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03139 - Technical Information Report
�'�� �hr� i�� l � �fc�rm����� ����r� SWC — North 8th Street ana Houser Way Renton, Washington � Prepared for: ,�, o�Y � � Kenworth Truck Company F wnsh, � �y��` - c'�y�� � P.O. BOX 9001 = Renton, WA 98057 '� �950 Q' �O,o��GISTER�O���� �SS�ONALENG /D�L/l3 /� EXPIRES: 12-30-��! October 14, 2003 Our Job No. 11153 �; r U; _ �r:�,� RECEIV � D ��t '? 1 2003 �, . -� c��t.r�_ _ 4 GHA Vs� m l � Z CIVIL ENGINEERING, �AP1D PLANNING, SURVEYING, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES -= 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTF! KE�1T WA 98032 (425)251-6222 (425) 251-8782 F,4x y ? BRANCH OFFICES ♦ OLYMPIA,WA ♦ WALNUT CREEK, CA �a� ; �,e- www.barghausen.com r, �� NG ENG�N 3 �3 9 -� TABLE OF CONTENTS I i � 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW Figure 1 —Site Location Figure 2—Pre-Developed and Developed Site Maps Figure 3—Soils Map 2.0 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY 3.0 OFF-STTE ANALYSIS 4.0 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology 4.2 Developed Site Hydrology �� 4.3 Performance Standards 4.4 Flow Control System 4.5 Water Quality System , 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES 7.0 OTHER PERMTTS � 7.1 SEPA 72 NPDES 7.3 Hydrant Locations 8.0 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL(ESC)ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES,FACILITY SUMMARIES,AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT 10.0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL i i�ss.002.ao�[�c�v] � W � � � W � O N U W ti O � a 0 � � 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW ► The proposed Kenworth Trucking project is a parking lot addition of approximately 1.51 acres in size located within the south half of Section 8, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian,Renton,Washington. More particularly the site is located between Garden Avenue North and Houser Way North south of North 8th Street. A more localized description is further described on the Figure 2 site location map. The existing topography of the site is relatively flat, with a slope of less than 1 percent. Site runoff flows north to an existing trench drain. The existing site consists of a gravel parking lot. The on-site soils are classified as urban soils. The surrounding site is almost totally developed. The entire site has numerous existing drainage studies and reports. The ve ance system and detention pond were designed to accommodate the ei�tire_�iev�lo�d site,_ including this pr��j�ct .irea. Th�refor�, n�� ne��� c�>n���yance �vst�ni ��r dr[enti�n it �r���osed f��r this de��elo�me��t. 11153.002.doc[KEH/tep] z 0 � � � � � � � � o � a ww � � � ___� i ....�.�.�..... � LAKE WASH I NGTO�J ; � ��� 1 ATT �/� � • ' � 'I �E LE 900 v�� / / ��' m a I � RENTONZ '�� D . < f� oa N 8TH ST �'I z p � � 405 I p N 6THa a L p ST W O . � N a I P � N 4TH ST �' Q � 900 ORT WY WY Z � a � 169� 0 0 �C 167 � h't FIGURE A-1 VICINITY PLAN = � SCALE: N. T.S. � 0 z n N. BTN ST. � ii��� I O r.—._.�'-,-�//////// — � i�� � � i \'�\ �ii��////.... I � .,�.�a� � � I z �`�ii��� ��i R&D � , soo,000 �A�. Y '� •,, �'. (uoia{�o1nuc � —� TANK k PUM Q �\���// / n:�i� / � � � � _ •\//��/ � \\/ � � Z — 4 ` ifiOowNUE� w�RNWA w�i1l�nNF . w�2Mu4 Q / UI[�[N� .. rMu6 p� 8 � 1 bn�r�1 — '� . . W � Y��9M(1 Wlfn Z[ F a K,�.Ye � _ � .o�.M�rwro. z z . • ""�'"� Y Y [n.� esuwx.rn' .sxmn � � a a � o � ❑ � , r� _ - � - � �' o � - 0 9 � w�nMnunc O L� M4Mt , } ' ' ar•e � _._.... . D �. orr.Hram�r � � �MAIN �� � GAS x[�rtneuo � .. $HU OFF ��"` wu[wue[ i �� fi�ur�.nv, _ ` I uuw.w � z � Y — z � y e34' 0�'MV IGRRf* ❑ rM(qpUi35�OMfi /V � y lL �� �, Q . � FLAMM�BLC INICRIAL � V�SIC fR(�IM[NI lIDL �°s"�=°'"."°, �RO�EGT s tT� � I� —l._ _. �ruxe�rnw ��) FIGURE 2 PRE-DEVELOPED AND DEVELOPED � SITE CONDITIONS "°�''�'"�'"' �� CITY OF PREDEVELOPED CONDfiIONS MAP °°�"�0S � '�" RENTON � � YiB I a� � ��� DATUM P�a���ng/6ullding/Public Worke D�pt. N0. REVISION BY DATE APPR ��� Craqg Zimmarmon P.E., Admintstrotor --- ,�„ KENWONTH TRUCKING i<i�iu ..\ � I � t:x.euarnuc a �i�!�� \ � °'•x i �d,'------'---^---'-^---'-""'--`e-�'« � ''�i , \ � bti c _ ,� \ k�`!i � o 04 \y y�i 1 ; � �,°� �,� �� �, I � ; � � N ���, � ;'. � � °� � � ��:; � a�x s`d„n; ��,x ; `�,, _ � \',,�, ' �' r. . ���''`� x � i x ot > � �'�'o� �oa� b• � �;R,;� 7 \�'•:'\� x �.-'-"-' � � • � d. r d�� i r, i �'•. �� �,• �ti�" ti�. e �! � � •. 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Rrrision JOE NumMr Swlr. Q►GH'4VS 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH °ib"'0''�' F0r' EDEVELOPED CONDITIONS MAP m�` mP ��Z KENT, WA 98032 Drawn�� Hon:o�tai (425)251-6222 ,•.zo• KENWORTH TRUCK COMPANY �,,,, � ;� ' (425)251-8782 FAX `"'°'""�`"'- P.O. BOX 9001/98057 c — �' wwe..e.�Gti wn�eai y� t• CML FNdNEERING,UND PUNNINC, � 1601 NORII-I 8TH STREET 1 � 1 G`f��C eNG1MEt'p su�r»+c.�r�Ma saMc�s o.�.�zts� FiENTON, WA 98055 KENWORTH TRUCKINQ i � "°��'�"' E_ „- CITY OF DEVELOPED CONDfTIONS MAP ,��"�°' '�" RENTON � YFB I� DATUM �H r a�uo� � Plonning/Buflding/Public Works Dept. N0. REYISION BY DA7E APPR +^a� ���' Gregg Zimmarman P.E.,Administrator �NyyppT}.�TpUCKING '� JGN I"' ' t�x.I7UI�.DI^;C � o i,_;= ,� � �,; � � , i" \ � {'i � �,r----'--'------'--'•"-'-------�6� � ''f' �\ � '�, 1 �� (Nj , q��,. �,<t' Y6.8' ��T Rµ \.I ��� 1 �• �3' IV . 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Core Requirement No. 2—Off-Site Analysis Response: During initial site development, a downstream analysis was performed. Those reports are included herewith. Core Requirement No. 3—Flow Control Response: Flow control was incorporated during the initial development of this site. Please refer to the Drainage Report prepared by SSOE, Inc.,that is attached. Core Requirement No. 4—Conveyance System Response: There is an on-site conveyance system to the north and west of the project that will be utilized. No changes or improvements are proposed for the conveyance system. Core Requirement No. 5—Erosion and Sediment Control Response: In accordance with Appendix D of the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual, erosion and sedimentation control measures based on Appendix D have been utilized in a separate plan prepazed detailing erosion and sediment control measures to be followed during construction to prevent siltation and transport of sediments to streams,lakes, and wetlands. Core Requirement No. 6—Payments and Operations Response: A Maintenance and Operations Manual has been prepared and is included herewith within this TIR, Section 10.0. Core Reguirement No. 7—Financial Guarantees and Liability Response: This project proposes to meet alt financial guarantees and liability requirements of King County as detailed in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. �- \ Core Requirement No. 8—Water Quality / Response: Water quality requirements were taken into account during the initial design. No new / water quality facilities are proposed Analysis of the Special Requirements: Special Requirement No. 1—Other Adopted Area Specific Requirements Response: This project is not located in a special requirement area. 1 ll53.002.doc[KEH/tep) -� Special Requirement No. 2-FloodplainJFloodway Delineation Response: This project is not located within a floodplain or flood��-ay. Special Requirement No. 3-Flood Protection Facilities Response: This project does not meet the threshold of this requirement; therefore, no action is needed. Special Requirement No. 4-Source Controls Response: This project dces not meet the threshold of this requirement; therefore, no action is needed. Special Reguirement No. S-Oil Control Response: Petroleum storage and transfer may occur on the project. A coalescing plate oiUwater separator exists on-site to treat water prior to runoff entering the existing bioswale. 1 1 153.002.�a �KE}i/tepl � ! M�1 ' � � � � � � W H � � � w w O 0 M .} 3.0 OFF-SITE ANALYSIS , Please refer to the Level 1 and Level 3 analyses completed for the Kenworth truck plant by SSOE, Inc., for the off-site analysis. 1 I153.002.doc[KEH/tep] :� �_ , � PACCAFt TRANSMITTAL � TO: Dick Anderson 2 October 1989 Utility Systems Manager - City of Renton ' 200 Mill Ave. S. Renton, WA 98055 .f-1,,��-f-J� , �n�� �f� ' CC: Phil Gladfelter (w/o att. ) �11 � �{C-L � Cindy Rice - NBBJ d✓�'� � John Salathe (w/o att. ) File 7 .3 a�,�'gl, i FROM: Gary Ostle ; SUBJECT: STORM DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS ' Per your request, we have attached a copy of the storm drainage �� calculations that were the basis of the 28 June 1989 letter (also attached) on this subject - both from our engineering consultant, Anderson-Bjornstad-Kane-Jacobs Inc (ABKJ) . I Please feel free to contact Steve Wittman-Todd of ABKJ if you have any technicaZ questions conce�rning these calculations. , -' ���,1 � �J � , � �✓ !� G ,�� � � s ��� �� �� � ��� � - ��-- -- -- •��a� �ati�aau��u3 NO1N32i �0 JS.I� . � G � �� � �.� � ' � ��CI' U ` b � �r �� j�-S � 6,1. , (� � ��,� -s.c ��. ///� �� ' t . � *� t`I� - . / �� - __ '� �,- �� - " � � Y�`, ' 7. 3 � ANDERSEN �' ��`�� ' BJORNSTAD KAN E � JACOBS, INC. �,,,,EST� SE.o.-rr��.W,as�-�..�on,se„s CDtVSULTING ENGINEERS TE��=!�I�es-��es June 28, 1989 Mr. Gary Ostle PACCAR, INC. P.O. Box 1518 _ Bellevue, Washington 98009 Re: Proposed Renton Plant Site Drainage Dear Gary: As requested, we have found the two items of information that you requested. First, the design of the proposed 66" diameter drainage line down Garden Avenue North is based upon a 25 year storm event. This information is contained in the "North Renton Basin Interim Drainage Study to address DevaZopment West of I-405" dated May 1988. Second, we have studied the impact of the proposed Kenworth plant " on the public drainage system. In this study, we determined the current (pre-development) flows from the site for the 2 year, IO year, 25 year and 100 year storm event using a hydrograph analysis. We then determined the effect of limiting the storm water release � rate of the site aft�r development to the current flow for a two year storne. Our results are as follows: Storm Frequency $ reduction in flow 2 year No reduction 10 year 36$ - 2��ear 47$ 100 year 54� -ab �P� �..�,�„� ���.�.�` /�;���,� . � SEATTI.E t05 A1VGcLES ANCHOFnGE i � Mr. Gary Ostle � June 28, 1989 'I Page 2 of 2 We trust that this information is satisfactory for your use. If � you should have any questions, please call. , Sincerely, , RSEN BJORNSTAD RANE JACOBB, INC. I Leland S, Miesbauer, P.E. I Principal I SWT:ISM:slp � cc: SSOE Dick McAdams I, 1 �' � ANDERSEN BJORNSTAD KQNE JACOBS INC. LETTER OF TR 220 WEST HARRISON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98119 Phone(2061 285-1185 �} TU C, DATE: Z�o � JOB�I . D. ,S S RE: / �/ve Gv�2.. �'4D � ,arrr,: l,� ,�Y �S�L� WE ARE SENOING YOU �Attached O Under separate cover via _ O Shop Drawings O Prints O Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Speci c • � O Copy of letter � Change order " � ��- - - COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION .�- . - � C�� ; THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval � Approved as submitted O Resubmit copies for ap �For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distri _ �As requested � Returned fo�corrections � Return corrected prints _ . _. � � ❑ For review and comment O I � - . . � � FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER t .. �_ REMARKS �S� �//'�L:f,G�'-GZTI�bZ /�.Q � /.�2�i/� wid� �� �7'�� ZB,,��9 � .. �--- .... . COPY TO � SIGNED: ` !1 enclosures are not as noled,kindfy notily us at once_ � ( � . � ANDEASEN•BJORNSTAD•KANE•JACOBS,INC. ��EC7 Z-/^ c°rrsu�rn+c[Ncn� � BY � SEAT7LE.WA � NrC?fOHAGE.AK . � SUBJECT �T-�• �� .� /I��J �1u/��ir-ic�- �' .�.��s-� �i�-..�cG� 2� e?�-y.-�._. . /G - ��/J�t�//U � �� ' � . � I ��il.�ra�c.a- % 25• 9 � �o I r��.��. ' ss. � � l� I �.� - ,' . . � �.r��ic-u-� �s � 9'0 C�»�-'.�t,cri�~-w�- 7�,0� f� ����� y°.n� �'�t. ; To� ��za� �r ���-�c,��-�. c�'� Q�t.ea� U G�� ` �.�) s� Sf L 1 Z 5• 3 � Q �L" y�, _ � �- Q _ � ��� s ��� -!�—. �" - - � �, _ -- � 5� w� �� ANDERSEN•BJORNSTAD•KANE•JACOBS,INC. P�E� D �6 � �,�.W,. �„���, ,���.,� ��>'ll��� BY �.� . � SUB.IECT SHT.y0. / � ����� %��G� /���IC/!%���L'. /��� / GJ/� L `� � � rG�►l.Lr' t�%GG 'T�%"�- t�� 2�,.L , �P�, i .30. , vy� . r� ;�-�-, �� 9 , .�,i 3��� �� � Z� z .��3 30 / �7 � � � , � /� , , �-� �o,i .s�!- �d � � � ,���e.� �:s ,�s � ��-,%xu� — t��`�-Yr..�. Br�S;��rJ �I ��'� � , �1e ���� ����rJ 5;�e G�.�o�v� �r�1,��� , � , ; � SANTA BARBFRA URBAH HYDR06RAPN (SBUH1 ASXJ EN6IHEERS � RUNOFF HYDR06RAPH -- 24 HOUR STORM -1 �j� PROJECT: KENYORTH, aETENTION PQND CHECK, PREDEYfLCPtlENT bRTE: 5/89 EN6INEER:SkT TOT�+L AREA (ACAESI: 91.5 iOTAt RF4It�FALL iiN.1: 2 TIME Of CONCEN. (MIN.1: 14 STORM RETURN INTERVAL fYEAR51: 2 Qaax= 30.12 cfs PER'Ji0t1S AREA I�PERVI�IJS AREA N=161f2t� + 10)= d.263157 - AREa iACRES}: 15.9 ARER (ACRfS): 55.6 Ct!� . ?0 CII . 48 S . 1.11 S . 0.20 O.ZtS . 0.?: .2tS . 0.44 ?EP,YIDUS AREA IMPER9IQUS �REA TIME TIME X 0� INCRE- ACCU1�}- ACCU�U- INr_?E- ACCUIltt- INCRE- TOTAL INSTRHT DE5I6N IHTERYAL TOTAL MENTAt IATEL� LA7ED i1ENTAl LATED MEifT�L RUNUfF HYDRQ- NYDRO- RAINF�LL RAINFAlL fiAAlli�ALL RUNOFF RUNOFf AUNOfF RUNOFF 6RAPN 6RAFH IM. til. !N. IN, iN. IN. IN. CFS. CFS. 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230 10.40 20.03 8.61 16.24 42.51 0.3T1 - - --- -- -- - -- -- -- -_-- _- 240 10.85 21.25 9.i3 19.45 41.4b 0.361 250 11.14 2I.99 4.61 33.14 Si.94 0.40i 260 11.34 22.48 9.64 35.64 56.22 0.421 210 11.54 Z2.83 10.07 31.55 58.48 0.�41 280 i2.16 23.65 10.29 34.47 b1.20 0.4b1 290 13.06 25.12 l0.72 43,3T 64.69 0.501 300 13.55 26.b! 11.13 41.10 69.94 0.541 310 13.84 21.39 11.53 51.10 74.59 0.5B1 320 14.02 27.A6 11.92 55.03 78.96 0.611 330 14.15 18.18 1Z.24 58.97 83.2Q 0.661 340 14.86 19,01 12.65 b2.43 87.98 0.701 '' 350 iS.84 30.70 l3.00 b6.91 93.63 0.741 '' 3b0 1b.35 32.19 13.51 72.41 99.10 0.841 II 370 l6.63 32.94 14.04 18.94 105.89 0.8bI 380 1b.8I 33.44 14.32 81.9E 112.38 0.401 " II 390 16.92 33.13 14.b3 87.04 11b.72 0.941 400 18.87 35.79 15.09 93.15 112.83 1.001 410 2I.b8 40.55 15.b1 101.35 133.10 l.081 � 420 23.07 4�.75 1b.51 113.15 146.11 1.201 I 430 15.99 49.06 17.4� 218.35 1b2.81 1.341 440 29.b4 55.bi 18.57 147.33 181.98 1.521 450 39.11 68.85 20.08 175.15 216.19 1.181 , _s 4b0 61.42 IOQ..(i4 22.7T 224.89 275.79 2.281 •r� , � '41Q'-b8� 30.13 25.46 309.10 360.02 1.981 ,,�,,^ '� 484 �-� 123.35 28.36 S7b.95 432.4b 3.56�,..,--- � 440 41.34 45.98 19.53 41T.81 472.93 S.Bbl � " 500 32.79 74.13 24A4 �11.3f 486.4� 3.981 510 18 J5 61.54 �30.06 ' 414.13 468.95 <.�.001; 520 24.58 53.33 29.84 �22.47 483.01 3.941 � 330 10.34 ��.92 29.38 408.00 467.39 3.821 540 18.34 38.66 28.76 388.84 44b.bB 3.b61 S50 17.40 35.13 18.04 367.�1 424.58 3.481 Sb0 1b.95 34.35 Z7.31 346.29 401.82 3.341 570 16.�5 33.10 1b,b4 321.62 319.99 3.141 � 580 26.66 33.41 T5.96 309.14 361.03 T.981 590 1b.62 33.11 15.25 290.14 342.38 2.B21 600 1b.60 33.Z2 14.62 27�.74 323.9b 2.b8I 610 16.60 33.24 13,97 158.96 301.44 2.5�1 620 16.60 33.20 23.44 245.49 241.I7 T.411 630 16.61 33.21 Z2.82 232.11 T78.70 2.301 b40 15.82 32.43 22.32 221.02 2b4.54 2.241 650 i4.65 30.47 21 JO 101.60 25I.49 2.481 - - 660 14.10 ZB.75 21.07 144.61 236.Sb 1.961 670 13.B4 27.95 10.42 181.64 122.62 1.84I 680 13.72 21.5T 19.15 168.b9 209.?0 1.721 690 13.67 27.34 19.17 fS7.98 19b.09 l.b21 700 13.65 27.31 18.57 141.33 185.29 1.521 710 13.b4 27.28 18.06 138.87 114.62 1.4�I 720 13.b3 27.17 17.51 � I30.�5 i66.14 1.3b1 730 13.63 21.27 17.18 IT4.16 157.7Z 1.301 744 13.64 Z7.T1 16.78 111.91 IS1.43 1.2�1 750 13.64 27.28 16.38 111.67 145.18 1.181 7b0 12.89 26.53 15.96 105.47 138.21 1.121 770 11.74 Z4.69 15.53 99.38 130.1b 1.061 780 I1.27 23.07 15.04 93.15 121.37 1.001 790 11.03 22 30 1�.63 87.Q4 115.46 0.941 _ - ---- - - _ _ 800 l0.91 21.44 14.1b ea.46 108.99 0.881 810 10.86 21.T8 13.b8 14.91 IO2.74 0.821 820 10.84 21.70 13.34 70.90 9b.6i 0.781 830 10.83 2i.66 13.00 bb.91 92.56 0.74i 840 10.82 21.b5 12,b5 6T.93 88.55 0.101 850 10.82 21.64 12.19 58.97 84.57 O.bbi 860 10.82 21.b4 12.10 5b.44 80.61 O.b41 810 10.82 21.64 11.92 55.03 78.64 Q.621 880 10.47 21.30 11.12 53.Ob 76.32 O.b01 890 4.9b 2�.43 II.53 51.10 13.50 0.581 � 900 9.J2 14.68 i1.33 49.15 70.78 O.Sb! 910 4.60 19.32 11.13 �7.20 68.41 0.3�1 . 920 9.SS I9.15 10.93 45.26 66.35 0.521 ' ' 934 9.52 19.07 10.71 �3,32 b4.33 0.501 940 9.51 19.04 10.51 41.39 62.36 0.481 " 450 4.51 14.02 10.29 34.41 60.�1 0.461 460 9.51 19.02 I0.01 37.55 58.48 0.441 970 9.51 19.01 10.07 37.55 56.57 0.441 980 9.51 14.01 I4.01 31.55 56.57 0.44i 990 9.51 19.02 10.01 37.55 56.57 0.442 1000 9.01 18.52 9.94 35.b4 Sb.07 0.421 1410 9.27 11.28 9.b1 33.74 52.42 0.401 1420 7.92 16.14 4.37 31.84 49.93 0.381 � 1030 7.7b 15.bB 9.I3 29.45 47.52 0.361 1040 1.b8 15.44 8.88 18.07 45.39 0.341 � I050 7.64 15.32 6.62 2b.14 43.40 0.3Y1 " � 1460 1.63 15.27 8.36 24.34 �1.48 0.30i � 1070 1.b2 15.25 8.08 12.50 39.59 0,281 1080 1.62 15.24 8.08 Z2.50 31.73 0.281 l090 7.61 15.23 8.08 22.50 37.73 0.2B1 1100 7.61 l5.13 8.08 Z2.S0 37.72 0.281 1110 1.b1 l5.23 8.08 TZ.50 37.72 0.281 1110 7.b1 15.23 8.08 12.5d 37.13 0.281 . 1l30 7.62 15.13 B.QB 12.50 37.73 0.281 1140 7.62 15.23 8.08 Z2.50 37 J3 4.281 ' 1150 7.61 15.13 8.08 71.50 37.73 0.281 1160 1.62 15.23 8,08 TZ.SO 37.13 0.181 � 1170 1.62 l5.24 B.OB T2.50 37.73 0.281 1180 1.62 15.14 8.08 22.50 37.73 0.281 1190 7.62 15.24 8.06 21.50 37.13 0.281 1204 1.b2 15.24 B.OS 22.50 37.13 O.Z81 1210 1.62 15.24 8.08 22.50 � 37.74 0.281 � - 1220 7.62 15.14 8.08 22.54 37.74 0.281 1230 7.62 15.24 8.08 22.50 37.74 0.281 1240 T.62 15.24 8.08 22.50 37.14 0.281 1250 7.61 l5.2� 8.08 22.50 37.74 0.28f 1260 7.62 15.24 8.08 12.50 31.74 0.261 1274 I.b2 15.25 8.08 12.50 37.74 0.281 1280 7.62 15.T5 8.08 22.50 37.74 0.281 1290 1.b2 SS.TS 8.08 T2.50 37.74 0.281 1300 7.bZ 15.25 8.08 12.50 37.74 0.281 1310 7.63 15.25 8.08 21.54 37.75 0.281 1320 7.63 15.25 8.08 12.50 37.75 0.1B1 1330 1.b3 15.T5 8.08 Z2.50 37.75 0.281 I344 7.b3 15.25 8.09 21.50 37.75 9.281 2350 _ 7.63 15 25 ___ 9.OA �2.SQ_ 37.75__ 4.261 1360 1.b3 15.15 9.08 22.54 37.75 0.281 1370 7.63 1S.2b 8.08 Z2.50 37.15 0.28i 1380 7.b3 15.16 8.Q8 21.50 37.75 0.281 1390 7.b3 15.26 B.OA 22.50 37.15 0.281 1400 7.b3 iS.Tb 8.08 22.50 37.75 0.281 1410 7.b3 13.26 B.08 22.50 37.75 0,281 1420 7.b3 15.26 8.08 1T.50 37.Ib 0.281 1430 7.63 15.2b 8.08 22.50 37.16 0.281 1440 S.b2 13.15 7.80 20.6b 35.75 0.2b2 1�50 2.bb 6.T9 6.88 15.23 28.4f 0.201 i460 1.2b 3.92 5.41 B.25 14.15 0.121 I470 0.60 1.86 3.15 2.84 I0.11 0.062 � I�80 0.28 0.88 1.46 -4.11 3.68 0.4i7 l440 0.13 4.42 4.34 -O.Z3 0.24 0.001 l540 0.06 4.14 0.00 0.00 -0.03 0.000 " 1510 0.03 0.04 0.34 -4.13 0.09 O.OQ1 1520 0.01 4.04 0.00 Q.00 -O.I9 0.000 1764.04 1783.57 STEP STA6E STORA6E Ql1TFLQii ZiS/DEL T STA6E STfP - .