HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/20/2010 - Minutes '�r�r' �,.rs MINUTES D Q ccry ot City of Renton Q��O��F RENTON �„r Human Services Advisory Committee AUG 2 0 2010 RECEIVED Tuesday,1Uly 20, 2010 City Hall, 7th FIoOrCITY CLERK'S OFFIC� 3:00 p.m. Council Conference Room Committee members For your calendars: present: The date of the next regular meeting is Tuesday, August 17, at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room, 7th Floor, Renton City Hall. Margie Albritton Rolf Dragseth Robin called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Robin Jones, Chair Charlie Gray 1. Minutes from Mav 18. 2010, Meetin�: It was moved, seconded, and Adria Krail carried to approve the May minutes. linda Smith Elizabeth Stevens,Vice- 2. Renton Area Nonprofits Unite (RANU): Jolene Bernhard, Director of Chair Development and Community Relations for Renton Area Youth and Family Nicole Wicks Services (RAYS), is co-facilitator of RANU with Captain Masango. Jolene shared background information on RAYS to set the framework as to why RANU is needed in the community. RANU is sponsored by the Renton Chamber of Commerce and is open to all nonprofits who are working to Absent: make a better community. It is a new group and has been in existence about three months. The goal of RANU is to engage and educate all Alicia Glenwell nonprofit groups to strengthen networking and professional development. Training is available in financial management, fundraising, grant writing, Staff Contacts: technology, marketing, and more. Jolene felt it would be beneficial to Karen Bergsvik Renton human services agencies if capacity building funds could be used to 425-430-6652 pay for the cost of some of the training. More information about RANU and kbergsvik@rentonwa.gov a list of monthly resources is available at Rentonnonprofits.nin�.com. Monthly meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month from 8:30- Dianne Utecht 10:00 a.m. Meeting locations are rotated to highlight different 425-430-6655 dutecht@rentonwa.gov organizations in the area. Carol Allread 3. Fundin� Process: Committee members discussed the objectivity of the 425-430-6650 process and how the impacts of funding decisions on the people who callread@rentonwa.gov receive the services and/or the community are not part of the process. Decisions were made based on the content in the application and this may or may not capture how good a program actually is. a) Adoption of the Fundin�Contin�encv Plan: The City is required to adopt a funding Contingency Plan for CDBG. Dianne covered the options for public services, capital, and planning and administration. A motion was made and passed to adopt the CDBG Contingency Plan as follows: Public Services Pro�rams: Increase in CDBG Public Services fundin�: • Increase will be applied proportionately to the two funded CDBG public service programs. H:\Human Services\09\Advisory Committee\Agenda-Handouts-Minutes\Minutes\2010 Minutes\July Minutes\JulylOminutes072910ca.doc � � Decrease in CDBG Public Services fundin�: • Decrease funding to the two public services programs proportionately. Capital Proiects: Increase in capital fundin�: • Additional funds to remain unallocated. Decrease in capital fundin�: • Decrease City of Renton Housing Repair Assistance Program. Plannin�and Administration: Planning and Administration covers administrative costs for Renton's CDBG program. CDBG covers approximately 56%of the salary/benefit cost of the Contract Specialist and the General Fund covers the remaining 44%. Increase in fundin�: • Increase the percentage of CDBG Planning and Administration to cover CDBG administrative activities and/or additional planning activities which might include developing a Consolidated Plan, conducting a needs assessment or helping agencies with capacity building. Decrease in fundin�: • Decrease funding first to additional planning activities, and then to the percentage of CDBG Planning and Administration that covers CDBG administrative activities. Due to time constraints,the General Fund Contingency Plan will be discussed at the August meeting. Human Services Advisory Committee members asked that staff prepare a spreadsheet in rank order, of the programs not recommended for funding. b) Status of the Fundin� Recommendations: Terry, Karen, and Dianne briefed the Mayor, Marcie Palmer, and the Community Services Committee on the electronic funding application and rating tool used to score the agency applications and the resulting funding recommendations. They were appreciative of the time the Human Services Advisory Committee spent reviewing the applications. They understand the process and why agencies received the scores that they did. The next step is adopting the Human Services budget as part of the budget process. Budget hearings provide an opportunity for public comment and are tentatively scheduled for November 15, and November 22, 2010. 4) Reallocation of CDBG and CDBG R Funds: Due to time constraints, this was not discussed. 5) Schedulin� Meetin�of Bvlaws Committee: Charlie, Adria, and Rob volunteered to review and finalize the proposed changes to the bylaws. Charlie withdrew his name and Linda volunteered to be the third person. Karen will schedule a meeting with the three of them. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. �� Robin Jones, Comm'ittee Chair H:\Human Services\09\Advisory Committee\Agenda-Handouts-Minutes\Minutes\2010 Minutes\July Minutes\JulylOminutes072910ca.doc