HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0042A � ; f r/� 4i�� y � s. .� ' — � � f�. � � ��� � � • ��.L (/ 4�i ( � / t+ `I �� ,�ff� � �/ 'a..� . ; � ��� D� TTm �T �yT l// � . �t cL+^.r i1L SD Z V 1 I�lY 1+t��T � . . Jl.i��l�? �y�0 � ;� ' . � � �� .�' � , � ,' RESOZUTION �'OR THE I.3PROVL'T:1�:T1T �F THAT PORTIOII OF �OG�11 STRi.:T BOUI�TDED OT� THE SOUTH BY T �` RICHi OF �IAY OI+' `�'� C I'1'Y QI+' S:tiT".'I�F+ �S C +' ,dR RNER PI�': I,I� BTdD OT� THE �TORT�i BY THE EYTENSIOTT 0� THE �ORTli BOV'id�ARY OF ZOT OrT�,' ( 1 � B�QCK. 'Z'�fEY�TTY�-FDUR ( 24 ) T0� OF RENTON� PRODjTCED �i fi EST: TI�AT POR�'I021 �F BURNETT ST +E�l.' BOIIl`tD.:� O1C i'I3E SOU�H BY THIRD AVENUE t�jD ODT � �' I:SORt!'H BY THE IIORTH ZI%E 0�' LOT QT+T�; ( 1 ) �3I�UCK T�ifEP�T�1-�FOUR ( 24 ) TO�iI�t QF R�TOII� PRODUCE� ti'�ES�: TI�.e1.T PQR�'IQN OF �TIZZI9�iS STREET, �7EI,ZS STREET, I�IN STR�T, Il'ISZZ S2'REEs�'. , BOUNDF•D Ot1 i� TdO�TH BY CE��R RZVER At�TD O�,T �H� SCU�H BY THIRD AVLNUE: TIIAT PORTICN OF I�iILi� STP.EET BOUNDED 0� THE NOt�TH BY TfiIRD AV�NUE 1��TD OT3 THE SOUTH BY SI�TH AVEl3UE, PRODUCED F.�1ST: TH�T PORTION 0�' CET�1'iR STR�3', REI�OIZ STR:.�.T, B�UNDEl1. ON T � IZOR".�'H BY THIF�I3 �V�._,NUE A2.1� ON �HE SOU`�H BY SEC'�'ION Sfi�Ei: THAT PORTIOIJ OF SECOTID AVEIFIFE BOUNDED OTT y� F.1�ST BY CED�R RIV��;R A�TD O�T TIIE �IES� BY ^�: CS�'Y' ZSI�TITS: THAT PORTIOTa OF 1'HE PlGRTH HAI�F OF' THIRD dVETiUE BOtT11D�D OIZ THE ►7EST BY BtTRiVETT STRE�T gND ON 1HE El�ST BY 1� ZINE RITtR�.�I�G NORTH �ND SOUTH THI30UG13 THE CErTT� OP BZOCi�S SL+'VEN � 7 ) EIGHT � 8 ) 1�ND 1tINE ( 9 ) IT1 sHE ORIGSN�II� 1'I,�T 0� THE TO��1 OF RF.TITQN: TH11T PORTIO�T OF THIRD Is.VE%tTE BOUTtDE'J ON T� �r ST BY A I�Il`�T� RU1VI�iISG I�ORTH �iID SOU�H THt�C3UC�H T� C.::NTF� OF BT�QCgS SEV�N ( 7 ) ETGH^ ( 8 ) AirTD RT�TiE ( 9 ) IN LHE ORIGINgZ PZAT OF ?'IiE TOC�N OF REI�TTON AN� OSl' THE E�ST BY THE C ITY I�IT'�ITl"S; BY iHE CONSTRUCTIOII OF A TRUTTK SEGY�R Z�T COTdFORI�ITY TO ALID I1V COI:IPLIAi�C� �I^H ^� PL6T�S A��D SPECIFICb�'I�I3S �'OP. �'I� S1�I�:IE TdO:; Oi: FIZE ITl Ti ,� �F'FIEtE OF �IIE C2T� PZADTS ArID CT�RK 0�' �'ti�: CITY OF R.�iiT�l�, B�I��SPF:CIFICII�`IOI`�S IiO.�. �^.HE COS'1 OF � + S� TO B.: T�EVIr:� �POi:i iH�.' iROr.�RTY dBUTTIi3G, 1�JI�CEPZT OR APPRO�LIL•�ATE 10 SAID 1�BOVE DESCRZBED PORTIQNS OF SAID ABOVE DESCR�BF.