L?Luon tne said property fron�in� th�r�on, and unl�s� the
said assessrn�nts shall have bsen paid accordino i,o th:=� �
�-� (�)
t�r�ls and mo:�ditiions of t:ne said tivarrants , tivithi�Z�oa� yearS'
fro::�i th:, datP of said vrarrants, then tre local ir_� :rov�.ment �
tax shall becom� delinquen-� , and action �r-�a;� �e insti �uted in
�� r ,� � i
tha ma�ner ��rovided by lat� , i» the Suya�ricr Court �� _ >tii ��� �,.�,
� �� � .�
t� for�clos� the sa:m� and such pro��ert�T sha11_ be sold to ��ay 1
the costs of t'r_ =� said i pros,rem�nt , unlesa so l�aid. �����' •' � '�` �
.�r.t av.-.r �%�1-u-�-'� L��-,n�� -��" G•, ,��rc_;�- �?��; �-.o`C�-- �,7,�.r�Cl��,g�p,.�_ w r..-�� ����Q-.��'-`�`�
�./'ws-o.C.� , ._.<.�C.-- :a�c.'-&�.� ��..�.�-�-�.`"�'�-;:- .�°"
``� Passeu tY�e �Pcu�Tn CoL:nc11 t]�ls " ;�z:.��da�� of��,�1908.�1-"`�.�, . r
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� � -� � �- � �� � � v--�- � _
�`ayor�of th� Tov1n of R6nton. ��
Ap��roved b�r 1^�!e t�is .���- c:ay of �� � ���_ � 190`�'� . �'
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Att;s�: / / - „�`.
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