�. .o• + a FT CF CfS CF5 FT 1 0.000 0 0.04 8.00 O.OQO I 1 0.002 b3 0.61 0.98 0.002 2 " 3 0.404 126 0.45 1.37 0,004 3 � O.00b 189 l.16 1.79 0.006 4 5 0.408 251 1.34 2.18 0.408 S b 0.014 3i4 1.50 1.53 0.010 b 7 0.41Z 377 1.64 2.40 0.012 1 8 0.014 440 1.18 3.24 0.014 B 4 0.016 503 1.90 3.5@ 0.015 9 10 4.018 56b T.O1 3.40 0.018 10 � 11 0.020 b29 Z.12 4.2Z 0.020 lf 12 Q.025 786 Z.37 4.49 O.OZS 12 !3 4.030 443 Z.bO 9.74 0.030 13 !4 0.035 1101 2.81 6.48 0.035 14 15 0.044 1259 3.00 1.10 4.040 I5. ib 4.045 1416 3.18 1.90 4.045 16 17 0.050 2573 3.36 8.60 0.050 17 16 0.055 1731 3.52 9.14 4.055 18 - - 19 U.060 1898 3.b8 4.97 O.ObO 19 24 O.ObS 204b 3.83 10.65 0.065 ZO 11 0.070 2203 3.97 11.32 0.070 2I TZ 0.075 236I 4.11 1I.98 0.475 12 23 0.080 2519 4.25 12.64 d.080 23 24� 0.10 315Q 4.75 15.25 0.10 24 25 0.12 3781 5.10 - 11.80 O.IT 25 26 0.14 4�14 S.bZ 20.33 O.I4 26 27 0.16 5046 6.00 21.83 0.16 27 28 0.18 5680 b.37 T5.30 0.18 18 29 0.20 b314 b.11 21.7b 0.20 29 30 0.22 b948 7.04 30.20 0.22 30 31 O.Z4 7583 7.35 32.63 0.24 31 __ 32 0.2b 8214 1.65 35.03 0.1b 32 33 0.28 8855 7.44 37.46 0.28 33 34 0.30 9492 8.2Z 34.A6 0.30 34 3S 0.32 l0229 8.49 �T.2b 0.32 35 ' 3b 0.34 107b1 8.75 4�,64 0.34 36 � 37 0.3b 11406 9.01 47.03 0.3b 37 �i 38 0.38 12045 9.15 14.�0: 0.38 38 I 39 0.40 iZ6B5 9.49 51.78 0.40 39 44 0.42 13315 9 J3 54.1� 0.42 44 � �1 0.44 139b6 9.9b 56.51 0.44 41 _ 42 4.4b 14b07 10.18 58.87 0.4b 42 43 0.48 15249 10.40 b1.13 0.48 43 �4 0.50 15891 10.62 b3.59 0.50 44 � 45 0.52 16535 10.83 b5.94 0.52 45 i6 0.54 17178 11.03 68.29 0.54 46 47 0.5b 11823 11.23 70.64 0.56 47 " 48 4.58 18467 11.43 11.99 4.58 4B 44 Q.bO 19113 ll.b3 75.34 O.bO 49 50 0.62 14754 11.82 77.b8 O.b2 50 S1 O.b4 20�05 12.01 80.03 0.64 51 52 O.bb Y1053 12.10 82.37 0.66 52 53 4.68 21700 12.38 84.71 0.68 53 54 0.10 22344 12.56 BI.Ob 0.70 54 55 0.72 12498 12.14 89.40 0.12 55 Sb 0.74 23647 11.91 91.7� 0.1� 5b 57 0.76 Z4297 13.09 94.08 0.76 57 , SB 0.78 14948 13.T6 96.41 0.18 58 " 59 0.80 25599 13.43 99.16 O.BO 59 d0 O.B2 26251 13.59 101.10 0.82 64 bl 0.84 2b403 13.76 103,4� 0.84 61 b1 O.Bb 21556 13.9T 105.76 O.B6 62 � b3 0.88 28210 I4.08 108.12 0.88 b3 b4 0.90 T6864 I4.T4 110.45 0.90 b4 b5 4.92 24514 i4.44 1I2.79 0.92 b5 bb 0.94 30174 14.55 1I5.13 0.94 bb bl 0.96 30834 14.11 lll.�8 Q.96 b7 b8 0.48 3I486 14.86 114.82 0.98 68 64 1.00 32143 15.01 122.1b 1.00 69 70 1.02 32801 13.16 124.50 1.02 10 11 1.04 33459 15.31 126.84 1.0� 71 � 12 1.Ob 34118 15.�6 124,lB 1.06 72 73 I.08 34718 15.60 131.53 1.4fl 73 � 7� 1.10 3543A 15 J� 133.87 1.10 74 - - '� 15 1.12 3b048 15.89 13b,21 1.I2 75 7b 1.14 3b759 ib.03 138.56 1.14 76 77 l.lb 37421 16.17 140.91 l.lb 77 � 18 1.18 38084 1b.31 143.15 1.18 78 14 1.20 38147 16.44 145.b0 1.20 79 ' 80 1.Z2 34410 16.58 147,95 1.22 80 81 1.24 4007� 1b.72 - 150.30 1.2� B1 �, 82 1.26 40734 16.B5 151.65 1.Tb 82 I 83 1.28 41404 1b.98 155.00 1.28 83 84 1.30 �2070 11.12 1S1.3S 1.30 84 I 85 1.32 42737 17.25 154.70 1.3T 85 8b l.34 43404 17.38 1b2.Ob 1.34 Bb B7 1.36 44072 17.51 16�.41 1.3b 87 I __ _ _ @8 1.38 44740 Il.b4 1b6.11 1.38 88 89 1.40 �5409 11 J6 1b9.12 1.40 89 I 40 1.42 4b078 11.89 171.48 1.42 9U 91 1.44 �6148 18.41 113.84 1.44 91 92 1.4b 41419 18.14 176.10 1.4b 42 � 93 1.48 18090 18.26 118.56 1.48 93 94 1.50 481b2 18.39 IB0.43 1.50 94 95 1.51 49434 18.51 183.24 1.52 95 46 1.54 50108 18.63 185.b5 1.54 96 91 t.56 50181 I8.15 188.42 1.56 97 98 1.58 51455 18.87 I90.39 1.58 98 99 1.b0 52130 18.99 141.Tb 1.b0 99 , 104 1.62 52806 19.11 195.13 1.6Z 100 -t 101 1.64 53481 19.22 197.SQ 1.b4 141 ' 102 l.bb 5�158 19.34 149.81 l.bb 102 203 1.b8 5�836 l9.46 241.24 1.b8 103 - 10� 1.70 55513 14.57 204.b2 1.70 104 105 1.1T 56192 14.69 206.99 1.12 !05 lOb 1.J� 56811 14.80 209.37 1.74 106 !O7 1.7b 57551 19.91 T11J5 1Jb 107 ', 149 1.78 58231 20.03 21�.13 1.78 108 109 1.80 58912 20.14 216.51 i.@0 109 110 1.82 59543 24.25 218.90 1.82 110 ill l.84 b0275 20.3b 221.2A 1.84 lii 112 I.86 b0958 20.47 213.b1 1.86 112 ' !I3 1.88 61b41 24.56 T2b.05 1.88 113 114 1.90 623T5 24.b9 T18.44 1.40 114 � 115 1.92 b3049 10.80 230.83 1.92 115 I llb 1.9� d3b94 10.91 233.22 1.9� 116 � 117 1.46 b4380 21.02 235.62 1.96 117 118 1.48 b506d 21.12 Z38.01 1.98 1!8 'I lI9 2.00 b5753 11.23 140.41 2.00 114 120 2.02 b6441 21.34 242.80 2.02 120 � I21 2.04 b7129 T1.44 245.Z0 2.04 121 !22 2.06 67817 21.55 2�7.b0 1.06 122 - 123 2.08 68507 21.b5 250.41 2.OB I23 1Z4 2.10 b9197 21.75 151.�1 2.10 124 , 125 2.22 b9887 Z1.8b 154.81 2.11 125 ' 126 1.1� 70578 11.9b 251.22 2.14 126 1T7 Z.lb 11270 ZZ.Ob 254.b3 Z.ib 127, 1Z8 2.18 71962 2T.16 162.04 2.18 128 124 2.20 11655 22.27 264.45 2.20 129 130 2.Z2 73349 22.37 266.Bb 2.2Z 130 - - 131 2.24 74043 T2.�7 Tb9.28 2.24 13t 132 2.26 14738 Z1.51 171.69 1.2b 232 133 2.28 15433 12.b7 27�.11 2.28 133 134 2.30 761T9 22.17 Db.53 2.30 134 135 2.32 76826 Z2.87 T78.95 1.32 13S 13b 1.34 77523 22.96 281.37 2.34 I36 137 1.3b 78221 T3.Ob T83.80 2.36 137 138 1.38 78919 23.1b 286.22 2.38 138 139 2.�0 19bi8 23.1b 188.b5 2.40 139 144 2.42 80318 13.35 291.48 1.42 140 241 2.44 81018 23.45 293.51 1.4� 141 141 2.46 81719 23.35 245.94 1.�6 142 143 2.48 81411 13.b1 298.38 2.48 143 144 2.50 83123 Z3.74 300.H1 2.50 144 T45 �5� ��Z6 . . Z.52-i�� --- 146 2.54 845T9 23.93 305.b9 2.54 146 147 1.5b 85233 24.02 308.13 1.56 147 148 1.58 85437 24.11 310.51 2.SB 148 149 2.60 86b�3 14.11 323.02 2.b0 149 150 1.b2 87349 24.30 315.�b 2.b2 150 !S1 2.64 88055 14.39 317.91 1.64 151 152 2.66 881bZ 24.48 320.3b 2.b6 152 153 2.b8 89170 T4.58 322.81 2.68 153 , 154 1,14 90178 24.b1 313.1b 2.10 154 155 2.12 90881 24.76 311.71 2.72 155 15b Z.1� 91596 24.85 330.17 2.1� 156 � 157 2.16 91301 �4.94 331.63 2.76 157 � 158 2.78 430I7 25.03 335.09 2.78 158 154 2.80 93729 25.12 337.55 2.80 154 160 2.82 94441 15.21 3�0.01 2.82 164 lbl 1.64 45153 T5.30 342.48 2.84 161 162 2.8b 95867 15,39 34�.94 2.8b 162 163 2.88 96581 25.49 347.41 2.B8 Ib3 lb4 T.90 97295 25.56 349.88 2.90 164 !b5 1.42 98010 15.b5 35Z.35 2.92 1b5 166 1.94 98726 25.14 354.83 2.94 lbb lb1 Z.Y6 94442 T5.83 337.30 2.9b lb7 168 1.46 1OQ159 25.91 359.18 2.98 168 164 3.40 100877 26.00 361.26 3.00 169 � 110 3.02 101595 16.OR 3b4.74 3.02 170 � 171 3.04 102314 25.17 361.11 5.04 171 172 3.06 103034 26.16 3b9.11 3.Ob 172 173 3.08 103T54 16.35 312.19 3.08 113 174 3.10 1OM15 26.43 374.66 3.t0 114 115 3.12 10519b 26.52 317.11 5.12 175 i7b 3.14 105918 2b.b0 379.bb 3.14 17b 177 3.16 106641 26.b9 382.15 3.1b 177 178 3.18 107364 26.77 384.65 3.18 178 119 3.20 l08088 2b.85 367.15 3.20 114 180 3.Z2 108812 26.94 384.65 3.22 180 � 181 3.24 104537 27.02 391.15 3.24 181 18Z 3.26 110T63 21.10 394.65 3.26 182 183 3.28 110940 27.19 347.15 3.28 I83 184 3.30 111711 17.Z7 399.bb 3.30 184 185 3.32 112444 27.35 402.11 3.32 I85 i8b 3.34 113173 27.44 404.68 3.34 186 181 3.36 113402 27.52 �07.19 3.3b 187 18B S.3H II4b31 17.60 409.10 3.38 188 189 3.40 1153b1 T1.68 411.12 3.40 184 190 3.�2 11b042 T7.7b �14.74 3.42 190 191 3.44 i1b82� 27.8� 417.1b 3.�4 191 192 3.46 11T356 17.92 414.1B 3.�6 192 193 3.48 118288 28.00 41Z.30 3.48 193 � 194 3.50 119022 28.08 42�.82 3.50 144 195 3.52 119756 2B.lb �17.35 3.32 19S 24b 3.34 120490 29.24 �19.88 3.5� 19b 197 5.56 I2121b 28.32 43T.�1 3.56 197 198 3.58 1219b2 28.40 434.94 3.58 199 149 3.64 122b98 28.48 437.48 3.b4 199 _____ 200 3.b2 1Z3435 _ 28.56 444.01__ 3.b2 200 _ 101 3.64 114173 28.64 441.55 3.64 201 202 3.66 12l912 18.1T 4�3.04 3.66 T02 203 3.b8 12565! Z8.90 447.b3 3.68 203 104 3.70 126390 18.88 450.19 5.70 104 205 3.72 127131 26.95 452.12 3.72 245 206 3.74 227812 29.03 �S5.2J 3.14 246 207 3.16 l28b1S 29.11 457.82 3.1b 207 108 1.18 129356 29.19 4b4.3J 3.78 208 204 3.80 130099 19.2b 4b2.93 3.80 109 110 3.B2 13084T 29.3� 4bS.�A 3.82 210 211 3.84 13158b 24.42 4b8.0� 3.84 211 212 3.86 132331 24.49 410.b4 3.86 212 � � T13 3.88 133077 24.57 �13.16 3.88 21S 214 3.90 1336Z3 29.b5 �75.72 3.90 11� 225 3.42 134510 Z9.12 418.29 3.92 115 �" 21b 3.44 135311 29.B0 �80,85 3.94 216 217 3.96 13b465 29.81 483.42 3.46 217 � 218 3.98 1Sb814 29.95 185.99 3.98 21A 119 4.00 137563 30.02 4B8.57 4.00 219 220 �.02 138313 30.10 491.14 �.02 120 2Z1 4.04 1394b4 30.17 493.72 4.44 221 222 4.06 139815 30.25 496.30 4.06 212 , T23 4.08 140567 30.32 498.88 4.08 ZZ3 �I 224 4.10 141319 30.44 501.46 4.10 T24 ' 225 4.12 14�413 30.�7 504.05 4.1� T25 Z2b 4.1� 142827 30.54 506.b3 �.14 226 " 227 4.1b 14358I 30.6Z 509.22 �.16 217 j Z29 �.18 14433b 30.69 511.81 4.18 • 218 , 224 4.20 145092 30.77 514.41 4.Z0 T24 T30 4.T2 145648 30.84 511.04 l.T2 Y30 231 4.24 14bb06 30.91 514.60 �.24 23I I 232 �.2b 1�73b3 30.48 57I.24 4.16 132 ' 233 4.28 148122 31.Ob 524.80 4.28 Z33 234 4.3d . 146891 31.13 ST7.40 �.30 234 T35 4.32 149b�0 3I.20 530.00 �.32 235 236 4.34 150441 31.21 532.61 4.34 Z36 137 4.3b 152162 31.35 535.22 4.3b 137 - 238 4.38 151423 31.42 537.83 4.38 238 239 4.40 152b86 31.49 540.44 4.40 234. 240 4.42 153449 31.56 543.Ob 4.4Z 240 241 �.f4 154212 31.b3 545.b7 4.44 141 Z42 4.46 154976 31.70 548.�9 4.4b 242 Z43 �.48 155741 31.77 550.91 4.48 143 244 4.50 15b507 31.85 553.54 4.50 244 145 4.52 157273 31.42 SS6.16 4.52 245 24b 4.54 158040 31.99 558.79 4.54 146 147 , 4.56 158808 32.Ob Sb1.42 4.5b 141 248 4.58 159516 32.23 , SW.OS 4.58 2�8 249 4.60 1b0345 32.20 � 566.68 4.60 149 250 �.62 1b1114 32.27 Sb9.31 4.b2 250 Z51 4.64 lbl@84 3Z.34 571.45 4.b4 131 � T52 4.b6 16Z655 3T.�1 574.54 4.66 19Z 253 4.b8 163�26 52.48 577.23 4.b8 253 254 �.10 16�149 52.55 579.87 �.10 254 255 4.12 164971 32.61 582.5T 4.72 155 25b �.74 1bS115 3Z.68 585.17 4.1� 256 -- - ---------- - 257 4.16 16b519 32.15 SB1.81 4.1b 251 Z58 4.78 167Z44 32.82 590.47 4.18 15B 254 4.80 1b8069 32.89 593.12 1.80 259 160 4.82 168845 32.96 595.17 4.82 Tb0 261 4.84 1696T2 33.03 598.43 4.84 1b1 262 4.8b 110349 33.04 b01.04 4.Bb 1b2 2b3 4.88 111117 33.16 b03.75 4.88 263 26� �.40 171956 33.23 b06.42 1.40 2d1 165 �.92 172735 33.30 609.48 4.92 265 t . ; � ' Zbb 4.9� 1135I5 33.37 611.15 4.9� 26b j Zbl 4.96 17419b 33.43 614.42 4.4b 267 2b8 4.49 115417 33.50 611.04 4.98 268 �� 269 5.00 175859 33.57 b14.17 5.00 Z64 ' 210 5.02 176b41 33.63 612.44 S.OZ 210 . � i __1 . +� rylJ��- �I �� . INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION - ��, - � CORPORATE MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING i 9 September 1991 � I T�: Dick Ande� r��n - Renton Gregg �7-�ntmerman - Renton , Bob Butler - PACCAR cc: Hank Kiefer (w/o attachment) � Dick Bangert (w/o attachment) , Bill Stalzer (w/o attachment} FROM: Roger Lohmolder SUBJECT : PRELIMINARY KENWORTH PLANT SITE DRAINAGE PLAN _ II Attached is a copy of the preliminary site drainage plan for the ; . Kenworth plant, as prepared by SSOE. The impact of the of the current downstream study being conducted by Entranco will be incorporated into the drainage plan when. the results are known. CAT. NO.4487 KET�iWQRT�-i TRUCK PLANT ' ; SSOE.JOB NO 915011 . .: :: ;RENTON, �1fASHINGTON ;: ;: _ SEPTII�ISER 6, 1.991 : DRAFT DRAINAGE REPORT I � FOR ', �� KENWORTH TRUCK PLANT OR RENTON, WASHINGTON PREPARED BY SSOE INC. , -"� � SEPTEMBER 6, 1991 �I GENERAL: II This project proposes to construct a new truck manufacturing on the northern 40 acres of the PACCAR defense syskems site in north Renton as shown in figure 1. The building will include manufacfuring facilities, of6ce facilities, and support facilities to support the manufacturing operation. Parking for visitors and employees, outdoor storage, truck parking, storm water treatment and detention facilities are proposed as part of the siEe improvements. The new development will signi�cantly increase the amount of impervious area from the current condition and consequently will require storm water runoff control facilities. As expiained in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), there is some contaminaEion of the soiLs and groundwaEer at the site. This condition may require the use of special remediation techniques during construction as described in the FEIS. In addition,�depressions such as detention ponds wil( need to be lined to preclude groundwater from entering the storm water system. Similarly, pipes will be gasketed to eliminate leakage. ' CORE REQUIREMENTS: Core Requirement #1: Discharge at the Natural Location - - The project will discharge storm water to the existing drainage system at the intersection at Garden Avenue North and 8th Avenue I�Torth. The connection to the existing system is being upgraded under a utility permit from the City of Renton. Core Requirement #2 Offsite Analysis A level 1 analysis has been conducted at this time with a Ieve13 analysis planned to start immediately. The upstream drainage area has been reviewed and the downstream drainage system has been observed for 1/4 mile downstream from the project site. The observations of the level 1 analysis are summarized below. Upstream Drainage�ystem: Currently, a 50 acre offsite drainage area southeast of the site drains through Ehe projecE area. In addition, the south 40 acres of the site currently drains through the project location. However,condiEional permits have been granted for two bypass lines to convey these drainage areas around the perimeter of the site. Consequently, no offsite storm water wili enter the storm drainage sysfem for the project. 1 , ;, ;<:.... . ` -' < >. ..+ ICE�p�TH TRUCK PLANZ ' ; SSOE OB NO. 915U11 . , RENTON, NIASHINGTON ' . > : SEPTEMBER 6,1991.::.:_ Downstream Drainage System: The downstream drainage system is a piped conveyance system that flows north in Garden Avenue North. Starting at the intersection of Sth Avenue North and Garden Avenue North there is 383 feet oE 48" diameter pipe at an adverse slope followed by 409 feet of 48" diameter pipe. The remainder of the pipe within 1/4 mile of the site is 54" diameter pipe. Just beyond '/+ mile, a 72" diameter deEention pipe paralleLs the pipe in Ehe public system_ There is no visible evidence of flooding within 1/4 mile of Ehe site. However, based upon historical knowledge and discussions with officiaLs at the City of Renton there is roadway flooding within the downstream drainage areas and adjacent to the project siEe during major storm events. Core Requirement #3: Runoff Controt The development will increase the amount of impervious area aE the si#e and consequently will require runoff control facilities. The existing site conditions are those that existed in July of 1991 before any existing foundations, paving or pervious areas were disturbed. Figure 2 shows the subbasins wikhin the project site. Hydrological calculations showing the runoff rates of the existing site for the 2, 10 and 100 year storms are included in appendix A.These are the same calculation provided with the north site grading pian permit application. The level 3 downstream study will quantify the significance of downstream impacts. Storm water at the site comes from three primary sources: the employee parking lot, #he manufacturing building roof and the Eruck plant yard area. Biofiltration is not required for runoff from the roof. Storm water from the parking lot will be treated using fiIter strips prior ko collection into a piped system. Catch basins will be equipped with"goose neck" oil/water separators. Storm waEer from the yard area will be treated using a . bio�iltration swale and oil/water separator prior to being conveyed to the detention pond. The detention pond will have an impervious liner to preclude the entrance of potentially contaminated groundwater into the pond. Concrete slabs and walls will be provided to protect the liner and to resist hydrostatic pressures. 2S% of the pond perimeter will be a vegetated slope pianted over the concrete slab. Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System The conveyance system will be designed to the standards of the King County Surface Water Design Manual. Conceptually, the parking lot conveyance system will consist of overland flow from the parking lot to the filter strips: Water from the filter strips will be collected in a ditch and directed to a piped system to the detention facility. Storm water from the truck plant yard area will be conveyed overland to a series of trench drains and directed to the _ 2 . ... . .:. _ . _ .-_ - . .. ..�. J .. . K��I�It�]�T�TRtICK PLANT ; SSOE.JO� NO: 9150i1 r� ..-�TR�N'FOi�t�-�I�SHINGTON SEPTEMBER 6,19 .:.'.`�' ;;<;::. x s _<-;, 91 .::,:: i� � r � �i � v' ...�,.. •'.:;r..<� .... . . .f....;�...:.,s.5;..'��:>::a:':-.:, ? �- �c 6 —..:::k:;.:•-'..�::::�:'.::::�:;:.::�:_::�..�. .,r._. � -: .'. '� _ '..:f;�i.t �: .' �'� .:..::•-:�:.:.::..:. � � biofiltration swale and detention pond. Trench drains will be utiiized to minimize the fall required for the drainage system. Core Requirement #5: Erosion and SedimenEation Control Plan The sedimenEation control facilities and grading developed for the NorEh site grading plans (which are currently under permit review) wiil be utilized to control offsite migraEion of sediments during construction. A copy of the north site grading plans will be incIuded for reference to the contractor constructing the truck plant improvements. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Special Requirement #1: Critical Drainage Areas This requirement is not applicable. Special Requirement #2: Compliance with an Existing Master Drainage Plan This requirement is not applicable. Special Requirement #3: Conditions requiring a Master Drainage Plan � The project does not meet any of the conditions for a Master Drainage Plan, hence the requirement is not applicable. Special Requirement #4: Adopted Basin or Community Plans This requirement is not appticable. Special Requirement #5: Special Water Quality Controls � This requirement is not applicable. Special Requirement #b: Coalescing Plate Oil/Water Separator PeEroleum storage and transfer will occur in the yard area of the plant. Consequently,a coalescing plate oil/water separator will be provided prior to the biofiltration swale. , — -----�p��i . -E�ose�i-H�p�sians — _ This requirement is noY applicable. Special Requirement #8: Use of Lakes,Wetlands or Closed Depressions for Peak Rate Runoff Control This requirement is not applicable. 3 _: , , . ..,: ; , K�T�WOK'�'H T�ZUCK I'X.ANT SSOE JUB NO.915b11 ,,:KEI�T(�L�,. tiVASHINGTON ; `> '. , 5EPT�MB�R 6, I991 :%�.':>; >;:,,> :..:.. <.;:,..: :.;.:::, .:...;: ,.. > ; � Special Requirement #9: Delineation of 100 Year Floodplain - This requirement is noE applicable. Special Requirement #10: Flood Protection Facilities for Type 1 and 2 Streams This requirement is not applicable. Special Requirement #11: GeoEechnical Analysis and Report The detention pond will be located in level area and consequentiy does not require a geotechnical report. Special Requirement ##12: Soils AnaIysis and Report The soil investigations for the site remediation provide sufficient information to perform the hydrological investigations necessary. 4 � zw �..� ' �: cc -;,€,,, . .�j'� _.�`• ..�"�'t�.�:._--�; y, - - � ��..,tx,--; . ;,` . r � � ,� — _ \ '.G.�':.1= Y y`t; f , . - � � �. -`�'1� :iy _ � f ' f� r . �.w `Y' / �.. �� F:��.