HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet for 02/01/2016 AGENDA City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, February 1, 2016 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL 3. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT  Speakers must sign-up prior to the Council meeting.  Each speaker is allowed five minutes.  The first comment period is limited to 30 minutes.  The second comment period, later on the agenda, is unlimited in duration.  When recognized, please state your name & city of residence for the record. NOTICE to all participants: pursuant to state law, RCW 42.17A.555, campaigning for any ballot measure or candidate in City Hall and/or during any portion of the council meeting, including the audience comment portion of the meeting, is PROHIBITED. 5. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are distributed to Councilmembers in advance for study and review, and the recommended actions will be accepted in a single motion. Any item may be removed for further discussion if requested by a Councilmember. a) Approval of the Council Meeting Minutes of 1/25/2016. Council Concur b) Mayor Law appoints Ellen Bradley-Mak as the new Human Resources and Risk Management Administrator at step A of salary grade m49, effective 2/8/2016. Council Concur c) Mayor Law appoints Marcie Palmer to the Kennydale Neighborhood (Alternate) Position of the Airport Advisory Committee for an unexpired term expiring on 5/7/2017 (position vacated by Mark Hancock). Refer to Community Services Committee d) City Clerk submits the quarterly list of fully executed contracts between 10/1/2015 - 12/31/2015, and a report of agreements expiring between 1/1/2016 – 6/30/2016. None; Information Only e) Fire & Emergency Services Department recommends adopting a joint resolution to amend joint resolution 4271/394-16 directing the Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee to take those actions necessary to place Proposition No. 1 before the voters, including the preparation of information for the voter's pamphlet. Council Concur f) Transportation Systems Division submits CAG-15-081, 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps Project, contractor Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC; and requests acceptance of the project, and release of retainage in the amount of $49,594.78, if all required releases are obtained. Council Concur 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Topics listed below were discussed in Council committees during the past week. Those topics marked with an asterisk (*) may include legislation. Committee reports on any topics may be held by the Chair if further review is necessary. a) Community Services Committee: Renton Municipal Arts Commission Appointment - Goetz-Granquist b) Transportation Committee: Pro-Flight Aviation Operating Permit & Agreement c) Utilities Committee: Establishment of 165 St. Sanitary Sewer Extension Special Assessment District (#48)* 7. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Resolution: a) Joint Resolution Amending Joint Resolution 4271/394-16 - RFA Voters Pamphlet (See item 5.d.) Ordinance for first reading: a) Street Vacation Request: 200 Mill Street (Petitioner: City of Renton; VAC-15-004) (via Public Hearing on 1/25/16) b) Establishment of 165 St. Sanitary Sewer Extension Special Assessment District (#48) (See item 6.c.) Ordinance for second and final reading: a) Sunset Area Redevelopment Latecomer Agreement (First Reading 1/25/16) 8. NEW BUSINESS (Includes Council Committee agenda topics; visit rentonwa.gov/cityclerk for more information.) 9. AUDIENCE COMMENTS 10. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA (Preceding Council Meeting) 7th Floor Conferencing Center February 1, 2016 Monday, 5:30 p.m. Solid Waste Response to Request for Proposal for Services | Economic Development Update Hearing assistance devices for use in the Council Chambers are available upon request to the City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS ARE TELEVISED LIVE ON GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL 21 To view Council Meetings online, please visit rentonwa.gov/councilmeetings January 25, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 1 MINUTES City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM - Monday, January 25, 2016 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Randy Corman, Council President Ryan McIrvin Armondo Pavone Ruth Pérez Don Persson Ed Prince Carol Ann Witschi ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Denis Law, Mayor Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Jason Seth, City Clerk Chip Vincent, Community & Economic Development Administrator Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Cliff Long, Economic Development Director Amanda Askren, Mapping Supervisor Chief Mark Peterson, Fire & Emergency Services Department Deputy Chief Erik Wallgren, Fire & Emergency Services Department Chief Kevin Milosevich, Police Department Deputy Chief Ed VanValey, Police Department Commander Jon Schuldt, Police Department AGENDA ITEM #5. a) January 25, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2 PROCLAMATION Renton Heart Month - February 2016: A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring February 2016 to be Renton Heart Month and encouraged all citizens to increase their awareness of cardiovascular disease, detection, and prevention by participating in this important community risk reduction campaign. Chief Mark Peterson of the Renton Fire & Emergency Services Department accepted the proclamation with thanks. He introduced various community members and partners who are invested in promoting heart health throughout the City of Renton, who then addressed Council regarding the positive effects of these partnerships. MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. SPECIAL PRESENTATION a) K-9 Unit Funding Grant Presentation: Following a brief introduction to the services that the Renton Rotary provides, Norma McQuiller, President of the Renton Rotary, and Laura Uland, President-Elect, presented a grant check from the Ben Roethlisberger Foundation to Chief Milosevich of the Renton Police Department for $7,500 to support the City's new K-9 unit. Chief Milosevich shared the history of the grant program, and thanked the Rotary for its assistance. b) Municipal Arts Commission Bravo Award Ceremony: Paul Hebron, Commissioner, presented the Bravo Award to Jaris English for her achievements in furthering the goal of raising awareness and acceptability of arts in the Renton community. Ms. English thanked Council and the Renton Municipal Arts Commission for recognizing the importance of arts in the community. PUBLIC HEARING Street Vacation Request: 200 Mill Street (Petitioner: City of Renton; VAC-15-004). This being the date set, and proper notices having been posted and published in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Law opened the public hearing to consider the petition to vacate a portion of a right-of-way (ROW) in the vicinity of 200 Mill St.; petitioner City of Renton. Mapping Supervisor Amanda Askran reported that 100% of the abutting property owners have signed the vacation petition. She relayed that the ROW was originally dedicated in plats from 1876 and a portion replatted in 1957, and that City owned utilities and other utilities are located within the ROW and properties. She also specified that the ROW is currently located within parking lots, property improvements, and the 200 Mill St. building, and that the vacation would allow for the parcels to be reconfigured with a Boundary Line Adjustment. The Vacation would accommodate future improvements within the revised parcel boundaries. Upon circulation of the petition to City departments and outside agencies, there were no objections to the vacation. However, several requests for future easements were recommended as conditions of approval. Specifically:  Surface Water Utility has requested a 15-foot easement over the existing stormline.  Water Utility has requested that an irrigation water meter be relocated within Mill Ave. South ROW in accordance to City standards.  Comcast requested an easement over an existing line. AGENDA ITEM #5. a) January 25, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 3 Ms. Askren recommended that Council approve the request to vacate subject to the listed conditions being prepared and secured at the time the Boundary Line Adjustment is completed on the property. There were no audience comments. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE THE VACATION PETITION AND PLACE THE ORDINANCE TO VACATE THE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR FIRST READING ON NEXT WEEK'S AGENDA. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City’s recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2015 and beyond. Items noted were:  Preventative street maintenance will continue to impact traffic and result in occasional street closures.  Local residential street flooding can be prevented by monitoring catch basins near homes and keeping them clear of leaves and other debris. Street sweepers are dispatched daily to clean up debris along major arterials. During snow and ice events, sanders and snow plows are dispatched to keep major arterials drivable. Do not park or abandon vehicles within any portion of the traffic lanes. Abandoned vehicles impair snow and ice removal and impact response of emergency vehicles. AUDIENCE COMMENT  Bonnie Washington, Seattle, a Metro Bus Driver, shared her experience and voiced concern regarding delayed Police response time. She also requested assistance in getting dealing with her assailant. Mayor Law advised Ms. Washington to speak with the Police Commander on duty. Councilmember Persson requested further information regarding the response time for this case.  Alicia Zepeda, Seattle, shared concerns regarding how the Police Department handled an incident she reported on 1/14/2016. Additionally, she stated that officers had not filed a report, and that she does not feel she was properly protected. Mayor Law noted that he would pass her information along to the Police Chief.  Joleen Allen Staats, Seattle, thanked Renton Police Department for increasing patrols in the area of the Walgreens store located at 275 Rainier Ave. S. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consent agenda were adopted with one motion, following the listing. At the request of Mayor Law, Consent Agenda item 8.f. was pulled for separate consideration. a) Approval of the Council Meeting minutes of 1/11/2016. Council Concur. b) Mayor Law reappointed the following individuals to the Municipal Arts Commission with terms expiring on 12/31/2018: Mary Clymer, Evelyn Reingold, Ben Andrews, and Mitch Shepherd. Council Concur. AGENDA ITEM #5. a) January 25, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 4 c) Mayor Law appointed Samantha Goetz-Granquist to the youth position on the Municipal Arts Commission for a term expiring on 12/31/2018. Refer to Community Services Committee. d) Administrative Services Department submitted a request for utility billing adjustments at Sunset View Apartments, and recommends approving adjustments in the total amount of $9,072.80. Refer to Finance Committee. e) Community & Economic Development Department recommended adopting an ordinance revising RMC 6-27 to enable staff to immediately collect lost, stolen, or abandoned shopping carts, issue a $100 fine to the identified owner, and impound the cart for 14 days before selling or disposing the cart. Refer to Committee of the Whole. g) Community Services Department recommended approval of an amendment to the Communities in Schools of Renton (CISR) Lease (LAG-12-002) too extend the term for one year and increase the rate to $7,615.56 per year. Council Concur. h) Fire & Emergency Services Department reported that the 2016 Basic Life Support (BLS) annual allocation of funds is $1,281,368 (City of Renton - $959,193; KCFD #25 - $108,745; and KCFD #40 - $213,430). None; Information Only. i) Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-13-149, Work Order 19-14, 800 Building Upgrades project, contractor Forma Construction Company; and requested approval of the project, and approval of the final pay estimate in the amount of $22,161.20. Council Concur. j) Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-14-104, Citywide Safety Improvements project, contractor Pioneer Cable, Inc.; and requested approval of the project, and approval of the final pay estimate in the amount of $185,795.95. Council Concur. k) Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an Operating Permit and Agreement with Pro-Flight Aviation Inc. for their sublease of the 750 parcel from Renton Gateway Center, LLC. for the purpose of operating a business at the airport that conducts business related to aircraft maintenance services, flight training, and aircraft fueling. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA, MINUS ITEM 8.F. CARRIED. ITEM 8.F. - SEPARATE CONSIDERATION f) Community & Economic Development Department recommended approval of the 2016 lodging tax funding allocations totaling $217,000, as recommended by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER ITEM 8.F. TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Council President Corman presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the ordinance requiring the realignment and reconstruction of Sunset Lane NE along with the realignment, oversizing and addition of necessary utilities. (See below for Ordinance.) MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. AGENDA ITEM #5. a) January 25, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 5 b) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report approving for payment on January 25, 2016 claims vouchers 344259 - 344626, four wire transfers and one payroll run with benefit withholding payments totaling $6,278,866.27 and payroll vouchers including 747 direct deposits and 34 payroll checks totaling $1,640,642.74. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. c) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence with staff recommendation to deny the waiver of back charges for water and sewer utilities at the service address 3018 Ilwaco Ave NE. The original water and sewer connections were unauthorized by the City and the property received both water and sewer ser vices November 2008 – November 2015, without the City’s knowledge. There is no City code, City policy, or State statute that allows provisions for utility waivers under these circumstances. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Ordinance for first reading: a) Ordinance No. 5783: An ordinance was read requiring the reconstruction and realignment of Sunset Lane NE as a prerequisite for further property development in the Sunset Revitalization Area along with the realignment, oversizing, and addition of necessary utilities. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/1/2016. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Please see attached Council committee meeting calendar. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME 7:39 P.M. Jason A. Seth, CMC, City Clerk Megan Gregor, Recorder Monday, January 25, 2016 AGENDA ITEM #5. a) ! ! " " # $ % & $ % $ ' ( & ) & * +, - - . - # / - 01234 # $ % & ' 5 * % 6 ' 7 8 ' & - $ 9 ! ' - % % : $ AGENDA ITEM #5. a) City Council Regular Meeting - 01 Feb 2016 SUBJECT/TITLE: Appointment of Human Resources and Risk Management Administrator RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Executive STAFF CONTACT: Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer EXT.: 6500 FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required: $ 131,460 Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ 131,460 Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Nancy Carlson, the City's current Human Resources and Risk Management Administrator, will retire from the City February 29, 2016. The City hired Prothman and Associates, an Executive search firm, to assist in finding a suitable successor. Prothman conducted a national search, which culminated in on-site interviews with four finalists January 20th. Following background and reference checks, Mayor Law selected Ellen Bradley -Mak as the City's new Human Resources & Risk Management Administrator, subject to City Coucnil confirmation, Ellen will start work with the City on February 8 and will have the opportunity to transition with Nancy for the remainder of the month. Ellen has 26 years of experience in human resources for public service agencies, 14 years w ith the cities of Kent and Puyallup. She most recently served as the human resources manager in Puyallup, responsible for all aspects of human resources. EXHIBITS: A. Cover Letter and Resume for Ellen Bradley-Mak STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Confirm the appointment of Ellen Bradley-Mak to the position of Human Resources and Risk Management Administrator, grade m49, step A, effective February 8, 2016. AGENDA ITEM #5. b) From the desk of Ellen Bradlev-Mak 2529 10 St SW,Puyallup,Wa 98373 253-380-4767 January 3,2016 Greg Prothmann Prothman Company 371 NE Gilman Blvd.,Suite 350 Issaquah,WA 98027 Re:Human Resources and Risk Management Administrator Dear Mr.Prothman: I am writing to you with interest in the position of Human Resources and Risk Management Administrator.My diversified portfolio of experience makes me an excellent candidate for this position and is the next step in what has been a very rewarding career in Human Resources.My career spans over 26 years,working for a variety of public service agencies, the majority of which has been spent in municipal government in cities similarly sized to that of Renton.Not only have I worked extensively in all areas of human resources,but I also have direct experience in Risk Management,having spent four years working in the Risk Management Division of the City of Kent.During this time I gained valuable experience working with the Washington Cities Insurance Authority as well as the City’s third party administrator for worker compensation claims. I have direct experience in oversight and management of classification/compensation, performance management,disciplinary actions,employment investigations,reasonable accommodation,protected leave management,recruitment,personnel and position file management,administration of employee benefit programs,self-insured medical and worker compensation,health and weilness committee work,and civil service. In my last position,I served as Human Resources Manager for the City of Puyallup,leading our department in all aspects of human resources to include supervision of the HR Generalist and Benefits Coordinator overseeing all levels of recruitment, classification/compensation,and employee development.The majority of my time,as manager,was spent providing advice and counsel to directors and managers in both union and non-union environments.I initiated a non-union employee classification and compensation study involving an analysis and review of over 80 non-represented positions. Over the years,I have had the pleasure of contacting the HR staff at the City of Renton for various work projects and have always been impressed with their high level of professionalism and knowledge.It would be an honor to serve with them in providing Renton the highest quality of HR services.It is my hope that you will find my qualifications to be in alignment with those required by this position.I look forward to an opportunity to meet with you in person to further discuss my credentials and experience. Sincerely, Ellen M.Bradley-Mak,SPHR AGENDA ITEM #5. b) Ellen Bradley-Mak.SPHR 2529 lOs”St SW,Puyallup,WA 98373 253-380-4767 Summary of Qualifications:Human Resources professional with twenty-six (26)years of experience in the areas of employee investigations,mediating and resolving personnel conflicts and civil rights violations;benefits administration,labor management,classification and compensation;recruiting;facilitator,diversity trainer,and certified instructor for the Pacific Institute of Seattle.Earned Senior Professional Human Resource Certification January,2008. Recertified January2011 and 2014. Chronology of Experience Human Resources Manager City of Puyallup March 2012 to October 2015 •Facilitate and manage recruitments for all city positions including civil service positions, management and directors; •Supervise professional level human resource staff; •Civil Service Chief Examiner for the City of Puyallup Civil Service Commission; •Prepare annual department budget; •Conduct personnel investigations,make recommendations to management team; •Classification and compensation analysis and recommendations; •Create,revise and update city policies; •Manage city-wide training program; •Oversight of Health and Wellness Committee; •Oversight of labor negotiations and labor relations; Senior Human Resource Analyst,Risk Management City of Kent April 2008 to March 2012 •Liaison with third party administrator in the management of the city’s self-insured workers compensation program; •Supervised Office Technician and Office Assistant; •Coordinate and manage all forms of employee leave; •Chair of the Safety Committee; •Facilitator for the Pacific Institute,Investment in Excellence Program; •Delegate member of the Washington Cities Insurance Association; •Facilitator for departmental retreats and strategic planning sessions. Senior Human Resources Analyst,Recruitment City of Kent July 2006 to April 2008 •Managed and coordinated recruitment process for all union and non-union positions; •Assist in the planning and development of employee training programs; •Chair for the Board of Mentors program; •Certified instructor for the Pacific Institute. Human Resources Analyst,LaborlClassificationlCompensation and Benefits City of Kent January 2001 to July 2006 •Administration of benefits to include medical plans,life insurance,medical leaves and 457 retirement programs; •Mediate and assist in investigating employee conflicts and issues; •Assist in planning and development of employee training programs; •Provide training and consultation to employee groups regarding benefit programs, personnel policies and procedures,compensation; AGENDA ITEM #5. b) •Conduct total cost of compensation analysis; •Participated in negotiations with fire,police,Teamsters and AFSCME; •Chair of the Employee Rewards and Recognition Committee. Human Resources Consultant Washington State Department of Transportation July 1996 to January 2001 •State-wide diversity trainer; •Provided advice and counsel to managers and employees regarding civil rights issues and violations; •Provided mediation and conflict resolution services; •Served on a variety of statewide training and advisory committees. Human Resource Development Specialist Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center February 1994 to July 1996 •Responsible for First Level Supervision training; •Coordinated basic Corrections Officer Academy; •Provided advice and counsel to student participants; •Assisted with the Adult and Juvenile Corrections Academies; •Taught a variety of course material with a focus on communication skills. Training Consultant Bradley Enterprises December 1989 to January 1994 •Provided training and consultation services to private and public agencies regarding personnel issues,with particular emphasis on law enforcement and corrections professionals; •Training topics included sexual harassment awareness,personal safety,interpersonal communication skills,customer service and security management; •Developed curriculum,created handouts and provided other types of visual aids for training. Corrections Officer City of Kent Corrections Facility May 1985 to December 1989 •Day to day supervision of inmate population; •Performed control room duties during dayshift,monitoring and controlling the movement of staff and inmates throughout the facility; •Interacted with attorneys and other types of visitors; •Worked with outside agencies and consultants. Education University of Washington September 1982 to March 1985 Seattle,WA Bachelor’s Degree Sociology Bachelor’s Degree Society and Justice Olympic College September 1980 to August 1982 Bremerton,WA Associates Degree General Studies Certifications Senior Professional Human Resource Certification Certified January 30,2008 Recertified January 2011 and January 2014 Leadership Institute graduate,June 2015 AGENDA ITEM #5. b) Organizations Toastmasters International Distinguished Toastmaster Certification Washington State Public Employee Labor Relations Association Board Member 2006 —2008 Professional and personal references available upon request. AGENDA ITEM #5. b) City Council Regular Meeting - 01 Feb 2016 SUBJECT/TITLE: Appointment to Airport Advisory Committee-Marcie Palmer RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Community Services Committee DEPARTMENT: Executive STAFF CONTACT: April Alexander, Executive Assistant to Mayor EXT.: 6520 FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Mayor Law appoints Ms. Marcie Palmer, Kennydale Neighborhood, alternate position, for a term expiring 5/7/17. EXHIBITS: A. Memo to Mayor recommending appointment B. Application STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Confirm Mayor Law's appointment of Ms. Palmer to the Airport Advisory Committee. AGENDA ITEM #5. c) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM RECEIVED JAN I 2016 DATE:January 14,2016 TO:Denis Law,Mayor MAYORS OFFICE FROM:Gregg Zimmerm i3Iic Works Department Administrator STAFF CONTACT:Jonathan Wilson,Airport Manager,ext.7477 SUBJECT:Appointment to Airport Advisory Committee Ordinance 5260 amending Section 2-17-2 Membership of Chapter 17,Airport Advisory Committee,of Title II (commissions and boards)of Ordinance 4260 states that each neighborhood and each airport position shall have a voting member and an alternate member.Currently,the Kennydale neighborhood is represented by Marleen Mandt in the primary position and Mark Hancock in the alternate position.Mark Hancock has indicated that he will be resigning his seat on the committee as he is looking for a new place to live outside of the Renton city limits.Marcie Palmer,a current resident of Kennydale,has expressed an interest in serving on the committee. Upon speaking to both parties,Airport staff makes the following recommendation: 1.Accept Mark Hancock’s letter of resignation as the Kennydale alternate representative to the committee. 2.Accept Marcie Palmer’s application to fill the newly vacated Kennydale alternate position for the remainder of Mark Hancock’s term,which will expire May 7,2017. Ms.Palmer will represent Kennydale in the alternate position until the term expires. Member Area Representing New Term Expiration Matcie Palmer Kennydale (Alternate)May 7,2017 cc:Jay Covington,Chief Administrative Officer Jason Seth,City Clerk April Alexander,Executive Secretary Heather Ulit,Transportation Administrative Secretary I H:\FiIe Sys\AIR -Airport,Transportation Services Division\O1 Administration\02 Committees\Airport Advisory\RMC - Membership\1 -Appointments\2015 Appointment -Palmer.doc AGENDA ITEM #5. c) CITY OF RENTON APPLICATION FOR BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES If you are interested in participating in local government by membership on any of the following City boards, commissions,or committees,please complete this application and return it to: Office of the Mayor City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 Check the boards/commissions/committees in which you are QQJ5( AIRPORTADVISORYCOMMITTEE*Li MUNICIPALARTSCOMMISSION* Li CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION*Li PARKS COMMISSION* Li HISTORICAL/MUSEUMBOARD*Li PLANNINGCOMMISSION* Li HOUSING AUTHORITY*Li SENIOR CITIZENS ADVISORY COM MIUEE* Li HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE*Li SISTER CITY COMMITTEE -CUAUTLA Li LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD*Li SISTER CITY COMMITTEE -NISHIWAKI COMMUNITY PLAN ADVISORY BOARD:J\\J Y (Community Planning Area) *Special membership requirements apply.Visit www.rentonwa.gov or call 425-430-6500 for details. Your application will be given every consideration as vacancies occur. MR.E MS.NAME DATE\/C[ ADDRESS QO RV ZIP CODE e PHONE:DAY_______________EVENING_____________EMAIL Ctë RENTON RESIDENT? ___________________ IF SO,SINCE WHEN? CIWOF FORMER RESIDENCE M Qi)OOà ‘j )<t:5 (n. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND lA)SU 6rRcJ OCCUPATION Cc iAI\r/Lc EMPLOYER____________________________________ OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND (\c Hot).ek rfrc COMMUNITY AIVITl ES (organizations/cIubs/seice groups,etc.)1T (J REASON FOR APPLYING FOR THIS BOARD/COMMISSION/COMMITTEE y da’vy / CAN ATTEND DAY MEETINGS?______________________CAN ATTEND NIGHT MEETINGS?_______________________ Applica,ns will be kept on file for one year.If you have questions about serving on abard, commission,or committee,please feel free to contact the Mayor’s Office at 425-430-6500. AGENDA ITEM #5. c) City Council Regular Meeting - 01 Feb 2016 SUBJECT/TITLE: 4th Quarter 2015 Contract Report RECOMMENDED ACTION: None; Information Only DEPARTMENT: City Clerk STAFF CONTACT: Jason Seth, City Clerk EXT.: 6502 FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Fully executed in fourth quarter 2015 were 37 contracts, 28 addenda, 27 change orders, 6 (JOC) work orders, 1 lease, and 13 are highlighted as being over 10% and/or $100,000 of original amount. The six -month expiration report shows 31 agreements that will expire between January 1, 2016 – June 30, 2016. EXHIBITS: A. Contracts, fully executed, between October 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015; B. Contracts expiring between January 1, 2016 – June 30, 2016. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None - Information Only. AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2015 thru 12/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-09-113 Emergency Community Notification System Fire 19,900 19,900 P 06/22/2010 Contractor:(023915)EMERGENCY COMMUNCIATIONS Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#1-15 il/12/2015 Adden#1-15-Emergency Communications Network-Time Extension&additional amount Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2016 CAG-09-185 Interlocal Agreement w/King county relating to permit applications CS 0 0 M 12/31/2999 for the Soos Creek Trail SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#1-15 12/11/2015 Adden#1-15-King County-Soos Creek Trail permits Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2999 12/31/2019 CAG-10-156 Canber Corporation-Landscape maintenance for 33 sites CS 80,569 $660,160 P 12/31/2012 80,568.81 per year-$161,137.62 total contract) Contractor:(013391)CANBER CORPS Correction Addenda is attached true contract amount with Adden 1&CO#1 is$220,394.84. SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#7-15 12/18/2015 Adden#7-15- Canber Corp.-Extend contract termination date to prepare new bid documents Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2015 03/31/2016 CAG-11-008 PSR HVAC&Mechanical Services-Full Service Agreement for CS 159,000 $477,417 P 12/31/2013 Mechanical/HVAC Maintenance at Renton City Hall ($79,500/year Contractor:(064542)PSR 2 year contract) Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#4-15 12/30/2015 Adden#4-15-PSR Mechanical-1 Year extension and additional amount Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:10:36PM Printed: 1/21/2016 Page 1 of 15 RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2015 thru 12/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-11-156 SAIC Energy,Environment&Infrastructure,LLC-Hardie Av SW- PW 269,427 $1,137,074 P 12/31/2012 SW 7th St Storm System Improvement Proj,SWP 27-3570 Contractor:(080770)THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description I addendum Adden#6-15 12/08/2015 Adden#6-15-Louis Berger Group(formerly:Leidos Engineering) Additional work for Hardie Av W- W 7th Storm S steme5Sy Improvement Project Phase 2 and time extension Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2015 04/30/2017 addendum Adden#7-15 12/10/2015 Adden#7-15-Louis Berger Group(formerly:Leidos Engineering) Additional work for Hardie Ave SW-Redesign storm drain trunk to avoid CenturyLink Crossings CAG-12-008 Coast&Harbor Engineering, Inc.-Consultant design service for PW 99,527 $203,411 P 02/28/2013 Maintenance dredging&Shoreline mitigation project Contractor:(016463)COAST&HARBOR ENGINEERING INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#4-15 12/22/2015 Adden#4-15- Coast&Harbor Engineering-Seaplane Base Maintenance Dredge Project-extend expiration date&increase contract amount for additional work Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 02/28/2016 O1/31/2017 CAG-12-086 EA/Blumen Consulting Group,Inc-Quendall Terminals EIS CED 39,765 $131,980 P 03/31/2013 Addendum. $39,765.00-Expires:3/31/2013 Contractor:(022723)EA ENGINEERING Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#6-15 12/17/2015 Adden#6-15- EA Blumen Consulting Group-Add'I scope of work EIS for Quendall Terminals Project Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 CAG-12-115 Washington State Department of Commerce Public Works Board- PW 2,462,500 $2,462,500 R 12/31/2014 State Legislative Grant-Renton Aerospace Training Center Contractor:(1340)WASHINGTON STATE 2,462,500.00 rev) Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#2-15 11/04/2015 Adden#2-15-Amendment to Grant for Renton Aerospace Training Center-time extension only Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2015 12/31/2017 Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:10:36PM Printed: 1/21/2016 Page 2 of 15 RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2015 thru 12/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-12-120 Department of Enterprise Services-LED Streetlights-Energy PW 4,000 $4,309,382 P 06/30/2014 conservation project management&monitoring services($2,000 Contractor:(020831)DEPT OF ENTERPRISE SERVICES annually when services are requested by the City) Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description change CO#2-15 11/03/2015 CO#2-15-Department of Enterprise Services-credit-Street Lighting Conversion to LED Project-Reduce contract value to match the actual costs CAG-13-093 Wa Fish&Wildlife-Interlocal agreement for anchoring floating fish CS 0 0 M 12/31/2015 trap on the Cedar River Contractor:(088194)WA ST DEPT OF FISH&WILDLIFE Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#1-15 12/30/2015 Adden#1-15-WA State Dept of Fish&Wildlife-time extension o n ly. Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2015 12/31/2018 CAG-13-097 Parametrix,Inc.-Adding a right-turn lane&an adaptive signal PW 28,550 93,243 P 12/31/2013 control system(ASCS)improvements along the corridor Contractor:(060277)PARAMETRIX INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#5-15 12/02/2015 Adden#5-15-Parametrix-Time extension only. CAG-13-105 Coast&Harbor Engineering, Inc.-Cedar River Gravel Removal PW 992,600 $1,536,553 P 12/31/2015 Project Grant(Rev:$5,313,000)Pay:$992,599.52 Contractor:(016463)COAST&HARBOR ENGINEERING INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#5-15 10/02/2015 Adden#5-15-Coast&Harbor Engineering-additional amount for mitigation work. Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:10:36PM Printed: 1/21/2016 Page 3 of 15 RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2015 thru 12/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-13-149 Berschauer Phillips Construction Co.-Job Order Contract- CS 0 $5,699,482 P 12/31/2015 indefinite delivery contract for performing small public works-not Contractor:(009439)FORMA CONSTRUCTION/ to exceed$350,000 per job or 4 million in total work orders per year(2 year with an option to extend 1 more year) Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description change CO#1-15 10/05/2015 CO#1-15-FORMA Construction-WO#46-15-remove aiternate 1 and add slats for petett fence. change CO#1-15 10/05/2015 CO#1-15-FORMA Construction-WO#43-15-credit for work not completed. Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 07/16/2015 10/31/2015 change CO#1-15 10/O8/2015 CO#1-15-FORMA Construction-WO#51-Teasdale Parking Lot Repave-install three ADA parking signs Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 07/16/2016 12/31/2015 change CO#1-15 10/12/2015 CO#1-15 (WO#57-15)Forma Construction-Fencing at SW 27th WO#57-15 Street/Strander Blvd-Additional cost to account for federal prevailing wage requirements work order WO#59-15 10/26/2015 WO#59-15-Forma Construction-200 Mill Bldg 5th Floor TI Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 11/15/2015 07/16/2016 change CO#1-15 10/26/2015 CO#1-15-Forma Construction-Airport Blast Wall Art Work(WO WO#42-15 42-15)-Revise scope of work&additional work order amount work order WO#60-15 11/09/2015 WO#60-15- Forma Construction-Work Order Contract Concrete Project 6th&Whitworth.$32,111.02 Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2015 work order WO#61 11/30/2015 WO#61-15- Forma Construction-Work Order Contract-Vehicle Gate-Provide and install powder coated steel vehicle gate. 7,253.31 work order WO#62-15 12/04/2015 WO#62-15-Forma Construction-Replace Light Pole on Maple Valley Hwy-Replace light pole on Maple Valley Hwy change CO#1-15 12/09/2015 CO#1-15-Forma Construction-Renton Transit Center Concrete WO#58-15 WO#58-15)-Expenses for additional material&labor for flashing signal and epoxy-coated rebar change CO#1-15 12/15/2015 CO#1-15 (WO#59)- Forma Construction-200 Mill Bidg 5th WO#59 Floor TI-Additional work for 200 Mill Bldg 5th Floor TI project work order WOP#63 12/15/2015 WO#63-Forma Construction-Burnett Ave-Talbot Rd Concrete& ADA Ramps -Install new concrete walkways,curb,gutter and ADA ramps at various locations addendum WO#64-15 12/22/2015 WO#64-15-Kenyon Dobson House-Install insta-hot water heater&gas fire place at Kenyon Dobson House work order WO#38-15 12/31/2015 WO#38-15-FORMA Construction-Highlands Park Sports Court Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2015 Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:10:36PM Printed: 1/21/2016 Pdge 4 Of 15 RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2015 thru 12/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration I CAG-13-214 KPG-Highlands to Boeing/Landing Pedestrian Connection Project PW 230,000 $421,520 P 12/31/2015 Contractor:(042772)KPG INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#4-15 12/O8/2015 Adden#4-15-KPG,P.S. -Additional scope of work for project close out addendum Adden#7-15 12/14/2015 Adden#7-15-KPG,P.S.,-Time extension only Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 CAG-13-224 Group Health-Renewal of insurance contract for 2014 HR 206,775 $206,775 P 12/31/2014 Contractor:(031770)GROUP HEALTH COOPERATIVE,OF PUGE" Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#2-15 11/22/2015 Adden#2-15-Group Health-Time extension and amendment of Fee Schedule Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2016 CAG-14-041 PACE Engineers,Inc.-Engineering consultant agreement for base PW 25,000 25,000 P 12/31/2015 survey,autocad base map geotechnical report for Contractor:(060869)PACE ENGINEERS INC design-SWP-27-3716 N 30th St/Burnett Ave N Storm System Project. Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#1-15 12/21/2015 Adden#1-15-Pace Engineering-N 30th St/Burnett Ave N Storm System Project-time extension only Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 CAG-14-068 CivilTech Engineering,Inc-Engineering support services for NE 31st PW 34,999 34,999 P 06/30/2015 St Culvert Replacement Project Contractor:(016075)CIVILTECH ENGINEERING INC SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#2-15 12/O8/2015 Adden#2-15-Civiltech engineering,Inc.-time extension only- FEMA funded culvert replacement for NE 31st Street Culvert Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2015 06/30/2016 CAG-14-090 Road Construction Northwest,Inc.-SW 7th St/Naches Av SW PW 1,975,032 $2,092,720 P Ol/31/2015 Storm System Improvement Project Contractor:(068803)ROAD CONSTRUCTION NW Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description change CO#6-15 12/14/2015 CO#6-15- Road Construction NW-Time Extension Only Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:1036PM Printed: 1/21/2016 Page 5 of 15 RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2015 thru 12/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-14-102 Sound Resource Management Group,Inc.-Solid Waste Rate Model PW 18,100 32,100 P 12/31/2014 Contractor:(076055)SOUND RESOURCE MGMT GROUP INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#2-15 12/03/2015 Adden#2-15-Sound Resource Mgmt.-Time extension only Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 CAG-14-110 PND Engineers-Pavement Management Studay at Gene Coulon CS 34,000 34,000 P 12/O1/2014 Memorial Beach Park Contractor:(061121)PND ENGINEERS Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#2-15 12/06/2015 Adden#2-15-PND Engineers,Inc.-time extension only- Management study at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park Previous Exp Date New Exp Date oz/oi/zois 05/O1/2015 CAG-14-112 David Evans&Associates,Inc.-Engineering support services, PW 34,847 70,419 P 12/31/2015 bridge inspection&Repair Program Contractor:(020180)DAVID EVANS&ASSOCIATES INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#2-15 12/10/2015 Adden#2-15 -David Evans&Associates,Inc.-Engineering Support Services,Bridge Inspection&Repair Program-time extension only Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 CAG-14-146 KPG,Inc.-Downtown Circulation Project-Phase 1,Main Av S& PW 148,819 $344,781 P 07/31/2015 Bronson Way Contractor:(042772)KPG INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#3-15 12/11/2015 Adden#3-15-KPG,Inc.-Provide ROW acquisition services,time extension,and new maximum payable Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2016 12/31/2017 CAG-15-006 Rainier Av 5.Corridor Improvements Phase 4-Federal Grant(rev: PW 2,600,000 $2,600,000 R 12/31/2020 2,600,000.00) Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 12/O8/2015 CAG-15-007 WSDOT-116th Av SE Sidewalk Project-Federal Grant(rev: PW 118,000 $118,000 R 12/31/2018 118,000.00) Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 12/08/2015 Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:1036PM Printed: 1/21/2016 Page 6 of 15 RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2015 thru 12/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-15-008 WSDOT-Duvall Avenue Northeast Project-Federal Grant(rev:PW 1,237,000 $1,237,000 R 12/31/2018 1,237,000.00) Contractor:(1257)WA ST DOT-NW REGION SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 12/08/2015 CAG-15-025 Rodarte Construction,Inc.-Riverview Park Bridge Repiacement CS 759,629 $775,911 P 12/31/2015 Contractor:(069020)RODARTE CONSTRUCTION INC SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description change CO#3-15 10/06/2015 CO#3-15-Rodarte Construction-modified toe kick&electrical permit. change CO#4-15 10/30/2015 CO#4-15-Rodarte Construction-finishing bridge at no cost& reduced cost for cable substitution. change CO#5-15 11/30/2015 CO#5-15-Rodarte Construction-design modification to Riverview bridge plate. CAG-15-030 Design Concepts-professional landscape architectural design for CS 30,405 30,405 P 12/01/2015 Meadow Crest Playground Contractor:(020994)DESIGN CONCEPTS CLA INC SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#1-15 10/02/2015 Adden#1-15-Design Concepts-time extension only. Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/01/2015 06/O1/2016 CAG-15-041 CM Design Group-Duvall Av NE Pavement Preservation Project- PW 157,781 $157,781 P 12/31/2015 Design Services Contractor:(016404)CM DESIGN GROUP LLC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#1-15 12/10/2015 Adden#1-15-CM Design Group-Time Extension-Duvall Av Northeast Overlay Project Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 CAG-15-046 Perteet,Inc.-Sunset Lane-Preliminary Design&Report Phase PW 135,792 $429,098 P 01/31/2016 Sunset Lane&NE lOth St).$135,792.00 Contractor:(061292)PERTEET ENGINEERING INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#2-15 10/05/2015 Adden#2-15-Perteet,Inc-additional amount and time extension. Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 01/31/2016 01/31/2017 Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:10:36PM Printed: 1/21/2016 Page 7 Of 15 RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2015 thru 12/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-15-078 DPK,Inc.-S.7th Street at Shattuck Av 5 Project PW 868,454 $928,399 P 12/31/2016 Contractor:(022007)DPK INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description change CO#3-15 10/15/2015 CO#3-15-DPK,Inc.-S.7th Street at Shattuck Av S Project-Catch Basin 1318 revisions change CO#5-15 12/10/2015 CO#5-15- DPK,Inc-Additional 50 working days CAG-15-080 Perteet,Inc.-NE Sunset Blvd Preliminary Design Phase PW 578,048 $596,913 P O1/31/2016 Contractor:(061292)PERTEET ENGINEERING INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#1-15 12/O8/2015 Adden#1-15-Perteet,Inc.-Time extension only-NE Sunset Blvd N Park Dr.to Monroe Ave NE) Previous Exp Date New Exp Date O1/31/2016 O1/31/2018 CAG-15-081 Lakeridge Paving Company,LLC.-2015 Street&Patch Overlay PW 870,651 $1,020,583 P il/13/2015 project Contractor:(043294)LAKERIDGE PAVING CO LLC SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description change CO#3-15 12/Ol/2015 CO#3-15-Lakeridge Paving Co-Grind&overlay unanticipated existing berm change 4-15 12/Ol/2015 CO#4-15-Lakeridge Paving Co-CREDIT-Deduct work to finish Strander project change CO#5-15 12/Ol/2015 CO#5-15- Lakeridge Paving Co.-Reconciliation to accommodate over and under runs change CO#2-15 12/21/2015 CO#2-15-Lakeridge Paving Co-Add three street sections due to deterioration CAG-15-082 Road Construction NW,Inc-replacement of concrete tile pavers at CS 498,170 $613,945 P 12/31/2015 Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park Contractor:(068803)ROAD CONSTRUCTION NW SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description change CO#8-15 10/13/2015 CO#8-15-Road Construction NW-add sealant over expansion joints change CO#9-15 10/19/2015 CO#9-15-Road Construction NW-clean and restripe parking lot. change CO#10-15 11/09/2015 CO#10-15-Road Construction NW-Coulon Park Concrete Tile Rehab-repair concrete fire pit change CO#11-15 12/29/2015 CO#11-15-Road Construction NW-repair damaged rain gutter change CO#1-15 12/31/2015 CO#1-15-Road Construction NW-Install geotextile fabric-Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park Concrete Tile Rehabilitation Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:10:36PM Printed: 1/21/2016 Page 8 of 15 RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contrads_executed.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2015 thru 12/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-15-089 KPG,P.S.-Rainier Av S.Corridor Improvements Phase 4 Survey 98,586 98,586 P 12/31/2016 Contractor:(042772)KPG INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 10/23/2015 CAG-15-099 Scotty's General Construction-SE 165TH Sanitary Sewer Extension PW 127,504 $131,762 P 07/31/2016 Contractor:(100975)SCOTTY'S GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description change CO#1-15 10/27/2015 CO#1-15-Scotty's General Construction-Change Order for additional work CAG-15-133 Public Health Seattle&King County-Partnerships to Improve CS 20,539 55,539 R 09/29/2015 Community Health Renton Farmers Market SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#1-15 10/30/2015 Adden#1-15-Public Health-Seattle&KC-add funding and time extension. Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 09/29/2015 09/29/2016 CAG-15-154 K-A General Construction Contractor LLC-Replace Roof at 116,958 $129,807 P 12/15/2016 Maplewood BPS 2015 Contractor:(040118)K-A GENERAL SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description change CO#1-15 12/03/2015 CO#1-15-K-A General Construction Contractor,LLC.-Additional scope of work CAG-15-165 PACE Engineers,Inc-property survey of Kenyon-Dobson parcels. 19,546 21,866 P 10/O1/2015 Contractor:(060869)PACE ENGINEERS INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description change CO#2-15 12/13/2015 CO#2-15-Pace Engineers-time extension and extra survey work. Previous Exp Date New Exp Date ii/oi/zois iz/oi/zois CAG-15-200 Liz Loomis Public Affairs-Regional Fire Authority Communication 50,000 50,000 P 10/28/2015 Services Contractor:(045141)LIZ LOOMIS PUBLIC AFFAIRS Contract Terminated as of 10/28/2015 SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 10/13/2015 Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:10:36PM Printed: 1/21/2016 Page 9 of 15 RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contrads_executed.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2015 thru 12/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-15-201 KC Public Health(LHWMP)- Local Hazardous Waste Mgmt 40,026 40,026 R 12/31/2015 program in KC(Grant$40,026.22 rev.) Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 11/21/2015 CAG-15-203 Kent Regional Fire Authority-South King County Training 53,220 53,220 P 12/31/2016 Consortium Assoc Agency Agreement Contractor:(040753)KENT FIRE DEPARTMENT RFA Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 11/04/2015 CAG-15-204 BERK Consulting-Low Impact Development Code Evaluation&49,399 49,399 P 12/31/2016 Update Contractor:(009274)BERK CONSULTING INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 10/06/2015 CAG-15-205 DOWL,LLC-Renton Airport Marking and 1000 Parcel 74,949 74,949 P 03/31/2016 Contractor:(021970)DOWL LLC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 10/12/2015 CAG-15-206 David Evans and Associates,Inc.-NE 31st St Bridge Replacement 99,997 99,997 P 12/31/2016 Contractor:(020180)DAVID EVANS&ASSOCIATES INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 11/30/2015 CAG-15-208 DGK,Inc.(dba Widener and Associates)-NE 31st St Bridge 64,660 64,660 P 12/31/2016 Replacement Contractor:(091850)WIOENER&ASSOCIATES Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 10/30/2015 CAG-15-209 DGK,Inc.(dba Widener and Associates)-N 27th Place Culvert 20,185 20,185 P 12/31/2016 Scour Repair Contractor:(091850)WIDENER&ASSOCIATES Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 10/28/2015 Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:10:36PM Printed: 1/21/2016 Page 10 of 15 RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2015 thru 12/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-15-210 Combustion Control-Pavilion Hydronic Boiler Replacement 32,469 32,469 P 12/31/2016 Contractor:(063706)PROCTOR SALES INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 10/22/2015 CAG-15-211 Pioneer Cable Contractors,Inc.