HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0376 Resolution No. 379, reading as RESOLUTION NO. 381 follows was adopted: WHERIIAS certain public streets Whereas the cost of improvement in the C.cy of Renton have been of Local Improvement District No. used as the principal highway over (Resolution for Notice of Assess i 767, is $878.40 and there has been which logging trucks have been ment Roll) paid of that amount the sum of' hauling heavy loads of logs, and RESOLUTION NO. 376 $572.70, leaving a balance to be Zresaid heavy loads being so EREAS by reason of the Be It Resolved by the City Council covered by bond issue $375.70. afo of the City of Renton: I Therefore be it resolved by the transported over same,great damage Section 1: That the 20th day of City Council of the City of Renton has been done to said streets,- and October, 1925, at 8 o'clock p. in., that the Mayor and City Clerk be, WHEREAS a continuation of is hereby fixed as the date of hear and they are hereby authorized and ing,on the assessment rolls for the directed to cause to be printed or said traffic as hereinabove men- following Local Improvement Dis- engraved, bonds in the aggregate + tioned will ruin said streets and trict, viz: sum of $375.70, dated December 23, make ,em- unfit for other travel No. 153 for the improvement of 1925. Bond number 1 to be for the and entail great and needless ex- Main Street et al., by- widening I sum of $75.00, and, bonds 2 to 4, penise to the City, 444 both inclusive, for the sum of $100 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE- 1Main Street from Second to Third each. Said bonds to be paid on or SOLVED, by the City Council of Avenue, etc., under Ordinance No. before seven years from date in the City` of Renton, Washington, 760. five equal annual installments, that the streets hereinafter de- . Section 2: That the City Clerk I bearing eight per cent_ interest and I scribed be, and they hereby are, be, and he is hereby directed to to have plainly printed in the face closed to all traffic for transporta- publish in the official newspaper of: thereof, the provisions required by I tion of logs, whether by logging i the City of Renton, notices thereof statute as to all local improvement trucks or otherwise, on penalty of as required by law and the ordi- bonds and all in accordance with fine or imprisonment, or both, as nances of the City of Renton. legislation in said local improve- set forth in Ordinance Number 697, Approved this 6th day of Oc�o- ment district Number 155, under of the said City of Renton, Wash- ber, 1925. Ordinance Number 767, passed .on ington. GEO. H. THOMAS, September 15, 1925. The streets so closed are as fol- Mayor. The Street Superintendent recom- I lows, to-wit: - Passed this 6th day of October, mended that a one man motor-1 First Avenue north from Park �1925. road grading -outfit -be jl Avenue to the City limits; W. J. WILLIAMS, purchased. Upon motion the Clerk City Clerk. was instructed to advertise for bids Fourth Avenue from Main to Date of first publication October I for such a piece of equipment. Burnett Street; 8, 1925. Il The Fire Chief recommended that The West side of BurneLL Street Date of second publication Octo approximately 1000 feet of fire hose from Walla Walla Avenue to the j I be purchased from the Seattle Fire City limits; ber 15, 1925. Department. Upon motion the Third Avenue from Burnett — - Chief's recommendation was con-— Street to Whitworth Street. (Resolution for Notice of Assess, ., curred in. This resolution shall become ef- ment Roll) Floyd Lawrence was appointed to fective three days after the publica- RESOLUTION NO, 377. fill the vacancy on the Park Board tion and posting of notices, as pro- Be It Resolved by the City Council caused by the resignation of Bert vided by Ordinance Number 597, of Mayner. The appointment was con- of the City of Renton: firmed by the Council. the City of Renton, Washington. Section 1: That the 5th day of Passed by the City Council of November, 1925, at 8 o'clock p. m., RESOLUTION NO. 380 the City of Renton, Washington, is hereby fixed as the date of hear- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY this 22nd day of December, 1925. A RES ing on the assessment rolls for the OF R ES ON, WASHINGTON, fixing GEO, H. THOMAS, following Local Improvement Dis- the time for the hearing of the Mayor. trio, viz: No. 155 for the improvement of Petition for the Vacation of a por- Attest: Fifth