�... ,y i�� �- � s„_ t ��)-� � [�� -.�. t � ' •�/�l. T�_• --- . Y� --f - � w.. i" \.! ,�,�r��i'=lw�•_ �-_ � �, _ --, � ,....��t Ml . �. ,. . �.. f. �..` ^� r•-�•`' -- -�' —� ' :- 'a �; .= 1'= � � -� '� '�+' ' . i �r ,�� .l' � , Yi `�- •.� 7 �j.� r�7- �J� � "'� Yt6 ",� �, � " l�_�, ��• ►1.�\•• -• . � �. Fy f� S _ , - - "�"�� .�: i :t '-' .+: :C_c �� � \•- �, ! .i t. .��� i� � � . . •-rr �':` 's x s.. �..�..A.. �� ��ji %'�-'�+- -�: a � '�= � «1• '— y�4i� 'u�'LT . �' .,S , \ � 'i�. �;* : �' f11111(1 � r �=-''•�f _ , .� . �T..� =M• . 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B-'� y: , I ` ' I � � —B�I►� 3 A perv = 1a. 24' f1c• _..BAYSI � lo•6 Ac. , A p•rv = �}.2Ac A,n,p.�v= 4•84 Ac.. � A�r,,,�= 7• 3 Ac � f-` �MpCN= O AG -- T � �o H��. / rT - z9 M,N. � TT = �8 M,r� � � / � � � � , � � � � � � � � � � - - - � � � 1 1 l ------- 1 J sov-rH pRo�cr uHrrs ---- -.-------H Y DRo�o U ' c�L 6a51 NS-- - -- (" = 200� . �� (�1�� V FI U�RE 2 i I � X I � Q Z ' W � p� R.� � ' I , � SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP N STORM OPTIONS: Q�v�" ����-vL ;S.C.S. TYPE-lA y �� ( - 7-DAY DESIGN STORM 3 - STORM DATA FILE SPECIFY STORM OPTION: 1 S.C.S. TYPE-lA RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION ENTER: FREQ(YEAR) , DURATION(HOUR) , PRECZP(INCHES) 2, 24, 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 2-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2 .00" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 4 . 2,89,0,98,78 . 3 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA ACRES PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC MINU�ES (7 ` , A CN A CN ` l� _ 4 .2 4 .2 89.0 .0 98 . 0 78 .3 j PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) --=' - .45 8 .17 15480 ENTER [d: ] [pathJfilename[ .extJ FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: B:HYD2-2 � FILE ALREADY EXIST; OVERWRITE (Y or N} ? __�CIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP C ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 2 _ 10.8,89,7 .3 , 98,28. 7 - DATA PRINT-OUT: �` ,_,,. �' AREA(ACRES} PERVIOUS ZMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 18 .1 10 .8 89.0 7. 3 98 . 0 28 .7 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) 4. 39 7 .83 86850 ENTER [d: J [path]filename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: B:HYD2-2 FILE ALREADY EXIST; OVERWRITE (Y or N) ? Y _SPECIFY: _C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, _P - PRINT, S - STOP � � - - - -- - -- --- ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 3 1Q.24, 89,4 .84, 98 , 60. 2 DATA PRINT-O[IT: I AREA(ACRES) P�ERVIOCN IM�PERVIONS TC(MINUTES) II 15 . 1 10 . 2 89 . 0 4 . 8 98. 0 60. 2 � PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) 2 . 49 8 . 00 68663 ENTER [d: ] [path)filename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: B:HYD3-2 FILE ALREADY EXIST; OVERWRITE (Y or N) ? Y I $CIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP � STORM OPTIONS: I 1 - S.C. S. TYPE-lA 2 - 7-DAY DESIGN STORM 3 - STORM DATA FILE SPECIFY STORM OPTION: 1 S.C.S. TYPE-lA RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION ENTER: FREQ(YEAR) , DURATION(HOUR) , PRECIP(INCHES) 10, 24, 2 .9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************** S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 10-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 2.90" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 4 . 2 , 89 , 0, 98, 78 .3 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVZOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 4 . 2 4 .2 89. 0 . 0 98. 0 78 . 3 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) � .88 8 .00' 27245 'ER [d: ] [path]filename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: HYD1-IO SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP C _ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 2 4 . 2 ,89,0,98, 78 . 3 � _ � � � � DATA PRINT-OUT:_�---- _ __ ------.___ C}�M'-.x: `�.1 c v�'' . f-- _"�___�, AREA S) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) � A CN A CN -� �`' 4 . 2 4 .2 89.0 .0 98.0 78.3 � PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) .88 8.00 _ 27245 ENTER [d: ] [path]filename[ .ext) FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: B:HYD1-10 FILE ALREADY EXIST; OVERWRITE (Y or N) ? �-- - -- -- - - ENTER [d: j [path]filename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: B:HY1-10 SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP C ---------------------------------------------------------------------- � ER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 3 � 8, 89, 7 . 3 , 98 , 28 .7 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 18 . 1 10.8 89.0 7. 3 98 . 0 28.7 pEp�K-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) 7. 33 7.83 140650 �R [d: ] [path]filename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: nz�-10 SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP C ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV) , CN{PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN{IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. �� 10. 24, 89,4 .84, 98, 60.2 � ��shr" DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) � A CN A CN ' 15. 1 10. 2 89 . 0 4.8 98 . 0 0.2 ' PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) 4.27 8.00 112849 ENTER [d: ) [path)filename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: B:HY3-10 SPECIFY: C - COPZTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP N STORM OPTIONS: 1 - S.C.S. TYPE-lA 2 - 7-DAY DESIGN STORM 3 - STORM DATA FILE ;CFY STORM OPTION: S.C.S. TYPE-lA RAINFALL DZSTRIBUTION ENTER: FREQ(YEAR) , DURATION(HOUR) , PRECIP(INCHES) _ 100, 24,3 .9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ******�************* S.C.S. TYPE-lA DISTRIBUTION ******************** ********* 100-YEAR 24-HOUR STORM **** 3 .90" TOTAL PRECIP. ********* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV) , CN (PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 1 4. 2 , 89,0,98,78 .3 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 4 .2 4 . 2 89 . 0 .0 98. 0 78.3 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) 1.39 8 .00 41061 ENTER [d: J [pathJfilename[ .extJ FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: B:HY1-100 SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP C ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASiN NO. 2 " " 89, 7 . 3, 98, 28 . 7 L----, PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 18 . 1 10 . 8 89 . 0 7 . 3 98 . 0 28 .7 pEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL(CU-FT) 10.70 7. 83 202731 �ER [d: ] [path)f ilename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: ,.��-100 SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP C ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER: A(PERV) , CN(PERV) , A(IMPERV) , CN(IMPERV) , TC FOR BASIN NO. 3 20.24 , 89,4.84, 98, 60. 2 DATA PRINT-OUT: AREA(ACRES) PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TC(MINUTES) A CN A CN 15.1 10. 2 89 . 0 4 .8 98 . 0 60. 2 PEAK-Q(CFS) T-PEAK(HRS) VOL{CU-FT) 6.34 8. 00 164043 ENTER [d: ) [path]f ilename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: B:HY3-100 SPECIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWSTORM, P - PRINT, S - STOP P HYDROGRAPH DATA PRINT-OUT: T(HRS) Q(CFS) T(HRS) Q{CFS) T(HRS) Q(CFS) T(HRS) Q(CFS) .00 . 00 6. 50 2 .00 13 . 00 2 . 26 -19 . 50 1. 37 .17 .00 6. 67 2 . 15 13. 17 2. 20 19.67 1. 36 .33 .00 6 .83 2 . 36 13.33 2. 15 19 .83 1. 36 .50 .00 ?. 00 2.55 13.50 2. 11 20.00 1. 36 .67 .02 7. 17 2 .82 13 . 67 2.08 20. 17 1. 36 .83 . 03 7. 33 3 . 15 13 . 83 2 . 05 20. 33 1. 36 1.00 . 05 7. 50 3 .80 14. 00 2 . 02 20. 50 1. 36 1.17 .08 7. 67 5. 19 24. 17 2 . 00 20. 67 - 1.35 1.33 . 10 7.83 6. 24 14. 33 1. 98 20.83 1. 35 1.50 .12 8 . 00 6. 34 14.50 1.97 21.00 1. 35 1.67 .15 8. 17 6. 10 14.67 1. 94 21. 17 1. 35 1.83 . 18 8 . 33 5.80 14.83 1.90 21.33 1. 35 2.00 .21 8 . 50 5.55 15. 00 1. 86 21.50 1. 35 2 .17 .24 8. 67 5. 23 15. 17 1.83 21. 67 1. 35 , 2.33 � .27 8.83 4 .65 15.33 1.81 21.83 1. 35 2 .50 .30 9 .00 4 .53 15.50 1.78 22 . 00 1. 35 2.57 .34 9 . 17 4 .26 15. 67 1.77 22 . 17 1. 35 2.83 .39 9 .33 4 . 04 15.83 1. 75 22. 33 1. 35 3 .Oa .44 9.50 3 . 84 16. 00 1.74 22.50 1. 35 3 .17 .49 9 . 67 3 . 68 16. 17 1. 73 22 . 67 1. 36 3 .33 .54 9.83 3 . 55 16.33 1. 72 22. 83 1. 36 3 .50 .59 10.00 3 . 44 16.50 1.71 23 . 00 1. 36 3 .67 . 65 10. 17 3 . 34 16. 67 1. 68 23 . 17 1. 36 3 .83 .73 10. 33 3 . 26 16.83 1. 63 23 . 33 1. 36 _ 4 .0 0 ---�$Q-- __ _�� --- �-�- - _ 17.0 0 _ 1. 5 8. ___ 2 3 .5 0 1. 3 6 4 . 17 .87 10. 67 3 . 10 17 . 17 1. 55 23 . 67 1. 36 4 .33 .93 10.83 2 .98 17. 33 1. 51 23 .83 1. 36 4 .5a .99 11.00 2 .88 17.50 1. 49 24 .00 1. 25 4. 67 1. 07 11. 1T 2 . 80 17. 67 1. 47 24 . 17 1. 06 4.83 1.16 11. 33 2 .73 17. 83 1. 45 24. 33 . 90 5. 00 1. 25 11.50 2 . 67 18. 00 1. 43 24 . 50 . 76 5. 17 1 . 33 11. 67 2 . 62 18 . 17 1. 42 24 . 67 . 64 � .33 1 .40 11.83 2 . 58 18. 33 1 . 41 24 . 83 . 55 . 50 1 . 47 12 .00 2 . 54 18 .50 1. 4Q 25. 00 . 00 .67 1 . 56 12 . 17 2 . 51 18. 67 1. 39 25. 17 . 00 5.83 1. 6b 12 . 33 2 . 49 18. 83 1. 38 25 . 33 . 00 � 6. Oa 1 . 76 12 . 50 2 . 47 19. 00 1. 38 25 .50 . 00 6. 17 1 . 85 12 . 67 2 .42 19 . 17 1 . 37 25 . 67 . 00 6 . 33 1 . 93 12 . 83 2 . 33 19 . 33 1. 37 25 . 83 . 00 10.67 1.83 1.33 3.16 24.17 .61 .50 1.11 10.83 1.75 1.29 3.04 24.33 .45 .42 .87 11.00 1.70 1.25 2.95 24.50 .it .36 .47 11.17 1.66 1.21 2.87 24.b7 .09 .30 .39 11.33 1.64 1.19 2.83 24.83 .Ue .26 .34 � 1.61 1.17 2.78 25.00 .07 .22 .29 1.60 1.15 2.75 25.17 .O6 .00 .O6 ...83 1.59 1.13 2.T2 25.33 .Ob .00 .O6 12.00 1.58 1.12 2.70 25.50 .OS .00 .OS 12.1T 1.58 1.11 2.69 25.67 .04 .00 .04 12.33 1.58 1.10 2.68 25_83 .UO .00 .00 12.50 1.59 1.10 2.69 26.00 .00 .00 .00 12.67 1.54 1.07 2.61 26.17 .00 .00 .90 12_83 1.46 1.04 2.50 26.33 .00 .00 .00 13.00 1.41 1.01 2.42 26.50 .00 .60 .00 13.1T i.37 .99 2.36 26.67 .00 .00 .00 13_33 1.35 .96 2.31 26.83 .00 .00 .00 13.50 1.32 .95 2.27 2T_00 .00 .00 .00 SPECIFY: C - CONTIHUE, N - NEWJOB, F - FILE, P - PRINT, S - STOP S KING tWNTT DEPARTMENT OF PUBIlC MORKS Surface Uater Managernent Division HTDROGRAPH PROGRAMS Version 4.20 1 - iNFO ON THIS PROGRAII 2 - SBUHYD 3 - ROUTE 4 - RaUTE2 5 - 11DOHYD 6 - BASEfLOu 7 - PlOTH7D - 8 - DATA 9 - RDFAC 10 - RETURN TO DOS ENTER OPTION: 5 ROUitNE FOR ADOING HTOROGRAPHS �DD � �R S��' • S EN7ER: (d:][pathJfilename[.extl OF NTOfiOGRAPH 1 8:NYD 1-2 EN7ER: TRAVEL TIME U1(NUTES) OF HTDROGRAPH 1 0 ENTER: [d:J[pathlfilenamet.ext� OF HTOROGRAPH Z -8�llYDZ-2-------- ------ - - - ENTER: TRAVEL TIME (MINUTES) OF HTDROGRAPN 2 0 DATA PR1HT-OUT: HYOROGRAPH i: PEAK-C= .45 CFS T-PEAK= 8.00 HRS TT= 0 MINUTES ""^"'�GRAPH 2: PEAiC-G= 4.39 CfS T-PEAK= 7.83 NRS TT= 0 MINUIES .,RAPM SUM: PEAK-G= 4.81 CFS T-PEAK= 7.83 HRS �07AL VOLUHE- 102365rU-F" SPEC[FY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEVJOB, F - FILE, P - FRINT, 5 - STOP C ENTER: [d:][pethlfilmaa�e(.ext) OF HYDROGRAPN 3 -''�3-2 � :R: TRAVEL TIME (M[NUTES) Of HTDROGRAPH 3 0 OATA PRINT-QU7: H7DROGRAPH S: PEAK-a= 4.81 CFS T-PEAK= 7.83 HRS TT= 0 MI�ITES HYOROGR1lPN 3: PEAK•G= 2.49 CFS T-PEAK= 8.00 HRS TT= 0 MINUTES HYDROGRAPH SUF1: PEAK•G= �T.24 CFS yT-PEAK= T.83 HRS TOTAL VOLUME: 171036CU-F7 SPECIFT: C - CONTINUE, N - NENJOB, F - fILE, P - PRINT, S - STOP N SUMMAT[ON DAT11 PRINT-OUT: 2 U Q �'J'fiD� M ' t� T(HRS) CA(CFS) GB(CfS) OI(CFS) T(HRS) QA(Cf5) OB(CFS) 0[(CFS) .17 .00 .00 .00 13.67 1.31 .93 2.24 .33 ,00 .00 .00 13.83 1.31 .92 2.23 .SO .00 .00 .00 14.00 1.30 .91 2.21 .67 .00 .00 .00 14.17 1.29 .90 2.19 .83 .00 .00 .00 14.33 1.29 .90 2.19 1.00 .01 .00 .01 14.50 1.29 .89 2.18 1.17 .02 .01 .03 14.6T 1.27 .88 2.15 1.33 .03 .01 .04 14.83 i.23 .86 2.09 1.50 .OS .02 .07 15.00 1.21 .85 2.OG 1.67 .07 .03 .tU 15.1T 1.19 .83 2.02 3 .10 .04 .14 15.33 1.1T .82 1.99 �0 .12 .OS .1T 15.50 1.16 .81 1.9T __.7 .14 .06 .20 15.67 1.16 .81 1.97 2.33 .16 .OS .24 15.83 1.16 .80 1.96 2.50 .18 .09 .2T 16.00 1.15 .80 1.95 Z.67 .21 .10 .31 16.17 1.15 .79 1.94 _ - . 2_83 .24 .12 .36 15.33 1.14 .79 1.93 3.00 .26 .13 .39 16_SO 1.14 .79 1.93 3.17 .29 .15 .44 1G.67 1.12 .77 1.89 3.33 .30 .16 .46 16.83 1.07 .75 1.82 3.50 .32 .17 .49 17.00 1.03 .73 1.76 3.67 .35 .19 .54 il.tl 1.00 .T1 1.71 3.83 .38 .20 .58 17.33 .98 .70 7.68 4.00 .40 .22 .62 17.50 .97 .69 1.6G 4.17 .43 .24 .67 17.67 .96 .68 1.64 4.33 .45 .25 .TO 17.83 .95 .67 1.62 4.50 .48 .27 .75 18.00 .94 .66 1.60 4.67 .53 .29 .82 18.17 .94 .66 1.60 4.83 .58 .32 .90 18.33 .94 .65 1.59 5.00 .64 .35 .99 18.50 .94 .65 1.59 5.17 .68 .38 1.06 18.b7 .94 .64 1.58 5.33 .73 .41 1.14 18.83 .94 .64 1.58 �SO__�ZLL_. �44__-1..2�___19.00 .94 ---_64 _ 1.58 -- ---- 5.67 .S3 .48 1.31 19.17 .94 _G4 1.58 --- - - - 5.83 .90 .SZ 1.42 19.33 .94 .64 1.58 6.00 .97 .56 1.53 19.50 .94 .63 1.57 6.17 1.02 .60 1.62 19.6T .94 .63 1.5T 6.33 1.07 .63 1.T0 19.83 .94 .63 1.57 6.50 1,12 .67 1.79 20.00 .94 .63 1.57 6.67 1,24 .73 1.97 20.17 _94 _63 1.57 ` 83 1.42 .81 2.23 20.33 .93 .63 1.56 � 1.56 .89 2.45 20.50 .93 _63 1.56 1_77 1.00 2_T7 20.6T .93 _63 1.56 /.SS 2.05 1.14 3.19 20.83 .93 .63 1.56 7.50 2,64 1.41 4.05 21.00 .93 .63 1.56 7-67 3.96 1.98 5.94 21.17 .93 .b3 1.56 7.83 4.81 2.43 7.24 21.33 .93 .63 1.56 8.00 4.60 2.49 7.09 21.50 .93 .63 1.56 I 8.17 4.12 2.42 6.54 21.67 .94 .63 1.57 � 8.33 3.68 2.32 6.00 2f.83 .95 .63 1.58 8.50 3.37 2_23 5.60 22.00 .95 .63 1.58 I .�.67 3.03 2.12 5.15 22.17 .95 .64 1.59 �43 2.68 1.97 4.65 22.33 .95 .64 1.59 :�0 2.43 1.85 4.28 22.50 .95 .64 1.59 9.1T 2.25 1.75 4.00 22.6T .95 .64 1.59 9.33 2.13 1.67 3.80 22.83 .95 .64 1.59 9.50 2.04 1.60 3.64 23.00 .95 .64 1.59 9.6T 1.98 1.54 3.52 23.1T .95 .64 1.59 9.83 1.95 1.49 3.G4 23.33 .95 .64 1.59 10.00 1.92 1.45 3.37 23.50 .95 .64 1.59 , 10.1T 1.90 1.42 3.32 23.67 .95 .64 1.59 10.33 1.88 1.39 3.27 23.83 .95 .64 1.59 ' 10.58 7.88 1.37 3.25 24.00 .83 .59 1.42 ' 10.6T 1.83 1.33 3.16 24.17 .61 .50 1.11 10.83 1.75 1.29 3.04 24.33 .45 .42 .87 11.00 1.70 1.25 2.95 24.50 .11 .36 .47 11.1T 1.66 1.21 2.87 24.67 .09 .30 .39 11.33 1.64 1.19 2.83 24.83 .08 .26 .34 11.50 1.G1 1_17 2.78 25.00 .OT .22 .29 11.67 1.60 1.15 2.75 25.17 .06 .00 .O6 it.83 1.59 1.13 2.72 25.33 .06 .00 .06 12.00 1.58 1.12 2.70 25.50 .OS .00 .OS 12.17 1.58 1.11 2.69 25.67 .04 .00 .04 12_33 1.58 1.10 2.68 25.83 .00 .00 .00 12.50 1.59 1.10 2.G9 26.00 .00 .00 .00 12.b7 1.54 1.0T 2.61 26.17 .00 .00 .00 12.83 1.46 1.04 2.50 26.33 .00 .00 .00 13.00 1.41 1.01 2.42 26.50 .00 .00 .00 73_17 1.37 .99 2.36 26.67 .00 .00 .00 13_33 1.35 .96 2.31 26.83 .00 .00 .00 �3.50 1.32 .95 2.2T 2T.00 .00 .00 .00 . SP��IfT: C - CONTINUE, N - NEUJ08, F - F1LE, P - PRINT, S - STOP ,�+DD 10 Y2 `��(ZM ENTER: d:][path]filename[.ext1 OF HTDROGRAPH 1 B:HY02-10 ENTER: TRAYEI TIME (NiNUTES) OF NYDROGRAPH 1 0 ENTER: [d:][pa[h]filename[.ext] OF NYOROGiiAPH 2 HY2-i0 ENTER: TRAVEL'TIlIE (MIHUTES) OF HTDROGRAPN 2 0 DATA PRINT-OUT: HYDROGRAPN 1: PEAK-G= .88 CFS T-PEAK= 8.00 HRS 1T= 0 NINUTES HYOROGRAPN 2: PE11K-Q= T.33 CFS T-PEAK= 7.83 HRS TT= 0 NINUTES HYDROGRAPH SUM: VEAK-Q= 8.17 CFS T-PfAK= 7.83 HRS I TOTAL YOLUME: 167892CU-FT I SPECIFT: C - COHT[NUE, N - NENJOB, F - fllE, P - PRIHT, S - STOP C I ENTER: [d:7 [pa[h)filename(.exf] OF HYOROGRAPH 3 HT3-10 EHTER: 7RAVEl TIME (MIHUTES) OF HT�ROGRAPH 3 PRIHT-OUT: NYDROGRAPH S: ?EAK-0= 8_17 CFS T-PEAK= 7.83 HttS TT= 0 MINUTES HYDROGRAPH 3• PEAK-0= 4.27 CFS T-PEAK= 8.00 HRS TT= 0 MtNU1ES I HYDROGRAPH SUM: PEAK-0= i2.36 CfS T-VEAK= 7.83 NRS � � Y�, 5�1�"'� T07 OLVLA t�1E: 280740CU-fT (IFT: C - CONTINUE, N - NEUJOB, F - FILE, P - PRINT, 5 - STOP � SUMMATION DATA PRINT-OUT: T(HRS) OA(CFS) OB(CFS) 01(Cf5) T(NRS3 OA(Cf5) OB(CFS) 01(CFS) .1T .00 .00 .00 13.50 2.10 1.50 3.60 .33 .OD .00 .OQ 13.67 2.07 1.4T 3.54 .SO .00 .00 .00 13.83 2.06 1.45 3.51 .67 .O1 .00 .01 14.00 Z.O4 1.44 3.48 .83 .03 .01 .04 t4.1T 2.04 1.42 3.46 1.U0 .06 .02 .08 14.33 2.03 1.41 3.GG 1.17 .08 .03 .11 14.50 2.03 ].40 3.43 1.33 .11 .OS .16 14.67 1.99 t.38 3.3T 1.50 .14 .06 .20 14.83 1.93 1.35 3.28 9.67 .18 .08 .26 15.00 1.89 1.33 3.22 1.83 .23 .1U .33 15.1T 1.86 1.31 3.17 2.OU .27 .12 .39 15.33 1.84 1.29 3.13 2.17 .30 .14 .44 15.50 1.83 1.27 3.10 2.33 .33 .16 .49 15.67 1.81 1.5 ROUTINE FOR JIODING HYOROGRAPHS ENTER: [d:][path7filename[.ext) OF HYDROGRAPH 1 b:bydl-10 ENTER: TRAVEL TINE (MlNUTES) OF HTDROGRAPH 1 0 HTDROGRAPH DATA FILE NOT FOUND!! ;R: [d:�[path]filenartiei.ext] OF HTDROGRAPN 1 ENTER: TRAVEL TIMf (M[NUTES) OF HYDROCRAPN 1 0 HYDKOGRAPH DATA F1LE NOT FOUNO!! " ' ENTER: [d:)[path]filename(.ext) OF HYOROGRAPH 1 b:nya-to EMTfR: TRAVEL TIME (MINUTES) OF HTDROGRAPH 1 0 . NYDROGRAPH OATA fIlf NOT FOUND!! ENTER: [d:J[pathJfilenart�e{.ext� OF HTDROGRAPH 1 hy2-10 ENTER: TRAVEL T1ME (11lNUTES) OF H1fDROGRAPH 1 ', 0 ENTER: [d:�Cpatfi�filenaaie[.ext7 Of NTOROGRAAH Z II hydi-10 - - -__ _ -- --- I ENTER: TRAYEL T[ME (H1Hi1TES) OF HTDROGRAPH 2 ' Q ' DATA PRlHT-OUT: HTDROGRAPH 1: PEAK-0= 7.33 CFS T-PEAK= 7.83 NRS iT= 0 MIHUTES HYDROGRAPH 2: PEAK-0= .88 CFS T-PEAK= 8.00 NRS T7= 0 MlNUTES )GRAPH SUH: PEAK-0= 8.17 CFS T-PEAK= 7.83 NRS TOTA� VOIUME: 167892CU-FT SPECIFY: C - CONiIHUE, N - NEwJ08, F - FTLE, P - PRIAT, S - 570P ' c ENTER: [d:]tpath]filmeme(.ext] Of NYDROGRAVH 3 b:hy3-10 ^� TRAYEL TIME (M[Ni1TE5) OF HTDROGRADH 3 DATA PR[NT-UUT: HTOROGRAPN S: PEAK-G= 8.17 CFS i-PEAK= 7.83 HtiS TT= 0 MINUTES HTDROGRAPH 3: PEAK-0= 4.27 CFS 7-➢EAK= 8.00 NRS IT= 0 Ml1iUTES HYDROGRAPH SIAI: PEAK-Q= 12.36 CFS i-PEAK= 7.83 HRS TOTAI VOIUNE: 280740CU-FT SPECIfT: L - CONTINUE, N - NEVJOB, F - F1lE, P - PRINT, 5 - STOP P SUHHATiON DATA PRINT-OUT: � O Y � ��R� . T(HRS) OA(CFS) G8(CFS) 0!