-Traffic loop replacement at 21 68,430 68,430 P 12/31/2015 intersections Contractor:(061982)PIONEER CABLE INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 10/22/2015 CAG-15-214 King County Community Services Housing&Human Services-2015 182,996 $182,996 R 12/31/2015 CDBG Planning and Administration&Downtown Commercial Fa ade Improvement Loan Program(rev:$182,996) Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 10/27/2015 CAG-15-215 Flemings Holiday Lighting-install lighting at Coulon&Piazza Park 111,245 $116,008 P 12/31/2016 2015-2016 Contractor:(026563)fLEMINGS HOLIDAY LIGHTING LlC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description change CO#1-15 12/14/2015 CO#1-15-Flemings Holiday Lighting -Holiday Lighting Installation 2015-2016-add'I work with setup/removal of light CAG-15-216 WA State Dept of Transportation(WSDOT) - Implement a 81,272 81,272 R 06/30/2017 Commute Trip Reduction(CTR)Program Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 11/16/2015 CAG-15-217 King County Flood Control District-Flood Reduction Grant Funds- 185,000 $185,000 R 12/31/2016 N 30th St and Burnett Ave Storm System Improvements($185,000 rev) Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 11/13/2015 CAG-15-218 Straight Line Fence&Construction-replacement of fence material 7,479 7,479 P 12/31/2015 at Cedar River pog Park Contractor:(078468)STRAIGHT LINE FENCE& Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 11/16/2015 Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:10:36PM Printed: 1/21/2016 Pdge 11 of 15 RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2015 thru 12/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-15-219 Canber Corps-pruning of Rosa Rugosa along Maple Valley Highway 25,645 25,645 P 12/31/2015 Contractor:(013391)CANBER CORPS Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 11/16/2015 CAG-15-220 Cortona,LlC-Fa ade Improvement 0 0 M 05/30/2016 Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 11/19/2015 CAG-15-221 DGK,Inc.(dba Widener and Associates) - 116th Ave SE Sidewalk 4,960 4,960 P 12/31/2016 Project Contractor:(091850)WIDENER&ASSOCIATES Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a new) 11/20/2015 CAG-15-222 DGK,Inc.(dba Widener and Associates)-Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St 34,890 34,890 P 12/31/2016 to NE lOth St Project Contractor:(091850)WIDENER&ASSOCIATES Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 11/30/2015 CAG-15-223 KPG,Inc.-Couplet Conversion Charrette Project 31,855 31,855 P 03/31/2016 Contractor:(042772)KPG INC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 12/01/2015 CAG-15-225 WSDOT-Maintenance of SR 515 Landscape Strips&Stormwater 0 0 M 12/31/2050 Facilities Su T e Number Date Su lemental Descri tionPPYPpPP n/a(new) 12/16/2015 CAG-15-226 WSDOT-Operation&maintenance of State-owned and 0 0 M 12/31/2050 City-owned luminaires Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Oescription n/a(new) 12/16/2015 Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:1036PM Printed: 1/21/2016 Page 12 of 15 RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2015 thru 12/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-15-227 WSDOT-General Maintenance Agreement-Benson Road 0 0 M 12/31/2050 Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 12/16/2015 CAG-15-228 WSDOT-Turnback Agreement-SR 515 Vicinity to South 6th St 0 0 P 12/31/2050 Vicinity Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a (new) 12/22/2015 I CAG-15-230 Road Construction NW-Interface Sculpture Tile Rehabilitation-9,768 9,768 P 02/01/2016 Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park Contractor:(068803)ROAD CONSTRUCTION NW Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description I n/a(new) 12/07/2015 CAG-15-231 BHC Consultants,LLC-Consultant Agreement for Structural& 20,000 20,000 P 12/31/2016 Non-Structural Plan Review Contractor:(009510)BHC CONSULTANTS LLC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 12/08/2015 I CAG-15-232 Kolke Consulting Group,Inc.-Consultant Agreement for Structural 20,000 20,000 P 12/31/2016 Non-Structural Plan Review Contractor.(108285)KOLKE,RAY&CRYSTAL Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 12/08/2015 I CAG-15-233 CENTURYLINK,CenturyTel Services Group,LLC-Redesign storm 190,026 $190,026 R 12/31/2019 drainage system on SW 7th St Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 12/09/2015 CAG-15-234 Reid Middleton-Consultant Agreement for Structural& 100,000 $100,000 P 12/31/2016 Non-Structural Plan Review Contractor.(066451)REID MIDDLETON INC I Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description I n/a(new) 12/11/2015 Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:10:36PM Printed: 1/21/2016 Pdge 13 of 15 I i RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2015 thru 12/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-15-235 Landau&Associates-Level 1 Environmental Assessment for Mavis 5,000 5,000 P 02/29/2016 Fletcher Estate Contractor:(043313)LANDAU ASSOCIATES INC SuppType Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 12/10/2015 CAG-15-237 TIB Grant Duvall Ave NE,NE 10th St to NE Sunset Blvd(SR 900)- 3,468,289 $3,468,289 R 12/31/2015 Rev:$3,468,289.00) Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 12/29/2015 CAG-15-238 Hotel at Southport,LLC&Office at Southport,LLC.-Transportation 0 0 M 12/31/2049 Credit Agreement to set up transportation trip credit bank for Southport project Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 12/21/2015 CAG-15-239 Epicenter Services,LLC.-Jeff Brown-Solid Waste Collection 26,000 26,000 P 12/31/2016 Contract,Policy Development&Technical Assistance Contractor:(024363)EPICENTER SERVICES LLC Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 12/22/2015 CAG-93-142 Department of Revenue-Data Sharing 0 0 M 12/31/2015 Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description addendum Adden#1-15 10/21/2015 Adden#1-15-WA Dept of Revenue-security standards update& time extension. Previous Exp Date New Exp Date 12/31/2015 i1/oi/zo2o LAG-15-006 Crawford&Company-200 Mill Building Lease-Suites 505,510, 0 0 R 02/28/2021 515 Supp Type Number Date Supplemental Description n/a(new) 10/12/2015 Number of Items Processed: 98 (New Contracts:37; Addendums: 28; Change Orders: 27; Work Orders: 6) Number of Contracts/Leases Affected: 73 Current Contracts/$Amount Summary: Payable (53) $107,030,493 Receivable (12) $10,620,648 Miscellaneous (8) $0 Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:10:36PM Printed: 1/21/2016 Page 14 of 15 RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Fully Executed from 10/1/2015 thru 12/31/2015 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:1036PM Printed: 1/21/2016 Page 15 of 15 RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_executed.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Expiring from 1/1/2016 thru 6/30/2016 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CAG-15-015 Renton Sailing Club-Annual MOU with the Renton Sailing Club CS 500 500 R 01/31/2016 CAG-15-046 Perteet,Inc.-Sunset Lane-Preliminary Design&Report Phase PW 135,792 $429,098 P 01/31/2016 Sunset Lane&NE lOth St).$135,792.00 Contractor:(061292)PERTEET ENGINEERING INC CAG-15-080 Perteet,Inc.-NE Sunset Blvd Preliminary Design Phase PW 578,048 $596,913 P O1/31/2016 Contractor:(061292)PERTEET ENGINEERING INC CAG-15-182 Parametrix,Inc.-Aerospace Training Center 96,925 96,925 P Ol/31/2016 Contractor:(060277)PARAMETRIX INC CAG-15-230 Road Construction NW-Interface Sculpture Tile Rehabilitation-9,768 9,768 P 02/O1/2016 Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park Contractor:(068803)ROAD CONSTRUCTION NW CAG-11-032 Centra)Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority-Temporary PW 0 0 M 02/28/2016 Construction Licenses(Area 1,Area 2,&Area 3)Contractor:(076065)SOUND TRANSIT CAG-14-004 Eberle Vivan,Inc-3rd Party Administrator services for Workers'HR 77,500 77,500 P 02/28/2016 Compensation claims. Contractor:(023011)EBERLE VIVIAN INC CAG-15-044 All Traffic Data Services-Traffic Count services. PW 25,000 25,000 P 02/28/2016 Contractor:(001985)ALL TRAFFIC DATA SERVICES INC CAG-15-184 Marvin Stein Associates,Inc.-City Hall 6th Floor Permit Center 17,500 17,500 P 02/28/2016 Remodel Project Professional Architectural Services Contractor:(047240)MARVIN STEIN ASSOCIATES CAG-15-018 King County Metro Transit-Annual agreement for purchase of PW 99,756 99,756 P 02/29/2016 ORCA Business Passport Products.$99,756.00 Contractor:(041608)KING CNTY FINANCE CAG-15-235 Landau&Associates-Level 1 Environmental Assessment for Mavis 5,000 5,000 P 02/29/2016 Fletcher Estate Contractor:(043313)LANDAU ASSOCIATES INC CAG-15-160 Northwest Environmental Consulting,LLC.-Provide mitigation CS 1,500 1,500 P 03/01/2016 monitoring for year 1 of the Cedar River Gabion Basket Repair Contractor:(056260)NW ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING Project CAG-15-161 Northwest Environmental Consulting,LLC.-Provide mitigation CS 3,750 3,750 P 03/01/2016 monitoring for year 1 of the May Creek Trail Project Contractor:(056260)NW ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING CAG-15-162 Northwest Environmental Consulting,ILC.-Provide mitigation CS 5,700 5,700 P 03/OS/2016 monitoring for year 1 of the Riverview Park Bridge Replacement Contractor:(056260)NW ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING CAG-12-074 Washington State Military Dept&Federal Emergency Mangement Fire 168,750 $168,750 R 03/05/2016 Agency-FEMA-January2012 Severe WinterStorm Public Contractor:(1340)WASHINGTON STATE Assistance Grant(estimated Rev:$168,750.00) CAG-13-165 Roche Diagnostics Corporation-Renton Fire&ES purchase of Fire 20,661 20,661 P 03/27/2016 blood glucose test strips for three(3)years Contractor:(069017)ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS CORP CAG-12-073 Bank of New York Mellon-Investment Custody Services($2,000 ASD 8,000 8,000 P 03/31/2016 per year for 4 years) Contractor:(007608)BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON,THE Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:09:14PM Printed: 1/21/2016 PBge 1 Of 2 RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_expired.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) Contracts Expiring from 1/1/2016 thru 6/30/2016 Contract No Description Dept Orig Contr Amt Current Amt Class Expiration CA6-13-009 KC Flood Control District-Cedar River Gravel Removal Project PW 5,313,000 $5,313,000 R 03/31/2016 Grant(Rev:$5,313,000) Contractor:(1067)KING COUNTY CAG-15-053 Aces Tennis-provide tennis lessons and camps.CS 10,000 10,000 P 03/31/2016 CAG-15-140 BergerABAM,Inc.-S 7th St&Shattuck Av 5 Intersections PW 176,577 $176,577 P 03/31/2016 Improvement Projects Contractor:(009258)BERGER/ABAM ENGINEERS INC CAG-15-205 DOWL,LLC-Renton Airport Marking and 1000 Parcel 74,949 74,949 P 03/31/2016 Contractor:(021970)DOWL LLC CAG-15-223 KPG,Inc.-Couplet Conversion Charrette Project 31,855 31,855 P 03/31/2016 Contractor:(042772)KPG INC CAG-15-084 Karen's Footcare Service-footcare for senior citizens CS 900 900 R 04/25/2016 Contractor:(5234)KAREN'S FOOT CARE CAG-11-084 United Pipe&Supply Co,Inc.-Automated Meter Reading System PW 2,388,861 $2,388,861 P 04/30/2016 Contractor:(083565)UNITED PIPE&SUPPLY CO INC CAG-15-108 The Boeing Company-Parking Lot 11 Light Relocation Agreement PW 37,000 37,000 R 04/30/2016 Contractor:(1014)THE BOEING COMPANY,LEASEWA-RTNS-LN CAG-15-220 Cortona,LLC-Fa ade Improvement 0 0 M 05/30/2016 CAG-O8-202 Waste Management-Solid Waste Collection Contract- PW 7,900,000 $7,900,000 P OS/31/2016 Comprehensive Garbage,Recylables&Compostables Collection Contractor:(089920)WASTE MANAGEMENT CAG-15-136 Benita Horn-consulting services for diversity programs. Court 93,600 93,600 P OS/31/2016 CAG-15-176 Stantec Consulting Services-engineering design for water/sewer 42,728 42,728 P 06/Ol/2016 utility improvements at Ron Regis Park. Contractor:(077215)STANTEC CONSULTING SVCS INC CAG-13-211 Department of Commerce-Riverview Bridge Replacement CS 1,067,000 $1,067,000 R 06/30/2016 1,067,000 rev)Contractor:(2635)US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE CAG-15-193 King County Sheriff's Office - Verifying the adress&residency of 0 0 P 06/30/2016 registered sex offenders($40,298.37 Receivable) Number of Contracts/Leases: 31 Expired Contract Amt: Payable $13,141,653 Receivable $6,587,150 Miscellaneous $0 Data as of: 1/21/2016 4:09:14PM Printed: 1/21/2016 Page 2 of 2 RVAPP02\EdenReports\reports\SiteSpec\renton\Linked Reports\CM\contracts_expired.rpt AGENDA ITEM #5. d) City Council Regular Meeting - 01 Feb 2016 SUBJECT/TITLE: Joint Resolution Amending Joint Resolution 4271/394-16 - RFA Voter's Pamphlet RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Fire & Emergency Services STAFF CONTACT: Chad Michael, Deputy Chief EXT.: 7061 FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: Council adopted Joint Resolution 4271/394 -16 with King County Fire Protection District #25 on 12/14/2015 providing for the submission to qualified electors of the City and District, a Special Election to be held on 4/26/2016 pursuant to RCW 52.56, of a proposition that approves a plan to form a Regional Fire Protection Service Authority (RFA) within the boundaries of the City of Renton and King County Fire District #25, effective 7/1/2016, to be funded by a property tax levy and a new six-year benefit charge. The Joint Resolution assigned the RFA Planning Committee the task of appointing members to a committee to advocate voters' approval and a committee to prepare arguments advocating voters' rejection of the proposition. However, the Joint Resolution did not direct the Planning Committee to take the necessary steps to prepare the information for the voter's pamphlet. Therefore, staff recommends adopting a Joint Resolution that amends the previous Joint Resolution by directing the Planning Committee to take the actions necessary to place the information regarding Proposition No. 1 in the voter's pamphlet for the 4/26/2016 election, and to have prepared an explanatory statement and seek statements for and against the proposition. EXHIBITS: A. Draft Resolution STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Joint Resolution amending Joint Resolution 4271/394 -16 directing the Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee to take those actions necessary to place Proposition No. 1 before the voters, including the preparation of information for the voter's pamphlet. AGENDA ITEM #5. e)   1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON  KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25    CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. ________  KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. ________      A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AND THE  BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO.  25, AMENDING CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. 4271 AND KING COUNTY  FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. 394‐16, DIRECTING THE  REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY PLANNING COMMITTEE TO TAKE THOSE ACTIONS  NECESSARY TO PLACE PROPOSITION 1 BEFORE THE VOTERS, INCLUDING THE  PREPARATION OF INFORMATION FOR THE VOTER’S PAMPHLET.    WHEREAS, the City of Renton (“the City”), and King County Fire Protection District No.  25 (“the District”), adopted a joint resolution (“Joint Resolution”) providing for the submission  of Proposition No. 1 on the April 26, 2016 ballot to qualified electors of the City and the District  to approve a plan to form a regional fire protection service authority (the “Renton Regional Fire  Authority”) within the boundaries of the City and the District; and  WHEREAS, the Joint Resolution also adopted the Plan of the Renton Regional Fire  Authority, provided findings, set out the text of Proposition No. 1, authorized continued acts of  the Renton Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee (“Planning Committee”), and assigned  the task of appointing members to a committee to advocate voters’ approval and a committee  to prepare arguments advocating voters’ rejection of the proposition; and  WHEREAS, the Planning Committee has since determined that a voter’s pamphlet  should be prepared; however the Joint Resolution did not direct the Planning Committee to  take the necessary steps to prepare the information for the voter’s pamphlet;  AGENDA ITEM #5. e) CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. ________  KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. ________    2  NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AND  THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25, DO  HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. Voter’s Pamphlet. The Joint Resolution is hereby amended to authorize  and direct the Planning Committee to take those actions necessary to place the information  regarding Proposition No. 1 in the voter’s pamphlet for the April 26, 2016 election, to have  prepared an explanatory statement and seek statements for and against the proposition.  SECTION II. Severability.  If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or  phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision  shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution.  SECTION III. Ratification.  Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the  effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed.  SECTION IV. Effective Date.  This resolution shall take effect and be in force  immediately upon its passage.  SECTION V. Triplicate Originals.  Three originals of this resolution are signed by the  City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25.    PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ______ day of _____________________, 2016.               ________________________________         Jason A. Seth, City Clerk            AGENDA ITEM #5. e) CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. ________  KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. ________    3  APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ______ day of _____________________, 2016.               _________________________________         Denis Law, Mayor     ADOPTED by the Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 25,  King County, Washington, at a regular open public meeting of such Board on the ________ day  of _____________________, 2016, the below commissioners being present and voting.             ______________________________         COMMISSIONER             ______________________________         COMMISSIONER             ______________________________         COMMISSIONER             ______________________________         KCFPD No. 25 SECRETARY           Approved as to form:           Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney  RES.1688:1/21/16:scr      AGENDA ITEM #5. e) City Council Regular Meeting - 01 Feb 2016 SUBJECT/TITLE: Project Acceptance: 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps with Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC, CAG-15-081 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Council Concur DEPARTMENT: Transportation Systems Division STAFF CONTACT: Jayson Grant, Lead Maintenance Services Worker EXT.: 2238 FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment: $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget: $ 1,020,492.72 City Share Total Project: $ 1,020,492.72 SUMMARY OF ACTION: The project was awarded June 8, 2015. The project began June 15, 2015 and was completed October 13, 2015. The original contract amount was $870,561.31. The final contract amount is $1,020,492.72. Transfer of $40,000 from the Arterial Rehabilitation Fund t o cover change orders that caused the project to exceed the 2015 budget was previously approved by the City Council on December 14, 2015 (Exhibit C). The amounts have been paid by the following: Schedule Amount Project Fund A $ 876,575.94 Street Overlay Program (317.122108) B $ 125,944.63 Wastewater Utility (426.456065) C $ 17,972.15 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd (317.122239) Total $ 1,020,492.72 EXHIBITS: A. Notice of Completion of Public Works Contract B. Change Order Summary C. Project Cost Increase and Transfer of Funds Approved by City Council on December 14, 2015 D. Final Contract Voucher Certificate E. Final Pay Estimate STAFF RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA ITEM #5. f) Accept completion of the project and release the retainage in the amount of $49,594.78 after 60 days subject to the receipt of all required certifications. AGENDA ITEM #5. f) Revised # Assigned to: UBI Number: Yes No Yes Contractor's Name Date:Contractor's UBI Number: Date Work Accepted Federally funded transportation project? Name & Mailing Address of Public Agency E-mail Address Contract Number Notice is hereby given relative to the completion of contract or project described below Description of Work Done/Include Jobsite Address(es) Affidavit ID* No (if yes, provide Contract Bond Statement below) NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT Project Name Date Assigned: Job Order Contracting Date Contract Awarded Telephone # Bond Number: Retainage Bond Contract/Payment bond (valid for federally funded transportation projects) Name: Department Use Only Original If Retainage is not withheld, please select one of the following and List Surety's Name & Bond Number. Date Work Commenced Date Work Completed Contractor Address Were Subcontracters used on this project? If so, please complete Addendum A.       Yes No $ $$ $$ $$ $ $$ Contact Name:Title: F215-038-000 04-2014 Email Address:Phone Number: p Additions ( + ) Amount Retained REV 31 0020e (4/28/14) Amount of Sales Tax Contract Amount Sub-Total Reductions ( - ) Amount Disbursed TOTAL Note: The Disbursing Officer must submit this completed notice immediately after acceptance of the work done under this contract. NO PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE FROM RETAINED FUNDS until receipt of all release certificates. Submitting Form: Please submit the completed form by email to all three agencies below. TOTAL Liquidated Damages Comments: (If various rates apply, please send a breakdown) NOTE: These two totals must be equal p Affidavit ID* - No L&I release will be granted until all affidavits are listed. Contract Release (855) 545-8163, option # 4 ContractRelease@LNI.WA.GOV Employment Security Department Registration, Inquiry, Standards & Coordination Unit (360) 902-9450 publicworks@esd.wa.gov Department of Revenue Public Works Section (360) 704-5650 PWC@dor.wa.gov V e(//) AGENDA ITEM #5. f) Subcontractor's Name:UBI Number: (Required)Affidavid ID* Provide known affidavits at this time. No L&I release will be granted until all affidavits are listed. Addendum A: Please List all Subcontractors and Sub-tiers Below This addendum can be submitted in other formats. For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, please call 1-800-647-7706. Teletype (TTY) users may use the Washington Relay Service by calling 711. REV 31 0020e Addendum (04/28/14)F215-038-000 04-2014 AGENDA ITEM #5. f) SLWRI (Garden Ave Widening)Contract CAG 12-02 I ICON Materials-Change Order Summary (Note:Does not include Final Reconciliation Chanee Order Total CO (Subtotal +Sales C only Tax) $39,000.00 $60,977.15 $28,624.00 $2,719.28 $31,343.28 $(12,398.00)$(12,398.00) $40,246.16 I $(7,150.07)1 $(1,407.85)1 $(679.26)$31,008.98 $140,223.31 $21,473.93 j $(13,805.85)1 $2,040.02 $149,931.41 Change Order No.COl LIBRARY DRIVEWAY Chxnge Order No.2 C02 Add three (3)street sections Chr,ge Order No.C03 Grind and overlay unanticipated existing berm Change Order No.C04 Deduct Strander work Change Order No.5 Recociliation to accommodate over-and under-runs TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS (induden naleu tax)$147,891.39 $39,000.00 $60,977.15 $39,000.00 $60,977.15 $28,624.00 $(12,398.00) $31,688.24 A G E N D A I T E M # 5 . f ) REGULAR COUNCIL - 14 Dec 2015 SUBJECT/TITLE:Project Cost Increase and Transfer of Funds: CAG-15-081, 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps RECOMMENDED ACTION:Council Concur DEPARTMENT:Transportation Systems Division STAFF CONTACT:Jayson Grant, Lead Maintenance Services Worker EXT.:2238 FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required:$ 908,800 Transfer Amendment:$ 40,000 Amount Budgeted:$ 868,800 Revenue Generated:$ N/A Total Project Budget:$ 908,800 City Share Total Project:$ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: The 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps contract was awarded on June 8, 2015. The total contract was in the amount of $870,561.31. The contract was paid by three project funds: 1.Schedule A was paid by the Overlay Program Fund. 2.Schedule B was paid by the Wastewater Utility Fund. 3.Schedule C was paid by the SW 27th Street/Strander Blvd Fund. Changes and expenses that occurred to the contract as specified in Exhibit A have exceeded the 2015 project budget. The project was completed on October 13, 2015 with the final contract amount of $1,020,492.72. EXHIBITS: A. Issue Paper STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Transfer $40,000 from the Arterial Rehabilitation Program Fund (317.122186) to the Street Overlay Program Fund for expenses that have exceeded the 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps contract budget. AGENDA ITEM #5. f) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE:December 4, 2015 TO:Ed Prince, Council President Members of Renton City Council VIA:Denis Law, Mayor FROM:Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator STAFF CONTACT:Jayson Grant, Lead Maintenance Services Worker, x2238 SUBJECT:Project Cost Increase and Transfer of Funds: CAG-15-081, 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps ISSUE: Should the City approve the transfer of $40,000, within the Transportation Capital Fund 317, from the Arterial Rehabilitation Program (SW Grady Way Overlay) to the Street Overlay Program for expenses that have exceeded the 2015 project budget? RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the transfer of $40,000 from the Arterial Rehabilitation Program Fund (SW Grady Way Overlay) to the Street Overlay Program for expenses that have exceeded the 2015 project budget. BACKGROUND: On June 8, 2015, the City awarded the 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps contract. The total contract was in the amount of $870,561.31, and included three (3) schedules to be paid by three (3) projects funds: Schedule Amount Project Fund A $736,352.63 Street Overlay Program (317.122108) B $93,544.00 + $8,886.68 (tax)Wastewater Utility (426.456065) C $31,778.00 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd(317.122239) Total $870,561.31 The following changes occurred to the contract: 1.Change Order 1 added pavement at the Downtown Library parking lot and was paid by the New Library Development Fund (Fund 336). The cost of the work was $39,000. AGENDA ITEM #5. f) Ed Prince, Council President Page 2 of 2 December 3, 2015 2.Change Order 2 added three (3) street sections due to deterioration. The cost of additional work was $60,977.15 paid by the Street Overlay Program Fund (317.122186). The three street sections added were: a.SE 134th Street from 162nd Avenue SE to 160th Avenue SE, b.162nd Avenue SE from SE 137th Place to SE 136th Street and c.162nd Avenue SE from 125 feet south of SE 136th Street to 136th Street 3.Change Order 3 adjusted the scope of work to grind and overlay an unanticipated existing berm. The net change of this change order was $31,343.28 paid by the Wastewater Utility Fund (426.456065). 4.Change Order 4 was a reduction in the work of Schedule C which was paid by the SW 27th Street/Strander Project Blvd Fund (317.122239). The net change of this work was ($12,398.00). 5.Change Order 5 reconciled quantities that have over- or under-run from the original bid amount. The net change of the over- and under-runs was $31,008.98. The reconciliation affected all three (3) schedules as such: a.Schedule A: $40,246.16 b.Schedule B: ($7,150.07) c.Schedule C: ($1,407.85) The work was completed on October 13, 2015. The final contract amount is $1,020,492.72. The breakdown of the expenditures is below: Schedule Amount Project Fund A $ 876,575.94 Street Overlay Program (317.122108)* B $ 125,944.63 Wastewater Utility (426.456065) C $ 17,972.15 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd (317.122239) Total $ 1,020,492.72 *Includes $39,000 from the New Library Development Fund The Street Overlay Program project budget for 2015 is $868,800. The Street Overlay Program includes Schedule A above (minus the contribution by the New Library Development Fund – Change Order 1) plus additional expenses such as City staff, materials testing and construction advertisement. Projections show that 2015 expenditures will exceed the Street Overlay Program’s budget. A budget adjustment is necessary in order to execute Change Order 2 for the 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps contract (CAG-15-081). Therefore, we request approval to transfer $40,000 from the Arterial Rehabilitation Program (SW Grady Way Overlay, 317.122188) to the Street Overlay Program (317.122108). The 2016 Street Overlay Program budget will be reduced by the same amount, and the $40,000 will be transferred back to the Arterial Rehabilitation Program (SW Grady Way Overlay). Cc:Bob Hanson, Transportation Design Manager Juliana Fries, Program Development Coordinator II AGENDA ITEM #5. f) F i n a l C o n t r a c t V o u c h e r C e r h f i c a t e C o n t r a c t o r ’ s C e r t i f i c a t i o n I , T h e u n d e r s i g n e d , h a v i n g f i r s t b e e n d u l y s w o r n , c e r t i f y t h a t I a m a u t h o r i z e d t o s i g n f o r t h e c l a i m a n t ; t h a t i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e w o r k p e r f o r m e d a n d t o t h e b e s t o f m y k n o w l e d g e n o l o a n , g r a t u i t y o r g i f t i n a n y f o r m w h a t s o e v e r h a s b e e n e x t e n d e d t o a n y e m p l o y e e o f t h e C i t y o f R e n t o n W a s h i n g t o n n o r h a v e I r e n t e d o r p u r c h a s e d a n y e q u i p m e n t o r m a t e r i a l s f r o m a n y e m p l o y e e o f t h e C i t y o f R e n t o n ; I f u r t h e r c e r t i f y t h a t t h e a t t a c h e d f i n a l e s t i m a t e i s a t r u e a n d c o r r e c t s t a t e m e n t s h o w i n g a l l t h e m o n i e s d u e m e f r o m t h e C i t y o f R e n t o n f o r w o r k p e r f o r m e d a n d m a t e r i a l f u r n i s h e d u n d e r t h i s c o n t r a c t ; t h a t I h a v e c a r e f u l l y e x a m i n e d s a i d f i n a l e s t i m a t e a n d u n d e r s t a n d t h e s a m e a n d t h a t I h e r e b y r e l e a s e t h e C i t y o f R e n t o n f r o m a n y a n d a l l c l a i m s o f w h a t s o e v e r n a t u r e w h i c h I m a y h a v e , a r i s i n g o u t o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f s a i d c o n t r a c t , w h i c h a r e n o t s e t f o r t h i n s a i d e s t i m a t e . C i t y o f R e n t o n C e r t i f i c a t i o n * S o n r a c o r u o r i z e g n a u r e e q u i r e P r i n t e d S i g n a t u r e N a m e k A - K k A p p r o v e d D t e 1 4 . C o n t r a c t o r L a k e r i d g e P a v i n g C o , L L C . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S t r e e t A d d r e s s P . O . B o x 8 5 0 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C i t y T S t a t e Z i p D a t e C o v i n g t o n W A 9 8 0 4 2 N o v e m b e r 1 7 , 2 0 1 5 , S t a t e P r o j e c t N u m b e r F e d e r a l - A i d P r o j e c t N u m b e r H i g h w a y N u m b e r N / A N / A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j N / A C o n t r a c t T i t l e 2 0 1 5 S t r e e t P a t c h a n d O v e r l a y w i t h C u r b R a m p s C A G 1 5 - 0 8 1 D a t e W o r k P h y s i c a l l y C o m p l e t e d F i n a l A m o u n t O c t o b e r 1 3 , 2 0 1 5 $ 1 , 0 2 0 , 4 9 2 . 7 2 I , c e r t i f y t h e a t t a c h e d f i n a l e s t i m a t e t o b e b a s e d u p o n a c t u a l m e a s u r e m e n t s , a n d t o b e t r u e a n d c o r r e c t . r d I 1 p u r t I u r I e l y r I I v I I 1 , i F I y r ! d L u r e A G E N D A I T E M # 5 . f ) T O : F I N A N C E D I R E C T O R F R O M : T R A N S P O R T A T I O N S Y S T E M S D I R E C T O R P R O J E C T : 2 0 1 5 S T R E E T P A T C H A N D O V E R L A Y W I T H C U R B R A M P S I . C O N T R A C T O R E A R N I N G S T H I S E S T I M A T E $ 2 4 7 , 1 7 9 . 0 6 2 . S A L E S T A X @ 9 . 5 0 % $ 5 , 8 0 5 . 8 3 3 . T O T A L C O N T R A C T A M O U N T T H I S E S T I M A T E $ 2 5 2 , 9 8 4 . 8 9 4 . E A R N I N G S P R E V I O U S L Y P A I D C O N T R A C T O R $ 7 2 4 , 2 6 7 . 6 1 5 * E A R N I N G S D U E C O N T R A C T O R T H I S E S T I M A T E $ 2 3 4 , 8 2 0 . 1 1 6 . S U B T O T A L - C O N T R A C T O R P A Y M E N T S $ 9 5 9 , 0 8 7 . 7 2 7 . R E T A I N A G E O N P R E V I O U S E A R N I N G S $ 3 8 , 1 1 9 . 3 5 8 . * * R E T A I N A G E O N E A R N I N G S T H I S E S T I M A T E $ 1 2 , 3 5 8 . 9 5 9 . S U B T O T A L - R E T A I N A G E $ 5 0 , 4 7 8 . 3 0 1 0 . S A L E S T A X P R E V I O U S L Y P A I D $ 5 , 1 2 0 . 8 7 I I . S A L E S T A X D U E T H I S E S T I M A T E $ 5 , 8 0 5 . 8 3 1 2 . S U B T O T A L - S A L E S T A X $ 1 0 , 9 2 6 . 7 0 * ( 9 5 % x L I N E I ) * * ( R E T A I N A G E : 5 % ) G R A N D T O T A L : $ 1 , 0 2 0 , 4 9 2 . 7 2 F I N A N C E D E P A R T M E N T A C T I O N : P A Y M E N T T O C O N T R A C T O R ( L i n e s 5 a n d I I ) : T r a n s p o r t a t i o n - S t r e e t O v e r l a y A C C O U N T T I 2 1 0 8 . f 0 0 9 . 0 0 I 8 . 0 0 0 2 3 1 7 . 1 2 2 1 0 8 . 0 1 6 . 5 9 5 . 3 0 . 6 3 . 0 0 1 $ 1 9 2 , 1 7 6 . 5 1 # 3 S e w e r E n g i n e e r i n g 4 2 6 . 4 6 5 0 6 5 . 0 1 8 . 5 9 4 . 3 5 . 6 3 . 0 0 0 $ 3 6 , 6 7 1 . 3 3 # 3 T r a n s p o r t a t i o n E n g i n e e r i n g / S t r a n d e r B l v d M o d i f i c a t i o n A C C O U N T 3 1 7 . I 2 2 I 3 9 . 0 1 6 . 5 9 5 . 3 0 . 6 3 . O O I R E T A I N E D A M O U N T ( L i n e 8 ) : T r a n s p o r t a t i o n - S t r e e t O v e r l a y A C C O U N T T I 2 1 0 8 . 1 0 0 9 . 0 0 1 8 . 0 0 0 2 S e w e r E n g i n e e r i n g A C C O U N T 4 2 6 . 4 6 5 0 6 5 . 0 1 8 . 5 9 4 . 3 5 . 6 3 . 0 0 0 T t t m l M r , r l i f t , n t t r , n $ 1 1 , 7 7 8 . 1 0 # 3 $ 1 0 , 1 1 4 . 5 5 # 3 $ 1 , 6 2 4 . 5 0 # 3 A C C O U N T 3 1 7 . 1 2 2 1 3 9 . 0 1 6 . 5 9 5 . 3 0 . 6 3 . 0 0 I $ 6 1 9 . 9 0 # 3 T O T A L T H I S E S T I M A T E : C H A R T E R 1 1 6 , L A W S O F 1 9 6 5 C I T Y O F R E N T O N C E R T I F I C A T I O N I , T H E U N D E R S I G N E D D O H E R E B Y C E R T I F Y U N D E R P E N A L T Y O F P E R J U R Y , T H A T T H E M A T E R I A L S H A V E B E E N F U R N I S H E D , T H E S E R V I C E S R E N D E R E D O R T H E L A B O R P E R F O R M E D A S D E S C R I B E D H E R E I N . A N D T H A T T H E C L A I M I S A J U S T , D U E A N D U N P A I D O B L I G A T I O N A G A I N S T T H E C I T Y O F R E N T O N , A N D T H A T I A M A U T H O R I Z E D T O A U T H E N T I C A T E A N D C E R T I F Y T O S A I D C L A I M S I G N E D : $ 2 5 2 , 9 8 4 . 8 9 S I G N A T U R E S : C o n t r a c t o r : P r o j e c t M a n a g e r : A p p r o v e d B y : A p p r o v e d B y : D a t e : 7 / D a t e : l — Z 3 - i S D a t e : D a t e : / / f I C O N T R A C T O R : C O N T R A C T N O . L a k e r i d g e P a v i n g C o . C A G 1 5 - 0 8 1 E S T I M A T E N O . # 3 F I N A L A G E N D A I T E M # 5 . f ) Project:2015STREETPATCHANDOVERLAYWITHCURBRAMPSContractor:LakeridgePavingCompanyLLC.003.HMACL.1/2IN.PG64-222”OVERLAY004.HMACL.1/2IN.PG64-223”OVERLAY005.HMACL.1/2IN.PG64-224”FULLSTREETPATCH006.REMOVINGASPHALTCONCRETEPAVEMENTBYCOLDPLANING007.REMOVINGASPHALTCONCRETEPAVEMENT(BYCOLDPLANING4”)FORFULLSTREETPATCHANDMISCPATCHES008.ROADWAYEXCAVATIONINCLUDINGHAUL009.ONMAP#8REMOVINGROADBASE6”TO8”INCLUDINGHAUL010.ONMAP#8REMOVINGSUBGRADESOFTSPOTSUPTO2’DEEPINCLUDINGHAUL011.ONMAP#8INSTALL2”TO4’ROCK(NOTRECLAIM)FORSOFTSPOTS012.ONMAP#8INSTALLGEOTEXTILEWOVENFABRICFORSOFTSPOTS013.CRUSHEDSURFACINGTOPCOURSE017.4’RAISEDPAVEMENTMARKERTYPE1,YELLOW018.4’RAISEDPAVEMENTMARKERTYPE2d,YELLOW LumpSum1.00$50,000.00LumpSum1.00$64,000.00Ton186.00$95.00350.00$85.003,832.00$83.001,005.00Each9.00$285.00 $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 5 $ 6 4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 7 , 6 7 0 . 0 0 $$$ 2 9 , 7 5 5 . 0 0 $$$$ 3 1 8 , 0 5 6 . 0 0 $$$$ 8 , 0 4 0 . 0 0 $$$ 1 1 7 , 5 9 3 . 0 0 $$$ 4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 5 - $$ 4 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $$$$ 2 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $$ 2 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $$$$ 6 6 5 . 0 0 $$$$ 6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $S$$ 2 , 5 6 5 . 0 0 $$ 6 , 4 3 5 . 0 0 5 8 , 8 3 5 . 0 0 S - S - S - $ 4 8 0 . 0 0 $$$$ 4 0 . 0 0 $$$ 2 7 5 . 0 0 2 , 6 0 4 . 0 0 ( 2 6 0 4 . 0 0 ) C o n t r a c t N u m b e r : C l o s i n g D a t e : 1 0 / 1 3 / 2 0 1 5 $ 2 4 8 , 1 3 9 . 2 9 1 , 1 5 1 . 7 1 $ 9 , 2 8 8 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 8 9 , 2 7 1 . 0 0 2 , 3 3 3 . 0 0 $ 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 ScheduleA001.MOBILIZATION002.PROJECTTEMPORARYTRAFFICCONTROL ItemDescriptionUnitEst.UnitCo n t r a c t e d 8 / 2 0 8 / 2 1 9 / 1 1 9 / 1 6 1 0 / 1 2 1 0 / 1 3 P r e v i o u s P r e v i o u s T h i s T h i s T o t a l T o t a l No.QuantityPnce A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t C A G - 1 5 - 0 8 1 0 . 0 0 TonTonSq.Yd.$8.00Sq.Yd.16,799.00$7.00Cu.Yd80.00$50.00Cu.Yd90.00$50.00Cu.Yd40.00$50.00Ton50.00$40.00Sq.Yd.266.00$2.50Ton200.00$30.00 2 , 3 3 3 . 0 0 0 5 5 1 . 7 1 6 0 0 . 0 0 8 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 7 0 . 0 0 5 4 . 0 0 1 4 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 6 4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 0 3 . 4 7 $ 2 8 , 8 2 9 . 6 5 7 0 . 0 0 4 1 7 . 2 7 $ 3 5 , 4 6 7 . 9 5 0 . 0 0 2 9 8 9 . 6 3 1 1 6 1 . 0 0 1 2 7 5 3 . 0 0 2 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 . 0 0 $ 8 5 5 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 9 . 0 0 $ 9 , 4 0 5 . 0 0 8 . 0 0 3 1 . 0 0 $ 8 , 8 3 5 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 4 0 7 . 0 0 $ 8 , 1 4 0 . 0 0 1 0 8 . 0 0 4 9 . 0 0 $ 9 8 0 . 0 0 2 8 . 0 0 014.ADJUSTMONUMENT015.ADJUSTMANHOLE016.ADJUSTWATERVALVE $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 6 , 6 5 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 9 5 , 5 9 1 . 9 3 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 1 6 , 3 3 1 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 3 , 9 6 0 . 0 0 $ 2 8 5 . 0 0 $ 2 , 1 6 0 . 0 0 $ 5 6 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 6 4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 7 3 . 4 7 $ 3 5 , 4 7 9 . 6 5 4 1 7 . 2 7 $ 3 5 , 4 6 7 . 9 5 4 , 1 4 1 . 3 4 $ 3 4 3 , 7 3 1 . 2 2 1 , 1 6 1 . 0 0 $ 9 , 2 8 8 . 0 0 1 5 , 0 8 6 . 0 0 $ 1 0 5 , 6 0 2 . 0 0 2 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 S 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 3 . 0 0 $ 8 5 5 . 0 0 2 7 . 0 0 $ 1 3 , 3 6 5 . 0 0 3 2 . 0 0 $ 9 , 1 2 0 . 0 0 5 1 5 . 0 0 $ 1 0 , 3 0 0 . 0 0 7 7 . 0 0 $ 1 , 5 4 0 . 0 0 Each13.00.$495.00Each31.00$285.00Each24.00$20.00Each2.00$20.00 5 4 . 0 0 1 4 . 0 0 019.4’RAISEDPAVEMENTMARKEREach11.00$25.00 1 2 . 0 0 $ 3 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 1 2 . 0 0 $ 3 0 0 . 0 0 A G E N D A I T E M # 5 . f ) C(11CrHnirnH-cHCDzCCniIr-CHICDCCIDID-uCD-I:0CD0rrp CC) a A G E N D A I T E M # 5 . f ) $ 8 9 0 . 0 0 $$$ 1 , 9 5 0 . 0 0 $ ( 9 4 9 . 0 0 ) $$ 2 , 8 7 5 . 0 0 $ 6 . 0 0 0 0 0 $ 4 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 9 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 3 8 . 0 0 $ 2 2 0 . 5 0 $ 2 . 0 4 0 0 0 $$ 2 . 6 3 6 8 6 $$ 4 0 2 . 0 5 $ 2 , 0 0 0 . 7 0 $$$ 2 , 1 3 3 . 5 2 $$ . 2 4 2 . 5 0 $ . 0 5 6 . 0 0 $$ 5 1 2 . 5 0 $ 2 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 Project:2015STREETPATCHANDOVERLAYWITHCURBRAMPSContractor:LakeridciePavinciComoanyLLC.ItemDescription.UnitEst.UnitCo n t r a c t e d 8 / 2 0 8 / 2 1 9 / 1 1 f 9 / 1 6 1 0 / 1 2 1 0 / 1 3 P r e v i o u s P r e v i o u s T h i s T h i s T o t a l T o t a l No.QuantityPrice A m o u n t j [ Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t C o n t r a c t N u m b e r : C l o s i n g D a t e : 2 4 . 0 0 1 0 / 1 3 / 2 0 1 5 C A G - 1 5 - 0 8 1 020.THERMOPLASTICSTOPBAR18’WIDE021.4”WHITEEDGEOFROADLINE(FOG)021dad4”WHITEEDGEOFFIOADLINE(FOG)-correction022.RETROFITTRUNCADEDDOMESEXISTINGCURBRAMPS023.CURBRAMP,CEMENTCONCRETESTANDARDPLANF-40.15-02SEESPECIALPROVISIONS8-14.4024.CURBRAMP,CEMENTCONCRETESTANDARDPLANF-40.12-02SEESPECIALPROVISIONS8-14.4025.CURBRAMP,CEMENTCONCRETESTANDARDPLANF-40.16-02SEESPECIALPROVISIONS8-14.4026.SAWCUTCONCRETE4”-6”027.SAWCUTASPHALT4-6”028.REMOVECONCRETECURBANDGUTTER029.REMOVECONCRETESIDEWALK030.REMOVEASPHALT031.CEMENTCONC.TRAFFICCURBANDGUTTER032.CEMENTCONCRETESIDEWALK033.TOPSOILTYPEA034.INSTALLSOD035.INSTALLBEAUTYBARK036.EROSIONANDSEDIMENTCONTROL037.FINISHANDCLEANUP038.2”GRINDAND2”OVERLAY(CO1)SUBTOTALScheduleA Lin.Ft.89.00$10.00Lin.Ft.1,300.00$1.50Lin.Ft.1,300.00($0.73)Sq.Ft.50.00$57.50Each5.00$3,200.00Each9.00$5,000.00Each2.00$4,800.00Lin.Ft.68.00$3.50Lin.Ft.63.00$3.50Lin.Ft.60.00$34.00Sq.Yd.42.53$62.00Sq.Yd.7.31$55.00Lin.Ft.57.00$35.10Sq.Yd.37.99$56.16Cu.Yd4.97$250.00Sq.Yd.26.40$40.00Cu.Yd2.05$250.00LumpSum1.00$2,800.00LumpSum1.00$2,800.00LumpSum1.00$39,000.00 8 4 . 0 0 1 2 7 4 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 5 . 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 2 . 0 0 8 5 . 0 0 6 3 . 0 0 8 5 . 0 0 7 4 . 3 3 5 . 5 4 5 7 . 0 0 4 8 . 5 6 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 8 4 0 . 0 0 4 8 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 1 1 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 , 2 7 4 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 9 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 9 7 . 5 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 2 0 . 5 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 8 9 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 4 , 6 0 8 . 4 6 0 . 0 0 $ 3 0 4 . 7 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 0 0 0 . 7 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 7 2 7 . 1 3 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 ( 1 . 0 0 ) $ 4 8 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 ( $ 9 3 0 . 0 2 ) $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 ( $ 3 9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 ) 1 3 2 . 0 0 $ 1 , 3 2 0 . 0 0 1 , 2 7 4 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 1 1 . 0 0 1 , 2 7 4 . 0 0 ( $ 9 3 0 . 0 2 ) 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 5 . 0 0 $ 1 6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 2 . 0 0 $ 9 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 8 5 . 0 0 $ 2 9 7 . 5 0 6 3 . 0 0 $ 2 2 0 . 5 0 8 5 . 0 0 $ 2 , 8 9 0 . 0 0 7 4 . 3 3 $ 4 , 6 0 8 . 4 6 5 . 5 4 $ 3 0 4 . 7 0 5 7 . 0 0 $ 2 , 0 0 0 . 7 0 4 8 . 5 6 $ 2 , 7 2 7 . 1 3 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 2 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 2 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $7 3 6 , 3 5 2 . 6 3 $ 6 9 0 , 5 1 0 . 8 8 T o t a l S c h e d u l e A $ 8 6 0 8 7 . 9 1 $ 7 7 6 , 5 9 8 . 7 9 A G E N D A I T E M # 5 . f ) Project:2015STREETPATCHANDOVERLAYWITHCURBRAMPS003.HMACL.1/2IN.PG64-22FOR2’OVERLAY004.HMACL.1/2IN.PG64-22FOR4”FULLSTREETPATCH005.REMOVINGASPHALTCONCRETEPAVEMENTBYCOLDPLANING006.REMOVINGASPHALTCONCRETEPAVEMENT(BYCOLDPLANING4”)FORFULLSTREETPATCHANDMISCPATCHES010.4”RAISEDPAVEMENTMARKERTYPE1,YELLOW011.4”RAISEDPAVEMENTMARKERTYPE2d,YELLOW012.4”RAISEDPAVEMENTMARKERTYPE2b,BLUE013.4”WHITEEDGEOFROADLINE(FOG)ISUBTOTALScheduleB9.5%SalesTaxTotalScheduleB $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $5 - $ 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $$$ 1 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $$$S 2 6 , 5 6 8 . 0 0 $5 - $$ 5 , 1 0 0 . 0 0 S - $ 2 , 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 8 8 0 . 0 0 $$$ . 9 8 0 . 0 0 $$$ 8 5 5 . 0 0 $$$ . 3 6 8 . 0 0 $ 1 5 2 . 0 0 $ 2 5 . 0 0 $ 5 7 6 . 0 0 $ 1 , 4 0 0 0 0 $$ 1 , 4 0 0 0 0 C o n t r a c t N u m b e r : C l o s i n g D a t e : 1 0 / 1 3 / 2 0 1 5 ScheduleB-SEWERENGINEERING001.MOBILIZATION002.PROJECTTEMPORARYTRAFFICCONTROL Contractor:LakeridgePavingCompanyLLC.ItemDescriptionUnitEst.UnitCon t r a c t e d 8 / 2 0 8 / 2 1 9 / 1 1 9 / 1 6 1 0 / 1 2 1 0 / 1 3 P r e v i o u s P r e v i o u s T h i s T h i s T o t a l T o t a l No.QuantityPrice A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t C A G - 1 5 - 0 8 1 ( 5 1 . 3 0 ) ( 6 9 1 . 0 0 ) 007.CRUSHEDSURFACINGTOPCOURSE008.ADJUSTMANHOLE009.ADJUSTWATERVALVE LumpSum1.00$10,000.00LumpSum1.00$18,000.00Ton110.00$100.00Ton328.00$81.00Sq.Yd.150.00Sq.Yd.1,440.00$8.50Ton80.00$36.00Each4.00$495.00Each3.005285.00Each288.00$4.75Each32.00$4.75Each1.00$25.00Lin.Ft.960.00$0.60LumpSum1.00$1,400.00LumpSum1.00$1,400.00 0 . 5 0 0 . 5 0 1 6 1 . 3 0 8 4 1 . 0 0 2 . 0 0 0 . 5 0 0 . 5 0 0 . 5 0 0 . 0 0 2 8 0 . 8 3 0 . 0 0 1 4 4 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 3 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 2 7 8 . 0 0 3 2 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 9 3 2 . 0 0 0 . 5 0 0 . 5 0 $ 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 5 0 $ 9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 5 0 $ 0 . 0 0 1 1 0 . 0 0 $ 2 2 , 7 4 7 . 2 3 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 1 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 2 , 2 4 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 4 8 5 . 0 0 2 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 3 2 0 . 5 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 5 2 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 5 5 9 . 2 0 0 . 0 0 $ 7 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 5 0 $ 7 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 5 0 $ 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 5 , 1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 9 9 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 7 0 0 . 0 0 $ 7 0 0 . 0 0 014.EROSIONANDSEDIMENTCONTROL015.FINISHANDCLEANUP 1 . 0 0 $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 1 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 2 8 0 . 8 3 $ 2 2 , 7 4 7 . 2 3 1 5 0 . 0 0 $ 5 , 1 0 0 . 0 0 1 , 4 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 2 , 2 4 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 5 . 0 0 $ 2 , 4 7 5 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 2 7 8 . 0 0 $ 1 , 3 2 0 . 5 0 3 2 . 0 0 $ 1 5 2 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 9 3 2 . 0 0 $ 5 5 9 . 2 0 1 . 0 0 $ 1 , 4 0 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 1 , 4 0 0 . 0 0 $ 9 3 , 5 4 4 . 0 0 S 5 3 , 9 0 3 . 9 3 T o t a l S c h e d u l e B $ 3 2 , 4 9 0 . 0 0 $ 8 6 , 3 9 3 . 9 3 $ 8 , 8 8 6 . 6 8 $ 5 , 1 2 0 . 8 7 9 . 5 % S a l e s T a x $ 3 , 0 8 6 . 5 5 $ 8 , 2 0 7 . 4 2 $10 2 , 4 3 0 . 6 8 $ 5 9 , 0 2 4 . 8 0 T o t a l S c h e d u l e B $ 3 5 , 5 7 6 . 5 5 $ 9 4 , 6 0 1 . 3 5 A G E N D A I T E M # 5 . f ) Project:2015STREETPATCHANDOVERLAYWITHCURBRAMPSItemDescriptionUnitEat.UnitCo n t r a c t e d 8 / 2 0 8 / 2 1 9 / 1 1 9 / 1 6 1 0 / 1 2 1 0 / 1 3 P r e v i o u s P r e v i o u s T h i s T h i s T o t a l T o t a l No.QuantityPrice A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t ScheduleC-TRANSPORTATIONENGINEERING001.MOBILIZATIONLumpSum1.00$3,600.00$ 3 , 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 2 5 1 . 0 0 $ 3 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 3 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 $$002.PROJECTTEMPORARYTRAFFICCONTROLLumpSum1.00$9,200.00$ 9 . 2 0 0 0 0 0 . 2 5 1 . 0 0 $ 9 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 9 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 $003.HMACL.1/2IN.PG64-22Ton56.00$92.50$ 5 , 1 8 0 . 0 0 4 0 . 7 8 $ 3 , 7 7 2 . 1 5 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 4 0 . 7 8 $ 3 , 7 7 2 . 1 5 FOR3”OVERLAY$ - 004.REMOVINGASPHALTCONCRETEPAVEMENTSq.Yd.360.00$17.50$ 6 . 3 0 0 0 0 3 6 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 3 6 0 . 0 0 $ 6 , 3 0 0 . 0 0 3 6 0 . 0 0 $ 6 , 3 0 0 . 0 0 BYCOLDPLANING3”FORHALFSTREET$ - $005.REMOVECONCRETESIDEWALKSq.Yd.50.00$53.00$ 2 , 6 5 0 . 0 0 5 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 5 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 6 5 0 . 0 0 5 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 6 5 0 . 0 0 $$006.CEMENTCONCRETESIDEWALKSq.Yd.50.00$56.16$ 2 , 8 0 8 0 0 5 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 5 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 8 0 8 . 0 0 5 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 8 0 8 . 0 0 $007.4”RAISEDPAVEMENTMARKEREach28.00$20.00$ 5 6 0 . 0 0 2 8 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 2 8 . 0 0 $ 5 6 0 . 0 0 2 8 . 0 0 $ 5 6 0 . 0 0 TYPE1,YELLOW$ - $$008.4”RAISEDPAVEMENTMARKEREach4.00$20.00$ 8 0 . 0 0 4 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 4 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 4 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 TYPE2dYELLOW$ - $$009.EROSIONANDSEDIMENTCONTROLLumpSum1.00$700.00$ 7 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 2 5 1 . 0 0 $ 7 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 7 0 0 . 0 0 $$010.FINISHANDCLEANUPLumpSum1.00$700.00$ 7 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 2 5 1 . 0 0 $ 7 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 7 0 0 . 0 0 ISUBTOTALScheduleCCOlLIBRARYDRIVEWAYScheduleA038.2’GRINDAND2”OVERLAYTotalCOl$ 3 9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 C02Addthree(3)streetsectionsScheduleA005.007.TotalC02C03Grindandoverlayunanticipatedexistin8bermScheduleB003.HMACL.1/2INPG64-22FOR2”OVERLAY005.RemovingAsphaltConcretePavementbyColdPlaningTotalCO3WashingtonStateSalesTax(9.5%,notincludingbiditem):TotalthisChangeOrder(SubtotalPlusSalesTax):TON515.05SY2604.00TONSY 5 1 5 . 0 5 2 6 0 4 . 0 0 5 1 . 3 0 6 9 1 . 0 0 5 1 5 . 0 5 2 , 6 0 4 . 0 0 $ 4 2 , 7 4 9 . 1 5 $ 1 8 , 2 2 8 . 0 0 $ 6 0 , 9 7 7 . 1 5 $ 5 , 1 3 0 . 0 0 $ 2 3 , 4 9 4 . 0 0 $ 2 8 , 6 2 4 . 0 0 $ 2 , 7 1 9 . 2 8 $ 3 1 , 3 4 3 . 2 8 $ 4 2 , 7 4 9 . 1 5 $ 1 8 , 2 2 8 . 0 0 $ 6 0 , 9 7 7 . 1 5 5 1 . 3 0 $ 5 , 1 3 0 . 0 0 6 9 1 . 0 0 $ 2 3 , 4 9 4 . 0 0 $ 2 8 , 6 2 4 . 0 0 $ 2 , 7 1 9 . 2 8 $ 3 1 , 3 4 3 . 2 8 C04DeductStranderworkScheduleC004.RemovingAsphaltConcretePavementbyColdPlaning3”for1/2st.I Contractor:LakeridgePavingCompanyLLC. C o n t r a c t N u m b e r : C l o s i n g D a t e : 1 0 / 1 3 / 2 0 1 5 C A G - 1 5 - 0 8 1 SUBTOTALBEFORECHANGEORDERSCHANGEORDERSGRANDTOTALINCL.CHANGEORDERS $ 3 1 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 $8 7 0 , 5 6 1 . 3 1 $1 1 8 , 9 2 2 . 4 3 $9 8 9 , 4 8 3 . 7 4 LumpSum1.00$39,000.00HMACL.1/2INPG64-22OVERLAY4”FULLSTREETPATCHRemovingAsphaltConcretePavementbyColdPlaning I I I I $83.00$ 4 2 , 7 4 9 . 1 3 $7.00$ 1 8 . 2 2 8 , 0 0 $ 6 0 , 9 7 7 . 1 5 1 . 0 0 $ 3 0 , 3 7 0 . 1 5 ’ $ 1 7 , 9 7 2 . 1 5 T o t a l S c h e d u l e C $ 1 2 , 3 9 8 . 0 0 $ 7 6 7 , 5 0 7 . 8 3 T o t a l S c h e d u l e ( A , B , C ) $ 1 3 4 , 0 6 2 . 4 6 $ 9 0 1 , 5 7 0 . 2 9 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 8 , 9 2 2 . 4 3 $ 1 1 8 , 9 2 2 . 4 3 $ 7 6 7 , 5 0 7 . 8 3 $ 2 5 2 , 9 8 4 . 8 9 $ 1 , 0 2 0 , 4 9 2 . 7 2 $ 3 9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 $ 3 9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 3 9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 51.30$100.00$ 5 , 1 3 0 . 5 0 691.00$34.00$ 2 3 , 4 9 4 . 0 0 $ 2 8 , 6 2 4 . 0 0 $ 2 , 7 1 9 . 2 8 $ 3 1 , 3 4 3 . 2 8 SY(360.00)$17.50$ ( 6 , 3 0 0 . 0 0 ) 1 1 I I I 5 1 5 . 0 5 2 , 6 0 4 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ $ 5 1 . 