HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOS 08171965 :ti -�- • , . . � - ' • • . �,� a� sa� �t�' ALL I�EtiT $Y 1'R$�� PBESBIPT�: The� the CITY OP �1TON, s s�unicipal corporatic,n a� th� Sscottd Claaa under tb�a laws� af the State o€ Washit�ton, Ki�►g Couaty, Seat� of i�asbingtaa, ehe party of th�a ftir9t part, for aud in co�sidax�tio�► c� the sum of �ne Thouasnd Four pollara ($1,004.00) lawful �ney of the United 8tatos of A�a�riaer, to it ta ha�nd paid b�+ JUSTIN �. RUGt�L�S, djb/a t�LpiAIE �SpHd�i.2 PAYII� . tho party of the s+ecoad part, the rec�ipt whereo� ia hsreby scknawledged, don� by thea�e presents $ra�t, ba�g�in, seli �nd de�liver untu t�e safd party af the sec�nd pe�t, the following describ�d personal property aow located a►t Che City`a #armer •e�rage d3spoeal plamt lacat�d �►[ or nsar 6th �venue and Logat�, 8a�toa, King Cr�unCy. Waehingtac�� �o-wit: I�t RA51��:NT 3 S HP vert. �ewge pumpa aith gat� b� check valvaa � 7� HP S�wage p�up� with gate & cl�eck valves � �0 �P Sewage pumps �aith gate 6 ch�ck valves 1 2a iiP Sew�tg,s pumps �rith gate 8� ch�ck vglves 2 Reciprocating eludgs p�ps, 3 �IY I�1 HOILER R�(k�t . I 1� HP Fairb�an�cs•Morse Pua�p 1 1 HP i-R pump "l�ctric �o�itches an wall, includiag a�ervice s�l.tc?a (bet�eea , � �r.xance and bof lar r�ea) �:z �l�� Z VerCicsl m�otn�r•gear uaits approx. 1 NP a� aludge dra�, chain� � 2 �� HP mototcs 4a top I3orrco Tank. 1 �aatar Qe�z�tar, �pprox. 3/4 HP vn Rex bar-acre�n � ,, 1 Cl�icagfl Comminutar � ;•�_ � �� , tc$ett►er w3.th a11 valv�s. fittinga at►d appurtenance� relat�d to � cou��eted to the above deacritsed it� (but exciudin� from the aale that cerCain Rocts-Cont��r�ville g,�a �eter). �� Partp og the 5e�ond Psrt agre�� an�i �ov�ssants t� gromptly r�aves all of th� afore�aid items fram •aid tre�Comsat pla�a� sfte Mithi� thfrtq-iiv� dsys fram daC�a h+�r�s�f. IC ia e:pt��ssly uaderstaod aad agseed that Partp of tha S�coad Part purc#uses the afcr�tescribed a�quipa�xit ia �tx� "as i8" coc�ditioa without any �rarz�enty or reprs�$�,tatio�x of anq ki�d aa to COAa�,C�.bLt oz u8�fulne�s by Party of the First Part except tleat l�ttsz is tb�e is�ful ownsr ther�ef aad has geod right and full sutharitq �'r" � �'�'� . , ` � � � ` ' � . . ' to sell the aboveds�raribmd items c£ perscaaal property. It is furtt�er usderaCQod �hat Cfine ig of the esseucte in th� removal thsrsof. Al2 r�ava2 of ths above propmmrtiea �ha2i be at tbe ecr1� �iq& of Party o€ the �eco�d Part ��o a�rees tc hoid t'�e Party of the Firsk Part hsnel�ssa frc� au� liability ia con�a�ctit�n thsre�aith. �N t�I'T��3 WAEAEOF, tk�e Sai+d Partq af the �'irst Yart ha� trerauato s�t its ha�d �d aeal thia 17th day of Auguat� 1965, t'��. . ;.:•�I'..�, � �eur.i'�P,�I c t�=:.�r�x�S���k �. $Y � �Z��G'�/- L,�'�� �iL' D�salc� �i. ;;���tsr, M�.yoa� {�A 4 T�'" /�a./I.'„�' //��/ ��tticii�.? Q��1a@ti� Ci�.��► �"il��tif STA'T� Op WASHING1bI� ) ) ss C�UNT�t OF 1��NG ) On thi� � ;/,.._`�:�y of AugusC. i9b5s befox'e aa�, tbe uradmraigned, a Notary Publit� in and for the State of �tashingCan, duly aoaimi��ioA�d and sira,rn para��aaliy app�ar�d LJNALD W. CUSTBR a�d HELMI6 N�I,SUN tn b� k�cr�rr► ta be th�► tysqar s�d City Clerk rasp�ctively oi THE CITY �P 1tENTON, tha corperation thst executed the �oregoing ic►:trusent, sad �G�CAO�i}.@8g�1 tI't6 said instrument to be t3�� frae� and eoiuntAry act and daed of said corpar atioa, for the ueea sr►d purposes th�r�in mentio�ed, ec�d on osth atated that thap are authorixed to execute th� eaid instrum�en¢ and Ch+tt the seal affi�csa is the corporate seal af said eQrpor�tti�o�a. WITli8S5 amyy h�md aad official ��al h�er�ta affixed the day and yes�r in thi� certifiEatn ahova �iCtea. L, , �, ^ , �-�,�-.�-�-� tery u ic ic� accrld for t&a $t�►te c�t :�.���,£n:,t+:,r+, r4s:kc:i�i�, at ReaCAa. •2-