(Cf5) T(NRS) CA(CFS) 08(CFS) 0[(CFS) .17 .00 .00 .00 t3.50 2.10 1.50 3.60 .33 .00 .00 .00 13.67 2.07 1.47 3.54 .50 .00 .00 .00 13.83 Z.OG 1.L5 3.51 .67 .Ot .00 .O1 14.00 2.04 1.44 3.48 .83 .03 .Ot .04 14.1T 2.04 1.4Z 3.46 1.00 .O6 .02 .08 14.33 2.03 1.41 3.44 1.17 .08 .03 .11 14.50 2.03 1.40 3.43 1.33 .11 .OS .16 14.67 1.99 1.38 3.37 1.50 .14 .U6 .20 14.83 i.93 1.35 3.28 1.67 .18 .OS .26 15.00 1_89 1.33 3.22 - 1.83 .Z3 .10 .33 15.17 1.86 1_31 3.1T ' ^0 .27 .12 .39 15.33 1.84 1.29 3.13 .30 .14 .4G 15.50 1.83 1.2T 3.10 �5 .33 .16 .49 15.67 1.81 1.26 3.07 2.50 .36 .18 .54 15.83 7.80 1.25 3.05 2.67 .40 .20 .60 16.00 1.80 1.24 3.04 2_83 .44 .Z3 .67 16.17 1.79 1.26 3.03 _ 3.00 .48 .ZS .T3 16.33 7.79 1.23 3.02 ' 3.17 .52 .27 .79 16.50 5.79 1.23 3.02 �i 3.33 .55 .30 .85 16_67 1.74 1.20 2.94 3.50 .60 .33 .93 ]B_83 1.66 1.17 2.83 3.67 .66 .36 1.02 17.00 1.60 1_13 2.73 3.83 .75 .40 1.15 7T.17 1.55 1.11 2.66 4.00 .81" .45 1.26 17.33 1.53 1.09 2.62 - 4.17 .88 .49 1.37 1T.50 1.50 1.0T 2.57 4.33 .94 .53 1.4T 1T.6T 1.49 1.05 2.54 4.50 1.00 .5T 1.57 17.83 1.47 1.04 2.51 4.67 1.09 .62 1.71 18.00 1.46 1.03 2.49 4.83 1.19 .68 1.87 18.17 1.46 1.02 2.48 5.00 1.28 .74 2.02 18.33 1.46 1.01 2.4T 5.1T 1 37 .79 2.16 18.50 1.45 1.00 2.45 5.33 1.44 .84 2.28 18.67 1.45 1.00 2.45 5.50 1.51 .89 2.40 18.83 1.45 .99 2.4G 5.6T 1.61 .95 2.56 19.00 1.45 .99 2.4` � 5�83- --T.T3 - - -1�Z-- 2� TQ=T7_ _T�4T - ------ - -- - - -.9�___ Z:�L- - ---- - - - - _ 6.00 1.84 1.09 2.93 19.33 1.45 .98 2.G3 6.1T 1.93 1.15 3.08 19.50 1.45 .98 2.43 , 6.33 2.01 1.21 3.22 19.6T 1.45 .98 2.43 6.50 2.08 1.27 3.35 19.83 1.44 .98 2.42 � 6.67 2.28 1.3T 3.65 20.00 1.44 .98 2.42 6.83 2.57 1.51 4.08 20.17 1.44 .98 2.42 7.00 Z,81 1.64 4.45 20.33 1.44 .98 2.42 3.16 1.83 4.99 20.50 1.44 .98 2.42 3_62 2.05 5.68 Z0.67 1.44 .98 2.42 ._�0 4.60 2.50 7.10 20.83 1.44 _98 2.42 7.67 6.79 3.46 10.25 21.00 1.44 _98 2.42 7.83 8_17 4.19 12.36 21.1T 1.44 .98 2.42 8.00 7.76 4.27 12.03 21.33 1.44 .98 2.42 g,�7 6.93 4.13 11.06 21.50 1.44 .98 2.42 8.33 6.16 3.94 10.10 21.67 1.44 _98 2.42 8.50 5.63 3.78 9.41 21.83 1.44 .98 2.42 8.67 5.06 3.57 8.b3 22.00 1.44 .98 2.42 R.83 4.46 3.31 7.7T 22.17 1.44 .48 2.42 �0 4.04 3.10 7.14 22.33 1.45 .98 2.43 17 3.T3 2.92 6.65 22.50 1.45 .98 2.43 y.33 3.52 2.77 6.29 22.67 1.45 .98 2.43 9.50 3.37 2.65 6.02 22.83 1.45 .48 2.43 9.67 3.26 2.54 5.80 23.00 1.45 .98 2.43 9.83 3.18 2.45 5.63 23.17 i.45 .98 2.43 10.00 3.12 2.38 5.50 23.33 1.45 .98 2.43 10.17 3.09 2.32 5.41 23.50 1.65 .98 2.43 10.33 3.06 2.27 5.33 23.6T 1.45 .96 2.43 10.50 3.04 2.23 5.27 23.83 1.45 .48 2.43 10.67 2.96 2.16 5.12 24.00 1.26 .91 2.1T 10.83 2.83 2.08 4.91 24.17 .93 .77 1.70 11.00 2.74 2.02 4.7G 24.33 .19 .65 .84 11.17 2.66 1.96 4.62 24.50 .7T .55 .72 11.33 2.62 1.91 4.53 24.6T .15 .47 .62 11.50 2.58 1.87 4.45 Z4.83 .13 .39 .SZ 11.67 2.56 1.84 4.40 25.00 .12 .00 .12 �1.83 2.54 1.81 4.35 25.17 .10 .00 .10 12.00 2.53 1.79 4.32 25.33 .09 .00 .09 12.17 2.53 1.77 4.30 25.50 .08 .00 .OS 12.33 2.51 1.76 4.27 25.67 .00 .00 .00 12.50 2.51 1.75 4.26 25.83 .00 .00 .00 12.67 2.44 1.71 4.15 26_00 .00 .00 .00 1Z.83 2.33 1.65 3.98 26.t7 .00 .00 .OU 13.00 2.23 1.60 3.83 26.33 .00 .00 .00 13.17 2.17 1.56 3.73 26.50 .00 .00 .00 13.33 2.13 1.53 3.66 26_67 .00 .00 .00 SPEC[FT: C - CONTINUE, M - NEUJ08, i - �IIE, P - PRIHT, S - S10P _ " A�DD 1 oD � r� �Ni_ 2: (d:7[path]filename[.ext] Of HYOROGRAPH t 10a ENTER: TRAVEL TIME (M[NUTES) OF HYDROGRAPH i 0 ENTER: [d:)[peth]filename[.ext) OF HTOROGRAPH 2 hy2-100 ENTER: TRAVEI TIME (MtNUTES) OF HYDROGRAPH 2 0 DATA PR1NT-OUT: NYDROGRAPH 1: PEAK-0= 1.39 CFS T-PEAK= 8.00 HRS TT= 0 Ml11UTES HTOROGRAPH 2: PEAK-G= 10.70 CFS 7-PEAK= 7.83 HRS TT= 0 MINUTES HYOROGRAPH S(Ni: �EAK-0= 12.04 CFS T-PEAK= 7.83 HRS TOTAI VOLUNE: 243846CU-fT SPECIFI': C - CON U NUE, N - HENJOB, f - F1LE, P - PRINT, 5 - 510P _� - - - --- - - - ---- ---- - -_- - - --- - EATER: [d:J[pathlfilename[.ext) Of HTDROGRAPH 3 hy3-100 EHTER: TRAVEL TIME (MINUiES) OF HYDROGRAPH 3 0 PR]NT-OUT: ROGRAPH S: PEAK-a= 12.04 CFS T-PEAK= 7.83 HRS TT= 0 MINUTES HYDROGRAPH 3: PEAK-a= 6.34 CFS T-PEAK= 8.00 HRS TT= 0 MINVTES HYDROGRAPH SUH• PEAK-a= 18.28 CFS T-PEAK= 7.83 HRS � O D � 1� �j��I� . TOTAI VOLUME: 407880CU-fT S?£CIFT: C - CONTIHUE, N - NEWJOB, F - FIIE, F - VRINT, 5 - STOP P �(ION DATA PRINT-OUT: I D O Y � �� � M T(HRS) GA(Cf5) OS(CFS) QI(CFS) T(NRS) CA(CFS) GB(CFS) OI(CFS) .17 .Ofl .00 .00 13.50 2.95 2.11 5.06 .33 .00 .00 .OQ 13.6T 2.92 2.08 5.00 .50 .01 .00 .O1 13.83 2.89 2.05 4.94 .67 .OS .OZ .O7 14.00 2.8T 2.02 4.89 _83 .09 .03 .12 14.17 2.86 2.U0 i.86 1.00 .14 .OS .19 14.33 2.85 1.98 4.83 t.1T .19 .08 .27 14.50 2.84 1.97 i.81 1.33 .23 .10 .33 14.67 2.79 1.94 4.T3 1.50 .28 .12 .40 14.83 2.T1 1.90 4,61 1.67 .33 .15 .48 15.00 2.65 1.66 4.St 1.83 .40 .18 .58 15.17 2.60 1.83 4.43 2.00 .45 .21 .66 15.33 2.57 1.81 4.38 2.17 .SO .24 .74 15.50 2.55 1.78 �.33 2.33 .54 .27 .81 15.6T 2.53 1.77 L.30 2.50 .58 .30 .88 15.83 2.SZ 1.75 4.27 2.6T .64 .34 .98 16.00 2.51 1.T4 G.25 2.83 .74 .39 1.13 16.17 2.51 1.73 G.24 3.00 .84 .44 1.28 16.33 2.69 1.72 4.Z1 3.17 .91 .49 1.40 1h.50 2.G9 1.71 4.20 3.33 1.00 .54 1.54 16.67 2.42 1.68 4.10 3.50 1.07 .59 1.66 16.83 2.31 1.63 3_94 3.67 1.18 .66 1.84 17.U0 2.23 1.58 3.81 3.83 1.31 .73 2.04 17.17 2.17 1.55 3.TZ 4.00 1.42 .80 2.22 17.33 2.12 1.51 3.63 4.17 1.53 .87 2.40 17.50 2.10 1.44 3.59 � 4.33 1.63 .93 2.56 17.67 2.07 1.47 3.54 ? 1.T1 .99 2.70 17.83 2.05 1.45 3.50 . 1.83 1.07 2.90 18.00 2.04 1.43 3.47 4.tl3 1.99 i.76 3.15 18.17 2.04 1.42 3.46 5.00 2.13 1.25 3.38 18.33 2.02 1.41 3.43 5.17 2.24 1.33 3.5T 18.50 Z.02 1.40 3.42 5_33 2_35 1.40 3.75 18.67 2.02 1.39 3.41 - 5.50 2.44 1.47 3.91 18.83 2.01 1.38 3.39 5.67 2.59 1.56 4.15 19.00 2.01 1.38 3.39 5.83 2.77 1.66 4.43 19.17 2.01 1.37 3_38 6.00 2.92 1.T6 4.68 19.33 Z.01 1.37 3.38 6.17 3.04 1.85 4.89 19.50 2.01 1.37 3.38 6.33 3.15 1.93 5.08 19.67 2.01 1.36 3.37 6.50 3.25 2.00 5.25 14.83 2.00 1.36 3.36 6.67 3.53 2.15 5.58 20.00 2.00 1.36 3.36 6.83 3.97 2.36 6.33 20.17 2.00 1.36 3.36 7.00 4.31 2.55 6.86 20.33 2.00 1.36 3.36 7.17 4.8Z 2.82 7.64 20.50 2.00 1.36 3.36 7.33 5.47 3.15 8.62 20.67 Z.00 1.35 3.35 7.5U 6.90 3.80 10.70 20.83 2.00 1.35 3.35 7.6T f0.07 5.19 15.26 21.00 Z.00 1.35 3.35 7.83 12.04 6.Z4 18.28 21.17 2.00 1.35 3.35 8.00 11.40 b.34 17.T4 21.33 2.00 1.35 3.35 8.-� -1fl.-i6- --6:10- --16:26 - -2i:50 - --2:A0 - -1�-5-- �.35 - 8.33 9.02 5.80 14.82 21.67 2.00 1.35 3.35 8.50 8.22 5.55 13.T7 21.83 2.00 1.35 3.35 8.67 7.37 5.23 12.bU 22.00 2.00 1.35 3.35 8.83 6.49 4.85 11.34 22.17 2.01 1.35 3.36 9.00 5.86 4.53 10.39 22.33 2.01 1.35 3.36 9.17 5.41 4.26 9.6T 22.50 2.01 1.35 3.36 9_33 5.10 4.04 9_14 22_67 2_Oi 1.36 3_37 " '� 4.86 3.84 8_70 22.83 2.01 1.36 3.37 4.70 3.68 8.38 23.00 2.01 1.36 3.37 S 4.58 3.55 8_13 23.17 2.01 1_36 3.37 10.00 4.49 3.44 7.93 Z3.33 2.01 1.3G 3.3T 10.17 4.42 3.34 7.76 23.50 2.01 1.36 3.3T 10.33 4.38 3.26 7.64 23.67 Z.O1 1.36 3.37 10.50 4.35 3.20 7.55 Z3.83 2.01 1.36 3.3T 10.6T 4.23 3.10 7.33 24.00 1.75 1.25 3.00 10.83 4.03 2.98 7.01 24.17 1.29 t.06 2.35 11.00 3.40 2.68 6.T8 24.33 .27 .90 1.1T ••--17 3.79 2.80 6.59 24.50 .24 .76 1.00 ��3 3.72 2.73 6.45 24.6T .21 .64 .85 ��0 3_67 2.G7 6.34 24.83 .18 .55 .73 11.67 3.63 2.62 8.25 25.00 .16 .00 .16 11.83 3.60 2.58 G.18 25.17 .14 .00 .14 12.00 3.58 2.54 6.12 25.33 .13 .00 .13 12.17, 3.5T 2.51 6.08 25.50 .00 .00 .QO 72.33 3.56 2.49 6.05 25.67 .00 .00 .00 tZ.50 3.54 2.47 6.01 25.83 .00 .00 .OU 12.67 3.45 2.42 5.87 26.OQ .00 .00 .00 12.83 3.28 2.33 5.61 26.17 .00 .00 .00 13.00 3.15 2.26 5.41 26.33 .00 .00 .00 13.1T 3.07 2_20 5.27 Z6.50 .00 .00 .00 13.33 3.00 2.15 5.15 26.67 .90 .00 .00 SPECIFT: C - CONTINUE, N - NE4�J06, F - PIIE, P - PRINT, S - STOP P SUMFtATION DATA PRINT-OU7: I I T(NRS) OA(CFS) C8{CFS) C[CCFS) T(NRS) OA(CFS) OB(CFS) Q1(CFS) .17 .QO .00 .00 13.50 2.95 2.11 5.06 I�i .33 .QO .00 .OU 13.67 2.92 2.08 5.00 .50 .O1 .00 .01 13.83 2.89 2.05 4.94 I .67 .OS .02 .07 14.00 2.87 2.02 4.89 .83 .09 .93 .12 14.17 2.86 2.00 4.86 1.00 .14 .OS .19 74.33 2.85 1.98 4.83 1.17 .19 .08 .27 14.50 2.84 i.97 4.81 I� 1.33 .23 .10 .33 14.b7 2.79 1.94 4.T3 - 1.50 .28 .12 .40 14.83 2.71 1.90 4.61 _ " �7 .33 .15 .48 15.00 2.65 1.86 4.St 5 .40 .18 .58 15.17 2.50 1.83 4.43 __00 .45 .21 .56 15.33 2.5T 1.81 4.38 2.17 .50 .24 .74 15.50 2.55 1.78 4.33 2.33 .54 .2T .81 15.6T 2.53 1.77 4.30 2.50 .58 .30 .88 15.83 2.52 1.75 4.27 _ 2.67 .64 .34 .98 16.00 2.51 1.T4 4.25 2.83 .74 .39 1.13 1G.1T 2.51 1.73 4.24 3.00 .84 .44 1.28 16.33 2.G9 1.72 4.21 3.17 .91 .49 1.40 16.SQ 2.49 1.74 4.20 3.33 1.00 .54 1.54 16.67 2.42 i.b8 4.10 - 3.50 1.0T .59 1.66 16.83 2.31 1.63 3.94 3.GT 1.18' .66 1.84 17.00 2.23 5.58 3.81 I 3.83 1.31 .73 2.04 17.1T 2.1T 1.55 3.T2 4.00 1.42 .80 2.22 17.33 2.12 1.51 3.63 �i 4.17 1.53 .87 2.40 17.50 2.10 1.49 3.59 4.33 1.63 .93 2.56 17.67 2.07 1.4T 3.54 ' 4.50 1.71 .99 2.70 1T.83 2.05 1.45 3.50 4.67 1.83 1.07 2.90 18.00 2.04 1.43 3.47 4.83 1.99 1.16 3.15 18.17 2.04 1.42 3.46 5.00 2.13 1.25 3.38 18.33 2.02 1.41 3.43 , 5.17 2.24 1.33 3.57 18.50 2.02 1.40 3.42 ' - 5.33 2.35 1.40 3.75 18.67 2.02 1.39 3.41 5.50 - 2.44 1.47 3.91 18.83 2.01 1.�8 -- 3.34 5.67 2.59 1.56 4.15 19.00 2.01 1.38 3.39 5.83 2.7T 1.66 4.43 19.17 2.01 1.37 3.38 6.00 2.42 1.76 4.68 19.33 2.01 1.37 3.38 6.1T 3.04 1.85 4.89 i9.50 2.01 1.3T 3.38 � 6.33 3.15 1.93 5.08 19.67 2.01 1.36 3.37 6.50 3.25 2.00 5.25 19.83 2.00 1.36 3.36 6_67 3.53 2.15 5.68 20.00 2.00 1.36 3.36 3.97 2.36 6.33 20.17 2.00 1.36 3.36 a 4.3t 2.55 5.86 20.33 Z.00 1.36 3.36 r.�7 4.82 2.82 7.64 20.50 2.00 i.36 3.36 7.33 5.47 3_15 8.62 20.67 2.00 1.35 3.35 7.50 5.90 3.80 10.70 20.83 2.00 1.35 3.35 7-57 10.07 5.19 15.26 21.00 2.00 1.35 3.35 � / s , Tille $hAe1 NO. Of By I ! Chk. I l Job No. �3 � SSOE, tnc. • 3015 1121h Avenue, N.E., Sulte 101 • Beilevue, Washington 98004 • Fax 208-827-8412 • 206-827-2950 , j . ; � � � . � • , t � , � , � � � . � � � i. � , . I � ; • , � I . � � f : I i . t I , , � " , � I � I ; I : I . ;. . , ' 1 • i • ' j . l . , , � � � • , ; i I : I � !,� � , � � � . � . � � � /d7 ���O'yv � . � I i � 1 � i � � ; ; � ; � i i � i , i " � I � i � � • ' � � I /� �r71� /�5� . I ; i i . ; " . � I V : i i � I ! . I ! � i I . , , ! . I � i I • � : , � ; �Jr� f/ / "�L�7�'7�/ I 1 • . � : � ' f ; . 1 ' � ��� � . . , i � ' i ' � . � , j , � . � � 1 , � ' , , ' ' � i � � • � ; i � ; , ; , ; ! : i ' _ ; . ; ' . , ; � � . � � � 1 �� 1��9in/�9 �� >P,00,'�`' : . ' I � : � � ; - ; ; , ' � • 1 ' ; (��7�� � �� ' ' , � . ' , ' ' • l � � � ' I � ► t � . ; : . . I • . . � i . . � � � . '. 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PUMP DIMENSIONS '• - '�:-�ri. : � PACOINSTANT � • D �, i ;': PUMP NUMBER A B �C E F O �� �' H� '; SIZE - — - - - -— - -- _ ,-'-;'f � � • b30,531 18-1/2 4-3/9 b-1/8 11-1/18 8-3M � — •'2 i ' ' � l � � 500,50 f.502.503,520, m i 521.522,523.52,,525 20 4-7/8 8-t/� 13-1/� 10-1/� 9-3M 11 3�}�, , N�� W S� 504,505.628,527 �� m Z�y 529,529 28-3/8 &1/2 8-1/4 18-7/8 12-5/8 8-1/8 8-1/9 3 ;. ic � N z� ALL OIMEN810N81N INCHES � ' '� � � � .�, I PACO Pumps. Inc. ,��j;?� � � Q �oA P.O.Bo: 12921•a15 92nd Ave.•Oskiand.CA 9�601•2921 i 1 PU PS Rsol Loc�tlau:0awland.CA•Oa6ss.TX•los Arp�lea.GA•PorNu�d.OR•Seald�,WA • ,''F�� , i � • . . . , ` . • , �': �� �� . 9/87 Superaede�8/8T • • �: I�� � . _ . r.�!' s . , . Title Sheet No. of By / / Chk. / / Job No. �• SSOE, inc. • 3015 112th Avenue, N.E., Suite 101 • Believue, Washington 98004 • Fax 206-827-8412 • 206-827-2950 . � 0/ Gt/��e ��,o�,e�-�� ,�:r��-�v.e� . , �ST�1 ,���}irc/ �°��i[/ C��l.�l�"�l"�' / ''� - I , . '� , . � � - 4, . , � . � � . . . . � , . - 1 . I - • � ` � ' ' � . ._�N N' r.. . � � � I � � � . .�.;r`•:';-;0 � �� 1� _ Hlgh Reliablllty -meets or exceeds waslewaler generated trom Inlenllonel The stl-Pg� corroslon protecllon system ~� Federal and Slate Oii and Grease hose downs ot loading racks, tueling provides e multl-level approach to assur�_ . limitationg under the new Poliutant fslands, and vehicie parking areas. complele exlernal corroslon resistance: Discharge Elimination Syslems Regulatlons tor Storm Water Large, calasfrophic spflls usuatty tesult 1. Prot�ctiv• Coetlny: A tough, heavy Discharges. (rom human error or equlpment iaflure duly dielectric coating of either in loadfng and dispensing operatio�s. polyurethane or liberglass reintorced Conslstent Operation - separales oil Fire and envl�onme�tal codes require polyester cove�s Ihe separator and and greasy solids from wastewater that the surface area on whlch spflls seals ft Irom the surrounding soil, it under a wide range ot condilio�s. may accidently occur be tuliy paved, provides the first line ot delense Unsurp�ssed Quatity-standard , curbed, and drained so that afl splils agalnst strey currenl and geivanic construction is in strict accordance with quickly tlow irilo an edequately sfzed corrosion. sti-P3�specifications. drain connected to an oit waler Z, U.L.-Usted Dlelectric Bushings: separator. !n most cases oii end grease Nylon bushings in all openings Appllcatlons discharge regulations slale that any eleclrically isolate the separator from • Vehide Repalr and Maintenance Shops �aciNty which discharges a harmtul P�P�ng. They preve�t the entry ot quantity o( otl, or eny pet�oleum • Truck Stops produci, and the oil enters a navigable stray currents or gatvanic action • Petroleum Marketing Faciiitles body ot water of Ihe Uniled States, by �hrough piping connections. • Bulk Storage Tank Farms whalever means, is liable lor signilicant 3. Cathodic Proteeflon: Gaivanic • Gasoline Service Stations penalties lor cleanup costs and anodes provide p�otective current • Refine�ies ecological damage. • flow to any scratches in the • Airpo�ts coating that may occur during • Railroad Yards shippinglhandling. The anodes are • Military Installations Features • Utilit Switch Yards 1-lighland Tank S Mlg. Co. slf-P3m Oil selt-regulating, supptying current only y Water Se aralors are desi �ed as needed, for exlra long-liie. Every • Steei Mills P 9 m • lndustrial Facilities • specifically for the removal of tree sti-Pg separalor is shipped with • Parkin Lots iloating oil, grease, and seltleable oily �actory Instailed PP2 Protection . 9 coaled solids t�om oil-water mlxtures. prover cathodic protecfion monito�ing Hazardous Waste Sites system. Highland Oii Wate�separalors wilt not Increasing public interest in the remrne oiis with a specitic gravity The sti-P3�Double Wall Oii Water Separ�to� : conservalion vi our nation's waler greater than .95, chemical or physlcai provides eddillonal prolectfon wiltt� ` resources has directly affected all emulsions, dissolved hydrocarbons, or rugged steet wall tor secondar� _ industries. Public pressure on the volatile organic compounds (VOC). containment.The Double Walt Oil Water go�ernment to controi harmful oil Separator's outer steel wail surrounds discharges and spiits irom industrlal Highland engineers have designed an the inner separator tank,creaUng aR facilities has resulted in inc�easin I exclusive,palented means o(Primary 9 Y lnterstice belween the steel wall and more strin ent re ulations overnin separation with a variety o(options lhat � 9 9 9 9 will ass{st ou in no!o�l meetin tederal. «separator tenk.The sti-Pg separetors ihe dlscharge ot oily wastewater, and in Y y 9 are manufactured lo eithe�Type!or high pe�ailies for noncompliance. slale,and local oil and grease dlscharge Type II slanda�ds depe�ding on local limitalion requirements,but su�passfng codes and requlrements.Any poienlial New storm water discharge �egulations them. leak that may occur will be captured In stem from the EPA's assessment lhat . tollowing the successful reduction of The Highland sti-P3A,Oil Water this sealed space,preventing any I � poliutants In discharges ai indusMal Separators can be sized to accomma release fnto the environmenL process wastewate�and municipal date a wide range ol olly pollulant sewage, the remaining maJor threat to discharges irom pelroleum and non- pEG. U.S. PAT. OFF. - waier quality in the United States petroleum based induslrles. The sti-P3s Paient No. 4,722,800 comes from non-point source pollution, Oil Waler Separator's steei construclion App�oved by the City ot New including storm sewer overflows. Storm ensures a rugged and durable housing. York Boa�d oi Standards and sewer systems often pour untreated Appeels under Calendar Number urban runolf directly into rivers, 1215-88-SA ' sireams, lakes, and wetlands. The _ _ runof��ollt�ias�bost_o_f �nllutaots. _ - including oil and grease, toxics, and hazardous materials (rom industriai facitities. Oi!-bearing waste water discharges . occur i� many types oi (acilities, in many locations, and Ior many reasons.' RelaUvsly small, chronic ofl discherges , :�: result trom routine operations - engine '� and parts steam cleaning, regular � � � � vehicle maintenance and wash down, ' � ='� - i,�,. drainfng storage tank dikes, and , ' :':s discharging qily storm water runofi and � ._ - ` �� .� 2 - . • . ... .�..- �-�� We're in the Oil Water Separator Market �i"'�s� • �i����r�/, �-�`,.�r�i�w.�:« =,�i 1;�t: `Ik�}7•(:ai' �{�:�.�S•` �. ..: .�= � }..�. -�: • • .���.�..}'�'�f-•'� ,L:�' �t�a�••- ql �. ��It .•Vfi4•C .l�lt ': �:• 'n.�• 'i.:i ��•�� •�(� .�r:.' w:-�.i.� .,�.: - f=• !'�"•��� •A•' �t:''� .s' `C` v, y^ ��i ' �� � �'.': -�'.;'-: `: - • ; ��� y ''t': :� .Sy' .e.��ilti�, �,s,..-s����;i,••.ia� �.r` •.i .4i..� �,' :�.;• -,• �� :�'y�...t. :;rq ? 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Y � ROUTING DATA: I STAGE(FT) DISCHARGE(CFS) STORAGE(CU-FT) PERM-AREA(SQ-FT) �i 22.25 . 00 . 0 . 0 I 23 .25 3 .90 412 .0 . 0 i 25.25 6.80 4241.0 •0 ', 27 .25 8. 70 9898 . 0 .0 i 29. 40 10. 40 15978.0 . 0 , 30. 00 10.90 24945 .0 . 0 ' 32 . 00 12 .20 51049.0 . 0 33 . 00 12 . 80 65181 . 0 .0 , AVERAGE PERM-RATE: . 0 MINUTES/INCH I ENTER [d: j [path)filename[ .ext� OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: � I�I �� KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 'I Surface Water Manaqement Division HYDROGRAPH PROGRAMS Version 4 . 20 1 - INFO ON THIS PROGRAM 2 - SBUHYD - - 3 - ROUTE 4 - ROUTE2 5 - ADDHYD 6 - BASEFLOW 7 - PLOTHYD 8 - DATA 9 - RDFAC 10 - RETURN TO DOS ENTER OPTION: REVIEW OF THIS ROUTEl-DATA FILE N ELEV STAGE DISCHARGE STORAGE PERC-AREA 1 44 . 50 22 . 25 . 00 .0 . 0 2 45. 50 23 . 25 3 . 40 412 . 0 . 0 3 47 . 50 25. 25 6. 80 4241 . 0 . 0 49. 50 27 . 25 8 .70 9898 . 0 . 0 51. 65 29 . 40 10. 40 15978 . 0 . 0 � 52 . 25 30.00 10.90 24945 . 0 . 0 7 54 . 25 32 . 00 12 .20 51049 . 0 . 0 8 55. 25 33 . 00 12 .80 65181 . 0 . 0 • � 1 � INITIAL STAGE ELEV = 22 . 25 AVERAGE PERC-RATE _ .0 SATURATED PERC-RATE _ . 0 GROUND STORAGE BEFORE SATURATION = . 00 �'EVISE (Y or N) ? REVIEW OF THIS ROUTEI-DATA FILE N ELEV STAGE DISCHARGE STORAGE PERC-AREA 1 22 . 25 22 . 25 .00 .0 . 0 2 23 . 25 23. 25 3 .90 412 .0 . 0 3 25 . 25 25.25 6.80 4241. 0 .0 4 27 .25 27. 25 8.70 9898 .0 .0 5 29 .40 29.40 10.40 15978 .0 . 0 6 30. 00 30. 00 10.90 24945.0 .0 7 32 . 00 32 . 00 12 .20 51049. 0 . 0 8 33 . 00 33 . 00 12 .80 65181. 0 . 0 INITIAL STAGE ELEV = .00 AVERAGE PERC-RATE _ . 0 SATURATED PERC-RATE _ . 0 GROUND STORAGE BEFORE SATURATION = . 00 REVISE (Y or N) ? 3 '�ERVOIR ROUTING INFLOW/OUTFLOW ROUTINE �IFY [d:�[path]filename[ .ext] OF ROUTING DATA ' b:rtpond.da DISPLAY ROUTING DATA (Y or N) ? y - - ROUTZNG DATA: STAGE(FT) DISCHARGE(CFS) STORAGE(CU-FT) PERM-AREA(SQ-FT) 22 . 25 . 00 .0 .0 23 . 25 3 . 90 412 .0 . 0 25. 25 6. 80 4241.0 .0 27. 25 8.70 9898.0 . 0 29.40 10. 40 15978 .0 .0 30. 00 10. 90 24945. 0 .0 32. 00 12. 20 51049.0 .0 33 . 00 12 . 80 65181.0 .0 AVERAGE PERM-RATE: .0 MINUTES/INCH ENTER [d: ] [path] filename[ .ext] OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: 23 . 25 3 . 90 412 . 0 .0 25. 25 6. 80 4241. 0 .0 27 . 25 8 .70 9898 . 0 . 0 29.40 10.40 15978 . 0 .0 30. 00 10.90 24945. 0 .0 32 .00 12 . 20 51049 . 0 .0 33 . 00 12 . 80 65181 . 0 .0 i ,GE PERM-RATE: .0 MINUTES/INCH ENTER [d: ] [path]filename[ .ext] OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: b:hyd25.out .�, � � �U�UI� �11�� �U 1�'C'% �t1K. D�II/U �D INFLOW/OUTFLOW ANALYSIS: S 10�� CZrS II� �i�����I� PEAK-INFLOW(CFS) PEAK-OUTFLOW(CFS) OUTFLOW-VOL(CU-FT) 28,61 11.95 463236 '��ITIAL.S�T�AGE(FT) TIME-08.67AK(HRS) PEAK-ST31E62LEV(FT) PEAK STORAGE: 46080 CU-FT ENTER [d: ] [path)filename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: INFLOW/OUTFLOW DATA PRINT-OUT: T(HRS} QI (CFS) QO(CFS) EL(FT) T(HRS) QI (CFS) QO (CFS) EL(FT) . 