3 0 6 9 1 . 0 0 I ( $ 6 , 3 0 0 . 0 0 ) I ( $ 6 , 3 0 0 . 0 0 ) I ( 3 6 0 . 0 0 ) I I - 3 6 0 . 0 0 3 6 0 . 0 0 A G E N D A I T E M # 5 . f ) Project:2015STREETPATCHANDOVERLAYWITHCURBRAMPS005.REMOVECONCRETESIDEWALK006.CEMENTCONCRETESIDEWALK007.4’RAISEDPAVEMENTMARKERTYPE1,YELLOW008.4’RAISEDPAVEMENTMARKERTYPE2dYELLOWTotalC04 SY(50.00)$53.00$ ( 2 . 6 5 0 . 0 0 ) 1 SY(50.00)$56.16$ ( 2 , 8 0 8 . 0 0 ) Each(28.00)$20.00$ ( 5 6 0 . 0 0 ) Each(4.00)$20.00$ ( 8 0 . 0 0 ) ($ 1 2 , 3 9 8 . 0 0 ) ( 5 0 . 0 0 ) ( 5 0 . 0 0 ) ( 2 8 . 0 0 ) ( 4 . 0 0 ) C o n t r a c t N u m b e r : C l o s i n g D a t e : 1 0 / 1 3 / 2 0 1 5 Contractor:ProjectManager:ApprovedBy: D a t e : / / , J D a t e : 1 / — D a t e : D a t e : Contractor:LakeridciePavinciComijanvLLC.ItemDescription-.-UnitEst.UnitCo n t r a c t e d 8 / 2 0 8 / 2 1 9 / 1 1 9 / 1 6 1 0 / 1 2 1 0 / 1 3 P r e v i o u s P r e v i o u s T h i s T h i s T o t a l T o t a l No.QuantityPrice A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t Q u a n t i t y A m o u n t I I I I C A G - 1 5 - 0 8 1 - 5 0 . 0 0 - 5 0 . 0 0 - 2 8 . 0 0 - 4 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 ( $ 2 , 6 5 0 . 0 0 ) ( $ 2 , 8 0 8 . 0 0 ) ( $ 5 6 0 . 0 0 ) ( $ 8 0 . 0 0 ) ( $ 1 2 , 3 9 8 . 0 0 ) 5 0 . 0 0 5 0 . 0 0 2 8 . 0 0 4 . 0 0 ( $ 2 , 6 5 0 . 0 0 ) ( $ 2 , 8 0 8 . 0 0 ) I ( $ 5 6 0 . 0 0 ) ( $ 8 0 . 0 0 ) I ( $ 1 2 , 3 9 8 . 0 0 ) ApprovedBy: A G E N D A I T E M # 5 . f )   1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON  KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25    CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. ________  KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. ________      A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AND THE  BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO.  25, AMENDING CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. 4271 AND KING COUNTY  FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. 394‐16, DIRECTING THE  REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY PLANNING COMMITTEE TO TAKE THOSE ACTIONS  NECESSARY TO PLACE PROPOSITION 1 BEFORE THE VOTERS, INCLUDING THE  PREPARATION OF INFORMATION FOR THE VOTER’S PAMPHLET.    WHEREAS, the City of Renton (“the City”), and King County Fire Protection District No.  25 (“the District”), adopted a joint resolution (“Joint Resolution”) providing for the submission  of Proposition No. 1 on the April 26, 2016 ballot to qualified electors of the City and the District  to approve a plan to form a regional fire protection service authority (the “Renton Regional Fire  Authority”) within the boundaries of the City and the District; and  WHEREAS, the Joint Resolution also adopted the Plan of the Renton Regional Fire  Authority, provided findings, set out the text of Proposition No. 1, authorized continued acts of  the Renton Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee (“Planning Committee”), and assigned  the task of appointing members to a committee to advocate voters’ approval and a committee  to prepare arguments advocating voters’ rejection of the proposition; and  WHEREAS, the Planning Committee has since determined that a voter’s pamphlet  should be prepared; however the Joint Resolution did not direct the Planning Committee to  take the necessary steps to prepare the information for the voter’s pamphlet;  AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. ________  KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. ________    2  NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AND  THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25, DO  HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. Voter’s Pamphlet. The Joint Resolution is hereby amended to authorize  and direct the Planning Committee to take those actions necessary to place the information  regarding Proposition No. 1 in the voter’s pamphlet for the April 26, 2016 election, to have  prepared an explanatory statement and seek statements for and against the proposition.  SECTION II. Severability.  If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or  phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision  shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution.  SECTION III. Ratification.  Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the  effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed.  SECTION IV. Effective Date.  This resolution shall take effect and be in force  immediately upon its passage.  SECTION V. Triplicate Originals.  Three originals of this resolution are signed by the  City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25.    PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this ______ day of _____________________, 2016.               ________________________________         Jason A. Seth, City Clerk            AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. ________  KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. ________    3  APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this ______ day of _____________________, 2016.               _________________________________         Denis Law, Mayor     ADOPTED by the Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 25,  King County, Washington, at a regular open public meeting of such Board on the ________ day  of _____________________, 2016, the below commissioners being present and voting.             ______________________________         COMMISSIONER             ______________________________         COMMISSIONER             ______________________________         COMMISSIONER             ______________________________         KCFPD No. 25 SECRETARY           Approved as to form:           Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney  RES.1688:1/21/16:scr      AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) 1  CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON    ORDINANCE NO. ________    AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, VACATING A  PORTION OF RIGHT‐OF‐WAY IN THE VICINITY OF 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH  (VAC 15‐004).    WHEREAS, a proper petition for vacating a portion of right‐of‐way in the vicinity of 200  Mill Avenue South, was filed with the City Clerk on or about November 12, 2015, and that  petition was signed by 100% of the owners of the property abutting upon the portion of right‐of‐ way to be vacated; and      WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution No. 4273, passed on January 4, 2016, set  January 25, 2016, at the hour of 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the City of Renton as  the time and place for a public hearing on this matter; and the City Clerk having given proper  notice of this hearing as provided by law, and all persons having been heard who appeared to  testify in favor or in opposition on this matter, and the City Council having considered all  information and arguments presented to it; and   WHEREAS, the Administrator of the Public Works Department has considered this  petition for vacation, and has found it to be in the public interest and for the public benefit, and  that no injury or damage to any person or properties will result from this vacation;  NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES  ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:  SECTION I. The following described portion of right‐of‐way in the vicinity of 200 Mill  Avenue South to wit:  AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) ORDINANCE NO. ________  2  See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth  herein    is hereby vacated.  SECTION II.  As this is a City of Renton initiated street vacation, the City Council  hereby elects to waive all fees and compensation.     SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5)  days after publication.   A certified copy of this ordinance shall be filed with the King County Recorder’s Office,  and as otherwise provided by law.  PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this _______ day of ___________________, 2016.                        Jason A. Seth, City Clerk      APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this _______ day of _______________________, 2016.                        Denis Law, Mayor    Approved as to form:             Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney  Date of Publication:      ORD.1911:1/28/16:scr  AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) ORDINANCE NO. ________  3  EXHBIT A         AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) ORDINANCE NO. ________  4    AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) C I T Y O F R E N T O N , W A S H I N G T O N O R D I N A N C E N O . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A N O R D I N A N C E O F T H E C I T Y O F R E N T O N , W A S H I N G T O N , E S T A B L I S H I N G A N A S S E S S M E N T D I S T R I C T F O R S A N I T A R Y S E W E R S E R V I C E F O R P R O P E R T I E S A D J A C E N T T O S E 1 6 5 t h S T R E E T , A N D E S T A B L I S H I N G T H E A M O U N T O F T H E C H A R G E U P O N C O N N E C T I O N T O T H E F A C I L I T I E S . T H E C I T Y C O U N C I L O F T H E C I T Y O F R E N T O N , W A S H I N G T O N , D O E S O R D A I N A S F O L L O W S : S E C T I O N I . T h e r e i s h e r e b y c r e a t e d a S a n i t a r y S e w e r S e r v i c e S p e c i a l A s s e s s m e n t D i s t r i c t f o r t h e a r e a s e r v e d b y t h e S E 1 6 5 t h S t r e e t S a n i t a r y S e w e r E x t e n s i o n p r o j e c t i n t h e s o u t h e a s t q u a d r a n t o f t h e C i t y o f R e n t o n , w h i c h a r e a i s m o r e p a r t i c u l a r l y d e s c r i b e d i n E x h i b i t “ A ” a t t a c h e d h e r e t o . A m a p o f t h e s e r v i c e a r e a i s a t t a c h e d a s E x h i b i t “ B ” . T h e r e c o r d i n g o f t h i s d o c u m e n t i s t o p r o v i d e n o t i f i c a t i o n o f p o t e n t i a l c o n n e c t i o n a n d i n t e r e s t c h a r g e s . W h i l e t h i s c o n n e c t i o n c h a r g e m a y b e p a i d a t a n y t i m e , t h e C i t y d o e s n o t r e q u i r e p a y m e n t u n t i l s u c h t i m e a s t h e p a r c e l i s c o n n e c t e d t o a n d , t h u s , b e n e f i t i n g f r o m t h e s e w e r f a c i l i t i e s . T h e p r o p e r t y m a y b e s o l d o r i n a n y o t h e r w a y c h a n g e h a n d s w i t h o u t t r i g g e r i n g t h e r e q u i r e m e n t , b y t h e C i t y , o f p a y m e n t o f t h e c h a r g e s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h i s d i s t r i c t . S E C T I O N I I . P e r s o n s c o n n e c t i n g t o t h e s a n i t a r y s e w e r f a c i l i t i e s i n t h i s S p e c i a l A s s e s s m e n t D i s t r i c t , a n d w h i c h p r o p e r t i e s h a v e n o t b e e n c h a r g e d o r a s s e s s e d w i t h a l l c o s t s o f t h e S E 1 6 5 t h S t r e e t S a n i t a r y S e w e r E x t e n s i o n a s d e t a i l e d i n t h i s o r d i n a n c e , s h a l l p a y , i n a d d i t i o n t o t h e p a y m e n t o f t h e c o n n e c t i o n p e r m i t f e e a n d i n a d d i t i o n t o t h e s y s t e m d e v e l o p m e n t c h a r g e , a p e r u n i t c h a r g e f o r n e w c o n n e c t i o n s o f r e s i d e n t i a l u n i t s i n t h e a m o u n t o f t h i r t e e n t h o u s a n d d o l l a r s ( $ 1 3 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 ) p e r d w e l l i n g u n i t . 1 A G E N D A I T E M # 7 . b ) O R D I N A N C E N O . S E C T I O N I I I . I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e a f o r e s t a t e d c h a r g e s , t h e r e s h a l l b e a c h a r g e o f s e v e n t y - s e v e n o n e h u n d r e d t h s p e r c e n t ( . 7 7 % ) p e r a n n u m a d d e d t o t h e S p e c i a l A s s e s s m e n t D i s t r i c t c h a r g e . T h e i n t e r e s t c h a r g e s h a l l a c c r u e f o r n o m o r e t h a n t e n ( 1 0 ) y e a r s f r o m t h e d a t e t h i s o r d i n a n c e b e c o m e s e f f e c t i v e . I n t e r e s t c h a r g e s w i l l b e s i m p l e i n t e r e s t a n d n o t c o m p o u n d i n t e r e s t . S E C T I O N I V . T h i s o r d i n a n c e i s e f f e c t i v e u p o n i t s p a s s a g e , a p p r o v a l a n d t h i r t y ( 3 0 ) d a y s a f t e r p u b l i c a t i o n . P A S S E D B Y T H E C I T Y C O U N C I L t h i s _ _ _ _ _ _ d a y o f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 2 0 1 5 . J a s o n A . S e t h , C i t y C l e r k A P P R O V E D B Y T H E M A Y O R t h i s _ _ _ _ _ _ d a y o f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 2 0 1 5 . D e n i s L a w , M a y o r A p p r o v e d a s t o f o r m : L a w r e n c e J . W a r r e n , C i t y A t t o r n e y D a t e o f P u b l i c a t i o n : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O R D . 1 8 9 6 : 1 1 / 1 9 / 1 5 : s c r 2 A G E N D A I T E M # 7 . b ) C I T Y O F R E N T O N , W A S H I N G T O N O R D I N A N C E N O . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A N O R D I N A N C E O F T H E C I T Y O F R E N T O N , W A S H I N G T O N , R E Q U I R I N G T H E R E C O N S T R U C T I O N A N D R E A L I G N M E N T O F S U N S E T L A N E N E A S A P R E R E Q U I S I T E F O R F U R T H E R P R O P E R T Y D E V E L O P M E N T I N T H E S U N S E T R E V I T A L I Z A T I O N A R E A A L O N G W I T H T H E R E A L I G N M E N T , O V E R S I Z I N G A N D A D D I T I O N O F N E C E S S A R Y U T I L I T I E S . W H E R E A S , t h e C i t y C o u n c i l h a s a p p r o v e d t h e S u n s e t R e v i t a l i z a t i o n A r e a P l a n ( “ P l a n ” ) ; a n d W H E R E A S , t h a t P l a n a n t i c i p a t e s a s u b s t a n t i a l i n c r e a s e i n d e n s i t y o f r e s i d e n t i a l s t r u c t u r e s , t h e s i z e a n d l o c a t i o n o f w h i c h n e c e s s i t a t e t h e r e c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d r e a l i g n m e n t o f S u n s e t L a n e N E , a s w e l l a s r e a l i g n i n g , o v e r s i z i n g a n d a d d i n g u t i l i t i e s n e c e s s a r y t o s u p p o r t t h e i n c r e a s e d d e n s i t y ; a n d W H E R E A S , t h e C i t y h a s t a k e n s u b s t a n t i a l p r e l i m i n a r y s t e p s t o a c h i e v e t h e P l a n , i n c l u d i n g e x t e n s i v e c l o s e d a n d p e n d i n g r e a l p r o p e r t y p u r c h a s e s a n d s a l e s a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n o f a l i b r a r y f o r t h e K i n g C o u n t y L i b r a r y S y s t e m ; a n d W H E R E A S , t o a c h i e v e t h e g o a l s o f t h e P l a n i t s o o n w i l l b e n e c e s s a r y t o b e g i n t h e r e q u i r e d r o a d w o r k a n d u t i l i t y w o r k ; N O W , T H E R E F O R E , T H E C I T Y C O U N C I L O F T H E C I T Y O F R E N T O N , W A S H I N G T O N , D O E S O R D A I N A S F O L L O W S : S E C T I O N I . T h e a b o v e f i n d i n g s a r e f o u n d t o b e t r u e a n d c o r r e c t i n a l l r e s p e c t s . S E C T I O N I l . T o a c h i e v e t h e f u r t h e r p r o p e r t y d e v e l o p m e n t a n t i c i p a t e d i n t h e P l a n , i t i s a p r e r e q u i s i t e t h a t S u n s e t L a n e N E b e r e c o n s t r u c t e d a n d r e a l i g n e d a n d t h a t t h e u t i l i t i e s t o s e r v e s u c h f u r t h e r p r o p e r t y d e v e l o p m e n t m u s t b e r e a l i g n e d , o v e r s i z e d a n d a d d e d . 1 A G E N D A I T E M # 7 . a ) O R D I N A N C E N O . S E C T I O N I I I . T h i s o r d i n a n c e s h a l l b e e f f e c t i v e u p o n i t s p a s s a g e , a p p r o v a l , a n d f i v e ( 5 ) d a y s a f t e r p u b l i c a t i o n . P A S S E D B Y T H E C I T Y C O U N C I L t h i s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d a y o f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 2 0 1 6 . J a s o n A . S e t h , C i t y C l e r k A P P R O V E D B Y T H E M A Y O R t h i s _ _ _ _ _ _ d a y o f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 2 0 1 6 . D e n i s L a w , M a y o r A p p r o v e d a s t o f o r m : L a w r e n c e J . W a r r e n , C i t y A t t o r n e y D a t e o f P u b l i c a t i o n : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O R D : 1 8 9 $ : 1 / 4 / 1 6 : s c r 2 A G E N D A I T E M # 7 . a ) �_ EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT ,'������,/�' CITY OF � Rentan � M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 1, 2016 TO: Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council FROM: Denis law, Mayor Jay Covington, Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Administrative Report In addition to our day-to-day activities,the following are some items worthy of note for this week: • Help us prevent local residential street flooding by monitoring catch basins near your home and keeping them clear of leaves and other debris. Street sweepers are dispatched daily to clean up debris along major arterials. During snow and ice events, sanders and snow plows are dispatched to keep major arterials drivable, Deicer is applied to major arterials as needed if weather conditions permit. Do not park or abandon your vehicle within any portion of the traffic lanes. Abandoned vehicles impair snow and ice removal and impact response of emergency vehicles. • The Renton History Museum, Renton Municipal Arts Commission, and the Department of Community and Economic Development have collaborated on three new art and heritage displays recently installed in downtown Renton: 1. The museum's teen advisory council,the RenTeens, researched, wrote, and designed an exhibit on "Renton's Changing Identity" for the vacant storefront at 306 Williams Avenue South. 2. The Renton Municipal Arts Commission commissioned and installed an "Art Garden" in a vacant landscape strip at the Wells Avenue entrance to the downtown post office. 3. The traffic signal cabinet at South Third Street and Williams Avenue South has a new wrap of historic photos from the museum's collection, depicting the corner's past Iook. We invite the public to enjoy these new additions to the Downtown, a center of arts and history in the Renton community. • Fifteen City staff attended the Red Cross Shelter Operations Training on January 21st. This included staff from Community Services, Courts, Human Resources, Renton Police Department, and Emergency Management. American Red Cross of Seattle provides this class for agencies who open emergency shelters where the Red Cross may or may not come in and operate them. This training included a "mock" situation for sheltering. City facilities that are designated shelters are: Renton Community Center, Highlands Neighborhood Center, and Renton 5enior Activity Center. The Community Services/Recreation Division has four staff that are trained shelter managers. Randy Corman,Council President Members of Renton City Council February 1,2016 Page 2 • Six Community Services staff attended Washington Parks and Recreation Risk Management School on January 27th and 28th. The purpose of this school is to educate professionals on best practices in risk management for parks, playgrounds, and recreation programs. Topics included: volunteer management, public records, homelessness, active shooter awareness, signage, contract language, drowning prevention, and risk management in your facilities. • Preventative street maintenance, traffic impact projects, and road closures will be at the following locations: f Monday, February 1st through Friday, February Sth, approximately 8:00 a.m.ta 5:00 p.m. The two west lanes on Main between 2nd and 3rd will be closed for project improvements while the east lanes will be open for traffic flow. Questions may be directed to on-site inspector Pat Miller at 206-794-6162. ✓ Monday, February 1st through Friday, February 5th, approximately 8:00 a.m.to 3:00 p.m. Westbound lane closure on 156th Avenue SE, between SE 144th Street and SE 6th Street, due to installation of utilities. Questions may be directed to Mark Wetherbee at 206-999-1829. ✓ Monday, February 15`through Friday, February 5th, approximately 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Possible curb lane closures on the southwest corner of NE 4th Street and Quvall Avenue NE due to asphalt grind and overlay. Questions may be directed to Mark Wetherbee at 206-999-1829. ✓ Monday, February 1st through Friday, February 5th,approximately 8:00 a.m.to 3:00 p.m. Intermittent northbound lane closure on Garden Avenue N, between N 4th Street and N 6th Street, due to sidewalk construction. Questions may be directed to Patrick DeCaro at 425-207-6013. ✓ Monday, February 1st through Friday, February Sth, approximately 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. Possible lane closures on 5 SSth Street due to installation of power poles for the Talbot and 55th Plat. N 4th St and Garden Ave N, possible curb lane closures due to sidewalk placement and tree removal. Approved traffic control plans have been issued and will be followed during this procedure. Questions can be directed to Ann Fowler at 425-430-7271 or Todd Freih at 425-999-1832. ✓ Monday, February 1st through approximately August 31st. Logan Avenue North between North 6th Street and Airport Way will be closed 24/7 to all southbound traffic during construction of the Logan Ave Improvement Project. Southbound Logan Ave N traffic will be rerouted along Park Ave N to Bronson Way and South 2nd Street. Questions may be directed to James Wilhoit at 425-430-7319 or via email at jwilhoit@rentonwa.gov. For updates visit the project web page at Rentonwa.gov. Agenda Item No.: � RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE DATE: �I� II l!/ PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit , , fJ /�i�r ` , ' �5 - J , I Name: ���/ �t L-L..I I�¢ r�Yt � Name:��� �I�l Address: �t � 1_d¢2�-I�vG i�?7'�J S� Address:��l/ �� L..�l'�1��1`A�v� City: �E1�77� Zip Code:� ���� City:_��-�� Zip Code: �,���� Email: .13c�T,L�� C� �lo L.-�i�'( Email: / �lr� � ,�yy,-1[�_��'r j'j�,�" � Topic: G�S�E � l�17 6-- � Topic: �il/� �yJ�� Y`7 / 'l J �J v Name.�� ��-�"/�.� �A"(��� Name: D � �S Address: �. �'- Address: f v � ��� �- �2 . City: l� ' Code: City: �� Zip Code: -/�5� Email: EmaiL•_m��US��L�"�S�Z�('!I°'Id'fl'►�s'��F�•� � To��U� �G►� �aS''f-.e Ce�n�c?`' Top��: �aS�k, 1'Y1�n�t�►Tlryc�.. 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Email: Topic: Topic: Agenda Item No.: � RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE s J DATE: �/ � � � PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit � .J 5 Name: ��d WGt✓� (1/1 �d/M�V S Ii Name: � �l L" Address: � I�(�> �a�jC��'l ��J� U�' �� Address: �"� City: �K� � Zip Code: 1�4 �f City: �.�f�l� /� Zi ode: (� r /�� EmaiL• �n Gt,�IC((/oL (�� (���.�e1' c—���f��,l�Il� Email: � � Topic: �V 1� (h ���D '� � Topic: S�t.,-!� litJ,�� �/G� � 2 �6 � , � Name:=���I �i�,� '= �,�� tvame: L�'W l S �' � Address:��� G,l �/� —' � Address: �f�1 �a,�� 1�^ � City: ��/l�'T D �t/ Zip Code: ��,[7.J� City: �,,,�,..�,r.� Zip Code: QSrb�f - � Email:�/IJ/ /1/� L.S �T Email: (�u�,�w /11Nn,. t�Y�.� � TOpIC:�'��G�� � ° /Vtt'7'- TOpIC: SOCr-(C� l/�'f� �. �.p � U �/ � n� Name: �.1/.�J'�,���-7 Name: �"` rGlLf�C—� M �/`'Z-�-L�, Address: l�`�' S /�'�L/Ll �l Address: Zb�'� I D�'�`'' fN� Nt City:�.�'�� Zip Code: ��I a L� City: �7G�.L��/v�` Zip Code: ���� / , Email: jCl��jU��2��/.�j V, G4/'�� Emai�: (�I M���LEI�(J G!M� �a� � _" / � Topic: S'OLy� l��S�Gd�I��"� l Topic: „�flZil b fNf�7� /Q �10 l� - l 8 Name: �-� � ��IV/V Name: Address: � � ��0 �[" ��� �' �L Address: / City: �•�.1 ���'�� Zip Code: l �l�7j 3 City: �ode: , Email:��✓1� 2 tr�d1� ��C� �-t21/'.CC Email: / Topic: So�i1) WJk-S�-�' � �= f� Topic: � (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) (Continued from Reverse Side- Page 2) RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit � g � a 13 Name: � Name: /� Address: � / Address: �' City: Zip Code: /� / City: Zip Code: / EmaiL• . / // EmaiL• / Topic: (/ / Topic: / � 10 ' 14 Name: Name: Address: / Address: / City: Zip Cod . City: Zip ode: Email: Email: Topic: / Topic: / / 11 15 Name: Name: Address: / Address: / City: ip Code: City: / Zip Code: Email: Email: / Topic: / Topic: 1 12 16 ' Name: Name: Address: � Address:� City: / Zip Code: City: � Zip Code: Email: ! Email:� Topic: Topic: Agenda Item No.: RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE DATE: � � �� PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit � � � �� / 1 � � 5 Name: �t-- Name: Address• �i�`l. ��� 1 �--„ Address: /� / City: � Zip Code: (�� City: Zip o . Email: �7�'�`��' �tn��..��� Email: Topic: (�� Topic: / .•�r , 2 � Name: /� Name: Address: // Address: � City: Zip Code: City: �Zip Code: Email: Email: / Topic: � Topic: � 3 7 Name: Name: Address: / Address: / City: Zip C e: City: / Zip Code: Email: Email: � Topic: / Topic: / 4 8 Name: Name: Address: / Address:/ City: / Zip Code: City: / Zip Code: Email: / Email:l Topic: � Topic: � (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) (Continued from Reverse Side- Page 2) RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUDIENCE COMMENT SIGN-UP SHEET CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit ,� 0' 9 13 � � Name: / Name: / Address: Address: / 1 / City: Zip Code: / City: Zip Code:/ // EmaiL• /// Email: � Topic: �/ Topic: / 10 14 Name: Name: Address: / Address: � City: Zip Code: / City: Zi Code: Email: � Email: Topic: / Topic: / 11 15 Name: Name: Address: � Address: � City: Zip ode: City: / Zip Code: Email: Email: I Topic: / Topic: / 12 16 Name: Name: Address: / Address: / City: / Zip Code: City: � Zip Code: Email: � Email: / Topic: Topic: COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE �PP COMMITTEE REPORT CI J�/ CO �� ��' , U�tc,l February 1, 2016 ��+�� l� l � Renton Municipal Arts Commission Appointments (lanuary 25, 2016) The Community Services Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to confirm Mayor Law's appointment of Samantha Goetz-Granquist to the youth position on the Renton Municipal Arts Commission for term expiring on December 31, 2018. lr ;' l �� �l,�i. Carol Ann Witschi, Chair P ' ce, Vice Chair � �_' � / Mclrvin, Member cc: Elizabeth Higgins,Senior Planner ��� TRANSPORTATION/AVIATION COMMITTEE C���`�' ��� �Y COMMITTEE REPORT �- ���, �.��.� � / � � February 1, 2016 ��"'�� I Operating Permit and Agreement: Pro-Flight Aviation Inc (January 25, 2016) The Transportation/Aviation Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the Operating Permit and Agreement with Pro-Flight Aviation Inc. for their sublease of the 750 parcel from Renton Gateway Center, LLC. _` __—.� "� Ruth Pe z, Chair � +`�'� !'r � � r� CarorAnn Witschi, Vice Chair �..-�''"�.� ��'� r �,���� _. � Don Persson, Member cc: Heather Ulit,Administrative Secretary Susan Campbell-Hehr,Admin Asst-Airport UTILITIES COMMITTEE APPROVED gY COMMITTEE REPORT CI � C�VNCJL �at� �� � ! February 1, 2016 Establishment of the SE 165th Sanitary Sewer Extension Special Assessment District No. 0048 (December 7, 2015) The Utilities Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the final assessment roll for the SE 165th Sanitary Sewer Extension Special Assessment District No. 0048 and present the ordinance for first reading. The Utilities Committee further recommends that the ordinance be presented for the second and final reading following the 20-day appeal period. / � n Mclrvin, Chair � 1 ��i 1 Ruth Perez,�� 'ce Chair r V � • Caro A n Witschi, Member cc: Lys Hornsby,Utility Systems Director Dave Christensen,Wastewater Utility Manager Michael Benoit,Wastewater Utility Teresa Phelan,Utility Systems Administrative Secretary STAFF RECAP COUNCIL MEETING REFERRALS 2/1/2016 MOTIONS REFERRED TCl ADMINISTRATIGN: None Other Requests: None* MOTIONS REFERRED TO COUNCiI COMMITTEE.: None *The consent agenda items were adapted as presented,with the exception of item S.c.which was removed for separate consideration,and approved as Council Concur. �����... �... -* CI�'Y C►F '.4;�:- °�4 ie M 1 N UTES City Council Regular Meeting 7:OQ PM-Monday, February 1,2016 Council Chambers, 7th Flaor, City Hall–1055 S. Grady Way CALL TQ ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor law called the meeting of the Renton City Council ta order at 7:00 PM and Med the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL _--- ------ -- -- — Councilmembers Present: Randy Carman,Counci) President Ryan Mcirvin Armondo Pavone Ruth Perez pon Perssan Ed Prince Carol Ann Witsch'r ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Denis Law, Mayor Jay Covingtan,Chief Administrative Officer Shane Mofaney,Senior Assistant City Attorney Megan Gregar, Deputy City Gerk Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator �inda Knight,Waste Services Caordinator Deputy Chief Erik Wailgren, Fire & Emergency Services Department Deputy Chief Chad Mici�ael, Fire & Emergency Setvices Department Cammander Karlewicz, Poiice Department ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Jay CQvington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the Gty's recen# progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2Q15 and beyond. Items noted were: • The Renton History Museum, Renton Mtanictpal Arts Commission, and the Department af Community and Ecanomic Development have callaborated on three new art and heritage displays recently installed in downtown Renton: 1. The museum's teen advisory council,the RenTeens, researched,wrote,and designed an exhibit on "Renton's Changing ldentifiy"for the vacant storefront at 306 Williams February 1, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Avenue Sauth. 2. The Rentan Municipal Arts Commission commissioned and installed an "Art Garden" in a vacant landscape strip at the Wells Avenue entrance to the dawntown post affice. 3. The traffic signal cabinet at South Third Street and Williams Avenue South has a new wrap of historic phatos from the museum's collection, depicting the corner's past look. • 15 City staff attended the Red Cross Shelter Operations Training on January 21st. This inciuded staff fram Community Services, Courts, Human Resources, Renton Police Department, and Emergency Management. American Red Cross of Seattle provides this class for agencies who open emergency shelters where the Red Crass may or may not come in and aperate them. This training inciuded a "mock" situation for sheltering. City facilities that are designated sheiters are: Rentan Community Center, Highlands Neighborhood Center, and Renton Senior Activity Center. The Community Services/Recreation Division has four staff that are trained shelter managers. • Preventative street maintenance wiil continue to impact traffic and resuit in occasional street closures. AUDIENCE COMMENT _ • The following individuals addressed Cauncil in suppart of the City signing a Solid Waste Contract with Waste Management: o Tani Nelson, Renton a Brent Camann, Krikland o Michelle Me#zler, Bellevue o Ken Williams, Renton a Reba Haas, Renton o Larry Crim, Renton o Maria delos Santos, Renton o Steve Jones, Renton • Howard McOmber, Renton,thanked Council,the City,and Waste Magement for their efforts in ending homelessness in Renton,and requested further volunteer assistance from the public. • Kevin KeNy,Seattle,addressed Cauncil on behalf of Recology Cleanscapes and discussed the recent Request for Proposal from the City for a Solid Waste Contract and detailed what his organizatian could offer the City to meet its sustainability goals. • Brent Cammon, Kirkland, spoke ta Council in support of Waste Management in regards to the recen# Request for Praposal regarding a Salid Waste Contract. • Lewis Carver,Snoqualmie,Seniar District Manager at Waste Management, addressed Council regarding the recent Soiid Waste Contract Request for Proposals. He introduced a number of Waste Management drivers who were in attendance and also spoke on behatf of the services that they currently provide the residents of Renton. CONSENT AGENQA _._. ttems listed on the consent agenda were adopted with orte motion,fotlowing the listing.At the request of Councilmember Witschi, Consent Agenda item S.c. wos pulled for separate consideratron. a) Approval of the Councii Meeting Minutes of 1J25J2016.Council Concur. February 1, 2016 REGULAR C�UNCIL MEETiNG MINUTES 2 b) Mayor Law appointed Ellen Bradley-Mak as the new Human Resources and Risk Management Administrator at step A of salary grade m49, effective 2/8/2016. Councit Concur. d) City Clerk submitted the quarterly list of fully executed contracts between 10/1/2015 - 12/31/2015, and a report of agreements expiring between 1/1/2016—6/30/2016. None; Information Only. e) Fire & Emergency Services Department recommended adopting a joint resolution to amend joint resolution 4271/394-15 directing the Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee to take those actions necessary to place Proposition No. 1 before the voters, including the preparation of information for the voter's pamphlet. Council Concur. f) Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-15-081, 2015 Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps Project, contractor Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC; and requests approval of the project, release of retainage in the amount of$49,594.78, and approval of the final pay estimate in the amount of$252,984.89, if all required releases are obtained. Council Concur. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA MINUS ITEM S.C. CARRIED. ITEM S.C. -SEPARATE CONSIDERATION c) Mayor Law appointed Marcie Palmer to the Kennydale Neighborhood (Alternate) Position of the Airport Advisory Committee for an unexpired term expiring on 5/7/2017 (position vacated by Mark Hancock). MOVED BY WITSCHI, SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM S.C.AS COUNCIL CONCUR.CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINE55 a) Utilities Committee Chair Mclrvin presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the final assessment roll for the SE 165th St. Sanitary Sewer Extension Special Assessment District No. 0048 and present the ordinance for first reading. The Utilities Committee further recommended that the ordinance be presented for the second and final reading following the 20-day appeal period. MOVED BY MCIRVIN,SECONDED BY PEREZ,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. b) Transportation Committee Chair Perez presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the Operating Permit and Agreement with Pro-Flight Aviation Inc. for their sublease of the 750 parcel from Renton Gateway Center, LLC. MOVED BY PEREZ,SECONDED BY WITSCHI,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION CARRIED. c) Community Services Committee Chair Witschi presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to confirm Mayor Law's appointment of Samantha Goetz-Granquist to the youth position on the Renton Municipal Arts Commission for term expiring on December 31, 2018. MOVED BY WITSCHI,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. February 1, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 3 RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Resolution: a) Resolution No.4275:A joint resolution of the City of Renton, and the Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 25, amending City of Renton Resolution No.4271 and King County Fire Protection District No. 25 Resolution No. 394-16, directing the Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee to take those actions necessary to place proposition 1 before the voters, including the preparation of information for the voter's pamphlet. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Ordinance for first reading: b) Ordinance No. 5784:An ordinance was read vacating a portion of Right-of-Way in the vicinity of 200 Mill Ave.South (VAC-15-004). MOVED BY PEREZ, SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/8/2016. CARRIED. c) Ordinance No. 5785:An ordinance was read establishing an assessment district for sanitary sewer service for properties adjacent to SE 165th Street, and establishing the amount of the charge upon connection to the facilities. MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PEREZ,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING FOLLOWING THE 20-DAY APPEAL PERIOD. CARRIED. Ordinance forsecond and fina!reading: d) Ordinance No. 5783:An ordinance was read requiring the reconstruction and realignment of Sunset Lane NE as a prerequisite for further property development in the Sunset Revitalization Area along with the realignment, oversizing and addition of necessary utilities. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL:ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Please see the attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar. Mayor Law updated Council regarding a concern that was voiced by Bonnie Washington at the last Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PRINCE, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED.TIME: 7:47 P.M. � ,��Z%/ � Jason .Seth,CMC, City Clerk � Megan Gre or, Recorder g Monday, February 1, 2016 February 1, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 4 Council Committee Meeting Calendar February 1, 2016 February 8, 2016 Monday 3:30 PM Public Safety Committee, Chair Pavone - Council Conference Room 1. Emerging Issues in Public Safety 4:30 PM Finance Committee, Chair Persson - Council Conference Room 1. Vouchers 2. Sunset View Apartments - Utility Billing Adjustment Request 3. Emerging Issues in Finance 5:30 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Corman - Council Chambers 1 . Abandoned Shopping Cart Enforcement 2. Solid Waste Responses to Request for Proposal FEB 1, 2016 - CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING - MOTION SHEET ,��nda �en+da�5�ctior► �. "fitle/ltem Motion S#aff Canta�t tr�terested Parties .�.CI'�M����.�k ..j.. , . . . ' � . .. ' ' . . . , . , ' . ... , ,.. . . . � . , . .. .. . 5.a) CONSENT Approval of the Council Meeting Minutes of 1/25/2016. Council Concur Jason Seth Megan Gregor AGENDA 5.b) CONSENT Mayor Law appoints Ellen Bradley-Mak as the new Human Council Concur April Alexander Nancy Carlson AGENDA Resources and Risk Management Administrator at step A of Mary Ann salary grade m49, effective 2/8/2016. Coleman 5.d) CONSENT City Clerk submits the quarterly list of fully executed None; Information Jason Seth Cindy Moya AGENDA contracts between 10/1/2015- 12/31/2015,and a report of Only agreements expiring between 1/1/2016—6/30/2016. 5.e) CONSENT Fire&Emergency Services Department recommends Council Concur Chad Michael Jason Seth AGENDA adopting a joint resolution to amend joint resolution Iwen Wang 4271/394-16 directing the Regional Fire Authority Planning Megan Gregor Committee to take those actions necessary to place Proposition No. 1 before the voters, including the preparation of information for the voter's pamphlet. 5.f) CONSENT Transportation Systems Division submits CAG-15-081, 2015 Council Concur Jayson Grant Heather Ulit AGENDA Street Patch and Overlay with Curb Ramps Project, Linda Moschetti contractor Lakeridge Paving Company, LLC;and requests approval of the project, release of retainage in the amount of$49,594.78,and approval of the final pay estimate in the amount of$252,984.89, if all required releases are obtained. 5.c) SEPARATE Mayor Law appoints Marcie Palmer to the Kennydale April Alexander Susan Campbell- CONSIDERATION Neighborhood (Alternate) Position of the Airport Advisory �^-••�^^��^�-��••^^ Hehr Committee for an unexpired term expiring on 5/7/2017 Council Concur Sandi Weir (position vacated by Mark Hancock). _.,�--� 5 NornSbY M`k��e�o�t �aVe�htiste�s�� i1 Cancur .�eCesa Pheian �ourc ented a r�p�� the �n Pres a PCOve mrn�ttee�ha'r Md�endat�on tO SeWer E 165th`'anita Q$a�d present thQ sta{f re��m uti1�ties e� e in the 5 0 �4 SUsan�am'Pbe\�- e F\N�SNE� �On�urr m�nt CO"{essrrent DistrictU\it�es��mm�tt�for �o�atha�W�lson He�r �N E55 fina�as5ess ec�a1 ASS din�• The be presente ea1 er U\it 6.a1 BVS�N �Xte ord�+�an e foe���s tnat the oil�o`N�g the 2�_da�l ap� Co��`4`�oncar Ne"Won� '�, f rthe Go�d an f�na�read�ng# r�z Prese�t�enaapon tO beth H�gg�ns e E\iza `1 thQC od mm�ttee Cha�r e sta�re�om w�th Pro� ri\A�exander Sandi We�r Tr�,nsp°e�tion con�urr peCm t a�'d Pe o{�he 75�par�ei frO�' CoU�ci\Coh�ur A'P d��� UNE���SNEp re��m�the OPerat�ogtheir sub\eas 5ented a � 6.b1 9US�N�55 aPp�°�Pv�at�on�n�Ce�ter U.C. �ha�r w�tschi pre ���g teway ittee Staff o{ ,Wen Wang Renton Ga Ser�ices�O�"� rren�e��the aPp°'�'�methe �Om�U e omr'�`e�a�ng��{irm MaY°r oUC posit�an�n Q p�,�N,� Chad Michae� �Sa���e,r n \S N E� re P°�'� tio n t o u�st to t h e Y ter m e x P'r�c�g C 1�A�� 6 cl �vS NE55 r ama�ha Gpetza A�a�omr'r`�ssion foK o� CR SO�UTiON AS S MU�iccp of the��tY ��re Renton C 31 201g• t Ceso\ution Qf K�n��OUn�I R�pD• D��embQ N�,42?5�P 1°`Comm�ssioners o�Renton istrict Re5olUtion the�°�rd of amend�ng��tY prate�t�on� Henning d No,25, co�ntY Fire e Re��°na\Fire je�n�fie r Reso�ution� pe otect�ns�istrict a�d K�ng Pmanda pskr� V n ,aso�Seth 1 cting�h actions a 7.al Resotutton N°'���NQ,394-16��'�o take tho5e oters,�n�\ud�ng FERTHE �`�dy Mo 25 Resolut�o mittee 1 before the� t. COVN�1�RE �om h�e r Ren�Qr No. nning �oter s p�mp O�DiNaNCE FOR pete p,Uthor�ty p\a �e proP°S�tio� the �acatir��a p F�NA� 'Eor ne�e55a ar tp°�°f��{�rmordinan�e Wa of 2�M�\1 a�e'S�uth SE��N��,pN pp1N the PreP No 5�g4:An m the v�cin�ty 21$'2p16, �rd��a�of R�ght�°f W a`J Ord4nar+�e f°r p°��On 4�• ?.b} first read�ng� ��AC�15��� 5 Hornsby �enoit Da���hr�sten5en vNU`REFERjHE M�ke �ere5a p a�an an �� ANC'�F�R ���'dY M esta �ng aR �N F1N �- Was�ead b ro'Pert�es pND AN� A ord' e nt 5� �N 4 Np.5'jS5'A�an�taN 5e`Ne��\ishin�the�m�U o{ Ro��WtNGTHE2 � artin esta pAY AppEp� C1ar�ce M an�e for S �a �`, rdiri�n�e��'r O ae Sme�t d,5165th Street,�o he fac�iities• pER���' .�H Ciiff���g �udith Suki , � �ent to SE nnect�on pT E GndY Moya `'� �.cl ftrst rea��ng� h�e�h�rge uPon�O �OVNC�I.A�� N►arCen ORD,NANCE p5 �arrY read req��cingthe Rpl�Cp��� ?$g;Pn°r��n�t a{SU�'Set�ent n the SunSet P`pVES. mance No.� d rea\�gn�' ertY de�e1oP�` t aVersiz�ng prd n� �r na1 Oe sttuction a{U her,�roP th Ceai�gn+�`en , ma e f °n u�s�te{ar � W�th e dl 5e��n�a n d f� pRev�U�atio�o r�eCe�s ry u t i�i t i e s. read� � a�a add�t�o COVNTY �F KING ? w P�, AVIT 4F�pUBL`ICATION STA'T��AFF h�rc,N C1TY OE RRD{NANC� �VOTtCF��Q AD01'TF.D BY THE RENTON �She is the L�g�� c�TY r.o��;vcu, �e tne C NpTICE dul sworn on oath tha ;S a summatY �UB.LI Following ted by thc Rentol. 11f[1��5,being first y ` Ordinance ad�p February Ciry Councit �n Linda NI. resentative of the Np,g783 pclvertis�ng Rep ao�6 �vcE- ORDiNA, �f the Ciry of r pn Ordinance t6p Requirtng n geporte Renton, Washing Reatign- g�nto the Re�onstruction a��,as a pCe_ � er O� ment of Sunset Lane ro e� ae- �� c�� Ti�W S�`months tequisite for i'urtheT the p Sunset S � �T, W]IiC�i ri�Wspa�er �S `� oTe than sax veiopment �Area along with n��r'p j� has been for m e� pUbliShed in Revitalizatinment, Oversizing and a weekly is now and a�ter re�e� tQ' er in ��� the Realig. Utitities. cixcu�ati°�a�� herein neW Spap Addition ot Necessary general �ate of publicatio�usl a week1Y roved as Effective. 2ti0i?016 prior to the Ua�e �antinu y Re orter has been aPP of c�mpiete te�� oe tnt��ydsnwe� the E����sh lang .-�e ge�ton P Court of the State can be f�und on ihe ov ��° erior site at www�entonwa.g t T Washin$ton. or�er of the Sup r�Quest to the City Clerk's o1�ice. ular issues �e5 Wi�� d'S° a L g 1 � for King�°untYannex was P�b1ished in Te� S (4251 430-6514. 40P �d leme�t f°rm) wh�ch �'a` �e mailed for a}ze �lerk �ash�n� eXdctfarm eriod• lasanA.Seth.Ctty Re orter in the 11Ot ln SU�� the below stated p published �n the Rentan P The notice o�eT �and on p ebruary 5.20�6.#1524476. of the Renton K�P ��.ly aistributed t°lts su�scribers dur.n reg� natice, �� �„ublie Notice The annexed �,as published on Pebn'a�`Y 5'2016. ed for said foregO1ng pUb��cation is The full am°unt of the fee charg , the sum�f$�I.'15� �``��\1FtitY`,t���j//��/' .� �,,��j'� - `,` ���" . •�y �� ,• , � �r �,'• ���,.•�,UN Ek,;� i �i��ls Re �esentative�Rent°oRF br�a�S'�2Q16. � .�,;,`' �'F��, :. �: � L,egal A�vertisin�orn to me th's Sth day <<,� No-�PR'� : �+ Subscribec� �n � ' pU��-��' :Q` '`� �` ' ( ton,Resid�ng i��,�.�•. ,<<; ,a�°�:•'\,_��: ��' r the tate of 5hing .. Wa: �,� �,,,. � Public�o � 'f ��F ��t F5 i�`� ' � Ga._,___le Gwin,N+�tary �`�����r������'! `- puyallup,�ash�ngton � -� J �." �`t�:J't� �"/�/��, G�[�(�(�ON/�DD FEB O 1 2016 ,�„���° Renton Ciry Councii i11lASTE MANAGEMENT 720 4`"Ave, Suite 400 Kirktand,WA 98033 Mayor Denis Law Councit President Randy Corman Councitmembers Armondo Pavone, Ed Prince, Ruth Perez, Ryan Mcirvin, Don Pe�sson, and Carot Ann Witschi Renton City Hat[ 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 February 1. 2016 Dear Mayor, Council President and Councilmembers: it has been Waste Management's pteasure tv serve the City of Renton for the past 26- years. It is our hope this successfut partnership witl continue. In the recentty completed RFP process, Waste Management: • Provided the lowest price in both rounds of bidding; • Agreed to take over the billing agent relationship for the city (and authored the transitian plan city sta#f used in the RFP); • Expanded its customer service center hours while offering a Renton-specific phone number, and the abitity for residents to pay bilts in the city: • Included in its already lowest pricing the most robust education and outreach pro�ram offered to any city in King County; and • Agreed to every single item in the Best and Final contract praposed by city staff without exception. Inexpticabty, the staff recommendation ignores every singte one of these points and recommends awarding the bid �o Republic Services. What do your residents say about Waste Management?This past year, we asked them for feedback. Here are some of the camments: . "Awesome and need to stay in Renton" - Demetrius Tuckett • "Great service and awesome people" - Burt Janes • "Very professionat and great customer service. Truck#2b519, he is the BEST." - Patty Prtzehler • "�lever miss pick up. Atways honk for the little kids." Anne Danaher • "fverything is picl�ed up on time and by friendly drivers." Gina Sasco • "tove the service that we receive." - Jeanne Seit There are many more comments. With this transmittat, we have included copies of the customer comment cards submitted with our proposat. You witt also find excerpts from the statisticatly vatid survey tonducted by EMC Research in December 2014 that shows overwhelming support to keep Waste Management. For the most up-to-the-moment comments, see our Think Green Renton Facebook pa�e. The Renton communitv's support for Waste Mana�ement is undeniable. fssues with the Staff Report 1. Throughout its report, staff confuses the initial RFP process with the "Best and Finat" process. 2. Surprisingly, staff says Waste Management refused to provide a customer service center in the city. Not true. In the first RFP response, Waste Management pro�sed a specific joint project to create a Reuse and Recyciing Educatian Center in tf�e city operated jointly with Goodwitl Industries. In contrast, Repubtic's RFP had no firm plans for a customer service center. Subsequently, city staff eliminated the local customer service center from the Best and Final contract in an attempt to lower costs. 3. The staff repart ctaims Waste Management refused to meet customer service hours as proposed in the draft contract. Not true. We did not take exception to the Best and Finat contract language regarding extended customer service hours. 4. Staff atso says WM woutd not add resources during the bitting transition and that this was "confirmed during the interview." Not true. At our catl center, sophisticated computer modeting determines the number of staff needed at any time to handte calt volumes, inctuding the increased demand needed during transitions. As we indicated during our interview, we witl provide necessary staff on hand, trained and ready to handte the bitting transition. It is important to nate that for the vast majority of residents, and all but 10 businesses, there witt be no maior service transition issues if the Citv retains Waste Mana�ement. if yau change to Republic, more than 17,500 househotds and over 1,800 commerciat and muttifamily accounts witt require major changes. 5. in the initial bid, Waste Management and Recology both provided contract exceptions as required. Republic Services failed to tist any exceptions, stating, "Repubtic Services has no contract exceptions at this time." Waste Management has not seen a contract implemented in this region without substantive changes, often to rates and to contract terms. Here's the bottom tine: Waste Manauement will meet everv repuirement in the Citv's Best and Finat contract., However, what is most notable (and troubling), is what is not in the staff report. The staff report faits to tetl Councit abaut the snecific and effective education and outreach pro�ram offered by Waste Management. This is the most robust education program we've ever offered to a city in King County and we've attached the section from our RFP to prove it. The program includes: • The WM Think Green Recycting Chailenge: A neighborhood competition that builds recycting ambassadors, increases neighborhood diversion, and provides a cash prize to the winning neighborhood to use for the private non-profit of its choice. it's our signature program and represents a substantiat direct investment in the first five years of the contract. • The WM Ga Green Pop Up�": This innovative marketing toot takes recycting edutation to the places people gather and shop, rather than making them come to you. The pop up provides the opportunity to engage the public in a friendly, retaxed and fun atmosphere, white offering custc�mer service and the ability to drop off some hard to recycte items. • The continuation of aur WM Recycte Corps coltegiate internship program. This program is the first to win the Sotid Waste Association of North America's Gotd Award for both Education and Innovation. in fact, na other program has won both awards. The WM Recycle Corps pragram targets residential, multifamily and commerciat customers with proven programs that move the needle on recycling. Our proposal atso provides for the transition of 4,5� residents from Republic Services to Waste Management with an even greater rate reduction for those residents. Again, we foltowed the requirements of the RFP and priced the service according to the time line stated by the city. Under state taw, Repubtic Services can continue serving those customers at rates set by the Utilities and Transportation Commission for severat more years. Should Republic Services wish to retinquish those customers to Waste Management, we woutd be happy to begin serving them at the beginning of the contract. E�ccelient Customer Service Means Resutts Service is about results. The Mayor and each Councitmember has stated satisfaction with Waste Management's service. The onty issue was price ... and Waste Management delivered the greatest savings. In 2015, the residential recycting rate in Renton was among the top throughout Washington at 68%, In addition, Renton residents produce less waste than any other city in King County, at just 20 pounds per househotd. This is the result of a city committed to waste reduction AND an equally committed service provider. Finatty, the last time we were given the oppartunity to speak to staff about our offering was November 23, 2015. This was before the Best and Finat submission. After receiving WM's Best and Final, staff asked no ctarifying questions nor invited us to make a presentation. Perhaps this is why the staff report misrepresents Waste Management's Best and Final submittat. Awarding a contract of this size is an important decision by the Councit, for the benefit of the entire cammunity. Please take the time to understand the issues and the specific services offered in our proposat. We want to temain your environmental services partner. Sincerely, ,� � ,,. ,,.;-,. ,,. �,�.