HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0037A ; ,�— � ,� e ,� 4 R z . . . ~JU L.12 1910 1 � 7 # � � '�°� � � y . .. � '8_ f['`'y�. '�s;,,w•'"1'� i, � � ., �w ,�(�L 19 ly�� � ,•� � - t � �. ,,�, �' +��4 �ESOZUTI�N N0. 37 �. � f ,�*'y^� �., _ � '� RESQLIITION PROVIDITdG FOR THE Ilil[�R4�IIY�NT OF TH.AT POR.'�iIOT+t QF SECCI�D AY�TSUE BOII�ZDED ON THE EAST B� CEDAR RIVEt� 9I1D ON THE �ES�' BY THE CITY LII�IITS: THAi POR�I(}� OF ThIRD AV�,T�T'[iE �OUI7DED ON �I3E i L+'AST BY REI�TQN AVEI�ITE ATSD OT.t iHE �TEST BY THE CS 1Y I�IT�':ITS: tHA� �ORTIOi:T OF FOURiH AVi�;T�tJ� BOUivDED Oi� �� EAST BY CEDAR S'I'R��° �D ON' �HE F�E�T BY TI� �I�'3.' ZIP,TITS: THAT PORTIOII OF FIFT� AVEI�ITE BOUI�D� ON �iHE EASi BY CEDAR STR�T AT1D ON `�� �YEST B'.� �'A�I�A �IA��A hV�'I�TUE: T-T.�ti"i PORTIOiv' �� SIXTH AVENUL+ BOUNDED ON THI+�' EriSl^ BY "�'EZZS S1^.R�r�T Ai�D ON TI� r�ST BY THE C STY ZI1��iITS: THAl S ORTIOIJ OF COU�TY ROl�D Id'Or'f�`�'�OUlYDED OTZ THE EAST BY THE T�OR�'HERT�T P�CI�'IL RAI7�"lAY C O1�rTPAT�IY''S RI GHT�-OF�:'JAY� �D OIJ THE �IEST BY THE C I'rY I�IT,'!I°�i S: THAt PORTIOI3 0� SHA.TTU�B S�'REE.�i BOtT�DED ON THE SOUTH B� �'HE C�TS' ZI�,TITS ,AT�D ON l� NORTIi BY TIiIRD AVETdUE: fiHAT PORTION 0�' S�HIT�JOR�'H i STREE� BOUI�'DED OIT THE SOUTH I3Y SIXTH AVi:NUE �D OIS �'� T�OR�'8 B�' '1'T.3IRD 11V''rjl�TITE: THAT PORTIOid OF T5i0RRiS S�.'HEE� BOUI�IDED QN LHE SQU1H B� S•IXTH AV�'..,:?UE gI1D OIT TI� TJ(3RTH BY '���II�I3 kV�.'NUE: THA�' PORTI OTS 0�' SSu►ITHERS STR�T BOUNDE� OTd �HE SOUTH BY S�TH AYET1t1E AISD OTS THE I�ORTH BY .'�i HIRD AVEItUE: �i HAT PORTI4Id Or i3UR�dETT STRt�i B O�ivDED OI�T T� SGUlH BY SIX�.'A AVEIvZTE �1ND OI3 �HE NOR�'H B� aECOr3D AVVET�t3E: �'HgT PORTION' OF �YIZZIAI� S�R�i BOt].�DED Ov1' THE SOUT�i SI�TH �lV`�`I3'UE PRODUCF� EAST, Ai+TD OTJ THE NORI'H BY "' � ' OBSGS�I�I, PZ�.^z OF "'T�` �'^'�"T �rt R_F��1,,`�: �g�T PORTIOT� QF �9ET,I,S ST�T Produced East, BOUI�LDED OST TH� SOUTFi BY �u1.XnH AV�IJU"'�.AND GN �IiE IJORTH BY SECQi�1 AVE�UE: THAT PORTIO".Cu OF lt; 'IN STRE�T BOUNDED OI� TH� SOtT.''iH B'� �ECTSON STRt�'� ADTD OIJ THE TJO�?fiH BY SECOIV'D AVE1�iIJE: THAT �'OR1'IOTaT OF �JIII� �TRE�T BOII�DE� OT� THE SOUTH BY SI�fiH tl.V`'.z,+I�1UE �ND ON 1HE NORTH BY SECOTr?D AVE1�tUE: THA�' PORTIOI�T OF �r�AR STREET BOUTTDED OT� �.�i� �, , . ' � � SOUTIi BY SEC�'IC3Id STR�T AI3D ON T� ItOZ�IH B� THTR� AV:r:TuITE: TEAT PORTI�I�T OF R�TOTiT kV:;NUE BOU�DED Ot�t iFiE SOU�i BY SECTION STR�."i ,BT�D O�t THE NORTH BY THIRD AV�U'UE: �HliI�Z BE IP�ROV.ED BY '�HE CO1V� S�RUC�'I0� OF .A Tt�UI�K �E��R. THE COST �F �HE 5�,+� TO BE ?�EVSF,� U�O�i TEE PROP�� .B.BUT�"I�G, APP�O�I�fAI'E OB AdJ�CENT TSEt�ETQ, �TD INCZUDEI3 TI� TI3E ASSESST1,t�NT DISTRIC�� 1�S PRUVI�F.�3 BY T:�ih�t. BE IT RESOLVED B3.' T� CT�?''Y COUT�CIi� OF �'� CI�Y OF REi�TOI�, �1ASHZISGTOI3: Section I. That that portion of seaond nvenue bounae�d on the East by Cedar River and on the �est by the Ci�y Limits; that portion of Third �venue bour�a.ed on the �ast by Ren�on Avenue and on the F1es� by the Ci�y �irrsits; tha� portion of �our�h l�venue bounded on the za.st by Cedar Street and an �he �"lest by �he City Zimi�s; that por�ion of Fif�h Avenue boundea on the East by Cedar Street an.d an , �he �Pest by �'Galla �alla Avenue; that por�ion of Sixth Avenue bounded on the East�b�r C�el:' � St:reet and cn �he T�est b� ��e City Limits; � �t► � that por�ion of _ Count;� Road T�o. �. �oundec� an the Eas� by the �orthern Pacific Rail�r�� Com�any's righ�-of-way, and on the C�est by the City Lim3ts; that portian of Shattuck Street bounclec� on the South by the C i�y Zir�:�.