Avenue and Burnett Street tion of Railroad Avenue, herein- W. J. WILLIAMS, et al. under Ordinance No. 767. after described, and directing no- City Clerk. Section 2: That the City Clerk tices to be posted in the manner her 24,24, f first publication Decem- 5. be, and he is hereby directed to prescribed by law. publish in the official newspaper of I WHEREAS, a petition has been (Resolution for Notice of Assess- the City of Renton, notices thereof filed by Bert Z. See, A. Alden See, ment Roll) as required by law and the ordi- Stanley Rotkowski, Virginia M. Sut- nances of the City of Renton. ton Estate, Louis Hansen and R. RESOLUTION NO. 382 art Approved this 20th day of OctO-1 Wood Incorporated, the owners of BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY her, 1925. 1 the property abutting on that cer- COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GEO. H. THOMAS, tain portion of Railroad Avenue RENTON: Mayor. hereinafter described, praying for Section 1. That the 29th day of Passed this 20th day of October, the vacation of that certain portion December, 1925, at 8 o'clock p. m., 1925. or strip thereof described as fol- is hereby fixed at the date of hear- W. J. WILLIAMS, lows, to mg on the assessment roll of Local City Clerk. That part of Railroad Avenue Improvement District No. 154, for Date of first publication October abutting the east line of Block the improvement of Wells Street 22, 1925. Number Nine (9), in the Car Worksbetween Second and Third Avenues Date,of second publication Octe- Addition lying between the north by widening the roadway to a her 29; 1925. line of First Avenue North and the 1width ofirty-nine (39) feet and South line of the alley running east surfacing tthhe same with asphaltic RESOLUTION NO 378 and west through said. Block Nine concrete under Ordinance No. 761. WHEREAS the cost of the improve- (9). Said South line of the alley I Section2. That the City Clerk ment of Local Improvemert District to the produced easterly to the east be, and he is hereby directed to marginal line of Railroad Avenue. I publish in the official newspaper of No. 153, under Ordinance No 760, is NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- the City of Renton, notices thereof Two Thousand Seven Hundred Seven- SOLVED by the City Council of as required by law and the ordi- y Seven Dollars and Ninety-one cents the City of Renton, that said mat- nances of the City of Renton. t y-Sev7.91) and there has been paid ter be set for hearing on the 5th Approved this 22nd day of De- ($2,277.91) the hour comber, 1925. of that amount the sum of One Thou- day of January, 1926, sand Six Hundred forty-four Dollars of 8 o'clock p. m., and that the',l - GEO. H. THOMAS, City Clerk 4�4use notices to be post- II Mayor. and seven cents (1,644.07)., leaving a ed in three of the most public plac-� passed this. 22nd day of Decem- balance to be covered by bond issue es in the City of Renton, Washing- ber, 1925. in the sum of $1,133.84. ton, and a like notice to be posted W. J. WILLIAMS, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Clerk. City Council of the City of Renton, in or stip to be vacated and that Date of first publication Decem- Washington, that the Mayor and City her 24, 1925. Clerk be, and,they are hereby directed went that a petition hasnbeensfiled -- to cause to be printed and engraved, for the vacation of a cer- bonds in the aggregate sum of One praying I Thousand One Hundred Thirty Three tain portion of the street herein-` Dollars and eighty four cents ($1,133.-I, above described. 84), dated December 19, 1925. jj Passed by the City Council of the s>r Bond No. 1 to be for the sum ofCity of Renton this 22nd day of Thirty-three Dollars and eighty-four ' December, 1925. cents ($33.84) and bonds numbered 2 's GEO. H. THOMAS, .0 12 inclusive, for the sum of, One Mayor. Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each. Said i Attest: bonds,to be paid on or before seven W. J. WILLIAMS, (7) years from date in five (5) equal, City Clerk. annual installments bearing eight (8) percent In and to have plainly Date of first publication Decem- marked in the face thereof, the pro ',ber 24, 1925. visions required by statute as to all local improvement bonds and all in accordance with legislation in said Local Improvement District No. 1 3 under Ordinance No. 7,,60, passed October 20, 1925. Approved this`list day of December, 1925: GEO H. THOMAS, Mayor. Attended this 1st day of December,