- _ , ,,';.-L,�,*` ,_,� avid Della is Carver Pubtic Sector Manager Senior District Manager ATTACHMENTS: EMC Research Stides 6 and 8 Section F1, Waste Management RFP Extension of Waste Ma nagement of Renton's Contract ,� � � � � �...d ,. , .�.. � � � � ,. , , . ,. �, , . . ... � ,�, „ ,�� An overt,vhelming��}ar7t�o�`t�ose po��ed t��in�t U'��s����r����r��'�������t�#����c� �e;�-�rr�c�: _ Extend 82% ��. � r � � � ,�, s� ...F � - �_a'�r'F '�'��`.� ,„}Y..� - t & � � ��� � � ' - s� +'"'�-r.�3 �Y' �-�.-}r,'�� � � �� � � - =t, � --t �'-�.t '� X �x-'� � , - �*.�sT� ��, , �-� � __ ����,�`� _ � - . --'�--*r,�--.�'t �`''t �.�'°"ae�'ty �`�' - � ��= ���'�,� � ��x���� � '��a`.�-- - - �:. �'<`'� ��- , «�s� ,� - :� ,, , -�.,�r . �; E ' �x� _ � x'�--�. �'�' 3- -_,�y •� s- e�.� �-�*�-�`� _-. ���r„.� ��n r�.�1-- a�i -� ���.�,� .„�, �t t ,�x"'�� ��� �"` � �. z � -��r .�=#��. i"�-�yy -� '~ �� �-*f��t'# �� c���� ¢ x'� ,t � # -,,�.�����,�� , ��ry q��`k�t .x '' `� � # � -'�.� '�,s�a.'k� - : � �`t � �a' 'x c""� =�,��:'�' �, s- ' � -�' ,�y'��--i�:r�', k -e�� _ � .1 .t�`Ft'.� "� �� - �,.,�,.�+ � � t��r.,r i+ . Not Extend DK/Refused �. 9% 9% ���� ��,�v j�1 j���I��i� h�I� ,'t� t'��`�'a��'''��"�� _j --. _ .� .. .. _ ,_.. : � +� i ��;�ii����� �,, �,�� �����,� ` ��_ �kr �' ' The City has the option to extend Waste Managemenr of Renton's contract for another two years. Do ; :� :- . �,;;,-; you think the City should definitely extend Waste Management's contract, probably extend it, x `o-�.,F,�= ,=_=- :«�_s.o.��..�_ �� probably not extend it, or definitely not extend the contract? �f�:,��;;F,�r�,,;er��;,,,,,F st„�ny€ t Satisfaction with Waste Mana ement ,, � � � � � � W,.,. . . �, � . , � �.. , , �. �� � � ,.��.��� � � �� � � � � . ���, ��� � �, . a,�.� � , � . ,. � �� � ..,. ,., �.�.... �.,r Waste Mant�g�rr��rr��!e��C�s���ng r€�ir��s�or p�ovidrzrg;�ro�����tt���-�����������`����,�at������n�r,����c��� � i-: waste t�nd rec��rng s�r'�t��; �rnc���i�►.l�.gcra����y s�r�v�ce��r�r��R �i�a�-�rr��s�������������s��r������� envirr�n�n�nf�a�%r're���n��1e���rr��ari�r: , Satisfied (4-5) 3/Don't Know Dissatisfied (1-2) ; _ r .` The job Waste Management does providing � � � � -� , ; � professional and dependable service ' ��,�� .-' � • � .....__ _...._.�.,_ , The job Waste Management does providing -� T � good yard waste and recycling services ��.. :.:� • � � . The job Waste Management does providing � high quality service overall • �` � ' , � __ _.�: ; _ _ ... ¢� : x; The job Waste Management does being an � * � ` � , • environmentally responsible company � :. ` ��-:��_., - ;._.._. � - �_.;'� y.-._..._'_ ' . - ' " , '.e_...__ '"'_ __.__ .,. . _ . . _ - .:- . J As you may know, the City of Renton currently contracts with Waste Management of Washington to collect garbage, recycling, yard waste, and food waste from residents and businesses. PJease tell me how satisfied you are `� `� � ,; � . with different aspects of your garbage and recyding services. Use the same scale of 1 to 5 where 2 means you are r��? very dissatisfied and 5 means you are very satisfied. You may use any number from 1 to 5. ,�,¢„�,>:���+r�,,,��,�,�,��,R�,��„�,t, , � -:_�v.{:�� ������I���� � . . . .�_�____,_v.._a.._ ..�_..,._.___._____..._.�__.__..�_.__.___.._.__.__.__.�__._._.______.__.__.�_________.�..._�._.________.._.__._�.__.. ._� .. �(..�..i����:_'i'f�l�"�'1�1�%i.�_d��;..s �fi!LL� ��'i.��:)�i� �i I��"a; l'1`"i<��:I{.r�l'1 - � �". is'?t�1 .�=�#"i�::'i k!�.�fr.�t.tt�! %.ii i�,� {`#.�l������ i�4�.r� ;`i�;;,:f:ir`,+, The City of Renton is a leader in diverting valuable commodities from the waste stream. Our education program aims to increase diversion through education, accessibility, and customer service. We will take recycling to where people are at instead of waiting for them to come to us. Waste Management has entered a partnership with Goodwill to open a Reuse and Recycling Education Center in Renton. It's a storefront location, but what we are selling is the ease of recycling and reuse. In addition, Waste Management education professionals will be onsite to answer Renton service specific questions and to give visitors the information they need. We are identifying site locations for our Reuse and Recycling Education Center within the city and look forward to the opportunity to refine the details of this exciting venture. Our partnership with Goodwill and the city will provide residents with excellent customer service, recycling education, and reuse opportunities for the items they might otherwise have discarded. The Center will include an education and training area where small groups of residents or businesses can learn how to reduce waste and recycle more. The education area will be the perfect backdrop for individuals donating items to Goodwill to stay and tafk with our pubfic education professional team. ft's an opportunity for hands-on learning. We will accept hard to recycle items at the Center.Residents will be able to recycle CFL bulbs,electronics, plastic bags, household items and textiles. For Waste Management customers, we ca� arrange for bulky waste pick-up. We will finalize the list of hard to recycle items during contract transition. Why stop with one contact point for visitors and customers? Waste Management will provide ` ' shoppers in Renton the ability to �.�«.°"x3,.���'� � ��N`� � � ,p� �Sr��.,�,�:M �L:n"` ...,4i� , pop in at a Waste Management w� � Live.Learrr.Pisy.Recycle. '"x�.��._ � "Pop Up" recycling station. Our ��—�-"� ,1_ ��;.��. � ,. new WM Go Green Pop Up is a �; , � ' ,; .?,_. portable, temporary space can be :'�, ��,{i,�� :�';;;,-, transported with ease and that can be configured in several ' �� �� ... �,'� ��'�`f �. , different ways to invite shoppers � ����"} ` "��.� at Renton stores to live a greener . ..:�.���.�.. �` lifestyle. Waste Management will always Think Green and we believe Renton shoppers should have the opportunity to do the same.Our recycling education professional team will spend several weekend a month in various Renton stores. Our partner stores will accommodate the marketing of green lifestyle items they have in weicsrE�aaansAa��mua�c+ax $1�IPlK fiRE�ht." ••.! � . R � •. _. s�`�4 { . �..„ �. ." i � ' R 3 � ' y :mi �l"= 9 ��.i����,� �lf���z:�� l� � �t. si [_I i,=�� �.:�j, a:: -�d'' .. �' �">4 �" �`� �...,� .t� ,� i{:�.. s !� l 1 (r .sit�ri,i.,:rlf . .r stock. Goodwill will be our first partner store and we are actively seeking additional partners to broaden our reach. In doing so, we are acutely aware of Renton's diverse socio-economic structure and wi(I be faoking for a cross-section af Renton's popufation. Goodwill is uniqueiy positioned in this make-up with strong retail numbers across all socio economic lines. Their demographics range from those shopping for a iow cost used item to the"thrill shopper"who is on the hunt for an amazing bargain.Bottom line? We're going to be where folks are, making it easy, convenient and fun to Think Green in Renton. Waste Management knows the importance of neighborhoods to the City of Renton. We already partner with neighborhood organizations as part of our current outreach. So it's a naturai evolution to activate these partnerships in our mobile approach to education and outreach.We're taking it to the streets,meeting people in their community,when and where they are most receptive to learning about sustainability. � The City of Renton is rightly proud of its neighborhoods.The city ' has developed relationships with neighborhood organizations and Waste Management will continue to play a role. Our education and outreach team will present a recycling education seminar to four neighborhood organizations a year. We will attend neighborhood meetings and provide interesting and engaging tips on recycling, composting and waste prevention. f. If the neighborhood chooses, we will host these events at the Reuse and Recycling Donation and Education Center. .`�;4`.'�:, , _ �d,T�3i.[.r��-:�.;,,;�y��..✓;.� � " ^nGa",�:�x�r,.,�. ,��;�. m�,.?' Neighborhood engagement moves to a whole new level in f' Renton with Waste Management's signature program, The --� , �a°� Think Green Recycling Challenges"". The Think Green Recycling Challenge gets neighborhoods engaged and extited about reducing waste and recycling more. Partner organizations in each �eighborhood distribute seasonal waste reduction tips and complete creative outreach activities encouraging residents to shop smart, waste less and recycle more. May the greenest neighborhood win! The competition is route based.At the beginning of the competition,the route's prior waste and recycling tonnage is determined. Over the course of the multi-month competition, neighborhood organizations on the route are offered the opportunity to find ways to encourage more recycling and waste reduction through solutions such as purchasing less wasteful packaging.There is serious money at stake- $25,000 wi{I be awarded annually, $10,000 of which will go to non-profits in the neighborhood with the largest reduction of waste and the largest increase in their recycling rate.The remaining$15,000 will be awarded to neighborhoods for completing outreach activities throughout the program. The annual prize is used for community improvement through donatians to non-profits of the community's choice. This program is proven to increase excitement around waste diversion. Using community based social marketing techniques,it has delivered impressive results and we look forward to the opportunity to irnplement the program in Renton. WASTE M.A01tF4Y3EMEM1fY YHmI�FC�REEIV." -• . . , _w_�_...�_..__.__.r._�.._._,__..___.....___.___..�,___.._�_._____..W.._,..,._...__ _...�._...�..__..____._�._..___.._._..._,._______,_.._._.�.. �. �� ,� i�. ii��)�:�����"f����t'3'�c��$�#�'p�l ����I�� ���:)�I�,:: i���(��;�fi_���l��t�:�{"� ;��.-:���t��R;a�..:;� Waste Management's Public Education and Outreach team are experts at Community Based Sociai Marketing (CBSM). Social science researchers are finding that awareness and education alone do not iead to behavior change. People do not change their behaviors because it is "the right thing to do." Peop{e change their behaviors when the benefit to them outweighs the barriers to changing behavior. Overcoming barriers by using incentives, direct outreach, simplifying the messaging and communication to customers is the core of our approach. These tactics wilf be specifically selected to match unique customer barriers and motivators, and may include: data-driven feedback (such as recycling report cards), incentives, performance-based pledges,timely prompts, setting new industry norms and gaining community-based influence and support. Based on strong behavioral science,CBSM has become the cornerstone of Waste Management's education and outreach approach. The science behind Community Based Socia! Marketing is rapidly becoming the fresh new way to foster sustainable behavior change in different industries around the world(for example, water and energy conservation). Waste Management will use a variety of key CBSM-based tactics to support effective direct customer outreach in Renton. The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA} has named the WM Recycle Corps intern program as the gold standard.The Recycle Corps interns already engage residents and businesses in the City of Renton with a special emphasis on multifamily and commercial outreach.This year, our signature program earned two SWANA awards, the Gold Excel(ence Award in Education and the SWANA Innovation Award. The Recycle Corps interns will continue to be a major part of fulfiliing contract requirements in multifamily and commercial customer groups. This year, the WM Recycle Corps team reached over 18,000 customers across the Puget Sound. In Renton, the Recycle Corps members visited over 500 businesses, helping businesses recycle right and recycle more. In 2014,the Recycle Corps team reached out to nearly 400 multifamily properties. By partnering with WM, you get the nation's best and most innovative education programs. The Recycle Corps interns also attend major Renton community events and we will continue to do the same in our continued partnership. Our interns are fearless as they find great ways to bring children and families to the summer education booths to learn about recycling. We excel at"dynamic tabling, an innovative way to draw residents to our booths, engage with a Recycle Corps member, and leave with an increased knowledge and desire to recycle more. Many of the games and activities are developed for children because it's never too early to Think Green. By partnering with Waste Management,you get the nation's best and most innovative education programs. Renton is the transportation hu6 of the world. The most popular commercial airplane is assembled in the city,the Soeing 737. It is also home to PACCAR, building trucks that are used all over the world. Waste Management's unique partnership with Olympia-based sustainable skin care product company Alaffia provides an opportunity for Renton residents to help communities in Togo, West Africa. wnss�nnanun��nn�sus THlNK GFC�EN." . •`;s`�"�� �-� . k:' .. �__. �#.��.�#`)�s��=;.€�i�,µ[_tl�ri�i. 1�.�Y } i:�l'$�.� �'';.a�..��;t. �61��1.35.� �.,lcs�:.#��..)'i�t (�-�,r;fi�,�f-��.at Alaffia uses resources from Togo and other areas of Africa in the manufacture of its beauty products. Alaffia products are available in retail outlets such as Whole Foods, PCC Markets and Super Supplements. The Bicycles for Education project is a way for communities in Washington to have a real connection with the shea butter cooperatives �L����� cti:F�T�•fa`n�'3.43tiz�3'4.3� in West Africa. Fair trade is a social movement that identifies the need for both sides of the economic equation - the people of the producer communities and the people of the consumer communities-to come together to make everyone's life better.With fair trade,Alaffia has organized shea nut cooperatives to boost economic opportunities for Togolese villages. Out of their commitment to give back,Alaffia's Bicycles for Education program is transforming lives by providing much-needed transportation. Waste Management will coilect bikes through the Reuse and Recycling Education Center, at our mobile WM Go Green Pop-Up, and at designated collection events in Renton. Adult-sized bikes suitable for refurbishment will be given to Alaffia's Bicycles for Education program.Children's bikes will be distributed through Goodwill in Renton. The City of Renton is one of the most diverse in King County.The Puget Sound region prides itself on its acceptance of many cultures. Through its program with King County, Waste Management's Education and Outreach team has taken our education material and made it culturally relevant to our multi-cultural population.Transcreation goes beyond translation by delving into a culture,finding the relevant products used and the popular symbols of the cu.lture,then creating an education brochure that it is unique to each culture. We have guidelines that have been transcreated in the following languages: Amharic, Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Russian, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese. (f you would be a new serr�ic� �rovider for the City o� Rentorr, describe in defiail how your company would v+rork vuith the existing cantractor to �nsure a smaath transfer of informafiion and cart/cantainer exchanges in a timety manner to meet the Navember 1, 24°I6 star� date, fdentify the individuals invatved in this effort, their qualifieation� and previaus experience ir� transitianing existing cotlection pragrams.Describe whether the same person wi#I be serving as part of the management staff throughc�ut the Cantract Terrr� as �erves during the transitic�n j implementation period, As Renton's incumbent service provider, we can guarantee minimal customer disruption during implementation. We will work closely with the City of Renton ta identify changes from the previous contract to the new contract and to provide information to the public regarding those changes. mvnseE nnnrumc��a�nEguv TFIlPil4 GtfiE�Pd.' . _....- -_..______.___.____._�._____..__..._ ._� _ . ., , _ .__.._..__.___...._._..._.__..._____.___.___�...__..� _..__._---_..._.._._____.__..__.._ ...__._..._..___. . f .,� ,- t'. ��"`�"��)�e�,s�..����C1�ri�1�)�.� `��..1d"� ���`!,.l��.���t" ��+:�'J i 6E,..�— �r.:;E r ;� F�� . , ��., 1 �`�^9 C� .�.�k � i.� t_ �:I} More extensive public outreach will be needed when the annexation areas are assumed; however, we stilf expect a seamless transition as we work ciosely with the city to bring those areas into the urban city service levels that Renton expects. This includes embecided recycling and yard waste for residentia( custorners and embedded recyciing for commerciai customers. Waste Management will use new CNG collection vehicles to service the city.Although we do not plan to replace the steel containers currently deployed in Renton, Waste Management will be weli prepared to deliver new containers upon customer request. Our Contract Compliance team will piay an integral role in the implementation of new services in Renton. They are the keepers of the contract and will reference it to establish our contract compliance checklist and implementation plan that we will share with the City. Our public education and outreach will include direct mail, site visits and community events with all communication tailored towards the type of customer(residential,multifamily or commercial).We will offer a variety of public education opportunities to ensure messaging reaches everyone in the Renton community. We are committed to remaining an invested community partner with the City of Renton. During implementation, Waste Management may offer meetings at convenient locations throughout the City to introduce residents and businesses to the new service offerings. Community meetings enable Waste Management to answer transition and service related questions.We have conducted community meetings during previous contract implementations and find that the events are well attended and appreciated by residents. From cart delivery through the end of the first �.` �I 'i� �', � A month of the implementation, Waste � x Management will ensure additional route managers are available to help manage the ���`� transition of the new contract. We have relied on � } � this method of extra support thraugh previous ;' �� � contract implementations and find that it is an invaluable way to ensure a smooth execution of our programs. Since we are the current provider, we do not anticipate significant changes. Much of the transition work will be spent on the new Reuse and Recycling Education Center and working with the city on transitioning billing to WM. The following timeline provides a general idea of the tasks and timelines associated with implementations. wnsr�ewanesu��Na��+rs TFitI�K Gi�EPtN,LL 5�_p , w_'_...�,,_��'_-��y`�..�'4�:s���.{�9.��,��1 t���1C..± ��,..I�.,��li� �{�i�(...?{..�..�.������`Pt.�i�� ,� .�ri����.4....�5 ;. Key Milestones � Negotiate and€�nalize contract terms with the City: November/December 2015 • Contract execution:January 2016 • Internal Waste Management implementation meetings: November 2015 - February 2017 • Delivery of impiementation/transition plan to the City: February 2016 • Waste Management and city staff implementation meetings: February 2016 - February 2Q17 • Contract start date: November 1, 2016 Contract Compliance • Create contract compliance checklist:January 2016 • Develop the contract implementation/transition plan:January 2016 • Conduct pre-implementation and new contract roll-out: September 2016 - October 2016 • Update our internai knowledge management tool (Green Pages) for new contract change: October 2016 Billing and Data Tasks • Billing Transfer Operations Plan developed with city: February 2016 • Plan for billing transfer and system setup is complete: • System set up and transfer of billing records to WM:June 2016 • Update billing codes and information to synchronize with city:August 2016 • Notification to customers of billing transition: September/October 2016 • WM Liaison works with city to implement billing transfer plan: September 2016 — January 2017 • New billing system operational November 1, 2016 Customer Service • Management conducts new contract training sessions ("Train the Trainers"): September 2016 • Training for Customer Service managers/supervisors: October 2016 • Detailed CSR training related to new Billing service provided by WM for Renton customers: Month — Month Year • Customer new service day reminder outdials (if needed): Week of October 17, 2016 • Updated Green Pages go live on start date of contract: November 1, 2016 • Drivers attend training regarding new service offerings and procedures, by line of business: October 2016 Gommunications • Develop strategic communications plan for implementation: February 2016 • Conduct implementation media outreach in partnership with city's PIO: October 2016 • Facilitate press event for new service implementation in partnership with city's PIO: October 2016 vvasr��neweac��sw�nsm� �"iilNi(G4tEEP8.° atir �r► �rr� � � rrrr , ���.� '.�9,�� +„ ��., . �� . �.:��.. � p d 'M C. '4' � � � =h � n ��. � � y� � � � �t� � �i-Y h �� o.�. �. .av. ,. r... w ,a m d .p +m� �a�+ � x .» w..e .. . -.. ,. < a.... n�, ..�s. �, ,¢ "�"�;, y� _.... -. -.. . r.�a,a i ,���,�r." .p..-� n.•�_ «.w � �� �v �� triiM Ntl� � �� � � � This summer, Waste Management staff and Recycle � Corps interns talked with Renton residents at over `°�` 25 summer events. Not only did we discuss , recycling and composting, we asked for feedback. � � Attached, you wi ll see what they had to say ... '�'` residents love the world-class service they receive � ,,�, from Waste Management. �. � � � � �����a, �,� WASTE MANAliEMEllff � '� � � � , � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � I I I ++r �rrr+� �r ,�C�S.aC F- t"'�`Pv���1 �t�K —CYl�� ,�, � CUSTOMER NAME ,�,, Z L d� '��c �'1"�� � t R <l.� ADDRESS '�' �I� �"� 6't Z1,1� 1�1.1 � �`l �(,!S�..'� ,� CITY STATE ZIP � �-'"t' S i � r�.�?,V ri t+c'�C t �'�'Yl EMAIL ADDRESS ( '�"' Z Ub �'��-'7`7 1 S �r Every day, WM drivers provide safe ?ELEPHONE NUMBER � and reiiable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world �M1►hat do I like best about Waste Management? .�rr ❑ WM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and 'k�'�M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � � reener thanks to WM. g ❑ WM Community Involvement .�,• , , , ,, � � , � , . � :' � , ��� ���f � , ,,� „ ❑ WM Public Education '� fi P' '' ��+�;,,'s,�l {, y.�µ,f, ty ' r tq_d,7 a:�4���a'�"�h�r �s'4" ,��k�w',,, COMMENTS �lt'1R Li j � D� T �(V�'� - �r x ��t�; f �,��°�x,�r��'�s'''h� � �;� ��° `°�'°�'��,�,e�"�k�i;d �� �.'k . � �.,,�.��t . �'y'ts, ...4.... -- '�wr�, t. ,�",� ,. � 1,Y4 ,� ..�.. .�,i.:, ;.y;f.�:h.'y.",�.4�c� p�.,� .��",�y rb- �,:;;«�;��s.' '.#;��. . p. �„y;.rH:�+s�;�n t: S`t S z � ���!.,' { _,r'��.#`�+ q ;.. d - "r^',�?u, '��,y 4�"� �r�s'k � . �° ,s¢,;;� i-_�t+,a,kar��°j a'$ , "Ph ,--'�es"*�,�".�, y,,, U,� i��;`; i 4 � � �' � :'A, � ��`�`�'��s�'i �"���` � � a `�"� .'�a t ��'4_7.",`, r°s. . �+ � � � � ��� , ux�w,�r �� � �� ,`,� THINK GREEN � �. .. ..f t. ..„ . °��� ;� ?��,'� :;�� � ��,., a�r �r � +rr � �.�"CM (`-w��, �r � CUSTOMER NAM� � �. Z���? N� ��� � /- l oS ADURESS � �_�k�� �f� ��05� � �� ��Ty STATE ZIF ..� a I I ey I�,�� �� �-/ ��A��• �.1JV�!'�- WM partners with our fE'AILAD[3RE�SS ` � community to make our city [ 2�� 1 � �� o g� � "�` cEeaner and greener thraugh TE�EP"oNE"""`BER '�" sustainab(e services, innovation What do I like best about Waste Management? � technology, and communrty ❑WM Superior Customer Service 9,,,,. education. (a'vyM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � �,�������, � �������� � � � n�� � (�WM Community Involvement ,�� �� ����� � �'��G�,�� �WM Public Education � b�",�! %� Y-.�^� .�?�'" '� r � '� '` �`'��,�#a� . e�` :5+ � �?a;'7,, i :�a,. •x°, k t � r v �,t 9.. -~�� � � � s � ,�' .� � + d��'���Y�k�` i�.`^. y �:s,�*'�F+`.s� ..,T�°i�+n�;s�.,re �u ���7'�� 1�yr ;�R�t �Ns� : COMMENTS: � �� _ � � � ; � � r . > ��I Vl..tn1��' \ /t�() / lS'17V( Oi) r�.�„L� � ��.ri9k��,�r S�al t �P.r i� rr���^.$i i�"k 414 k�a��"�^r9g e�,,,y,1�r�!��'�'i:^ �t � '.... � `" *,� . , ) �',' ,� �� i�+'� �.���/1 hj'�l � u cas�v x 'ntr'tt w ��,"' ��i '��'�5 5 f h ;' '; _ ' ' ' '�x a -w (� � � t � U,, . , y orrt°�'.'� '�'-P�S s +" '� /� � �, � �, : , .� „�^ Y i r�a�� ��/t ll cf.� � ll(�L 1S (a� fl."� � lilf�� ,�� �v�; �` Y s� : , 9;�v „��, ��'.}u y ' �a t y �',�,s�,? � i "� � , ���`"�,� �:��S i n 0�� �1'e�.�k �o t��ln�e�j� i '�' �k'�'?�-.. gry " 5 �� �;;{ gk �., �! aa ��k;, r++'��;� a ..�����`. t � ;� � � ��, �:: ���a�tsxF THINK GREEN: QJ rrr• , :, e' . . - wasTE MaMneeMew'eA � � � � 1/,�i C�'�1 Pu� _____--- ----_--------------- � c�sro��nER n�innE U � l� 6 7� S( �0_.�_5+_�'fi..p�-�� - �` ADDRESS �r �� l��12�"�"�'."�l —!'�!/ J v----"�C.�.��.�_�._.._... '� �ITY STArE ZIP '� EMAIL ADD�ESS � � Every day,WM drivers provide safe TE�EPtion,E n;unnsER and reliable services. Using innovation �` and technology, WM is a world N1hat do I)ike best about Waste Management? � �'GVM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and �M Clean and Green Trucks ireducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. C�WM Community Involvement �►" �s, �WM Public Education ,,,� ; � x ' w , � � ,>� ��+� .r ' �; �Y�,+�,,� �'* , „:, CON1MEhT5 v�+ 4 i a�, � 'p � � � rfl' ,' ��,�Y!� �.'r ✓ �, . � �p ' ' ri � � _ O / � �s��s ,�,,,��a ,�, :� ;. +"'_� y � j/!'!d a�1 N� 'if�N C..�,C.�.YV•� @- LZtrLif.7 r t�a!w..��f sltit���.� � j� �� � a 9� t;�t ah � ,r,� Far�s'a".,b,t�y.��.y��'.y4-;'�4',4,h � g -�' �S F�,a'+ �' r � s,�,� �'�$�-:� 1 , s'43�y a - tXrroi r �p�,�,��,�t ay '� K�r r t,�`rt ,� � � v �' r ¢ S .g t t ,t gt� '?: !� 3 9, �� �p,�a k ,�'t �, ' ,�iy. a 4 � :.� . '���y�<� ����5�� f a�,�� � � �, ��a��G '� ;'4 ; �...�. THINK GREEN� � ��,�, �..,.E+;.�: . . „ �rw � � � � 1 �/A(��"�' 1 �-'" ���� °� cl�M�l�� //�� �1 .SL� � � a�6REss '� WM ��t����'�..' c� �:���� � C Y STATC ZIF ,�, �--�r,�� � ���� � ��� ��� � ���-- �, EMAIL ADDRESS c�—.---�� -- � �--� 7C�� .� Every day, WM drivers provide safe TELEPH r,�r,u�ti�aEa ,,r,,, and reliable services. Using innovation and technofogy, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? �`` �WM Superior Customer Service �r class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM�lean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. � ❑ WM Community Involvement � y^� t�� �� �°� �� 4 , �J WM Public Education � i� � " a�a ' v ���J� ti'�.C�f�<r�M s� t,`�� , a��,,"� '. "�' { �'� ,,�°��',��'�' � wr�5� �`ak��'"t COMMENTS' �R'(Cl.` YW' lt/ � �V( 5 � "h�'�:. � � � � � t yi�;A+��6' �. ����ro�.'��t;��`pk,�e����xi� ,j�� ��� ' � "�'r ". � � �� � � � 3 a� � �� � �,��- �w i Ss� ��� �Yl� �c -I-'�� �,� �`'�����x �'��-� � � ,`"��r z J ,�IY, ����, � , ,� x, � - �.R � ` �"siT°"�r��y v�'"�'ls�`a�'�,�,�y,''�'`���,'� a � �e��t i`i �i�y,?'�z�'�� � �., P� r��� 3�«4 ��" �4�'���`�S$^ `',� `�t� .t�t� �, � � � � � �� 1't��� '��`,^�?,"�..� �`,���# aN r, � P }�' o , r �� o�-�,� ,i� { ��� ' �` ���;,d ,�`" `' .....� 4�...�,.a�,t�}.�. C � �-�-- G t��' �..,���% � THINK GREEN: rr" '���, �,�,r,,� �r>-r._'sars, , , , , �l./�; L C ., ... _ � . ,. , ,. �...._ ..�..,, _.;.�' . t � �� ♦ .� � � +r �irr �. �� ���-�'C� M ___ _________. _______ __. ,�. �USS'0 F.R NAME ,.,. j����I --�U�� �-Y'_�-_ ADDRESS , � - +� ' � ��� --�?��- ��_ ____ _ -=---------____ � �� a-v srar� z�F �. �� � �''"� ��°�-�� - ��_ _____ Eh1AILA DRE4�r-----7��— �---- W(VI �Jaft(1�C5 Witll OUI` � 5 I '� community to make our city _�____ _ �""' cleaner and greener through Tr�EP"o"E"'�"'BF� �► sustainable services, innovation What do I like best about Waste Management? �,, t�C�i�tO�O�y, aC1d COfTtfl'lUf(!ty �WM Superior Customer Service � education. �i WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas} �,; '+Y� }q '��+"` � d WM Community Involvement i ''✓ d+.-A � ' j r t��,��,,? .t -,��# ,�.u"":;��;�`•;�^y��?',�.'�Ea},aw: �� $ S, ��"b t� �'✓� �,Xt� � "',+��'M 5 yn. p ���y ' �L� ❑ WM Public Education v i�r�T�y�J��'nS[.��fi '�`Y��i`"�h.��,��"�-y . �`Z�?+ � � �.�y� . ) �J � .�Y'. ?�;{ � � � v �"�w�.�� ��;' COMM[fdTS. 'v�` �x F� ,sg,r�,hµ"r1�t.w,�;,:�'a,''i�,t�.r�„���:)'i�+�'"�� w. � ''"��j .�/1"G� ��]`'7 �l�--V 1 (�?,/N�/G-i'^d.��(t i ��C..-�� �.,,»� ,, aI d,t� ��a aT +r �r 4�"".( �:3.�f� r�.��-�a'��ln"�"`�%�, t-. ;a� ,� r � ^ ' Y�, Y.�."y 5,d�. �',.{��`�"����:<'1�' f�'.��a�"�?"�ti.j '.0 ..�j ' �(� ...,�' ,� z ' � a °` �R f.. �e� s"��, . ,F.z �� .� i�"r�*.,,�»,'�,. :,,� � k t `�'v � 6. k`'" » +`'y��, , �,, '�' � c' s'' 1+���``'`� f �� � ' ` `.-°,. , � � �F � ,x� �- �.�:f� TNINK GREEN� � , „ ,� �, .! r� 5r ,;;��� ,. . . ,�,'�� c��a '�' ,°� � ,��,h..4 ati��u�t s,u�'. p�'�� ,r.�'.�; ,r. -F:a� _ YY/ISTE MANAtfiMiNT^ � � � � °� �1/�c�,��.,��_cz_ k;�,��-- ____ "�' CUSTOMER NAME .. � I�~( G�I:e�v��o� �-� S� ADDRESS � '��I� _ �.,��k-� al �Sb�4� '� CITY STATE ZIP '+f1Y YY�fi'./'�,��Ct,✓" �li �j�,'"�'�"�(�/LGt�J��� �'' _ _ ._.. _ EMAIL AD�RESS' °i1► � Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHon,E n,unnaER �► and reliable services. Using innovation „r,,,,► and technology, WM is a world Wha o I Ifke best ebout Was#e Management? Superior Customer Service ,�, class partner. Our city is cleaner and �Clean and Green Trucks{reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. Ca-pUM Community Involvement � ��� & w r {.4 4�°r ��,�'�� � X Ct7�1PM Public Education �� .� � * ,� ` '' .. _/ t ��' t,�p�`�°�� . " �,�,�.�&' , �'�.'',��#x�� �`3a�- COMMENTS' � WQ_'�T'�. "TV �''1/1�1,� �V�S U"�LG�� � ,� d� ( ) .J +�i s n � ' -� �r A°�a'}�' �,���^"��js''��°E'" p� �r( .��.+.r 4'r, ^!'�/�.,�„�I "(.'L LI..�C�-L.�1� �N'V "-- �E��/4�.._ � �}� d �+W � �+�''y3 � ���a�.: '�f �.,i`�*fiF��k�p''a3�pkq bp��'``4-t+,,,sf,5+.�4 �� 3'''ti � / • ���v -�� �- � i � � � a ,� �s, , r�r ��'.t�va,^. Y + � ?wP�}`,��t.k"�^ t���#�P 4� ���,�, �r a��� ��j } t,,.� .� " ¢ ' bn '�"'� - Y _�P �' �' �l�tad�wyi,,y�[ �, s� k � $r �SR�' "r'"F. � '�A f7�,�"'"�`�'���a�c��k����+�; H�; �'a�°ra4� "k`� ��§LA'� y`� �, " �`�"ti�, ���,�r�„»�" �� ������, �����i�����`;��� ....,.M...,,o.� THINK GREEN: . . ��.. . . � � � vr�� Jo��,��__�__� -� CUSTOMcR NAME � ---- � ��� ��_.��� �-+W_I]�� ,� ADDRE55 V1l IU1 ��--� - __ �A _.s.�.�___ �- CITY r STATE ZIP NQWF _ __ _ _ �' EMAIL ADDRESS � 4�$—ZS.$'�C+�4 R �'' Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE NUN,sER ,,�, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology,WM is a worfd H►ha o t like best about Waste Management? � M Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and �,+g('M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. �/M Community Involvement � �i^ �� 4' �' ;�""""��� ❑ WM Public Education `"�' r., 1 „ , � � � t COMMENTS ��R� M�tw����Awt�n1•_L_�L�,.S OD�N� A/.L— mr xe: u�. ,�e,,, ���;�y� I i, C °�` ,�1 � !', r4 � � � x $ :� � � E� ' r THINK GREEN� '�+' , , .a�w�' ..., .. � . . �►, � � � � l�. U�C-r� ('"1 U 12_P�''"– �► CUSTOM£R NAh�IE ,� �3t� N.��1 �.�.e 5 _ � ADJRESS "�,-�v1�T�L1 ���'� ���� � W M uTv arE ziP ,,�,. (J�,�1�G��V����=� "���� ` CC�� �rr WM partners with o�r EMA+�kooREss � V commu�ity to make our city ��('���5� -�a��� � cleaner and greener through TE`�"o�E'`�"'BER '„�, sustainable services, innovation yvhat do 1 like best about Waste Management? � technolagy, and community �j �IVM Superior Customer Service ^+n►P eduCati0tl. � WM Ciean and Green Trucks(reduci�g greenhouse gas) ,�„ � � ,� � �� � ��ry� ;��������,� ❑ WM Community Invoivement ` �� � � �``� � � +�CJ WM Public Education � j`"n��4�; 4',^re �a'�r, �::q °�' `+�r k��y`��ti�„ , � COMMeNTS: � ;-,�. .'}�;'Y z 4d b �,9 0 i ..a.`d', ,�Y;;. ^ if,`n;`'N� ,�.��. +� * � , '`, ,� A t � � z'`,'r,�t���.. � C� :. �.r��` "�" ,,6,5� `N ' ` �� ��J V` • 11G� =��`:�" •`� � �`'... ,., �:; �+x�:,, i � � ";a f x, � ��a �`s» p� ��'$,, <.� � ` � ��:t��� , > �� '�� �'y 't � i u '� � ��gp.'� � 4 y' y �h�, $A '� p V��'� Z%' � 5 #. �,^a"�k� #i � -& r, 6M� � ' � �,( ����;��� h..� ,. ,� � '�� .��-:`,���� ;� �a THINK GREEN: � � � -��Y� �. , ��'z�..,:'>a.'L'� ,. :� � ._ . WAf7@MANAOHINHMa �' � � .r � _ F , . �r' , ��,,, ', .-- r �e, -�l-�--- � �..--i-�___ _<__---� ----- -._ __�___ �, CUSTOMER"JAh1_ '�' — — --- -- ------_._--- _._..s___...._---- --- ADDI2E��5 - � r /, f •l� r � , , >� � WM _ � ����- - -_ ------__ . �-____ � �, c�r�_ sTh E ziF wrr __ --------- -----_..._____.._ �l`11V1 R�rtn�rs Vlrit�t QUr EMai�uoc�fss ""''� community to make our city -___,____ __�_._..^-- �' cleaner and greener throug�r TE'_EP"o"'E"�,�,,�`R �. sustainab{e services, innavation What do I like best about Waste Management? ,�, technalogy, and commun�ty �WM Superior Customer Service eduC�tiOrl. �C7 WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas} +rr > �� � ❑ WM Community Involvement �rr : �, ,�, , ; �', � ; �: � ❑ WM Public Education q y ryx'u��- ''&'��:u�`r��. £;;} , �te ��.��� � �r z" � �� �t � °� �;r' �y*4.3jp�!���,�y,�� �r {�,� tta�'�gp, �lk�� �,� �` C1MN,ENI'S' \ �, � � � ��� G °�1 '"G n5��"'n�y.wf��a�;,+"�y , .'� �k,���'nKn-�n`�� �^.h r�x ,' �+ 1 � �4,+.°�a' °�p'C�tta r'; (j,� � /J�y�y j/� � �'x��8�' t Y�,";r'�rt������"!b k `"'�'��r �2���i'� � � ' � jr•� -�I'b�'--i�-�^�` —�`.�-_ � . � e n � t`� .�.,y i 2 s q - ,�R�ar'°,�J9" '�,r""�'a�g�i��*'�.°'�4�,: � .* r„�2 � � �, a � #_�, c � ,, iht `�' ,,�,y;� � s r §�,s+`�"`��C ^� �-'�s2 "i����t m4d'd'�d� a^ t. ��}',',, .� �f�������������, " �;t n �� > ���'' g�y�_ �� THINK GREEN: K .r k ;i ,Y�Y' °.�p 5�e � �V9 fi2 E �' �, � � � �A � w:. : � _.a y�+ , - . ..,�-.. • . .., . '� � WAST'E MAN/YOFNIEIVT � � � � � �(G'1 A 1(�( ���/'� ili► � CUSTOMER NAME � _ AD-� �_.�.__ . _��— � +iY �� C�TY STATE ZI� � �ii WNI partners with our EMAILADDRESS �`7�(7 "�' communit ta make aur cit �2�— 3 — gS g Y Y �1_�-------�-�-� "�' cleaner and greener thraugh ''`�`''�'````` ""�`� �' sustainabie services innovation ' What do I like best about Waste Management? .,�• technology, a3lC� COR11T1Utlity ❑ WM Superior Customer Service ,,�, education. �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) p� ,C ,�,�� �� ❑ WM Communit Involvement a r ,». G - Y � � y '� + a �'�fi:' f'�".+�*Y �'�F�,,�„t"t , a`a�"�;t�fi5 ''� , , y��,x�� � ��;��� � ������,���,4 � ❑ WM Public Education �rrr► //� / -'�� „�, h �t S,a �` tn�g �����,�'q�����,� � CUMMENTS: �QGI .��t?(C �Y'Cry� �1��1/����-�1--- �s xa,��x�a`�'�"'? �` r �� ^�� � -,����� .,�!,I K� � . � , ; �� r� �� �.e�@��-�#4 �'���i� � � ,��e y���,e �?/�i���5 � �� � ��{ , . ; � r �r.��'t �uv�!+��,��t.SH- �.,sE$.C^.y.g.& JIn'� �� - , � , s.� ��� � , , � , -�,,: �' }, T j�s,�� -,'k.„;,.,,f,'-�hk°J�.„�,' ��n"IL y��R.�y.� ,fa"'l���f'h ..� � '� ,!'4'N n�{gsY a 6'�-���1�'�'f a * 4�?�fy�V�..n�l.- �.� t"}'§ ` � � � � " � y `` sx THiNK GREEN: ,�,_ .rar , �. � >,: ..._: `. � ' . ,, .� ,� . . . �.� •. . � �. � � wwase r�+arraebEwnvar¢ i� �' � _ ------���,�►�v��.-�� Sc���.e�-e�__ +'�► � CUSTOMER NAME � AGDRESS � � � - �n-f� --��_ __ ��°s� �` W� CITY � S"A'E ZIP _ '�' ---,�.. �.s�±n�.-�`�►�.,G�-��� �- c Q�. -- ,� Vt,�M partners with our En����� oHEss—�` community ta rnake our city '�" cieaner and greener thraugh TE�E°Ho�F NurfBER ,�, sustainab(e services, innovation What do I like best about Waste Management? '�' technology, and community '0 WM Superior Customer Service � edUCatiOtl. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) r. ";`:,;w�Mt«�.:�m�,.,.w.,�,..,,,, ;,,,,,,;,,,_, ,,.<..: ❑ WM Community Involvement � , : o'�S�„h �+�4`LY�C, r' '.� ,� j `x � �' �,,��p � r�A ^. �,. � � kw�� �" :w �_ Y ,y�, ` a �� � ' ` O WM Public Education "�'' ,�':'} �����w�.�.'9'��'R"" k�4A Gw�; ,�r Y� c �"^"n r. , w.d�y. ''�R` ��."�� "5"� .aab���R�°�$ ,. ,� � , ;n;t.�,^;;i�"� + F'` �;,�„,�,�'t' a! �%�4 ,;�"a���''^,° ,/ ��( � r`� p � i'°�.�k �aa , �} e� �`�"�'";�,��'�, 7^'�, `�'- �r+«�y y, CONiMENTS' l`-�-'J� " ��r1ff�1 L�'C i. . c.`�`}�"`�1.� �' ,�� :z�'� �� r ��� ��j,,��`�°�iri"�'���� € (J � ` � p�� .�tt�� � � pdU&��»� � p ^�k�w'�w����'o;:, ,.��. � id g� X�( � y k� ,4�.�.`,��'M ' , � } c�b:.� , ,.�wy+��s�y[��I af�'�fk���� ,r{ � {� �, � ' �' � �. 3,' .�,».,a d=�.F� 3 '�,p� p �'' !� � ti s� , _ �l�n ' S . - �.�zf p_ x f � Y. tr 9� ��. T ' '�`yz�����°"�`'��"'i n<, x $� , �.�� .,i. .:s� ��.�� � � .�.�.r � � ���i���� �.:, }, THINK GREEN: `.� ����...��. ���4 = . ��'�"`•�� ,:��z `� w���rr � � `� � � �'�u'Y ��'L' � 1 � �. CUSTOMER NAME � � C�.��� ���`�' ��--�'�-- ,�' ADDRE55 ��- _ / � �� �'�"'S y�� ��--_" Y�/ ��� � �� � QTY S7ATE ZfP �� EMAIL ADDRESS � � t�� � Y a- S7� 5�' 1 .� Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONE NUMaER � and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? �r I�WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and �''WM�lean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas} greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � x.° ".ty"s -r.:� u'°au..:�°� yyy�11,,������ F`.�a�.,,p;;., ❑ WM Public Education v� ,h.i i�. �p � � a.;}�4 tLf�� / � � p "�" ei�1. �°�Y µs�.io nke�'i5 4'hem �?r'r 52,h'f� , i � & ��� 9���� � � ������ . ' �_�: ,":��,a x�a,���`!� 4�',,w`;��',r,�:�i.�,� COMMENTS. ��� �dL�--�iJ�'� ��� ( '� zxr�s ` 'M�'�'��,�et�"#�,��'` x t .��« 9�`!"`5,� • �,�`�,�, �, "an�,w 5?i,� sr,��$,��+����t,a.fk �c �,c � �` r }. �,, / �c�p y�.�� '' ?d'�b'+�T�y��#4 �„ '�. '%ka t�t AS.,�„.,5a �Yk ,'��� �E N�r� � ,"'� ,J2 � �W�Z g���� �& b 'M,'� � � ' } `� ' f,#� �s�'� .i, °� � i,�'c� �,�� i;`^� xY: }�_'e,a'�^.'�' rR�r'�.<i�.,; �, ,r �' �'� � >'. � r+,;;� "�'����, 'r '�"���� °�a�'.�� ��t�'q`�, µ�'�r ' mt� 1" �s� - r _a � - `'`�'y�," _$, r�i'{31'��i,k ��^' , k� �` r�„:,�.°�Y �t�.� � p � ac b „ ,........�4' THINK GREEN� ''�+�' t Y. i. , � .. ,u,,, .r ' ,i , .. .. __ . ,... _ . � � � � � �rr � �' � � �_-�-�-��'?.___ �_ - - ,� � C�JSTOMER NA�ti",E � ��L �r,►� __-__—��� � __ J�-------�_� 1 �-[ A�DRE�l'Jv"\(��1 ��� 1� �� � -- - — +r' W M _ __________ _______________ _ __ _ _ � �iTl' STATE ZIP � ---- WM partners with our EMAILADDRESS � comrnunity to make aur city � (� �-� � � ��� �y � � °`"""° cleaner and greener thraugh r��t�"°NE"'�"naER �.► sustainable services, innQvatoon yyhat do I like best abaut Waste Management? ,,,,,,, technology, and community I�WM Superior Customer Service � edUC�tiOn. �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) ;n;� ,� �,�, �4 , ���. v�;;, ,, �:4. >,�, r;r'-P,.. : �WM Community Involvement +irr 4•`'s��,� a�'� .�,��'', ,'��t�r �r* �;,�-�fi. ;�,.t,;�ix< �:, � ; '���. ;.,�:u��t �` � � � �"��: ❑ WM Public Education � �� �..� . � .a; ��.. �.� i: c�. , �,Q � `,�,�y� ^� .� '�`. . ' J�.,w.•,�. `i cor�nnn_rvTs J G-��Ye V` � `Y�- �C��G" "7C tds..e `� a x.:`re e�"� : '�.,'�c. rv,�.„ „< � �". ' ' �e� i U '�' 8;;��a�: 0�. �$: a �'a, �:,. '� �C GC t,v W�,� d�� 5�U r ✓l s� � +rr r.��;.*; ` s`. , �. a�;� r$., , , r ,,., (� `,,� - � <: . ,»• : nw �--" CMV � � '1 �M � o�n�1 �t �C� �A �,y '�.,`' ��. ,� 1�` �x C(�'�v1(�-, �i V�-� �,,, �' �.,', a ��� �:<, «:., " � ,x� � '`�:��M � '�v..b(i �' � ;w �.� � ��� w ;.�� � �� �. , :{�.. : :: , ::�� �, �. ��: �«� �� t� ° ;w,� ; � ;no THINK GREEN° i„II, �.,t� . ,£�r;ai.,�.s;i�a+,x1�:-u;,::;� „ ''�t,. .-ar,+�;f,rf:t�,:7:t-,�.���°,���';`,qi;��,: wusTeM,ur.�ar�. � � � � M�P � s,�,�.--� � �-�.-t '��` � CUS?OMER NAME �. }f� U� s F- �~�--Gt � �� � ADDRESS WM ���-��� �f1 ��� � "� CITY STATE ZIP � EMAIL AD DRESS � '""" Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONE NunneER �+" and reliable services. Using innovation .,�,r and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? WM Superior Customer Service �, class partner. Our city is cleaner and WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. � WM Community Involvement �,•, �;Nx, •• :�.4��Is" ;,.�`,+^•,,, v r a �f � t.�.. .,, ❑ WM Public Education rrr►° a� ��r,��;i'��a � " � „� � �� �.,�� ��i ��,a . � �Ps-� �a. F 3 ��,� qF A ar�5�£���"�n���� ;�2�`�,�`a,,.�� .r� ��$�'" � � rY . COMMENTS' � �r�J v � � u �. � � r ,: ,�� ,� iwa, '��f��t r'�"���'�«��� Sra�`�";�'���g��^�,'����' �:�ris ��f :i �, ,�#' , s .y,�+ F ,r �y.,,-,,k . . -r'�" �"*`""rd�, t4 8��"�k""$�,'�MY'�?'�9�✓�.�-,r�n�,r��;4,d', '�4 �� `4; '°�" �� y�£� �� ti" �„ x?`y�^y, � ��'1. �' ,�`�.F�1��,xZ�3"` �:'� � � U' 64,�'A, �,rs�' - ,, '' ,�'., d , � a,�' ",; 1 "�1 ' dP b ' � � � � � 5 � � _ �� ,, � � & _ ����r��"{'�'c'tiw��t''�'a' r'� �'�rd"'"�� r�s� � u'� F�('t'�� �: ,� r'§N, � � � t' " �tl''" . ,�, � r���� ,t � �- �.„, THINK GREEN "y� X M � `Y�' � � �— I�� c � ,� _ �`1 __---------`�1�`�-Z -- — CUSTQMER NA'MiE � -� —-- � C��3 �-�-�^a-�.�f�-u� 5, ,,,�,, ADGRFSS ��..'�.�� '� �________t.�/�_�_._____��c� ��] ""' W� CITY STATE ZIP .� EAnAIL ADDRE55 � '� Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHo!vE NunneER ,�, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world 1Alhat o I like best about Waste Management? '�` M Superior Customer Service �,► class partner. Our city is cleaner and O WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. "'�" ❑ WM Community Involvement ;. ..Y�'Y:'' Mv�,- 'yrp�.ty,v� 't ,t'r:.' 1 y�,' �y.,r:.� ,., , � 1 g ���� w� �_�'": . :� ��;:::;_�;.. ❑ WM Public Education ;�'r�.+�.*'l:wY`�P&+,�'d4�`" �r�' �; Y�' �t' � ' ""'`•^�, �G t" �� k.:P�+C;'� .a,b: . . , � '3, q,�rvr� a�.` ,.��, �` r �','`a '�4'�PF' y;�� COMMENTS: " '#. �.� w �` x •� � .`s�,:- �7,, :�4`F ,� '� `' . �i' :7"k' �:, ;Na,�a,>� '.s�a:. ���, �.��i �.. .'yr:�, M M�" � `.1 y$ -„4� .,,-t, ;"4� a � �;' •� .;��-� �' s .�� � P' x, 5���,yr `�:e z•# ' �, �" . w"�'r?;a«�?�;' ���5'�.' k.. 'k �'' q';'�� '��; ��(,y��J�+'� �� TMINK GREEN` "�' ,�°,� �., �' i�� .p� ;, ,z�[}.,�.�',i"�3�'�� $, .�'�.,rr�,,:�.?�h 5::k�td ,4�:�,;,t7n> �:.�',e1<: ,'�.�'"yc�wi':,�r;�.'.r:`ai+'�;st'', �, i� � � t� �J�r'►�5 l�v t L K c�l 7 '�► � CU570MER NAME '�` ��C� �'���u�T �l �� �l ADDRESS � WM �N�-vN �� � �G � � � CITY STATE ZIP +�r � Eh1AIL ADDRESS G�Z� ,. 2Z�— � 37� � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�E�Hon,E NUMeER ,,�; and reliable services. Using innovation „�,,, and technology, WM is a world H►ha�t da 1 like best about Waste Management? C9''(VM Superior Customer Service ''�rr' class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks{reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. � WM Community Involvement � �r �°�' �«+� � ,���wr `"'� ��,�t ". �s � ��"°¢' : l�'WM Public Education � '��k ����� �. ��� .�������,�`�� 3��-�a`��� �" � � (� ,�����'�`✓�5 r Y �r�{&},'°�`�`;r�r e ,�� i ,a�'��� ���ri�? CONIME(JTS: ��-I/'i J1��I � � ", .t $ ffi_ w 5�a.� tx' 3 d R�, ,. ,at d y�� � �'yf +> �. �i� `��.ty i?4� � arz'"� 4fi�".���' � ,c�"' �" �� �` �, "� �'' a',y �, „� ��,. �i Z,��wf� e*y��'=,� �a ' Y , "" � t �'�:� �� �4�1 t ti v�,;"z u�-�'�'',t+�,'�� ,:",� " s 'u, �°7 �,;� � � �, ,, ' ' z ��'t�'- t�, �tw�'� �''a s � ,�,"�.� *��'`9 ,,.ii ��,�r�€," � - ,a r,s , i `f ° ,'ad,��''� ��, t =c q{ " sn �".�� ��� '�$r 'b � �g,q�,�^a,��°�" � � �,� f.a � a�'�,a��� h� �,� � a,�,��,� ��,, �xi�;������.3 � .� �. THlNK GREEN` �rr � %G:�M� s`�,,a.�., � �r'r t.' X* ,'!,�` 1 ��'���,�":��'ro��%"°�d', 'i �>}wsu�rt , ��'�;:.:'!"� , c .zh� `«."`t'., .,'� h*.f ^ . . wu��wwwew , , , , , „ „ . ; � � � � vrr � - ,,�,. r�� MER NAME � � ��?'�-`t t,._ c,�> f �C_.1 �S __.__..___.._. .--------------- ADDRESS � � � C-�=�t�� S -� --- - -----------____�.._ �+ CiTY � S1ATE ZIP ���:7�.�'�`�?�..� � EMAIL ADDRESS m11I �► Every day, WM drivers provide safe 7E�EPHorvENunnaFR �„r and reliable services. Using innovation and technology,WM is a world What do i like best about Waste Management? � L�WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and �M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � ,=�4"t k � x� ,: [�'WM Public Education yy.y, P -, ,� 1 i k��„� y,��( ,„ t r�9 .�i`, • •- �� � ' � p�5 g '�'4 �� c ti�`� � COMMENTS: rt ��r,. � „ ?;.+��°�r�� $';,� w.a �I � g���,�' Y , � fi lij��'�? '���..���°� F,JFn`�d��q� ,� 3 7 q ' d ,_�A° R f � '"°�S . '�'" � �s I a ,.f 'r�yta;'��.r,��p�, ��� ;�;��,�,�ga�ti' „�'t i .t�t 6 �"�^sa+m d � a�,� s �°' �9 a,,�,,x�,.N �� ����� �a"F�r '✓ e"�:'✓Pr'.`��{t C S '.J� 'G :E? , N,�sg � k� n �x �;y�'`'" �+ - - .. , 1� } 1 ,z�':�����.�'�'�•&" f 1������"#m��5� �,' +� ?`��#'�'+�� ��y' q��M� .4;;,., ��:°.��° THINK GREEN� �tq%', .'Y'a::S�i�'il'�tw=T"'•• � ij��4�4+�', h� t.Sy$r�y wAf»rtwfY�O�OY� e�'�,;'d+i' �iV�;."r�:,'f.y';Q,"'uT;N''a'...J,..a.�,l Y,. �� .. . . . ' ,,. . , , , -, � ;� , . ., � � ' ,. , , ' � � � � �� / I , I� t✓'��! V � � CUSTOMER NAME ' �` ��r9/`,� �� S� �' �-`� . ��?/ � � � ADDRES� y � ��'�/ �1`� �'g�.�g `� '�� ❑TY STATE � e ZIP 'wr' �Gti'/� �C-'� 6�d.ft-L � �� 'l �..-�s�y-�_..� y�l+' EMAIL ADDRESSr �r? G�- ��.�,--� 3 � �_� "�` Every day,WM drivers provide safe TELEPHONE NUMBER � � �' and reliable services. Using innovation �,r and technology, WM is a world �Nhat do I like best about Waste Management? C'i WM Superior Customer Service ,�, class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. ❑ Vi/M Community Involvement ; � - ,�� � `,�,�,:" ❑ WM Public Education � � v � �� r. ,i", �'y ��a �' ��'� ,E, 1 7�tj{�Pa.�, COMMENTS +�► .G`. �, ��� +�/ s €' � t"„ � ��,_ g +� ��,:, � �l' ��� n., +�' t ':' ' '.# ' "r��ylx,� 4 � `Y THINK GREEN: , , , , . , ro wr.aoa1er+� �� . � ,. - .. . , , , , ' , , - . . ' � i� � � � ___�._._------_--- --_..______..__.__ � � CUSTOMER NAME �--_-`�---�-�-'.`��i.-�.Vt/� y� ADDRESS �J�� 1�1VM ---���-�T ���=-���� �, ��, s� __— � CITY STATE ZIP � EMAI�ADDRESS � "7"�,.� -` �-a� �-c� `7`2 �` Every day, WM drivers provide safe TEL�PHONE NUMBER � ' „�, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? "�` class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Superior Customer Service y� �M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � " qy ' ,,"y,"�'-"�:`. �,�".'`,.}� ," ,�;_:" ^ ❑ WM Public Education "� ,tSd�iyd�T�(:yi:'1.!, :iiaN�,�TF'. �hL��{"q ��� h.�,�� ,i��:� 'y T � �, "� ;� N,'"�sy'ff� ;rk, H C ry+{• (-+ � r�,„ �; yc�e.��"�"�kS�'.��x. �r':�- Y" m� COMMENTS 1�7�� � P_��I �1}i w��`i:�'#r'�;:x�%�5����;�,",�":�"�a'�'���`,�,�,, `' � � ;.��s`�,#��: r, a.a:;�'.4', :a,: °�1��.���s�'�� ,��fi` �;', *.`��; + "� 4�fN,�'e�qk.;�"n'.� '.� .� : , � i'�r�du��'t'�`' '�"��'' '•Y9 :t �^� , ��,.�,k.,,���Y.,�`�a�, , � � �r �,� s.� w'h,.r.'���'1���Ztm''�,�Sr� i _c g �� �^ � ' ' �b`:� �`,,,,,„,,,,,`��� THiNK GREEN° ''�' '��iF'k��y�'{r RA`a'r..i��..r ,J�+�i� � i�, ..r. , 1s�,, ,� ,x'. �., _ ».�� �X�,��'„�.n. �aa"�$�j:.b�a y„�"i•E�.at:.. � � � � � ��—��c�N'�t��.l�--�s n�.l `'�'' M CUSTOMER NAME � A�E�i GE��FZ �-�-ll� � �r '��� ���tran►' ;,v A �'��iS7 `� QTY STATE ZIP � G2��`c�.�a�J �.�c.�wt c,4-s;�t�"�' vr� EMAIL ADDRESS �2�`�� �+ 3- v�a� ,'�` Every day, WM drivers provide safe TELEPHONE NUMBER ,,r,, and reliable services. Using innovation �, and technology, WM is a world What do 1 like best about Waste Management? �J WM Superior Customer Service '� class partner. Our city is cleaner and �,j WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. � ❑ WM Community Involvement } " �� { ❑ WM Public Education � , k�'� „�_� , 'i ,���,���p,'� �'h'4j ,,$ , d � . ri��',*, R �t,„'{'�, {" £" .+N"� 4 '� 'i�i 4"y � A � (�j /^ ��/ ' T� � !�, '� � �.a' p '�d "��� � ��� {�.J t" � i.�-�� �"�"t'� ` p y y � . COMMENTS: � A. , ��J . - ': r� s,, 4 r a;x � j:" a', p.�_,+ '�` ., ;^��+ ._ , Y"`�e�� -'? . .,.dr ��, �� J F�,, i ,�F,M �� * .,� ;i t S "9...6, ' Iw. SA d �.{ :'� � ., � ,. N ,� . , 1,'-,S, _ �4.:. � ,� '�,4,1 p; , � � Y, ' 1 A�. >� t " „,,�^.+ � .5f' � #,� �4. ''� t � �; `� � � �� � THINK GREEN� � ; «,.,,..,�,�o.�..' „ � � � +rrr � �""" �cr0.v�v� `..-t vt�,e_ � � CUSTOMER NAME �r. _�bC4_ �.w��S ��� ��._-----__�._. ADDRESS `� '�� �-.'e..+-.-�nti �►J�A.. _`�5���--------- ___--- -- ,� CITY STATE ZIP ,� 1\�v�c�e,��...e.�.�e� , c.c�►�. ___---- --- EMAIL ADDRESS � "��S ' t-1?i — f ( � � �r Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE NumaER ,,,�,, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world V►�hat do I like best about Waste Management? wr� ❑ WM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) '� greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement wr� f �WM Public Education �r} a 'l � x '�IIP i� �, „ , f i . .� � �, a��r:-: , 3 G .. ,.E,S,., �� t;vf �* �y,,.;"t�t a ,''� COMMENTS: � Y � Y v� , r i ,�, �^7 ;� q �, � �' : a x� +� Y ; � �y k- �•�'+,'�r.F!�rR 4 4.�h.?' `, � ��„ i� �a', � , 4 ', a yfs"s k $*,�"���C`� r,�2r,� ° t + 5 � � � ��+�'�'b _.��� � '•Y^ � N't( $«c7i i�''�A ���$�4 �p , � , -; � � t ,_���� ¢ ,p :��� -� '{ , �N,,,c' p 'adit �',i, t"' l.�r �.�.e�a��,;' �,. . �;- r�' ;�i � "� � � p ,�'�'���r,������l��a ;. ��"���,. THINK GREEN�' '� .�e{�e�{�¢ i I�:_' Y �' , - r _ ., _ . , . ....,... , „ . , , , � � � � � �e.� S'a� �6.t-�i *�II►" � CUSTOMER NAME �. ��, �/. E, /�� S7 ADDRE55 "�/ Gz-e,ri� l�� `�D S� '�' CITY STATE ZIF �" C.�.:�r,(.n,.��,c-, (S7 (�' - fi`-Q-T EMAIL ADORE� v � �h �o�� �� V 3 ''�"' Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONE NunnsER �r and reliable services. Using innovatian .,�, and technology, WM is a world W, hat do I like best about Waste Management? I�� WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement �r � Y = �' � � C WM Public Education � ,�x£ ..h ' �t � , r7�t f, idr, +`�k � `. - ,: .i r �. � �'x�jl l—' ✓! rF f r �, ;�i;;; ' ` c "�' i `+` COMMENTS: '�'' � S ,� c' df p _ }��,, �ri�'f .„ . �,v.. . , ,. _ , � . . , ..;�-�` . 4 a"" a� • . ,�, ,:rr,;,r.t .,r . . , , , � h _ z e , '_ 'd5 S �'` ° , �.: " �,,,�;;�,M� THINK GREEN� wir• �r w�r � �r � CUSTOMER NAME � "`�� __—— � ADDRE55 � VV M � ���� ��- �� � QTY STATE ZIP �� �- ���� � EMAIL ADDRESS � C � �b� � � z��� � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EpHONE NUMeER i �,, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? "'�" �WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � -�-:, -� � ,. �WM Public Education ""�` � � i: n }' , x -ag ft� �.�f,a£' 4,' , CoMMENTS. '�" a ' 4,; 5 � � �'y4 F§ b �p �✓1 O�• ` � - �.'M"k �''t�'^ : ,: ' t.n, \�� � 4a": �y�.�,t t � � , f x, / �' r; . q � �t� � t „8, ��r' � ,�, � � � �L�i . ��,h +: . .� . : :� 'w , �:�; � , r a v r n» . �+`� , ��- ,� ,'� G�: ',��7 ��;� �'�`, ���� t*a r r,:,; �,R� '" " . . ,:�y r==",,,,;„„M THINK GREEN: '"�'' � � � �r � �?��t1� `� CUSTOMER NAME '� �y � 3b0 �..��{Yl��� C.� � ,,� ADDRE55 ���� �-e��� w � c1�Sto �,�," ❑TY STATE ZIP .� �'iYb�1��5—T?, � \no-E-�nnc.���\ • cssrn ,�,,, EMAIL ADDRESS J l_`'(2�� li�`'S—l J 1't�t � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPNONENunneER � �,r and reliable services. Using innovation ,,,�, and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? `�WM Superior Customer Service `� class partner. Our city is cleaner and ��M Clean a�d Green Trucics(reducing greenhouse gas) ,,,�,, greener thanks to WM. `� M Community Involvement i ����,� � t,�t�, � ;:��.� f , WM Public Education � � tfi�a a r '1�' �- y �a t a`"'�,�;"� `�('� „� COMMENTS: s� r�lr �,�A.�� ,� ,� , ��4 , n.; a :;�t « �r �� � ' .�'� �r.:�r �� '� •� _ . +'. �f� ', �. � , , h s, 1 c� � "�' �, �. � a';� � h�;r � � ��.,�����a,,a=} t�:�` `� ,�� `_ �. ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, THINK GREEN: �. ..��. � � � v.r �rr +r v�r CUSTOMERNAME +) � j_� ����L��.�!'