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THIS AGR ;`'L-` EHT entered into by and between the CITY OF 217?TON9
a municipal corporation, the party of the first na-rt and rRTIR R
EIILLI.:,uS and ILLDh 'S, his :rife, parties of the se-
cond part,.V4I11I1: SSi"'2H:
iH_.`l :X '� ;�aS, the State of uciahington has agreed to construct
a nese bridge over Gedat ;Rivzer at the rill Street crossing without
cost to the Ci jy of Ren to'n >t,n:d
:.iT::RE .theStag Hidiiv tr.y uommissioners�'des' .re that a street "oe
w C s
opendd beginning at the north ma-rgin .1 line at Second Avenue at the
intersection. of isairi Street and Second avenue, running thence north-
easterly on a line to connect with the now bridge, which is to be
graded and paved by the „tate,
i 0.rf, THy- R1, xtkx in consideration of the SUM of One Dollar
MOO), to us in hand ;aid, tend in further consideration of the
public w lefere and of the peculiFr and special 'enefits to accrue to
us therefrom, we do hereby agree to convey to the Ci.tY of penton, for
street purposes only, for the Use of the public as a prblic highwa�n,,,
the following described property,. to -wit;
A part of 'Lot 11, Blk 11, Town of 3en.Uon, more nart-icular.lu des-
cribed as follows:
Beginning est the southwest corner , of Lot 11, Blk 1-1, Town of Ren --
tori; thence east along south line of .said lot 51.751 to the south
line of ri6ht of we y; thence Zd 480171 C, 73.86' to the north line of
the lot; thence gest along said north line 88.641 to the north line -
of the right of t=ray; thence S 48'17' W 23.821 to the nest line �f the
lot; thence south along< s4id crest line 33.871 to the point of beginn-
ing. (Area 3808 sq. i`t* more or less).
A part of lot 12, Blk 11, Town of Renton, more particularly des-
cribed as follows:
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 12, Blk..21, mjbP1n -of menton;
thence gest along the north line of said lot 47.951 to the north Zine
of right of gray; thence S 48'171 i! 73.861 to the south line of the
lot; thence east along said south line 85.641 to the south line of
right of xray; thence II 48` 171 F,. 18.691= to' the east line of the lot;
thence north along said east line 37.651 to the point of beginning.
(Area 3664 sq. ft. more or less).
A part of lot 13, Blk 11, Town of Renton, more particularly des-
cribed as follows:
Beginning at the south east corner of lot I3. Blk 11, Town of Ren-
ton; thence north along the east line of the lot 4.41 to the south
marginal line of Commercial Waterway No. 2; thence X 50 131 W 31.65,
to the north line of right of way; thence S 48"171 W 33.541 to the
south line of said lot; thence east along said south Zine 47.351 to
the point of beginning. (irea 634 sq. ft. more or less).
The City of Renton hereby agrees with the parties of the eecond
tart, that in: consideration of the party of the second pert conveying
by quit-clain de= -d, the above described property for street purposesl
that the street will be graded and paved without any cost to the part-
ies of the second part. The party of the first part agrees with the
parties of the second part that it will not record said deed until
the State of Washington has siggidied its intention to begin said
work, and if, for any reaso4, the bridge is not built and said street
opened, graded and raved, it will re -convey said property to the part-
ies of the second part.
the parties hereunto have set their hands
and scale
of March, 1923.
Party of the First Part.
Partie^ of the Second. Part.
July 280 1923
Mr. Lot Davis, Attorney at Lava,
Renton, Washington.
Re: State Road 11o. 2
Renton Bridge Approaches
Dear Sir:
Your favor of the 26th inst. pertaining to right of gray
required for Renton Bridge Approaches received, and was much pleased
to note the progress you are making and please accept my thanks
for your assistance.
Will you kindly send to this office the deeds that have
already been secured in order that same may be made of record in
this office, also will ask you not to have these deeds recorded
until they have been submitted to this office,
Again thanking you for your kindness, T remain
Very truly yours,
CLD:BB Right of v+ay Agent.