HomeMy WebLinkAboutA 9206241804 _. �+ ' • �����`V�,� � ' ' _ OfBce of the Qty Clerk ' ' ' ` ` � Renton Munidpal Buildit►g 2Q���1?Avenue South �n-�e✓��%VA 98055 �sa ny r=y . AGREEMENT �; � �,.. CYt S'} .b. THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this a�� day of , �;/ 1992 by and between TRILLIUM CORPORATION, a Washingt corporation ( "Trillium" ) , and the CITY OF RENTON, a Washington �� municipal corporation (the "City" ) . Trillium is the owner of :� certain parcels of real property located in the City of Renton �. and more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and � incorporated herein by this reference (the parcels are � hereinafter referred to individually as the "Parcel" or � collectively as the "Parcels" ) . The parcels were acquired from � Glacier Park Company, a Delaware corporation ( "GPC" ) . GPC has �f' � posted a bond with the City in order to assure the construction �; of certain sidewalk and landscaping improvements in conjunction � with the development of the Parcels . GPC is in the process of �'• � liquidating its assets and dissolving as a corporation. In order � � to provide for the release of GPC from the obligations of the bond posted by it, and in order to assure the City that the � landscaping and sidewalks are constructed in conjunction with the R� � development of the Parcels, the parties agree: �; t� 1 . As owner of the Parcels, Trillium covenants that prior � to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for a � '� development on .any of the Parcels, .the then owner of the Parcel �� � shall install along the street frontage of the Parcel sidewalks and landscaping between the sidewalks and the curb in accordance N with City standards . The City may withhold the certificate of � occupancy until the sidewalks and landscaping are installed. O � 2 . Upon execution of this Agreement, the City shall tT release GPC from any obligations under Contract Bond No. 400HN 7554 in the amount of $578, 000 . 00, dated February 13, 1987 and issued by St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company. 3 . This agreement and the covenants contained herein shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of Trillium. 4 . This agreement may not be amended by the parties except in writing. 5 . This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Washington. DATED as of the date first set forth above. TRILLIUM CORPORATION, a Washington corporation �II,ED FOR RECORD AT RERUEST' OF TRAIv St�MERICA TITLE I��L;;�:`;_�`C:CO. � 320 108th Ave. TtiE BY� � P. O. BOX 1493 I t S �_._ _._ _ 8ellewe, WA 98009 � - 1 - � CITY OF RENTON I By• ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED: � I d-�a-92- , City Clerk APPRO AS TO FORM: a rence J. W r n, City Attorney 156515.M24 06/16/92 '"�''i � � � tii ,, {, �`,�`/fy. � �,�'. . ��, . ; . O .� , , � '�'J 1! •b.. L��'-� �° _ � � k��, ���.. ;;;r��r �,�� � �� � r ..+ 1.� � C-'�� VJ . �l . _���y� '���; �o_ �l.i�� I �,� �r,� , �t�.��.