\_..,__. � `4Z +r ____ - ADDRESS � ��� � i�� *�► '��� CITY —.T--�---- 57ATE ZIP _��____ _ * � ��e��l°`l 1n��" �l��J�6 � EMAII ADDRFSS �r" �O 6--6�� �,� `�Z— �` Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPH�NE r�uMgER ,,,, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world w' h/at do I like best about Waste Management? '�` �'WM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and �, �1�i Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. �M Community Involvement "++n" ..,,,.�,,�,�.: �M�F,:,,�,;n,;���.�.G� .,�,;�,,:�,;,����.�,-.Wu:,.�., ., f�VVM Public Education �����r"�^'�. vi�?�� ,+� �,�"rv{,5r$ ,� �;Sx�� �e��r,�j ',' �-, �� s���x� � 'v�. � �7 J+ t 4 a•'r �' a � � � ����,� ?��'.k�p���'a���e �kr����e�^����.�w�"kN�"?°pt�"i�'����y 't`� {� s� COMMENTS: Y � � i�R�tau�Y � 4�Y'�."�J '��✓Jr L W�,.kiM 1 rr.�9M§�k f S��i��i �9�d"�L e„ c �'f ri y� �4 �,�R ,,Y.���gy'��j1„ �Ay,• WJa ^�R'Y da+`e'� . � � �E"S�'N;��. ,t�,�� �L*�;�°�� �v�+, YY' �}a,"�"h�� e i i.� '��" t N4.k .� � ' "�� � , y� �;� �p., '� �;�" �5.{'��"� y°:�:s}.'�'.�'r„�Y:� r��;rt'�,h'w�..T""�}��"J,��"..,.�i�"��.n��".q�'`,#l+ `� a� . .. ��.�<. , :� �.,f{��^,x. �i �Y�� d �A��' S'�t�`�'�y ���k R��t.r�� a {y� '�,�i a� ,s'h � z�s � �s,;...r�`.�` �a ����.,�,,�:� ��k y#rv�a���� ,�������rr� ,w.....:...�..�� THfNK GREEN: �r�.,��a�.,azd+�r�''3.,�4x ^t�J;,i�i'� Xv#x;'��,P � , '�w�, . , � - ,,, ,.. . , , µ., ., � � � � � �.ti►i►. �,(.�! ✓ � CUSTOMER NAME /� � v '�+'' 1.�1 �t.��.,.n ..,�-.,-,�1 �,c.e, S� ADDRESS � ����� ��ot.,. 1� r,� � GTY STA7'� ZIP +111r EMAIL ADDRESS �llli "'r'" Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHon,E NUMeER � and reliable services. Using innovatian �, and technology, WM is a worid V�►hat do I Itke best about Waste Management? �WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and �y WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks t0 WM. �VVM Community Involvement �r► a � ,� ,� �,�" °'^`�`�����A�,��� �� ❑ WM Public Education � "a�� � �" ,s�a ,�n 'i' . � 4 , .:, � � ' l 1.�, l� '�' � �"�� �'� .�.�` ,�, ��±c ��,�f(`',``„,.���� COMMENTs. �A, rs, � �►' N�+a z ,. ' ,� �� �j�,'�a�,��"#:�'"� a;�,e�s�i ��'' .� ��R : o 4 y �� � ���� , � �� �( � ' �d�,' . n vl�f' �s�i `��� 4��, � 5 � .„��.< �J� � i�w"^�'�' " t-±�'��# ,ha i° t d' '�ir '� ��". �yr' '��"'`» F ?,�rP r + =4 '� ,'. r��" 7 ._ �p�.�, �, , � . ' i �Af-4�d?Mt �`,t Y � � q�„ Y � rN i ?!� fr ,.� '��'t,'� .� kN t �- '. 3"i` ' � ' "` ^ ' �_._,�„„ THINK GREEN: .�s ��.'," �. . .... � � _ � _ :, �rr`' �w � � C.kc�t, ii� L��7"L`� .� CUSTpMER NAME ��` /J — � — -_____ 'r�- `"�,f' -�2� ��� � � � � ADDRESS �.,.,�-a� w� ��'� � ---- �` '�M ��_Y -- y STATE ZIP � � EMAII ADDRES ��r � �� � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPNONE N�^^�ER ' rrr and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do 1 like best about Waste Management7 �'" � WM Superior Customer Service �re class partner. Our city is cleaner and �j��ean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � X� :4r��,x;;4���;�"e�y�"`�;���;� `� � � r �" : ❑ WM Public Education '�rr` � � � "' �a re k t, `�r+� � �"��� +� '��x��,�t'� *�r;'�r�, 'c,,� s � �'� COlv1MENT5. � �";,: � E"`_ � � i ,.� ��;, �b����'��,wn' x +�+��.4r�� �'��: �*�G�;�` �� �;���,�'„p � '4 k, � ' + , � u, - , � � .,,;�.i���"��:.r�� ° �: ;��.��?.��.. „�;; ���,,��� ��-,,; ,� ya' $��F.f+ �� ,;�;� . ...'. � 8 ad�� t � �;.��� aw��y+G.� �Y� '�" '(�, �� 1 , �. ' , ��.,. #b�,r1�� �tl�f��'�i"Y���.� x;.2�?�s� � ��t��`y„�S� '�'��,�,�,?� h�n�k.` � .� g J �'a.�: x r % �t � � . �-� :,w�, -t7 `r, ��'��7�7� �s 4�k r.�'°�" yc�w��+d'?Yw,'� � G�r, :j SraG,`..s.:,,. > . ''C��c�', i$ �, ,�': �..4�u�s � '.0 ���# � p�F �y�5 �t "��;�W'x�������, °*r THINK GREEN: '�r'` ,� �tbt�` � �fi4°���Y�*� s'�a�''�+�'r xui�.,,p� ,�-.� r t�'�,� w..,....r.d....we + . , .. „_�, k r,.,�.'.�Y.c '� . ' . • � � � � � � � MA�.t-r t. Sa✓ �'' CUSTOMER NAME �r � ��- ���� � �� � ADDRESS W� ����3�. W�a-- �r ��__ � CITY STATE Z1P � � EMAIL A4DRES5 � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE��PHONE NumaER v�r and reliable services. Using innovation •� and technology,WM is a world �M1►hat do I like best about Waste Management? � WM Superior Customer Service "'�" class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) ,�„ greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement N .� ;�:�,���� :,� ������;t ;��, r � s ❑ WM Public Education � �� a �� ��., g, :: rr�v z � ,H � y� � '� � � �ti �; �Q. C�C� � � �� ��A��g�9"a��a`��",st�y's� '"�Y `�w trm�,,:�h e� �� � COMMENTS: ` Or� ��� t m���, ,� � A �* R � ,� ���, �f''��' ,^t'¢�''��' "��i���$'�i �'� ` r '` ��a �'T6��,1/� T����l —z_ � �` ;a,tkM�+'�z� "�v,b ,Sw,«x ,��f�,"'s' r� :,, (i � �, � ,� '�t' ,'�thf sf �jw'', � �, � , _ �'�2 '-���3 �„�+(,;�h Wtf�, �:�*l'� � � �_ f 1� k d. .� k -d Fs 'M �:�4 � 3�`�,�`"���'� , ��:4� s THINKGREEN: � ,� `� ���x�� �,�.� ,,..,,a..,.M' ' . . .. .. ,t'3 Y ... , . y�, „ , , � � � �.► � �r ` ����.r---' � ������-.- �� � �� � � M - AC?�ESS- ___.-i�� �' ��-4/`,�` �-���a � r VVM � CITY STATE ZIP � EMAIL ADDRESS � ;,�, Every day, WM drivers provide safe TELEPHONE NUMBER and reliable services. Using innovation � and tech�ology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? �,r M Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) �" greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement ; � ❑ WM Public Education ` '�� - ��"a# *�" ;a''P�4��z���y �s.�t�»�$,4' �"�-�e >„� �*�b-.� C� / � �"'"}T'�+t�' ��s`�4:r����'�� '�c.o�,...a,���'gr,����������'��Sa���"�d� COMMENTS. �`1�``l!' ' � %s:`� f �y�' . ' � � �" ' � �i;x • •I�' .; +,f'� a r ti �yw : -a�-�. rd�q .i� . r ��rRu�"�'�a���,��' a,�{�,+ . �,,��'?M1"�a '����a'� :� � ��`sj�`� �"�-���'�� � � .t'''��r.�', �" ,�I,. � t,��k }:�k95 -`� ' ''"�y �'' , ` i's;� x H � „��,n k , ay r� ,�� �+ 3 m� � ��� �' '��y, �`�,` r„,y , �" �m ��;�Y �� '�z�4,'�'s °�rF�,�• � rt�� � ,�� ,`M1' �' � � ,�, � ��,�«�,�,.����� �� � � �, � ��� THINK GREEN: �, :,�.,v �.;;s„��+,�°`+x;�"�", •� ' �>e.�'. t� n� w.,,. +Ulrr" � +NN►` � � �` ��('('Gv�C�. C���n.oV �r CUSTOMER NAME � � � Zti �y s� Z�, �,t ADDRESS "" }�c��� �f� 9�w 5� .r arv srarE ziP � 12�3 f@. �a I•ca n�► EMAIL ADDRESS "�" 2c>6 - 3� �/-y��ds � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE NunneER .,r and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I Iike best about Waste Management? '�"' �WM Superior Customer Service � �lass partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) ` greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � : „� �7 3; ';��,4��%�: �^��j� '� ���:;��:;; �1 WM Public Education ,yr, ;�,�� � ',, �; �`��$��a�"�^��'''�'��'��„� . '' � �>+'��. , �`�;� �,�'t�,"w��, -����`"����7' COMMENTS. q��� J�� ,,�, �y��;k � ° e N,s: 4 �"� � " ` ,, . :,Y 1 y� y�„, �++� � ���'w�t�'� y�VY+��y Y��� '7`CS"b',,+2 � ��1pr.,v%��y,t',�k4d�i �f#k. � ��k'� ,�;� '�,,py p 6 � '.a �3$�'�{j,, ,�4j'�. �'d°i xtl`°�j r"Y r�t �5 b Q4��4�i�i� �(���_ . . . $ � � { '� rr�� u �do'q�5�r�-' ,#�, � -�- t ,�� i�,9�'��dy���`� t � r i,� ',��, ��� �� ,a� rt�,aa, r �m, t��,� "�,�, # 'i� Er �4 +µ�" ��r' 't�.� -x , 'J�'"� '`�"�o f��.�������, �S. , ..�.�. r��,, ,, ,,,* � s .�,� �,'"; .��wA��,K.��r ° ; w�,.... � �, THINK GREEN: � �;;: u- ', `` � .,.�„e«..,.. � wir � � V i e�J- �p .rr� � CUSTOMER NAME `2- 13 r d r�o h�(► f�L IV�. � ADDRESS � WM ��� w� ���j� � CITY S1ATE ZIP � EMAIL ADDRESS � � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE NUMBER � and reliable services. Using innovation and technology,WM is a world H►hat do I like best about Waste Managernent? � '�`WM Superior Customer Service ,� class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � ��� � �+:.- '�,"f��,���;�;: ❑WM Public Education '�►' �:s.� ���.���,:.>.:,, .s G "v�' ,;�k��a�' ',,.�, ��a, ��r.t , . �,, '" >� :�az;�t:.,� �s r"u COMMENTS' .,u�.,�' fi�. �..� kc,f�...�'��-�:� . �t°, `a .��° e '� �..��� ..� �ww „� .ti+ ;'�' ��'�'.1�'��'���`�" � ! 4`�' ,,t� � �'s � ',,t, ._ .. .�', h��� '�r►t ,.. .�, „ A��z� � ''," � ,` �;, �,�„�,�,,,,,�' THINK GREEN: wr►� r r ,.'.a,65�, .¢ '�k � .'�'��'��:.a.(�i�yr"'.;.:i: kk!�-j�'�:,t;:�'s,,�,�,r ... ,. .. . . .... . _, . , � ��r � � � �l� IJ � l� �-� � ""r" CUSTOMER NAME � 2 s� � ��� (� � t--'� �� � ADDRE55 �r IVt/M �'-�-��� ��, ���� � CITY STATE Z�P '�° S�..:�v"� r'��--�r-F-- �t � EMAIL ADDRESS .1�-2 � 2'� `� f �U ".r" Every day, WM drivers provide safe TELEPHONE NUMBER ,�, and reliable services. Using innovation and technofogy,WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? ''�" CJ'WM Superior Customer Service �,► dass partner. Our city is deaner and �M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. �WM Community Involvement � ��r , ��� ;;i�,.,..� ;,,..;�Ga; a���, �.u<:„„�,�;.;-�,:.,: �-C�UM Public Education � � � H�r� m��,����-�s�,� �„�,;' � � ^� ��g � � ,�� ' h',� � � ,+ *SY ra �r�l'��°°' ������"�4 5 COMMENTS: � "�` ' s'�`�"'-?y r�a *��,x�.,'���'` �; '�+ ^� �,n ' ' ,_ p �,� � � ���;r � f U � ��� y.�,d�i��.g e r�,d�',p 1,� i� k u�j 4�W��My';a y- ' ,�5r R'�: ry i d - F -`aw�r'��. va�,�� � � _ r �`�, 5 +�" � �,�-v�,� i' � a �.; � 1 3'"� ; ��s�2�,"���'���t�� �,!�^ r k ;a, �r , � e ����"��$E�4���������5 } � ��``�P�f��� �k -� r �';rak' � 4, ,b � w `s w°r _�-,;# '��;, '��' `�"�"` '� �" THINK GREEN: �ya�°":.;'°,�t� +���o-����; ,c I xt «,.......,wYo.,..«. �„�.`�' !�. `'.a`* � � �' wr� � � 'r\Y1 f�c`�r..t1 t__-`�,n. �--��i� ,�y CUSTOMER NAME `�' � ------.v___.� —----— ApDRE55 � ��--�� �,l�,�� �� _�__ ��� �� .�� � �I� Ci7Y � STATE ZIP '�. EMAIL HDDRESS � � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE NunneER ,,,�,,, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I Uke best about Waste Management? � M Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and �, M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. �.�tM Community Involvement � ,,.,,,��;KH�'�;"��`�`��'�:°��^"�"r$"w� �r.���,.,ry� ,:�� �.:;;;��, !�[�WM Public Educa �on ,�� fM ;����� �+ �� ��d �r����, -� '� � '� .-- ��r�� �; `ir��#w`'�a��°� a'� "w �TM� �'i�,�� r COMMENTS "`Vi4'L�L"� � v1�C. � �?�t,.. � :... "# , , y � °'1�' .�N��;'�'�st�tf,�yn��{��.p,, ..^'.y","�,�.��r .T+�r ;r- � � ' �.�� .e�� g t '..Z� . � '� ��'y ;'�''�,`3�`'�?�� c�a .,.s � ,��� `: r� ":'.n ,t, .�� ' , '+�p ,vd .�'�:,'��avy +9,. � . �;,��;�,�r�,��;,�.���;�. ° ��' ,�...,.�.: THINK GREEN� �, �. . , ,,�}:',;. :'t°'.'!'fr"�'. .,.:��'.v .,rt,,,i,i�,9. l,. .,d,:,.,�D�q...... .. � � �° � �� � r !�'"L?� L9% �,�i'LL�i� � CUST�MER NAME � � < .�. �2 ��Cr ,C�?�.L,._._, ll L ADDRESS � �� ��6 s6 �' CITY STATE ZIP �" ��D�... � EMAII ADDRESS � """" Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHorvE NunneER w. and reliable services. Using innovation ,,,�,,, and technology, WM is a world What 1 like best about Waste Management? �Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and w.r M Clean and Green Trucks(reduting greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑VUM Community Involvement � ���� � � f� � �" 4, %� t �.,` �,�;� , ' ❑ WM Public Education � i��,� #� � fSa,� i� '"�at��Cr� �.tt^�S� � ��� a +�''� "� ,• a �et)F 4'; ��_ `r/ /I�'f+ � � �c�s f v� r�,n ��°_� ��'r��d^�s�4 ����.r���r�� COMMENTS: `� 'S/�-� � a:."'�, ' � rv � y ; - // // qy�, c r.+s$ - / / / � t'�'�� r �'kt1�",.,�P' '�4x'{ r� �y_�,��$ '�P d� ,ti �� � � �hl�}�4xN�;`q��;�s1w.� ,�! �;��°��' ��''a �o-�n'4r� t� �g ; ,:5 r ,� , ,,�, ,. s s, '�;Y�§>,1 a_i +�' � �*'?-��<��a��,`�•'� y� .- �° ,,, a , ��m ,�";° ,*''�, .� � . � '��s�+� :�'s.�`mt r t ix e�'✓�`�k ''�7 m�� �-�4 k�7t� , ' '�r je� f d6�s``��� ���+^ " sr 'c'.rr ^"-, i`ax s f�g.��.. � t°',: 8{� ,�� ,r � "° �' �:, `�� �.: «.,.,�,M«M��' THINK GREEN� +�rr �wrp .�r � �.�� ��� � � CUSTOMER NAMe---- 2 b o� N� Z-�,.� 5T �` ADDRESS � W M ti2��r�N w�A ���5� ...r►► CITY STA7E ZIP '� l,vl�--7_ 1-U.t.4, C� 1-1�i wl��cr. c��v1 ErJiAll ADDRESS � '� Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPyoNE NumaER � and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? '�✓ ❑ WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � ,:;��;: � � + *:,;,�r ������: ❑ WM Public Education ''�'' ��.:: aar, ,� x �.. ��;;,; �a��}#:;,��' ���i_,�'�`�i.�., � ,�.,��'',,.��.i;.;;�: -'�,,�r`'��,.� ,g.��M'..r. �. .Ce"''-:{�l:�� b'�'" a�.,�,,,�'.'�� N...y ��i- ` �" rc. .��*�1�„�"`" � ,r�' COMMENTS: � ��s��... �. ,��$,<,�''�` �aha"'�t s'��, uta�:..v.4�6: � ' . ����� �..,.�p. ��'� �"`�'��'�,.. �� �h � cn ��»m� ;..� '��'., ` fi� , ,,, a�r' .:,, .b� ��; `rl� '".���'• "%�, � '�we..�,., 'r� . � �'��" �ar.. ��':�;.�'�- r,, . , . t, '�' ����,MrcN'7t�; '�.;a.":;'�f fi ;�- ,w'1:^., .�� � .R6'w':,* ,y�'�":�.: µv.,'�;, : '�°' t:� � .. � ��,�• THINK GREEN: �r �Y+��,;`. , �a'� t �ew: .�,�r^��i.� �' ,a {µ��rs., '.'+{p.: ',�lu ..""` , ti,.f{ , .S"W '1 „... ,„ _ ,».,.,. ^�11"V;� , � � � � � hvY � t \ , ���Ar�-f" ''�► CUSTOMER�E_ � � � � + � �i'� �""CJI � ADDRESS /{ � C��e ►�-E-�v� („) � �I ��S� ..� W I� CITY STATE ZIP �, I� � S C �h S� ( LL/� /`�v(d,Cl/�l�t�t, .c�c��• ..� EMAIL ADDRESS '�' Every day, WM drivers provide safe r��EPHONE NUMSER � � and reliable services. Using innovation What do I like best about Waste Management? '"'�` and technology, WM is a world ❑ WM Superior Customer Service •�+ class partner. Our city is cleaner and C-71JVM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks t0 WM. ❑WM Community►nvolvement �� ;� �M;� ��°� „ �� r$.��,�'�r��°'r"` �WM Public Education `�` z���. � 2, - � t ^ `'t''�^;���`�`.Stc�"�� � �'�r� -,��nsw:� � s,', 's �`� '" � �,,`a�'�'�`,.,��a�, '?�„ � ��i��s�.s,�"z ��"�:j COMMENTS: l�.J�'"'-P � � G�R 4�e� �!^�- � ����;� g � �.'t�1�"�,_x`- au,M-�gu�.`.;�u �v;.y� �s�'�t����+� •� '�' : qt� ;.,� � 1",c��g.^�w a>k n, ,�.�� ;�',�" �$s3'� . X � ,x;`�`,�ro�« , r' "`��,��y, �5� A�s q� '�' a ,-:µcc. t, (' � �r��°'f��'.��'��';� .... � y ,'�':' �'� '� ` N ";�'�C,{kra��'S,�y���g� '� k .,� �l�c�`c ..q A�_ C^�,( '75 �d!C1 $� 9� _ ,&J�"` „�, a fi�s .v� 4* �{.�t¥ '�� ,,.=' � r ,<..t,' `",'�fi}.�;� ������;���� ,�,,..,��' THINKGREEN:� ,, �:. .:. . ., ,. . . .,... . :�: f. ,, „ � , r,.. o...:.... ,. ,.,�, .,.. . , - _ . �r+ vr7 � � w�rr �'` �`�1�U(?s� �.� �} �i,��'i,�—�.��1k.� _ ,� CUSTOMER NAME � �,,. � f��-1 1 F�-e�'_.�'�C��__�- '��IE AppRESS �` �M �.,v�� , Gti.l t�- 1 g��b � �ITY STATE ZIP �,�. _._,��..e��.�,c.�.lc�4�.i�.��tn�a,.,__��S.�cx-m EMA!L ADDR£SS '� __�-�� � �`7� � 3�Z� � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE NUMBER q,�,,, and reliable services. Using innovatio� and technology, WM is a world �Nhat do I like best about Waste Management? ++r ❑ WM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and �"WM Clean and Green Trucks{reducing greenhouse gas} �"` greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � Y � � ��. ��� ,�;�,� ,�,� ' �'���''°'� ❑ WM Public Education � � � � , �` `� -� � 4�� '�. ,y ,� � r y� zr s,�S^ �;���&,°j1.Fx����„k'r��h COMMENTS: R .�,.,. > ,�: . ,, � Q�lsU.l.,.n P Ar1�l,.M '��nk.M+� '� C��`t�.-c1� '� � i..x ;fi�s `�i fi�r��r��r ,4ja�t�, �w, .H,:.§%r,- � n ��} _.� `') J 1 ;,,�c .r mL � �:�, �"���''L"' ,U�""°� "&� � i °: 'i"'\ly� ���'Il l r�:3.MX� l p L'1_.li'.''Yt-�.f Vl. 1���7'^�_.� r� °a"t +�4 ,����}t � � r. ;,,' lJl n� 'Y �` {�k T�"=,1�%;�'::�,A;�;�`;�`#';�:s.,,,"'��ui.?N;'��;':��a'�'�,r� �� n .) �}�h�� .� " -"� ��r��ze � �►lin.Q./Yl �t.a..n t t)-vi.�- A t.'',.v� � � . � ��� � �' �r�,�,`..,;:.`•:Y��. .. _.>�af„*�t�6tar�.Y.. ��.,!"'�. . ' - �� s',�;,r x' � g�� � u �y �;, ',.F�.�°!h;�4:'f%:H".�,t"';;�%3'w'i,":i;i;!�:;:,�^t.� � , r���,..,.r';w=rry..,ry,(-;..',t;;::r�Y'':��: p; : �S,J, `-j'es' T � ��F t, " � �v " -�``�s,�� THINK GREEN: , :¢�'���f�,',,���r �,t �`» � , a, � x _a�:�k.-�� ,,. , � � � � �"' i�G�-h�t��.. lu�i (��-{'� o �f �' CUSTOMER NAME � � � 3 0� d y � � w o.�� �/�;� ��_ ADORE55 � �' ,�, --��r (N r� ��"D5� °� �� C't1Y STATE ZIP '�Ir► EMAIL ADDRESS �' ���- ��� - iy3� ''"'' Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONE NUMeER .r and reliable services. Using innovation � and technology, WM is a world H►hat do I like best about Waste Management? �f"WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. �'VVM Community Involvement arr : ru 7wnf ^+ ' wt ' v',� '": , �.a:9'*t"t1 6�d+ ,„. ��� � WM Public Education �; �"�w �.-: � �,, � `� , ���'t'�� �; ,��� '��"��,�����,„ ; `�'„ ;3� ��"a�b� y�g���u r; �°n,� �`��,'�',�'� t+�,i COMMENTS: �' .au � ' : � # r �,�$, . m „. k �r#,}} ........ Ii,�y',,,w %U;,'dvw�Nyu.�'.r� Y 1 9""�»�" �.,.���';;§rH r� � an y t�'✓.�,�R' cf�4w� :roi. ��p a: �,�� S�-�F ,M� .,�r .` y, 1. 't . $,y�J �' k y�.� a� �`, �, �deeA��,5•� ,��,:-t,"�a���'�.��3,�A°'*�19"'��M°`fir:if'�ti, 4ry '�a�. :� x � t n , ` ,��, a'��4 i � , ' }+`L 'y�S ie �'el ',�"{� � , h � ',Td,v,�a .r� �yt , C`,.1 Ad �,a�� k' iaf� �,,�'v} 7 i d 1 �, ,§ .�"t , 4�Y"��.�'?t� � ° +,��"�. �P�, 't +Mp' a�, ��� 2,y�t-'r � ,:f�'r ix, t ��� � t�'� r*„p#�a k � �i,� ; ,.� ,� � " �.° ` ���.�������;„ ...,,. `�3� THINK GREEN� , <.� .$ �.: i;�,;;�, f< .,�.,�..�...,' � .,k',� ,1- , , . �. �� � -' -, , ,„ , , � � � � � �����P�P/�v � lrt�°(��a�? � ��u�c.- �.. CUSTOMER NhME / � .�.�, C'�� ,1.� �r�i 5 � �rr ADDRESS � ,��- �` �(/t�� ��d��o '� �� CITY ST.A7E ZIP' �R � / � °•, vr i�!�y� `�'`7(j—"1l?Cxi,.1 ,f /�C:�`"_"' .� i� � EMAIL ADDRESS , '� ___ Every day, WM drivers provide safe TEtEPHor,E r,unneER � and reliable services. Using innovation and technology,WM is a world W�do I like best about Waste Management? � WM Superior Customer Service ,,�, class partner. Our city is cleaner and p WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. �M Community Involvement � ;�r �;,��`,�-z`�sr,�,�.�.;.�`;��.,.�,;. ,�;, k.�Y�,;.;.:i::; ��f,r ',`.<�; C�'�M Public Education � � '� � � '�c�, y • �� � b ��'� ,l /J� ) � ��j �',�,r����w'�'��'u�;"`�g��e j'S�..d'�' '�{LL�;i��'� -��t����`vl, "p�,e+�'�,� COMMENTS: �J /j� V (/� i__� �7 �)M�( � �t�' .,t.':, �' . ' �'a , �' `��� „i;; �, p � �l' J �I �� �.''3..�,� i�" �p?$5w4?�3,..w�,,fi,S"jpN1__`�:.;«Wty»„�y+,�t.'Q "s3�r���;'y�;�jY \-/ 1�i. ;�;�;;��v��:������q�.�� �, �:: y� ��. ������_.. ��. � > rJ c J � .5� �;;d'k`�,�,:�'iM'rylb:'%a:d'r'." .;Y4v ,� ,9,':.�i:.�:. A�:'eyt�rd Y�, Y; j :,%. ..� . .i r �(;;y ,*�qp,:. $ � I `:1i�:c�,�t,?.t'�{,:,, Sk.z,yk�µ i ,w,xjx,�7Ax„ �b F ,� :�r:,w; :^:�,«`a'��,: ,�;�`�x.,..�irc�+,�'�„`vi,r,a;� �� '�' �a �:w..,� t '� ��",,�p;,��`'��('��.���'S�?��'��''"��E<��,;,'°:,'��,�;.�x�.H,�"�y'�,?,'�y�;R��y��. . . q .w�°,� . �^ t 5� �,�; 'r � ;S y�' �r� s t '� � �' ��� x' #�"':"��k �v'r�! f�`��",��4�$Ar t5q,�` t ' r a �; ���xr:�FF�'�°.����:�`�`���,�,�,��fM�= �°`;s�?'����,;� , ,���;(,:`"�p� ��.�.... THINK GREEN� '��w eP "��" . � �. , .. - . „, � , _ '��;,. _,.. ".� i , -. .. � � � � � CUSTOMER NAME � M�� o�r�«� a `� ADDRESS � ��� �(���-1 ��cVt 1�h^�a��C �'I S E ,�.�.-,�-�� 9`�aS,� �' CITY STATE ZIP ,�„ �' EMAIL ADDRESS �-/`�� - �/� �— �� `�± �" _ �. Every day, WM drivers provide safe TELEPHdNE NUMBER � and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world VUhat do I like best about Waste Management? � �WM Superior Customer Service 'v�v class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Ciean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑WM Community Invalvement � x , �;� �� + , ��.,� °�, -� k=j r� �. ❑ WM Public Education � �r� w����"�,a�� G�a�:,'��3, ��;���� '�'�i �aY�', �V{k,, �.ei"rv'�gs�,�'��s�„�a'��"��ary'�r � �z'f,;Ne��zb"� rx��`�d''�� r���"�tfn��� COMMENTS: / l�u �'7.17Y�� ����.I��C���"'i,"� �u''I�l/Dlr"1 � � � , �;,��'� � � }� s:;�» '�m +��s - 7,:�f s�,i�' '; p;¢ 1 -j f.�Fk�,'f�„ '� ' ,`, ^ �, . �; � M���,�, ,;„�� fi..�� ��,� K .-�,� . = �'4� (�=4, ��� �M L.I C �c, �4 �e� , �° � :"�s�, �,�,�:,���,s,, � � ���„ ,� s,�_, ` t.� •✓ '�° , :Y' .. , , , 8",�. re�,y: t ,U,', �' �' -.{�a , .f,, � , P 9 t $t' ��-, �.,. � . ^ ! 4,; �w �AS "� � "g.��,� Ytr' p y '_§ " , �. y :�a-�` °`y,� �.,'' ,.,�,.;,...a;;� THINK GREEN: "�r' � „3,,, � �;. �, �. w� . k r . � � � �► � �'" �o�Gncl b $�,,.�h 6 rz��� y�r CUSTOMER NAME �, � ��z I�d� �4,;e S�� _---_ —_ ADDRE55 �' �M ���� �4� �86r�- � GTV STATe ZIP � �)/vl EMAIL ADDRESS � ��� wr Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHor,E rvunneER ,r,, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? �' C�NM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and ,�, �M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ �/M Community involvement � � e �, �"�„ � s °�' y�� ��4; ,;;, ❑ WM Public Education , R, �,� , <i ,�a �� � 'k' ,r '.�� ' 4 t "t .,,;� e*'W7: ;y a.'�t q;v�-'`� ,y,��� d � *"''��t�i''���a�r'^�����+��'� ��d;a �-:a "q'f"..ti'��'*at��r�.��_ k9� COMMENTS �4�, .p �' �r .�� . � .5 ;4 r � `�x �w�''S� �,a ;"v, '�, ,� ,a ,�«,^ ,� o�� �w« a'#. t _ ��� ?'e�. � �a*��t .,� � .,.,��' a 'a";��,�. �? �PPr'� cc,f-f� �c yta,f S�tr✓IC�I �r"' + ,�' :r � �,,��' ' �'�, � d�'��`.., � j �a��5,��r�i����r��1 g�..�e����.� ,�, ,� e. �`„�',�d�,`,4����„ti�'„��;.g,s3!'�.}�?�.t�;,b°';%�k,°��',�- �'' �+�.:�,Y.�'., ^ ,,,.,.�:4�.°:'�',.;���9{�.,��.,,'�';a � .:��,' �� �� 7} t �Y''�^'k+, 7��t^>n ,&r� �' �u �z.x�.-C'�� n * *k' � "c ;4*p� ��,ic�i . ��°� '�r � i Y , � a � t�:� ����.�������A ���.� :S� ��. �. THINK GREEN: � ' .�,,..; ,: Y yr: ';, ,�; .. . _ : �Illr' „ . . .., , : ,. , ,. �� .. , f�' � � � � � � ������ '��' CUSTOMER NAME `� �„ � !!7���c2�f' f��t'�e r�� ADDRESS �` 1J111�i11 ���' � ��a� 1 '�" CITY STATE ZIP w„Y �t'�,�-/���.,.c� EMAIL ADDRE55 V � `"�` ��- �6 -�`�� ""'' Every day, WM drivers provide safe TELEPHpNE NUMBER �rr and reliable services. Using innovation �,,,i,,. and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? M Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. WM Community Involvement � PA. ;��; .�,�,,., ��� �-;�,� ::,r.. ,� :_,',., . M Public Education } ,y�, s �, �" ���� �� �� �"�' y�: �� ���a�.t i. aa_ � u' ��� 7 n�:�w�,,��" , =a��' , COMMENTS: °� J � � �`y„ � . ' . �' �;W,,�b �a$ i����, k��`,"��"`'�'��.`�:�}'� -T+ ':�k � 'f-,�.i � �s �r � �, i � � ; s,��1�bp�""?`�'�� '�.w��°���a� t°% ��'b 1 �t 7"� ,�ti�-; � �, , p } h°" � '�i� �� i���e"� 'g1�. � -'� ,'�4 S ,,, h {r - • �� . � : y� � �' P s '&n "' e�q x D a' � i ?+y "+ � X 1 � +e�, i'i9�^�r; .V� � �? � � ��� �} � THINK GREEN: �� yz' `' , aE'�� '. WwtnwM�ux�wr�#� h_R � �� ..i i'. , ' . � � „ ' ,. � � � � � CUSTOMER NAtv1E �` � _ — ��� ��a� � ADDRESS � �I�M -�--�� �� ��` .� QTY SlATE ZIP �� w�- �5� . � EMAIL ADDRESS � � Z����, . �.. Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�FPNor, NUMBER — "� � and reliable services. Using innovation and technology,WM is a worid H►hat do i like best about Waste Management7 �r► � WM Superior Customer Service ,� class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks{reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ W Community Involvement � ! �;r"�;,a :;; ,i;�' ' �WM Public Education `�'° M � �# � „} , j v� '�� '�'� .�,,,iF'�4�`:`' ,�.,� �", '� , ,. , , COMMENTS: # g w` � u r�s-�r .�^ w � � �� g�%t 2 ��a aS� t,��o��r�� � �� " Y"� Y'a � �t, - 5';�°�'� r.,uw� $ �� �{,w i�;' ^� f� y,�� ,�° ,S,''"S",,,.`,*�`7 � ' � ' ,u,e'� {tr �* �A �r #; F ,✓ a �,5,'{�,,�„� .�� zC�r c �"�r ' -p,5r� s �1, : ''- _���y�"5a�;,'f'irh��#' '��;`�+ 7"`� t.� �'; h ��*� `,� . � ' '�: � � ,r� '^�� t��w�?}� *'rt � p�', y, `f� �r � "'r i x4^P a y r�� �''c, �d �. � �" � ��' }� '��`"y_ ` W�;�� = THINK GREENo �r �-�Y�4r����w.'�'tS���'�^� �a.�r-'� '' r,._4 wr fi.- . � +1�� �M '� � ���D VQIn �i v neV' �° CUSTOMER NAME � 11,3�.� `'J� 1�F�'' �' �` ADDRESS �` '�'� ��e►�-�'n rti jl(�Gt q�d 5.5 � CiTY STATE ZIP ��YJ�YAYI�GY1?C'1��`i Y Q Coh'C'q5�° �'!e� � EMAiL ADDRESS � �,�5'- ��3� 3�o� � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE tiunnsER ' � and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world H►hat do I like best about Waste Management? v�r+ ❑ WM Superior Customer Service ,,� class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑WM Community Involvement � , a v ,. *. ��:,�„; �.,:.;�,;�,,.=�,�a, `g,.:, '�i� � �z���,�,,(��b���,� r �r� 'r,��' � ,�� �p � ' ❑ WM Public E ucation p� t$y i+�' s+ �S�'�`Es',Yw�,'zha�q ; �yri; � �'d S..°nc g� ��2�,�,�.*yfnn�� d A�r a; r, COMMENTS. , � QY YK� � l k�� a � � y� �ie d v►vc �. -.�rG� � �'' �'� �," ,�a ���,�=„� ��,S `�`�� ` �� ' ( {d .� ��'�4 0�4;� �.�y ,?S.'"fi . 9»iP , � .� f �p , �1� 3f� �k. '^£;7 yr�+,��.w.i ,��9�"'"� _s,,,�r+�F^�n t '� �4�s, . , �^�,ya. r�� � w��"t� f R ffi �,'� �11� � � , ,,i ��.��s�x,,ex' ai„g3�'�'�' �- s?�. -,'�" 9�`fi -,��� � � __—_._ ; i £,' .'StW _� � - � � k � �y, , � - { 47 �M�"�' �"� p '� aY�� 'f"'� -�'" � s � t t� �� �. u� e Gr r� �� ;� '�P � >.����:;'��y�,� �,,�r , �,r.��, »..,..,. ���.. THINK GREEN� rr �.-,. . ,&, 't„fft' f ..�. , . ' . . �r , ' � � � � iwr � ���� � CUS7 MERNAMF � ....- •�.'- • ------_�___.._..� `��1 �'��_ i�..��' ,� � - . . ___--_ ____ ��E� � M ��� � � ����5°� W■ � � ClTY STATE ZIP � � EMAII ADDRESS � �2:� �L-'l � 2��� C�D �rr� Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE��PHONE NUMeER ` ' -` and reliable services. Using innovation � and technology, WM is a world �Nhat do I like best about Waste Management? ,,�, ❑ WM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) �'` greener thanks to WM. �WM Community Invoivement '�r"' "'" '. ��~'�`, ' '4'°" #'.. �;`�~''"'� ❑ WM Public Education ��y�".� ��:a„:rc �,a �'�i:,.��"'��"�,>?�� �v �'��F. � i rv��`' ,�' �„ � � COMMENTS: �►' �,. ,u;.,��� �w� �� ��� � Fa y.� u� ��� r��'�C j " � r x, �p � t ��'r "�"' "' ` ���. THINK GREEN� ;;�` .A,r^�s�i,:,;;,'�`,...,_,';,.,;r;'dw.., ��.�: ..�a, .,.,r.a�..., „ ., , ........,w..a..«�. � � � vfY�► �' � ��� 1Y�`t---a( y� � CUST ER NAME � �/(�'�.�.v! D ES � '�� ITY �� Sw!//�'"__ ZIP��4�� � �,, ��C..��'.s�C/-1200+I/w S/� ' G�'t-t EMAIL ADDRESS `�l � �r. Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONE NunnaER �, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world W�t do I Iike best about Waste Management? «w' dWM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and C WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducin reenhouse as) � greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement g g g � �"� ` :,� :��, r ���"'��x'�r ❑ WM Public Education , �.;:�, . �., � w � �wr " � y,- g , � � :. . " , � ,_ s , �� � COMMENTS. .,. '�' Y� -` ,� , , , t� .._. .._ ... . . ...... .. xs�� 5 �.� ��v ,. � ,9�n R '�' � f ��m j� y � ���i� . �w� �kk ��' 'h � �� � Sa�'4 a �'� 4v�"c^�%.°�.t;yv;.7d � ���J� .d�,.�u,�� � � d �Y ,'� �� % �d?,�t +�kt �-�a �qSe, , ��S�,f�k,% u�2^�,y.;.��k � �x i��y�,x s�,� �e� f'' t,' ��.� � �. �k�i"'bPlq.''��i.e�4� t� M"' t�.,�'�x"r% aT# ;,.�"`�,�� � 1> x�. ���. �`y . �`,� 4€. ',���, r ��:M � ��x���`���'`�>�'�y���� ��, �'� ,x��� ,...,.�..,... THINK GREEN: ,, � k�,, �..� � • , .. . ,. � �wr tiwr� � t, �a4-.r���l ___ .��.��-���`.�L„�\ `� CUSTOMcR NAME � � � 3iJ_- -s�_- ---��r� -S,� ADpRE55 � '�� ��r�S�.!��_._--- _--_��._..���Q�� ��rr QTY STATE ZIF '�r J�p�,�-��" l u-c��� �fl� ��U v ��<<�., EMAIL ADDRESS L�.-- � `�'' �''G f '�` �, �- > �7 '�` L_5� ,� = Every day,WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHon,E NUN,�ER �, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world 1M1►hat do I like best about Waste Management? '�' L�WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and �"WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. �WM Community Involvement � ;�._v,.,,�„a„�,,,�,. ,'��. ,,;�;,;.,; ,� �- �,M; �j WM Pubiic Education '+rir� � ��� ��rr � ;� .a, ,ac`��'s���"``��#��.�,;'; / j �� � � :r% COMMENTS: �f t� ���U��� I S � � �,Y, �. � r� , ,i�` �' ��a r ��- � ,�� � � � �`4 ,� �E�y ���-- . °� P ��� � ° `�1� E� " %•, ';4F � �k ' '�� W ����• THINK GREEN: "�' �'.....s��. ra ,, ,. �� a� ,;�.�.,�:,.�,.���"��&,�:&��"��`�� ,,....M...��. .�r � � � � �.,.n C�`�.,-� `�?Yt� � CUSTOMER NAME � ���� ��. 3v' �� ..� � � ADDRESS �C V"f/� '�° UVM ��`� w"` CITY STATE ZIP � EMAIL ADDRESS � �`� 2�� � ��v D "'�' Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPr,on,En,uMeFR � and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world H►h�t do I like best about Waste Management? �rr ,t7�'WM Superior Customer Service �„ class partner. Our city is cleaner and r � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � -, ,�rxa" >:,.��,�t=�, ai.��:,<..,;;.� ,x.�,,?z;,;:� f..; ❑ WM Public Edutation �,' d.#����`�.+�py,"'��j''��,�r�'t','�''�t r' .�''" .,.i�(�''�"p ;d �- .�' - a 1�r �4, , ����s�`�t4,^���`�x,�5^� �����a'e�r��"'�;f` E a ��� COMMENTS: � e ;.;na r����.��o- b�'.;K„��'l ��� � i_,} : �r -,'rt",ka � ,�. -�4` - .� � ��' ,°�,m, �r A�' 1 .� 3A 3d '� �. �.�q -'t'Y"P��"y'"i.'T ,�- ,�'i �i i. , 3 �y ,�,}�_� i' ��° ,"� � C� . s } -� ' f�''�� �'i�'''�, � . . 4 P 'q ., r�` � ��* i { � f'. } ` K ���� ��t ''�i�- ' b ,-r t� ' _'� t� 4 ; .�w. � �,, �r `��n fn�a'�N r��'};..::. THINK GREEN� �r , , - , �;;:, .� � � y.w �.r �rr � ����" - � - ______ CUS?OMER NA E � � � t� s� s�'_ � ADDRESS � � '�� QG�f"a`. u�C ���� - --�----------__ _--___-_.-- "� C'�TY STA?E ZIP � EMAI�ADDRESS v"' '�,t� '�C� l/r � Every day,WM drivers provide safe TELEPHONE NUM� � � � and reliable services. Using innovation +� What do I like best about Waste Management? and technology, WM is a world „�,, L4�C�IM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and �M �lean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) �" greener thanks to WM. �JM Community Involvement �" '� f '� � � WM Public Education 1, � r.:'`�, � ,i.` r. , � !7 i a, far y`"''�,�E;,,%?na�;��'��V4�q ,.R' � q� COMMENTS � � , .,� �'-�`a , Y , k t K ,,, ' � �tiR ,1�t�� fi �1 '" ,k d , i,`kfi���f t�r ,,;� ;a x'�,h�n�i+ a�',�n,��*,s ,� t�`�a,���' r�°Y'.,,,; +Irr' $�' � r ' �l i °9 ��" ,�{�-t�'w�,��'', . N �g 4 �?, i� �k�:�� s �°;�r� }�x ,�,'{��,'t` �ty� �z.z"�.7�+'��''tt� �; �°"�.5"c��,4�, r r r � +t f $�� � � p � £;q�", �J t; ' t , � L,r�f.y, {6���,'�"��t""f�k"�,e+?t�.,'. s .. '�"' a, �.,.fi,�;, >��,�:.��`'r�r�``fip � .;�� m� ` �,..:..,� .�..�..' THINK GREEN: :,:, . „ , �' ., , . � � urw �wrr� �r ++rr • 5v.�w�;� t tMtrtt c.F.•�c � CUSTOMER NAME � „�,p � 3(oC�o C...i nel di�G ��''� *t 1 Z a ADDRESS � �NM ���on �� ���7 �r CITY STATE ZIP +1rr EMAIL ADDRE55 wl� � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TELEPHONE NUMBER �, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world �Nhat do I like best about Waste Management? � j�l'WM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and �wM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) '�" greenerthanksto WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � �,�����'.���:�;w�`�:;,�:��;r�.� .;M�"�Y;�,�3.�5�° ;r����_q1;� �:.w 3,t�':��: ❑ WM Public Education '�J ��'Y.�s'4 5nw�jw�,_,�3h�J^� �,4 k,�`��°'6 �s� ztt '�'.'- °.� � �, � ro a 'J�1 � �i A<;'y' � "4m�� p�;����:�'�r�`�,,��+�+RWu�a'.n;t r� �z� u�:-�^!'��5+ �$+�a COMMENTS: .w� +` '� "«�. V� ^� s-r m"�r,,,��^ ,s,Y�� �,`'�v�t y.9�t s !�r .a tr� � #�,�,{a , �.�;..=rt:��� 'a� `i a�+ 5y x v,��.�y+�iY:�� ,-,P �4,F,.r � ',.� �4 P s, �.,".�F ���� ,i a �;y�!la � 'f�f� 5 dra���`,��, . . . . .,� � , ,�,. „; ,,,GG� c � ° i �L �sr p� � �. .�..,� '-v.g :.v�. � �;,yja ' �rt}, r 4 "� / /J -� ! /. { � �' , , t l�� i m� � � � -: G r� / '.,,,.�.^ ' /////� �/l J g^ � S � � {„'Y �/��,rvw' e...� ✓ . . 1,5k y ��� ,�! y �,, ,,'�5� }71 ,r'� Fs �3 {�s '� �.J 5 . �" ,�,y. 1 I �ir 'I��.r F',,," h +', � � { ;��� ��.TM�.,;; THINK GREEN� � +�r �rr � � __1v`���–�1\��'--- --- ______ � � CJSTOMER NAME � 1 O°l�S�--�.� 1�1 O�"`' `� ,.�► ADDRESS ��1lNI �^�� ��� ����5 �. C!TY � STATE ZIP � ���-k��--Q �-� �1-_______ .� EMA1L ADDRESS �-R�o_oaao � Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHon,E r,unneER �, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? "�' class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Superior Customer Service ,,,,,,, �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � �� �;��,rt � ,� ��:� ; {` '��r��,;`;,� ❑ WM Public Education '"� k'h�, '� �s-'fA,��r,si-, .A �-y_ f k t"$�',EP�`�+ys,°�y tF��.�,"'e'+�. � � �'�� 'S"x,,,,�,,,a+t,1�e�Y..'�f\3�,'� 5�,'yf, a�„��,�,,4-'�{�,�''�.�,,. �f �,'�'s i�.: COMMEldTS' '"�1�` a �' a � , �'`,. �+ 1.�x >�' °° ';r.� �q ;k�'�"�,--�'���',�.f�e�"��?� -1�,*.v��'�a � '-r ±� 'VO►' �� .�I �. �,�;�� +4�44 �.. .;: n`tly�,��^�Y�.��� �$�:s'eT�""�f�J"�h r'�+'�Y�,�,y�,.�, " � `��+�t,��.?':.,�!�,'�•��',�y '�'c"��'p���' ah Pu,d� F'.� �, i??K' : n;�"-� ."i''�,;.�';�a.,��.z't°,�':�a' �n'�::��';4i.,,�u ..+ '�" ��{fR�+k�'��'��T���q�� �t.�n�'y)�tir„���`.}�,�`�'pv��,� k 5% � X3� r}�;�.4�`','����',`�'��"�.'���'ei?u"��»�.,ss't«; a;�,�"�,'(2"�, , f '-�Lt.+�� � t���'�c�, -�� � ��'�w� �r g�a � ��� _��,�,' THINK GREEN: w� w �� �� "��;�, a � � � � .�,: �x. � . . ��,{: . ��� � ��;f,: � vr� � +� � _��!11�'�` � '�v_;t��. t�5 Ov� .> _ "r"` � CUSTOMER NAME ,� I x l �'1 �"C.�' V19�CG � i_' � ��l� Q S � ,,�,, ADDRE55 W� t�-'z;t� �u l'� u)�` �'i5��}7 S� _ �"'r CITY STATE ZIP ,�y '� EMAIL ADDRESS `� �--�J-�-� �- ..���`� � �"` Every day,WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHor,E r,unnBER ,� and reliable services. Using innovation „�, and technology, WM is a world H►hat do I like best about Waste Management? � WM Superior Customer Service wrr class partner. Our city is cleaner and '�(WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas} ,� greener thanks to WM. ❑ �/�iM Community Involvement : °� s�,;�� -,.,_ <<F,�;�, � � �;�' .- ❑ WM Public Education � -4' mros ��'�M �' �'�w t 3�� j`��,�,-�'4� �,,��r`�` �.�$y�t �t�r; $ 2, y • t ' W� ff Y'� ✓ . ( 9 s�.�xre�� v t•syna h t n.y�'t "n"sn�`' �'N�'S �� "�!," �' COMMENTS' �''.O � .� �}F ,a • t?, ` ,l ,,.,Lf�I` �. '�r. t' i' ,t�°'�o h T'e �b W '� . , ` ` �' _ � _� �p _ _ t�'f��1� � � w� , i Hu ;,- � '�.�' � �;� �:�"+t,°c ?J �. �? r' 1 �' •'�l.j_��.�C �_ `d ''R �`� �, ;, �,, `� .� ��k7 e���� � `',; r� i ,? �; „ , �«'; ew�' °� �,a � �i� r , � Y'1 ��` „ rr : �, � { � � h. L.w -�M'- jt,'. '�'�.Y`. s+�4 °�t �`'',�f ,y�„ �.•�; � 'k � � " �s r}�;;���`� �'�:�'�'� ���� THINK GREEN� `,r„ r . rar► tirrp wrw �r.� � �r► . I C��k�Lh� �t.� �' -�--�---- ---___ � CUSIUMER NAME .,�, � �� � itl' �� i��.�i+ `-I�,C�� � ADDRESS ;�r' '��� 1 1 `. } r ` , .' tC�: � N ,n Q�,(_��'�� '1-�-�----__�.__�..e __�----------- 9,�,, cir sTaTE � ziF ,,,�,r '� �.�V�V` i �� d�'�dt��� �i � G� �'� �IL ADDRE55 �' Z C`�� -.�x- `I l�`7 vr Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHon,ErvunneEft ,,r, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world w�at do I like best about Waste Management? +�r � WM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � reener thanks to WM. g ❑ WM Community Involvement � ti�,�.�.�:��,Y^f: b.m:,:��r�":;���''r �.�Y;� ,;;;:t�;��;;�t_.."; ''�L:;w.��; ❑ WM Public Education 'ry:;'a x �:.:� iy,;�,;�',`�;,�'I;,�`b���s^'� �z ,,��v?�:,�-.•'�t.� +�rr' �, "� ,� ..�,��.. t�r��ra��!!, FF :. �,�;: a t M y...y +a`�^.,s�gnm• �t ,,j� �,' .�;�; �;. s "�a"�'�'��.. �?��; ,. r; COMMENTS: �',t, �� �. �� J � .; ',. `�' Ad �•,� �`'W.�a.,�� -,� S''; "'�'� ��;�^�a�' �+, <n�A: '„f ,.{:.�� i1.4 � & "- &.' +� •„ r %: �;^� . '�1►' ro; n" ^�' � � n u,`�'.,�vF } ,�y P f � -c � , `'.� T`� ��r%�,� .:r�.�;�,SP'. ..E �;}0 �g.,..,.o.,.... THINK GREEN� �A4, . a�� a�;�:� �� �. �' ?`�:,,.;�,�;;.��,f� �` '.'.'a";?d:^,45• ,,, m;�,..,5'";�,,,� ., . • A.._ ., , �:s�'r„..,,.,., � ,',��. �� °1w° � i� � �.--x,� �� �" � CUSTOMER NAME �. i�Z15 I 2��r P��1�, �� ADDRE55 � �� ���'4'�Z ,1�1 v�l!� GI�;.�c� .•• �� �.. {-��_�'l��f i Z�]��y�1� �t� CorY� EMAIL ADORESS � � �v�~�,1 l.�—�0�� �'" Every day,WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE rvunnsER �r and reliable services. Using innovation ,�,, and technology,WM is a worid What da I like best about Waste Management? ❑ M Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and �M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) gt'eener thank5 t0 WM. D WM Community Invoivement �r b'�>,'�:��~"> '�.;<�� ��� � �a �,�, �-°; ❑ WM Public Education '�� � �`, �� � ''� �.� .�r, �.�; �< � �`v n� �as��-�;; ,,� � ��.. h � .� �r� ��, f�;,��;r ��� �r�`� � COMMENTS � �"�:�' �� mf " �� �,Li .�Af �' �A h � , p :, t. �.+� ��"���1��'t.� , a � ;�� '�` �• y i� - .9 er" ��'+�4 ,�rt �'�'.CF'� ���'�� . �'�✓"'�'e�'t�' d�, � .,x' � � ' '�' a�' ��� s� .'. ,�"� t '�'�,n,"� �A't��� ��c �,t�"' . +A�a✓3�i�n� �tf b 4 n' �t .,�' �c,� � w� p � # �kk� Rt a:� +„� y��a,a,-� $ f y,„�•a�,�+"pp`�nj'�°' '"s�(ft �"#`�.9 t '# �s °� � L'�i61 F�: �t,'!^ M h �# G �.��v, y�+y' �'�'�.�' �� �� , �,� ��,�� '�,: �� r�� ���,�, ,� ��'' $ THINK GREEN: �. ,5< ,:�'� 'U �ya �� 9',:'' .c.:'4, »�.,i ^� .a�, wvavMwr�o�xr '� "r,.. . .,. ,:*rr . ., e ,, ,. . , , .,. . . _ . . . �� � � .rr� �!�{(��__���1.��t __ wr CUSTOMER NAME � � ���b C�2A�.nv� W ln S� ACJRESS `J � W M � �(�o� �. ______ ______ ______ ______��__ __. C TY STATE ZIP a�n�� 1 G � � ��c�. (�VV\ '� EMAII ADDRESS � —l�'�`''�v— � 7 1 � Every day,WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE N�nr�eER „�, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world H►hat do I like best about Waste Management? '"�" [�.ifOf�A Superior Customer Service „�, dass partner. Our city is cleaner and r,�.�(M Ciean and Green Trucks treducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. I�'(r�IM Community Involvement � ��..�.,;.,Y��k.� ,..,�'e:��:,,;;�;�.�t���;,�;,;„�v;,,;, ..,;;��:>;.,:L.;., [D,t�/M Public Education `�" ^'h�Y, K:��I�'=+��'t,�r', ,•�q�:y,� r": t r�''4 h � � �r'r�,�����,�4� �����t�'�'c`o��� c;� ��n'i '. COMMENTS: � � 5 � �N ir ,�i � �3�{�j` �p,h b�'� �.'Nk��l' F ' ;NT� * �i�{M1I� � � ��,� .� �� � � { : i�,}W � � i {��j'�,.���"'u i�?&T'..pr�',���`�ji.� � ,���n:,� ' �f`..�t �,�y � a�' y� �vM<��q:�..�j4 �2�>0 5�}��, h'�A�_m`�!I *'?a ��Y� ,NA' ��M�''r7..,"I`;t,�¢. �. ;� �;: `�. €, s' .., a �.'`�aar`�,i(,�*��`;y�' '�i��; �st�, J� � �r�t"� a��#; h��V �,^ yr �:�:i y:.��,�' h�"� . ?.�y��:° �� i�"�� .�;�'i�x?vv..'x;�'.;�!�{ ' �''��. 3j>?.`��.�.�'."�::'.h ��� � :���`�„�# ����'��:�w, r�,,,;,,,�Y`�«. THINK GREEN: "�"' � . , . ..✓.r�. ��$"�.�.,����, <� , ..s,. � ., '� � � �� � � �` �� � �USTOMER NAME � � � �} S 1 �� �� r�:� c � L � ADDRESS � � WM %� �� fN� � x .� ►� Se � C1TY 1 STATE ZIP � ��-� r/ T �� � . � %I i �r? uJ C � EMAIL.4DDRESS r---� �,S a.� t c�j � � '� Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONENur��eER ,,,� and reliable services. Using innovation ,�„ and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? Ct�NM 5uperior Customer Service wr� class partner. Our city is cleaner and �M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greenerthanksto WM. � C�'WM Community Involvernent ; ;,;; ,��; ,� ,k,,� �� ,�,;�� ,� g,WM Public Education `r` , x� r� e ,> :� � ,�, � � ��. � � "� 7 � ,� -� �' k � �i��+a x �„Yr� ;� a „ -.� �'s�' , � CONiMENTS: r ,s � t�r s ,.�,x ��,��`� _ � ,�., tm.�'r;: # � . ';e '� `r, ' , �,� +a t „} C�f�i;,,�} �k �;Vyn. - , 3.�" ' -��'��4# �+*'�t {� ' � A p ��� /� � "• +� 9 ,d�d� ��t . ,py'� T , ,f,e`J,�ti ', � „T � rt � � � � , ." _ 1' .y wt_'IA' g t�f ,� " y �'�.� 4��v"�'��a ', '-'�xs,�{3 „R. �;, ' " '"� �x - r�`..,,:..o.:�,.:.' THINK GREEN: �w` _,�, .. . , � � � � � � �cx_/�� __--------- � � CUSTOMER NAME �7�5 ��O�� N!�* Sf �" ___— — - ADDRE55 �' VUM � f-n�t�i, �� S�$� -------------- ----- — ---_ y�y CITY STATE ZIP � � _ ___ EMAIL ADDP,ESS �" ���.�) �o z - �S 7y �+rr Every day, WM drivers provide safe �E�EPHONE N�MBER ;,�, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world 1l►►hat do I like best about Waste Management? "'�'' ❑ WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is tleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. �WM Community Involvement �rrr "f ��� ��"�?�� } �`�.� *��� �^ °� = C M Public Education � �t« �+y,, +»�'A�r� b � � ,��s.N�r��+�S�i '�v}`^�4,A'�,��, � k��'( :��*�Xf"t���� �,:, � }°'���'ztr '�?"�;ak;{:'"Srf��;�";°:d� '"°-` COMMENTS: , ' �',}¢, .�,, ."�.. ��� � w..f•VG q�e„�..�'R'•i � ':p,x¢�y�8 F �+.. yt,,. ' u�':; �,� ro�'��a"�rv. ` !�G �t"�,' t�, ;�a�<,��"`' �� Ni K � �i{�' a!' �:,�.� � "^��x a , . �:l' �� e���"„ ,�'«I� y = ' . ____. ._.__.._... �e ,, k,„ a x `n k '�i � ' :'�.�". r; ,� `r,'�n"��*, i r�# � k ''' � ' �' 1�`� THINK GREEN� `�p���.��x� ,N'1'" a>,^,nup ,�,��„ , `DY� �.� ,� � 2�� ,�P 7 �.�'ka a�:h�.�,,.,„x�",�,i,��F`��,'� . 9wI�.,, a z�,!�'`��,�.t t�^"� �' i� � � '.` ����—�1'�?rt g �Qr t�t� �L,� � � CUSTOMER Af E . ...._� � �, � / � �t� r�_Q____A�_�- - - _ _ _ ADDRESS � '�� �.�am�-sn wc�- �` � oS'� ,� ClTY � STATE ZIP � e-�w�9 A.,u►�.�'.t,i���t��E�.S��►�C�- EMAIL Rf5S �Q� +"'' `/ 25' Z S S � `�'7 (a �o +�,,,. Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONE Nun-,�ER and reliable services. Using innovation '� What do 1 like best about Waste Management? and technology, WM is a world �r �WM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and gpW�Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) "�"'' greener thanks to WM. ❑WM Community Involvement �" �{„� �,��; ���,� �,���"`""��,�„��� �,s��� ,,, ��e WM Public Education x � � � '�` ' � x �a�;:� � ; � ��"�,�'s.�, ���:� '� ��`''*�,�'�� '���r ' connnn�NTs: � 3 � N` ���A �;�`;���� � , ���,�� � � � r h � '� t�'r+���f�k����P�°`�""�fd§!i:i� �`��'� �� -0�� �� . . f i �.,F � �� 4 � $�fr$�',9c�c�'�,�,."��'�a`�"�,�.'�#,5�dt(ir„,•��`��;y 1 .ka_�""e "A. . . � a ��';y'm d ik�, '.�"y�:�y imr� ""�ri'@v'} i Fd+'�"i'�'�;w � c, : w�u x6��.4i'��� �§��,a s d�� ��°'` .-��� gF,S � ���a ,^ ,.�,�°h�� ���k��� � � p,�, ��� _�`�' THINK GREEN� '� ..4.,. . , ' . . ',k. , ', , , . �. � � � � �.t� �.,��►1 �'�.�_�__ / _�L�ti1t�S(,�''1. -- '�` � CUS70MER NA;v1E I �yv �� �j(.k f1'L��-�1 0 n���:�--�,�' �� �,2��_. ,+� AD[7RE55 v -�-�'�,-��_____.�.._.��--� � C11.���� �'` W� CIT TA7E ZIP � .____�� --����J n ���a c� ���,r�,. C`��.�.--� WM Pai"t(12{'S Witll OUf Enn,a��a��REss _ �J � community to make our city `Z�(�, - � Z� —(r-,��1 � "'� cleaner and greener through TE�EP�oNE N�MBE�� -� ' ,�,,, sustainabie services, IfttlOvati4n yyhat do I like best about Waste Management? "�' technalogy, and community /�WM Superior Customer Service � �duCatl4n. �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) ���� > ^� p� °^ � ❑ WM Community Involvement � � ��� ��� '�bp '`�' � a x� �$'•a�, � �'�'da '��' �WM Public Education �"�" s� �� }" "�" '"V ° `°'�" �rr �a COMMENTS •,s� .;e:�, �t a ��.. ;t �r e . ,n ��w; Y ��' §.' .K 4 d'R' 'A.� � �Y ��.`� ` V 1 1 �.Y��tt 1...��Y I..L/ t..YL . � Y � p �i�' � t �,I _.� _ - .. � Q % �' ' $ . K # t,: � \I� // o �(� �/��(�f� �1 A V\ � �\l , r � �4� ,n n y A;� i \ 7 1\�f �l � /V[_ � W� � � � '�4 ;a�...t�':w: a`w.�,f�' t jw n " �5� ':.6� u>...'��� V � _n �q,e i�,,, �, �,-'st t :'�k�' �Y ..^�N�.".�. .-a. �:�§ ��t --0�� ��°��` THINK GREEN: "'� '�:,a:,nS';: .a... ., '�;.<. .,�.� ..., .,�,.$:.. .,.�,P. . ,. n�i�...c,�.Y_,,:2; •� ':_ wwte�c Nu►Nnaea�eur� � �t � � �' \ t_,�( �, S G� �.,�' ��Y L./� ,�` � CU"sTOMER NAME �� � � �� J �V titiO� �'� �. � ADDRESS w� \ L!� �� y�v Wf�■ CITY __ STATE Zla �' � \�F-���\ " �j/�'t(w�,,CJ+„r`—, '� WM partners with our E�,A��A�oRESS community to make our city G�.o—�I�i�'! — ��-� '� cleaner and greener through TE``P"o"E"'`'""EER ',�'' sustainable services, innovation What do I like best about Waste Management? �"�`` technalogy, and community � WM Superior Customer Service rrr 2dUCdtI0f1. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks{reducing greenhouse gas) � -� � « �w rt :�v;t � <�: � i�., �: � ❑ WM Community Involvement �:,z:� ;�$��i�r �� •„ '.F�` �„��+;;�';`;�;A +ig•; v ,��.r ,, m ��k;�''"ar���".� � `�I' u},�� ^ y ��,. �t �, z �;; �:" P +�+"° � ❑ WM Public Educatian �'th����t `�.' �.��'��. , � `; xi� � � r a ,,� x , �a VIII� �y�,�� �� ,,� , � �,�i' '. e�*,�� COMMENTS: �"1w.'� �yC - a � ,�, �a�a'�f�*,�is -_ s�" m�' �h^s�.� t,� !��l . - �/ q,�`�. #���"i ,, r ,��$� .r�j`n..�r, �A��' , w; 1� (�c� ��Q- �/Jv "' " � E��`�� ,�, `�A} �,�.ret�t� "£r;y y��� �$ �+�� � � �! . r�w�"`�F��' y�`: '' e��(5;� j � :��=' '�Wi � m � p'*�-':�r��.w�,�r',,,,'8't�'"ya��`�sd, �A?`k "'S�ro�e�`° u Z`'�"Q w' ' . t,t ys-r ti � # ; ,� , - -��'v s� � �,F"' ��t��'�r§.p z.a��`r,s�`t�4�`��%��'x �� � �r✓ z�'' ��'��?, �n ra` i a +e u �y v»,.t��{' t�i(�`� s ��' # ` "� ��+•�,� ��`a h�.t� p "�1�' ����. �, % e. ;,,�,r�4 ��'�' ,..'3�����a������#� �� F���},, THINK GREEN: k.�.k� �, w����� � � � +r.� «r�r � _..��C_.Q... ��.��-'�-� ._.._s._.__�.�_,.__----- ,�, � CUSIOMER bAME / �,,, o2�t.�__ /��__o��_`��_ �L� 4 > ------- --._�--_ AC�RE�S � ���-r-- ��4 �'�'����------ � �� C�T}' STATE ZIP .wr' _W___`_—�----- - �1�1�1{ part�e('S 1�tit�t pvr Enn�ILADDRESS '"' community to make our eity �.�`-:. ��� �/ts'`7 �_.------- �" cleaner and greener through TE�EP"o"E"�^^BER �� �► sustainable services, innavation yyhat do I like best about Waste Management? „� technology, and community �WM Superior Customer Service � eC�UCatiOCl. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) 5S :,,:�Y�h :;�.,,, f;.��,,,�:,. �s�P;,,�;tb;!;�ti�5:�`,� "�;h:;;a ❑ WM Community Involvement °� ^�y ,s ,'% �' e��!1�fz��r. �� , :n �,�,� 'r;�f� � 5�� ,�� �x�� ��,������p .b �� � � � k� �;� ❑ WM Public Education _ ..d, .� k w, � � �'�r,a� ///j%� y/J K/ +� � f 4 !�� �� ' ' � �./ _ L/� /I" {v����`;����r�� � a�3 1 '��r ;'r � ;� CGMME�TS � �t r��t�'����a ����1����� . .� �` � � � t�,4jy„ � " � e sc "! ,� ���,'�, � �� �,�� "� r� ' a �s' : 'a'-. 'a"�'"� p,, �'��;���'�= .� " `x�" . r °�� y�' � �ur�s ,�� .� "..,�•, � c',,. d.. .v',u �[:"h�'k� 't a,! .S", �,,�.� �t�� ,i'{�, ''A _M'. �^` E.°�"" "fi . � i � ��`� � ���r� � ° � � rt� THINK GREEN° ;H«" �'- �;r� c.�"o?;;i '"'�i�i�',ai:C�"�S p''� :".{�+"�Py '�,",i;.+: `� • ,� �- �, . �. � � . .. � . . - ^ �' wws�rwnnoe�rr r�I � '� 'y�r � � j � �4L� (? , �,�1�-t1�v� l a °�fU'" � CJSTOMER NAAAE � � _��"JO�/ �fi�QQ--/V _����. � �� ADDRE55 � M �is�l���� t.�l-�, ( 7�1� S� _ �' ■ � ■ G7Y � STA�E ZIP � EMAIL ADDRESS � �2 S`_ ZZ-� P— '? 1 `f � �` Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHon,E Nun�,BER .r.r and reliabfe services. Using innovation ,�, and technology, WM is a world VUhat do I like best about Waste Management? ��/NM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. � WM Community Invoivement � i;: '�� �.¢�� f�� :a � ❑ WM Public Education +r► , f , r � . / �' ,� � : �:�t* �+ :��'' COMMENTS: f �. � � !� y�, L � M A �;'t .�q '� ', i � ,y &„ „ 5:�, .�,. , , � � Y�� -,g � . . . .:,.;,: � ':,.ii.,,,',.,�,�r.',:` ' .i „ ' � � m �,.a ' ' _ , , , k.,o .',t _ � . . . , . ,� k � IX `� „ , �� , ��, ,� ,,ta. �v=;' � ;`i� �'1 ,5 �� `� THINK GREEN� . , , . . � weenMnwwers.rt� � � . _' _ . .,,,, ' � , - , . �r � w►► � � ti'`�' ----- --- ______--- � �UST�KAF N��___" 'G'� � � _ ..�??�_5�-I S -_�_ _______�_ __... AGDRESS � -�Z��� ._.____ ----- �8�S� ..� W� CITY STATE ZIP � WM partners with our EMA��AooREss ___ ____—_._----___�_ ,� community to make our city _ _____ ____ _____ "�"` cleaner and greener through TE`tP"o"E"`'""BER � sustainable services, innovation �yhat do I like best about Waste Management? `�'` techr�ology, anC� C0�'f1rTlU�llt}f ❑ WM Superior Customer Service ,� 2duCati0tl. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks (reducing greenhouse gas) � ;� ❑ WM Community Involvement � �- �`��� y, 4r,.!�.r�' c �,3 k i�'� t � � � 7 � �„ �r-''rxa.� x �S"'�t� i�i+t� m + r, F '�2 4 3�.tF , . ,� ❑ WM PUb�IC EdUCatlOfl ��' t , r.,��s ,�d x � '`z "�'`-� ' n -n - , �y.}� �c'� O✓'J + � r'+' } J "'es��`�,��t`u:��s,��y� ��'��q���,y�'c i xu i s t�r�� � r�A COMMERTS ���{��`E/t.t � � (1 � "�" ' �x , „� �,{.-p �,,. " If f _ _-- � � v __----� �5� s�'�k''�'r�f�`��{b & ��"�'.nx�E S -�' �'� } �y +�'�i{i , ��\�1�1.� (iU�„`� ��,0'�-•-� C Gk-- ___ — '� r s�s"S"4*+�r �„�.'`�k5�����,`*�, �=' £�''i,', i y;i a ,kM t } �� � "� .._.... �t � G., � �c,�: * . t: � p � � , i,� a k�, x :� a �: A ;r �,� Y � 1 Lti"[n,c.�, � �' �k�,rcsk;`�e.�w�W' v ,nr y��.'';�w� d+t"�k i �i�'n',,r�* ', �k, ;'� �1 h � . �����"'��. � gf y z�'un��� �' ��'����e-?�"�` ti �r� � q�r � ,�� ��r , � ' '� � .�etz'"' ���M`� a���;�°` , ` �; � �q �' ��,� � ,��.h�` THINK GREEN� � 1"x��y "7 F` .... t 4�-q�'��'t,�j";�a4y6+"„�,yM y�',+3�4 �,i$.v 'f Y' {' "� `� z°'' ."6i _ � t�:r'' �� . �. � - . . ' . ' WAiTB M/RN/WEMlM7a � � � � � �'"�� \ �lzn �G�i�/I�,r� l ��rif� S�/.�'1`i.G��� 1 �"° � � CUSI"bMER NAME ' � `._..—� �_ � � /D/2- .�i��.��. ����s_-� /�/� ADDRESSf'�� � WM �""�-��n �'�� ���.� � ■ � � CITY STATE ZIP v� � -nr1a���o�� � i�1�' � Enna ab�aEss / �� �lP �'- ��..�°�S "�'Iv��7 "�` Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHon,E NunnBER ' � and reliable services. Using innovation �,,, and technology, WM is a world What do 1 like best about Waste ana e ent7 ..�WM Superior Customer Service � �� '� class partner. Our city is cleaner and �:WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) ,,,� greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement ;s�� �,.r�„ ,w.. �<. , ..�.,:.,:.,, �. .., ❑ WM Public Education � r �':'_��, �' �9� kt a' ��,n'� � �� �� 'a����5`��5 �'���t ���� , ��� �"��%�,��,�'k,y�3*��,��`,w ' � � �';�� � , ^�d�� COMMENT , l ��,(/[� t /�c V�� �' -� � -,i'�� '� • �, �`• `' t' �,,�.��,5�`� ,-J'`��'i �-�,°.r s '�;, „>� {�/— / � ' / '�` f S` " ,� , } 4f , i }i�d& P /�/f�/(�J) �V �/�'— / . 9a'�- E � � :>N ,w+�_� t �.���, ' a�, ar'�+�yrr,M� T � '�"�� ���d'��k �' , �„ _, ,�z `y's*���� �;w.;�� � � A � �' i uua � ' � -, �4,.,� t .,,«,�,� d,_r# sr -', , , r � �.,��d�?-�,- : . ," w- �-� ' � 'r �,e +e}�v.��� �.'�,i . . �Yr � a4 4,.1-.5�.t Fkk 1,-: � i'� �'S,,le µ �"��', ■-`'tr `3; '` �� ���; �..�$t ��3����'�,� �I�°���� THINK GREEN� � � � <��':� ...M . `�II�' 'r�r � � wrr° � t ,7 ' ���,�--._._.�--1.�_��21(��1_ __�__..�___ - --- ��, � CUSTOM[R NP.ME �r�. ��.-��'�'___-- ---- ----- - ADDFFSS ,�' W M - ---__- ---_____ ___ � ❑T� STATE ZIP �` — ._— — U'�M partners with our EfJiAILADDRES52 �""' community to make our city ��-5-- � �—�S6_S � � clear�er and greener through TE�EP"o�`E'�'�"'�ER „�, sustainable services, innavation �yhat do I like best about Waste Management? �, technofogy, and cc�mrnunity ❑ �IM Superior Customer Service �C�UC�fiiOtl. C� WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducin reenhouse as) ,ir, 9 9 9 T}' "Mt� {nl��"S"�'i '��' + cn a��•�w" �k "'s.�� [] Nf(�/�COfT1fTlUfllt)/�f1VO�V21712f1t ,y� �,a -z��.«'�`� s�'.��'`�` 4,�r�g k'���a ie�''�,ee� x - ,y '�, y b s � ra � � � ,r, � � �f �. ,� WM Public Education � ���r�����#4�`uHNyb s�''�t, r�, , 4��"�', ',"',�.n�.°��;�{+u's ^ .�y �. 5 i > �ypn}8� �ri :;;. Hc,r ,�� �'„ :,.+ �f/�/ p- �/ ��/�i �, '��a , N. �^� a< ���'1�t�bz � . �;�i`�'����u ',�* COtv1MtNTS. �C�? lLG'G7 `���I��"j/� � �"""Kr� � �y '�" _,° ��Fa *�/r' � ��+,�+um.l • '�i�� e m ., ' �'� �`x �' �� '�� �' � �/a�� ' �� � ��# �� � � ����-���� � ����K� ��� / ���1�. ta�`�;����. "� '.a��,�.�,:�w �..� �rr+ ��" o � m',. r�:: x ,,. . ,:as t , ,�.•f.� . 4 4'�'*.'�`�ib'wn. ��.K'� � �0. ' ' � � ^ �� �. M �'� w ..� Yi*S�{��� -a�'i� y ' A tR k'- h{ �y ,� �e � 5 df ,�. '� ' u 9^Y (W r�y�[�. _� K� � �� ��`�y�:yy. a � � THINK GREENa q4 � t �}f�:��q 5'''�" q y �i�-u. , 'f�`„✓'��k. � �s S)a'Si��k,+,�^ r�.' '"^}x5r S- v,�',�-..�,d�'���.,,Salr�. ' �`t,i'"T• P$YC 'N ., i t � „ ,• . . ' ' WAET!MAMAQ[M�.RIIT� °�+ � � � � i��./ 1�.-6'rv�'•� �' � CUSTOMERNAME � .... �-�1� C-����-�- �� �� ADDRESS _ __ _ _ � � ! )f�- `�1�� '�' �� CITY STATE ZIP +�' WM partners with our Etv1AILADDRE55 � cammunity ta make our city "�' cleaner and greener through TE�EP"°"E"u^^BER �` sustainable services, innovatian �y at do I like best about Waste Management? �rr• technofogy, and community � Superior Customer Service ,�„ edUCatiOn. C WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) ���';� ,..'��{,g ' �a �� ��^,,����*�t;,�"��� a, ❑ WM Community Involvement � K,�t���"�''4""�'�v, �`�rr �„e� ��k x�"�' � � � � � .� �" °¢ S����'; ��r C WM Public Education � a������^'� � �^,� k � r .� ,,�. ,r ���x _ �r�t`AM r f ,��'� .q 5- ��'"�.� ' . � ��� � a a r� ,r � nH : con�nnENrs: Cr���- .qWw"�c�e. �f, -�' �� � , �,, a , �g,,K �' � �+ �, �.�z o. ��•-til.. "�' 'e��'!,l�s'a4+ x�th^*�, :F�+�,`��,"L�'�,_ �'���t° (, r+� �, , �,f � . 5�fJ � �1 r "� g a w w ¢� c�s�� 6I n.�. t �' ;,ik��� ��'.����-�'�.�� e*w y�'�'s� �a��'� _n'�3"r�-'� "� �'-, .� �1..� R w 8�°� �};�,� pq�b+kc:N`�!4T.�nk�,-'* r� ��^r � � n S _ �a�s,i�5A`m2'G�� �V:'.,�?P��?'S�1„t+ds,r 7'"�1 �a . ,� �' a a d � i���'+� +���,��a a����& �C'�ti.y,��� &�', R �� , �� m.� +�� 3 , �' ,i� �W y�Y4 y��l�y, �7�q� �^,��w r�.