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RT:BT 6-12-42 5
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AI�TT t}RD=N,�,NCE a� �he City of Renton � �itashington, amending
Section 2 af t3rdix�ance No. 115� ' of said city passed
and appr4�ed June 9, 1942, and entitled:
I r�.AiN ORDIN�NCE oF the C�.ty af Renton� Washington, pro-
( v3.d3.ng that the sewerage sgstem of said city shall
become a part of and belong to the wa�er works system
� o� sa3d city; providing for the constructi�an of aer-
tain additi4ns and i�nprovements to bo�h the se�er and ,
water systems o� sa.id city and dBclaring �he ssti.�nated
cost thereof as near as mag be; author�.tiing the is-
suance o�' water revenue bo�ds in the principal sum of
�40Q,000 to pa� gart of �he cost thereof; crea�ing a. �
special f`und for the payment of sa3.d bonds; providing
the farm, datef ma�urities and other detail� af said
I bonds, and autharizing their i�suance and sale." �,
W�iER�AS, on June 9, 1942, the Council of the C3.ty af
Renton� Washiragton, passed Ordinance No. 1156 providing, ir� I
I part, for �he construction af certain ir�pravements ta the sewerage I
system of said cit�, and j
'�'WHERE�S, the tTnited S�Gates Governmant kias made a grant I
af �er�axn moneys to pay for part of the cos� o.f said improvemeAt, I
' and
V�T�EREAS, it has become necessary� ta amend Sect3.on 2 j
, of said ordiz�ance in order �o cQmply w3th certain requirs�ents of �I
the Ur�ited States Go4ernment officials,
NO'�fi, TH�REFORE, be it ordained by the Council of the
Ci�y of Rentox�, Waahington, as follo�rs:
5ect�.oza 1. That Section 2 af 4rdinance I�a, 1i56 I
of the Gity of Rsntc�n, Wask�3.ngton, passed and appra�red June 9, 1942,
be and tk�e same is hereby amended to read as fallows:
t'Section 2. '�hat the follawing described plan z
or sgstem far addi�ions �o and impro�remez��s of th.e sewer-
age az�d �rater systems of the City of Renton i� herebp
propossd, apeci�ied and adoptsd, to wit; I
� , i I
� � I
, � � .
' ' .' ';, , . ' _ , � .
' "That the city construct a sewage disposal plant
{the exact t�pe to be determined later according to
bids and according to equipment available due to priorities) ,
togetk�er w�th all appurtenances, of such capacity that it
will serve at least 20,000 people� said d3.spas�l ,plant to
be located in the northwe�t corner of the southeast quarter
�SE�� of the southeast quarter (SE�) of Section 7, Township
23 North, Range 5 Ea�t, W. M,
�That the ci�y purclnase approximately tv�o acres of
real property at said location which, �vith the property
there no�v owned by the city, will be the site of said
disposal pZant. -
i "That said city lay, construct and install ths fol-
lowing trux�k sewers, manholes, wyes and appurtenances '
� necessary to construct a complete se�ver system, the same
' to be located in or a].ong the following named highways and
' streets;
"An 18 inch trunk sevrer alon� Sunset Aighway
(Primarg State Highwa� No, 2}� fror� a point on Sun-
set Highway near the N.E. Corner of the N.W. 4 of
�he S.E• � of Section 8, Twp. 23 N., R. 5 E.., W. M.,
to Fourth .�venue North, also along Fourth Avenue
North from the East Margin of Sunset Highway to a
point approximat�ely tF,ro hu�dred fift.y (250) fest
West thereof; a 24 inch trutak sewer extending fram
the last men�ioned point, along Fourth Avenue to
�ITi113.ams Street; a 24 inch trunk sewer alon� ��lil- �
liams Street North from Fourth Avsnue North to Sixth-
Avenue North; a 24 inch trunk se�rer along Sixth Avenue
North from Williams St�set North to propoged se�vage
, disposal plant and Co�mercial Wa.ter�ray I�o. 2.
tr�,n g inch pressurs �ewer 13.ne along Sha�tuck
Street from Sixth .Avenue to Fourth Avsnue including
two small se�er pumps complete, a 24 �nch trunk
se�ver along Shattuck Street and Shattuck Strest
produced northerly, fro�x Fourth .Avsnue to Comm.ercial
, �a�erway Na, 2; a 24 inch ca.st iron siphon under
Cornmercial Water�ray No. 2 near 3i�th Avenue North to
the previously mentia�ed proposed sewage disposal
fe�. 12 inch sewer -line on Fourth Avenue from the
alle�r between Morris and Whitworth Street to Shattuck
Street. �
� That the c ity obtain all rights of way, f ranchises and
easements necessary for t he dsonstruction of said improvements
and construct such other additions and extensions to stzch system
as may be deemed adv3.�able and that are consistent with the above
described p7.an of improvement.
That the sewer pipe to be 3nsta17.ed as above 3escribsd
shall be of either concrete or vitrified clay, according to bids
received for the same and according to the availabilitv of each.
, That the amount of sewer pipe for each size thereof is as foYlows:
. �
. s ... 4
� � � �4 e � •
, ~ I
2�tt �8��r p�,�s, approximatel� 3Zf54fl ftw
�.8� aev�er piPe, apPro:�imats2y 3,580 ft.
l2'r sewer pipe, approximately� 754 ft.
8n' �ewer pipe, approximatelg 1,500 ft•
24" �ast iran pipe, approx3mately 500 ft.
� That all of' sa3.d i�provements to sa3.d sewer�ge s�rstem
sha13 be canneeted ta and become a part of the prassnt
�ewerage �ystem of said cit�r.
That �he estimated ccast af such addi.tions and i.m«� �
I prcavements 3.s hereby f i�ed, as near as may be, ir� the sum '
of �43'7,400 of whi ch am+�t �28?,�00 has been �ranted to
�he city by the Federal Warks Agency of the United States
of �tnerica and the remainin,g �154,400 will be paid frs>m '
par� of the proceeds of tk�e i�apd issue here�.nafter �sovided
�'Q3°s It
j Section 2. This ordinance shall �ake efPec� i�aedi�.tely
� upon its passage, approval a�ad publication as required bq law. �
PASSED bp the Counci2 of the Ci�y of Renton and apgro�ed
bp its Maqor this 18:rth c3�;.y of June, 1 9 4 2. �
� $�r �
i �.3T4P �
,1�`1"1'E$�,': �
�.ty lerk.
I� I
Published: June 25, 1942. j
� 3•
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