� , - 2 - I � STATE OF WASHINGTON ) (,c�ha+corn ) s s . COUNTY OF ��-Yd� ) On this day personal ly appeared before me (JQV1G� R�5UlL� , to me known to be the �j�S j�P/�� of TRILLIUM CORPORATION, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses -and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal � affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. ' } ''������~ _ , GIVEN under my hand and official seal this �'7 da`y�o�f�i�31�����t, _�� , �(,CnP , 1992 . ,, ,, �. ,� �a,,, � . , � _ • ° �,; ��a ��'•'" �� NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the �.;'� �; � State f Wash' ngton, res�,�ding��.;a�.tr.� r'��-� � � � � _s�f,'� My commissi n expires � -���ti . � � �T' ...... � STATE OF WASHINGTON ) } ss . N COUNTY OF KING ) � � On this day personally appeared before me FaQc C�rntr� �.T,, , to me known to be the �.,�y� _ of the City of Renton, the municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute said instrument. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this �a� day of �"'�, , 19 9 2 . � .,��-`����. � ��� ' `•'�\�` � NO PUBLIC in and for the /� , ' y s'•, b � a` � �.�'� ' Stat f Wa ington, residing at (L��, = �' .,�'���{�!r y� .i 9 (� J �►'•+a�p w 1 }� �. : F�t,�,t�� -� m' My co ission expires ii a9 �; yc, `,`� ,i � p„ ��;. �" I �'; � , r, .�` ..� . }*��r�:,..� -•"`,�`�, - 3 - � . � . ' :�, � • ' . ♦ , • _ ' ' EXHiBZT A �.E�a� o�scR���lo� I • seqwence 120(5) TRACT ls ' �I � , Ld1` 12 IN BLOCK 1 QP SURLINGTON NOIRTIiERI� ORILLIP� INDt3SfiRIAL PARR OP RENTON p�iVISION I� AS PER PLAT REC4RDED IN VOLiTME 108 OP PLATS. PAGES 12 AND I3� I 'I RECORDS .OF K I HG COtJtdT"'Y; � SITUATB IN THS CITY OF R6NTpH., COiJNTY ttF KINQ, STATB QF wASHINGTQN. i I� Sequence 220(5� 1RACT 2: � I j � LOT 9 IN BLOCK 1 OP BURLINGTON NORTHERN ORILLIA INDUSTRIAL PARK OP RBMfOH I i DIVISION I� AS P�R PLAT RECORDEp IN VOLUME 108 OP PLATS, PAGES 12 AND 13� � � RBCOROS OF KINt3 COt3NTYt � AND Lt}T B OF SNORT FLAT N0. 3T�-9�� ACCORDINt3 TO T�ifi SHORT PLAT RBCORD£D � UNDER KING COUidTY RECORDING NCt. ?909248402; � BXGEPT THE NORTH 24Q FEET QF SAID LOT S; � (ALL OP THE ABQVE ALSO KN4f+M' AS LQT 8 OF CITY OF REN1'ON LOT LINE ADJtISTMENT N0. LLA-013-85, RBCORDED UNDER REG4RDING N4. 851146806}; ( SITUATE IN THfi CITY OF RENTON� CQUNTY OP KING, S'TATE OP WASHINGTOH. � I � Sequence 120(2a) � TRI�CP. d: ',�' N • L07`S 3 AND 4 IN BLOCK 8 OP HURLINGTON NORTHERN INUUSTRIAL PARR RENTON I � ,,Cvj II� AS PBR PLA1' RECBRDSD IN VOLUME 211 OP PLATS. PAGES d2 THROUGN 44� RECORDS � OF KING COUNTY; i TOGETHER iiITN THE EAST 112 �F TRAT PORTION OF TRE FOR1�R 20 FdOT RAILROAD RIGliT-OF-WAY, AS DELINEATED �N SAID PLAT ADJOINIHG SAID LOTS. AS RELIHQUiSHED I UNDER REGORDING HQ. 89Q9110687; � SITUATB IN THE CITY OP RENTpN. COUN'TY' OP KING, STATB OP NASAINGTON. I • � Sequence 120{1} � � TitACT 5: ' � LOTS l. Z� ? AND $ IN BLOCK 6 OF 81JRLINGTON NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL FARK RENTBN II. AS �'ER Pt,AT RECORDED IN VQLtJME 211 4F FLATS. PAGES 42 THROUG� 44. RECORDS OP KING COUi�TY: � TOGETHER wITH THAT PORTION OF .TNE FORMER 20 POOT RAILROAD RIGNT—nF—WAY.. AS � DELINEAT�D ON SAID PLAT ADJQINING SAID LOTS. AS RELINQUISHED UNDER RECORDING N0. 