� ��x98 v 3 � a�;� ■ �°'�? :r��' a t � ��c;r�. �:� ,� �#��� THINK GREEN� M t.v, lV�<; .�: : � � � , �� , - - � � .. . ' WAII1i MRNAqL°MBMa � � � �rrr (n'n\'t.. ___�F"_��j'��t,`\ �r � cu�rt�MF �.annE _�lrl�o�--- --�o�''`�� �� _-- � ^DDRESS � �e,,,,'�n Wl�--.___ ��0�� � W� OTY -_______ — STATE ZIP sS����-c���(���;,����- c�--, _ � 1,NM partners with aur E^"A'�A°�aEs �' - '�` community to make aur city ���/���� ���____________ '"'�'" cleaner and greener through 'F`Ea"oNE"�"'�`R ,�, sustainable services, it�tl0v�ti0fi yyhat do 1 like best about Waste Management? `�" technalogy, and community `�'�!M Superior Customer Service � edltCatiOn. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks{reducing greenhouse gas) r�rr i "� ^'���:a.x ,�` w � am� :>a,r �."tw,q'��,�p�d•u e�:-,; .;�; -" ❑ WM Community Invoivement �ti��.pb�t'��� ''a ���rt,�'�R^�5;'�,C`"� r'b h:`'�-�� ,��� 4 � n } «� <'.� ❑ WM Public Education '�" ��� '"� e� , �� a �?;�;,� ��,�;, >, .a ,�<,;' �x;, ., . ,���75 `� ?',�- �.:��,' 'r�,. ..'��rs,, � �OMMENTS' ;.::Y. }.. r�� 'T, ?$.: . � W;, ,p:; {�• . it.; <.+�� ..,� ��p .y� ,�a � - i�, .. ^ �` ('� �� � � �' r" .W�py ` � '�'r���b ,��' �rJ�'�FS �S`� _l./"� � . ,:�'� � ,a' � ., `.•"' '�{tl� f,�^ ,,�,� y ,, ?' r m,.« . 2 r .t' d� , �-�� �a�` Vt/f.�l� ` l!L�E*- Y"�V 7-��G� � w � r �s�''�d�"e.� «w ,y✓ a°:""" ri'1K$'�.�t+ 6'� �-�CER '��r� � t�- 0�.4�v' W��' s„ 'E.'� . . � � '�' ������� THINK GREEN: ""'� �<� � :� k + �" �F �. fb���,,�:.,t,,' � � `�e ''2, , 'r>.. _. �a �,. ,...r._;� ?�.d.,_ , a.,�s.- , , - . � wwwr�MwNwaeµeNr � "� � v� � , n �,, � ,-�' '� ,7?,�-�/F�a� v G�� � /s � CUSTOMER}tRIAME � � 3 g /� ,,.;, ,�" `"/f� ,S� ADDRE55 � � �� ��'r ��r w �s� 9'��-S� ''�`" CITY STATE ZIP � ��,�u�dp G',P/aR� � �"e.�.�,sr�'`. .�''Ef � EMAIL DDRESS � �j�J5' -- 2 Z �' _ �� �/� "',r' Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONE N�nnaE� � and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world H►hat do I like best about Waste Management? �'' �WM Superior Customer Service �r+ class partner. Our city is cleaner and � M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse 9as) greener thanks to WM. �M Community Involvement � ���g„� � ,�WM Public Education � 7 ry �v��� � u$g��sµ�Y n�, �y' '�,�¢"�����'��i� ,'„ _' ,�'gtd�.��JG 4 ', r "� '^ m"9 ''j ` � �j/'� � $���gp zar � r�y,+x�,k; �*�?;'��5���rr�;��� COMMENTS !/i�"'� �� GZ-'�„''�� �/P'/!(� '� �t g �a a�' �: l� � -;�f � �� k��' �„ ,,'v �'m 4 �t F� % �4�,� � >i'/ `�.+�r / /^ _ '� ��k��'#���r�x'43� ���" �,��' � ����r`c� <�����* � '� d .�' vt � . ✓ T_`'�! ' /�r�f f7i��. � a b "� � �a O �!'' C.�2! �, k� .��5��k�' ,�,ytr pirw�„���& y��d''sp����y,° J {� /'� � ��� /, i� V�' � - � - ,p,'x'`�S 9' �`f 4�, ik 5 x ���.t'�K 1 3�y�.SY''„ �/� � j/� " �' , C,,�-„„� �' }q��� , `� � lt,m;' �K',P � �"�,t- } ! ' � ,` 4-F�7 r . �, -„�t; P�_ ':�ta,f�,, �`�`��`.y^zt+rd '� �' ��[k'd �,'��tw i����. . . � w;� wafiv'�A� +`fi�f C+ ��v��`�'�:�4���a^���t rg`f�t�' �b m � n :,�„� � �����,��� ���; �'� �,��.,�p�.� ,.,..,. � `�' THINK GREEN. , �� �a ��� s �� .....�..,.+.. . ... . . . �rr► rwr � � +w+r �'' �(�,I!'�/iU� ��/� ____-- -- � CUST0�44ER NAN1E ,., � /IS/G S� l'73�d �� � ADDRESS "� l�'�'111�7J�'� (,,�/� • 9'd�.�� ���a� �r QTY STATE ZIP � �k:.`.�--r Z l? Y:'���?t7,CC�/r J EMAI�ADDRESS � � %�� � a�3 -���� � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�_FPHONE N�M�ER ------�—��-�--� ,,,� and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world w1hat do I like best about Waste Management? � j1� WM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and �,WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) �r► greener thanks to WM. � C�WM Community Involvement �„��;>;,,-a:u�;.�,�;,tia��,t Cn: ,.,„�w e � � ��,,.�, :..,; WM Public Education �:,�r�,i';�;�+�.,� ��,,,, �rr'.�'',,+��r.4.a.W'�b,i;'� � . . �„ `'�:.� ,�., �tb,�':#��� ',.q Y��.f:s.���� �,.�M, ,.�+�, .R�. .�`��� ?,,,.e /v �f ��-7- / '�- �'� rJ �y°4'`�`�'�.`��c�" .z.a� . u+�qa;�,��.� ^� CONIMENTS: ��� �i G S�V�� ���/Z / �-l!L /�'GL�/ V� " ���.�����s����!♦ ,µ�� ����a��: y��oZ� w/�st�. �cVc1�. (�Gv� 1���'� �-� ���,vs .�� �r ���:�� 'a'xi�.����, � ',� � , t� U ������ � � �:��� � -t��, �� y { �N� � ��m�L( �R� G ti�„ Fr� � �{ „�"�!a�%r.;� �� '� �� . �1 � LAP� LJl�j�td"d ��t11 � ._. �y�^f�4��afc � ��+U ��� �. � �vr�.�n�i���r�t� �r��P�GT-� ����� ������u�-� � f��"�x � � �� A,,) ����� THINK GREEN: te�;���:f�' R ., , " t`,',4 . ., �, , i�{ wx..`.r�ww�re�n �. '', ,. '�;�,'�,r.°w'::;w�`:=�°k't !:;�' 4�'.::,��,�a,�R:`,�"4�.i�u= . "�';.';•�- `'a«�i9;�''�`�.: °'� �° � � � �.,U U�f'/YI �{'W _ _ _ � � CUSTOMER NAME � � � !/ // / /L' ` � ADDRESS � '�� ���,r 9�i l9 �"��- `�t�J JZ '� C!TY STATE ZIP +YII+' EMAIL ADDRESS � �"""' Every day,WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE NUMeER � and reliable services. Using innovation �,. and technology, WM is a world What do 1 like best about Waste Management? ❑ WM Superior Customer Service �, class partner. Our city is cleaner and �'WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. �''�/�/M Community Involvement � ��� " 4 � , ��.�"�.� �,,r��;.< <� Fl '� "�� c ❑ WM Public Education , x : �r� � f�� �:�', .�?:�"'��v P shl�,.a yh '' {, - �f' � ` COM MENTS' ~ �JZ�1�1 f 1! �.s r ���6!t I'��I ���"� G� 6�C1 ,'a� � k+.�3�, �N"x'f ,' f� ,3,,.,'-„ � ,� {� �w . / J/ t , a�` �,i,�w 'a` i ��/ � / / ( /) / � y/ ! � `'h +� kq°�,`�+� `kl 6!�`� 1.-, aa � 9 i� �..4(A.���L,-: {(.f4� �[.F �i� `/l� ��� Y7�l�' . �",t f 1;,. � �`�'�$ Y'��� :,i.4 Fai N_��, �J 'J G � c� r rk a� ' �' �4 `° � � �: �',� � � �,,,;,,oK�,.,,, THINK GREEN: �rr ' � � � � ..t.�'r``',,.�,�''"'.�-'-�-� �_._.�`--/t-r.�t;-_�f'_,',,? �'rr` CUSTOMER NAME � ' �, M ;'?�;;" �".� �'c-=� �r�':-' 4, � 'e�'j S�� � ADDRESS .1�T'1�'JC'��___---— Ln�i%l ��� � � ___ � W� CITY STATE ZIP � _ _ ___ _ __ _______ � EMAIL ADDRESS � Every day,WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONE NunneER ,�„ and reliable services. Using innovation What do i like best about Waste Management? ''�' and technology,WM is a worfd �M Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. C wM Community Involvement � �t : � ��.°�y � � �UM Public Education ��f � r�� k, i� -Y� ,.k�.�"�7 � �S � '.f, � �'�tQ.- s /�.�j /� �� �{ �y l-� ,i-�r �R�:;r�n a�,��'y��KSJ�F � v� ��-�,t �� .,�',. COMMENTS: 1I.Y�3 L� t`Y�j� , t?L-f�lf.� llf�__�_—__— � f�;�� � ;i u �,���,��4����� �' � �' � q *,�: � � ,, _ ��_�f � ; s"� s��.� { ,t , ,�' � / 7/, . y � � �� � � �,�:• . /l7 �`��1� r,: lrt '"": f�r���.,�} '-"raka�t�����Sx�'a�G�� S� �(';� ,.,5� ,,{ �r t � `�` ,a � ' B��g� f�y 1ry y� eY'iS iy_ ry�� .��(!�y F" '°ab5 4 �`�'���i'�'S;"�; '�' �"�.,�sd y r � � �� � �� <�h"��'..�9,��'�C'"�^���'+��"�y�'�`;���.,.sy� ss,y�''�, ,'�9,'�uj; ` r�� � �`�"' 4��°��t � W � THfNK GREEN: '"�" � ,�. � r� .��, � .s� �t- .....�.......o..«. �, ��' , .����_.t��� ' �..;'� .. � � �° '�111 � ��r� �.1L`°� S �` � � GUSTQMER NAME , � '�r /�-��G� � S� 1�-�``` f� � AD ��-�drt G� �S�S 2� �•° '��f M QTY - ST �P v�y /�r/S}�/��1�S`f � ��.���l . �l� � EMAILADDR�SS \ �%�� /-3C'L��1��-a � Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHor,F NunnaER ' � and reliable services. Using innovation � W t do I like best about Waste Management? and technology, WM is a world �� WM Superior Customer Service +�rr� class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. uNM Comrnunity Involvement � � ;M} , � �� �r�' Y°M Public utation �. � '. q-t 3 p� -' J 9k .W L�} � '4 `^. } � 1 , fb Y / y� � �����r��� ����� �,�C�i ce, � '� �'.F��'� , ,'�,,:`tro""^A�.,.r;�ut�.cfSN� s COMMENTS L/�(.' . x � . k t `£,� � � , ' t„ �� °�' , �„ _t , -�`i�� t . y; ' ., �E� � - ��"� ��� � `f i � a g�` j tp �r ,.a � ; _ ,t` l./1 L'�( .9 l.�� l.�l,° , 1 � r:� �_r � ��- � , , r� � tl ■�■ U _° x ti � , r �', °�� "` �It='}' THINK GREEN� '�wr � �-t ....,....,.,..._,� „ ,. � w � �r �wr' """` tlt�- --- ��'`t/"7 �`-sGG4... � CUSTOMER NA�AE �� � �/V �� �rr � _�/C��G�_��i����5 L�'-s�''/�i �' -- / Of !..' ADDRESS � �.' �Vi/M __ �'�-���_____��� l �ps� � CITY µ T � STATE ZIP � E�ViAIL ADDRESS � ,,�,,,, Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE NunnBER and reliable services. Using innovation � and technology, WM is a world �Nhat da f like best about Waste Management? ;,,�,, �WM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) '�'' greener thanks ta WM. �WM Community Involvement Qiyc..d C�.o w�.�,t"-� '�' �,`�'�j �,.t �� ��:.�:F �,,�: z�;q., ,�a�;`�'�°' ❑ WM Public Education ��"��, �,���, w�.�..��� �i�,�:�`�, �`� �- � y�� ��--�- ;'�, �,�„��. .., w=t �>n'�"��''�' ` Qt d%�/l ,,� ^°�� �p �"�` /���, � <m���G,� ;�« ' ��"��7,r J��,$�� tt,�e. ;rv". COMMENTS: �'�%'e � PC��'� SSL OK�'� �/ ; �:. � �`�� �.��* _�,. -�' . � ,�Ia�� '.`�' �l� L'�"1���I� �"�''ti' �v��� ��� �y';, ,:.t^yf °#. f yr�. �. : ���� :, ;. . .�� �:�. �p �k� z�S t �� � :s��s7 �► Y � ,:�, ��;,§ i ` �� '�° �r ?�ad �'' v� r w� � � �", � } �� r�`��-_-��° THINK GREEN: , ,�;��L'�vs'"r:� k�a.�^��,.^'�, ..'�;������:+.f,:. sef.,+r.wu;{wq ..�,,,.-^,a "� � � �� '� � ,�'`1 ffUi �"�r��i�Jf "�" CUSTOMER NAME� � �. � /S/ 7 N cw p��7--- c T- S� ADDRESS �' W M 2�,��� � ,� � i ���.�--� QTY STATE ZIP �► ,��7�fzj c�1ei��/�✓c� ��.,��y , co�h EM���ADDRE�55 v � '"' �oG �iS—rS-zr� "�'" Every day,WM drivers provide safie TEi_EPHONE tiumeER � and reliable services. Using innovation ,�„ and technology, WM is a world ��do I like best abaut Waste Management? WM Superior Customer Service �, class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. �WM Community Involvement ' '�4�°� �" �" "� '� ��'���a� � ' �1AEM Public Education +ir '����'��6� � � � � " ��;�� � �, ;, .--I-- ( /_ „�asw�a`S���ep,� „�a `� P� � ,: � �a°�� ��.' COMMENTS. �-�-�e—I �V � I� l--Uil'� ��i� 0 � `;��`{�y��'�`l-` w w��*���P�a .y{�§s�`�" '�`sl`�9t�y��,_ �,; �— �`� �� f�-f `e ci�/ Tfl �'�-� �L�'L S� �c.s I �7 � �"������s�`�������'; s�M ��'�� t�i�� ��r�, i 1 � +�' ?£ �,�,�,�K a�' b�L,�",s` �,t^'` � �j$t�'� �,.I`r��'"� s;. t*,� ' �' a�`����� �a.�.t� `�- c�' ���;r ��',�t�p. ;ab�� � � r. �*��g�± �S"�'�, �' ��'n"Ct°''�^��� � �� ��"b����s��� �"�'y�4 �'�"z n� �n "`. -�� pt;�� ^� ��"? � {,� Y, �°s�` � �^�"�`���'�°�,��r ��;� � . THINK GREEN:° �/ , , ?� �,� F„]' � y,v:"� � ,. �', +.;,, +�' � � t'�-t# G�'t t__�c�t"��{ +'} � __ _. � CUS70tv{�NAME ^ _^ ------ ---__ � I _���a�-- 5�--����/�,,.� `�"" FD[�F.r$S — '� ����� —,�.� �_— __________ _�,'� �'�O�-�--______ � aT�� s1aTF zia � Eti1(,IL AD�RESS -----�_ '�' /' --- -- ��_-------_._r._ �► Every day, WM drivers provide safe TEi E-aHc,NE NUMeER and reliable services.Using innQvatian '"�'" and tech�ology, WM is a wflrld V�►h�t r3o I like best about Waste Management? �, C1�'VyM Superior Custorner Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and ���M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas} ''�` greener thanks to WM. ❑WM Community Invalvement vrw �ryt" � s�g. m�;m � - �, <�.s��� S �r�"' ' ❑ Wl� pUb�IC�C�UC3�IOfl M a, a f �� ' a� � � �. _, � J ��''` : , 4 � � ' COMNENrS: �r � / ���r- r� ' � Y.1�l,ll��ni� St°�'r/iLx`_ . Gs�4 "'I�ID' M,��,, , ,��. • � '�», . � �, — _ �, '� � • ,. . '�,x�. � , „ � _ ,. � , � +� ; , , ,., � _ _ _ . ` ,` �t Y e� ,eg� �� � ` �e.. r ' , � � 7 � �>w�� � , $ 4 � k ���.,'°. THlNK GREEN� 8 `4 '�w � �,+ �t�4 �r r '�':^�x�+i.er�.�:z�„t; tiµ... �'�r,�. �"`� SS...^,.I.,.+.� n r;�+ g ,�-�,�;Ts.«, , � � � � � �,��J��1`'�� �Vr(`4�' ... "�" � CUSTOMER NAME � �.__.�� � 1�L�__'�,���_1'�� RDURE55 � . '1�'���� __ �2+'��li j-[ W 4 ��`b5`7 `�" ��TY STA7E ZIP '�p' EMAII ADDRESS �` '� Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�.EPHONE NUM�ER � and reliable services. Using innovatian and technology, VUM is a world What do I tike best abou#Waste Manegement? '�' ❑ WM Superior Customer Service �, class partner. {)ur city is cieaner and ❑WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks tc3 WM. ❑�l�tM Cammunity Involvement � '"`� $'��"�`' � ' ` " � � WM Pubiic Education �M'" �'���� ,�����,. * f�' ��'� ���` ' �.:� ` j �+ r=;i��'� -�.a .�';t,i� . COMMENTS: �t'�e'�����"' L��lr,� � � Wi "�` � .' a i-r a "m -'s' v,r� '���� �fl ' ':S �� ,r // ,'�����'«:Y��, • a.!.„at; � e,. °5� f f f !/'� � � �� f' � `b �� ' � d4+� '� / f_...i' .� �ir."'1id'.d// -"7'.n �.f��/f� �i?f�� /'/ //,ll. N���� ��� � yje� �' �� ���� _� •� � � Y !rf .�l µ � rv Y�y�°��, �,,.�„ ' ° �. a lr�� � ` ./L'�A r jY V . ... � i���:�. µ�;�� + �.� � :� � "�' r �,. � � � � $� ���,��s. � ������-� ,�^V� � s..:�'�"��'� ` ."}�;r�t,�s�..:���'#"�� w,,......,.�.«... TNINKGREEN. '� �t � � �rrw wrr� +�r+' � r t� -1;t 1 i'lC,l � 4•�'ti t'�1 iC�`�,'{;"j � CUSTOMER NAME ! � f � ' S- � ��c'�.� � �S r , � �'` . A�DRESS ��'vt��f a-� --�t..l.y� __ t�S� � �� CII�V, � STATE ZIF �� '�' EMAIL ADDRESS � rw► Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EFHONE NunneER �,,. and reliable services. Using innovation y�hat do 1 like best about Waste Management? �, and technology, WM is a worid ciass partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Superior Customer Service � greener thanks to WM. �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � WM Community Involvement � � �fi = � � �'`" �t,. '� �„a�' » ' ❑ WM Public Education ��, r y�,�`� tA�"`'�,:d� 'M1Ni�'' � �,�i �a�»? a� �>; i rjt x� �,�� ��;+�+a � �'� �# F � COMMENTS: � � k � �7a�t����fe � ,�� �`�" �}t � p � ti . ��� h �-fy��� � +�' � c� 1 ''\r uV�''�.J ��u�-�(� �i�,V� C._t 4 �:i�.`�,t `� �'�Q. l��.� ��.�l, �' ��r '�k� �4,"a�.�,'��4�r�Eir �,}, .' ' , ` . .� r j : ... (/ 7 � �,,R.,�'^:Y�`���x��e�"�k� ,����" '� ��$ �'�.� f..'r J � � t J�J'�'�� ���1 i�. � ��Q�� . ��i '�.�����, �p. � � ,� . ;r► c� k :c � `�'�, `�, a3�t. _ -� � � : " �� � '� "� � � ' � THINK GREEN: ,��q�a�y�.�..�`�f5,���w ��,C✓A , � �Y� ��3�^t�.�. «,......».�..�a.' ;�c ,.,, -.,, .,sr„ ,.a r,.F :.r:,.�a!,3�.•,.;..�sv1-�;�;�;"'�v�`,�':��q., .. , . ,. .., , x , .. ,m ,a. . .... �i, 'i�` �� � � � �., . t� � '� ��,.`,�1 '�'��S � CUSTOMER NAME �' � T U�-'• � iL� "t� '—��, � g�k SS VU M �,...�6.�.� ��a . �c� _ _ __ � CIiY STATE ZIP � EMAIL ADDRESS � �2�5 '1�p '1 n�c o � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHonE NunnBER ' +rr and reliable services. Using innovation „�, and technology, WM is a warld What do I like best about Waste Management? �WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. � WM Community Invoivement ; M� �Y', '���� ��`��' ����" �,�, �, ❑ WM Public Education ,rrr � �'�i��',� � , �;����r{ ,,. , � �a ,� r {$ �� �p �ap 8 $ � _..J.`�� ... ` ^S.�� � �` � �"�`a¢,'7 "�� �a d r�Ft, r_ � �'� s ,� COMMENT�S:-/ Il� � �_`,�i� `— V.�t�.. P/tif 1- � f ,�q ' � � y � y` r L f ' ' '�',� `��'�S�^'��"��'td`�"�4��+°��"3t2�'.� '� yf`'��d; ��_ tJ* ��--�Ay� �} �' ,7 , U, , 5 � � , 8 ,, f 7 L'�.�� t �_L, • rl ,�.� �'. �� y 'k i ili N�^' �- f �`` � ��F �wF"''�e"_7'�.��,� �d�':�, # t�,�r�,��w � � � �^ � � ' ���� ) �' S ! #�� �4��� -,p y , k , . . � N 8 6 ��S,8 1 oj -'`� 4M� a��m tl�i�� T�d^c a� yf�r; � 4 '�am q��° e _�`t t 4' i �` {q� � �1t Sddt.tA Hp�n t�.� x ,,, ��P fd,4 t-� � h° ��' _ > f r�� "�` � THINK GREEN� � � , > .,..,�.�.�„� � �wwr � � � �-�t"-- � Jl-� � � __------ ______ +�r�r � C�S-04�iER NAME 1 qi 6 c���2�s �"5 ,�" �. Ao�RFs� �,.a� "� _���7� _ c�� _ 9 _ � W� CTV STISE ZiF' � \NM part�ers with our EM�..�Aoc�=�� � eommunity to make aur city Ijf"2.�'" -�SS`�� �� +�r cleaner and greener through �E--P�oNE Nu��,��R � sustainable services, innovati0n �y at do I like best about Waste Management? � technology, and �ommunity 5uperior Customer Service vr� 2duCati0tl. WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � ...r,r�,..,,;,...�,,,,. �,:..x-.,,�, �,: »��.� �° : WM Community involvement `'rr' t , t�„ � � a�' ��'�a��e�i �t�ti�'?.;�����,ti a�"''����E`sa �'���sait,� E� '`�"c��i'3'�';� �},,�4��$.,, y� r�_,� r'^{ �,� , �WM Public Education �r ��'�'�i'a�,{��^f'iwY.S�l,�y�'�*�'�'�S ��` ,"�' f,ig R "; �a� "J,� M� '�'+ � xu` ��f, +:,; .�`�t {� � �,t+`y�,�'�2''h*a!k�a� '' �'�'cs.h �it"lu,�" 'r' k��T�t��''J�tu�,�� COMMENTS- �qr���.� �� i�,i�i'. "a t�'�r � ���uS �ta`�ti;�t�., " r�,,�v..;r� 'r. w }- � ��._ ,i;cv..:S.,rwtt�j�'lay,��� ,h'J 7"�a, �:�k:�,1"v;."�=.,.,�_:;�„v:,,t;2" t:+i (I'�(�+ . �f /�� �':'�. ,-.ti,q�.no,^:S"+'v .�:k�e�i.�5+4`ia�°.;ii,3x.k:x:""?:?:'r,'c«k{•:,, .dk��.,q;�.�^,t �"�«�,I;�°��' --�%;L} U e //e�F�r`-��R�-�-�" � � w ,.�.. � n ;b. .� e .__.�' .�,',�..�...X t;, c j,;�^�%�u,;. �g w�"��k',sTt�rv�y"°a�7�"�d¢,���°4',':+� t[r.�c.c—_ t ''�--� -- �;�.�,�,,'�µ{ �%�Y� �"8�Gx F�kel(grt,"�r�d�q`f r�';��'"a; �s f�''a�,h::;` / � '� , ��s�"�,�,'�' ; t �.r., �(ia, � f _ . *S! �s. �s ' �e� 'S ktty � t�`.�r� {,,+{+��; _ ' YA d� Y .j�1�L �"Ye�'' "S,����f�Pt "�,.�"�"����V �r;{' `�"r q"�';pa �sP y�,a��$J�� � . r7� ,5,an . a,. `„ ��,, r, . . _. °fi�Y���������:�;: �� :����;;ti�,:�.�z;�t � THINK GREEN: � ;;,;�..u.�.4�a. , ' a.�;° � f�.;� 4:��9,�:��<�� ��� ���,+:�r.�a��iR�� j��!' �&,}?��"���'.,.`ap�i:�a , .,�, n ;`i'�'± , .. . . . .� . � � wASTE MANA6EMtNT� � � � � � ----f-r""`.�� ` �d�� Y — . � � CUSTOMER NAME /7 � a�.� � L�.n t n c,� ve S� ADDRESS � W� f�e�c��'ti` /,� ��os 9 ,.�. CITY STAT'E ZIP ��� / � —�.17 Y�k-����1+�C�a� lGt�tt �GO�� EMAIL ADDRESS � (y�s� a �� - �7�-� � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE��r'"a"E"�^^gER � and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world Wha�da 1 like best about Waste Management? � �'VNM 5uperior Customer Service �, class partner. Our city is cleaner and �M Clean and Green Trucks(reduc�ng greenhouse gas} greener thanks to WM. �M Community Involvement � � �r�= Ca-GVM Public Education `''� ,;;�, , s�, ��t � ' " �� s�V W „„�.` �k ,'� .�ia, p ' q � ' � �� �, ;,���y�'-�a. �(/ �F ;,'.�� a�� t.^�� ' � � „� Mr,s�,k�, °, COMMENT�i C" �C�'"" i I�,��)�(/sG�L �Y{/�C"�+- ''� - ,; � ,� ' �' --.__. � ..-I-"'^ . '` , w �^'�°,", h'SaR�� --t:r'r..� ', ,-�. � ,�µ �'� ,t" 4 �': /���� � � f F �C!r� fI�S t�„r�.' �1 w� tt5 .�v+:P..t�t..c�{;/ �K•� �E""/�C`�' x' s +�ft *,} .� r �k J, j "� ' J „i,, i � , . , , �, r>d,^z;,N:. :�' � .�. � i ' '`�"'r+���, . � " � ' ,. x t � � � ' ���, � i� ' � ` '` �' �I���' THINK GREEN� � � �, � . ;C. �,.,w:".,., r r :. �_... -fr,,,...._ 9, : � ,..::.: ...::...� ............w,...: ' '�` �� � +r� � +rr► ;� ! _'��_t:]_Y(�'__ 1/�(/1 C1 t'1-("� �------_ �IY' CUSTOMEH NAME 'r"' � --�—��—� a�� � l4�P. �E _________---...-- AD�RESS � (ZPr1 t7I✓� � �S � �I CITY' STATE ZIP � EMAIL ADDRESS � �{�.S �� 7� -�ks J � Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHohE NunnaER j,�„ and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? '�"`" l� WM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement rrrP � " " ��"�+ r ❑WM Public Education a � ` '�`�� ,., „ � �� '.' �rrp � , , � ' � . �,�^ � � Ma �`¢r r� a y 2� r ,'yo- ( f �f d�,;� � £e;'xwz'4,. r ��stf.� �, , :"� "-�"�#�,,:; COMMENTS: J�J {Ur✓ Yh /SS J:�I(.�l�Ul7 _ ��ti ;?k''fi�n'�"����.r t ,��.+�r, �x�wfi g � .. F���`,�,�'�, j 1 "' � � 1 tt7� P �' � � �r �"`+��.r.s'">sk'�"� ,3��tv' y� ��� � � n ��cs,rw, � ��� lY �kJ��/S �I7 ��' �l� i � ��' ,.§�h �A�.1�-`".� .�^ts,ts ,�^ Y':S �t ��P,!�'"� ,,, a�,4"�+�� „�� i�, ! ,r�r s�"�, ',5 .y�4'"`� ���,#L.��,q��4 t��.�� �-`"��$'+;v s�"���fl ����:�,, r ' Y � � �w '���� $ r L 4 ya +rlr ;�""�T�*a�y�k�e°� �,'�,al�`�°"" ' `� S�yyy,J�k6�k�� ' � '"x� SA t., _ � �� � � 'j ;�.� � .��� _ �;yy �„�'�`h�'�;�'� ,�����,,.�> :' � ......, TN1NK GREEN: � �r. �r .rr �r '� /1/�A�2V CI�S� 1=��l: ! � � CUSTOMER NP�ME � � � r�C�3 ���ot,�.l �. lV____�.�--a!? ��- �C.',��� � AODRESS � �I�� 2e�r���� ❑TY STATE ZIP +1rr � EMAIL ADDRESS �/025 5�3 ��G 5� �""'' Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHon,E NunnsER � and reliable services. Using innovation .�. and technology, WM is a world What do i like best about Waste Management? WM $uperior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. ❑ VUM Community Involvement �. ;'re���,��a��'q���; �;4 ���, `�,�'�+, ; ,,. , , ❑ WM Public Education �,�''�" ��q�°4,�_�� " ��' �"xr;�.� � x r � ���t��,���J-- CU Ct��C�it,✓� j %s�: � � y r o- x COMMENTS' r +r� e;°f y,v % f , � !t�^d�,E ,�' ,4N F -��+ �' �/� � �y+ t 'P�=�`" z'���a:�f t '�A �.. �j�i�'e �1 CJI� 1_ll (iC r e A/t r � � e r� ., a ' I --���! G �. � _�r (',;fr� (�(Qan . � i7 y � 3 a� { t _ ' ,n� _ �� -- , f M J '6 �°'j,i" , � d '''� t`°�Y� YC�'y eSix 4� ,,R.S �' .t� Y ` °° �' THINK GREEN: F;� , ,�, .o.....,M +�r � � � `..���-� �q—VV.. _��ri,'��"G `�j� �„w' CUSTOMER NAME � � � � � J�� � ��_---------� '�' ��:e.�.�Cv� 4��'�_____����-- '.'`` 'w� GTY STATE ��° � �C���'`- � u-��-- �-- G W`" •rr� � �._.. ___ _ �r►r EMAIy�Op�ESS l_�-�-'"� �..3 S — 2 3S� 0�- -�� `�" Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE n,unnaER ,,� and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world Wha#do I like best about Waste Management? ''�'' �WM Superior Customer Service v� class partner. Our city is cleaner and �M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. `�j WM Community Involvement � .ilt _..a',�:�;�t:a+,^.:w«,��`�- ^y�4.. .w,� a� �.q>a,aRy::,�ry�,:m,', '�.'r(.-h;;;�.,,;:��{ M Public Education �"�r` �� , ,� .�'., ���;���4`�:; :: ��,� �I W ,A.;:;"�:'v«:�"�;"..:: W.; ,� �:'�,,�r. :��`��� ;�>, tt � �� �`"" � a COMMENTS: �' ,� �;.��bw '� :� '^�,��� �. .�,. 'r � — , . . , , ��;>, r�. .. , ,. ,;, T. k 4' � `�fP' ' ,�,. � ,�. *�. „ t . , . , n �� a , n , a . c.-�t, w�. � ,w �, _ , _ _ ._ __ _ � =&�6 ` \/—�-,�.✓ ee.�-�.{. \�—�-�'' �r` �� } ° _- . '�� ,,.�,ry: �., � ,� } '� I �rr �'- n}i�,n- . '�° *�"��°'"�°. +�" � a�� THINK GREEN: �'" � `#,$�r'?t., .ra �� ��s.� ,a ;a;,�°'s A ��,eh a _a�'� n�'; i,�, w.....w...mu..' '� � �� � � � � CUSTOMER NAME +��r �u �r� �— P1�I�Z. 1 t�S „� ADDRESS �N M ,,�1� ���,�a,eT �,��- �� � CITY '� ��E/U T�/ �A� ZiP�135"�-1/�/�� � EMAIL ADDRESS �5"�- �..��- a3 99 � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHorvE r,uMaER � and reliable services. Using innovation �w and technology,WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? Q�WM Superior Customer Service "'�' class partner. Our city is cleaner and ��M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse 9as) ,� greenef'thanks to WM. [�WM Cornmunity Involvement ¢ rt,,.� � � IJ WM Public Education � ��''^Y� ;' �a���t�g�"�tT��'.���F"q "�,r'i� �,���' ,c�,-�� "�i�, .r�¢� 'q � ri��r r,� „��z"�5Y v�Q ^�� ��, Yr�r � e +�,� '��'.. COMMElJTS: LO I�I y+� I�l y f��S j��,L�J��S „ P ar_ r` 4s � r� : s„S'� .n,.:r � �z'�', �-r a� ' � � - �� ',$ ! - � "'�?s�� - �} �' a �ga' ,� �tA^,� ,.��,tN �,�.t�,' .+, ,tJ , F � ' � / # >`�FR, ��. � �� r � �s , @�'�,�°��x.�Y h�.:7 ,�oN �r J> 7"G /'1 Y <�tGCS i/Ul�'`� , �P' "„,{�t�`�" r�p �a�_� �'ry��r � d `' "' �" `����'"� � /� � �` gi Y �q,Y3, {� �< �.���l�r� A w,��' �,�, ,��t�t'�9.' :' u' -- ^- t tf, '�:�`� ,� / �� . . zTMs1rc +# d-R, ��, v.+,..,�&^t �-L�'I � ,14 f'� }'P 3 k j � - ^t " �1t V. �' p y,ta��y, ��� 'C.0 , � �� d ���.'+. �§���� 'F�4$���` i 'V �a.*5.$ � h t� M� � � ll��,�• THINK GREEN� � �, ....R W � � � a.r � � �--�1 ►�`tc�— ��.�� "r'' CUS?OMEP.NAME ------ ---- ----- �. � �t� �JQ�� �-� S ADDRE55 ._ � L��-------__L_ts��--—----��—�---�_.�_._____� �Mrf' GTY STATE ZIP �' � ` ' �� f t f?�G r�/ ' �,f`�,"}'""1 v'�G��" � . �j �, EMAP, APD�R'ES$ � � !%`t'� (f,�. � �j �, �` Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHon,E rvumaER .��---- f 'c"'=—�--- __ �,,,,, and reliable services. Using innovation What do I like best about Waste Management? � and technology, WM is a world cfass partner. Our city is cleaner and �'""WM Superior Customer Service +Wr [�'WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. B'(�/M Community Involvement �rw ' `p '" ' ❑ WM Public Education � �' � ; �"s � � , � , ; , � r,�4#4�� » �/r " ` ` , :� p " ' �� J }"a u r�.�,�r� .� a�3� ,�<5' COMMENTS: � 't � 1,,. .... ' '` t ��m'�k 1 b'V'�y'Ac F' ,.£�d� .. ___._. Y , '' ,_',}�,1, �4 t 1 cN°`� t � {�*h�'� � rC..�� � / 1 V � �t'��1`� � 1��� �`f�� �? ,� � , ��� / . �Y 7 „ � t 4�b„� ,.�,y���r"� f ,�T � .'�+ k w J / ! 1 Y � � � x �'�� �°''�'��k"�`�'",."° 1�r��- l�°r n 1 ! �`Pl'?�-! 1`'T f�f`f �'� �`� +�I�r' „ `, i � ' ',� e G s ���,, $, J /�T � r . i, � d�b f ._/' t a�� .a pY� p,, � �, i r �t� 4s���� if '°'" ? � � a���,.,,,,�'�;� �'��y� w�'�.,� THiNK GREEN: � > � � � � +r�r � � CUSTOMER NAME � � ���„� ,- .�..�� � �1�- nao�s�". J ___ � VVM �I5 � �� �� ��� 5� � CITY STATE ZIP ... /���h ER9AIL ADDRESS � """' Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPNorvEn,uMaER +�'� and reliable services. Using innovation � and technology, WM is a world �Nhat do 1 like best about Waste Management? ❑ WM Superior Customer Service �r class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement ', ��'� ,�a' " �§ �� h�' � b K = � � ❑ WM Public Education vr '�: � � � .�����. �� n :� ��� t ,'� , :, 4� r �-� r59,� �er �y � a�, r s.�k� ^ r �`�'� � / (� /�` , f�� �, a,� �.^�r�?o�"r*� �:�40� ,�:,�;a a. . ° COMMENTS. �..�K �.R-�Q�Y!� � V � � y l U*�'t,.� � r G M ' �r wd'3a�`��rh«' y' y �T ' ' a » _��ti,.'ca����-�by--l�— :� �z W � �, W �y �;, `'� t ,,,/ +� , a , 1L � ��1!'.��4�G�i G J� .,,�� ? � .,��+���-�� ,,w�� ti�l�`L'[.� 7 „ > ;, k : • �r' r, , , . . t�. - C� .';=�4c.... , � �,.:. �,�,�,� , . , � � _ � 'r�' � � •�:��� c�-t,+�-�. �z `j� ctt� �rr „„ � �. µ; � l �' . k G �i �INK G�EN: 'f�� , , , „ , ,. ., .,..t.i �� ; w.....,w..arw � �/1,.����� t / � t�- (�..) � C j=t�C �.,t.{. �.r � 1 a �'/,.,t..: . ,..c t'L+t'".t c� wrr � � �-t�l A��--�.`�- 3�. ---���--- `"" CUS�ONEP,NAME � ,� � l l `� l Cz, �t.-: 1 7 =�'�';� �`7' .rr ADDRE�S '� � �-.`�S S?�__ _l.�},..i./�__ ��i�� S�'a .rr ❑TY STATE ZIP ,� CC��1��.c_��:�-S i. Ct��... �,,; EMAIL ADDRESS `�Z� �b� �``��� � Every ddy, WM drivers provide safe TELEPrIONE NUMBER ,� and reliable services. Using innovation ,,,�, and technology, WM is a world �_►h�at do I like best about Waste Management? [�JWM Superior Customer Service +r�r class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM C1ean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. � WM Community Involvement � �s ❑ WM Public Education �` , b�'��'�s,a��?3 :,�'"yk*j"++a' y.a �y t"•' 'i� '', �� ,;� ' ���'�:�r�s „���'�:,'t, ":�'S r.aa`3P r�' ,t` �t r��, ? ,,�'� COMM ENTS' LL�C�C.l t—i--� �� ?--''t�J�TT t V 1 � J "tV �" � ni� :, � s i �Eh -y ^ � * , � . �1�, ,� � �� H i�_, ��, kSt �" '��-r`"?'p ,� G a iM f' r— ��^ �—_ � ,� � �Y��;� ;� �t��M� � �� ��� �, r,� �� �� � r �'�? (..-1.�3 1` � � e--{���--� � �� �;�� { a A ��r� s.r"���r{&�b'x.�`i�y 4��'`��'�"�i�,���'�,�i�t�`��b { P � � -,a,p»�k � �,�c� �"'""�4 �`^��" �°�y����a��' - �"c.+`�+�t'w�,f"+�u`��°�� ::�'� �kr" �t� d ,x a � '�. -'k'. ✓e . . ., '' ,��,f:r,;z. ^r� � o?ri�c,' , r;t,bx�'y� '��.n�,��'„,K: ;ey.�.;� ;sYf:',µ,,,,w�:ia',�{4x,Y 4 3 , .i+.;a;: :.;z,.,:.�*"��t�5 �'.�a"< .�t:' �'�,-t„�„4•'",� �y�:,�'�dnsp,;J$.,a� �� ��` ,,,�. ,,< �� .�> '° y`���, � �, �; �*"' ��.;��,�,, w;:. THINK GREEN: � �� 5 �� �.� � ;r� ,�.,,rq,z�,�`"�,�"�;"�"(p�r'� ,��:E� f ��, ..,.....,,.N.,..�, _. , ''� '� � � � � �� �/ '`�0�`PiYI C�/1�l,"s'( � CUSTpMER NAME /� � � �� ��� ��� � A DRESS �Lt�Yl lN 1�1� ��V� � __ � 1�� CITY STATE / ZIP v�r 1��.,!�ft, f,7t-�i��(�,�`'`...'c'1.�'t��;`•C�r'� �r EMAIL ADDRESS f /, � / �' � Every day,WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONE NunnsER � and reliable services. Using innovation „�w and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? �WM Superior Customer Service '� class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) reener thanks to WM. � 9 � Community Involvement ;, j K.� ,���� n'4 � � � � � :� WM Public Education � � y' '� � N � t��'�, � �t,4a +'� ''„�i�3,�, ! � -�,,�io 1'_ / �, � �r+ L 4 t , �� �,�P,�,S�,.�"�a�,�'���+:�rCl.�,�k�*4,o.a i�x�n�y�t Q"�R'��&i �' COMMENTS: � �1�'U�.�� l�-��/�G/ L.���� (.A�1.7 i � � � i� , '�Y� ¢ � � '� r �; p , s � d-'t `� � p ^�f + `e'� �e�+' �',, ' �'{ ' �" �'>43� � r}e�r�'� �f �T.Yn1 /f �—�—S�—�C7+.�'T�' ln'�t.. . q?,y'a� '�+1.y_ #��a f��� �'r�T �,¢#+r,� . 1 �' � `� // �" �+7 � �, ,fy�„ �� !�, � l� ,,,o, S � � �t� ���� d�a �� , �' , §' '� '� i ,x, � k� 1 ,� '� t q 4 � � a'��<¢���z'`� ��t�n��uA°������,��.��s"tJ��� ��rwr��...�z:: ' � ,k,�,� ,� THINK GREEN� �` . "�{, , � . � �r � vrr � �`" ��c�her�nP �U�Pgo a�r � CUSTOMER NAME — _s� WM � _ �� �������P �� `�� ADDRE55 �.�' '�� RP�i}e� �.___.�_ �,V�}---__ ___ y�r CITY STATE ZIF � EMAIL ADDRESS � .r• Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHon,E n,uMeER ,;�,,,, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world hat do I(ike best about Waste Management? '�"' WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and WM Ciean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thank5 to WM. �, VVM Community Involvement � f�`��f,����;���µ�°�,n���.k`A��� �r v�s�'�:>' � WM PublicEducation �,c, � rs., �r '�� ,� :,�� � �g , r�;t"`*"';';�a.(;s��r�'.",�",���'e� :',�;��'��;�"�,�`fie`�M"k��.e�''.��";;,, c'm�'� COMMENTS: � j � �' „ ,�' � M���4 ?°����'�'�»������'�'��;�'�� � r '~�, �.�� ���,;:a� y���`" , ,�.s �^ �. � x `t `�r �?;;'"<� " ,� ; ��;" � � : �,. , � y - ��:�;;&�; �':: # � � .�WP°�ydq� �+y�" �� " ,�t,�� 'i} ��� A�„'u�f ;� �,+e za�,.:"< t�7°�Y'�'v`�'i t�"�'t}�z.?�'�«� a�'� . ,n�4 , � '� m�r, ' r r� �-t�� � �;:�;a��,°iS�3;�,;��`�.��,',,"1u�„`h4. . ' �.°*Y,.x,s� 1��f� �t� �^" '; �, ��A<x���,��,�!. r���� �� � . }#„�;�,, .,`� 1 ,;�r ���. THINK GREEN� � ��� , ._. �. . .,- _., n, c,.b.",. . , .„N�.xr, . _... .., .. . M� al�r � "� �1� ` � ► 1 G �.� il t'!�'�'� '� � CUSTOMER NAME �� 1'� :�2 hJ '����.� ,� -�` . AD E55 �� ��.���� �.�.�� �,�'��- � �II � ■ CI7Y � ` STATE ZIP '�' ������ `��/`�\Y K_ . �.VYti"� EMAIL ADDRESS � � �2.-��5 - '�- � `?�- C.���, � '"" Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHorvE NumeER � and reliable services. Using innovation �„ and technology, WM is a worid What do I like best about Waste Management? �7 WM Superior Customer Service ar► class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. ❑WM Community Involvement ;� i #� ,� » � �;�t� s �a'. ° '� F ' ❑ WM Public Education ,� ,,.'� j '�',,,5 �`,u�'i�.'z{k,�.aY�S� �a� -'",fiA 'r-, A , 4x � � $ tr ,!, Cro �ar,�`{,,� ��,�,.W i a„ „� ; � ��r �'4: `,j � � , COMMENTS, �t�.t,�'�I �,�}� .�x►,�, G'�tl�GG� �' ,� � � � 77 4 . h t ` A�` A � ':t ,�'ar! ?it� ^,'r ' `�:'�u'�-"f \'` , . , ., �� ,*'',. . .k,,.i„ . .� "�r a y' 1 �' s+� �+ � � �� ,Pr i' „ . � + r� ' r 7 �� ';,. ; t, ,�{ , t,� ; " k , b '{ .�"S' �� d D ` � THINK GRE ` �...:..o..,.... EN� +vrrr �' , .� , ..., ,�.,, . , , ,., _ , . . i� aRMi � � �� r / ,l D� K '�` _ � ' '.f�_____ �..lc_L__G_ _ � CUSTO ER NAME /`� J �/�� � �.� �� �� �� � � ftESS 1 � � _��__�_--_-_�"��� W NI �____________ CIiY 57AT ZIP � ._.�----- ---------- � EMAIL ADDRESS �f.zS� � �� C ����/ '� Every day,WM drivers provide safe TELEPHONE NUMBER �. and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? "� ❑WM Superior Customer Service �r class partner. Our city is cleaner and �Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas} greener thanks to WM. 0 WM Community Involvement � ���.,r ..�,;�., ,:r,�„ .b��;�^.•. _;.,,.;.,,:„ ,, ;;,.:._;,.sw r:<. O WM P�blic Education � ������a '���,'.'`�,_° �ws��'7��,k �' ��r� F �rytJ�c r" � ��s�'�t+� rr-'� -c� v�x' 1 8� tt'+�v +""'� n 4'°�,�'N,., � '�r��c'�y,g."��' ���pit�Si F��°�r'�.r�.sn �3 �.��`�r '���p }�,� COMMENTS: •.q �` z�..` ' f� �.r,. 2��R'� ��5,�^;;°3���s{:� ,rvr ��.�"'�n�...;n..t,. ,:s:-N"`�,..� ,�,t,'a"q µ.'""�; ,�... a � ���� �", voti,� r�k,r' 14 �'�y r �}'a�+,'n;4t�Jt+'`; �,P'i'`s'D';�'"' y"� '^,'',, Y„ffi°x�^. .:.�.qA.».. ,.s �`"'r, � ; � ' ,, `�tgi'';� �f4r>.. i:� ' ��4iYY: °r'�""cjdy"di � .1. -.tb. -�:,, 6�,1:.', . ,v.,`� '�' i; "n" ,�ar,c �. �,c`w '� �,. :��'::' . "`�,.Y�;.i.d�cr:,.:�4 �; {��„��'i }g w�. "`i�r'r ;�'q4�. �Haq�'y�� ,.'V .a''K' ,$;��", ' , ,�{�±��i . F'yl;':. *.#it�,'.:3n ?�ak:u ,,, r�, � '",�a'.4���'� k"^''S�: t );�j�,q'��:� � �10:F: q'_ ,�{(y� x ' +ta,� ' r.:�t, t�'� N� j"�t'� �� ,'?: {� r.��.'���We,�t {{�'e`�:•�i(�,Ya�� '}N %. ' �j'� �'�, r>� ;! �� � �� R � `r��;;� �� THINK GREEN.` ''�"' � rc. �,. a r `���+, . .,�"�'��', �. ; ,7"i{t�' ,.., ,t��._n .. ,,.3..r �. � _'„h: � � � � � l�t) �Ci 1"� �.t� t-f!1.I-( fJ( � . � CUSTOMER NAME �i � I �C� �� .?J `.r t t..��� t!'/ +,�„ ADDRESS �� � l c���' ��Lf ���. y�Us � '� CITY STATE ZIP +� /�,.1�. /� � 7srt�� L rnu., r = �am __ �r EMAIL ADDRESS t"` � �/.� �a-���� `��t y-� v�r Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHor,E r,unnBER rrr� and reliable services. Using innovation vrrr and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? `6�WM Superior Customer Service ''�` class partner. Our city is cleaner and 1�WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas} ,�, greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � f �i, s�-, t � �, p { � ❑ WM Public Education � `���,- Ra,?� #m 4'":�r'�A.��^ �y'�"�' 'R���'4 i k�e, �� � � .f�`�,y `� ar x' '�n, �.:t'�' COMMENTS: F�a,,&FM`{ `�'�,� np ^�J,g�7 :Q�x� r r ' " '�,'� � ''y * ,) p'.r Yr:��_, � -�i , q , i; { . . 4 •�y,... Y f�' ift,� �l� I "!�^g' � ' `d 1t�'R1,� 7 �'S � 2'i �� �f'. , � � �X � � �,.�`k�c � s � _ i-X� �rt I k;FF y ' � ; � n��'� �`k �.,,�5�'� �t� � �'- �� ,� }}�^q, � �;�� �: W `�. THlNK GREEN� � , -. .,...R � � vw� � �r �' P'�� c� r�( _.►'�� _._.__ ___._ - — v�r CUSTOMEk NAME ,,,,, � I�l��____S� I r���`' _��-------_�_____ ADDRE55 � '�2v�+�� v�J�, �7�vS� +�I+' CI'Y STATF ZIF �r C��nu{owv� t�' �MG�, � . (�r�r EMAIL ADDRE55 J � �Z i 7 -1 } .��� � +r Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONE N�MBER �,,,,. and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? "'�" ❑ VyM Superior Customer Service � dass partner. Our city is cleaner and iefWM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. �WM Community Involvement "+r'' . ;h , ° ;rr;r�;;x.. „,.. .. �a; • ,� .:h, , �''° , C WM Public Education ''"�,,"�¢ 'y3�;.�`.�';�.a. �:"spk�; f�'S �a''„ ' ��'s� ����4"� , rs'�*s�xt R .yn� �i��°,�� , ww�, �t .� �„' � { 'j�ti,3 iF+tt" M�d, .�4 Ci� �y«, ""S ,:! �, :i � S '.w �'.�Y�,� '"�+�°�',P�1�-�+'..�i�-�r� ,, '. w, d j� COMtvtENTS: � Y ��v �' e z + ,t,�,ja� �v''����a�w�$�Xl'R��,v,;s�"g„"`��� r � ,°,�'� +r' e ��,yA�p.�2�!f3,RqA� �•� ��a'{�� •CY" � 1 v��"�&"'Ml".,'. �'b'�� , bi' ,��` . !� '��t:fw { � s"�;x;t:. `:arw�y , � ,,,i...,�x,,ir'��k"�' ., '3� Y . .. •,�°;h.����t'�.�� 7Y'�r � . �� �v:"� _:-�. FK!:'�'k�'` �, �wt�,'b:. ��� ' �;i"'�:` , � :`a:;;���',�.;.�.�:�::���;„.,` , ;r � ��,.;.,,d,:• THINK GREEN: � ��'�'�,�r._ . �:{$�''�"�'�?,��.,,����"�' r,�. �1" ''��.�+'` .fa C., ,`A� .: :G +Ir►" +�r � � � _��4�r�� �".�>5�-� "�' CUSTOMER NAME � � I 717 t���C� �'�- �-.� ADDRESS � ��� � ���[,.✓GZ �Z�p 1 �� ��a J S� CITY � � STATE ZIP „w+' EMAIL ADDRESS � !�2.�J ._ �.G��� �-�J�'� �""' Every day, WM drivers pravide safe rE�EPHONE Nur�eEa � and reliable services. Using innovation �„ and technology, WM is a world �Wl�at do I Ilke best about Waste Management? �^�WM Superior Customer Service � dass partner. Our city is cleaner and �j WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement ,�,, �,;.�, �,., , ,,.�.:,,,;,.::,:. [,��a�,��,=4 �` ,`* �,�� ��,r� � �� ����� ❑ WM Pubiic Education � w §' ( /� .� � , k tn3; ,�t- ✓ �l�- Y U t �-- 1..�'�/\ `� � �, 7r '��� f�i � ,�s" pJ _ y�, n,,� `���, �i����'�s{ ��as'�e COh9MFM 5. ..t-t,. L � � �� ����� � ;� '� �����. `"������ � U '',�,f'�'s�, �"` ,,,y„.:.�tT�iG� �S' Ik9b N,�'�'�w, -.F^E N 'Aa' �r "+�k� + 4+a.° ' u ��E x`, `�t& ��"�°��.v` ��'�^ � i�'���" $ y. � , i �:.,�,n��+}�raR-.x`w�y�.`�i '�,"�t��hH;+,'��'''c � 'd����s�, ,� . ''yg �M p °�� 4,� �% w � , . ��'N�t�f �� �' r y i } � �"��&�.A itft"�w.,� "�°�,`. 'k'�.�td'.�s bh,�".6�t _M , +. ,u� �4��� �r�,, ��� : ,� �# ���� �'�r` �. THINK GREEN: �, »��r�,' ',.r - �„�1,$�u�'�,�.wy.s+y -,,t� ,.:f�, , � , � „ . , r.,., . � .. '� � � � � ! 'l�e.- I ����I�S �" '�USTOMER NAME I � ,�, � �v I � S� ��,� 9���, �� ADDRESS � � VV M ��� ��N ________�--� `���� � � C 7Y STATe ZIP � � EMAP_ADDRESS � Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONE rvun-�sER ,�, and reliabie services. Using innovation and technology,WM is a world H►hat do I like best about Waste Management? � J�-WM Superior�ustomer Service .� class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � E,�,�. :.��.,e�:;� ��,;��:y��� <��.,:r;.,,,��°;;::<�,�..,..�;,�,��:Ng7,::'".. ❑ WM Public Education �` t�'„r ��z�t. �,a,s';���k'w�Z�,�.� ' p;yJx��,,�^k '!„ r�t}� �i'ad�, , � � �� T � uR;, ��`"�d���x_mioa k'+�'�tcw�� � �7: COMMENTS � � �' ��'�,.;e: �, a n.. ;yE:.; � �' �;, a,. '}n�`r�vn '�' :�,a , ,'���.` ;V�.. "�.°�'`�, "��, r rm. r:�, "�. ,�fi�r``�..P�'�e. � �`��"�'�` ^�q{� pjq�� k�e � '��A`��, :B._ �n ;I+�d' ',M.,'4" . � . �'i �.�'�{.S ,�y��1t:�. F�M � �!E'` p�„5�,� ^Yg , �`� �(I, - �,;�::t1'�, ..�:A' i:�i :k '{°' �,� � ' -�,. N�,.;F:F .i�'�� i•q e��� '�'� �� '�e� � � � F � � �tly�„�K� THINK GREEN� „„. , � : .a�.:�. p+y .'4;. ;y' .t4 � f.,;, 9. . 'd, '`t+;�.�".: ¢: . �' :,r,t'rP.'l.;, '-;�.rz`d,-x..v,�.,,,.y<yd'['}`r��'^�!.�,. iK;'i.., ,x 5:`�'�':' ;:�;•s �w,i�. . ��. . . .. ._ ., , . ,....:1:;. .. ,��' .,, .,,�."::... . �,.�,,_ . �.,, _... ,. . � �� � � � I� d�!-D ! i��fCd�'F f3�'�'-�A�i7�� '� � CUSTOMER NAME �i 4 t6' p� (� f /�-- . N, ADDRE55 � � '�� �2 2 +�t��`^ c✓.� ��/ 7�' �r QTY STATE ZIP v� ��Q�.� . (6I!C�G 4fXU�'E.h � C^f H'��� C i l�J w� �, EMAIL ADDRE55 '� 2 „ G _ ��a_ � -L ;z- �► Every day,WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE Nur�neER +�r and reliable services. Using innovation � and technology, WM is a worid W�h,�t do i like best about Waste Management? Lid"WM Superior Customer Service "�►" class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducin9 greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. ❑ 1n/M Community Involvement a, ��.��,;,.,.,,. .,;�.,,,,i� *wYN�,.. � rau�-�.;:i� ❑ WM Public Education � ,< .�y �,�',�r s�,� w�'z°*tf� � �a��'F�`�?ht «��kr��,� r�, t � �` . �" w•cg3 � '''�"v �d 5+t�a �^ �"�r �2 G *� K, `` � 1 kr+� 9A a,���dyy1 k m, � t�§�i ��u�>�'�'��`�S`�t�:�'-����i��_�>�: � �v'�f;�,����i�`?`�'`.�,i�"� COMMENTS: 'p ; � �s � K �g�,�� i�yr "��'`� � ' �`�'�"�s ��`t'a�� �,x dt�'�w '�,�?,: y M�,', caqq�'; +�r.i , '�x<�-�_ i,� �, '#�'�-2"�ya?,'"�rP,' �` � 'V`.^' Y ry.� h �„ ., k �14. . ,q�'S�+�'��k'S'r � e � .r�, - , ' . , ,,. , s'�aE?4 n�v��'� . ___. '� � . ;�'.� �� g,7�::i . .f+'�"`� �'r�'�?'.�a'-.r U� � v Q A �' � ' � tY r�r 7 � '� � ,{ ?.' r�-�a�,� �;q`R,� fi. , �-� t _ ,�f�a a ;K ;i.� '�. ; � ��r ` _ �' �* � , � ?���`�"�"�'' �,,,w.�;_..;,' THINK GREEN. ._p '.X.�'Si .�0.jR,.-e"', � . �Vry' Y/w� ,., ., _ , , . ,... _ , ,. ., �' �- � � " ' - ' � � � � �rr � � �a �-�_�r �► CUSTOMER NAME ---__._��.�._,_.__.—�__� ___ �+ � /7 7� � f~'=-a ADDRESS � ��f � � —� -----_..._ --------- ---------- ,, �..� !/.� y��.r � �y CITY STATE ZIF � EMAIL ADDRFSS '�✓ �.n Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHorvE NUMeER ,,�,, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world N�►hat do I like best about Waste Management? �+'" ❑ WM Superior Custorner Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and ��M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Invoivement � `'�''� ' O WM Public Education ,. ,, , F �}� , � '�v t� � '7 ' ?; 5',,;k '''.',. t., . �y ,... _, �' '�` COM7J�ENTS � �b, +� ,k � y J:.v ';v. ,�,' 4 0 � r a r �' , c � �,., + ,� ,;, � � ,a r s �� t, r.,a �°,-,� �, �� .y�► ,�° �j ,, �,� c' '" * #^� ; , , •. � A�. , 'A , -ds �y� a �- 4' �',�yk`^ta h�$�'.. 4-t .�a t �-� ,; r' �,4�. ,f e ia r -t'�ua�: +Yrl� ! � , r� ri �'c:%S a :�_^_3 � ..,i � „�1� a �} . . __---- r � t � B� 's�P a F �'t,_ � i�Y, ��� ' u A�a.g;8z .y, ',�r;, 7�°r>.5�E���'S�ui9 �' �'� sa s � ��.27', °� Y �w �F�� '� r „ . � ^ _���"'��'��'' �h' � �� ' ' " THINK GREEN: �. * ;j„.� , � i �.m�,� «...o.:�.R ��r► � ,. ,. , +�r�' �' � � � ���t�-E? �" � CU5TOMER NAME � ADQ 55 �` �����L��\ l 1 �L�, ��' �`�,— �° '�� CITY STATF ZIP +�r EMAIL ADpRE55 wrr' .�"` ''"'_ z�� -Z� �,y�"D ''�' Every day, WM drivers provide safe �EPHONE n,unneER wrr and reliable services. Using innovation „� and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? O WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and �M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. ❑ M Community Involvement 'i�'i' ��,' "'` ,��� ;� r'�f�- a "y , �� ❑ WM Public Education �. l'�i u•':°` � '".� +�` .�`,'� .�. ;M�',;�� .�-+, ,i� '"!x`�t �` ' " §� ;°� �* ��n� y. f n s . �c�,a t�° t �� . r g,> ' 'I S r, COMMENTS: ° �Y F �,'�i '.1�d»&N"�� ( � '., .�n�� ..�rS �y�l,u � ���� � �`� � '_ � ffi� H '? e't^" � � ,.4�1 3'' x <� ' ' ,�r�.: .�',�t ,,,d,4 ',:Y '- t x � . a�t y i,- � i�7��' � -�.x: 3 'r�„� '� � ' ��� :a.�,�`.,. .. �9'. .:�, �i"�"�'� h,,,n�' ,F?��, �. aT Y�: -'s� �'. �'" ���?.�-: 'T`-�,t;�' '�, '�r- fi' o',` t� t r� � ' �. :�;; ;., ;:C `h� ti. ',.`+ # �i,3�+��,��.,� ,,p� .. ". ..._ _.---- es., '� 1 � ,��� r��y u, g� ,2"`"., # � ',:* 6 7 �;y. �'���' J;ir�; ����^'4 .-� T ' .�,,..,,„. TH1NK GREEN° � � , , ,, � �r � � ��/1+-1 1�c.l�-K�n�S � � CUS'OMER NAME �r ���'��� ��.` TY�T�U�(1TSKy �p 1�i� l0.3 � ADDRESS W M _���To� ��A ��o�$ � OTY STATE ZIP ,� � EMAII ADDRESS 20� ' 715 � �py7�0 � Every day, WM drivers provide safe rt�EPHONE NunnaER ,r,,,, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? '�'' f�WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and ���Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. �WM Community Involvement � ,�; ,t� E�WM Public Education � , , � ; i �► �'s� 1 �d, t ,r ' � , '�'': COMMENTS: y <t� ��"��., i , , � � "s �-""�' '�'f � y} ' i, �, �. " ��m 4rr ` �.k � � ` � � y . '�'k, r,� � � s, t ��,�_ �u; , � ;S 6�,„ � 6��;� s�r °�` J� t �s'+ �'t'ii..d°, '� � ' 't,i �« , ; 3 �bsy^',af{yzrfr��'��! '�iy . � � .��;;� < � �<�4 r�,�'�r�>>+�� ��;,,4ytq y1 ��' . . THINK GREEN. '� i ,�,+ r� �B '"1 �+ k`„ �C*,�s''i�� Id"��' � 'yf�TMI �`t� ��' ytMr � �. w , : �, . �,-,. „,, .'.,,..�,�,,, .,., ,.',, ,. ,� ,,.. , .. _ , . „ . . ,. , , ,. , ,. , � `�t � � � I..l C �- 1��t'''t'� � CUSTOMER NAME � ~ r� � �3D C��h-�� �1 r s ,�, ADDRE55 UVM �=�-�� �,�� ���o��- .� CITY STATE ZIP +� ,,S� tI� �Gl l�l� (h � � �`_" ''Wl�f' ._�.',�,it�,ODf;E�.� ,f �„u� ��i� ��6� � Every day,WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHor,E rvunneER .r,w� and reliable services. Using innovation � and technology, WM is a world H►hat do I like best about Waste Management? ❑ WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greene�thanks to WM. M Comrnunity Invalvement � � WM Public Education � ' {� ' � � 'S[, S �{f h'��y aA � � � Y , � ,�` ' � F COMMENTS: `7 �" � €; � . i '*' �_] �, � � � < tTl tJvIM/1/►i �� ``d 11�^-C> > , U�„ �,, - , v�1� :.:. , 5 � M� 4 ' , r _ � W` � THINK GREEN: ,. w......�.�.w...«: . �r � � �r vrr � �' �/ i`� t` ����!!/�: ( � l(c 7 -��-�- �--� --------_-------- a�r CItSTC}MER NA� r �, � �2 � _�����rr��l ��'�° �/1C_____--- ADGRESS �r. 1"`��:�'6`� �'� E ���� 7�U�� v�i► '�� CITY STATE ZIP +� FN�AII ADDRE55 .� �l���.� � '�5-�- ��� �� .�r► Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPH`aNE NUMBER .,r, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world H►hat do I like best about Waste Management? '�'" QfWM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and ,�,. E�UM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � � ' ❑ WM Public Education ,�+ , ,� a � , � ��:� s t ,„ �� %� ,�,•'� •s�'" a�,';,i.E.,�4;3 tt '.`�� a� �j�4`'� , . ?k � ,��� COMMENiS� p . � �4 I ,1{ , • a //+ }' j J /"�^''' � ;ft � �A J'15¢;4�k�''F.�' a 'S'���'�y- b^i �' J, %° 4. �y fik,Y !Y��`�--� ��7�!�7(..E� � � � ) � ? V 4, _ t t au . ;4x „+ ����1 { -:iP'�,:§t��-�kp"'��t��� �-_� r`,::� ,r�4t 4t��i a �a-�, � � f i ,� ,,, � ' �Y `� � � vya� ,.. a ;p6 �c�''A ��;"9c pr �-f,; �S,�Y'�,44 ,v�i�'�xa, h� :� �' ;:�:� � :4 "� r� ''�� , r '� � n��G .-, ���'���' �tat���, ty�+�'����`r�+,z�`�7�`�t���5`�"'�,��z��',��' '`� v. �i e� , �^ m",� �a 7�''�':�y�`�, ,�.$�ga� rs �� ,_� -�a_5; �, , r-: � J , � `'� r ,,,;: �� r�"�„. THINK GREEN: � � , , , . ... .,,. +�rr arn � � '� s�tC,t�- �t C"�C_.S�C�L``� '� � CUSTOMER NAME � X�f Z ��- �.r"Y-� ��.- , ADDRESS � '�I� � � -C' 4�-��-�� I,�)f�' `�•`'�C.'S `1 arr srarE ziF � �1 St��.v� � �v�-��� �L a v� EMA!L A�DRESS-� � � �2._ �1 C.��GC11v "'�'' Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONE NunnaER wr and reliable services. Using innavation ,,�,. and technology,WM is a worid H►hat do I like best about Waste Management? �WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. �WM Community Involvement "� �� ,, , � ' � , *��, �5� ❑ WM Public Education �rr � , & ' .��k." 'k�`w,.:., ,�t m ��� ta�`u � ,a'',6 yt� ' COMMENTS � h�, b .i �,�.4h:'- x�,s, {' r�,� , ^ ;'4_ f, , ;„2� � ..,�,f: I .. . .. . . � � � � y � , r ' fi, , ' .. ., � � _ � �� -�'� `wj � � rr'' �g � THINK GREEN� � .�,...�...,�.� +rr► ��rr � � � CUSTOMER NAME �� � ��� /��� /,,,,�.� / � I�{.ti"i--�' f� .�'E��''=`�'=` _—. ADDRESS � W M y G � ����---�---�._�-� ___ � CITY STA`E ZIP 'Z..t-r--o� /�c�� .S—�r v�rr EMAIL ADDRE55 � � Every day,WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHon,E NunneER � and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world H►hat do I like best about Waste Management? �r �WM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cieaner and "r" [�'WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. �WM Community Involvement � „;•�':,}i' s 'v$Sw !:}!.::�' k.�`rv�jN C%R"i�.Y�.�r'K�„lif^Y°.:'.a<. . J � ,�y Q��:µ,,: ' " WM Public Education ;� �;;;.��r'. �'���,.� �` �,,�.,�'�' '':�,,�,x �x'��x-�Y'�''#x,�-: ;:, r{ ; °,." , � �.. ^�;;,.'y,n; "�:;;'.i`" COhAMENTS � . .�. ' .f!'' ; :�«'� .`�-�','�i``:'1��e�i, � ..,: ., 'y __.. . ,x, • � ,�., t'=„� ';,��;„ �",;;�'�-�;�': ' "�' a''": r a� y °' �•d�u #. v� � �"� � ,'s' �+$ne' �$', �,' y-.;� � ,+r y� c�� ' t "��5 � ,� � . i^h�,, ��■� rn_ `�` ° �.�� �I��'`���• THINK GREEN: .�. ,,,� <�`,�, > .�,.,...,,,.,�.�.., ., , �,,., ....,�,. .. fi<;�<;'. .. ... .. � � vrrr � � �.l;t�.�:���c.�� � CUSTOME NAME ''� � 1�C �tZ S� �i y S1n '��---- ..� ADDRESS 1�� 1�C�"�1 �,'�� ���� � CITY� STATE ZIP +� ',111�"��L�v'4Uw�^+ if__J,tiu��i_ C.e,�nn `�► EMAIL AD' ESS �(2'�.3��. Z��� � Every day,WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHor,E NunnaER vrr and reliable services. Using innovation � and technology, WM is a world UVhat do 1 like best about Waste Management? � WM Superior Customer Service �` class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM C1ean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greenet'thanks t0 WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement �rr� �b .��„ ,��� ���� ,,�•������ , � „� , ❑ WM Public Education � �� � 2'�T �'' 7°z r � i��$ f ' 1 l�-� Y W l,{ •�./�� J O� Y�LX3"�W1 � , * x> i"B '�`^�T '" °'' x ''��r- � COMMENTS' :1 � � $ 1��u � 6� { �; ; n� �, , � � 'g9E'�' Y�,'�'��1�ri ,d',+�*r.:- d s[ �S��Fh}, 1 � +^ f$�L_ ry '��" �'�� � i � ,a -�--(, ,_.�Ni\�h%�, 1 i1�`'�u_ Ult y'�} � a C.Y�w+Y` � z, '' ` �' �° r '. �"y ,,��, � a a � � �,��� a �� � �,' /y,���jy���(( ��`* �F„�t g„ ¢ }'Yt'TVA/�yl ` 1il�+'��-� - - _�,Ga�� ,� � s. � � � � d' � � u �f � ,!�� t , �t��t f M1 ', 4� � ,�� � - s v� r, �, ��. �'� .�,, � � t ,,a,,�C ,€' THINK GREEN: � r� ��� � ..,......,�.o...�.. . , � � � � r�r +wrr �" CJSTOMER N�ME ��— � �' ���s" \.e__�__"_'". __- --�-6-'-=----I-�- �-. _.--------------___—___ ADDRE55 '� � I� CtTY `--��-i--�—� --�Y�- �- "" S�ATE -� ----Z�P'���� � EMAIL ADDRESS �" C�b� ��" -,�( k t��.�-- �'' Every day,WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHorvE rvunnBER , _---_____ „� and reliable services. Using innovation what do I like best about Waste Management? ,�, and technology, WM is a worid class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Superior Customer Service � greener thank5 to WM. �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � ❑ WM Community Involvement � ' '- �Y ,�} ❑ WM Public Education 4 i�p� .'�` ��pt�,r�;~' t "I{'r� . ;J� � � y�3a� „� r s��ss,, ; wy�`,��; ,,_!.. ,.; �,i��'�`",€�.i xit�'a�x�y Lr a�8'✓e��l.;.`� ' ; COMMENTS: � R�m'��k.�4`�»,�✓ � fi'"v �4 p'�°4��' '��� r td"'� CP�"'� '�P �'�'�� � 5 a , �' a � �r � � Y ,,k, �.���4,� �wN��y����� � , � � � ',_' ��q'{�.^,^§�9� -�"'� KS d�.�' i.�.A�.�h k d i Hd,�p,� �" -� '1j r{�,�,Ye �j`f �' .n St°7�Su$':�4 �� � � �,t'�'�i'��„�°�°tU'�a si�'�v'�J '� ,` t}e��f � ..__ ;��' � � � c � ,� ��R,��","'� '',�£ i��' r� �,i l���'�� + �y.��',�'�`��,n�rYF„+��. „ ; .:s !q�,� Y t: �'b�, ' ��M Y ',"G" S'S'f�y� n�. ��¢p2fi � , � � ��,�,���m� �,�;,�.�b"��� ` x� a . ....,F,..,�.,a:` THINK GREEN: wrr• . . . ,.. .� . , . . . ,.K ,,,�„ ,Fx,- . ,.., , +IrV' � � � 'r► �t � < /� �� n�i� o y '� CUSTOMER NAME �4 � � � / j 0 / S � S�I� P � � ADDRESS '�'� n .�ti�n r w� .9��T S 7 � QTY STATE ZIP �'' ��/� �• �n�'+S/!`'SG y/C�. �i�u� �s [c-a EtJ�AiL ADDRESS � �'' V � z-O/�— 7r� — �G S`9 �""" Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONEr�unnsER �r and reliable services. Using innovation ,,�,,, and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? � WM Superior Customer Service � dass partner. Our city is cleaner and �vWM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. ❑ WN} Community Involvement " ` ` "'� f,�WM Public Education E��- i ,d," ,} � ✓ ,. � � � # �' � ' �;�� . . ` v COMAAfNTS: '• � � r�'} ,fg„ , . ` '- . . . , .. . � '.:. ,_Y r,,. .' � ,. _ .\," ,,,': i' 'i - . . e, . � , . , _ , � l.' 4 �a � �Jh L ' � � � '�.,Y �� THINK GREEN� y ..e...,...,�,�»,' .r _, +rr� «rw � � rz�'.t..� ���` l.�..-�/i...�`--i � l _ ���� � � C tOM N j� ����_=J��-1--� �'�', ADD SS � /��-.-.�,��.� ��� � � ' '� �„�' VVM - �___ CITY STATE ZIP „� '�y EMAIL ADDRESS ,,.y �'''j / //�.� \ �t Li � � `[,`.�=�----1� y `-'��� .� ,� Every day, WM drivers provide safe TELEP�9NE NUMBER� } ,� and reliable services. Using innovation � and technology, WM is a worid What do 1 like best about Waste Management? ❑ WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and {�WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas} greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Invoivement � ;x;,t<..- Y.;re�a ,.e..,,�.��,a;dy,�,af.{f:r,�1'S.w,'.a�.�o+a:,,��,��`,s�a+.��!fr,.- .,�.;.,� ❑ WM Public Education � 4� a�'���.'`�x�"Nk�`�'r'43Y'r'�hb.i��' �A��'��j�Xa q e ��'��+''-t� -r'"i' �7�� +. . x � w Y � � ��� �Ry{� ,a' s�" ' �� qM�'�t ,�}_� ,�"��,°���`�'i���'��;'b COMMENTS: ��17��'' �% ,A J":T�� � �'��d�"�^�` �����'���� �,�'���'��;��'��'"� �.� �.w �,h '�` a � � �roM�� x,!� �+ F � � ��r � '� �"'���. '� � �,�t�t���,. - �p, ,�s ��y i�, '���`�"�� '� ��� p{ ��j pm �,y„, }g„V� {k is1�'�n�w _ �� J'_�������:.'�� .�+.t�'ii?. k�� .p�:;} � � � ' , �S, ��y�. ��y r���z.,� ' ,.�c �,.;, a��,�. ��■�s e 3, ����c � r �� �,. ,�` �, �," ¢ rr°.,..�„�..,i �` THINK GREEN� '� � �„r r ,, ��',.�,�.,,,a , ,.✓.�"`'a�.�`�'�,h�`,M.. ,.�i�'S�4 . , . �,�:',�i,� ,, � � �� � � t Tl`��E�� � �.t����� .� STO ER NAME t �w `��-rc..`� � ��. l l �`a� � � r � M '��ESS /� � �r��-��. f �.� � �-� ��� .� W! � t CITY STATE ZIP ,� � EMAIL ADDRESS � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TEi_EPHon,E n,uMaER �,,, and reliable services. Using innovation ,,,� and technology,WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? class partner. Our city is cleaner and �M Superior Customer Service �rr► (�WM Ciean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. �-(IVM Community Invalvement �,��<_��a �� � �U � + ,�� � ,� u� , '"}..� �UM Public Education � hy� �a '' �.����... � &'_ ,' _{�_ tr r v,,,,;.�4'd�4. .+` ' �"m$''���'�`��,�, � -.a����'��,y.?>,'�. } e a s�� � '�'-�rzf�-� COMMENTS: � ���';l^�:R�.�;"'$:t�'`�"�`�;.�5�t�k���,°.'�`.'.x^#. ,, xb `� a k� r �af , N"'k i� � �y �'., ,,, . ; ' � ' �'fi��'�v'���''�,�n 'w' ,��i���..�Y' r, i P ql�t 1 M r F { �{�h 4 � f . , '�r a�'Y 'S�+ ' d .�- . '�',. � ����i°,f�.�- ,�z�� �'F „' ��4_ 'rl/t' f 3t i �: �i & a �w� v mu, �,a t�,.�e �.� e�g -c� �,{ - "5�*"e, � . �-'3�,�9 ��� '^�e .s � ��� ` 4 �?.'�, �j �.. x �� �� n ,w W�� �m� THINK GREEN: �r�,` �... �°�.,- � y��f� ��� .,�`` `„ pa� ..�. � � w„��,t � `•f�' �1MY �r � �"`" ��vc.� l l��'��.� �yr cU$zd�R hAME � r,r �{ _.____._________ � � X �%U � � � ��'�� �„ �, Aaa ss � ��M _t--�,�-v� v��- �� g �---- --- � CITY STATE ZIP � � � �� " . �i� FMAIL ADCRESS J � � � �wr Every day, WM drivers provide safe rF<<�HorvEr�un�,aER ;,,�,. and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a worid What do I like best about Waste Management? '�' ,'�INM Superior Customer Service � ciass partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. �M Community Involvement +�r h, 4�A,WM Public Education r , �x , � � H h, � S C.. f� � i' �k� ,� f a;`M k����e,'� ��MMENTS J � � '� ';9 4 " -Y f '1 f, t ��1, /y . g/t� ,�.