HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0255 w '-• � �� _ .�' � . I (Resohition of Intention.) , � RESOLUTION N0. .��~�� BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COU\TCIL OF TIIE! CIT`Y OF` RENTON: 1: • That it is the�intention�of'the'City Conncil �o order th�e improvement of Fourth AQenue in the original town (now city) cf Renton,�a�hingtor�, alon� and in front of the following named lots and block,abutting on said Avenue to wit; _ _ _ yot twenty of block sixteen--Lot six of block fifteen-- I,ots three and four of block twenty-- Bloek "A" and _ _ � By- constru.c.ti�i��n�����it) sidewalks)1inf�`ron�no�land along the (��e� �t������xi����� above described lote and bloek and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection therewith, a11 in accordance with plans to be prepared by the City Engineer. 2: That all persons who may desire to objeet thereto are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the C'ouncil Chamber in the City Ha.11 in the City of Renton at --�c'�_�dclock P. M., on the -------- --�-�.----- day of ------- -- ---- -•-•------------------•••-•-•--•---•---� �--1��D which time and place is hereby fixed for hearing all matters relating to said proposed improvement, and all • objections thereto, and for determining the method of payment for said improvement. . 3: T'hat the City Engineer shall, in the n�anner provided by law, submit to the City Council, at or prior to said date, all data and information required by law to be submitted. 4: That the cost and egpense of said improvement shall be borne by and assessed aga.inst the property lia,ble therefor, as provided by law. Approved this -.-----�-.------- d.�y of ---.�'����-r.�.��..���_., A. D. i91--�--� ^� v � jf� ����C�...�. ... . ......... --�------- -------�-----��-- ------ ---- ------- - -------------------------�--- -�-llayor. Passed thi� --................. c�ay of - ---------�-�---�----�---- - -----------� A. D. 191------- • . .--------------�.�i'/��'-1--✓''�i:A�'�'�r�.,�,--r.:�--------------- ------� U City Clerl�. Dateof first pnblication --•�..........................................••--._...---•-•-•••-•---.....- --------.••----- Dateof second publicatiou .--•---------------------- ---------------------------�-----------•-------•---•----�--�---