� 5TREETS 1�I�TD AVENUI+;S �I�ID INCLUDED IISi �'HE bSSESST:L"T�'..I:m DIS�"RICT �S PROV IDED BY I,I��V. BE IT RESOZV� BY T�E CI^Y COU'�iICIZ 0� T1� CI�.'Y OF I�TTON: �2� Section 1. That th�t porticn of Zogan Street bounded on the South by the rYght�ofrv�ay of �he City of Seat�le�s Cedar River Pipe Line and on �he �orth by the extension of the Zlorth boundary of i Zot One ( 1 � Block tcren�g-�our ( 24 ) Town of Ren�on, Produced �Tes�; tha.t portion of Burnett Street bounded on the South by �hird ,�venue and on the North b� the ex�ension of the rlorth boundar3� of Lot One ( 1 ) Block twenty�four ( �4 } Tocrm of Renton, Producea �Vest; that ' por�ion of �Tilliams Street, �lells Street, r�ain Street, �.Iill Stree�, bounded on the TZorth by Ceda,r River and on �he Sou�h by Thir� Avenue; � th�.t portion of �;Iill Street bounded on the liorth by Third �ivenue and on the South by Sixth Avenue,Produced Eas�; Tha� por�ion of Cedar Street, Renton Street, boundec� on the �torth by �'hird Avenue and on I the South b� Section Street; that portion of SeQond gvenne t�ounded on the East by Ceclar River and on the j�est by the City Zimi�s; that portion of the North Half of Thir�l ,�venue bounded on the �est by Burnett Street and on the East by a line running North aud South through the center of Blocks Seven { 7 ) eight ( � ) and Nine { 9 ) in the ariginal Plat of the Town of Ren�on; that portion of Third Avenue bounded on the �7est by a line runnin� Slorth and South throu.gh the center of Blocks seven ( 7 � eight ( 8 ) and nine ( 9 ) in �he original i'lat of the �'ovan of Renton and on the East b� the City Zimits; sha11 be improved b9 the aonstruc�ion of a trun�� serrer the initial point of which sha11 be a� the zn�ersect ion of the eenter line of Second Avenue, Produced �est, with t�e Easterly bo�undaraT of Black River, running thence East to the interseetion of the center l�ne of Second Avenue �vith the center line of Mill Street, thenee Sotzth to �he Intersection of P,�ill Street with the center line of Third Avenue, thence East on Third Avenue to the c$ater line of Ren�on Street. Said Improver�ent to include the construction and ins�allation of all proper and necessary purification works, man�holes and all other necessary attachmen�s. "'J""` i i II _ I Said �run�� sewer �a `be canstructed in eanformity to ancl in compliance i with �he �lans an�. speaifitsatiana for the st�me now on file in the office of �he Ci�y Glerk o� the �ity of Ren�o�., Bein� 1'lans and , Specifications No._,�'�""". The Estimated co�t of said impx�ver�ent j � � � b e ing, t o�-�r it �he �ura cr f �_�,,��.�.._.• Saetion 2. Pro�ests against �he improvemen� of sa�.d above i described pc�r�ions af said ab4ve described Str�ets a�d avenues may � I be filed �rith the Ci�y C1.erk of the Ci�y of Renton on ar be�ore the � i ��aay of�b. D. 1910, 1 � Approved tha.s�day a A. .A. 19I0. I t � I � � �Ia�or. � � , � Passed thi��da�r o �, -� 1 ,� �/''� . �"��"`�%'" Ci�Gy �lerk. I I � � . � � I I j