(�/� � ' ' T F ' 4 4..;�� i`, ��"_ �( � V N� ���;.. ��' //�ri A V ��/�I _ _ . ,,t _ �� . ��9�y\/µ-- "�' s x . J i a ' :S� °��t sY*' .fi' y ` �` ` {j 3 fi � " �, yn a�' � ,� z}a ,�r�,� � � ! +siM�' ; +. ,r' , ,"b a' n ° ._,�r� ,�, nc�`� k�,s 'f,�� i " 'z � r " ��, a�� '" ` �` �'�Z � `''�,'r !+� �. ,'.�� �' 'd in � a,a ' " � � i,' A7� 9}4 , ,�"' a�"'�+.¢ ',`�, , t ;. f �, ���: &����g.;���,, ��": �,,,;,,���.;, THINK GREEN� ����.�� � �rr , .. .. . . � � � �rr � ��� �c �� . �' � CUSTONIER NAME � I�u 11 IQ_(1`�'_ _��tP �� - '��E��1-� ���1 ����' '�' ���� QTY � STATE `LI� ` � EMAIL ADDRESS � ��� ��C�- I��� __ _ �""" Every day, WM drivers provide safe re�ePHONE Nun�s�'"R ' .rr and reliable services. Using innovation ,� and technology, WM is a world �Nhat do I like best about Waste Management? ❑ WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing 9reenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. ❑t/VM Community Involvement a:�, :, � � ❑ WM Public Education w�r '� ` „ ` ,� _ h i � �' ���' ' COMMENTS •i' ' � i- � k 4 u, !, f� a , Y ��n �a � y ,�, °r' �,��6��, t �iK��r� " ��, '^ � , �����Y 1 � �� ���� �C�� "'r'' "` . s :, � � k ,�„„�,. THINK GREEN� � �� �rr . �n� ..r �rr . wr -_------- , �t' ��/_!�-zz�_�_ � CUSTONIER NAME � �c , rv�_",�_...___-- - �r ADDRE55. '�►` W M -�1�� _ � �f � � ��� f��______ ,�-��. CITY STATE ZIP �� EMA�L ADDRESS �✓ � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHon,E NUMeER � and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a worid What do I like best about Waste Management? „�, �1 WM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. g� WM Community Involvement "'�i" �� ` 1�WM Public Education r,�: r �� r�� � , , ;'7 � '�a ` �'� ' COMMENTS. t :.t,c.�y� �, '�„ ... . ,z. ,t� � ," 'r�c, ,n . � o i ^� i . ' �, � �r ya ", "1�IY � fY, s. ' S .� � � ��� _£•�'�v i� y��' �' �~# ' r" w �.,+.. �,4J' ry�y ��. ; h � ;g t ,5w 9 i ;��o�+u� ,tt�'�f, ; . ' ' �t r � � 7�,� � �v �'et Mr-t '�,SN rr�'4�+4S,"q �� , 'T� �Y' T.e'�' � `4= 'A� , �"� ,�',.id 1 i 14, � Z �" .��'b��"`t��; �'.�.�.��,��°_, THINK GREEN� „� ,:.� m . , ��: .,..,. , , � t. _ <, . ,. _ � � � � � _.� h�r/ —�n S�h e r4 �,r�,' CUSTOMER NAM� � -.y � � �to 1� ��x.c-� ��1 CG �, ,.� ADDRE55 t�� �.� n�n �,�� `IC�L�S� '"�' CIT� STATE ZIP ;� Scc�lll���t'4 � [_t'tl��f V I t/ll�� t1N.� �►, EMAIL ADCRESS -1 v_---� `�� �� 3��� � Every day, WM drivers provide safe 1E�EpHONE rvunnsER ,,,�„ and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? � ❑ WM Superior Customer Service �rr class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thdnks to WM. �M Community Involvement � ;,� ° ❑ WM Public Education � � �j / ,y, � 'y e ' r; . COMMENTS. � !rl 'E_ �I�E�_ V�;!f�L �e:e_S f �. , �iid.+Q_�-'�Y�C __��e 1� � , � { � � � w. , , 'r11f" �,i � �' *M�, THINK GREEN� �""�` - . _..,..,.,� � rrr � � .rr � ���'r��c�l--��/.� .�� �v _. 0�-------- _--_. � Cl STC�MER NAMC M Lf�1�y ���-I`� 5, �. - � ADDRt��� ,/ CJ � � �/ 1 / p t/�g VUM ___jf __ __ ________ ______ � CITY STATE � ZIP � EMAIL AOD{3fSS .. �/�S�-�7�,9 3 � � „�,,, Every day, WM drivers provide safe TELEPHONE NJMBER ' and reliable services. Using innavation � and technplogy, WM is a worid �Nhat do I like best about Waste Management? .,,�,� ,EJ'A�M Superior Customer Service ciass partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks{reducing greenhouse gas) �''' greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement """ ❑ WM Public Education '�. � �.:,;:, , �: � � -,;;c">:,,., � COMMENTS. � .; h,�^„ , , - u� 1 4 � ` � t'� � � }t - '}t�,� ., , '�T,. f , � �A«e ,�� 4Y, . , ' , , �„ � 4 y� � {, '�, � � ���"� THINK GREEN: ... ��;�. � +.r �r wrr rrr '"' �, y,�4 /�/�a�c ,�e� o � � CUSTOMER NAME �' ADDRESS � VVM �3�-� ��� � a � �� � � `�' CITY STATE ZIP � �.�e� � � � EMAII ADDRESS � � Z S — Zvc� �--z-�{ � Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONE Nu,�sER +w+ and reliable services. Using innovation � and technology, WM is a world H►hat do i like best about Waste Management? 0 WM Superior Customer Service �, class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Invo�vement � ' °°�``""�"¢�'+°`:v�;: ❑ WM Public Education _, . r.��., � 9,.;-p���..,.ti,:.:. ..:w . �F � , , � .'�f.s.�,,:?T�n.m�":',.�hJ.'7'�a'p.�' . - . . _ , x6'' � T;�N'`�,�� '�k�,v,^f d" ,, .. COMMENTS: � �` � r� -� h�v �l�W�y 5 u��� � ;� } �� � �.. - � � �., � � a�c� c.�+�-e �� �t�� *�r` ; �� - �.c� � , � �y� :-¢ ,� , ..��,� ,. ,.........,.q.�...� THINK GREEN: �rr ,. . '` +r�r +w � � � �f,� ,�'� _ '"�' CU51 ER NAME � . , ___—__—_ '�` � ' �,.�.t_�� �%-1" �r �.:� :�� ��� " � s�_ ,�r, ADDR�SS W M � � � � �� � l 1� I�-""j dr_7L__._._.___'_ _"_'__�{c_1`�L1 �I V t_��3/ / � CITY L STATE ZIF � '�e ---—�------__ � — ''� EMAIL ADDRESS .��1, 4-.��> -�'�'�Y �' Every day,WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHoivEr,unneER „�, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do 1 like best about Waste Management? "'�" �WM Superior Customer Service �r dass partner. Our city is cleaner and ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks{reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. [] WM Community Involvement � et- ❑ WM Public Education "'�' .� •'�. ' � �' COMMENTS: l / / V�" `y's. �:;, `�^+ f , yi� ,-� / t ( �. t __�tc�_L�✓ c�f r�'Ist-' -t;_" .'�� � l`C d`--'7"'i- '+ -d�„�,w� a t z .f �, �' ,' �, �-`� £ P k� �� - _"-' - ��;- , ., g..$ i�.� 7 j ,,,, a � d t -� � __._. ....__.. tt �. ., . . ;�' `. �r1�' � , .i ( j,t 1 -,ti �„ ' ,� ffqr,p �r �i ���•-��k•� ` � � �, ', � s " f �„ 1I��,r,' �, THINK GREEN: ''�` � � � � � ..r � � `yc�.C?°���A��,t�_`���.l�ti��t Cu "�w CUSTOME(�QE � , � � �`� ---� C �,�`>� '�'—ct�i`�\�. �� ._.._�C—. � ADDRESS ��E�,� �..._ � �1t-�.. "\�.(`�k�;� �'r'"` �� CITY � �..�... STATE ZIP �: � EMAIL ADDRE55 �c�.�,`?+.,.�`�- �:�,C'� '� -- Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE NunneEd' ' ' � and reliable services. Usin innovation and technology, WM is a world What do i like best about Waste Management? ""�'` M Superior Customer Service +�r+" class partner. Our city is cleaner and WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. WM Community lnvolvement � , t,- � i ❑ WM Public Education � � � � f' � �.:�'`�°'� t 4 � r�_�#g ., bX COMMENTS '�` r i '� `� �'�� `. r1���� � j�` 4 «� � '�{4& :�t 7 ,i r f"' S+9, � � . y � ",.: � ,� ,, y,� . ; p_�. � f S ib 1 `%,� � s' ^t ���. ' j `" ��' wl������ THINK GREEN� `�" �: < , .. .��. , � . �rir � � m +wr . �► ( ) � j p � R/ /�!V��/�/l/ vy� CUSTL7M NAME � _. '� � -- � � � -------C�'.�/',. • - --. ADDRES k��L���� � 1�IV1111 -___.__._. ���------�'-���-- - w�r CIT`/ STATE ZIP 'rIM" EM,/�IL AC)�5�� — ��� ^ � /'� O.__�_�__.�_ � i7 (._ ___.__.�_ � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE N:�MSER �,,, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world 1,+U�,h1�t do i like best about Waste Management? ''�' 1$WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and l�WM Clean and Green Trucks(reaucing greenhouse gas) greener thdnks to WM. ❑ VUM Community involvement � ' � �,� �,. ❑ WM Public Education ` ���.� � '' + wr � � ,a , �� f / /q� a"�aa , � � ,„�+��Sm +�� COMMENTS ����-� '_! /�/��'�����! V'�'I � , �z � ., t� � �� -� _ _�� ',�:,�-�-Y, �. , ' �s� < ? � �` �'+,r , � t � � .����"k° y��' ��"� � } F � ��t� ` �� �' -�� '' i,'"�e k, ',��.�"%� `�'J v �*�,,r��. �J , � � � `�r 9, `"'- ^ �,'�,£1j ,+� �s�;�`I r � ��g� ���} � n , ��y �' �r aP , `----� 9� ;� p �t`�„'>��k „�� , �,�'"�`+""&'�`�S����y� �„��a���M k ��� .�. � � *f x;,"����x�°�"��,��.i°`�` � �:�,�`,��a ,�"{���,���,, ,;..� ��� THINK GREEN' � � �„ � � � ,.r.° �rrr "� �1�7�,. �,. .�-� �,�tL�.�+ `� � CU�`Tf}MER NAME "'� '"r —�.Q� '�' ►<�_ �"_- 1�.l� ADDRESS � ��� ��`��r�. l �� ct�c�� '� CITY �STATE ZIP �iY► t `QU�c,��'. C�.+�►�GC�,�"'. C'► +�M�` EMAIL ADDRES �� .,2,�_____�S'`�� ""' Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHon,E n,unnBER �r and reliable services. Using innovation ,� and technology, WM is a world H►hat do i like best about Waste Management? 'f�WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is deaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse 9as) � greener thanks to WM. �WM Cornmunity involvement ;, � �M Public Education wrrr � .' 9`, " ; COMMENTS: �� �t� . �` � ' , v � <��'`��� "1�1' _ � il� ' , ,- , . ` ' � s � �;��`° � THINK GREEN: �, �,,,..��,.,,. � � � � _`��� � ��..�,�cs _.______ ____ _ � � ���TonnE�z Nah�E � � � � 1 �-� �2�..�c t�--�!' � AD ESS � _��".lJ���-►,c,r - ----LL�� _,�-4:—�'�� -- "'�'` 1�� CITY STATE �I� � EMAIL.4DbRESS ��_P.�`T— —v�� � � Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHon,EN�r�nBER � T vrr and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? � �WM Superior C�stomer Service ,� class partner. Our city is cleaner and �j Iean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. [___y���ommunity fnvolvement � (h, �> /�{{ �� B'WM Public Education ''r�'' � ��'' ✓`5!ry' � , Y�'f � �5;��� t�S ' z ' / � e 1`..i kt n t n /�� �`� � ;`�' ' ; �tc,`� *,�{�i{" r�fi 7 �' �F�� � � t COMMENTS. t .J�� I C) v �_ N: , b � '. , � ,�,^ � � . r,t- r_�� �S,.� `�a w '��rX�� � ' ,�$� 7 � "f �� '� i�' A" 'Y�ic„ -�- c = � �'��7q . a �t n� *� ��ar3 `� " � r���'irr��°�w _ � �.� �z8���vtgt,' t„ � y r�, � z a�. � ��w:��,.= �� t��"� � i n -.d�� �' �5 �.4 `"�.�� � ,�c�. 3Nyi:x u 6 �' c" x ? �, � k �' � ';�^�z: � ` ��y.�.''e �` �'?�r Y ��-'+��t��� r�4�b'y;s ^u �� d �y t � ���p ryi.� �'� ��''y�� ��� s� THINK GREEN: "'�' T �r ,+n�,y�y h �d+��dM�� y„,�l ,t{'N{x�!iM,� °� ' X�""���4� .�rvG ""'P-d, Ly��"`C fyt , k, S4"�j y}./�" MYw��lMAMM�wx�� , :S', . ,.. .. ,,.,.� ._,�.:1',. ., . g. �. . , . � � � � � `1 ti�! �- I e.re w� Pe�r�` `� CUSTOM�NAME � \ �t. � _���2 S� �� 5`(� ,� ADORESS �� ��D L'� � '�M CIT��� STATE ZIP �' 1��� (��r�1 �_ C,�l�t'� C��'� � ,�,,, EMAR—ADDttE�S � ��-`� -- ��'3 - o�s�-- � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE NunnBER � and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do i like best about Waste Management? � �WM Superior Customer Service �rwr class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. � �WM Community Involvement ,rN a , w r,, �t�� ��� ❑ WM Public Education � , s � � �a �: � �� ; .�.- � � �� .� y vE Y�:�;�� r t x ,r� �.' � i COMMENTS: ' � ii•_1 �. !' � rV� a p t , , a ; , ' t"I ` � . _ , . ° �v` ., � r � ;��' ��1�,.�:,u � r"� 'Vlw � �1 � g ��� � THINK GREEN: � , �R-�e 1��VY�Y �.:1.,�x .dv ' rnwr�wtlwaM' � . - . . , „ , , . . ., � ,. . ' � � � � �r. � � ��� �� 1� A . _—___ .v—i�✓~r �—���._,,._._.___ „N. CUSTOMER NAME � r _--���_--�Z��� �'(►_-��. - AD RESS �' –�--*�--i�-���' ----��+`��. • '�`��*— ____.__ � '�� :ITY /+ $TA7 ZIP ��r "'� ' '� �!„I'� . I'L•' ,�–i�i`:/`'IC_'_—__ cMAIL ADDRESS � ___C�2-�-- -5��--'L./� _ ------__ wr Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EFHONE��unnaER ,�„ and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world �do I like best about Waste Management? � class partner. Our city is cleaner and � W�Superior Customer Service ,�, (�3'WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement .rr _ . d �a f�t�,�r,�� , ; �, b �z r ❑ WM Public Education � ' �� _,�+' ,� -_ � Y � � t: q�'�'4.: / . 5,� 'ai" ., .� .�ry :�'P i �p t�t;+y�, , 5 .a , e y�' ��t''"�a,�. p rf'" / d ; 5 � � � ' } 4 �r COMMENTS �/C.,� / �!Q. '�' • �+;. – • __ a ��5 ,r,g��A"YE.��#}�is'�`�'f�"�'TA b r�n�"�.a�,l � �y� ' 'tP°a tq�'�n �, �. w" � y '�y��r�. ��a" �r� ?� $ ,J� � ��t`��. d'�" �, � 4?��' �� �+� 'f �' 'p,x i.�'s, . +��,j, *.+$� � , �¢� � �,� � , :����,"" �i�m n�� -"��?��"�� �r� a �«' `.�k w���'���pp��,�q,���: v�r+ s� �S a x� a� . r ka�w k3�fi" .r i,� � r � ,� ��",��i,� �� ' t�,�Aa��'�Y���, ���d ,_:, "r$���'�a.t'����� " �'� ""` � ,�� � ,,.� �� u,;, �� ��;`3t,�� � � �. THINKGREEN� � �+�R:,- � �°.����,� ;4���. `` .��.�� ���a.,;, ..,,...,....�... �, . . .r. �,.,.,,, �r► �r► rwr� � �' �J'lel�i�,��_1_i���,-k�� '�' CUSTOMER NAME �� �'► � -_��C�C� WC�c�.l�,tr��v c,� �� ADDRESS � _L`���-�---- W� q�SQ.SS� '�' CITY STATE ZIP +INr` EMAIL ADDRESS �Ilf� '""'" Every day, WM drivers provide safe �E�EFNorvE NunnaER � and reliable services. Using innovation „�„ and technology, WM is a world H►hat do I like best about Waste Management? �WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. C WM Community Involvement �rr r�. t��,b �":,;,;"� ����� � . ��x�� ,, ❑ WM Public Education �+rr -� � " ��� �. � r .�, r� , ry� � `� , � �t t �r�, j ..�'1��-r�t�wS�r z�" �'��i`�?z �� COMMEN?S: r-. . �� , . , i t/P f i� �' �rr � n 6°' � _ __ _ , ,�,„ ,.� . fi � ..'� Y yE �` h � �1 ��J�t � � � F-� � �,1 � �� d E �,�, .� Ra h 7 ; 'F,�b ' i i ,a.?'�,� �,,: s��,:,, y �.�r.�', � � �,',.i;" _.�t�,�� � ' ° ,` '� !t-�a .,�y ;:F, ,y�,'7;^ , ,',r„'.;.w Y,r;. , ;r ��� ; . ^' , f«t*;y �,,� r �b}^ t �, , �� � �. ��" � '. � ,� ,;�i� . �nXN r�J n i�4 h�� '• $g :, � � �� ��~�� THINK GREEN� ,., - , -�- :: ., . � wun wu�uov+ron ��` . , � �� : . , . „ -^ , , , � ' � � � � �,�r► �i ' '� �n' ,� � � i � � ��� � � � CUSTOMER NAME —-— ----__--__- ..� -r' y f j +�` �'} � ��%t'!�"�ew �j� L ( �4`-- ADDRESS � ��� �P ti� "�-p -+'t 1/�,1 f} ��j' D5 6 r�r _____—___---------------- � CITY STATE ZIF f.MAiL AdDRE55 � ,�� . ,r�'� E - C ��S� rrr Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONE NUMeER ;,�, and reliable services. Using innovation and technalogy, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management7 ''� � WM Superior Customer Service ,�, class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse 9as) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � ,�, �' ':;�: ❑ WM Public Education "'�"' , , . . . . ,,.w , ,. M ,, a ' �+,# !; �' COMMENTS. � � tw I T � S_ �f 3�:',' �. .��� ' t N� � 1� '_L`M1`�. P"_ n 1T Y.e x,f � ,..K i'-,y, . .. ...,_ .:.p,. ,.��^ a..n�*f{� v,�.w �i � t ,.y. '' �_, � 7: rx ,nd t 1M�, k , �!:, .fL�.d 'f,1,' -�ri� �- t. ,'3 y.7f'S+ 'u +�Y � � 5 K x __j,7 , �f ., _1' H R'd �,.�' �'�� 'i,�� � � t: .. � � s f,��,��'� �� �� , w. . . THINK GREEN� +� a ',.-r:4�t�' r s� :5: M: ,} `M_ �N r:. , � �a a wwwac.wan� . <t. : ' „ 'jr°t '^,s:, . . � ' , , , , . , . . , . . , - , �r � � � � ��V'� �.. fi✓�-r'�"��/��t/�-- v�r � CUSTOMER NAME � ` 3�- 1 w� �I 1� �+� S'� �► ADDRESS � 1� M �� ��. � - ��OJ� . v�r► CITY STATE ZIP �N`cw�iti�u1. ��(ov � h v-�ri�c� L. � ��t vrw EMAIL ADp�S � `�I� Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONE Nun�grR � and reliable services. Using innovation and technalogy, WM is a world What do f like best about Waste Management? �rr -�WM Superior Customer Service ,,� class partner. Our city is deaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) gt'eener thanks to WM. � WM Community Involvement � � ❑WM Public Education `�'` � s .� � � .� �J �6 /,'y . , ', s "" ,c ',�;z �;: COMMENTS O� G'�C/ L`� l ,1 C%I C � � ; . � 1 _ ' , � � � � _ ;x.:; ' v�► _ , ,. ' '�„ � :� � . . �'' � �. THINK GREEN: �r► � . �fi� , � , , ww�r�.wwwwo�rc.er � �� � � �rrr +wr � __--- �' �` -�- -� J�1 w�. Uv, ( �r CUSTOMER KAME�~ � '�----___. ______ �r' � �t S�Z_ �L �{Q7 4�_sL� __��__-__----------------- ADDRESS � ���� W� Q�bs� a�r GTY —^� S�ATE Z:P ' ���T_��__.�.-_-- � EM�D�7f�E�S��•, • COr+ Vr'' �r Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�FPH�NE NUMeER —�--^"4 ,,,�, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world �t do 1 like best about Waste Management? �` M Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and �, ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks{reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑WM Community Involvement +�rrr � f , , ❑ WM Public Education .�� irrr �re , , � } : ., �,,.r�'� � , . u#-"i��� �1� ^Yl,<�, t �ro�+€f x.;; CONIMENTS: l -.'cf.��r �...b� � '�` s ,,S �,, �„i„�, -{4g, � ¢- �^��. ,�i �`-'� �'� ;ti �, � ?��� , $ , *�_ „ �'� � > > ,�� � k � f �, � b�'v f" � �4 ;'ryr���'4�,���r�°ce � � p�.iv. �',� 4 a�-^k P`�4 R���NYry ��. i +. , , �v ; ,M ,.�w �` ,� ;k i �' �11/ �'�'� �i���t7'� ' ,'�� r ��� �7'���rrx�'"���,��,' ��s , ° '= F��'�� �x "= ��°� ,`` �a THtNK GREEN: � ..f h;'s � �.� � ,r.,. ' . .,...�....�,° � , .. �.► �rr � � �` f�°�-�"�r'�"'^-- 9 75� /f'_d.�, "�►` CUSTOMER NAME !'� ` � � �rr � 3 2- �-4 v��� rn_ �;�r-�_ �`�= ADpRESS � '�I� '�°.�t�-�-,-�-�.. �,1� �1-�` � �` � CITY � STATE ZIF � EMAIL ADDRESS __ - � / t L-�"t�. ���"� � � f� � �� ''r"' Every day, WM drivers provide safe l�E�EPHONE NUMBER wr and reliable services. Using innovation �,, and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? E*.3�WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and �'wM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. [�`��/tIM Community Involvement � � � J C�1'�l1lM Public Educatian `�� "°'�� ¢ ��� : ti �rrr , �:t ! , * „ � , ;, 1, �:,�r � � �r , � :- t > X � ' COA�IMENTS ' �, � � „>x,+"�' � r.z:' q - - l- �' - ` ._ C� �`b � _ ,� r � �`��•{' '�, C-� G^!Q c# ' .Y��" g � -f �.. =� .t�� ���`� � k , , : ,, , � �l�t 4Yr;U f�1.1� ` - � , _ � . � �> � ;4 n '.� � , ,t� t-�,� . rr. r�,,,�'�,,,� THINK GREEN: � � � � l �t Cw.-{ ct:r d � CU57bMER NAt� � � ____� '��` _• kf�� tc: �}.�_1�i,i ' �.��--_______� ,r, ADDRE55 W� ��-c i L�r�• `� L`� "{- �i �( ;,rr. "'�' CITY STATE ZIP '� '� EMAIL ADDRESS � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE NUMSER ,�, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? '"�` ;�,�IlM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � :,:f; ,f�.;�;:,. n�;,:;,,„��;y�;,;,�;��;��.���w� �x:� .�. :,.,,,.AC:; : ❑ WM Public Education `'�r'" LJr;�,�,p� ��k4�,N�ry,#"�,�,.** ,, M1` �� ��4 i� a�„ ����'� �t�r�d`�"' w"��S}+H��''�u� .: ",�, a �,t�°� '� � �hF+ COMI�AENTS C��G ��4`�S r'�i ��� %l f � Y- ,Ewi� r � ��.ft��t�'�a' % k' �- �.a . �a �,F / _ � ��f'YY �k f ��� � i. J � �' �� � *9� "y ,r,i° k_' (- " � �Hrt��,r':�r�,m�_,��`����h$"'��k°c�� '� ,;� ;,,� �oa e s�,' . y�rx' . a �"'' �. "S� 6�:�? b b�' �b ���k., j �+ ��r��,.,�,«g �`���✓� � ,.k���!? "°� "»$`,a"��.1. `k. • ,��'t� .J ;�r�7:��4!���'�''"„�F`6,"rr` �r�"' ''�°'�'�il[.��:,'?;�. ���'��f�� ��? ` '�,�,�9+C �? i� ^� ,:b.,� ��:�, y7i,t s�+`"...,,��� , .,�t'� � � .� .. , , i. : P ,�. .;" *+;hx �, ,�.�� . >� sy, J ti�yrrt�,+�.;; g;. a.� � � .`�a''„"`��'���`'�t��r-�:t4 tw 4t°`yr u��'' -.�':�,. 'r � .a � z y . n � � � "s, ��'� �{��� THINK GREEN� �'z�°' .�4��,�� �,��`;�'��ty���` ,���� ;e,;r;..�„ ��,p.�: ,, � � ',�;;, ': °_tr'�;'';�a. f. ��'.�.�,,;,:..:,� �*:�,,`,.:.`�;; rl�" ,�w,n�.-�* . �.�:.,,k..� '''� , .., . . ,.., 4''�... x \If► �r � '� ��hV�/l . 1--C'"L�' i"� 1/�i �� � CUSTOM R NA �J �r �� ��� � � AD SS � � f� ,�-,� (-2��- ` ��/��� � '"'` '� `.��� CITY v STATE ZIP �, � EMAIL ADDRE55 � Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHONE NunnsER ,� and reliable services. Usin innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? �` ❑ WM Superior Customer Service '�r class partner. Our city is cleaner and �M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � �� µ,:��;�a , , ��.,�rcg�.„�..,.��,,..: ,,.,;.�a�,�.,.: O WM Public Education � t � �"',n}r*.� +��,Xv�''��+Z"°��fi�-`� '`a f�,�'�°rj'� ��'�TN,�'� ,. �� 'fi � ,„ � � I p d1, a t�r� s�',�d'�''�'�k" 'f.*, �yh �����*'�'�Y� d"��' ��: COMMENTS:�.""`� � IC 1I ( Q R.. �r.�Fc�'°��<�.x,'�$��., rr.,��yt v��+ s,re.�,�; ; r/. l9/. .� �.� J 1/ . , _ �,�,' v �` „ � , k, � �„s 1 -,"" e�t,k,,r �d��z,''�� sa�r�1'a„`��_,�'d�a �r �;�� . '�A� � f ^kt n '�p" q�p }',`, � - j� '��,y�- �'�.�"'�,m'SS��"iiy""�r�a.t�,,,���u�k�M�;,{` �� • � m� ��a���`,�3f �"a»��n� � ' -�.� , I�" * �',z�V; sr F� ,a4� `"'�x_�.4' ""�a���' �fi,�fi t � '� �" t�'t r'' , �� r a '�`�v�'�-'� „ ki' "� ��A'bk iv-s � ..0 � ,,§� f ¢ i K S�� .�'�`Nm� � y �5 �d ��i t �'• �.�:.°� �r�� ����,� ��,.�Y;�� �'�� � � ��-�'M THINK GREEN: vir ��... „ „ ' �" : � � � � � �r �rr � _______.1_�_____------��%�___. � � CJSTOMER NAME � g�� '— �, SS 2� /U� �, �� ADDRESS � t+--Y�l�� �G'� `C�-/(.J U �W ��� CITY—___-------------------S1ATE Zlf._..._. � EM,AIL ADDRES��� ���` �� / � 'll�l► +r Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHorvE NunnsER „�, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world �o I like best about Waste Management? "'�" WM Superior Customer Service � dass partner. Our city is cleaner and � W�Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greenet'thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement �rr► ' ❑ WM Public Education - � � 8R, Y�, � f:, i � �� -} ` g N�� 'ti{ n, �' �,�..` , „, �'� r`�u�� 4.�", COMMENTS: +1�� . �� � ;: e r; � �, a?,+{ �,,,�., �'�` ;��� ��' ,'i �: �,. + ��.��, fi � S k�y��y„d, �1 �� }, ' �. ' ,���r�'!k t�,"��i ,r r-y . �, ��1 F� A �,�n_� ,�,} '( °i� S - c ' zx� '�„N"��'q,,, �"�tr3 .'� ro �a� " y ,_�, . �C.i^ � Y^ ,�d� L. 1?N$ �P�� di"�7,P��'a��� 9 7� , ��°�� ��� � �.r `i�;���tn ,°���s° p� � �..,.;.�„ THINK GREEN: wr '„ F �,,`� , +rrr' +rrr � +�r � ���. C�-��/.� �1�-�.�...� `� CIJSTQM�ft NAME � � � �.ZF��v 1�� �� � �� AD ESS '� r�,�'if.�'�- � � �� ��'��� VV M . __ ______ __ � C TY STATE ZIP � � EMA1L ADDRESS � (� - °1 �� - (� � � I ""'° Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHorvE n,uMSER .rr and reliable services. Using innovation � and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? 1�WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and �0 WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. � WM Community Involvement r.r �"� � ❑ WM Public Education , � +w , g � ; �„ � k'i� 'F ,,�t ` ' f , � , 'f COMMENTS: � � 'a.4 � ; { � �: �U , '�'h��� �L.t.s.. ��.'1 i.��t..� � � � � � '' , � , , � J , �„w,o�',,,,o,,, THINK GREEN° mr � � � � � �L�� ���Y� � CUSTOMER NAME t ��i ���.��1����� C�.� �� �, � .� ADD ES �� � , " � �� 1,��=� `��L� ��� � VUM �_�.��-_�-�-___ �Ty STATE ZIP � �,,�.��l���Y� ��_�1 �ic����,��}r� , C ��i= � } � EN1All�GDRE55 � ��'2�� '22�� � ����2.�..� �► Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE NUMaER ,,,�,, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? "�" WM Superior Customer Service �r class partner. Our city i5 cleaner and WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. WM Community Involvement � � "�WM Public Education � �` (\ �� � �� � , f COMMENTS. �'�• ---' � � �+ C�� � ' �..��-� 1����`t����� �.ti �' '�'� _ _ �� °� �, -- � � � � � � � ` ��: L'��1��� � ��tY1����'3�-�. ., � .__} r v�rr '� i' F'w:„ �....�.....�• THINK GREEN: rr► . , � � •rr► �rr � •/`���/�llV ���r�l'\,� � CUSTCfMER NAME � � `���7 � 1U E,� � �'`� � /'" �. ADCRE55 n �Q__ �1-r._ ��N 1�aS� "'r�` 'w M QTY STATE ZIP �, �� EMAIL ADDRESS � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHorvE r,unnsER � and reliable services. Usin innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? "�'` ❑ WM Superior Customer Service rw► class partner. Our city is cleaner and �'jj,�Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. ❑WM Community Involvement O WM Public Education � j� t �irr „ , COMMENTS. J �..�p�y .;�.,�'�.d..... .7`O � �c7-�v-1 �. " '' � 1 i� (._C J�--.-� . �rnt.�f A (`f i /' *1_.. •.....e(t-"� r � - - ; .. ,. , ' , . ... , ,� . . � � � , ., � ', , , . � �' = ., THINK GREEN� '� .,...�....,..a...._. � � � wrr � �'"_., �' �, �� �. � M� t'� vyy�r � CUSTOMER NAME ' �� � +�+' ['"�� � ��—__._.,�__—___—�---------��_ __ ADDRFS y� , a WM �-j-�`t_. ,� ���-�� �.�.�.� , _�_______ _ �r GTY $TATE ZIP �r . C� r f� r"���1 � a ��F,I r�L-�- EMAiI ADDRES$ `� � �rr Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHon,E NunneER „�,,, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? �+' WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and � M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � ❑ WM Public Education M ` + . 1," .+{� 'h'�','?j � '� � � � ; � �).,.5 y1,�y,Y9 7 ' P q; � ,�"� $,x��{{t� "� s t:; COMMENTS: � � �� '�s � r ',.i�' ,.,'",?�`t�,�d, .S ,^,aJ'thk �,k�:.�j, d"�4�'�'8a ,',$ ��'Nrc��.��t � � � 4i ✓�S r .�Y� �'ke„� � ° a f � "� "0�"ro'�Y�i y�*M�"�`�n,r��N'��4����r�.;����+�� ,,.-. } s 'f :."&,'� Y a,�r hd �t, �,.+w ��#t+����'�°�s�'�'�; ,�► x,r r r � � w A��,� �����ti'�` 'd� , � � � 'P"�'2, '"��,ya�x,M�� ��Ys'�'���j� 1 ,�,{ ,.� ���� �` � ■-r � �,,� d`��m�"�r 4�'���'�'��"�°� �,�� -�$ '� THlNK GREEN: � ,s„ � �, ��' r�� �. � „ , ,. ;. _.... .: ... .: . ..... „ ��,. _ w,.,., „ � =+irr' �w �r�✓ �' M�(,� �,��,1 R�i,�c l� �...e.{-�✓ � � CUSTOMER NAME.J � P io� � L-vVf� PL h.�C= ADDRESS" � W M ��� w� ��' °�'" CITY STATE ZI '�' ���W t/� w�\" �il�I""`"'"_t � �V�"� EMAI�ADDRESS ;1 � �.J +I� '"" Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHorvE rvuMeER .r and reliable services. Using innovation � and technology, WM is a world 1�►hat do I like best about Waste Management? ❑ M Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and �M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � � +�- "� � ❑ WM Public Education � � � � , a � �..; ;7 ��� +rrr r � � � � `�"& '' �� � COMMENTS: � � { � , t� �" c� c t{' �:°.. , � :w p ',f ' � '(.,3 � Y'- r , .. ', ..k tt ,5 . _ .. , '� '. �;'. -ri- :. �.� ,..r� ,�r"� ' _ � � , ..� yy � ,. , , : , .,r r�� . __... � ! � . , ��;� . ' � ''r 1 i' , . ,,- . . '�...�,e� '�;,,,,,,, THINK GREEN� ..r - .:. .> .. . vir ++wr � � � . � . �t `? i'1 l��►�:.:. , '�„ ������ � CUS'OMER NAt�F �— � ��i t%��j�,.JZ""1 d,�"`�`,�/ �/r. �t'.,,r` .. .. .. . . � ADDRESS '� ������ ���'t�"��_____._.�v�" `� k'v 5� _ "r,w' e,i :Tr,'E z�P '� E"J4AllADDftESS —__._..__..._. ..___.__ _ � ���..�� `�1%— `�// � '�► Every day, WM drivers provide safe �E�Er;,�rvE N�,1s�_R and reliable services. Using snnovation � and technology, tNNt is a world What do 1 like best about Waste Management? +�ww Cl WM Supenor Customer Service � class partner. Qur city is eleaner and L�1'�WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Cammunity Involvement �"` ,, � �t�f�`'�'"���i u'"�' �'� ❑ WM Public Education �rr � ,� , y � ,a: ',�� �,�" � . � � � "a�y � CnMt�rENTS �" ',si."� i' �y'^i ,�.,�'� ,� ,,.;, w..r. ; �. . , , , � m , � , . ' �'� — .� .. , � „, �. •. , " ,s+G �� ._ '�.a � e s � :,"�,�y � `� � W'�����, THINK GREEN: �M► �,a. .*��.t «,«,K......o.,.� .., , :� ��a,?�...„^a=p�:� x?�.,.,,;, r,t.,, , ,xc..��, r:r.: . � `� '� '�. � �ci t21�` �da t�.�;c,�S ''�'' CUSTflMER NA,VfE � �>� 3�ari<�:�r-f {�D ACDRESS � ������� �.2+n�d�rt tt�t� ���?S.S" '�' GTY STATE ZIP � EMAIL ADDRESS � l��k' /L C�� tCa c�'� `� Every day, WM drivers prr�vide safe TE�EPHorvE r,uM�ER � and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? ''�' ❑ WM Superior Custorner Service ,�,, class partne�'. 4ur city is cleaner�nd p W�Ciean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks tc�WM. [,�WM Cammunity Invaivement � "�" , �, . „d° ",�`�`�, � »'';�'�'�� ❑ WM Public Education `�M�► =k ,.�� � �� :. � �m�� w. �"",��,'��3��.�"�s:, � � �;�; connh�EtvTs: '�'' �. ��` �,�-k" "��i� �,a'. � ,, , '{"3 ..,�& ���<'��� d �?kq � � �. r�� �i y a � �,S . , " xg .. '� �t Y� t , �� '��:� � w' re£„^� �YjiaUyy,.�� t t a��k)')e . ... , �S` �"�3'.s d_ 1r `#a� Y � �`^�tcd�Sv�9 � � � � Al�S: � .�. _ d�, P '' �4,F =:,3K a5 4x n��'�s�� ���.., f.. A���,,�..:� `�x w°��"���� � .. "`,� .�.....�;�.` THINK GREEN: �r�rr � � � � �r+ +�"""' 1/i'��,� (I,,✓'— v�1"' CUSTOMER NAME ^� � � 1 y�.�1 / 7 J �' �PI� S.G ADDRESS � � �rN�:.,� L✓11 �r CITY STATE ZIP � EMAIL ADDRESS �` �a5�� � �� -� ��� �' Every day, WM drivers provide safe r��EpHONE NunneER ,,,�. and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? '"r'" � WM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and � greener thanks to WM. � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � ❑ WM Community Involvement � , , .. „ ❑ WM Public Education .-`�", , ` t COMMENTS: � t, • �, A , �� � IJrrt N � � f t�r��c � � . . __ ,�, ,;' r�,s , " h' „ t' , . r ,, t F t c �¢ w; ,,��,.,, .� +�I _t'�,. � � ',.-. , �s , r .. ..._ _._.. .. s � � y c(� ;� !h� , a,} u�.�' Y k r�r »`'� ', ". 3 , , t� ' -ry mk ,�y :y . �'��: b �" 9' ` y' '� THINK GREEN: � �{ �. «. � � +rrr �r. � � �"'C`1 P � Vl.l�l c^,t�' '� CUSTOMER NAME � � �,/ t � �r F�r 2 w` t�.. =—�' � AODRESS ^ � � ��,. M �„v,-�`t4�. �,� 1�4�'`a--�� QT STATE ZIP 1 c ( �"\ i'�"` 1PJ� Ci Y?!,� � V 19.P l l�� � ��'`a-+ �� C.[y ln.. E'h1iAiL ADpRESS �' "-1 `� � ��`U— '"t `�Z U � T "�'" Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHorvE n,unnaER " +� and reliable services. Using innovation ,,�,. and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? WM Superio�Customer Service +�.r class partner. Our city is cleaner and WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. WM Community Involvement �� � �;k � ��,� ,:,: ,. ❑ WM Public Education �irr d � `�; x z � " { „;;J y; d�,�c'.;` . , COMMENTS +1�r ,�r., .., :,,,.. � -. , � � ,. ,� ,bUt � , , , , ' 7 , v� m '� , "� ¢p " � i t- , , , , ' , " _ � THINK GREEN� ,�+, ...,.�..�».� � wr � � . �s —�'�✓1 ��-!- ---_ - � CUSTOMER NAME �, �i ��) � N � .>i�� (J� �` ADDRE55 � 1�IVM ��- �' ��� lt ��� �-� � CITY{� �— STATE ZIP � .��-L-�—�—t—h-L--��1-L.-L�i c-"f 11 . r,�, EMAIL ADDRESS � Every day, WM drivers provide safe ���EPHONENUMBER wrp and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world �1 What do I like best about Waste Management? ''�' 'C� WM Superior Customer Service �r class partner. Our city is deaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas} greener thanks to WM. ❑ �M Community Involvement � ❑ WM Public Education '`�'` " . , �. ' f '� 'e ` , ,S ; COMMENTS '�r' �' , ..,.�N" a;:�,.., „r.,...,s.a`; .' i'- ,,, r � � d+�'"s�s�,c' �t'v � , 4�' ! �� ' -1. . .. .... a .k}r`,` ��-b��,Y��+w-��, �( �i., �' � : �, r��, ,A � ` t; e..� Y-"•k,� �ra�"`' 't`. l'M -}�� �"_ ., z �� f arit`�,r��rt.r-'t"g�.���ol�,�+id ,�� �4 y� %y � ,„ ' 'e � � � t � , �� '��� � �` �: . w.� THINK GREEN: "'�' ,,,; ��� �., h „ , � , , . . . +�rr � �rrr � �rr �.J�GUr� �!I Y G�CxT��'UL '�`` CUSTOMER NAME �.J y� � y ����-t � c c�( b�— p� �. ,� ADDRESS W�� �--c".�� U��- ��0.� '�,' CITY STATE ZIP v � '-�v('G-S�ta. ����� �?� (`�aY�'�.Gl�-a�. �'t.�!t ,,,� EMAIL ADDRESS � �-�'�- a�-1 _ l3 3�t �r` Every day, WM drivers provide safe TELEPHONE NUMBER � and reliable services. Using innovation � and te�hnology, WM is a worid What do(like best about Waste Management? �WM Superior Customer Service "+�r�' class partner. Our city is cleaner and ,�,{wM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas} reener thanks to WM. 17� '� 9 ❑WM Community Involvement - � ,� „ : ❑ WM Public Educa��� � � E+ , �� � , , }� �..w'�..�.p 5 ..�^��r,�-�-,�,�y a a r, ''3`,M��r , s; COMMENTS:��rI�1(~i. C�. \ \• \ f� w°w �" � ,, ''✓ �" ��- e , sx , �`" `. � � , �, :;� ,,:. 4� ,� 6 i F,� � � �; k� « .. �` , ' , �' THINK GREEN� �` ' , w �^);' . . , . . . , ' _ . , wwtw r�wxwesriwt - , . . ,.. _. . . ., _ - , � � � .rr +�wr' "`� ��l i-v� � ���� ��d�.�:���----- — �r' CUSTOMER NAME ,�r ��� S �lv Cl,'h .1-t'-f (�� ____ A�DRESS � y +�IP �}/�—� -�e�—!---1------------ a�I GTY STATE J ZIP � +rlr EMAIL ADDRESS '� , , �r Every day, WM drivers provide safe �E�EPHon,E n,uMeEft ;,�„ and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world H►hat do I like best about Waste Management? "�'' �M Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and C WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. `� WM Community Involvement wr ;, ' "C ❑ WM Public Education � , •rr ;,� , � ;t , t �,�� z ,&Y r: � rr4, ,, �,� „ �u;, ,� ? '� 5 '� COMMENTS: �, s z ��, , � � ) � > � � � , '�"'"V� �KS� 1-E''� ti,1,l �1 !r "�./�� �y� 4 = � a _ 3'�' " � �, . r ZiN , 'v�y� y ``1 , � `„ � � � t �' '� , .,, i�,�� _f� x {, �Y rp., ��,�� , � .� ,,. � Ar- '.,�=�x 7:;"'` , t,.�",,,•�, <<.�.xf"^ '' ,,,"w� _... � � , �, � 3 . �, ��j ,f 1k; f h,'�eN r�g x �l�p, "��,.��t�p�s� ,� :r ,=. fi � � � ` t� � � �' �,,,.� �`��s�x $��'�a �����' �'� �ra.e....... THINK GREEN: � t�',._ , , . .wr +rr � � � ,/ I��� So�-sc,�Sc:� �' CUSTOMER NAME �. � �5�35� � � 3Z=`� �c. 5� ADDRESS � M ��,�SUN, (,�� `�BOS�, '�'' ■ � ■ C�TY STATE ZIP +�Ir' EMAIL ADDRE55 � 20(n `t�Sc�� /-t Co�-l7 '�" Every day, WM drivers provide safe rE�EPHON�tiunneER �r► and reliable services. Using innovation �„ and technology, WM is a world H►hat do I like best about Waste Management? � WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ��1VM Community Invoivement � ,,�, '� � . .£ �WM Public Education ,. � � : ,, x COMMENTS '�YI� ,A ,r' � „ 'VI�+ � ,. , �- , � - , � ,� . . , , ,_ , , � � � � � . ,q,,., "� . ,- . ' , . ,��� 7 _ x P: �� ::,,;,,• THINK GREEN� �rr +n• +pr vr� , .iwr CU OMER N M� '�__� -�� -� � ����—— � � ��� �"� � �� .��5 � '.� aDDRESS � � �111/IVl � �' � ��1 ��'� �� � ��-�-_ � �Ry' l STATE � ZIP f �''�� � -1/�1�� `�'C�1 C. t� ,��`,�;� ��'1,�1 ` � � !' r. ,.� EMAIL ADDRE55 L � ' �l � Every day, WM drivers provide safe 7E..=PHONENur�nBER ,��, and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a worid W t do i like best about Waste Management? �` WM Superior Customer Service �r class partner. Our city is cleaner and yNM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � :� ; � � k� G ,�x �,�" � ❑ WM Public Education � � `'�' y�� ���5���� '`'�""� ..� A i ' �, �Vt L_.r"�� �� � � `�./ � �.�'�t a ' � +1�1 3 � 9&!Y 7� S' � F 1`y;; 3$bi 6 4 { �r�� «�� �°'�' ntfS��"r" �„��'a a„ , ,- mw , t �, , t }-� r COMMENTS' V� � a , - i.:. �tk, ' ' � i � r� r � , ,a a;A��`�Y;'.",�„j',�"���"'����.1Y�„��xM'i����;x a w�:��r:+i��� ��+� F'';: �, �s t z, � ' n"�"«�`�x�'`'�t`���'�j�#'����� �" � S� �i . � �,'� � � '--��'� °�,c�,�k�� ,<,ar. �A� ffit"Q D i � �` � � � � S� ';�;" .�_;��'•� &a +J.a m,n,� +a �e ..i£ �+,u�'�„�wx "i�+�' '�.,. � x''�:a�.�.',"5i„.:'��,"'g�:z�`�.'��+.x: ���a�'��Z,4:7:�`�^is��':;ti:�tdT, ".�!:;�': � �:.t� k,. qa. �- � {�'-.i' ,�.:r -';:^c�?.n,�:���:,;e`�,�i,:`w*:„�`,�!.*�,y, �'�..��i.- ,.;��,�, "'t'' 'k"", �. _;y `�;a..,A,`. .>P:�,.: . ,... �.�. ��k�`'��:������,� i� ;; �. , a<� ��':�> THINK GREEN� � '�� s��t,�.N^�kfi'� +5�q�;� �'�_�'���"?hX 5.�, '��, !�!!►=..M:.w..n.. ,t�' fd-p� {' 'a"� � � �' '���� _ . .... -- ,.,. .. . -, .,. . ,.. . .. . . .._. „ � �� � � � l�___Q.'1 il i� �Ti�i_ � CUSTOAAER NAME � � a � � � N E 7� ►-, S 7 ,,,� ADDRESS 1�IVM � E �T o �, w � � ��s � � QT� STATE ZIP � ►��� c3� By no � �7e��� Pr��ar� • �nn�t �,,,,, EMAIL ADDRESS � � v �b— SS 5 6 —5 � �c 3 � � ��- '',�` Every day, W M drivers provide safe TE�EPHor,E r,uMaER v�w and reiiable services. Using innovation ,,,� and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? �WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � fi� � ;, � : O WM Public Education � .r � � ^ � x,. , . � j� �° �<?n�'. CONIMENTS: \--��--1 � L' � F � t.n C S Il G'�/ l^' ..S � z S '� c K. , � { yyy� i , , - � . „ � r a,, j �' ' " . . , . , ', �� . . . . � �y -�N�#„�,;,,,;,• THINK GREEN: �` '�rr � � rrr � +■r +�i' CUSTOMEP.NAME —_______._..._ ___ ... . .� �?c�L 1 �F�c �� �--��- �_�---- ADDRE55 � �v y '�I� _(��1 �` I �2.►�'-' �L ��� ------- - _ _ - (--- - � CIT'Y"'� t STATF ZI� . �r I�^- �j�ti t"�,}u� �'-� f�� 1 t:t�� � ��� EMAIL ADQRESS �m � � � 2`-�, <'���__ �' -=� c� �-= �►' Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONF NUMeER �-�------- - .,�„�. and reliable services. Using innovation What do i like best about Waste Management? and technology, WM is a world """' t�}1NM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and � greener thanks to WM. ��M Clean and Green Trucks{reducing greenhouse gas) +�r �I V1/M Community Involvement `��, ' ;;;, �1 WM Public Education �r �<. 1; � „r. ', �:;,,. COMMENTS: e� °°' �� � 3 >+�i , � „r�i rv' - �'��A .'. . ___. ++�► �, ° " t , v ' � ' ;+ w, ,^ ��e, e^.3c ' ,� r , .-0 '�,yi yf'- �,: '�` , (��' ,'Fxf}.,a �iM` ' �y�, , �, t �: ,�, ' �- u ,�� . �Z,�, _,a �t �* ^� ? g q�,� � h� 'eiy ���' , � � 's�;'�a �a� ra, � `�.aa '�Ir° - `°'3' a, '',,� o a `�,,s_v,r � �:'� % �� ' �!-� THINK GREEN: `, � �., .. �rr , . . . �vr +�r wrr +rr � ��C7�.\1 \ 4�t`,i�������i Ci C�, 4� '� CUSTOMER NAME� � � � ' � � 1� �\C'� ��,�`��^ �lf �`" C� ADDRE55 � : VVM > > �'�tti"�E`,hf ta�`�`�,i �����,..�;� CITY STATE ZIP � EMAIL ADDRESS � °""" Every day, WM drivers provide safe TELEPHONE NUMBER +w and reliable services. Using innovation .,� and technology, WM is a world Vlihat do I like best about Waste Management? �WM Superior Customer Service rrr class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. O WM Community Involvement ; � ��,;'"�y� ;,<°" , ' - � �WM Public Education v+w �.c, ��:i�a r 4� } x`'4''' '�.,3«a i "� r"�, , COMMENTS: � � z. A, ,,., vrr' ,, 'r ,��,v", �,�. - . � ... �., �, ,,. . . ,. .A' �. ;;;,' � 4 i » ��� .. , ' ,. C � , .< }° � �rar.o.'; � �, a w.. ....� THINK GREEN: �+rr � � � � CUSTOMFR NAMF `j 7 � � .� � ACD�S /1� � F�G� `�" � j c.�-�, { f t 1��� ���z.� �'' �" .�r► W � CITY -��-------------- STATE ZIF __J__ > '� ��-�-�--�r�.-- ��-�-- "(, �' l�� � ---- —____ �r EMAIL ADDRESS �/Z-S: 2-?� 2 5 � '—f rr Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE NunnaER �,�„ and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a worid What do I like best about Waste Management? '"�' �WM Superior Customer Service v�r ciass partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � f�� u;�.0; ;`: ° ' ` ❑ WM Public Education "�` 5 ,y �,-„1� . �„h� t,�t v � CbMMENTS: �f La._ �i__. � S �'�" ��^ L.�.� � , � ,, �'. � � � +r'„��`�a'��, ,�, ,pz �, 4q:.� � �' yx "L� k d "��� #•��k Z" Y S.�. � � � 1 � �&�����1�"Yi�k'_ '.. m f - j� {.�^� .... -4.�, � , '�,. _.:u',�+`.P��R;Y.y..s1�l� �,-K��' , .,r �f .:.4u� � � M � w '� 1 �"" �r�sry�r N 4 J ,��s, e � < �x�,.�5 ;� � �p:.�.: > THINK GREENa wr� .�. � ,�......,..�..�,., �' �;,�,° w„� � �; ,^:.�- +111V � '�' � � ��G�r�J�e� ��c�Yt �' � CUSTOMER NAME �r �� ��� �� �� � ADDRE55 W M ��_��.�:� �:�� ��� � CITY STATE ZIP y� �r EMAIL ADDRESS � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TELEPHONE NUMBER '�r and reliable services. Using innovation � and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? WM Superior Customer Service "'�' class partner. Our city is cleaner and M Clean and Green Trucks{reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. �NJM Community Involvernent � �G ;{ ��� ,� i � ❑WM Public Education � � � }, � ;� . � � n � �4 ,, , �#s '� a �.,,d�i , '�?'^���z; " COMMENTS' �' . , .. ��� . +�,p„ ; � �y sk .n � r + � - . t ,, ' , , �tla , t- , _ , .,v"� ��a�� �,;_a. �� a b * � � ts`a r „ . �� t. , ��as�; �. � � �' � s ,, �:r' y. � � �;�, ��f� � < . ; , _ ` ��f � � � � THINK GREEN `�" . i .. r r�;•' i ;��' . • � � .».�. ' '�,' `'�' � � � � � / ;l+a e,. �"`�..( r. �E c-., c�c.ir\v. �: �r � C STCIMER NAN�E • �t < '' ` .._ �, �� ��r r i�_,.v� � r�� �.�,� ��, �- ApDRESS W M ` - _______ � �=�<�?V,`{.,c;y�.,^ � �. �� r �" ay�r GTY S�E T �ZIP ~ � V1r L�L�1� t C.k°�-�1 W`. `S i/.�d G Y�'Ff\t.Z ER"AIL AL�FtESS r'"��--/ ( +Ir�' �w Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHCNE rvunnBER ,,�„ and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? �+' WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ❑ VVM Community Involvement � "" � r `"3 � '�'`� �"'�' �; ,� ❑ WM Public Education ;��'�., �� t r, ���s',J � �. �,;?+��S�"a� .�y,�'�'�fe °'�.'$�S�"t ,r �£a+ e �� ,"t n,4 , v 4'�'.` ,rovt '�` rS "�"�a°"'��'i �� � a i�°� �'�5 � bYr;��t3��t'�`��+i�#. �a�+�" '�,aqr. k�w� COMMENTS � ��' x ,� � ; ��' s w�<f,' '� w �'t���� ,7.�i„sf�i,'�"'�a',�'l:�� �Y ? �'T,�.{ 4�Yr. �t•'���y' �' ��y'� :,':y,,q4�y� . 1 . ..,.r; �+�h",�+ H�t .:,t� `�' -^�'"'fr�u.' ' ,,a�!�e:�.i.Y R,�' ��x. ,,,� ";y �� � �� .*�'��" �'^ ";°,5.� . �`�`' s,. ' " ,".z' , ��� '�t �ID' ,.a;� "a � �„;';, ,,� ,, _' . Y t � � S �S 1, �°w� +�qyd�' ( ' �'c ,�t� �+. . P"` �g,` .',,;,,;�..,��.. THINKGREEN� F ..,Y,Y'��t��;.x' `,;t�� }�, 4.^�a"."�,Y;;;'3.k�,�27 t� �� _ . �.�� 4,,,-. . ,r n.. .. . .. .. ... ..... _ ... , n� � � � � t✓bti'�, �W' ��, "� � CUSTOMER NAME � 1���� 1"��`�` �tv�. S� ADDRES$ `� '��r�� t�.� ��'us� ''�' ��� CITY STATE ZIP � EMAIL ADDRESS il�' '�'' Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHor,E r,unnaER y.. and reliable services. Using innovation „�„ and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? 0 WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ,,�, ,�}�iJ11M Community Involvement „a�,�;;'r-,a�, :�y„ �,.r. �� ,���,E .:�:;�,,.ti..;��; : ❑WM Public Education a�y�+ r ���"���`�o- . �'� :�'«��A�`���� ���C`r�5'.1 �, r� s� �#w;;��'�s�,,.�,i� � �i �e� -,} r ,�``r�V�✓" �{% '+a9��,�'A`��� �i +��" ` "��p s COMMENTS: �r j�'°`a ',d, `� R'��t a,4�,`+ ln r'° { t+_,„s ,�' �, .-t � f �� � � � a �' t d_ �"�°'�"� �#F��':� ,�'�,^19��.e "$`� 1 �, �', M � '�� '�r, �a d 8 h f ' s '"''£ °,�. ' `a'.hk�+ .&' �t,�b"��," a 5�+, _ �_ Sf�3 3 , a a�;�"'�;� ��'� %'"�%�,"�fi v�"���+�'', � � ��� � _� p��i a a�zs^xr h$�,,h,"� �"�''s�,�'�ib4'{� � '�i '&�,��Y e� � � f k� 9 d� { '^c� x - 't �RY�P t�,'i "d �'p �b��� � � q t,: rs '�,�P 3T�a� �,"�'t`r�` ��� �� x� �! .; E , ;� � ����.h���� �����`i � 3����,�� :.�� �����.' THINK GREEN� '�' . ' , . ' . ,_ ' ' .« ., , ,r , vuan wwi+�ocr�s �� � � '� �1�_����------__________ � � CUSTflMER NAME r�, cru��- SF i ��I� �-�- ,� a����_ss W M _ `{� � � ��'��-`���------ ���-- t�l� S3 .. CITY STATE ZIP i � r'�1—{I. �-y-1'-��-„. lti���'`-�--1-�C'�c A�}'1 � EMAiY ADDRESS �v1r�- "�'� Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPhovE NUN�eE� ,,,�, and reliable services. Using innavation and technology,WM is a worid H►hat do I like best about Waste Management? '�" ❑ WM Superior Customer Service � class partner. Our city is cleaner and C, WM Clean and Green Trucks(red�cing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. ��.U11 Community Involvement � -;,..;�,a x .�,� �:��.n ,,, �, �.. , ..�;Se, ��:ri; M Public Education "� ��.3<.,;;w r�v�; r '�'�.�s;,�,�r;w''°�:.� `r��za�;,;'ti; .,,t,,,�. r�'d �4" �v",�'-.: b y �' �x �k�,`�''t�h .� f ' : �x�:�a��r���+� � , �����','"�������?;�t-:u�g '���"''„r COMMENTS� '�' " �, 4 S'* ,Ya`�rY - F��*� r��'��fi�'d��$ g^��`� �-i �� y' � »3 wr�'v r �'" �"',���,�,c w��, �" �t�f� .; �'���'�?C����, a .� �y�'�.d�.} ' {>ws'�",�! ' � „+ '' �h V�'. r; `'¢' � �y�';"''`^Jt-t'-"„�"� . ;�'p �*fi.� 7� :fi'. ..s, °ti`�;�3',� . �' vS', + '"�',. {h,t. �;..,J. � �i�r�^�u' �, , �e;�:�"sb� .+'��"�„�c;r�:ahk `',��i'��,';Y, A� � . ' y": ,rwa.,.... :k.'�}...�y Md �� 'h �y,�j',��,Xa� '� � �r'yF tr,p� „� , �.. ��.,ti ,{ y�.�d4.rj�,pf`'N�,t..rv ,el; . 1.'� . �'S.;�$t € ��:'""`fl.'-.:.3., 2,'1, ..kb��ya. ., �s�: �.�,�- , , � '�`�"• W� .,�`�.. THINK GREEN� +"� ,;� � �'j� k;�Ns,���.��''�" �� � ���'r�r; ;�,ts„'. „��,��'�+::re�, ...��..' t°, _�., , . •..�'i", ;.r�'}�,.id,;�";.;��`.;;p"�.`..,,�,:.., :.4�,:. ,.,e.. _.._ .. +�� � � � � ,.1 C_ �c�'� �,rr� �0 f�---�� +� � CUSTOMER NAME _ � Z y �G c� -5.�'7 � /�-1��S J4 U� � � ADDRE55 W M ��-��� � p ���ss � CITY STATE ZIP � � EMAIL ADDRESS '�' Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHONE Nu"^BER ''r'` and reliable services. Using innovation vr� and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? `'�1.WM Superior Customer Service ""'�'` class partner. Our city is cleaner and �p WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) ,,,�,� greener thanks to WM. '`0 WM Community Involvement ;.,�,� ...,:;. v,� :,;�:���;:,:�.,,�,.;�:�°>�:°��" ;s '�.WM Public Education � ` �sU � � � s* :#,, i t.�, r,�;� ��,a j . � ,,�w ,� a:+�`�"�� �,�r���; '1�` � r i� Y ,# ;"d' :�,� �„r uy-a"�' � , ""�F'�� 'v;�..��;Y'' �1r`„�,.jS COMMENTS. r� �d !� � � , ,r���.t �l �"j a � „hl h ,yy,�" ��Wqy�- k, ,�3 '�.p�, i .�4 ,{ ` ' . ry4 _ � F �q n������• .'q 8�a,.�;�,`"�a '�a gn';ir��y';`������� �� ; r�e „� ,, s' ' ` a�� � '„ , -�� r . '� � t `�"+'� : --- , a� �. { � ___ ,� :;t',., � ;r , �E"'.r._�-� ��''r. a �► :a '4� 4 '� i '�ui�r�,z "'�s.t 2!�r} -'� ��, ,'. � � � t�� �����: ��i'��; �: ������;� THINK GREEN: �` � r �,......�.e�.�.. . � . , .,.. . �r � � +rr �r � �__- ----__.-----______ __. �" � CUSTOMER NAME "'�' ' " l!�F Y �.�1'"� �`"'"� C� tr� . — - ---- - —____.,.._.__._ ADDRE55 � �J,i � �'p?11 I � P. `�> �L_�_._�_�'E.�____ � CITY STATE ZIP �► � Q irt l`m't (N�- `� �"f"j ;_<r.._.. EMAIL ADDRESS � � r _, ;� �, S - �l, �.. `�"�- �r �`_=�' �� °"•" Every day, WM drivers provide safe ���Ed�+or,E NunneER wr and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a worid What do i like best about Waste Management? "�` L�'GVM Superior Customer Service class partner. Our city is cleaner and �rr �M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) greener thanks to WM. �/M Community Involvement �rr I '`� " �'ViIM Public Education � � !t ';6p',n, y°.� , '�A � �� . h ' � � �, t y h �h y,Ry, j K �;,.�J' 1 !;7h k� : '�tt.;�k t„ �, �.� g�r�', ;�; COMMENTS: il� r � a" »'- ", , y ,:b k L,,ttk p ,� �}`�,��T�,� p, {����k �. r a� b � { � s�iT�,+ N� �' ,,�."�-t si �. C �y,aWG, e tq � #`9�,� tz.,;'� i:� �,5�y�¢�:, r � t'' d fa�3�� �q'� ,�� �� ,��r'`�� ��d•: '�' , r.. .,wy e m �A,��a+,��,;'�'r+ �t,�,^.,�,�.�, q�,� ,�kk : '911�► , A '�,��` ��{i '�'p„�,�5�������°�`�`�1 ���� �"�Y�n i*r ■�� . � � �, �" �r, � ,b��`�,'"�`�..+�� �I�....�',,.,_`,.�,,�` THINK GREEN� t, , 'a' „a �° '�",���"'t�, *"'„a. . �Y . . . . . . . .... . . „ ,.,r�, ,.,,;,,, , ,.. . ' � a�' i� � �' ���t���--� ,�-� �'� '� � CUSTOMER NAME t� m � � ADDRESS � VVM ��.-��.°� CITY STATE ZIP �r � EMAIL ADDRESS '"""' Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHon,E r,unnaER � and reliable services. Using innovation � and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? ❑ WM Superior Customer Service +rr class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement ❑ WM Pubiic Education � � �1�--� �u,� U1C.--� �'�C� COMMENTS, '�' " , ; � _ �r• t'1(`,� -�l-'�1 �1.-�l.h_.(� .�'1 �Q .� ��'� Ci�r�-� , , �,. \ . _ - . , f�1i l_.t�' ), � . , �.�t� ��� �.. ',, , � _ � . �....�.h THINK GREEN: �, ,...� aw► �rr � � �s�G�rt� �e..--C���-z,��2y .� CUSTOMER NAME y� � � l,\� � � L�'C✓��.� V `v � S ✓" ' f J l.V ADDRESS � �-�ti'��` ----- ---�-�'-.�-- ���� � �"� W� CITY STATE ZIP y�, I��,����IF z_ ���5�-���� u���r�� �e �- ,�► EMAI{�D`t1RE�5 � ,'JU1�� �� � _ `���� � Every day, WM drivers provide safe TE�EPHon,�NUMseR .,,� and reliable services. Using innovation and technology, WM is a world Vi►hat do I like best about Waste Management? "�' �WM Superior Customer Service vtr� class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) reener thanks to WM. � 9 '�WM Community Involvement . �... ........:......: ....... � � < C� WM Public Education � , r 3,� ��,w �ys � �-�+�s��u ���.�=- �- � t '� t' ; COMMENTS: } , �� � �r ,: t� � .1x� �ry �-,� �..� ��,�� � �;�� � � . ��.# _ �: � � ; � ���� � , � � — � � , �, : a � a a a, :'�a""k�� ` .� , �;�;"ef r�.� r,^Y . , t.. 4 9 w -.�",� � �. y ; � ` t- �5 ' 1 S -e y ih� � � dr a -�"�f r 3 1 `'� � ; " � "� ��`" THfNK GREEN` "'�" F: r � , r��>�i��'� r �a ..�.. „'�,. Y . . . . .. �,� � � `rrr► � 'rrw ,�-�-�►-� s� �o u � CJSTOMER NAME "�` � � � �` L ' �" "�� '1�► ADDRESS ��� �� �-c al d�V� �'�` CITY STATE ZIP '�' Q�1 cc�,.�p S .e U� @ � �— wr► EMAIL ADDRESS �1'd� l�7 — J�'S�� � Every day,WM drivers provide safe TELEPHONE NUMBER � and reliable services. Using innovation �rr and technology, WM is a worid w�hat do I like best about Waste Management? .�f WM Superior Customer Service �' class partner. Our city is cleaner and � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas} ,� greener thanks to WM. ❑ WM Community Involvement � -� � - wz� ❑ WM Public Education , ;( ':i 7 & ' w � '! Y � ' � +��'��` 5m r , „a� ' COMMENTS: I� x� 0�U..l'�-� .� , t ✓.. {�.. �,3 , b'��$ zb�C„ ` Y . , ' ,y� "„ , _�, �� �; � � '� � ;- - �- ., , e:�'�'^w� ._... .._. ....._._. � �� -.� :,�;,'n. r',tR�.t, ''� _ .'�Rs. ;�t'� ^ „ . .� ,;I':i'`�`:,r-� i rt. , . ..;, �..'�. . .:, ' `', . . < . .. - i .... _, �5s _���dk'� � � j, � � r h 3 �� �� ` THINK GREEN� � , ;r ..,. � �,,.,.r.,..,o..»... � �r � a�r +�' 'r"' __1�_:����.-�..�,---_------ ---- -----_--____ __ � � CUSTOMEfi NAME �., __1_3� 5�r�---��--�Z��� �� --- A ��Ess � ��-�� � ►� W M ___ __.____�___ ___-________ __________ � CIIY STATE ZIP +I�r _—_�_.�...�_---- �I�J� ��(`t(�E?("$ �(b"y�h Q(,2(" EMA!LADDRESS "' cammunity to make our city � ClGdtl�f �(ld C�1"E�f1EC tI1COUgf� TELEPHONENUMBER _ .,,, sustainable seruices, �nnavation What do I like best about Waste Management? � technology, and Comrnunity �M Superior Customer Service � edUCatiOl�. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) ' � ❑ Wfyt Community lnvolvement � � R) .3� , i � ' S"� �^..�4� d,� !a y � ' " � �1(M Public Education `�k�� °�� � �y ������ � �' ''� �,����'�' vro,�a�'F r -, ��u z� - � f � -,� � �'� � �;T,'��'a� i�l� �y#;�"�,,^.�}t�{�„,r�',i's,�"��',,���' ��r ,y`� .' COMMENTS: y! f ' 2" "'�. '- t S ,�ii �r ���u � �' �� ��.�:pxf��3.�4r�r t?�,�w.4 ��� liY�`5 _'r''� �`,�',.� 4a-, . h " i1 ' �� y, ' , i� � �#. t�'��'��y, , ��rs�a ry+�,.� °dM4 ^�'��,,,a..,Y%�,i��w�#�t,��� r' 1�J�iy r�u h "!ku a "� 5�{ �s R� f r • ,� � f � � � � J ' i ;���,d€��-^i�'t 3�k�,�3a"",��.,�'a�,�s�tj� ¢�4 �', �`..ta. .t t��,.�"ti � :� : .�, v,r,�, .� ��s .l,r . ��,.. � ,. �' k:;' ��`�, ","�+��Rm �y���`� ���e. ,ra,,���tryr�,�; �i���,^`:: V x f g qr t ,cp �t, irl►` ?�r��'��`�ri ''� '�`�, ;� ;,�'r �r�w�r��,�`�y�''a, ' B,A���.��r :: -- " "" '�����figj'��r ��,,���Y�������� , ; , � ��. THINK GREEN: � � ,., °�r F ; , � .; „� wAs.�..a��oa�urE�r.r +rl/ °�' � �Ii` "� �1 bvnSY�t� +tyr � CUSTOMER NAME � �Z��, �St C� ADDRESS � Q��� ��ti.� � �� GTY STRTE ZIP � WM partners with our EMAILADDRESS � community to make our city � cleaner and greener through TE�=P"o"E"'�'"'BEr� �► sustainable services, innovation yyhat do I like best about Waste Management? ,,�,, technafogy, �tld CQtllfTlU(llt� �jNM Superior Customer Service �, edUCatiOil. WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas} ; , � s: t ' , M Community involvement �, , � �� � 6 -a �� r r,� �� � �a;� �� �,_.� '"{� a ,� � t�w��x ,,������f��,��� � y ;' WM Public Education ' � : � � //�� ry '''/// 0 V� �t�,�i�,�'��41}�.� �'"�`t°,i,�``�et�p���n s �,+ � CCfv1MFNTS�' / \/(j (���////� < 't.A 9$, k'{ � ' � 1 ♦ \\-/\�.h/ � ' � r��C ,�,Y�: v�:�i �$� Y-^�M3 ' ! � . a. �, M1 , �.Y7 k.;{ 9 �9�� 'u y i'4 S.;C} . t a ,`y.;',>'8 s,h- � ,A , � t �a �'`P 5: s � ^M1_ "4.W�fit 44 4 P ts � .i � ,,�, � "� ' ��� # THINK GREEN: WAST!MANASi6MB11iT* � � � vr�� Q)w!G9��t _ _�!__I'����=- --_� _ � � CUSTOMER�fGAME �, _�...�___.----- ._—"�`. �--- �r ADDRE55 ��'��4 �� � W M - ------- __ r il}' STA?E Z'P `� _.__�.__ ----------_ ..�_�_ -- ,�y WM �artners v��ith our EMAiLADDRESS community to make our city �T,L ���__.�_S�i___---------- `'�'` deaner and greener through TE��PHONENu��BER ,,�,, sustainable services, innovatian yyhat do i like best about Waste Management? �` technofogy, afld C01�"?fllUftlty ❑ WM Superior Customer Service v� 2C�UC�tIOf1. M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) , : ., , , ,, , . , - , L� WM Community Involvement � s f � 'r * , t , �f' � WM Public Education `�'' � f, �r ; ���� ���� � � �f ��� f�� ��' jr`r�r.cs�� F�y}��i�c ,'',' i�y° ,�,���ys'��r� ��jird -�r' i��""J .~,S� � COMMENTS: �'t� � S + ��" „.�s* ��,�. �.&�, ; t ,,{ -y � t �^�, 't: r ` ' : : k i�° f5� $ � # �� ¢. ��_E�_',r� ,�+a5�a'V'�sr ;�ta�y �,�"�����}7[c�y �,""��'i �„z; . j t � t�,, '� _ G, t„ �t i'�_�A�'�:�,��'+a,��'�,�`�'.;' `i�,,_, ,t- ,� �a - ��' 1 �f, 3 t a ' - � 7"' �"�St'�,,�;y"'�'�k k-,,���./-°Fk +F �"' �. ' � ' � q f j � �Di Y�'� � � '� � ;,�t�. � �� � J�s�������b� �m��'`�., ��,� �; �'F ; ��#�R THINK GREEN: '�,' •?r. � !�°�a�� �. ��k� ,, `�. ,� . . .. . ... . . .. . . . - -. , ,. .. , , ., wwsrE�uwwow+�Hr� �` �p � � � J � CU�EF NAME � 2C75� t�P 1 I 5 C-�— � � ADDRESS � Q�►n�/�l � �- ��(''��' '�► W� CITYv STATE ZIP ���01 C�) o�s��- 1aoti..cv wt., � WtVt partners with our EMA�� D ESS '� community to make our city '�'" cleaner and greener through 'E``�"o"E��"'BER � sustainabie services, inrtOVatiOn H►hat do I like best about Waste Management? 'w� technalogy, a(1d Cdf)lftlUillty ❑ WM Superior Customer Service � 2dUC�ti0t1. �WM Clean and Green Trucks{reducing greenho�se gas) f ❑ WM Community Involvement � �� �" :y � , . ❑ WM Public Education "�" , r � ^ ,, r t, � ' ,# � � '� '� ;^ �R. `$ :� coMMEnrs. `�` � �� � �,., : :.g ,;� . � . , .. , ..., � { ' ���� THINK GREEN� `�" . �����` ,:�,. � . � - - .. wwsre Mwwntveencirr� � �� � +wr �rr �.'" �-�--.!D�.