�s a�.d an the S�orth by T'nird &venue; that portion af C�hitv�ror�h S�reet bounded on �he South by �ixth �venue �.nd on �he l�or�h by �'hird Avenue; th�t portion of 1'�orris Street bounded on �the South by Sixth Avenue and on �l�e ITorth by Third' Avenue ; that po�tion of Burilett Stree� bounded on the Sou�h by Sixth �venue a,n� on the ITor�h by Second Avenue; that �ortion o� Smi�hers Street boundea on �he Sou�h by Sigth �venu.e and on the T�orth b�Z Thira �venue; tha� portion of �lilliams �treet bounded on the Sout b �ixth �,veliue, produced Eas�, and on the rJorth by � �, m - ;� � that portion of �ells S�ree� bouxided on the South by Si��h .A.venue produeed. �,a��, anc� an the Nor�h by Secand .Avenue; tha� par�ion o�' �.in Stree� bounded on ��e South by Sectia� S�res� an�. �n the � �tor�h by Second Avenue ; that port�.on of Zt�ill S�reet baunded. on the ,Sou�hby Sixth:.Avenue and on the �yar�h by Seeand �.venue ; that �ort�.on of �edar S�reet baunded on the South by Sec�ion S�reet and an �Ghe Nor�h b� Thirc� Agenue ; tha.t portion of Renton xvenue bou�.ded ' on �he South by Sectiox� Stree� aY.rd ou the T3arth by .�+ihird .�ven.ue; sh�.Il be irnprovecl "�y �he consuruc�ian af �, trunk se�ver, the init�al. Paint af v��l�iQh shall b� at the in�erseation of the center line af Si��h Avenue, prac'�..zz.ced �'est, v�ith �he �a�terly "boundary o� B1ack River, runx�ing ther:ee �ast to the in�er�ection of tne cen�er line of Sixth Avenue vr�th �he ce��er l�.ne of the al?ey, rur�ning North and Sau�h, through Bloak thirty--one 1' 3I } 'I af �mither�� �irs� Addition ta the Town of �er�tan, �hence East �� alaztg s�.id Six�h Avenue to th� �e�terly baundary af Bloc�k �wen-�y-- ei�;ht � 28 � Town of Rentan, gradueed. S�u�h, ther�oe E�s� upa�, a2ong and thrcrugh a strip of land �even � '7 � feet iu width, bounde�. on the itarth b� Black �wnety�-.ei�ht ( 28 �, Wi�liams S�r�e�, and Block ei�h�een { T� ) �'a�. o� Rerzton, thenee �9or�h on �he cen�er line of �i ells S�ree� �o Fifth �.venue, '�henee �as� an Fi�'th Avenue to �he center line of' It�Iazn Stree�, �'he cost of said a.m�r4ven�en� �o be lsvied upan the property abutting, approxir�ate or adjacen� �hereto, aud included a.n �he asses�ment distric� as pravicied b3r 1a�r. '�he e��imAted cos� of said impravem�ent being, �o-v�i�, �he sum of Thir�een Thousand ( �I3000.00 � Dollars. j Seetion. 2• Pro�ests against �he imp�rovement af s�.id above de�cra.bed streets may be filect v��th �he y C1erk o� the Ci�y ,!U L 19 i��{� . 4f R872'�4x1. on or : before ������ o� A. D. l9la. Ap�arc,Fed � ' �1��� da a I 191 ���, Y �� .�. D. 1.g10. G�:! � - f � �ayar. � JUL z9 �910 P�.ssec� t ' da� o �. D. I9Z0. � — ' City Clerk. _ � . `� �/� � �'� _ �-- ���-� � �� i:��� (� � � - / • ��Z� t��--G� � I j