8909114687; STTtlATB iN TNB CITY OF REH'TON, COlJtdTY OP ItIN+G. STATE tIR �IASHINGTt}N. 1 � -- - - - - � . _ . � . _ . .� . .. i ' • . . • . . Sequence 120(4) � TRACT 9: THAT PORTIdN 8F LOTS 2 AND 8 iN BLOCK 9 8F PLAT..OF BURLINGTON NORTHERN � INDIISTRIAL PARK RENTON II� AS RECORDEA IN VOLUME 111 OF PLATS, PAGES 42 THROUGH 44j R�CORDS OF KING COUNTY. LYiNG NOItTH OF TRE POLLOWING DESCRYBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A POIHT QN THE EAST LINE OP SAID LOT 1 WHICH LYES NORTH O1•4?'34" EAST 178.b2 FEET FROH THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOP;� � � THENCE NORTH 88•29'29" WEST PARALLEL TO TNE SOUTH LINE OP SAID LOT 1 � A DISTANCB OP 12Q4.25 FEE'T T+0 THE �AST LINE 4F OAKESOALE AVENUE SQiJTNWEST AND � THE TERMINUS OF SAID pESCRIBED LINE; Tt3GETNER WITfi THAT PORTIOi� OF THE wEST 1l2 OF THE FORM£R 2Q FCiOT RAILROAD RIGHT-4F-1�tAY ADJOININt# SAID AESCRIBED PORTIOH OF LOT 6 AND THAT PORTION OF THE EAST 1/2 OF SAID FQRbiER RIGHT-4F-MAY ADJOINING SAID PORTION OF LOT 7, AS RELINQUISHED UNDER RECORDINti NQ. 890911068?; EXC�PT THAT PORTION OP SAID LOT B.�IN BLOCK 7, CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF RENTON I FOR STREET PURPOSES BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING N8. 8306090701 AND AS CORRECTED SY RECORDIt�G N0. 8308058588; , p � � SITUATB iN THE CiTY OF RENTBN. CqiTNTY 8F KING� STATE OF WASNINGTON. tX� � Sequence 120(3) �O TRACT 10: i C� � � tT� LOT 7 IN BLOCK 7 OF BURLINGfiON NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL PARK RENTON II. AS PER PLAT ' RECORDED IN VBLtME 111 �F PLATS. PAGES 42 THROUGN 44� RECORDS OF KING COUNTX; � £XCEP d 0 0 C T THAT P RTIt3N F SATD L T 9 ONV£YED TO THE CITY QP REHTON FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY DEED RECBRDED UHDER ItBCORDING N4. 8306Q90701i AND AS CORRECTED BY , RECORDING N0. $305080568; . I T�GBTHER W'ITH THE wEST 1/2 OP THE FORMER 20 FOOT RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJOINING ON THE EAST, AS RELINQUISHEp UNDER RECQRDING N0. 890911068?; SITUATE IN THE CITY OF RENTON� COUNTY OP KING� STAfiE OF wASHINGTON. Seq. 120 � 20-91 I 2 � —--- � I " . � - � � � : . � , , I i � I l � IEGAL DESCRTPTIdN ' � � Sequence 850�9) PARCEL B: L8T 8 IN BLQCK 5 OF 6URLINGT4N HORTHERN INDUSTRIAL PARK RENTON II, AS PER PLAT R£CORDED IN YOL1lME I11 OF PLATS. PAGES �2 THROUGH �4. RECORAS OP KING COUNTY; SITUATE IN THE CITY OP RENTON, COUNTY QF KING� S'fATE OP WASHINGfiON. Sequence 850(10) SOLD TRA►CT 9: LOTS S AND 6 IN BLOCK S 4F BURLINGT02� NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL .PARK RENTON II, AS FER PLAT RECORD�D IN VOLtTi�E lli 4F PLATS, PAGBS 42 THROUGH 49, RECOROS OF KING COUNTY; ' ; SITUATE IN THE CI7"Y OP RENTON, COUNTY OP KING. 5TATE OF MTASHINGTON. '�?' � � � CV � Seq. 850 � 10-91 c7^ ; I � � � 1 � � ( --- — -- - - - - - �