00 .00 . 00 .QO 13 .00 5. 34 6. 29 24. 90 . 17 . 00 . 00 22.25 13 . 17 5.22 5. 92 24. 64 . 33 . 00 . 00 22.25 13.33 5. 17 5. 65 24 . 46 . 50 . 04 . 03 22.26 13 .50 5. 14 5 .47 24. 33 . 6? .18 . 15 22.29 13. 67 5. 13 5. 34 24. 25 . 83 .38 . 34 22. 34 13.83 5. 13 5. 26 24 . 19 1. 00 . 60 . 56 22. 39 14 . 00 5. 13 5. 21 24 . 16 1. 17 .80 . 77 22 .45 14 . 17 5. 14 5. 19 24. 14 1. 33 .98 . 95 22.49 14 .33 5. 14 5. 17 24. 12 1. 50 1 . 15 1. 12 22.54 14 . 50 5. 15 5. 16 24. 22 1. 67 1.39 1. 34 22.59 14 . 67 5.00 5. 13 24. 10 1.83 1. 67 1. 62 22.67 14 . 83 4 . 77 5. 04 24. 04 2 . 00 1.88 1.85 22.72 15.00 4 . 65 4 . 92 23. 95 2. 17 2 . 05 2 . 02 22.77 15. 17 4 . 60 4 . 81 23. 88 2 . 33 2 . 18 2 . 16 22.80 15.33 4 .57 4 . 73 23. 82 2 . 50 2 . 30 2 . 28 22.83 15.50 4. 56 4 . 67 23. 78 2 . 67 2 .52 2 . 47 22.88 15. 67 4. 56 4 . 63 23. 75 2 . 83 2 .80 2 .75 22 .96 15.83 4 . 56 4 . 60 23. 73 - 00 2 .99 2 .96 23 . 01 16. 00 4 . 56 4 . 59 23 . 72 �7 3 . 12 3 . Z0 23 .04 16. 17 4. 56 4 . 58 23 . 72 .. . 33 3 . 21 3 . 20 23 . 07 16.33 2 . 33 2 . 18 2 . 16 22. 80 15.33 4. 57 4 . 73 23. 82 2 . 50 2 . 30 2 . 28 22 .83 15.50 4 . 56 4 . 67 23 . 78 � 2 . 67 2 . 52 2 . 47 22. 88 15.67 4. 56 4 . 63 23.75 2 . 83 2 . 80 2 .75 22.96 15,83 4 . 56 4 . 60 23.73 3 . 00 2 .99 2 .96 23. 01 16.00 4 . 56 4 . 59 23. 72 3 . 17 3 . 12 3 . 10 23 . 04 16. 17 4 . 56 4 . 58 23. 72 3 . 33 3 .21 3 .20 23 .Q7 16.33 4 . 57 4 . 57 23. 71 3 . 50 3 . 29 3 . 28 23. 09 16.50 4 . 57 4 . 57 23. 7Z 3 . 67 � 3 . 50 3 .45 23 . 14 16. 67 4 . 35 4 . 53 23. 68 3 . 83 3 .77 3 .72 23 . 20 16. 83 4 . 01 4.. 40 23 . 60 4 . 00 3 .94 3 .90 23 . 25 17.00 3. 84 4 . 22 23 . 47 4 . 17 4 . 04 3 .94 23 . 27 Z7 . 17 3 . 76 4 . 07 23 . 37 4 . 33 4 . 12 3 .99 23 . 31 17.33 3.72 3 . 95 23 . 28 4 . 50 4 . 18 4 .05 23 . 35 17.50 3 . 70 3 . 73 23 . 21 4 . 67 4 .40 4 .14 23 . 41 Z7. 67 3. 69 3 . 68 23 . 19 4 . 83 4 . 72 4 . 29 23 . 52 17.83 3. 68 3 . 69 23 . 20 5. 00 4 .89 4 .48 23 . 65 18.OQ 3 . 68 3 . 68 23 . 19 5. 17 5 . 00 4 . 65 23 . 77 18. 17 3 . 69 3 . 69 23 .20 5. 33 5 . 09 4 . 80 23 .87 18.33 3 . 69 3 . 69 23 . 20 5. 50 5 . 17 4 . 92 23 . 95 18.50 3 . 69 3 . 69 23 . 20 5. 67 5 . 46 5.07 24 . 06 18. 67 3 . 69 3 . 69 23 . 20 5. 83 5 . 86 5.29 24 . 21 18.83 3 . 69 3 . 69 23 . 20 6. 00 6 . 11 5 . 55 24 . 38 19.00 3 . 70 3 . 70 23 . 20 6. 17 6.28 5.79 24 . 55 19.17 3 . 70 3 . 70 23 . 20 6. 33 6 .40 5. 99 24 . 69 Z9.33 3 . 70 3 . 70 5. 83 5. 86 5 . 29 24 . 21 18.87 3 . 69 3 . 69 23 . 20 �3 5. 86 5 .29 24 . 21 18.83 3 . 69 3 . 69 23 . 20 JO 6. 11 5 . 55 24 . 38 14.00 3. 70 3 . 70 23 . 20 6. 17 6 .28 5 . 79 24 . 55 19 . 17 3 . 70 3 .70 23 . 20 6.33 6 . 40 5.99 24 . 69 19.33 3 . 70 3 . 70 23 .20 6. 50 6 . 51 6. 16 24 . 81 19 . 50 3 . 70 3 . 70 23 . 20 6. 67 7 . 28 6 .43 25 . 00 19 . 67 3 . 71 3 . 71 23 . 20 s . � � �! 6.83 8. 42 6. 88 25. 33 19.83 3 . 71 3 .71 23 . 20 7.00 9. 06 7 .22 25. 69 20. 00 3 .71 3 .71 23. 20 �, 1� 10.29 7 . 67 26.16 20. 17 3 .71 3 .71 23.20 7. 33 11. 85 8 . 29 26.82 20. 33 3 .71 3 .71 23 . 20 7.5U 15. 79 9 . 21 27 .90 20.5Q 3 .72 3 .72 23 .20 `� 67 25.00 m�� 10. 52 29 .54 20. 67 3 . 72 3 .72 23 .20 .83 28. 61 �+-�1. 04 30.21 20.83 3 .72 3 .72 23 .20 8.00 23 . 501N 11.48 30.89 21. 00 3 . 72 3 .72 23 .20 8, Z7 18. 25 11.75 31.31 21. 17 3 . 73 3 .73 23 .21 8.33 19 . 71 11 .89 �� 31.53 21. 33 3 .73 3 .73 23 . 21 8.50 12 . 95 11.95�_ 31.62 21.50 3 .73 3 .73 23 .21 8. 67 11. 14 11 .95 � 31.62 21. 67 3 . 73 3 .73 23 . 21 8.83 9. 29 11 . 90 31.54 21. 83 3 .73 3 .73 23 .21 9. 00 8. 36 11. 81 31.40 22 . 00 3 .74 3 .74 23 . 21 9. 17 7. 91 11.70 31.24 22. 17 3 .74 3.74 23 .21 9.33 7.70 11. 59 31.06 22 . 33 3 .74 3 .74 23 .21 9.50 7. 60 11.47 30.88 22 . 50 3 .74 3 .74 23 .21 9. 67 7. 56 11. 36 30.70 22 . 67 3 .74 3 . 74 23 .21 5.83 5. 86 5 .29 24 .21 18.83 3 . 69 3 . 69 23 . 20 6.00 6. 11 5 . 55 24 .38 19. 00 3 . 70 3 .70 23 .20 6. 17 6. 28 5.79 24.55 19 . 17 3 . 70 3 .70 23 . 20 6.33 6.40 5.99 24 .69 19.33 3 .70 3 .70 23 .20 6. 50 6. 51 6. 16 24 .81 19.50 3 . 70 3 .70 23 .20 6. 67 7 . 28 6 .43 25.00 19. 67 3 .71 3 .71 23 .20 6. 83 8.42 6 .88 25.33 19.83 3 .71 3 . 71 23 . 20 7. 00 9.06 7 . 22 25.69 20. 00 3 .71 3 .71 23 . 20 7 . 17 10. 29 7 . 67 26. 16 20. 17 3 .71 3 .71 23 .2Q 7. 33 11. 85 8.29 26.82 20. 33 3 .71 3 .71 23 . 20 7 . 50 15.79 9 .21 27.90 20. 50 3 . 72 3 . 72 23 . 20 7 . 67 25. 00 10.52 29.54 20. 67 3 . 72 3 .72 23 . 20 7 .83 28. 61 11.04 30.21 20. 83 3 .72 3 .72 23 . 20 8. 00 23 . 50 11.48 30.89 21. 00 3 .72 3 .72 23 . 20 8. 17 18. 25 11 .75 31. 31 21. 17 3 . 73 3 .73 23 .21 8. 33 14 .71 11.89 31.53 21. 33 3 .73 3 .73 23 .21 , 50 12 .95 11.95 31.62 21. 50 3 .73 3 .73 23 .21 �67 11. 14 11.95 31.62 21. 67 3 .73 3 .73 23 .21 s.83 9. 29 11.90 31.54 21. 83 3 .73 3 .73 23 .21 ' 9.00 8 . 36 11.81 31.40 22 . 00 3 .74 3 .74 23 . 21 9. 17 7 .91 11.70 31.24 22 . 17 3 .74 3 .74 23 . 21 _ 9.33 7 .70 11.59 31. 06 22 . 33 3 .74 3 . 74 23 . 21 9.50 7. 60 11.47 30.88 22 . 50 3 .74 3 .74 23 . 21 9. 67 7. 56 11.36 30.70 22 . 67 3 .74 3 . 74 23 .21 9.83 7 .55 11.25 30.53 22 . 9. 33 7.70 11.59 31.06 22 . 33 3 .74 3 .74 23 . 21 9. 50 7 . 60 11.47 30.88 22 . 50 3 .74 3 .74 23 .21 9. 67 7 . 56 11.36 30.70 22 . 67 3 .74 3 . 74 23 .21 9. 83 7 . 55 11.25 30.53 22 . 83 3 .75 3 . 75 23.21 10. 00 7 .56 11. 14 30.36 23 . 00 3 .75 3 .75 23 .21 10. 17 7 . 58 11.03 30.20 23 . 17 3 .75 3 .75 23 .21 10. 33 7 . 60 10.93 30.05 23 .33 3 .75 3 .75 23 .21 10.50 7 . 62 10.83 29.91 23 . 50 3 .75 3 . 75 23 .21 10. 67 7 . 29 10.71 29.78 23 . 67 3 .76 3 . 76 23 . 21 10.83 6.79 10. 59 29. 63 23 .83 3 .76 3 .76 23. 21 11. 00 6. 54 10.46 29.48 24 . 00 2 .83 3 . 07 23 . 04 11.17 6 . 43 10. 09 29.00 24 . 1? 1.43 1. 68 22. 68 11. 33 6. 37 9 .52 28.28 24 . 33 .00 . 25 22 . 31 11. 50 6 . 35 9 . 03 27 . 66 24 . 50 . 0a . 00 22 . 25 11. 67 6 . 35 8 . 60 27. 14 24 . 67 .00 . 00 22 . 25 11. 83 6 . 35 8 . 19 26.71 24 .83 . 00 . 00 22 .25 12.00 6 . 36 7 . 85 26. 36 25. 00 . 00 . 00 22. 25 12 . 17 6 . 37 7. 58 26.07 25. 17 .00 . 00 22.25 12 . 33 6 . 38 7 . 36 25. 84 25.33 . 00 . 00 22. 25 12.50 6 . 39 7 . 18 25. 65 25. 50 . 00 . 00 22. 25 t2. 67 6 . 07 7 .01 25 .47 25. 67 . 00 . 00 22. 25 33 5 . 58 6.78 25. 24 25.83 . 00 . 00 . 00 �r�CIFY: C - CONTINUE, N - NEWJOB, P - PRINT, S - STOP, R - REVISE 9. 33 7 .70 11.59 31.06 22 . 33 3 . 74 3 . 74 23 . 21 �ut.� re� .��u�ii►- ruivu xt�vi�nr�- c.cri • �• r ,� T . 23 . 25 3 .90 412 . 0 . O 25. 25 6. 80 4241.0 . 0 27. 25 8.70 9898 . 0 . 0 29. 40 10.40 15978 .0 . 0 '-Q OQ 10.90 24945.0 . 0 j. d0 12 . 20 51049. 0 . 0 s3 . OQ 12 .80 65181. 0 .O AVERAGE PERM-RATE: .0 MINUTES/INCH ENTER [d: ] [path]filename[ .ext] OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: b:hydl00.out INFLOW/OUTFLOW ANALYSIS: . PEAK-INFLOW(CFS) PEAK-OUTFLOW(CFS) OUTFLOW-VOL(CU-FT) 33 .90 12 .72 546768 INITIAL-STAGE(FT) TIME-OF-PEAK(HRS) PEAK-STAGE-ELEV(FT) , .00 8.67 32 .87 PEAK STORAGE: 63310 CU-FT '� ENTER [d: ] [path]filename[ .ext] FOR STORAGE OF COMPUTED HYDROGRAPH: I P I� INFLOW/OUTFLOW DATA PRINT-OUT: T(HRS) QI (CFS) QO(CFS) EL(FT) T(HRS) QI (CFS) QO(CFS) EL(FT) .00 .00 .00 .00 13 . 00 6. 26 9.52 28 . 28 . 17 . 00 . 00 22.25 13 . 17 6 . 12 9. 00 27. 63 .33 . O1 . O1 22 . 25 13 . 33 6. 06 8.52 27 . 06 �' �50 . 11 . 09 22 .27 13 . 50 6. 03 8. 07 26. 59 . 67 .33 . 28 22 .32 13 . 67 6. 01 7. 69 26. 19 .83 .59 .54 22.39 13 . 83 6. 01 7 .39 25 . 87 1.00 .86 .81 22.46 14 . 00 6. 01 7.13 25 . 60 1. 17 1. 10 1.06 22.52 14 . 17 6. 02 6.93 25. 39- - 1.33 1.32 1.28 22.58 14 . 33 6. 02 6.72 25. 20 1.50 1.50 1.47 22.63 14. 50 6. 03 6 .47 25. 02 1.67 1.78 1.72 22 .69 14 . 67 5 . 85 6.27 24 . 89 1. 83 2 . 11 2 . 05 22 .78 14 . 83 5. 58 6.06 24 . 74 2.00 2 . 36 2 . 32 22 .85 15. 00 5. 45 5.86 24 . 60 2. 17 2 . 54 2 . 51 22 .89 15. 17 5. 38 5.70 24 . 49 2. 33 2 . 69 2 . 66 22 .93 15. 33 5. 35 5. 57 24 .40 2. 50 2 .81 2.79 22.9? 15. 5Q 5. 34 5.49 24 . 35 2. 67 3 .06 3 . 00 23 . 02 15. 67 5. 33 5.43 24 . 31 2.83 3 .38 3 . 32 23. 10 15. 83 5. 33 5.39 24 . 28 3 .00 3 .59 3 . 56 23 . 16 16 . 00 ZNFLOW/OUTFLOW DATA PRINT-OUT: T(HRS} QI (CFS) QO(CFS) EL(FT) T(HRS) QI(CFS) QO(CFS) EL(FT) .00 .00 . 00 .00 13 . 00 6. 26 9.52 28 . 28 . 17 .00 . 00 22 .25 13 . 17 6 . 12 9 .00 27 . 63 . 33 .O1 . O1 22.25 13 . 33 6. 06 8 .52 27. 06 .50 .11 . 09 22.27 13 . 50 6 . 03 8 . 07 26.59 . 67 .33 . 28 22.32 13 . 67 6. 01 7 . 69 26 . 19 .83 .59 . 54 22 . 39 13 . 83 6 . 01 7 .39 25.87 1. 00 .86 . 81 22 .46 14 . 00 6. 01 7 . 13 25. 60 1. 17 1.10 1. 06 22 . 52 14 . 17 6 . 02 6. 93 25. 39 33 1.32 1. 28 22 .58 14 . 33 6 . 02 6 .72 25. 20 i0 1.50 1. 47 22 .63 14 . 5Q 6. 03 6. 47 25. 02 �. 67 1.78 1 .72 22. 69 14 . 67 5 . 85 6.27 24 . 89 1. 83 2 . 11 2 . 05 22 .78 14 .83 5. 58 6. 06 24 .74 2. 00 2 .36 2 .32 22 .85 15. 00 5 . 45 5. 86 24 . 60 2 • 17 2 .54 2 . 51 22 .89 15. 17 5 . 38 5.70 24 . 49 � 4 ' 11.50 7.46 11. 21 30.47 24 . 50 . 00 .00 22 .25 11. 67 ? .46 11. 10 30.30 24 . 67 . 00 . 00 22 .25 11.83 7 .46 10. 99 30. 14 24 .83 . 00 .00 22 .25 12 . 00 7 .47 10. 88 29.98 25.00 . 00 . 00 22 .25 "' . 17 7 .48 10.77 29.85 25. 17 .00 . 00 22 .25 '�33 7 .49 10.66 29.72 25. 33 . 00 .00 22 . 25 :50 7 .50 10. 56 29.59 25. 50 . 00 . 00 22 .25 12.67 7 . 13 10. 45 29.46 25. 67 . 00 . QO 22 . 25 12. 83 6.55 10. 08 29.00 25. 83 . 00 . 00 . 00 SPECIFY: C - CaNTINUE, N - NEWJOB, P - PRINT, S - STOP, R - REVISE 1.00 .86 .81 22 .46 14 . 00 6. 01 7. 13 25. 60 1.17 2.10 1. 06 22 . 52 14 . 17 6. 02 6.93 25. 39 1. 33 1.32 1. 28 22. 58 14 .33 6. 02 6. 72 25. 2Q 1.50 1.50 1. 47 22 . 63 14 .50 6. 03 6.47 25 . 02 1. 67 1.78 1 . 72 22 . 69 14 . 67 5.85 6. 27 24 . 89 1.83 2 . 11 2 . 05 22.78 14 . 83 5.58 6. 06 24 . 74 2.00 2 .36 2 . 32 22 .85 15.00 5.45 5. 86 24 . 60 2. 17 2 .54 2 .51 22 . 89 15. 17 5.38 5.70 24 .49 2. 33 2 .69 2 . 66 22 . 93 15. 33 5.35 5.57 24 . 40 2.50 2 . 81 2.79 22 . 97 15. 50 5. 34 5. 49 24 . 35 2 . 67 3 .06 3 .00 23 . 02 15. 67 5.33 5. 43 24 . 31 2 .83 3 . 38 3 . 32 23 . 10 15.83 5.33 5. 39 24 . 28 � 3 .00 3 .59 3 .56 23 . 16 I6.00 5. 34 5. 37 24 . 27 3 . 17 3 .73 3 . 71 23 . 20 16. 17 5.34 5. 36 24 . 26 3. 33 3 .84 3 . 82 23. 23 16 .33 5. 34 5. 35 24 .25 3 .50 3 .92 3 .90 23 . 25 16 .50 5. 35 5. 35 24 . 25 3 . 67 4 . 15 3 .95 23 . 29 16 .67 5. 09 5. 30 24 .22 3 . 83 4 .46 4 . 08 23 . 38 16 .83 4 . 69 5. 15 24 . 11 I 4 . 00 4 . 65 4 . 26 23 . 50 17.00 4 .49 4. 94 23 .97 4 .17 4 .76 4 . 42 23 . 61 17 . 17 4 .39 4 .76 23 .84 4.33 4 .84 4 .56 23 . 71 17. 33 4 . 34 4 . 61 23 . 74 , 4 .50 4 . 90 4 . 68 23 . 79 17 . 50 4 .32 4 . 51 23 . 67 �i� -67 5. 16 4 .81 23 . 88 17 .67 4 . 31 4. 44 23 . 62 �33 5.53 5. 01 24 . 01 17.83 4 . 31 4 . 39 23 . 59 4 .83 5.53 5.01 24 . 01 17 .83 4 . 31 4 . 39 23 . 59 5. 04 5.77 5. 24 24 . 18 18.00 4 . 31 4 . 36 23 . 5? 5. 17 5.94 5.47 24 . 33 18.17 4 . 31 4 . 34 23. 55 5. 33 6.08 5. 67 24 . 47 18.33 4 . 31 4 . 33 23 . 55 5.50 6. 19 5.84 24 . 59 18.50 4 . 31 4. 32 23. 54 5. 67 6.54 6. 04 24 .72 18. 67 4 . 31 4. 32 23 . 54 5.83 7 . 02 6.31 24 . 91 18.83 4. 32 4 . 32 23 . 54 6.00 . 7 . 32 6. 63 25. 13 19.00 4. 32 4 . 32 23 . 54 6. 17 7 .51 6.86 25.31 19.17 4 . 32 4 .32 23 . 54 6. 33 7 . 66 6. 99 25. 45 19. 33 4 . 32 4 . 32 23 . 54 6. 50 7 .78 7 . 13 25. 59 19.50 4 . 33 4 . 32 23. 54 6. 67 8 .70 7. 33 25. 81 19. 67 4. 33 4 . 32 23 . 54 6. 83 10.04 7.70 26.20 19.83 4. 33 4 . 33 23 . 54 7. 00 10.80 8. 20 26.72 20. 00 4 . 33 4 .33 23 . 55 7. 17 12 . 26 8. 79 27. 37 20. 17 4 . 34 4 . 33 23 . 55 7. 33 14 . 10 9 . 47 28. 23 20.33 4 . 34 4. 33 23 . 55 7 .50 18 .77 10. 43 29.44 20.50 4 . 34 4 . 34 23. 55 7 . 67 29 ,67 �qx 10. 89 29. 98 20.67 4 . 34 4 . 34 23 . 55 7 . 83 33 .90 •�11. 50 30.93 20.83 4 . 34 4 . 34 23 . 55 8 . 00 27 . 831/�1 12 .07 31.80 21.00 4 . 35 4 . 34 23 . 55 8 . 17 21. 60 12 . 41 32.35 21. 17 4 . 35 4 . 34 23 . 56 8. 33 17 . 39 12 . 59 32. 65 21. 33 4 . 35 4 . 35 23 . 56 8. 50 15.30 12 . 68 �'1AX 32.80 21. 50 4 . 35 4 . 35 23 . 56 8 . 67 13 . 15 12 . 72�-32 .87 21. 67 4 . 36 4 . 35 23. 56 8 .83 10.96 12 . 70Q(JT 32 .84 21. 83 4 . 36 F . 00 5 .77 5. 24 24 . 18 18 . 00 4 . 31 4 . 36 23 . 57 7 5. 94 5. 47 24 . 33 18. 17 4 . 31 4 . 34 23 . 55 �3 6. 08 5. 6? 24 .47 18. 33 4 . 31 4 . 33 23 . 55 5. 50 6 . 19 5. 84 24 . 59 18. 50 4 . 31 4 . 32 23 . 54 5. 67 6.59 6. 04 24 .72 18. 67 4 . 31 4 . 32 23 . 54 5.83 7 . 02 6. 31 24 .91 18. 83 4 . 32 4 . 32 23 . 54 6. 00 .7 .32 6. 63 25. 13 19 . 00 4 . 32 4 . 32 23 . 54 9Z 'ZZ EO ' 00 ' ££ ' bZ �9 'OE ZE 'TT 6�' L E£ 'II 68 ' ZZ IS ' Z L9 'I LT ' �Z Z8 'OE �6'TT SS' L Li 'TT �� ' EZ 8T ' � 0£ ' E 00 ' bZ 00 'Z� SS'TT 69' L 00'TT 8S ' EZ 8� ' 6 8� ' � �8 ' EZ LT 'T� 99 'TT 86' L £8 . 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I �l � I! Titie PA C��� — �/��DIQ�[J�)[� Sheet No. �5 of � ' By rUG�/ O7 � ?�g i Chk. I l Job Na. ���' I SSOE, Inc. • 3015 i12th Avenue, N.E., Suite 101 • Bellevue, Washington 98004 • Fax 206-827-8412 • 206-827-2950 15.6` �6"�, fID�SE2570KY�JISEu.�12 7, _ � --�! _ -�- • ,_CB 1`QPELE U, 28.3 I ��'��y _� . ' i uv 2B•43 " — — - �Nv. 2�.2 _—_�`Z' 2�b" �nN 243 . � � 30� T`/P SE C i 10N T�If.!�_JG/-� l�i��t�D ��� Hau�E�2 �T��elf� L�a�F,C <� �� �7�J � -r 3b. ---- _ I� l ; _� SOUTH GARDEN AVENUE STORM DRAIN EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON � I. DRAINAGE REPORT � i SQU'I'� Gt�.KA�N' A��;NE�E SSf�E J(3B N4 ��.a41�-03,:' S"P�RM;17RAIN E�ET;EIVSION :: �EBRUAR�'28;:1992: ;': < : ,;, .:;: REN'�'4Nr WASY��N��'QL�'; ; > :;:. [ DRAINAGE REPORT FOR SOUTH GARDEN AVENUE STORM DRAIN EXTENSION KENTON, WASHINGTON PREPARED BY SSOE INC. FEBRUARY 28, 1992 GENERAL: The present storm drain system that flows from North 8th Street and Garden Avenue North to the pond near the entrance to Gene Coulon Park (pond #3) is highly inadequate to convey the runoff generated by major storms. During extreme storms there is extensive flooding in the valley floor. In 1988, a pipeline parallel to Garden Avenue North and ending at approximately Lake Washington Boulevard was designed to help alleviate the flooding. In the same year 867 � lineal feet, or about 40%a of the pipeline was constructed_ In 1991 the capacity of this storm drain system was analyzed as part of the design of a new truck plant at the PACCAR Renton site. The analysis clearly indicated that upgrading the - - existing storm drain system would be mutuaIIy beneficial to the truck plant construcHon and to the community as a whole. • PACCAR then retained SSOE to design the storm drain , improvements. The storm drain extension project is to be constructed in two stages. The first stage, for which this report is written, is a pipeline parallel to Garden Avenue North that extends north about 12501ineal feet from North 8th Street to the south end of the pipeline constructed in I988. The second stage is a pipeline that extends from the north end of the 1988 pipeline to pond #3. This section of the pipeline is currently being designed. CORE REQUIREMENTS: Core Requirement #1: Discharge at the Natural Location The system will discharge water to the existing drainage system at pond #3. Core Requirement #2: Offsite analysis The design of this system utilized a study of the hydraulics and hydroIogy of the drainage basin tributary to and downstream of the proposed project. An initial study of the existing conditions used a steady staEe backwater analysis and predicted that flooding would occur under less than a 2 year storm. A copy of this report (Gazden Avenue Drainage SEudy) is attached for reference. Subsequent to the iniHal report, the hydraulics and hydrology of the valley floor were analyzed using the EXTRAN module of the Stormwater Management Model (SWMM). The EXTRAN module offers a more detailed analysis of the valley floor drainage system, allowing the dynamic routing of full hydrographs through the storm drain system. Once again the analysis indicated that the existing system would flood during major storms. 1 , ; SQUT� GARDEI�F AVENU� ' : __ ;: . sso� roB �o. �����. ;: ST�1ZM DIiAI�EX"fENSIOIv .: FEBR�ARY 2$� I�9� ,:; TtENTC}N, WASHINGT4N -, _ , _ ,. : � The EXTRAN model was then used to predict the drainage improvemenEs provided by the entire storm drain extension project_ The new pipeline will provide significant flooding reductions. A copy of this report (Addendum No. 3, Gazden Avenue North Drainage Study) is attached for reference. As mentioned above, the exact alignment of the north portion of the storm drain extension is still being designed. ConsequenEly, when the final alignment of the north end is set the analysis will be verified and adjustments made as necessary to meet (or improve upon) the hydraulic characterisHcs predicted by the current model. Core Requirement #3: Runoff Control The installation does not increase the amount of impervious area for the tributary basin and consequently does not need any flow control system. No biofiltration facilities are provided because the system merely conveys water that is collected off-site. Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System The conveyance system is designed to the standards of the King County Surface Water - - Design Manual (KCSWDM). The backwater analysis is performed as part of the EXTR.AN analysis d�scribed above. Core Requirement #5: Erosion and Sedimentation Control Erosion and sedimentation will be controlled by several measures. First, silt fences will be provided at excavations where the earth surface is exposed. Second, backfilled trenches will be protected at the end of each day by a 6 inch top layer of clean crushed gravel surfacing in the parking lot and by temporary asphalt paving at driveway entrances. Third, existing catch basins will be protected to stop the entry of muddy water. Finally, the coniractor is required to provide measures to prevent vehicles from tracking soil onto the public streets. 2 � j � I i SOUTH GARDEN AVENUE STORM DRAIN EXTENSION Ilj RENTON, WASHINGTON � � II. TIR WORKSHEET Pags 1 oi King County Buliding and Land Devetopmeiit Divlslon �' • ��-�� TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TiR) WORKSHEET �� �t y.' . . .. . .. . .. . _ _ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ProjectOwner Cit� of Renton ProjectName _���g� �u� Address Locatfon Storm Drain Extension ' �' ` Phone Townshlp 23N ' ' ProjeciEngineer Steve Wittmann-Todd Range 5E Company SSOE Inc. Sectfon 8 ProJect Size NA AC , Address Phone 206-827-2950 Upstream Drainage Basin Slze 620 AC � � • � • � • � - • Q Subdivision � DOF/G NPA -� (� Shaeline hAariagement�� �' 0 Short Subdivision � COE 404 0 Rodtery � �• 0 Grading � DOE Dam Safety 0 Structural Vaults _ Q Commercial � FEMA Floodplain 0 Other �] Other Utili�y � COE Wetlands 0 HPA . r � Community • � • Cz�y of RPnt�n �• . . "''• :� . . ' ' � .' .1'' -_ `f;' ��C✓�-r..-..J�:1�'.Y Drainage Basin ' . � . - . -, . ' � ':''y-�'"�^' •, � 'r �--�.�Y P1_ Rantnn il� i3'naae B��iTI , , • .•..:_Li � i n�.,�.•- . . _ : . 