---�'c_'_d�.�c-�- ir• � CUSTON1ER ti'Atv1E .--___...-- � ___v_._�_._ _._._._.___--- — AD�RESS � �� ���________--- ----— — — ,�. C TY STATE ZIP � + FMAIL ADDRESS � ��� WM partners with our �"'` community to make our city ��2 s,_��S', ia c� o__.__ � deaner and greener throug� �E�tP"°NEN'�"'�E� - � �„ sustainable services, innovation yyhat do I like best about Waste Management? ,� technalogy, atld CQmmutlity ❑ WM Superior Cusfiorner Service edUC7ti0Ct. �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � � „. } � ��� ;� y�= � � �; � ❑ WM Community Involvement iM � �<�����,", �, '��`����+��' ,�� ' � a�, � ° f `� § � ,��s � s � m�`"� ' � ❑ WM Public Education � ,��; G �a�, ,y} 4g � �_ -�„ 1n .�� � %ih �R.dEH�, � Yir� ����; � , a°,z� � ';,^ . ��d �. P , '"% °�toJi , * '� �fx ,^ �z� p ; ��a 'k k, COMfv1ENT5_ � ; a { � a, r �,.�� �1rV '-i w�rf9,� �'�b, '�v� ���''«�:�+ ti��t �v� if;: �� ' t �, kx��rv`.�{M1 � � -��}���- s3a °y";'�'�,�a��'� :�a��(�y�'+c �k �.I �� �. L 1�7 c:,1E�'l7'l� ��1�/L� ��. ..:, ' ;,., ., -`� .� ,n;T� .a +Yi^�., s..,n , i'.A, h�»V;�, ,� ''' ,' '.. . ,` ',���,�+�'�%'rs����'"��"�:�;,a�� t�;:�'+� ' >;, ,�.� �.,nwf�,��- ;�'� '�+" ,�` � ;.= �� �,,, �.. u',ra;�: r��"�a€5�d��°f; '; a ��';�'�;;�.g' �" r, x�i,. �� . ��'��'a'�*o �lyb,e�d �y :�${ ^+'��y"ar`��� '��n�� � p �` � �T�'{� ` � � !v.' � �� � w°��, x u����� ��� . . ������'��'����{"�; _`���:. THfNK GREEN: s� "'^, "` ,� wns,�w�waoernmrr �" � '�Y' � �` ���`-cm �� � In-�- e�r � CUSTOMER NAME �. I `7a3� I �O3 r� �I� s� ADRRE �"'" � �'v1'1 I.c! �" �' �C�S�C� � �� CITt' STATE ZIP +ur° WM partners vvith our EMAILAD�RESS � community ta make our city `�2.�-Z�S � �O�� �'"' cleaner and greener through TE�FP"°NE"�"'6�R '�'° sustainable services, in�l0v�tiOn {Nhat do 1 like best about Waste Management? �„� technoiogy, and community ❑ WM Superior Customer Service ;�„ edUCdtiOn �M Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) �, � r�, ti h N �������N ommunity Involvement � a £ � �� :_, td'WM Public Education � k y �^ � �,t sr�;,�����s���$$M��{ � ' "4 }7��'� p{ � a ��.,s ,���,�ti 5*�c p x , � COMMENTS � �a r .a '� �y'" ' � ��fr y � ,. r y:k F��� �� °te � I',1�. ����v�a c�"���,���-4;�� �t,���k, � � -`� � „� , ,, . �Wiu.i�i � '�C.l.� G'�� �r �'1Q.t�, 1 ) } t � __,_, F ��� s � � �� µ�� G,��U �wC� � t �,,, IIA�� ` >�� �HINK GREEN: WI1!'f'[MAIYAGFMENT� �� � � , , � _��_�1:�..0-�------ -,n�.---/_.�- --- � � CliSTOMEF N.4r,�E '� ----- - ------ - —- AD�,RESS �" WM - - -;---- __ --- __- .�' CITY STA E ZIP ( � �� � / � �.�-J—�1—=--L--=�—�/`-: ! /i����!j_��-S -----`��= �. WM partners with our ENlAILADDRE55 � community to rnake our city ___._ _ ______- � cleaner and greener through TE�E°"°NE N�"'3E� � sustainabie services, innovation What do I like best about Waste Management? ,,,� technolagy, and community ❑WM Superior Customer Service wr► 2dUCatiOfl. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks (reducing greenhouse gas) ::..........::..:i:<..,<. o vement �` O WM Community Inv I ; �� { ' .� � V�WM Public Education �r * � � � ' / r �� ' �� ,�,�j � Y q �,Y r x � COMMENTS. 7 /`� �� G 'L�j / Gt s'rl'1�._S � �� ' „'a-� �"� �a J �`d �1� i3'���, �_ �.t -- �f -�` /�l�Ci X1,[.;�.—�� ;� �' �` ''d`�r+�fi"-x�r��'-'�',� �� 'T't<4 i ' "�' � �� c � + ' c( / / d �` � ,�,, ,��j,, '"� ��,"i`+�"D:"�4"-; p'M�x zw"�.�f' " r��,�q `�; ',�,'. I.�/� S � � 1 C (�]�/��-- �'� ➢r�, �a9 �, r �1d7'�<'*wa „�a+��� � a / ( > r�� /'� � � �/�' � � . f� ' i $ !�t,.�Y^�n���5 y"' i,' . ��, F<�s� �..� x� � '� '< -7 �l /�S (�'�---�[�e�1��—`{-____,� r- v I r P ., u _,�"t k 4 P � r�'' �5✓M'` Z t�� ,� f, ', y� �s V y� �i'f , 'Wt� rG,V f17A'�'%. Z �{1 �� Mi, t 7 : znrea, rd� S� ��'''`A�� r �"�y� �� �`�'� �`.•, �' ` � " ' � ' �°'{��" � � � �#�. ` THINK GREEN� �r 'w, �i.,�.. ,�tiu�„�k .,��'.s.�,� ,s, .„5 W '� .. ,,., . ,..,,�.a,',.� .� . . , ,. � . � .� . ., . . . WASTi M/W/WEIIIIHIYT � � � � � `�I/�NE S S� ��X, _. _�rJv�`.� '�' � CUSTOt�9ER NAME r� ��-!a ,�c z "�� S r _ � AJDRESS �N �� W/,� ��0 S'� v�rr W� CITY STATE ZIF ,� v,�rv � ���� � ov�.,oa� .r�� � WM partners with our EMAILADDRE55 community to make our city 4Z�- G Z�• �z L `'� cleaner and greener through T��EP"o"E"�""BER '�,`' sustainable services, innovation yyhat do 1 like best about Waste Management? �` technology, and community (��!M Superior Customer Service � edUCatiOft. � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) �,, x � ��-�r;�r � ,� ;; �WM Community Involvement x � ' � ''�°�" ,,�,';#,�s''�C ':. �,' r' 'd;+���,��' �r �� � � � �� �� 4 ;L � '� WM Public Education r � �� j �� �,„ vw� 2�� , r F,.,. � �� K � a < , �r �/ � �` � Y � = �`�i Mp�y �'��''S�� �����ja� �r'��z g �r�C COMMENTS: ��C��� �va'`'�/'-�C�G,{�_ 1 <�; � �, ' x' � r` x {,, � � � �, ���y{� ���'�,�����,�r�.',�;�; � �� � --�-� r ( � � , r - .. � >^�. r ,�: �yi � � �'�S��,r .�j.�¢�"y���� � � C`X-'�� � ' ;��i4 .�. . � �{ ` � - �Y "c t�^�,"'� U�.P �s-a�.� se� � �'�� � r� 2�, h S� -�&' ,,p ',�r� -.'i.� ��� ,.��,tf �.������:�' q-�+N�j�(��� , k � .� .1 ' �- 't'� r�" � 7��i •� � b }t �q " i{ y S� '�E YYM` 3.u"" � �W'Q' � � �b��°���' '����f���,�,�� . �� - - THINK GREEN: � x Y�y rEtt ay"'.� ' e� ,1 �,r E,x ' � ~� h �?��.'., , sta- �^�a�.' , ^A..,` .. .. � � • • . . ,. �� .. ,��, �� . , WAtT[MANAO�MlNT@ � � � � � � `"��-=--�.�b_t�.�l,�c�-�---- _.______ ;� � CUStt)AAFR NAME �WIr �.._.__^�,_._.__..._----- ----_._.,_ _____._.._.�_ ADDfi�SS � �t��-��1 W1111 ___---------------- -__._. ,�, CITY' STA�E ZIP � �IM �l("�(�e($ �/V(t�j �ff( EMAILADDRESS —" ___ ___,_._.__�� ""' cammunit to make our cit �� v- �- �- _____________Y' Y Y �- � `��� �--------__ � cleaner and greener through � ��' '�'�' : E�` .,■, sustainabie services, innavatian {Nhat do I like best about Waste Management? �, technolagy, a�iC� COfTifTtUCl1Cy ❑ M Superior Customer Service edUC�tiO[l. �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � � � � '` �^°�� { �"`,� ; �'4��� � � ❑ WM Community Involvement ` � 3� , „r? �}�i'��m�i r �", k,� +� �, °� a�£,�„���+�h p,+:,;, ,$�������.��,,i�.���Y���-b �"� * �� ( �,,���`��""� �WM Public Education � ; ' P 4 . .., .. M �� �n'��i���''��0°+ �� �; ri4�d �� CCMMt�TS " ^���K*'�'�'�"�,�rx; r r� i, _ , °�, �. .< t t , ''�,4-� � 7 � :�,�G%��.�:'°;�'��,.Y ��"C � .. LL� 7, �, �. i e + ' yg �w ,�, � „Ra��,�,�'��'s�'°� � „ �k9 r y. S 4��� ^ ,�.pa q, O '#,r -4: '„G ..»:�� h �s L;`.�'at�r ix w� , 'a�, da '�e K,� ,!.,�..� a°.� ���q.' � �F �° � Y�f rYR° � ' dr.. ,� Wj, Z&., ,4�� �, '. �, . , G u „�,;;„, �,. , �� �>.5 � � ��r � ,,,,,.���.� :r� �.. ,�� � ,��{,,� �,�`� _��: THINK GREEN: : � 9 � � �. . .:�.. -...-. ,._'-,�.�. .,:.: . .. �.�_..� -,,.; :�-- wwacrE rwx�uaE�wr � � r�r �fiY' " �`�`C��' � ��t�� w�r � CUST�MER NAM ' _ � __. + � ���y�� ,� ADD_� i� . {�,�' � �� "'� ��~�tr��1 � `� `� � �III►` CI Y STATE ZIP � _��LI ' ���,�.��l"(�r�� WM partners with our EMai�ao�REss '`�� cammunity ta make our city �i1 f� �"' cleaner and greener thraugh TE�EPHONENu�i��R ' � sustainab4e services, i�novation yyhat do I like best about Waste Management? „�,,, technology, and comm�nity ❑ WM Superior Customer Service ,�, �dUCati0tl. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � � *� - , $_� � j �t � ❑ WM Community Invofvement v� ��.'�t '£'7 w ��' P��'s ag�' �'i.4.t t, ,� �,��' � � - � �'WM Public Edutation ., t , � ''4 �m ; �'" ���i`� 4��I��r.�+�'w r x f�'� #,��,`�'�„+�Y, ?� �s,, , �� � ' '�� xs`'rf�� '�,�'�i�t��'u,�,"�i"�"�k��`��"�����'�'� COMMENTS: �(y� �L�.., � (,. '�1` � , , ,� `�.d �s --�- �--- h��� � ����� � � � q,{ � n � ., „ � t f �" ( ��r. t •�, � � ` 1� �'��1�.'����-�� -�-, . W F � �� � � $ , } � ' �k f Y��'�y `S.�'k.,f.�1'� Lx�' �r � Y`, J T� � � � THINK GREEN: `�' wwate MwNwoenseNr^ � y�r ,. � � � �in �er ----------- .._---_____ -- � � cusTcnnE��.AnnE ,�, �'o��vi� ----...__.__.______----- -------- �,,, a���Es� WM ._ __ __-____- _____. _. � CIT1' � ^ STATE ZIP � �NM partners with our ���A��A��RES� _______---------- .__._ ---- '�' community to make our city �)'�s -�-`��- ��_� `t------------ _ �+r► cleaner and greener thraugh 7E'EP,�°NE"�`"B�R - `'� sustainable services, in(10v�tiOf3 What do I like best about Waste Management? ''�` technalogy, and community �WM Superior Customer Service �► edUCatiotl. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) -- -. = C�WM Community involvement � � F: � � � , � WM Public Education ' N � ; } , i a �' r^ '�y _y ' r,�,�7;�5,�c" ti-„ `' S�', COMMENTS: � � � T k W.s , ,-rt t _'Fti t t � [�,..�/r )/'/,�[] /' /'�y�/j//� �{/.�J/f�j(.�/ ` //' (yn C F'$,7 � ` �9�'� � d d��uNdd.� h� t -:!',i},� ,Yi� ./V�l �."'% !/L'�!! l.i'{' /�/ '^�y �/l . � q 9^ J (! ���/j/�+Yy/��j/ (y` � 1 _l�H P '� { - . � • ; ` ���'�tY'x� �Lt�"���4.�� �'S 9, ` � r ,y �� y '!,��1� � V( / / (G,�/ �_�(�?� + , b � i rT �1 , ,n ,�"N,�¢ '��''� .�� ta��r,.�, ',y ;4�i � � ,.t , 4§�, tu a " r� ,i 5 � - �^ � �t r>.y " , �k4d_az�s�':a�'a�kC�ikFk�b��� *5 i � : r 'wr , ' � � ��� '�f THINK GREEN� '"� �-��� ,4H n i �.�, .�� ���� , r��� :�. . , .._ . .,. ,�,�.�M.,�.,a��` �r � � � � C��� �� � � tUSTOMER NAME � � `�(� � �i 5��. . I 1 b�`e` �-, r,,� ADDRESS ��-� �G . y�o�-� .� Wi� ■ QTY cTATE Zla '�► WM partners with our EMA��AooREss � � community to make our city � � 5 - a7�-0 � 5�- `�` cleaner and greener through TE�EPHONE N��r�,BER �,,, sustainable services, innavatian What do I like best about Waste Management? � technology, and cammunity �WM Superior Customer Service +�r� education. �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � �' •� ,� � �`�w�'�� �=sPo = '�r �WM Community Involvement w�° �� �'� t��' �.�'�.r ,�?aa� , '� �. � s x E $ t � a�� � � �WM Pubiic Education � ''�� ;.M�,,����, y�'�m' ��,�,"��nt�,�,��rs°+b. �J�,w, e` � °�y es � , p� � ��� � ;��"`��,�;,� ����h����"�Y a��`� aa ' .4� COMfNENTS � /✓uc"(JC-. Ct— i i 1 �^ F- ,,E�� T� �'�3 � ,v�x��� •$ h'"s'W�' ^ {` x� ' 1 � `�"ifi } r rF"t'�'�' t -w'� ,�'� �w ''�j�Az r 11jq{J'� , Jy � s��t�x-Y'� a't.^ c*ro � �a ;� �4 sy "�' ��•�C}C/� �. �� " ' _ �{�'�''t:�����-� � '�..kk�,nn t 0 w�y�,-`�;p S' r ��'q� .. ' G� �a��y"'! �R75- �w. � - � (� � f , t „ a'.� '�-�s�,�4�����Ae�tY �Ly'`aa�;� ,�;,� . � x r'�,��t{-�' � �" , &, t at- � ��'ix i'�' �:�x't,�� ���' ! e.&M' r� - '�� r �,,, i ,� �re .�5,'�'u�,� k�£��n+�' ��� ,� aa� � E ;,,i 's ' �,:� F �° . �- � {�fi X �-�� THINK GREEN° �'�'' s_ ��c `.'sr'i'�` t 4 n �x� `J wnatc iawwaeN+wr� 'r�r � � �wr� �wr � . _a.t�t,t�e 1 d`�.�1 �c�42� � ) -----......________-_ ,�,, c�sTon�E�nannE � t l✓ ;��+/ 1� ' '� � ��t���' CJ�- .._�...._�_._--------t--------._.. Api�RESS � � }r � f`�b�__-�` t s'�.1 G�� `� `�;�` �i�, W M _, _ _____ ____ ---_----- _ ____-- � GT� STATE ZIP � .� U1/M partners with our ENiAI�ADDRE55 '""'" community to make aur city .._� __.._._._------___ � clear�er and greener through �E�EP"o"F"�ti�BER �„ sustai�ab4e services, inr�avatian What do I like best about Waste Management? �, technology, aC1d COft"ifTiUflit)/ � 1/�IM Superior Customer Service � educatian. #� WM Ciean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas} �# ��'r �� ��;* t ° ��r�z �g � a1 � a ,: �7 WM Community Involvement e � ': F �a Dt�� „�. ,q ^k ,,�2 ,� , '.j� � ,��"�,��� ;�� g �,� � �: ° �,~�"�;��4��;�°kx�� (,� WM Public Education �, ,i> r;... ., _., iw. ��"��� �sw�'"i t�'s^�� ,�„��,�.��'q;;�'-��, �+ $ �1,s'�'�p�s�a"z�¢��� t'�y��°� 5 �."' , �1,� COMMEh'TS' '� �,�°�'i5 � F '�.d�i" �vN#�' 'to*' � �, k � � v ) ��._ . . ..._ __.__ `�'1 8�'� � � �az � �� a'' k��r,y t, i :r�?'� �" RT d��"�.{,��k�?�':�' .;�,�i.i�i�,�4 k�ti�4.�,-''u.,, ;.,,�.u��r ::;! °'� � p' .�; n b. aix� �:b t �,�:���, .,;s� '' a'�, ^t��t;�t��::���,�r:�e�. � " '�.��, F���e';�'' �a:,;. � �� ���,,,5, � ,� �.�%M,..,„,.�. '� s.'{��r;�'��°�.�'�,`°�''�q� ��, :�'.�],�. .�`"��;.. �.. �'q�fi'�''��' i�y`.�y,' h't" 4.y,M Y 'rf6+q ^ ' • .'Av�Pg, � ! 4 +�/ f�� `�'"�''�"'� '�a � �yf'�at�,� F F" "'� ! ��,�a � .� �*s �' �� { , ;� �e_ :_;< THINK GREEN: 5 fi :,,,y , r7`� �;T7,�N 'Y4�V:�,�,4 k�t t �„�"�ta�"9 Ma `� T� jfl „ .,.. . , _ . . _ ^��, _,., , y'_�„st�.�",� � ' " W/�f7!M4N/WFM�lMi �' � � � � ��V� ��t� .,�r � CUSTOMER NAME �j� � � --1���'�r _�;.L `�'�..� f...1`1te � � � A���a�..#—�. � ��� � I`�fC��`� �+�V �� QTY � 57 ZIP � ..� ��.k�.�tr���~ f h � �d c�.l-�aa �c�>-�.t WM partners with our EMAILADDRESS ( �` community to make our city `�2� -r��(� ��2���j�_,,,t '�" cleaner and greener through TE�EP�oNE N�MeER � s�stainable services, innovatian What do I Itke best about Waste Managernent? � technology, and �ommunity �.WM Superior Customer Service � edUCat(4t1. `EiQWM Clean and Green Trucks (reducing greenhouse gas) �;��a.� � ; � ��,„;�!��xx�.���� ���},t�a`.;;+�' � � �"t�-, r �WM Community Involvement '�� t�,;�°"x�� +8 � Ui °S �s�' c��� ;c�1. �'"''y"A`��n�'�,�t �wPrS`� v r�t , � ^ "�.`��`°' �'�'w�� �� �WM Public Education .�'���`�p�``���P �e��,���� xi�} } '�'� ��- � �p x�� "� � ��x'� �, �;�'� � ����°`�n�,� '��. �s �. ��p� �a� connMFNTs °�` 'rt�t� aa�*t'� "'�jaf'`� $'���;,1fxk �?`�� �, ��k"��`� �� ,,�y�4�" '�'Y�M � Y� ^ ,' C i'}� � _,�+ R '�y�"�'}'��?f '. W +1� b�'��� �T�i � a„'�„ �"���.��,�# �'���.,��"',�5,rs�y�}4� . 3 5,;,, i ��+'t' r ' �x�„°,�Y �°.+.��'��''�S'�'�$�i�r �t ��.,� � - .�r ,,:. , r _ 3 � � �, „�ar�, . {ri "�tt'�,�,�,� �k' "��,r�'��`',e ��� '��^ s+' �''�t �,+�� a srl�r a��a"� �,� t R'��� � �, °`�,,+`,"t�r �,"�7���;'r, � � '�° � �r����"��, ���' ;�� * xf,. ; ,���� THINK GREEN° r �� �+' . , . .,,,.��M,w,w�,a�:° � � � � _S,V,�t-�� s--—'__�i4�-� �`�r` � CJSTOMER NAM.E � �{y O�L ����-1—_5...�L_ — ,� ADDRE55 "]�cy��'ot� 1 ��____ __ R4 0 �R `""�'r W M �� , -_- S-ATE Z�P � ��i�-4--0 �-z.-z. � m s � ,c�o w� ,,,,,r, V!/M partners with our EMA��AooREss community to make our city _________ `''�" cleaner and greener through 7E�EPHONEN�mBER „�,, sustainable services, innovation W�at do I like best about Waste Management? "� technofagy, and cammunity �WM Superior Customer Service ,� edUCatiOtl. !�WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � � � � � � �r��w�rvr =°� �s ,� � �WM Community Involvement � 'c,�.+�q 4j�z"�y,M�tf� �-�y" ,`�v�.�q�&r��'�#.�,w�'�i"�.�`4�+'�`�s ,�. ,� ,� � K`� .� ,� � � jo , ��� � �WM Public Education `�` �:.°.'e.�.:��";�.��',r' ,G, V 'a�,`: :°�..;,��;; � ���Cl�-�R.�F'�^.-ol '� rgr*�,a�c�� ^�y zvrk�;`�,�� CUMMENTS.—�'�,,,� c�, ;a Sn 'e.� +.� �;.�` -" 'P �-' ` \` � �r,�,$,������ d % . '�t¢���'�� J vQ� ` , � c� + .'� „^+�" ��� '^�K r�m�" ,t.;, s�ai a' 'F 't�'a'.''?' . ��" � �x�� �r'3}"' xw' .f� . f'� � � l ' � �k ..�N '�,�a ,�� _ "7 g �::+,�. .�Yt w,�. �� � � _ n � � a � �� ��t� �`�a a , t J�'� �r ,,;;.r�s � } y` � g� *s �. 'g" a�+ '�" Y .. ,�.,'���,��.��,� � ' ' �.�.�.:� � � THINK GREEN: '� ��::�� +�,,�,y� ��r�:� , ,�,-,�:r.���� ..,�- , .�., -.i�.'�'b�"�'+��K'��.. �.d t . . '� A �.fFd,. N"�'�:1�;�:,:�;!,'4.�!";-,+:i� � . .:� ,�.{.� .,h':,�)�'.� � �, �^ �.:a::.�: , ,. �, �- „� WAST!MANAAEh7@MT � � � � `!P.��S& /►�; n� ,"` � CUSTOMER N�,ME �y � ADQRE55 � W�f■ CITY STATE ZIP �, ��r����u�tC�_l�� a nn��.� , C a�-, „�, WM partners with our E"^A'�A°°RESs � community to make our city � cleaner and greener through TE�EP"o"E""""BER "�'' sustainable services, it1f10Vati0fl What do i like best about Waste Management? `�'" tech�olagy, and community ❑ 11UM Superior Customer Service �Ir edUC�tiOn. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � ,.F';,!.��n:. � �� ,� y�.: ,a,,��,,,„ �; s�=- ❑ WM Community Involvement k� 'u�' �����,� °�;��PA '� � ¢�u3��.Ii��'�4 ��"��C''S �i r��-� ,�z �ry� w �a. �G°� � �� � h���s � ❑ WM Public Education � ��p�, �. �i �gqp� ,y� }+k_ ��'�"M.'. $`b Yb�� i�� 's i t��j .+&y r�_. �} . - , 9� 4� °� � ' Jtt COMMENTS , a� �+�,rv$a 'F � y. 7 It�,�` � ka . A Zk ,iE � � �q, C�� y,�+'t�t s ��w � _ �'s't d�4 ,wx�} ��'r.F�,�je'�tiY�'��.."�, �.Yl,r�W �y7' fl„:p -� � � yy �Af ->A$€�t"s��� ��n �'�t�y �h�'�,�'�� �n,i�..,� t j '��, ,� , ��:�'� ,� '^'�a����N& >,.t'����i �,�a�,1W i���`. � a'_ ' �i 2'} t. ! 9' ; f_ � ��V', . '.r � ,��.q� , . .. �, _+� y 3 i f r � 1 S��i���' � k t, J�°i�p°`�r� _ �"���h�""'���d� f -;�` c� c'. �, F�V� d w� �a� ��_ ` ��� � �� � ,�� �,��,��t�� � ;��.��`� f�u�;�� ����`,,Y��, � � _�., THINK GREEN: f° i� � _ � � , � � WAiTE MAOiAflFMEM � � � �ar �rr �' _j���..___'� '�y --'�����--�'`�--- �v CUSTOMER NAME X"� � l . ,� ��',��_ �:'�:1 l �,��---- ,.�, ,� ,�'�� �. _ , �---__--_�` _ "-��---1'�� AppfZE SS � � � / ,..� Kl! �It'�+__-;`"�-'..��'C./'�'`"`� C-�r '�G� �-"'V � W M __ ______________ _ .,� aTv �za-E ___-LiP. - -----�.______._ �v -- ---_._.� _______ iN�'1 partners u�jEth aur EMA��aoQ�Ess `"` community tc� make aur c+ty _�_�� ��..��'---��`�C) � j _ _ �r C�ea(�l�l� di!� t�.��'e(ler �I.,rQUgL, TELEPHONE PJUMBEF 1 '' 61 le �.. sustainabie serviC2S, inftOVatiatl yyhat do I like best about Waste Management? „W,,, technolagy, �f1C� COmmu�ity �jNM Superior Customer Service � edU�atiOn. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) ❑ WM Community Involvement �r�r � ;�Y ,fi,. ❑ WM Public Education , '+ ,y i , .., tilr" rt � � - , ,„w:''*s � ;: � '`.,:<. CUMMEhTS �, §' i'�':¢ � r � '`n` 49t ;, �„j�4 � a ' y�� , „ , � , d', .�vJ i,?� q" ,�'?r�"'������`-�'��� �s t,w. ',�'3f � T� A� u" U�.q`�,.,` v�l►' , Y � -:c7'A � � &,u��k�t�L'. � � � �✓ , R,� k'i�h,�+�`£ �'�4 L �"d'�aei��y���1��.�; .��- } j �`° � � ��%' ����` THINK GREEN:' � �� �':. '�� . �� , � �, � � . - INAfiF MAN/YOEMEII(r� �� � � � �"' �►( v� ��s� �v � CUSTCMFR NAME � ADDRESS � "�' �� CITY STATE ZIP �. _���� � �__�-rn 1 C' f� � C�+ � p�� � Z Wt�JI partners with our eM � ApoREss � community to rnake our city �"" cieaner and greener through TE�E°"o"'E"�"'�ER � sustainahle services, illnOvatiOtl What do I like best about Waste Management? � tecF�nology, and community ❑ WM Superior Customer Service ,�, 2dUCatlOtl. �'WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) �. ❑ WM Community Involvement . ,r,,, �'WM Public Education � ;� COMMEhT9 '�" , ;� � ` �, ' . , , ; H-� � , -YS , , . � � . , ' ,. .. . , „ - " , � � ,. ' 's�;'M1 i ,: . . " , . ,�, �� � '`� THINK GREEN: Wl1EYE MANA66MB/YT• � � � � I��u� _��:�1�a�-- -------- -- �" � CUSTGMrR NAA4E �.I � ---_.___.--------_._ _..__ .__v.__ --- _.._'" t�' ADCRESS W M . ____ _ _- ------------ _. � UT'/ STATE ZIP '�r �v l�.G(��a((� cx,�C a'h�C t(`�}-fi ,,�.�y � , � �--- .►�L_� _ WN1 p�rtnefS Vvith OUr Ennni�anaa�ss community to make aur city -- — ------.._ __.___------- � �"r clear�er and greener throUgh TE`EP"oNE N�"'BER ',�, sustainabEe services, innovation yyhat do I like best about Waste Management? "'�' tec�+noiogy, and community ❑ WM Superior Customer Service � E�UCatiO�t. �-W Clean and Green Trucks (reducing greenhouse gas) �rrr ❑ WM Community Involvement ❑ WM Public Education "�'' . , '1 „ � . . �� ,�F;': � „ , COMMENTS. M `, �, � � h ,: # .�t�„ .'J°qk t ,b�.'�_ 8�� :;..qh � , ,f' r � i X ;{s ` 3V �Y.� �, �'4 `�' ,. �L`�' '� � � y �, f , ' �V�, , � 1 3? }4,- hW' s z L ° � 't, r '7 �� � € THINK GREEN° ",� .. �� u � ���� �� - . , wwsTe�awNwoEiaexrp �` � � � � 1�� �Sc. �D,�J,�.,tv S r'r" � CUSTOMER NAME � ( �n C,�C�Z— ����` �'S�`" „�, A���ss � �1.1.--�.s � a�F`t �{�.5�� '�" W� OTY STATE ZIP ,�, 1NM partners with aur EMA��AooRtss �� comrnunity to make our city � cleaner a�d greener thraugh TE`EP"o"EN�"`8ER `�„"' sustainable services, itlt�aV2tiOC1 What do 1 like best about Waste Management? �'' technology, and comrnunity .0'�7(jM Superior Customer Service ^v�rr �duCatiOn. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas} � „ ,. -r�;;-..,;r.; ❑ WM Comrnunity Invoivement ' ❑ WM Public Education � .i�M� -4rtb :y:� '+ I I }' t>� , ii' .� , , �y 5. '•�. + COMMENTS � � '.r.,. ., , � „ a: , � � � _,��W� Y;.F THINK GREEN: � � � � WAfTE MANAOEMENf � � � +r.r �1ir' vrr+ �� � --��1CQ-�-�'_- - �"`'�-�4'..,�-- _____ — � -- � ��sror�EF ra�r;�E �. _� �a�,_ _�4,__� ��-���., a �,�-- -��— ADDRESS � �` �,.�ri�. _. - --��- -_��'� ��, � �� U'Y STNTE ZIP ,.. "' ���--Yi�.�:�-c�S�..�.�.� rv1.��.��-F.tM� UUM �?ai"tf}�i'S Wlt�l OU� E��nai��,naREss J ""'r communit to make aur cit = y y �''��_S_— �-�--�-'���----- �"' cleaner and greener through T��EP"ov`°,�^^BER � sustair�able services, innov�ti0t1 w�t do 1 like best about Waste Management? ,�,,. techn�lagy, and cammunity �{WM Superior Customer Service � eduC�tiOn. ���M Clean and Green Trucks{reducing greenhouse gas) t:,: L`7 WM Community Involvement � wrrr ' , z " �� �'WM Public Education r r t <,� _ ;a,� ���'�' y, r v� � " y,�1 r'"�" � ' ' , r }"�`'-��;�^" �P'�" ,t'�`� , � COMMEN"S a{� qt �r '' �° �,,;�.�r '�a f}�:�'�" ��r�"��,�'�� �„��,s2 r"r"s ,. � x � � ' �t,,r�$< �T � .r+ ��iy ,{� ��k��: #��w�r�^k,* �`?�� t ,'"i �• ' �"� �7 5 �ut 4 4-, �f'.� 1Yh� .` g , � �fi �, d ' .� ',�7 bal�' ? -,�� P .t� �,r5 �� ,k �", ,� �.w Vk�r� ;H'"'^`f ,cd..� Pzr'9 �,N.a` �S . "+��y+4 r.' 7 � � it;at+4"'�S�'�? � '��'�,`*�{�re,����b c� �� ��;w y��#� , r � � � � �'�' ��, � �; ar, ,a�� ���` }�`��C .,� '�,'�Fq� Y�� � ' ��3� '9 ! �''1 �' A �� E8 � ,S.r3'9 �d 9�N', c p�-�R: .� �� .� , w ..� ..y 7�. r �5 ,:��.,,.� . �� � `;� {t� THINK GREEN. .�. . . . .. ,N...�M,►��� �r► �r+� vrr � � ~/7�l��t',,,��e'L.— l�'`4�f'�'t-c �_ `� � CUSTOMER NAME � +..' `.�.�/ +r l�e� �= �i 'lr l C�'� ADDRESS � ��-f�'�Y` � `� 5� ��� � �� CI7Y STATE ZIP �' l� f /�1 �� ���_��c 1'.1< -•/I.Lc,$'t tt� �,:/A'C•r.'2,! i` • ("*-��` WM partners with aur tM,���AooREss �,%' ' `-- r_„) _ � corr�munity to make our city "��-�.=�<S ` ��/ �' (L�('f �? ""`' deaner and greener through TE�EP"oNE"`'""BER �' sustainable services, inno�ration yyhat do I like best about Waste Management? � technalagy, and cammunity �',,�;��,� !f�vvM Superior Customer Service �„ eCfUCdtiC3f1. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) ��, � � � �;' ❑ WM Community Involvement �� � ��: ,k ,;; , ,�, `� �$ , ' . �",~�. ,`f ❑ WM Public Education q�v � '��1 S(� ,A., � 4 t"� �{�y4 .� �- •. _,y t+,k , q� . , ��.u'�' " �,�i- '�a �,,�°i.u.,..y °,� , ;�4� �'''�a +t' ' COMlv1ENTS- `�` .;� '=, � _. � �_ti; � z¢ , ��• � � 1 � . _..._.. F �. 2' � f ht �"�� .. r..' . � Y= 1� i �"'-.._ � a . j„ s . , � F ;f # �i . �?" ,�" Sa#,'�s �,,, ' , I�: �:��1�4 THINK GREEN° ' WAfTE lYIANR06M8M � � � �r �CC�+ . ---- ---__—_----- � � Cl,'S'OhAER NFME �� �...�'+± �-l�_��"- --� -_ ___—_ ,,r,, �DDRCCS _ '�,e,�4r,� t��___._____��� .._ ______ � W� CI 1 STAT[ ZIF � �___���'�\�(Yl���'T��e__�f��l\•����---___—_ r�Y WM partners with our E�'"�tA°°kEss `� community to make our city �L� � 4�1 - O 4,S�i _ ___--___ "�'` cleaner and greener through Tc�FF"°NE"""'"B_R '"�' sustainab4e services, ��tf�av�tior y�hat do 1 like best about Waste Management? ''�" technology, and community �M Superior Customer Service .,�r 2duCatiOC1. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) . � � �t ,.* � ❑ WM Community involvement ' r � � r f �'�' ❑ WM Public Education �' d � +.�,� �'_,�;;'.��4`�{�s '.''` � „ ' �,, �a°��4"Gf�k1�',ek��i'���,�,"q,"`w'�P- t,M�� , ` ' COMMEN75. �Y _ h^bf-A' "�r- �.`;i?,�4Y a".��-r,- u' $ , �° � � " ,�*u.�r�"�*."`°��„�r� J1� ut�*°�r�v.-�b Sf,� ��� . " �`'� � � .�,,,, 4 � �"�;�.x���`4��`�r�' �i� �1�J�X ��r ? s �r 1, � �6��y��'t,�'F�'l��a'kC^��+7f�'Pt�,t�-y"d g 'G r W. �, , 3+ �' _� � �'Yt �'�, a�t. t � ��;,���,��at������ �g��� w�� '`�'� THINK GREEN: � m a � .� �v� ,,�� �r ,,� : .r�<�rr;c,��,.,;w;x. �..x,�= -.�,;, ± .. . . . . . .. .. .. ... .. .. , was�MwM�oE�irr� �' � r� � � {�i�i� \ C'{�u� � CUSTOMER PdAME `� �r � �'O l Z, S�.- �.,--l�ol �L.ac_� �r ADDRESS ��,�t�-�°h (ti;,�'' `�1 �C S�1 �""" W� CITY STATE ZIP � y� ,-S`1"U tl �- e�' yv�o� �� . C c�✓1 '�II�` WM partners with our EMA��A�oREss community to make aur city ��— �� �' ��C'� � cleaner and greener through TE`EP"°"E"'�MBE� "�'` sustair�able services, IfltlC�vatiOft �yhat do I like best about Waste Management? �' technology, ar�d community I�WM Superior Customer Service � r-'� �CIUCatiOfl. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) vr�� , � �, ,; p „; ,;„ �:UVM Community Invoivement � ; ,�,n�. .,g ._� k s i, Ju+,i r� , ,. k � ❑ WM Public Education � ��r,�y,�� ���.y e eax�,'��v� � , �r . _ ,�, 't �z;c,, ;� � ' , ,.��.,d�' . �� '�9� .nr.� ���,�"^"� x�.'fi�'�����d t�� COMMEN�S� . � s = � � l 4 k-'',� za ,� c�"5+�' "�i"'� *�r �' }�j �. �,' ' �''.��: w" m' i, �: � � b � ... .... 't.;: -4 �?*t. ,u3+ , '"3�T, ;t,,, p ,u,r� , ._.._. , �, �- � �'� - , . � 't re^' r c.�'e} �Y�,,,� - , , ' , w�r � t : ,x�_ , .��" ,,,.��, , �a„ *� '�r ; . ',.�,"b d ` u,y - , � 4a � }'` ������° THINK GREEN° � "y: 'p'. t '� (,i�6 p� P h� '' . ,Y{R , .f, Pk '�, �."^rt �w , , � . . . ..:. ., .• .-.e:<.�- � .•. " � „ ' �- ' . � � � � W/RETF MANAREMEIIRn � � � �rr+ .rr � �, � �� �� �J � : a ' : —_ _'....._.__°�..�.5'y._A'�__"___.._ _..._d..��.._�._—__ §� � �.�)".>Tl��v�'F�JFt�V�F , � � � ' � � �^,_ i � 7 t t� '"�' � _; _ ' ` � ..J 3.._ '< < • l � ,,_.:. ,�..___.._.._._...___�_. .1__..�___..�_..____ ._________. kD�kESS �►' _.1�.�.G'� ��-'� ' _..,i..t�j_'_� —��ir — _ .�_ ,� �� CIiV' SThTE ZIF�� �r "� ` ^. s !_ c=•" V't . ��t---t ----`--.___ ._____" _ WM partners with our Er,%�i�aooRFss ' — `�" cammunity to make our city `��:3 _ ���__`���___--------� _._ °� cleaner and greener through TE.EF"o`�E'�`���°E� ,r►� sustainable services, innovation yyhat do I like best about Waste Management? �, tech�tology, and community � WM Superior Customer Service eC1UCc�tiOn. � WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducin reenhouse as) ,rrr 9 9 9 . ,;. , WM Community Involvement � � � � WM Public Education 4^ . ' . r, . �}Y � � ' IN' � 4 ��� ,��+�y r'��z 'f�, ze����',�yir �, ,, �.;�` w , ; �.� ,r"c ,�� COf�nr.�E^!"�: y f�r' Y � >'� z,, �'� '� r ', � .+s� , ?�, J � 1 ' I .I rb�9 9"o-S '�' t ( t . ' 'x '" r � � ie ri,�° X.< a'� �`'rd „�.�,5�,. �i lt�i�(" f'�._. �fSa�.. ' '-{.-t€` - I If. l .�. �n ' a , ?, s; � _ . i 's i ,{ � � c+��' '� � f��,� ��i ����h R��r N ;,"� -t, t'i`G���.� t1 4 h'x a.,1W�1. ��\A.,1 � 1 � �"'�.5 � S h }�t a ti � � 't }�Ta�k .� ♦ � � � �µG{' ��f � �� ,�g � � �#?`�,, �~ k�b.n ° ~��`��4 " .` ����$ THINK GREEN° , � . � , ,.,. . � ; . . . ,. . WASn MANMi61N6M � � � � � � C�f� _`a f��c��t �e 5 �1�' � CUSTOM�FR NAME +I� t�O '�_`� ���� .�� ADDRESS � �• w►M ��T� T��,�f o„ �.���� �f A�s� ' STATE ZIP +�' �'�;���S yn�G�Cr� �C.`���-t�i � . � o� 1NM partners with our EMAILADDRE55 � " � community to make aur city �--�--- ""''' cleaner and greener through TE�E°"°NE"`'""BFR �' sustainable services, innovatian What do I like best about Waste Management? ,� technofogy, and cammunity ❑ WM Superior Customer Service �, GdUC�tiO�. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) ;e ;�� �^� ,Yr ;, ❑ WM Community Involvement � '�° ` "�� ;���� , ,� , � `� '', �H10M Public Education �r r , � ��,�" a �`;���c� � 4 �� ,�;; ,� r , ,p:,i,wk'rr�sF'�`�"�`x` `� h'�a�4 �„_ COMMENTS. y� ,te '`� }' "� N ' __ , , fl Y; 1, fE,�, 4�n ,,n +� "�t , � i �� 'ii C, i P d k.; �/'� / . / 1 � � �� ': -„; c � �',�*.� �fi�b,'-Y' i 'z T y -. 1_J�J � 1 !/li7%�.��Q� ... ..... ,{;� ��_ �,'. 7 � ,r - , t, _ , ,., � �*' y�; �'i, „ i' `�' $i# m-,, :�i� t";` ` ' � ��` THINK GREEN: � ���r� �.a ' ' ' W4fTE MAl11/WEM611tT � � � . � r � r--�-%- - � ---___-_ - —- � CUSl"OM N E j �;t� � � ` � r�,-.r ^=-----_.__.....`__ ____..� �----------- � AUDRE 5 � �� CfTY � . _.___.`.�._.. —— --STATE _.v.... ZIP -- ��f�r � 6, �� (.� I� i:.t Fi t / :Ca'' ��t�f�' `�' WN1 p�t"tC1erS Wfth OU{" EmAi�a�oaEss � comm��ity to make our city� `"""` cieaner and greener through 'E`EP�oNE"�"'�ER wr� sustainable services, innovation What do 1 like best about Waste Management? "�' technology, 3f1C� CQf1lTTlUfiity �] �/�/M Superior Customer Service �, edUCatiOtl. 4 WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � ,� ❑ WM Community Involvement �r i.�a�+ "� �6 3, $� �} 'a '�� >` < � �„ � U � ❑ WM Public Education , "�` �n�;p s K �.'���}p �3 �'�a'`�'�'y����z"��`�'�3n��,�yi, s} ua;, , ��. ��f�;�'n�vr.;�'�t ���„a���.r�+ -�{� a�s.i��S��t..��✓ �'h��.,,r ' COMMENIS, �C3 j 4(�,� � S t�L��:i� � ,`�}.iy ,.'p.fl ta a �;�_k't �`�.."'i�'• -.., . , ..i_ ,„�. -0tx antl�,e',;;,`'�,G�:�, ;(� fy�Txs5 rww't�yg�'�`� ,y .+}.��%,':v�.i( „� y � , 'n� °t„�����'9� �g ��°' 4 �7� ""5�'`A'�,�� �J � � k'�. a t �3p' .p:��,,,�y ..w �t,� 'a:c k �,�t,�sy,",{X�� �.��s�', r..tl.^��'+}�y�;.� �*h �'�'t �'. q�, ..'�`N�.fr,� � �s, a���w� �k�y,�a �i��-�'��,�' - �y�.���:.-���yn4�d k��_. ... yr W a� G ±.��@ ��� F�3M 6 �, ' F 5���'��a� ;� -�Y "#',;�r.�,� �`�r.r�i�t�, � �G �s ,�c, ' ��h� �� , ���°� �rr x . ' ��,�'�fi�z � � �- THINK GREEN: � , ��,. � `�� e��f�?'�+"�' 3;;�.,b,�,F�;r��4� �� ���'"'"y'', �: '. � . � r. wnsre Mnnwaew�can� '�` � '� � � t l�`1P 1�, ssc� �c�,-.,�2 � '",r„ � NSTON,ER tJAME � 31� r��Qa��,�, . �J� �J � FDDRE55 -, j .� �e,,,�,,-, t.t !i �`A� W� CITv STPTF ZIP � ��i�(�`��.�t<:1�,1'ictl�i \�, � �7l'. Y%i—.C, , �..L7�` ,�F WM partners with our FMAILAk�DRESS 1 � community to make our city � cleaner and greener through TF`E""°"E"��""�`P "�'` sustainable services, innovation Wyhat do I like best about Waste Management? �` technology, and community �WM Superior Customer Service w� edUCetiOft. �WM Clean and Green Trucks (reducing greenhouse gas) ,�,, ,�,��� ;�a ����� {, �WM Community Involvement � �Ee� �� '�"�"s� ��S"�4��{� �' `�` ' ❑ WM Publie Education � � ¢ �a �a� �^�t�tsYf�,S� , ���°�a `��;`�pF��,n�k*`�� }s', + � a , � ;e, �{ r �'��� f� ''� ��' y�i�t,f , r .° , S 4 "$n.I' irv� �7V"�': '7�'n9. x. .A P•t9lrr;� e�„„u;.. �'�In' y� �.,;` �y�-��'';,q;t,�";�:�'v:';" COMfJiENT� �'°r�>''l;.,7��i Ri S � a�t,.�,� ����5�� �„� . ';y"�� a �.;r�:,`�€ &,o.. z :y =k.ry� � r � � i..;.r:``.�.^z� A ,A�.v,y � , J,�. ��4,�,j {,„ � � „ $:��.�^ „��e,vP���?vy�.���,f�}��er.7a e�r3�*�,� � :�r � .� �' � rrr ,�,i.,,'.a�9 , ;�u`'�,`�xa".,`.',�ft`.�� A�Ja,� G€d�,�:,,, , . t tr 4 � „� � ��_, �� � ' � ����h • �e �,_;.,rx �r fif�"�M�zF�� *�x���4,��� $�;� :� : . �,�j � ����y ,�;.� r�. ����$; THINK GREEN: �` . f(.v",���. - ,�:k�„�._ , , ' ' � �- ' , , . • ' . � - ." . WAftS MANAOHM611IT~ � � � wrr � � ��^�!1.—Y.-�1." ��'��7_��'�--________��.. � � cusTort��ik�ne � +rr+ —.____..__�_._._ --...---- --- AGDRESS � W M -- __ _______-_--------_ --- ---- y�ry CITY STATE Z P • "� -� �a � ,� -� �:-s°��i `�� �..- ��'_._c.�rr � WM partr�ers with our �M ��AooRrss �� — - �"" -- ''�'` community to make €aur cit}� _ ---------_ -------- �' cleaner and greener through TE�EP"°"E"�r,�BER� .,,r� sustainable services, innavation What do I like best about Waste Management? „�„ technolagy, and cammunity ❑ �IM Superior Custamer Service edUC�t10Ci. (�UCIM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) 3wr �y�`"�,',�j�.��`������°� ��;n�',��r����g�,��� �„ " ❑ WM Community Involvement � � ' � `'fi �` � °; � '� s� " +�'}i ❑ WM Public Education 'P r �'^�., ».�. ' �;�;; ' �' '�w`�k,�r, �,}.,: �� > i��.5�"� ,¢,. ��' �a �.�s ,��".ri�.?��(�{#�E,i,,c .,, , :�a ,. , p�,�a ��p` � s ,� ,�� ���'�' � } ' �OMMENTS: �8' Y , $�- t �. wt.• e N b ' �d ?�*,hP �M� .._.. � R h �i� }l�r�f,d� �, � �".'i.� �' v 6'y a�5r" id� S#r1. ,� .�����{p�Nw °^":�C �,�M1� r � q v� � .t �'id" r{P' ,4'{ 'tc. 9 � .:,. :'�,.� 4:� � 'U�R����� ,� �r '�� � �'mw jl �.: r�W i i 4'rv A`• � `�;•: . �,'�i:���� ( a��� I 5� �'i y�«4. N }�y' L', �',�`, i � , W y , � '� � �9� s@,�'4. fr t�-� t t � 'a d ' �# c�,� .r�,i:'4, � � ,�� :�� , ��� ,r ����,� �w�,�, �;. THINK GREEN. � "`�.`aa._w,.�-�,.. �.�.., .. ,-��.y�„�,;'�..,, , r�,; _:< wwa�Mwxwo�x�wr � l�' � � .r �,�'-�.M��l,a. ` c�'1� .�''� �,`�.f�- +Y�► � C�STOMER NAME '-� � 1� � ��,.t �L_� `�� — ADDRESS --���--� � "���c��C�ti--� �t_?.� '�, c,�'t� � �� CITY STATE ZIP y �`"1 ,,j ++" I.�>��.�(� (� �Y,F� �{ C�'�.' w C/;'�"t,.E� W�,1 partners with aur EN.A��A R�ss / � comrnunity to make our city �f.� �C�;� � `�} `� .-� `�.,,�,�'� fif' '"' cleaner and greener through zE�EP"oNF NUr�g€R 'f r - - _ _ ' . � sustainable services, innavation yyhat do I like best about Waste Management7 � technalagy, and community �WM Superior Customer Service ,�, edUC�tiOft. WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) '� ' �` -���y",�p°,,,�rvrvp`b',� �WM Community involvement '� �+;,,y�'� 2 �"r7ky}�t�{c`S 4�"�')x"�'�'r� t� ' t$ 4 � "�M���,��+_�`¢�,«b�., ; ��,a�a��,�� ^`� �;, $�� �:'"$ �� '' Q WM Public Edutation z r _. � r,�'.,���,'���+^� ' r�.� � � ���+ a-�t�� °.� `� ar� z�,;N�a �,�' s���i ��'�4 -; CGMMENTS: �111r' 'r%�,��.,��,����r,�"+,m-�,���a��,+; 'g '„t�,� p c�, { ` y�, � � , � � 'y;,'wg i� ?; ' i{1�?�i:'�t-a MT+�i�' � T� �.f'�'� , . y �.�f��y �,i, �ij ,�7 � �'� N 4 r�5 n d u. : � Y�` �,t�'aRy„4 •r ','G "� b �' ' .�� ,"� ��',': .. . ... .. .. .... ,�y �,y+� E,r{� � � ��"' ft d ` k : 1r e'PY'�T''�h��F'Yb11' �'S�i,.Mpm����'�" M - � -y�. S �. µ f +�� � ° �`` ` � I�� ��� a, THlNK GREEN� "'�' ��atiA��d�. � � �Ar+ � '� �1� .1�.��__ � � --__ . _- ------___.__ � lISTOME�'dAf�hE � _ �------------- - - --- —--,,,__...__.__._.._.__�v y�, A�'JRESS '� W� fvn ___ ____------ -------__-- irv sTnTF ��P � 1J��N1 partners with our E��A��Ao���Ess ��-Y�-��T—�— A """ cammunity to make ot�r city �--C� ` � � � f �� "'�" cleaner and greener through TE`EP"°"E"u""BcR � sustainable services, innOvatiOn �yhat do I Iike best about Vllaste Management? �" technoiogy, and community �WM Superior Customer Service � eduC�tiorl. O WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhause gas} �.,.,; •,:�;�.:�:�: �5 d w�,����;-�;;-�.,n�i �WM Community Invo�vement � t �; ��������,����� .�� �, ,�� 3 . r � � � .,�� �� � � ' .*c�'�^ �,"� ,��� �� � � WM Public Education �' �`��E���x�`tsd�+� ��,�`7��,�4 k''wi'SNi; .b7�W��p e � 7�.�. .� Y ��4� � aF � � C�� � ����.����: 1., :N- ���,������� ���,M��T� <� s� � �{�r��t' . �7;e �� ��� r���s��'";�"~ ��`���f;� ,�x: �a�,k��" t��. ;` ,�li' � � `�°v��.��u �,»&�t' �S, x���r �'.. a..; ��;�°'����{ ��`�`%r��G:i 'Y � � i�� y�'4�^n �„, � �,4 „ � ,� . y�,� .h .t,. � ,�, .�,,:": �� �a�`'-ry , � rr�ts.�;a. �y�,,� R% #��� -4 .,s`y,`.dait'ff',yY•�,�i.�,�';;,,, ��. 3 u."� "c µ '.a��,r�.`�'�,p ,;, ; ,'�'�k�4? rw ' �.M.;,, '� '�" rN". ." , �:„✓°#.�+.+�:'}.h�i��'�. , ,i ,��s. :` �. �..�� � � a r: � ,�;�f��;'M';',< .�A r ` �+. ,��, ."�.'-� ��;�>}_ � ����;��� ` ��`�w�..;t THINK GREEN: "�` � �� � f � � . �;;an� �. �.. ���� ��^" , r.,t�:: u '�G '? ._ ,, wwsTe w+ww�a:iacar � � '� � '� � �r � �ylq �G� � 'r`` � COSTOMER NAM� J . � r� � AD D RE55 � W� CITY . STATE ZIF � �� hl?12 C�. ���u� • C�\i.t�t_ wr� WM partners with our EMa��a� �Ess community to make our city � cieaner and greener through TE`EP"o"E N�"'BER ',�`' sustainable services, in�ovation yyhat do I like best about Waste Management? "°�` technology, and community �M Superior Custorner Service �r education. �yuM Clean and Green Trucks (reducing greenhouse gas) ,� r «:..:rt�,��. ���3gE ;�s, �,�. 4� { , WM Community Involvement � �,�'"'" �w" �,a���a���"����,"�a��, r's�,�s r� 'i �,{�{' � � t t. , A -. r ���� � � M Public Education 'k",��p�,f�+�,�4j��� � �{ .t���s ���� t��r s a �r �x�,�+'t�"F� ��"��2'��r"'��'��� �� � ,`rp�5�,�-,�,�' �+ COMMENTS. �'" .i'�N��t`��,�'�:�m�:��`�a�t�'�„t�.� ��".#'"�,l��i � � b x �5 � . ��? d-.v y ; y y"�''� "� ;,���'�� �r���� ���� "� ' rr « �, t,F 4`$} } '�t��.i ,�' ,q^'"s {�t� "�.{� 'a��: .0 4, �%'#ha��,���5'�r�dv�b�"'� �'�� �. h � �� �. '����}, � , .'+"k�;�^ '�f`f�i�{�'r��"�"�.� '` t 'r" �_ ,, �'S�M,=��� ���� �,���`P� �=�,�4 ���t � ,i� °�> � �=� THINK GREEN� � r.:..., 4 <���+x �s°���,,tk, � �� . �� ' �.,; µ ;, � . ' �. 't",z ;,n'.-.,, ��. � + .. �.. ., . ' . � - ' ' � • . . WJtiTE MAN/►UEMillff �' �r � .'r► �ww � .���ar �- ---___.__.___..._____------- ----- � � CJ�TGNiFR i�A�1E �, � b S�Q ��C� ��C�_�` ------- ---__._.._.__._.___,_ ADDP,E55 � � �-/� �'l..� �l A_ f �U S� � W M �,Ty-a_ _____ STA-E ___ �,F___ _ ____ �. _ ___ __ W'M partners ��vith our E���,��A�o�E�s `'�" cammunity to make our city � cleaner and greener through TE_�PHONE�<.������R ,w, sustainable services, innavation yyhat do 1 like best about Waste Management? ,�, technolagy, and community ❑ VVM Superior Customer Service � edUCati0fl. [� WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � � " � � , �Y ❑ WM Community involvement „r► �� ,� � r° �*� rh � � b �`�� � ❑ WM Public Education � ' i `�' r��t , �5 ��f i��'�+�'"���a}�� � � r�'�'' " $s'� , '�" ,p��,S'�s;�x�'�����"���"S�t��+`, �a�� 'a COMMENTS: p S NSr, , � � �.��`��`,�t{ �, �n� �. ��`r �a�hak ja�,�ra�.z �'" ' . ' t ' t h ^�{� �� 'p�i'�'=1 ^/ '',� `� ✓ '' ie,��+ "� ,,"`,✓� .. ,y�e�`+d 1�hr%�5'•h'��+�fi� '''��' a�.'r��' r ,��z �--`�" R- � � � � �, r"4� ip# i a - a��„ �r �+�,i � <, /� ✓ ——_. s�#,�an�N'a d� �€,`�t `m�p'd^,'S%."'7�!s;�����r"�4'�.`'}ro��'.�",y�,�°'��ia'��.d j„`Gu; '�_��^'Y"�' .,--`7 O'V't e � m '�r �s � �°"�f i�a ' �!��'�a��',�'�' +�� i�E �f � �?�; V �S�bx� 5� � �� e° ?�f� �.h$y, $§� ,r�,.,� te Y. E �� t�; �+�' '°-�z�'s�Y�A, f�'� � ;:� n�, �` �'�'$��,�„"�',�''�,�`k������ `�J$ ,=R� � � :.� � .,A . `�° �, �; � <��� �M;� �� a THINKGREEN� ^Yr,• , , .. . . . . w4s,e Mn�,.ae�,r � +�r �►' � � ���� ��� /�/�// +�r C�'STOMER NAME���.T6Y�L� ���� � ~ � v� AC�DRESS ` .•' :-�� �C1�n l.�i�- °iir►' �� �ITY STATE ZIP � �v WN4 partners with our EMAILADDRESS ""� community fio make our city ��-5 �.5�..� — 37�(, �"' cleaner and greener through rE�EPHONE N�MBER �w sustainable services, innOvatiOn vyhat do I like best about Waste Management? .,�,. technolagy, and cammunity ❑1NM Superior Customer Service �, eC1UCetiOfl. C WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) �_ .•����, ,.�, � � �:,:.- �,.;,;,:�;�� ���:'a�'��;,'r°,. A� � ��°�`, `'� ��a��::�,-;� �,.��:+�';�4, WM Communit Invoivement �,-�dx a ' :��s:��� �=.r�,,� Y ^ifr' :r'�,m x� � s'� , �s:oo ��, d�* x�� ��`� + �� ' ` '" ' " � �J�; �tNM Public Education r, ��5���t " <+ ,,� + ,.,n '�fr' : ; v} .d* nt p . k �s t� A� , ���nw s,.0 '"���,��t. "� ,�„ !y'�ir�� COh1MENT5 � t a � µ rt ' � ' v "�" ,v 6��'"��¢���3�"s���' q'� � ,„-� ,'�r t� �����r������3 d r � .��� �����,`�u ��7d{,r,�+'+��a-��l���i�ry���-"����L ���� iF n.. . rv � t .,p°� qrc �"�4�'X�^�°�?F�'� ja,,,��"���'�J�+�� p��;��i��i`��k��P�� "'�p � Y. "„5�'a��'rc d �"�`•'i'�+'�"���.���h�'�°s°��k�s���£�i��' �"Yr7��}�, ..... . �/' ��J'��",4�',�"'�,�+' � �,�'���k��,�1'���� t �J t*a r,�:,�i 't r . , �.� �r,, a � 0 � � � ?�4^� � �w' �" � ' �f� �= THINK GREEN. ,"��' �� �' ` #� °�. � , ,. � � � . � . , , � , . � � . � WAiTE MANAOEM€M � � � �--. � _�t.._ * '.� � I� (�) �-,:�^ r., '�1�r �U ` �--__ __�--_.-- ---------- �._� � CUSTOMER'vAME � ` ,L/�I 1 { � '�`J � � :y � 1, ,S" ' I��.—_L`�!..�'-�'�./ _...___- ADDRESc �—"=— ._____.. � �q `1� h ' !� P 'l��'.l W A ___�_ ��-`��"�---- � �� C TY--- ----- STATE ZIF�— � v _..��T — '� VvM pc3CtC�eCS Wit� QIIr �MAILADC�ES� community ta make aur city �ao���� `�-�w �' �>�-1 `"r" clearer and greener through �E�-EPHONEN�M�BER ,,�,„ sustainable services, innovatian What do 1 like best about Waste Management? `� technology, and community ❑ `/UM Superior Customer Service � edUCat10�. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas} � ...,s;��f•��:t,�,�.:�.> ,�.��¢�„�, �r,�-�":r�. .,,�;.. ; �:� ,>::,.- G7�CNM Community involvement #��""t'��� Mii�§�'k��a�.+r�*� a��,�';�d n i t ,R;,, ;������M �g��� h � r,�;��_ � ;�,�� ��r� ❑ WM Public Education °� �, , r a �. �.�, x�., .. ;K.�,,,; Y ^. .,�s. +, ' ���� � '�'�as�?� � ;� M���.� .� �° %t' ��.F.. � ��;s;�;�, ccMr�nEnTs: u., ..,`:���'"' :� �:.:�:..a:;.',;, '�'��,�:�z����^ e' ;:a �< s , '� P3�,`k:c�tq�"�,�",r��.�, a'+ n''{ .'"�,,�c a?�.��`.''. �i� r, $a�'�r �rs,;� r , ', , ; '11�► �,x.�-��,,�y�;k+• a,.. '�.� b �,,�.,. �{Y4,.�t s �pw:i.,,��`� �n y, ,ys'. ' mGui','� ,��5,^. �?�;''�.�+r' � ,� � S�„�s „cPH7�� �r`, �',9;i�#e�g�'�p;';��,g.{'g �y$ e�yx � , a r t„�Os` :f`" 9,$ a ,. , .,.1��'���� � � '�Na;,���,k � `r{,,.;�� „�.�':��a. „a; �� �, �°'":�,�r`:="' t;;.,,. q�; yr+S',.,.�t f t : �` 'v�.e ` , � 1�9����,,''; `�' �?' ke �te .���a; M`A'r,�:'�,e', '�;�'��.>.r. aX'kF�'.w 64LL i,", '�1 ' �'9:' 'E E�.� x �i . �� � ..$`�;,i t�;`ti�, r��,a, :�'°�q. �,�, � , � ' rva Y ���r,: � ���`;,�;::' THINK GREEN� �. :�:�������;s�� �s�"��.„;:,.,�,�,:n,;;��'_�� ' . + .. , .. . �',r�':.�i"�r.':'3`.,'+-...,-.s� � . ..!':�'. .. � ' WA67E MANAIfEWI[IYT � � � ��i � �e r�s i��� •�° � CUSTO^AER NAME �-`f l ��y� � �'� APf y '� ADDRESS � �f',/�'��lh �J/� � �� CITY STATE Z!P '�` WM partners with our EMAIL AD�RESS � community ta make our city __ ___ "�" cleaner and greener thraugh TE`EF"o�E��"'B`� r.r► sustainable services, in�ovatian vyhat do i like best about Waste Management? v� technology, and community �WM Superior Customer Service ,,�, �C�UCatIOCi. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks (reducing greenhouse gas) :��.,�r»,:..:: .„ Y4,;f ❑ WM Community Involvement � ,,, fi �_ a, t x � m .p ❑ WM Public Education ''�'' �',���'y� ;�,L� t � � �r � fr t t Y A _���"t� j-y, �.,�� t t� „ � -�ak�'t'r�",., "� � �' v � $ , COMMCNTS � . r' `�,�.�'+�,�5y,i:.� 9; �" v�' '�IDi` � A9 4 . .�, 3' ,irh �4� 'I ', d , . ' S. J �' ,,t.' � , '-Y..�A a ��5�� , i � . . , _ s',t� ��fa1. ':i{p,� `�r , ' �'� � a � �w� ��`�.;� � . . '' `$ Ir��`���°�'$ THINK GREEN� � . . �� � .. . � � WAaT�MlANAOEMEHT4 � � � �w +�rn � ����- _ ___��____._ v�r � CU�TOMER NAMe � ---_ +�w _—_----------- ADDRESS ----------- _—___�_�_____._ � ,` .�� ���� �� �—--�_ _--- - ------- ------— —-- ,� fTY STATE �iP � �,.. %1/1/ � l�'�1�G91"�'%I'1 ' `�r a'&�("�� �`--�--- WM partners with Dur EMai�a��REss ___�_. �` community to make our city � cleaner and greener through TE�EpHONE��MBER _________ ____ � sustainabie services, innovation What do I like best about Waste Management? ,,�,, technology, �CiC� COf)"tft"�Ut�!!ty ❑1/�/(�,� Superior Customer Service � �C�UC3t1011. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) =y??��:�`''>:�r -;zy�'��=;a.�a;rA.w:�:�n;��,.; ,ry.., Af e�+.�,a.�[:;,;�;" r:;�. }� WM Community Invofvement �" .i`%���, ,'}11�4E ,�-0 "W �y �`, �,r�5'� �,�y�,;+��"C''�(r"�,"4.hptK"jik��'i / ��� ��; � �,�..,�,��, �,�,,�,�� ,?'',�'��w��fr� "� �WM Public Education � �.. �.$'�,���. .�.,,.•� . ��,.. �u� '�� , ,��: ��µ��� ��r. � s�� " � ,;��, ���(P��l �t�r,�,�i�Y'r_ rs � aE s 4�� a �'"� .��, .n.�t� �� COMMeNTS �,' + j �; �?,'P. � ,'� ,,.�`'' �'` � # ,���`�"W'�:'` �rb�'.t;� Es n � n " �'' � - ,..�. . n s:..� „.�, � . �. '�' ° ,°� . "';,: „'; � : ;, .;�' , ;°�� ��' �� ' , �,� t:�..; ;'� �' +:i' "x 's.;'g. .�., r46= s; �! ;p� . . 's 'a^�ix.':.. �z� .�' pr',. ��.i`` � . � �i��:�,�_���.��rk�,�:� � �� �.,� �:�M � #ta���. THINK GREEN: �„r,v ', ��•.� , _ ,.: ; .. ,� -� �. �, :�""�., � , wws�r ruwwc�er�r � � � �r � )wcY /U� l.G'/��� `'�' tU51ON��R NAME \ ''���'"!�- +� � �1 5.�tf �1� �/ ���L� ADDRESS �.�_---"� � ���� y� / /� l+�`Y(�(,iA U.��!1 �' �� UTY � STATE ZIP �Y � WM partners v�rith aur EMAIIADDRESS community to make our city '�'' cleaner and greener through 'E�EP"o"EN�"'�E� '�"' SUStainable 52fviC25, ifl(10VdtiOtl What do i like best about Waste Management? � technafogy, and community ❑ WM Superior Customer Service ,�,, eduCati0tl. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks (reducing greenhouse gas) ' � ,� � ,,'#a n�� u�����}�^�aj z,��fi,,, �; , �WM Community Involvement '�'' a, s*� ���'. '� N�.v, �,,. ,e'�,z�,��^ n ,y�"ps,w� , a, _ � " � ` �'` ' �WM Public Education s�` x e �� '��� �`� � � �r�,�;��' � ' "�'' ��'�� , " � �#����� � ,[i,�, � �; � � ;, �' ; g`` � �''� S""�''��'�.'6',� t�'�,a' �'"�',��Ja"� �a",+="'aLSfl ,�,fa�� COMMENTS:� " "N �� 4 � d � '�4'„?V"t.;a,��t"� j�r f „,��t ' ... ' ff�'ny�,' �+`'� �t,�'L :�tt'� �e� Pa � f e, t t °�+.�,`y s , � c.a< `� .P;b ,''��, :`�,���:�'r���'��"v�"��'re`��c' #� � 4, d � � � �' �'$,>, � ���,� � � b � t �, �.'#*"S'cr;'w,�r�"� - � a ,€ k � `n' a,"�'�*�,� � '�;��F u' "s�� `� , : � r , � ` r ���� �� �u� ���; } s} � �` �� THiNK GREEN° ;�i rw�, �' �,� :y � �,� � � � '�Ir' . � , . � t: - ' ' '- - ' WAST@ MANA6PMEIYT � � � tirr► v � __�►�rn �b t G f��_________ .---------- CUSTOMER�vAMF � r� i �(f le � �'�V� �..__1�4i_�.."-� ---------------— -- "�► ADDRESS �-�,�1h ___ Ui(�°� �1 ��' ..� WM _.______ __ __________ CITI' STATE iIP sr�� - ��+ 2� (�.y��"ob -c�r�______ __ � G�1M partners with t�ur Eh�n��A�oREss � cammunity ta make our citv _____.__________ _ �"` deaner and greener through T��EP"oNE"�'"'BER .r� sustainabCe services, innovation y�hat do I like best about Waste Management? '�"" technology, afiC� COfi'1ft"�UC1ity '�WM Superior Customer Service � EdUCatiO(l. ❑ WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) rrw • „�� r;,H; -r ;,,., ❑ WM Community Invo(vement ' � ; ,s x v�r r ; � g ❑ WM Public Education aF ,x i, ��-�� �� �a� � t 7 a q � tis"J� rn�'-�����,cv�c��, ,3 7 " COMMENTS +r,, �.� � r � „%.,�y�e�.r� '°';Gv.;�i,���„',�,'a..��,,,� �,.�,�� � � y� y �y y t, � ?k'`�'9'"y��d`�i"6'�pkt�B�Y�;� '- i I s .'s � � N �.',�"y`�;.,S,r� �".:Nf:'�,�q�"�:�'c�ir,�,j�,.`� sig<# n .i; � . -` � s,. �:, ',� � �e�a a�`�'�,�'�g�����"�� �e�},r .t-s;�jt -P �{;: '� �p �l � °� *° �,t�,��, �,� ���;�;� � , � � - THINK GREEN: ",�` �, ;,pyW I, .k �y� �1,} �'. , ` '�HNRBNTc . � � � � � '� U���1'l '� � CUSTptvS�R NAfv1E r� � ADDRES< �.�`e��11 �' W� GTY STATE ZiP �v � WM partners uvith our EMA!�ADDRESS � community to make our city �S� �� 7� �7� cleaner and greener through TE`EP"o"E N""'BER �" sustainable services, innavation What do I like best about Waste Management? `��" technalagy, and community �WM Superior Customer Service '� EduC�tiOfl. �7WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas} ,� •--,�,:-.>' ' k ' �� WM Community Involvement ' s� `�' s � WM Public Education � � 4� }p F{ ,.j' -' i } ' , ' , ,Y t� � ' ,'E d5 � ':° ��u b � �a'r � '' � �.;re ` COMMENTS' t x �� r � n ?' ' `tl�' ,� F'` � � ��i1Y f�r�, ��P�r-� !�s�Lr��Y�r� , . � � � ` � ` I?t� �'1=��e�� s , . .:�w � .�. � � ��� ,�`�����` THINK GREEN° � � � , � ,.%� ' . �. . � ' ' . - WASTE MAN40EM@Mf � � � � � � �G'rl�e� Pa"�.or�l� , ___,_..___.�. ___._...�...._-.----_ ____._..__-- � �US'OMER NAh1� a�r" �� `'' . J � I �� ��T �G/ ADCJRESS �'r' c'I��vr ------ - -__2rJ'a `��c��_____ � W M ���� �TATE �,, _ _ __________ WM partners with our EM���A��REss � "'"'� community� ta make aur city ��J — �3� �(p0�- 'r'' cleaner and greener thraugh 'E�EP"°NE"'�"^�F� .. sustainabie services, innovatian yyhat do I like best about Waste Management? „�„ tec�rnolc�gy, c3�d COi'flf-t�tUtlit�t ��- WM Superior Customer Service � edUC�ti0t1. L WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) �11�1�' n nF`�, �° ��'.''`�' 't �' � � 1• °` + ' atri�r„ "' WM COt71fT1Ufllt�/�f1VO�VefllE.'flt �� .��,,�� ����,��,��� ��4��,�,.�����,�� � WM Public Education Y � �y � ��.+�E+"'���3,`rk�y"�r�'�g��`'m��o��+�#,t4'"'�������'^r+�`�� `#+ COMR�lEN7S: F "� �� d ` '� ��r"���"��"�!?*t����v�k���`��$x�11�"z �s aJ �{��Y� ,j,, r 4' y,w ,,. �' , .�n,�",*.�d' .�d"a��+1aLt -i ��'��u".���N'��s��SY�".�§„"�c�y��r�� �� � J»s'�� ai��°�'�5 , ; �� , ��`d�� x'��'�,r�x`i,'� ,�, � ��' t-' � ' �_ u � �: � � s�°u�, 't .} ���`a �k 1 �� ' �� ' at/i cr t� , ,�. � � R" 3 k Y j � � �" ,�"�' �r��;� t,.F,, ..y�, i �^„� �yc' rp" ' s sd',x,�� � `��, � ���� � � z� ��f'�f��" '' _�� THINK GREEN: x e4 r.:a v t'° �' ?:�q' �5,n ,+���r xrwt. r � < �1 � ..,, ., ,� x,�._.". , .. ,- �:, , .. . ,, ,...' .. wws�rc wwsw�Mervr� � +�+ � � � 5�Y� � ,�, � CUSTOMER NAME � ��D n/� I q � ��7- AC�RE55 � �2��1`� �v W � �l�'��9 „�, �� QTY STATE ZIP � WM partners with our EMAII HDDRESS """ community to make our city � deaner and greener thraugh ,E``P"oNE""'r�BER �. sustainab(e services, intlOVatiOtt What do I like best about Waste Management? ,�, technalogy, and community ❑ WM Superior Customer Service � educatian. t�WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) A �, � q # ufk � , WM Community involvement � ,�R�li ���, �� � •f;] �A a � WM Public Education ° ��-�1 � '(, §�� ,�•��;�'' `-"`t�u�ap r�.,�',r'� r /�' ' COM�MENTS � :��R,y, q�F." f� q ,',t;,Y •�,, 2 ',�_''.t i k�,n� �� _ � �� � 1 �� �f� � �� �"r a- :�, :, ' „ , �' � f ` ` �� � � THINK GREEN� '� ' � � WAETE MANadEM@Mm � � v�r _ ; �` � ( , � <'t/��'� �� ����� ��i�-------- � C:US MER NAME � . ` � ! .---�---- .; _ _..��" / / - , �L�_.L__��'_�_ -- -— — �------___ +1�1, ADC3R SE 5 ' T„�.. � �L � � _�.__...��/���/\._� —( --._?_...__ —_—___—__--------- W! � ■ OTl l c-qTE ZIP �i __--_------- ------------ __._ ,�, WM partners with our EMAILADDRF55 community ta make aur city _.___--_-__ --_- `�" cleaner and greener through TE'_E�"o"ENUMg`� "�'` sustainable services, irinOvatiOCt What do I like best about Waste Management? '�' technology, a�d community i� Superior Customer Service � �C�UCatiOft. WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) vrr� � ❑ WM Community lnvolvement . .� t. , � , . �.� tt'� �", .c2 f�. h�! ,'_# � J „i , ,' � � � � a � t � "' ❑ WM Pubiic Education r` ��v,,����`;�"�a .� :�.,� �t , '?� �� ' ' µ�� � ��' ,y s r �I�II+' ;i o -rb f��i�'+�s,���r,�,y'L '- �t+a ��Uw� ny,�'?'�2�� f�s, � COMMENTS' . rk - �� M � �gC � k�� fT��' , ' q 1'��t.r'k�h,,r,-i ��.� �'��k n%>'�.*3�,`��.1„4 T �,�3 4,p. °�' ci; � t � { - t yt�'�b yF�,:�%�. �`*s,,,�`"',a.,�. 4.���'��� ��- i�r,'� , .�,�'�{"`� � rr,tt� -. �m p " & ' - S f .F+ � .�M1S¢Z�j� � ,,� r;,A w" S' ,�q � �i. •� '_n�I: „ ?, ! l�;F,9 ,.,�.,'� a r d?�� `�"c„a, , Y S -45 Lh�3 � h�`� : �r��t� �4>� , u � �, � �. e. �Shx a ". ��.a �+' � � ""� " �, ^ `�" �' � �' 'b � j�, '���' �,.�i;�,a"��� .e r�w,; .;� �' �������'�,��,.�; n.�t� y: THiNK GREEN° � � � � _� � . . . . _ -. ��� � ' WAfTE MAIiA4�MENR � � � �� � ���-T� �'�� � CUSTOMER NAM[� y '� � ...�os �: �r fl S-r' __ � , AppRE55 �� �°--�-7 '"�" 11VM _____ ��r CITY STATE ZIP �r � Eh1AIL ADDRESS � � �� � �-�. �s: � � Every day, WM drivers provide safe ,TELEPHONE Nl;Iv1BER '1I� and reliable services. Using innovation •rr and technology, WM is a world What do I like best about Waste Management? [�WM Superior Customer Service '�+'` class partner. Our city is cleaner and , �,�WM Gean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) � greener thanks to WM. �WM Community Involvement r ,,�, , u�`"� r"{�' "�s �`�' �&.�s49�a'.�,�t�kH{� h� �4�r �WM Public Educati� � r -��-it ,�� , "xa„�4ra�+�'�� �'. � �'+�,��rvt,, f p ty Y � "'"�,���'�+c,�",�°�s xS�'"k��i��4�„ , 'r�c`�"� t� �tt,�'1��i��A�i' ,_� CJMMENTS' �iL,+�YL...[ " 4 � k r a t i ,i ". ,�� �� z � 'a; `v�k a�+r.�� "it o��g,&� �'�`����.s° + '`h ,,�, 'q�' v� �,t .r �t"s'�:ti�^' ..�r»�., h ;_ �� ,,.� � y 4�� y t _ . 42� '�; ?.¢W4�R'J"'�^���P�^��'�' S'C¢ t � +ro N �� ���' •y��,. �`j ' � x � ����_,�' ��-*�� , � t � �t �� ��,� *�� ��,� �����`'��'� , THINK GREEN� � n� `������:�". ' � �y:. '*;' «,,,.R..,..�... � � � irr� � � _ �'�4.,5� �-lo,,_GXZ��--� . ____ __-- -------- — +� � �US':�P,��F NAME �r' 1`-��t�'�t �-� \`6�b� W `�L''�� A..-,DRESS `�—� ���� � ��� � � ���� �,, �M `,TY ________ ---- -- ___. s1.a-� "�iF --------- �'' �L�t�`1�-���1�� C `-�.Cx�,����.C�.r�, 'M partners w�t our �N�A�_a�.�REss , ------------------------..._ _ �` cammunity to make �ur city __ (��5`��7�J . a�a� "� eleaner and greener through 'E�E""°^'E"u""gER ��� �► sustainable serv�ces, irt�tOv3tiOn What do I like best about Waste Management? ,,,,, technolagy, aRd CORIfI"IU11lty �M Superior Customer Service � �dUCat10�. �WM Clean and Green Trucks(reducing greenhouse gas) d, ; ❑ WM Community Involvement +i1U' _ ,r` : '�,��'�,��, s a, ^7 ^' ° f' � O WM Public Education .. ° �,r r,�S, ro F��r „�� *��, '� a e� _ �` .� ,� u f f� � '5����� r'�+ 1 ' "' q4 x��M �C"��`�."*'ud�'��� �?N�y�„h�fi� . 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J W M Public Education � � ��:�5�:���i'�"'S ,i,�ao3�t`� k1'���,� N�� ��,,•t COM,NEhTS' r `( ,, ar�r � , ' ;a r � q� . I'V:� � V�Q � f V�,k��� 1J�!!�S � �._ .� ' � ,n r � 3 � �,� , y ., � _ .... . ._._ . h Q , � a , , , � � ' dt ' `� '�} � ' ri �A :� , � , , t � � ' V-, ��N l,� ��n\�e.�,,r�� ,�r►' � �,a ,� � . , �'�* ���. ti�- � s - , * � � `i � yilv '2r r r, r,„L k ^„ r .,,�-i� ,,i, ,� ( . , .r' �;;'�' '� �� ',5�: w'$��x ',. �`� , ,v , �: �5 �s r . 3,� , 5. x �.�:,'#'• �„ ���� - °.� THINK GREEN° WAlTE MANA4EMlN7 � � � .nMf _� � J � � � � � � � � ./' .rlr � � � w�l�' � � � � � +�' � +�" � +r� '� � � � +�' � � � � � � � `� � � � 1 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