0 River � Floodplat� Inadern�� P nnvPvan�P ' ' 0 Stream � Wellands � Crilical Slream Reach 0 Seeps/Sprhigs ' 0 Depressions/Swales � F�Igh Groundwater table , , 0 Lake 0 Grvundwater Recharge • � � '��• � O steep Slopes O other � Lakeside/Erosion Hazard . : ' ,.,�t?�., •d•;•:��,�::,`_,; ..+i:4-•::r� `�-��=: . .�. �:.::3� � • - . . ' . 'i::t:'. ' . � !�•i�..1 � Soil Type Sbpes , Eroslon Potenlial Erosh+e�elodHes ,;� ; N.A. ,. . .a��.._ .- , ..,�,._.Rr �..y�.�. ..��..�.�,n•� ` . ;.. � �,'T•.� �,.• :w. .� 0 Additionai Sheels Atlatched ' � - � - � � ' Pags 2 of 2 King County Bulldln� and Land Development Divlaton: TECHNtCAL tNFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET.�; . . . � � . . � � ' F REFERENCE LfMITATIOWSITECONSTRAINT�'�'�'� ��. � � •�� �iK' ���_ ''�' ti � 4�.�i.:r .;r.=K£:..- � � Ch.4-Downstream Analysis NA � 0 � . � o � o ; o . � a -� - � � � Addilional Sf�eats Attatched .����, :�� - � • MINIMUM ESC REC�UIREMENTS MIN{MUM ESC REGTUIREMENTS . • � DURING CONSTRUCTION FOLLOWIN(3 CONSTRUCTION - � Sedimeniation Facililies � Stabliize Exposed Sutface � Stabilized Construclion Enlrance � Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Faa�itles � Perimeter Runoff ConUol � Clean and Remove All S�t and Debris 0 Clearing and Gradfng Restriciions � Ensure Operatlon of Permanenl Fadittles � O Cover Practices O Flag Llmita ot NGPES , � � Construction Sequence 0 Other ' ` ' � Other Stabilize exposed surface � + � . , . . � ► 0 Grass Uned Channel � Tank O Infiliratlon Melhod of Malysls � � Pipe System 0 Vault 0 Depresston Fxtra„ (�,��) , 0 Open Channei 0 Energy Dissapator � F1oW DisQersal_ �:`- � ,'-.Compensadon/MtUgaflbii';�:Y ' 0 Dry Pond � Wetland 0 Walver '� � � '` �bt Ellminated S1iA Slorage 0 Wet Pond 0 Stream � Regiona)DetenUon �O . � Brief Descripiion of System OperaGon Parallel convPvanrP cvcrPm r„ ,�� ��.e��s���s- coriveyance system � . Faci�ity Relaled Sile Limitallons 0 Addltlonal Sheeb Atlatched Refecence Fac�Tily Umllatton . NA . . . . . . , � �,. _ .. . . - • . . . • . • . • � I � � • � ►.F t S;r�I''t" �'!.1':'�p �-+: .¢��!ti►5��,-"-?'. . � .� bt�`la nage�esemen�������•. . �_ : .,. � Casi in Place Vauil 0 Other � Accees Easement O Reiaining WaN Q Native Growth Protecflon Eassme� � Rockery>4'High 0 Tract � Structural on Steep S1ope (� Olher , , � . - . � - • • . i I or a dvll englneer under my supervl�lon hev�vfsltsd th��N�.Actud .... ,.'' ,.''`••nnifi�'•�. � ? �ita condlUon�a�obeerved ware Incorporatad Into thls woriahset end th� � attatchmenis. To tha best ot my knowledgs thv Informstbn protrldsd here ts acanate. e+lr�+� I/90 SOUTH GARDEN AVENUE STORM DRAIN EXTENSION _ RENTON, WASHINGTON III. GARDEN AVENUE DRAINAGE STUDY ,� SOUTH GARDEN AVENUE STOIZM DRAIN EXTENSION _ _ RENTON, WASHINGTON DRAINAGE REPORT February 28, 1992 � ��oo�sQ��o+ ! :' 1�ITT�9°s�� - : �,e•,,.>,.,�.� • �•` •��as,, .y � ��`°� `r ���. � • i t,�'� :Q`` '� :� � . � � }-- yn � !: t z. p °a I � • � � `,�,..:� _ • n ^�:;� .O o"•@ s° .�V• "- o�� ee ��,r�, +a:�.�'= .�,�, : �-': s ,W'xio�� d4 Ydrr,.q, ��4��,ti� ` i>r'Ckis • 0 �aeoz�y�' 2 2g�� SOU'TH GARDEN AVENUE STORM DRAIN EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON DRAINAGE REPORT February 28, 1992 SOUTH GARDEN AVENUE STORM DRAIN EXTENSION RENTON, WASHINGTON DRAINAGE REPORT INDEX I. DRAINAGE REPORT II. TIR WORKSHEET III. GARDEN AVENUE DRAINAGE STUDY � IV. ADDENDUM NO. 3 GARDEN AVENUE NORTH DRAINAGE STUDY ) � - Y� _ i� � ` ENTRANCO` . : i: . - _ �, - i'�_: . . . . - . . . . . . _ . _ - . - . � ' . . � . ' . � k. .---- ' . . . .. -' . . ' _ _ � . _ . . . _ . ' � , . � t � � � � ' ' __ • . � . �. � -- " - . .. . ' ' . . . � � ' . �� . .. . . � _ " � .. .. . . ._. �''.. . .� - - . ..: - � . �� . ' . . ' . . .. -. . . ' . � ; ` . � � . . . _ . _ ' ' . _ . _ .� . .' . � . . . i��:::�. ' - - . . . . _ _ . . � . . . ' _ . -� t�.:.. .. . . . . `. . . . : ' . . . . .. .. _ . .. . . . . . . -. ... - � . 1 ` GARDEN AVE/1lUF t DRAl/VAGF STl1DY ' Renton,-Washington . _._r_`:.�.. . . . . . . . � . . - . _ � Prepared for F_ _ : PACCAR, tnc. ,, �: : : # Pr�pared by � f_- . . - . . � . . � _ . . - . � . . : ENTRAN CO 10900 NE 8ih Street, 5uiie 300 �. BeHevue, Washington 98404 ._ _ (20E�) 454560D ;'�- �, , , Octaber 1, 199� t`;- „ �'._ , � i � ��, R � . ✓y f� i � ��' � �, �� � ENTRANCO ' I � _ _ CARDEN AVENUF DRAINACE STUDY Renton, Washington , Prepared far � PACCAR, Inc. Prepared by ENTRANCO 10900 NE 8th Street, Suite 300 Bellevue, Washington 98004 (206} 4545600 October 1, 1991 . CONTENTS Paqe II ; i WTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 �' METHODS I HydrolagY • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 'I BackwaterAnalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ASSUM PTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Hydrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 BackwaterAnatysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 CONCLUSfONS AND RECOMMENDATlONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 APPENDICES - A - Figures B - Hydrologic Summary and Calculations i FIGURES (Appendix A� PaQe � 1. Vicinity Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.1 2. Drainage Basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2 3. Backwater Anafysis Ftow Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.3 4. Hydrologic Soil Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A_4 5. Land Use Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A_5 6. Operational Curve Flow Segment 1: Flow from Pand 1 to Lake Washington for Various Headwater and Taitwater Elevations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.6 7. Operational Curve Flow Segment 2: - Flow from No�th 8th Street to Pond 1 for Various Headwater and Tailwater Elevations . . . . . .�. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . A_6 8. Operationa{ Cunre Flow Segment 3: Flow from Garden Avenue North Junction to the Cedar River for Various Headwater and Tailwater Elevations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A_7 9. Operational Curve Flow Segment 4: Flow from PACCAR Outlet to Garden Avenue North Junction � for Various Headwater and Tailwater Elevations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.7 10. Operational Curve Flow Segment 5: Flow from Lower PACCAR Junction to North 8th Street for Various Headwater and Tailwater Elevations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.8 11. Operational Curve Flow Segment 6: � Flow from Middle PACCAR Junction to Lower PACCAR Junction for Various Headwater and Tailwater Etevations . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.8 12. Operational Curve Flow Segment 7: Flow from the Inflow to PACCAR t� Middle PACCAR Junction for Various Headwater and Tailwater Elevations . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.9 TABLES Paqe 1. Predicted Peak Flow Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ii y GARDEN AVENUE NORTH DRA{NAGE STUDY INTRODUCTION This report is a hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of the Garden Avenue North drainage basin in Renton. Water in the basin flows through the Gene Couton Memorial Beach Park into the southeast corner of Lake Washington adjacent to the Cedar River (figure 1). The basin includes a developed upland area of approximately 980 acres which slopes down to the flat valley floor along the Cedar River. Large storm events have caused f{ooding in some intersections, most notabty the intersection of North 8th Street and Garden Avenue North and at the Houser Way un- derpass below Park Avenue. Cross connections exist in the stormwater system in the vicinity of Garden Avenue North and North 8th Street, so that stormwater that woutd nor- malty flow down Garden Avenue North could discharge to the Cedar River instead. This report analyzes flow through the pipe system, considering the effects of tailwater to the system. _ METHODS Hydrology At the direction of the City of Renton, the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) method was used to compute runoff rates using the Waier Works software program. The basin was divided into 18 main subbasins, as delineated by the City of Renion, with some of these divided further along the pipe runs on the valley floor (figure 2). The east basin area (subbasins 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, and 17) drains to the storm system at the east end of North Eighth Street. The north basin area (subbasins 2, 3, and 4) ftows into Pond 1 on the south side of Lake Washington Boulevard. Off-site flows from subbasin 15 flaw into the storm system running through the PACCAR site. The PACCAR site was divided into six additional subbasins based on in- formation provided by SSOE, Inc. Flows from these subbasins were added along the pipe run ihrough the site. Backwater Analysis At the direction of the City of Renton and PACCAR, the King County Surface Water Management Backwater program was used to analyze the hydraulic pipe flow in the pipes. A backwater analysis was done along the twa interconnected drainage corri- dors to determine waier surface elevations corresponding to various stormf{ows (figure 3). One backwater pathway begins at Lake Washington and runs through the Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. It then crosses under Lake Washington Boulevard and runs up Garden Avenue North to North 8th Street, where the cross connection with the Cedar River outtalt occurs. From here it runs east up No�th 8th Street to the base of !, the hill near Houser Way North. It also branches from Norih 8th Street and runs I through the PACCAR site. 91031-60 Garaen Ave.Drainaqe Sludy{t0i7l91) � I� = The other backwater pathway begins at the Cedar River and runs east up North • Sixih Street to Garden Avenue North, then north to North 8th Street where Garden Ave- nue North jogs east. The backwater pathway then runs east to the continuation of Gar- den Avenue North, where it joins the first backwater pathway. At several locations an analysis was done ta determine what flaws would be ex- pected given various headwater and tailwater elevaiions (locations are shown on �gure 3j. • ASSUMPTIONS The existing pipe network was modeled using information provided from various sources. The City of Renton provided a Pipe Attribute compendium of the Renton stormwater system. This was supplemented with fiefd survey data collected by EnVanco. The survey veri(ied the system beneath Garden Avenue North, and collected cross-sections and invert elevations from the channel and culverts between Lake Washington Baulevard and Lake Washington. SSOE, Inc. provided informafion on the pipe network within ihe PACCAR property, as wel( as the pipe network on North 8th Street. Northwest Hydraulics provided the 2-, 10-, 25-, and 100-year water surface ele- vatians for the Cedar River, which were 20.1, 21.7, 22.3, and 22.74 feet, respectively, at the approximate location of the outfall. Lake Washington water levels were provided by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. Water levels are regulated during the year and the lake is kept lower during the winter than the summer. A typical winter-time elevation is 13.3 feet. The channel from Lake Washington Boulevard to Lake Washington was modeled assuming that the channet will be maintained by cutting back the blackberries and keeping the culverts clear. Times of concentraUon were estimated using the criteria described in the King County Su�face Water Design Manual. Flow components were divided into sheet flow, shallow concentrated flow, and then open channel or pipe flow. Estimates were made using aerial photography, topographic maps, and a pipe network map supplied by the City of Renton. Flow paths are shown in figure 2. Twenty-four hour precipitation totals were taken from isopluvial maps in the King County Surface Water Design Manual. The precipitation totals are 2.0, 2.9, 3.4, and 3.9 inches for the 2-, 10-, 25-, and 100-years, 24-hour storms respectively. Soil types were estimated using the USDA Soil Conservation maps for King Coun- � ty. The hydrologic groups are shown in figure 4. . , 'i Land use was estimated using aerial photographs supplemented by field verifica- tion (figure 5). Hydrographs from the upper basin were mostly added direcUy, neglecting the trav- � el time between subbasins. This was done to simplify the calculations, and decrease the chance of computational errors. The lag times were small, from one to 12 min�rtes, which reflected the expected velocities in the pipe and open channel systems. Sub- basins 8, 10, and 16 were lagged by 30 minutes to reflect the attenuation between where the flows enter the valley ftoor, and North 8th Street_ Pipe capacilies were checked from the east basin to the valley floor. 9t031�60 Garden Ave-Dfainage Sludy(iDltAl) Z II To check the output of the backwater modet, headwater and tailwater elevations were compared with actual observations during large storm events. Fiooding was ob- served at the corner of Garden Avenue North and North 8th Street during the January 9, 1990 slorm. It was estimated that the flaoding reached an elevation of approximately 27 feet during that storm event (Steve Whitman-Todd, pers. comm.�. Ftooding observations were also made during the January 9, 1990 storm by John Hobson of the City of Renion at the following locations: • Flooding occurred on Garden Avenue North between North 8th Street and North Sixth Street to near the top of the curbs. • Flooding occurred on Houser Way below the Park Avenue overpass, also to near the top of the curbs � Pond 1 on the east side of Lake Washington Boulevard rose nearly to the edge of the pavement, but did noi overtop the road. • At North 8th Street at Houser Way, where ihe east basin reaches the vatley floor, the manhole covers were nearly lifted off ihe ground from the water pres- _ sure. RESULTS AND DISCUSS{ON Hydrology Detailed summary information- and documentation of the hydrologic results are ' contained in Appendix B, and are summarized below. Peak flow rates for various design storms are shown in table 1. The east basin '� flows represent those delivered from 581 acres of upland areas to the North 8th Street '� storm drain. Flows for the north basin represent the combined flows from 360 acres of upland areas delivered to Pond 1. The valley flows are the combined peak flow rate � from 54 acres of tributary area located on ihe valtey floor. PACCAR flows are the com- bined peak flow rate for the 76-acre PACCAR site. Flows for subbasin 15 represent the �' peak rate of off-site drainage crossing the PACCAR site. Flows from subbasin 15 are based on a tributary area of 38 ac�es, or 10 acres less than previously assumed far the SSOE, Inc. analysis. The reduction in Vibutary area is based on the discovery that runotf collected by I-405 is diverted from the basin and does not contribute to the flows crossing the PACCAR site. It is worth noting that I the existing drainage pattern tor the subbasin is not ciearly detined. {t is possible that � an additional eight acres above I-405 are also diverted away from the PACCAR site; however, this area was not eliminated as a part of the current analysis since ihe infor- mation available to date is not conclusive. 9103t-60 Garoen ti�e Orarnage Siudy 110.�7,91) 3 � Tabte 1 Predicted Peak Flow Rates Peak Flow Rate (cfs) LocatiQn 2-year 10-year 25-vear 100-year East Basin "' 94.0 155.0 191.0 228.0 North Basin '2' 47.0 78.0 98.0 118.0 Valley Floor '�' 20.0 30.1 35.7 41.3 Paccar Site ''' 9.5 14.8 17.9 21.0 Subbasin 15 'Sj 11.4 17.6 21.8 25.5 �'� Peak flow rates at east end of North 8th Street. Includes runoff from subbas- � ins 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, and 17. Hydrographs from subbasins 6, 7, 9 and 17 were added direcUy. Hydrographs from subbasins 8, 10, and 16 were added after lagging them by 30 minutes. �� Peak f{ow rates at Pond 1. Includes runoff from subbasins 2, 3, and 4. Hy- drographs were added directly. "� Combined peak (low rate added to the pipe system on the vatley ftoor. In- cludes runoff from subbasins 11 and 1 S. Hydrographs were added directly. �'� Combined peak flow rates from subbasins on PACCAR site. �s� Based on a 38-acre basin size, which excludes some of the I-405 corridor. Peak flows trom subbasins 6, 7, and 17 may be limited by a 24-inch concrete pipe that connects to North 8th Street. Under full head conditions, this pipe would atlow ap- _ . •; proximately 116 cfs. The peak flows from th�se areas range from 63 to 150 cfs. !f this - ` ' pipe were to overflow, stormwater would fiow avertand along the same pathway as sub- �'� basins 8, 10, and 16. Diverting the flow over 116 cfs to subbasins 8, 10, and 16 and J lagging it 34 minutes to reflect the travel time yields nearty the same flows at North 8th Street. • The May 1988 report by the City of Renton indicates a 21-inch pipe that may limit -� flows from these same basins to 30 cfs. However, the only 21-inch pipe found between the basins and the valley floor had a slope of 39.9 percent and enough capacity to car- `/%' ry the 100-year peak flows. Peak flow rates appear to be �ery high compared to the capacity of the drainage system in the valley floor. The resulis should be viewed with several points in mind: • The peak rates are for a very narrow band of time, on the order of 10 minutes. The majority of flaw from these storms is considerably less. � The flows are based on an SCS Type 1A storm distribution hydrograph. Actual storm distributions will vary. • Lag times and attenuation belween the subbasins could also be more signifi- cant than were calculated. 91031-60 Garden Ave.Dramagr Siudy(�D77.9t) 4 ,� Backwater Anatysis � The stormwater system was divided into seven segments, including three seg- ments within the PACCAR site (figure 3). Operational curves were produced tor each of these seven segments (figures 6 through 12). The operational curves show whai the expected flow would be through the segment, given various headwater and tailwater elevations. According to ihe backwater model, the pond system between Lake Washington Bou{evard and Lake Washington regulates the amount of flow down Garden Avenue Norih. As the level in Pond 1 rises, lhe flows to the lake increase, and the flows down •Garden Avenue North decrease. By balancing the flows, and assumin�q the contribution to Pond 1 from the north basin was ihe 2-year peak flow rate oi 47 cfs, approximately 75 cfs would flow through the North 8th Street pipe if the headwater at PACCAR was 31.5 feet. With 31.5 feet of head in the pipe under North 8th Street, water would be overtopping catch basins in the PACCAR property and flowing to the low areas in the northwest corner where the elevation is below 26 feet. The northwest corner of the PACCAR site and the adjacent area to ihe west pro- vide a storage area for stormwater from the drainage sysiem. A rough estimate shows _ _ approximately 14,400 fN of storage at an elevation of 26 feet, and approximately 12fi3OQ0 fN at an elevation of 27 feet. This does not include Garden Avenue North and the area beyond, which also provide significant storage. tt is difficult to determine storage capacity above 27 feet without additional survey � data. Stormwater may spread out lateral(y or find an overland .pathway, and may not rise significantly above this level. Flood storage in this area coincides with the previously mentioned observations made during the January 9, 1990 storm. However, the model predicts that storage is needed in this area even for relativety frequent storm events. According to the model, ihe water surface elevaEion at the PACCAR stormwater discharge to North 8th Street would remain nearly constant for the 2-, 10-. 25-, and 100- � year storms, as floodwater spilled out of grates and ponded in low areas. The cross connection to the Cedar River has limited capacity—less than 6 cfs even when Garden Avenue North is flooding. Tailwater effects lower the pipe capaciry to about 4 cfs. The existing siorm system through the PACCAR site has one section wiih an 18- inch pipe. According to the model, that pipe is too small to carry the 2-year storm from subbasin l5, even if the subbasin was decreased by an additiona! eight acres as pre- viously discussed. The flow would be limited to 7 cfs if there was no backwater. The rest of the PACCAR slorm system is limited by the tailwater at North 8th Street. A tailwater elevation of 28 feet at North 8th Street would limit flows to 7 to 8 cfs, given a headwater elevation of 28.5 feet. Headwater above 28.5 feet would produce ffooding in the PACCAR site. 41031�0 Gartlen Ave.Dramaye Siudy I�On 911 �J -- Stormwaier can stitt be discharged from Subbasin 15 to the PACCAR site untif the � water surface elevation reaches approximately 31.5 feet in North 81h Street. However, this wifl apparently occur at less than the 2-year peak flow, and flooding wauid be oc- curring on the PACCAR site at ihat water surface elevation. The results may reflect limita[ions in the conservative approach used for ihe analy- sis. The backwaier modeling approach specified for the analysis is based on ihe as- . sumption of constant tlow rates. As such, it does not incorporate simulated runo�f vo!- urrtes and variation of flow rates over the duration of the hydrograph. The maximum flow rates predicted by the SBUH model occur over a relative[y short time step, and ane could expect that some of the votume of the pipe network and/or surtace storage would be available for attenuation of the maximum flow. A more sophisticated pipe routing analysis could give different results. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The hydrologic and hydraulic analyses conducted indicate that runoff through and from the PACCAR site is severely restricted by limited capaciry in the downstream pipe and channel network. As such, the site essentially would serve as flood siorage for flows passing through the siie from the south, ftows generated on-site, and possibly for flows entering the North 8th Street storm drain. The capacity of the North 8th Street - _ drain can be exceeded by design flows generated by upland areas. Under high tiows, once the North Sth Street line surcharges, flows could backup onto the PACCAR site even if no (lows were being generated by the site or subbasin 15. � Caution should be exercised in the strict interpretation of this conclusion. These results would imply that flooding of the site is a relatively frequent occurrence. SSOE, Inc. has indicated that they have not observed flooding, suggesting ihere may be some uncertainty associated with the simulated peak flows and/or the hydraulics of the sys- tem. There are no flow recordings available that would allow the predicted peak flow rates to be checked against actual data. In addition, the anatysis may not be accurate- ly representing the potential attenuation of the stormflows by pipes or surtace storage in areas outside of the detailed study area. � Another possible bias inVoduced by the study methods is the assumption of � steady-state flow conditions. That is, peak flows delivered to the valley floor are as- , sumed to be constant, with no regard to storm volume. Consideration should be given '� to using a more sophisticated hydraulic analysis of the valley pipe system. A model � such as EXTRAN (of the SWMM modet) could provide a more realistic definition of the ' expected water surface elevations and help to determine if, in fact, flow discharges from the PACCAR site for specific design storms. Additional suryey would be required to accurately define flood storage areas throughout the valley floor. If the resulis produced by the current analysis are used to define site development conditions, then compensatory storage may have to be provided to prevent aggravating downstream flooding that now occurs. The volume of storage coufd be related to the extent of flood storage now available on the site under extreme conditions. y1G31�GG l;,,r�Jen<.e _ra�naqe S.ua��, ."d1� 6 Q N x W a � � � C� Q � � � .. � � ��d � _ ^ r ,o� ?� � r` �v .�Q� v�•,i � � Q O l Lu4u 1� � yr � U �' � T . Y 2 . Z . 2 P� IU ' �� �I �N c� vn�iS'l, Z C, � r0'� ]H u� '� - h�U(y�U01�f1 � � $o^V CI � r F uu�u(1 `�4. �z h „ w� � e'� ^ � � g � � � ^ `�O r � U�i�u��l ' �� � z�;:�4 �W 2 2 .o � Z 3 S . u o 1 1�4 S W N 0 Sn�.n�r �e ME ;?' U N ony�� E z „ y U � r ���45 � N � �! 2 U � '� < O W Q_i JC W � O � � ^ Q 0 ,j• � w � 'w Z c: �N ony ��oWp�1 � �.. pp N N ¢ v� Z puowp oU v � V � � H N W ?� 3N a� o �ij `n � nv ud �0 � �� �+, a w ° �• jAv oc�w . - y ' u o� �0 u. 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H � o ( A loe� . �... � � OA N N N Z : .�.X.,. �u v~i N v � '�� �� r-/ uopie� ��y mupe ►V � u> � vo � N t?4���� � �n c� O��G' ,i��'�'�� `�t nd z anv uopip� �rN i ,n �' �+ .t�;•`;r-/'''i '`j^'I�i, N u� �! �r `'µvlash`n9�O� _�,c,'�L't''3' . ���4�:���� �„d „ N ^ onVZ �lied u� ;���. ^I � v Yny Il�d ° � �.r � O ^ �^v r / `110 +� z >' .}J -r" N ony Z swep •A � � �� � � 1�n8 � /}��-� � Z N ony ue.ap' t•: g � � r U' � '� V1 S N r :� � � . _ . _! .,:,:: � __�.� � _ � . � - AGD�91024-20�91024-ZO.DWG 08-26-91 P1K � � � V ♦ 0 0.25 0.5 F NE 20th ST ' D �EGEND MILE D � 2 No. gp,S1H NUMBER �' / � BASfN BOUNDRAY � I' -•....._ SHEET FLOW �i �� ---- sFwlow co►vcEurRa,7E� Etow NE �2th ST 0 � �� —� PiPE �ow �g � �� c � � - _ < ��,� � I �J o � 0 � -�� � � � '� o .: � � � � D �o Q 0 a � o - y � : � '�' � � ` � Z „ y z _ � W s� � � -- � > � < I � N 8th ST � � o 0 � � z I � � �, �SZ �, � KE � � � �--, � �•_` � Z � o D � �Q� -:.- Z � � W , � � " ��'� 5 LJ - � ` � � \ NE�ds� D . D 00 � a ,� 00o Qo � a . �� , GARDEN AVENUE DRAINAGE STUDY � --� -- -- - -Figure 2 � DRAINAGE BASfNS ENTRANCO �rao�o�oz+--so�r�nwc os—T�—o� Pnc . � .`;\, ,� � • 0 ��8 ��4 ��� ♦ b ! ■ MILF � f ■ LEGEND �� S„� NE z2tn sr - N0. Basin Number � � g Basin Boundary ��� � v ■■■■ Backwater AnaEysis Flow Routes � 25 � Upper Basin Flow Input >� � O - / sa—s �i Operationai Curve Fiow Segment � i � � 11-3 � _ � 18-4 � t 4 C � ♦ L�a Q y 4 y� 18-3 � * � � . y 1 �o 12 „-2 � , � y : ,8-2 y va1�� f�� • - - -. I Z ■ 2 Z3�� i1-i ; ss-� _ I o 3S.o Q N 8th ' ST i� '� I '1,5 �fi. (o � i i ' �`'D ��.2 � tt-4 . i 2 `1 � t4 : 14-6 �p �3 �I o ' � � '�O Q � �ov 2 S � � 14-5: 13 � � 10 . ........ .................... . 14-1 Z ■14-3 ■ � � (I�'�C��� � r� � 14-2 � 1 ^ , Z3• w � \ � �� 3fo•l0 4 i y�` ��,�� �' • . �6� 5�,� ` S� , , _ ( GARDEN AVENUE DRAINAGE STUDY 2 Il.`I � i c� I`�q Figure 3 BACKW TER ANALYSIS FL�W ROUTES �� 25 t5 A.3 � �• +} } /j � ' j 'j/j/// j � / • � '� /.� ' /- } + � � + + + } + '� + -f -f + ACAD\81 Q�{_�p�91{2S-+.CW}09+D-P+PTK + // /// � / / -f -�- '}' f- -� + + f -� -� -� -f -}, + + + -f' -� f -f �- + � , -�- -� + �- i- -� -� -F �- -�- t + + + /� // / j/ + -i� + t + + + + + + f- + + + + . + / /// / //• ' /// /// '} 'f' � 'f' + '{' � �' + '� '� �' + �� �' 1 i' '} 'F + '�' � } '� -� '�' � 0 0.25 0_5 + + + . �� /� � ��� /� � / . + + + + / + + + + + + + t + + + �' ��� �/ �i �j/ . / _�j/ + + + + + + + + + � - + + + + + + + + f + + ' � / � + + + + ,�� + + + -►- + + + + + + MILE / • / � . + + + + + + + + + �� + + + + + + + + + + + + � / /�� �// � j// j/�/ + + -� + + + + + � + + + -� + + + + + + + ' // � � j/� ! // /�� � + + f + + + � + + + + + + + t + + + LEGEND + + � / �/ .� j � �j/ _ /� /� /.�� + + + + + � + + + + + + + + + +. / jj + + } + } + + + + + }+ + + + + + + { + + � + + + + + + + + + + + + SQIL GROUP + � . - � �� � - ./. / j�� + + + + + + + + + + + � � _/��� + + + + + + + + + + F + � � + + + � + + + + + + + ' / � ,. � + + + + + + +}+ + + { + + + + + + "' -/ �,�"�1 ^ ++ + � / -� . �/. /-� � _ � + + + + + + + + + � _/.� /� - + + + + + + � /�j/. � /�� + + + + + + + + + � /���� � - + + + + + } + I�L�J B } � ����� ' � + + + f + + + + + + + .� �� � - - -— + + + + + + + + � � + + + + t +� + + + + + + + - - - - + + + + t + + + + + � . � . + + + + �- + + + + + + = . AGAD\91024-PO\9t024-20.DVG 09-20-97 FTK �- -f + f f -� + -F f } + + + f + ��� � -F f -� �- �- � -� + -� + -F� f -f -F + � �� � �; - - - + + f + + + + + + + + + � �� � 0 0.25 0.5 � - - + + ' + + f + + + f + + + -� D�� � _ � • / � - - - + N� 2�} + + + S�- + + - _ _� ��. -- MILE _ + + + + + _ _ - ����� - + + + + + + + + - - - - - � - � — + + + + � - - - — � � � 2 - + + f + + + + + + - - - �- � LEGEND - � ++ f + + { + + + + - — � + D � + + + + __ — _ _ �- + �� ���% C�MMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL / �-� J ` { { -- - - -�� � -1- ++ - + + + + + + + + + + + t + + + + - _ - �/ -�- -} + �+ NT AL � • + + + + + + + + - _ - �� + + + .� { � RESIDE I � + + + + + + + _ _ / -{- �- + + f j���j � + + + . + + + - _ � � + + + + + � /. � + � ? +S + + + + _ � �� + + + -t + -- -��- - MULTI-FAMILY / �//� • + + + _ - + + + + + � - //��/��%// �. + + + + - = Figure 6 Operational Curve Flow Segment 1: Flow from Pond 1 to Lake Washington for Various Headwater and Tailwater Etevations Overilow � 260 i 5 @ E E --p � 250 -f 2�a r, 230 " 22� �4.5 Ft��j G� �'1��'L�y,�j D'U-Gt�,f'Ct�°i� �'l.5 5 Ct,d•�-. E � � �, 210 -� t 200 � HW= 23.5 Ft���DD G� �7�t��� G'�e it✓�'� �Z�,Ci C�S �izG2�^� O� y 7 O � t �' 19D 3 o � � t ao -{ �-iW - 22.5 Fl r,C �' �= � ' � l���� _ � � r�-.'S ��. G�S� 17D tso HW= 21_5 Ft �eR GF`J C 2��1 � �'� �' vJ GY� r�. � 150 12 - 13 14�5 G(h G �/J C ��iU=�pj �6 �c t� �(�¢� �y D ^------ - ' Level ot Lake Washington ' L; - --- - - � �3a - -- -��- • ----__�._ .._._.�.___ o , _ t.o � _.__--_ _.Ela��Z_�_-•- --- - _ .. _. _ r�p�ratiorfat�ur�e-Ftav�rSegment-2: Ftowfrorrr roortn-$ttrs-treert��oRd-�-- - I-� - for Various Headwater and Taiiwater Elevations �oo l��a� so - - Ht1,,28� Ft �� aoI - . - - ` _ . -- - ---- - - ---- — -- &o Hw=27.pFr � 70 � v — ---- - - . _. . ._. _ Zfl o , �i ��6.pFt . � Q , a . GO ._F.f ---- - --- - �- .._ -- �� � �f ' W-=��Ft -- . _ _-- - - ���------- --- Fj,p �`� ?`---� � �.. � � o ;.50 ---- ------- � y ��� -f ----------- ----- ---- --- ------ 3 I /, � 40 � ,__ ---_ _.. .._ _--- � _ ._ --- - -. - - ---- _/ so - --- __--- �- �b 20 -- ---------------- __----_----- �,D io ( 20.D 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23_5 24.� 24.5 Level of Pond 1 h.5 Figure 8 Operationat Curve Flow Segme�t 3: Flow from Garden Avenue Junction to the Cedar River for Various Headwater and Tai{water Elevations i 5.6 , `� 5.4 C-� ' 5.2 � \ 5 � Q` 4.8 � �'>'jo 4.6 -i � u 4.4 � , � 4.2 � y�,�,` � L 4 � ��0 Fr � e-� ; 3.e --! Hw=2g,p F� 0 « 3'6 /yw, 0 3.4 ` 2S�Fr - �` 3.2 � 3 � 2.8 ' 2.6 � � 2.4 -� 2.2 - 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.D 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 Levet of Cedor River Figure 9 Operationat Curve Flow Segment 4: Ftow from PACCAR Outlet to Garden Avenue Junction for Various Headwater and Tailwater Elevations 130 �20 �i �'e7/ ow tto HW=33.0 Ft - ioo � 90 HW= 31.0 F� u `� 80 0 ° �o HW=29.0 Fr L O� a 60 � L " 50 3 0 ti 40 - 30 HW= 27.OFt 20 10 � 0 � i 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0 26.5 27.0 27.5 28 1h'ater level at Garden dc N Bth A.7 Figure 10 Operationai Curve Flow Segment 5: Flow from Lower PACCAR Junction to North 8th Street for Various Headwater and Tailwater Elevations � 16 � 15 Overflow 14 t3 !(�` t2 28'S Ft � �� yw;28oFt . to a 9 y���7 a oa e �SFI � � 7 ,�� - Q 6 ��� . ti 5 � 'O� 4 / 3 � 2 t - - - 0 26.0 26.5 27.0 27.5 28.0 � Water level at PACCAR and N 8th Street Figure 11 Operationa! Curve Flow Segment 6: Ftow from Middle PACCAR Junction to Lower PACCAR Junction for Various Headwater and Tailwater Elevations 16 _ - 15 14 13 � HW=32.0 Ft t2 ' �� H o�e��Ow . 10 w� 31'�Ft a 9 a o ? y�`3�•�Ft t 3 6 0 � 5 4 y 3 � 2 `,9 •O� � r 0 26.0 26.5 27.0 27.5 2fl.0 28.5 29.0 Water level at ftret juncfion A.8 Figure 12 Operational Curve Ftow Segment 7: Flow from the tnflow to PACCAR to Middle PACCAR Junction for Various Headwater and Tailwater Elevations � ' �erflow 6 Nt�,,3r SFt 5 .°. H�'31.pFr . . a 4 y a � t �30 ' SFt 0 3 L w ; ti� 0 � 2 ��o -o� r t 0 29.0 29.5 30.0 30.5 3 t.0 Watcr level at second junction A.9 Appendix B HYDROLOGIC SUMMARY AND CALCULATlONS 9/23/91 ENTRANCO ENGINEERS, INC. PA6E 1 a��S�i���itiit���t��������i=Si�����a�ai�i��SS��l���S�itS���aa�ia�iat� BASIN RESULT SUMMARY E�S{� "---�O11�E---- -lA�E- ---'�I�E----- AIBA06AAPN A[EA II ---Cf-- �C-Fi --CFS- -AI1- BDIti AETNOGOLOiT ACAES lt�tfiit!lfielii�lill�tti�Si�Il�tit���il�/tsii�tt�i♦ifi����slf�tlfl��tii■ 11-II �Ii595 . 9.i1 1l.81 191 t.11 5611 AETeo1 55.1/ 11-1 26ltlf 5.l1 �.99 �9I d.11 5116 AETNOp 55.1i - 11-25 Silt21 I1.I1 ll.lt �9F a.II SE11 IEtNeI 55.11 ` 11111 6115i1 13.E3 21.63 �9t t.11 Slld IETxo1 55.11 11.IA 43I�i 1.4! 2.53 �!i d.lf SlOB 1ETAA1 l.11 ll.lt 655i2 1.51 3.t2 4E1 a.11 SI11 �ETNOD l.lf 11.1L 1t191 1.J! 1.53 411 l.11 i11A �ETro1 l.11 11.19 9ii11 Z.li 5.1� �61 i.N SIfN IEtrol l.l! 11.2A 1)�4i l.li �.51 iil t.11 S{IN IEipo1 12.i1 I1.2t 111{3a 2.I1 6.I! 4t1 3.t1 SilN AEiN9i 12.�1 ll.it 1/151� 3.23 f.t5 Idl d.il 561M MEtNoo 12.61 1t.21 16313d 3.TS 9.32 1=1 l.11 5111 �EinaD 12.i1 11.iA 1293i t.3i 1.1f �il i.11 SIIM IEieoo 2.11 11.3i 14662 1.4� 1.1� 1Et s.11 Sill �ETb4D 2.11 11.3t 13112 1.5� 1.1t IEI a.11 Sl11 IEtNaP 2.11 _ 11.3D 1I141 I.tT 1.62 ►dl i./1 SIIN �ETN9D 1.11 11.1A 31f39 1.15 2.13 Idl t.il SEIa 1EtNoo S.3I 11.�1 495i� 1.1� 3.l6 M61 1.11 561N IEiNo1 5.31 11.1� 54195 1.3i 3.63 411 E.il SlYL IETBOC 5.31 fl.ip 6E�12 1.5t �.2t �ai s.ti SiIA IEtro1 5.3t 11-11 511176 13.11 31.11 �al 1.11 51tN IETeoI ` f1.11 12-t 37S213 i.62 19.f4 131 8.11 Sl11 IETAo1 61.tt 12-25 614611 15.61 35.65 111 3.11 Sl11 IEiro� il.11 � ' 12111 7!l21� 1i.12 �1.11 111 d./t SIIA IETN01 il.11 13-11 i13I13 I1.�1� 11.55 S2! i.�1 illl IEtN01 I1.11 IS-2 S11S11 II.l1 13.12 52t t.fl Slli �Eteot 91.N 13-25 l63516 22.12 21.11 511 i.51 SIIN 1Eraoo 11.11 � lilll 1121153 25.f2 2d.11 S11 i.51 5111 AETNOp 11.11 1i.lA 12511 1.9i 1.i1 �Ii 1.tt SIIN IETMo1 6.6I l�.lt i3l3I I.U 3.lf lil i.11 5111 AEiN49 �.61 14.1[ 15111 l.lk 4.61 111 I.it SIIN �Ei�o1 6.61 1�.11 I1t15 2.12 5.3I �11 i.N SlIN IEtroo i.6i 14.2A lt511 l.fS 1.1! 411 i.11 StIN AEiaol 12.5i 1�.11 1211l2 2.T1 l.11 �11 I.ii SlII IEiroe 12.5/ 1�.2t 143i93 3.31 1.3! 111 1.11 Si1M AEtNe! 12.51 11.ia 156315 3.t2 l.6f 4U E.11 SIIM IEirao I2.Sf 14.3A llllii 2.31 6.11 �N 1.11 S111 1ETra� 15.N 14.36 1531i1 i.51 l.i2 IN d.11 SttA AEtaoe iS.tt 14.3t 1{lilt 1.1J lt.i1 lil i.11 SIIN AEiroP 1S.t1 11.31 21f223 4.a3 12.26 �N i.li Sill METeoe 15.11 14.I1 6l351 1.�! t.3i 191 t.11 Sl1� 1Erroo 15.11 11.11 llllil 2.i1 1.11 491 E.1I S�il �ETNo1 t5.11 1�.1t li4lil 3.21 S.I1 191 t.11 SD11 IEtqo1 FS.11 I1.4D 165412 3.11 i.11 491 l.11 SlOA AEiMGI 15.11 11.SA 4�If4 1.1T 1.13 Igl l.11 511� IETMO� 2/.11 11.56 15�11i 3.54 1,14 411 E.i( S61M M�tboo 21.U 24.5i 1ii332 1.32 t.sl �il 1.11 StIN AETNoI 21.11 1�.56 212l53 5.12 11.�1 111 i.ti SIIN AEiaoP 11.11 11.6A 221�2 1.52 �.i3 511 a.61 S{IM IEtaol 6.11 14.61 �ItIZ 1.92 1.12 �!1 l.11 S61N IETtioa i.il B.1 9/23/91 ENTRANCO EH6INEERS. INC . PA6E 2 aiaa��S��S����if��Sii�ltS�l����S�S���a��S���a�tS1���ti���iS����iai���� BASIN RESULT SUMMARY 6�$U -----YO111E--" 'I�iE- --"iUE----- �TDIOGUPN AtE� ID ---iF-- AC-fT --tFS- -All: NOItS IEitl0001GG1 ACIES � ■u��a�uua��sua�a����sa�s��e���u�s�����o:�uass�s���s��sa����ursrs. 14.6t 51152 1.15 !.5) 49i 1.11 Stll IE�Mu1 6.11 14.6! i1�35 1.3! 1.93 1!1 1.11 561M IET�ot i.11 15-11 123121 l.I2 21.61 Mtl 1.11 • SIIM AEteol 4i.11 . 15-2 215192 i.32 ll.l3 1t1 s.11 SIIN IETM06 It.11 15-25 SIJIl1 11.6! 21.i� �LI 1.11 S61b kE1No� li.11 15111 5913l1 13.51 31.51 Itl 1.1i SlIN IETroe 1t.ii 15111 3i11Ii I.St 1I.51 Itl t.11 S�l1 1Etgao 3i.11 1SA2 213l�1 t.41 11.41 Itl 1.11 Sslq Ici�ee 3t.lt 15N25 3l5933 !.1! 21.t4 4t1 i.11 StIN 1Etro� 3t.1! 1519! 1622�5 ll.il 25.1i 1t1 1.11 SIIN IEruoo 3{.11 15111 261E21 S.!! 11.13 111 1.l1 S11N �ETROD 31.i1 15{2 t6{111 3.t1 l.34 Itl �.11 SlIN IEr�oe 31.11 15125 311915 l.11 11.31 481 1.11 SIIN IETM91 31.11 15195 3iSIS1 t.S� 11.19 1{1 i.11 SIIN IE11A9 31.11 1i-11 �2l13i l+.�f 2S.Il 191 1.11 Se1N IETwoe 11.11 � 16-2 3l62S6 t.il lS.tl �!1 l.11 561� IETNOD ll.il 1i-25 1111J! IT.11 31.13 191 1.11� StON IEtoot tl.it lilil lI5311 21.i1 3I.15 1!1 1.11 Sl11 1ET�oo dl.11 . 11-1t 111115 , 22.Si 31.11 191 1.11 S11i IETM01 123.1i I1-1 i12122 11.15 22:!{ �!f 1.11 SE�M IET�o� 123.11 11-25 11l1511 21.12 �5.3! 191 t.11 5111 IET101 113.11 11111 13l11l2 31.lS 53.11 4!1 6.11 561M IEtRo1 113.11 li.11t 291i1 I.i! l.tl lil �.11 5111 IEiro� 1.41 lt,i� kS521 1.IS 2.t2 411 l.11 Si1N 1[taao 1.91 ll.lt 512i3 1.25 3.35 Itl 1.11 Stl� IEt�o� �.91 11.10 i31�t 1.15 3.{1 til i.11 StIM tEtra� I.fl 11.2A 31512 1.T1 1.91 �tl I.{1 SIIA IEiltol 5.11 1t.21 litil l.11 2.1i Itl t.11 5111 IETNo1 5.11 11.2t 5�3!) 1.21 3.It Itl 1.11 5111 IE1No1 5.11 t1.26 6R3i1 1.11 3.lS 4U i.tl Sl11 IEtra� 5.11 �, 1t.3A i29i1 I.li 2.Ii 4t1 t.11 SIIM IET1c1 5.�1 � 11.31 51211 1.15 3.11 Ill I.tl StIN IETM01 5.�1 I{.3C Sl151 1,31 3.i9 �tl 1.11 SlIN IEiMo1 5.�1 If.31 69535 l.il 1.2I 111 t.11 SIIN IEIN01 5.11 1i.4A M2I1] � 1.lt 2.i1 Itl t.tl SIIM IEiNoI ].11 it.�t 65151 1.19 1.13 111 t.11 5111 IEtroe l.11 li.�t ll5i! l.Tt I,lt �11 l.11 5111 IEtro� 1.11 lt.+l 91111 2.11 5.54 1�1 I.tl 5111 IEtroe 1.N 11.51 2Si12 t.5! 1.61 1l1 t.fl 5611 IEteol ►.11 11.5t 3!!51 1.l1 1.12 Ifl 1.11 SIOM IETNOd l.21 lt.St 1�5S1 1.11 1.11 1tt f.lf 5611 IEtMe� 1.21 It.51 541t! 1.21 5.32 1t1 1.11 5111 IEt�op I.tI 1l-11 315155 t.IM 1T.14 1ti t.11 Stll IEtre� 51.11 U-2 t4t311 S.S2 11.4! 14! i.11 i�l# IETra� 51.f1 14-25 4it312 11.15 21.9! 111 l.11 SIIA IEtrae Sl.it 14111 552911 12.�! 21.92 411 l.11 SIIN IET199 51.11 2-11 31311� 7.1! li.il 4!1 {.11 $111 IEiN01 61.11 1-111 11611� 11.9� 11.51 �91 5.11 SlIN IEtro� 61.11 2-2 1l2922 4.21 l.IS �EI t.11 StIN IEt�oO 61.i1 t-2S 342l12 l.12 15.11 �!1 l.11 S11M METNc1 il.11 B.2 9/23/92 ENTRANCO ENGINEERS. INC . PA6E 3 ����--•������---��.-���.-�������s�������_��-___�������-_«�-��_»-�__ . BASIN RESULT SUMMARY I�SII -----r0 U AE---- -IIiE- ----tIAE----- i►o�oc��Pr A�Ei 11 ---Cf-- AC-FT --fFS- -1I1- N01ti IEiN000L9iT AC1ES •usass����u�ri�iass�s�sssua�ss�sra�s�u�aa�as��au+s�rssuia�ssaaei�st 3-11 1195f! 16.15 19.11 M91 E.IT $611 IElYA1 Ili.11 3-lil ll11213 24.15 �4.l1 M!1 5.11 SDIN IEtN81 116.11 3-2 441YI1 11.12 11.22 191 l.11 5611 Ictro� il�.11 3-25 11115� 21.f9 3f.11 �!1 1.11 SIIA IEtra� lli.11 �-11 1311321 31.46 36.ti 511 d.51 $61M IETA01 li4.Yl. 1-111 1911tl3 15.51 51.3i 1!1 I.II Sd11 IETN01 lil.11 1-2 11591� 1l.12 22.12 S11 i.Sl Sitl IET�o1 Ii1.li �-25 1�13351 3i.11 I5.15 1f1 l.11 5111 IEI�01 1i4.11 6-11 11!!2!i 25.21 �I.1S 1ft i.11 SIIM IEtro� 134.11 i-llt 151i9f! 3t.21 51.12 1!1 8.1T 5111 IETroo 13l.11 i-2 6t�llt 15.I1 11.33 1!1 i.11 511� IEiNe� 139.11 i-25 13ii�55 3t.�! 4l.23 4!1 1.11 S!{1 IE1R01 13l.11 1-11 116�l3 il.li 2t.51 1!1 S.II Slli IElro1 112.11 I-111 11�1361 25.91 il.11 191 E.II ifll IETNet 112.1i 1-2 4ltG16 1I.11 li.11 t91 i.11 5111 /Et�oe 1t2.11 1-25 l51i2� 11.91 32.59 �91 i.11 5119 �Etro� 112.11 i-11 192255 6.11 13.It Itl d.il Sl11 IETN61 il.11 1-111 �l]lll l.59 1l.41 411 s.11 SI11 �E1101 )1.11 t-2 1t3161 1.21 t.52 Iil i.11 Slla IEt�ol 31.11 i-15 3515t! t.li 16.t1 1�1 �.11 S61A IEt�91 31.1i l-11 191IS1 1.56 1.92 1!/ I.II 5111 �ET101 3i.i1 l-111 319312 I.11 13.I1 1!1 E.11 Se1N �ETM01 3t.11 4-2 11l961 2.52 3.43 1f1 t.11 Sfli lETro� 3t.11 ' 9-25 2S1l16 5.11 11.41 191 i.17 SlIM AET601 31.11 B.3 GARDEN AVENUE DRAINGE PEAK FLOYIS 27-SEP VAt-��Y FLoo� � S�bbas�h iS STORM EVENT z ie 2s le� BASIN 11 . 1 2 . 53 3 . 82 4 . 53 5 . 24 21 . 2 4 . 51 6 . 74 8 . H5 9 . 32 11 . 3 0. 78 1 . 18 1 . 4 1 . 62 21 . 4 2 . f13 3 . 06 3 . 63 4 . 2 SUB70TAL 9 . 85 14 , 85 17. 61 2� . 38 STORM EYENT 2 1H 25 10H BASIN 14 . 1 2 . 67 3 . 96 4. 67 5. 37 14 . 2 4 . 79 7 . 11 8. 39 9 . 66 14 . 3 6 . H8 9 . 02 1H. 64 12. 26 � - - 14 . 4 2 . 38 4 . 08 5 . H7 6 . H7 14 . 5 R . 23 7. 14 $ . 8 10. 48 14 . 6 H. 63 1 . 22 1. 57 1 . 93 SUBTOTAL 2H. 78 32 . 53 39 . 14 45 . 77 STORM EVENT 2 ie 2s iee BASIN 18 . 1 1 . 87 2 . 82 3 . 35 3 . 87 18 . 2 1 . 91 2 . 88 3 . 42 3 . 95 18 . 3 2 . 06 3. 11 3 . 69 4 . 27 18 . 4 2 . 67 4 . 03 4 . 78 5 . 54 18 . 5 1 . 6 2 . 42 2 . 87 3 . 32 SUBTOTAL 1H . 11 15 . 26 18 . 21 20. 95 S70RM EVENT 2 ie 2s i�e BASIN 15 14 . 73 22 . 61 27. 84 31. 5 15A 11 . 4 17 . 57 21 . 84 25 . 48 15B 4 . 34 14 . 4 17 . 3 20 . 19 G RAND To7,at 5H . 08 77 . 04 92 . 16 107 . 29 B.4 SHEET NO. 1_ OF ? � ENTRANCO ENGINEERS, INC. �og No. � -9 i o ��-o PROJECT parzt� AvE �6,4,e,��,�/ ,4�r,uvc 1 - � r c-� '?, / �� � CALCULATIONS FOR 'TiF�%� OF CO�tc��.l-T�AT;c�J � t MADE BY (T�- DATE �'-1f�-91 CHECKED BY DATE g �- -tcrta� �GG�i►� ... ... ��c - �.orr - - - s�c,t,u�•� �oac�►.11v-a-rso u.o.� ov�-.J-G��►aav{.lP�w�--A.ow--. -ri►.�E .�_,._-- ,� � ln.,��) •-� . 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' .. . _J_ �� � �.�/ _ 1 i � ' ENTRANCO Garden Avenue Renton, Washington DRAINACE STUDY ADDENDUM Prepared for PACCAR, Inc. Prepared by ENTRANCO � 10900 NE 8th Street, Suite 300 Beilevue, Washington 98004 � , (206) 4545b00 ' October 16, 1991 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT ALTERNATIVES To determine whether improving any segments of the drainage system would allevi- ate existing capac'rty probtems. five alternatives were selected for further analysis. PACCAR has developed siorm drainage improvement plans that may be consUuct- ed in the near future. These plans include the construction of a bypass f�om subbasin 15 around the PACCAR site. The plans also include the construction of an eastlwest interceptor across the PACCAR site. The following alternatives analysis assumes the construction of this bypass and in- terceptor. Alternative 1 - Enlarge cufverts between Pond 2 and Pond 3 (Buriington Northern Railroad culverts) to three 72-inch concrete culverts Enlarging these culverts would improve the flow somewhat between Pond 1 and Lake Washington_ The 8ow ihrough this segment would inc�ease approximately 15 cfs (from 125 cfs to 140 cfs) with a Pond 1 headwater elevation of 20.5 teet (figure 13). The flow �through the segment would increase from 22Q cfs to 260 cfs with a Pond 1 _ headwater elevation of 24.5 feet. Flow improvements are summarized in table 2_ Table 2 Flow Improvements under Alternatives i and 2 Pond 1 Flow (cfs) Headwater Improved fmproved Elevatio� BNRR Lake Wash. (feetl Existinq Culverts Blvd. Culverts 19_5 90 100 100 20_5 125 140 150 22.5 15 - 210 220 24_5 220 260 270 Aiternative 2 - Enlarge culverts between Pond 1 and Pond 2 (Lake Washington Boulevard Culverts) to three 72-Inch concrete culverts The resufts for this alternative are very similar to those described under Alternative 1 (tabte 2). A headwater elevation in Pond 1 of 20.5 feet would increase flows to ap- proximately 150 cfs, slighUy more than in AliernaGve 1 (figure l4). A headwater efeva- tion of 24.5 feet in Pond 1 would increase flows to 270 cfs, also slightiy more than un- der Alternative 1_ Alternative 3 - Enlarge the Garden Avenue line to 72 inches Enlarging the Garden Avenue pipe would dramatically increase its capaciry under high headwate� conditions at the uppe� end. For example, if the water level i� Pond i is 20.5 feet, and tfie headwater at North 8th Street is 28 feet. the conveyance capacity would increase trom SO to 180 cfs (figure 15). A headwater e(evation of 25 feet witfi the 91031-60 GaiOrn nvt.Ufawge AdderMum(10.169t) 1 same water level in Pond 1 would increase flows from 5fi to 80 cts. As ihe tailwater in Pond 1 rises above 21 feet, the capacity of the Garden Avenue line decreases. A Pond 1 water level of 24.5 feet woutd reduce the capacity to 45 cfs given a headwater of 25 feet. Headwate� above 25 feet would cause flooding. � Tabie 3 shows a comparison of the existing Garden Avenue itow capacity. with the future capacity if upgraded as in Alternative 3. The table assumes thai 100 cfs is enter- ing Pond 1 irom the North Basin, and contributing to a rise in water level there. Unde� this scenario, tfie system would overflow above a headwater of approximately 26 feet and a flow of 107 cfs. Table 3 Garden Avenue Flow Capacity and Pond 1 Elevation under Alternative 3 N_ Sth Streei Pond 1 Pond 1 Headwater Existing Flow Existing Future Flow Future Elevation Garden Ave_ Level 72" Culvert Level (feet) (cfs) (feet� (cfs) (feet) 25 55 21_5 75 22_5 � - - 26 60 �21.8 107 23.7 27 70 22_3 overflow overflow 28 72 22.5 overflow overflow Altemative 4 - Enlarge the North 8th Street line to 72 inches Enlarging the No�th 8th Street line to 72 inches also would increase the convey- � ance capacity of ihis segment under high headwater conditions. Fgure 16 shows that if the tailwater at Garden Avenue was 25 feet, and the headwater at the PACCAR exit to I North 8th Street was 29 feet, the pipe capacity would increase from approximately 66 ' cfs to 110 cfs. The capacity of the pipe would remain at approximately 110 cfs far tail- � water elevations at Garden Avenue up to 28 feet. Headwater elevatians above 29 feet would increase the pipe flow more dramatically. However, because of the low grale '� � etevations on the Paccar site, increased head would also cause flooding there. _ i Alternative 5 Construct a separate storm drain begmning at Houser Ave- nue and North 8th Street, and extending no�thward along Houser Avenue to � Pond 1 � A 72-inch storm drain constructed along this route could serve to convey mosi of the water from the easi basin direcUy to Pond 1. A headwater of 29 feet woufd produce a flow of approximately 115 cfs to Pond 1, even if the tailwater in Pond 1 was as high as 24.5 feet (figure 1�. A headwater af 31 feet would increase the flow to 220 cfs for the same tailwater condition. A few inches of additional headwaler would increase capac- ity to handle the entire east basin tor the 100-year event. Additional survey information would be required to determine if the system could be constructed to achieve those headwater conditions. 9/ost�o w.ee,�w.e.a++�+ge Aaea+,ewn(tals9�> 2 � Alternatives Discussion I�� it is apparent that some combinaGon of these alternaUves wiil be needed to allevi- ate the capacity prob{ems. Alternative 5 appears to be one oi the most promising alter- natives for solving the entire basin flooding probtem. However, ihe drainage system wou(d then be limited by flow through the pond system. There is noi su�cient capacity j through the lower ponds to accommodate a new storm line, as well as the existing tines j from Garden Avenue and the north basin_ Under current conditions, the flow through '�i the pond systern could reach 220 cfs, wiih a corresponding water elevaUon of 24.5 feet � in Pond 1. However, when the waEer level in Pond 1 is 24.5 feet, the capacity in the ' Garden Street line is reduced to less than 25 cfs, and the capacity of the line from the north basin would be similarly reduced. It appears thai the 2-year storm could pass through the system without improvements beNveen Pond 1 and Lake Washington. The 2-year storm woutd include 99 cfs from the east basin; 49 cfs from the north basin; and 59.5 cfs from subbasin 15, PACCAR, and the rest of the valley floor. The 10-year siorm would raise the Pond 1 water ievel above 24.5 feet and therefore cause ilooding in ihe Garden Avenue line. The other aliernatives are also best not considered in isolalion. For instance, the effect of increasing the size of the Garden Avenue line would be somewhat negated be- _ cause of the capacity of the pond system_ As the wate� level in Pond 1 rises, the ca- pacity of the Garden Avenue line decreases, no matter how large ihe pipes are. For examp{e, with a headwater elevation oi 26 feet, the capacity decreases from 125 cfs to , 85 cfs and then over�lows as the tailwater etevaGon rises from 21 to 24 feet. The opti- , mal solution will be some combination of these individual alterna6ves. � Construction by PACCAR of the subbasin 15 bypass and the easUwest interceptor will help to manage the runoff from the PACCAR site. These improvements do not alter the basic conclusions of the backwater analysis of the alternative downstream drainage imp�ovements_ High headwater elevatio�s in the North 8th Street pipe would still cause flooding in the PACCAR site. Backwater analysis with the Extran model should help to more cfearly understand to what extent peak flows from the east basin may impact the PACCAR site. � It may also be- possible to Vade increased conveyance of the drainage system with compensatory storage requirements. For example, increased conveyance would reduce flood levels in the PACCAR site. This wou{d Uanslate to lower compensatory storage requirements. 91031-b0 Garden q�e-Drar�+r�e A4Oend..m(10-t6�9 t) 3 Figure 13 Attemative t: Flow from Pond 1 to Lake Washington with Three 72-inch Culve�ts Installed Beiween Pond 2 and Pond 3 (Bu�iington Northern Railroad Cuiverts) for Various Headwater Elevations • 300 OV@fflOW 28a � 24S Ft 26a -- 2� 1 E 0 � �� � 225 Ft � A V ZQD � ' C f 0 a 180 = L � O� � 7 i o 160 i y 20_5 Ft 3 tao � 0 � l �20 -� - - t oo � 19_5 Ft � 80 —f ; i 8.5 Ft 60 12 13 14 15 f6 17 Lake Woahington bvei F19Uf6 �4 Aftemative � Flow from Pond 1 to Lake Washington with Three.72-inch Culverts Instaited Between Pond 1 and Pond 2 (Lake Washi�gton Boulevard Culverts) for Various Headwater Elevations 32� � Overffow , 300 � Z� 245 Ft 260 � 0 240 y � 225 Ft � rlo � o soo a a 180 —i 7 j O � � t 60 = 2Q.5 Ft � tao ; t2a � 19.5 Ft too eo � 18.5 Ft . .�?.- 12 13 14 15 i 6 17 �: Lnke WashinQtvn level , Figure 15 IUtemative 3: Flow From North 8th Street to Pond 1 if Garden Avenue Pipe is Enlarged to 72 Inches for Various Headwater Elevations 200 Overflow tso 3 so 28 Ft »o �6o Z7 Ft �so �. n �ao � a P �30 26 Ft o �20 � � >>o � � �oo i 90 ' 25 Ft ao 1 - - �o -; � 6Q -� SO � 40 18.5 19 19.5 20 20.5 21 21.5 22 22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5 Pond t Leve! Fgu�e 16 Altemative 4: Flow from PACCAR Outlei to Garden Avenue Junction if North 8th Street Pipe is Enta�ged to 721nches for Various Headwater Elevations 450 �V8f110W soo 33 Ft 350 300 a 31 Ft a L 250 P 7 O L ' � Z�� o � � �sa 29 Ft �ou 28 Ft so 27 Ft 0 24.5 25 25.5 26 28.5 27 27.5 28 Ylater 4ave7 at Garden Avenue Fgure 17 Alternative 7: Flow through New 72-lnch Storcn Line Along Houser Avenue trom Na�th 8th Street to Pond 1 for Various Headwater Elevations 320 Overfbw soo ` 33 Ft 280 � � i 260 -� � 240 '; , 31 Ft 220 , a 200 -� � n � 1 r 180 -= w 0 160 = � L Y �I/1 J '741 � t 20 � 29 Ft � �oo -; 28 FL so _ � ' � J ZD t 27 Ft 0 18..5 19 19_5 20 20.5 21 21.5 22 22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5 Pond t Water [.avd - f la3��o G.�sa�w.e.o.a...yc Aaaeneum n0-�s-9t) �J . __ _ __ _ . � � _. . ) PACCA� — 6arden Avenue Drainage Analyis — Oct 29 , 199i Houser Avenu.e 8y�ass Alternatives The Houser Avenue bypass alternative was further examined , �«ith an analysis of four diTferent pipe sizes . The bypass • extends from Houser Avenue and North 8th Street along Nouser , Avenue to Fond 1 . The pipe wou2d be approximately 2'00 feet long , wirh 8 catch basins . The uppe.r invert e�evation would ' �e approxim� tely 39_ 4 fee�, and the lower im�er� in Pond 1 �.�ouid 5e 16 . 8 feet. B�pass Bypass Capacity I' Pipe Size 2yr 10yr 25yr 100yr inches cfs cfs cfs cfs 'I 3b 60 6�J 60 60 48 99 110 11�3 110 - - 60 99 150 IS� 150 72 99 163 I90 I90 Exisit_ng 6arder. Av=nue Capacity 2y� i0yt' ZSJr 100yr cfs cfs cfs cfs 74 72 72 71 ' � � Enlarged Lake Washing�ort Blvd Culverr_s 8yp�ss Garden AvQrtue � Pipe Size 2yr 10yr 25yr 10�yr 1�1C�'!45 Cf5 Cf5 Cts Cfs 3b 74 74 7� 74 aa 70 67 60 60 60 70 35 35 35 72 7a 35 25 25 Enlarged Lake Washington 81vd & BNRR Culver�s Sypas� 6arden Avenue Pipe Si�2 2yr 20yr 25yr 100yr inch�s cfs cfs cfs cfs 35 80 78 75 7b A3 78 74 ii ?1 6� 78 ?0 6;: b8 ?� 78 b3 6 ' 6: SOUTH GARDEN AVENUE STORM DRAIN EXTENSION _ RENTON, WASHINGTON IV. ADDENDUM NO. 3 GARDEN AVENUE NORTH DRAINAGE STUDY � TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM ENTRANCO TO: Dick Bangert , PACCAR, Inc. ' FROM: Ralph Netson, P.E. Entranco DATE: December 18, 1991 SUBJECT: Addendum Mo. 3 Garden Avenue North Drainage Study Entranco Project No. 91029-fi0 INTRODUCTION Entranco has been retained by PACCAR to siudy the Garden Avenue North drainage system in Renton, Washington. This report is a continuation of drainage studies com- pleted to date conceming the proposed PACCAR site development, runoff from the North Renton Drainage basin, and the Garden Avenue North drainage system. The Garden Avenue North drainage study began with a steady-stafe backwater analysis of the Garden Avenue North storm drain as it relates to the proposed PACCAR site de- velopmen� Flows produced by the King Counry hydrology model as a part of the Park Avenue Drainage study (in progress) were used as inpu� The steady-state analyses in- dicated that even design flows as tow as the 2-year return rate were capable af causing wide-scale flooding on the vaitey floor. This condition severely iimits the discharge of stormwater from the PACCAR site. Results of this iniGal analyses were presented in the Garden Avenue North Drainage Study (October 1, 1991). A second study was conducied to determine what drainage alternatives wers available for the PACCAR site development The siudy examined several potentiat alternatives, including enlarging the cutverts for ihe lower ponds, bypassing stonn flows down NorEh Houser Avenue, and entarging the existing Garden Avenue North storm drain. Each al- ternative was evaluated using tfie steady-state bacicwater model. The results demon- strated that a combination of improving the capacity of tt�e lower ponds system along with an increase in the flow capaciiy of ihe valley storm drain system could help to re- duce flooding on tfie valley floor. The results of the second study were summarized in a Drainage Study Addendum (October 16, 1991). After the second study was completed, Entranco began to analyze the valley floor drainage using EXTRAN of the Sto�mwater Management Mode! (SWMM). The EX- TRAN model offered a more detaiied ana{ysis of the vatley floor drainage system, at- lowing the dynamic routing oi full hydrographs through the storm drain sysiem. The dif- 81029�0 Gardcn Ave.Ora�naqe S1udy Add i3�72-i&91) ��� _� � ference between the EXTRAN modeling and the previousty used steady-state modeling, is that the EXTRAN model allows conditions to be tracked throughout the duration of a starm, whereas the steady-state analysis permits only a snapshot of conditions at one flow rate, and assumes that flow rate is maintained for an indefinite lengih of time. The EXTRAN model developed tor the study represents over 115 pipes and 120 struc- tures (manhales or catch basins) for the principal drainage system on the va{ley floor. Information used to define the system was obtained from a combination of sources in-- cluding field survey, existing pian sets, and the C'rty of Renton data base. The EXTRAN model was used to evaluate and further define potentiaf drainage alterna- tives avaifable for the PACCAR developmenL A November 21, 1991 Addendum to the D►ainage Study evaluated the need for pumping stormwater off the site, as well as for Barron's bypass aliernatives. This potential solu6on was abandoned in light of new in- formation that allowed a more viable solution. This new solution is the subject of this third Addendum. This analysis addresses flooding and drainage patterns for "existing", "interim" and "fi- . nal" conditions for the PACCAR site and related drainage on the valley floor. The "in- terim" conditions represent the PACCAR site development conditions �uring the con- struction period until the "final" drainage alternative can be implemented. The information presented in this Drainage Study Addendum summarizes the results of the EXTRAN modeling for the various conditions examined. � EXISTING CONDITIONS Description The Exis�ng Conditions case assumes that the PACCAR site and drainage system ex- ists as it did during the winter of 1990 (per SSOE plans showing °Existing Conditions"}. The south half of ihe site is largely covered by impervious surface, whiie the north half of the site is predominately bare earth. Incfuded are open ditches, cross cannections � with off-site drainage, and an 18-inch restrictor in a siorm drain passing runoff across the site. The Garden Avenue North drainage system, including the lower ponds. is assumed to be mainiained and fully operational. Please note that the assumption of ihese main- tained conditions is critical to ihe results of this analysis. Drainage/Fiooding Conditions As noted in our earlier studies, the existing valley floor drainage is undersized with re- spect to ihe peak flows expected for extreme siorm .events. In the vicinity of the PACCAR site, flooding occurs from two sources: 1) storm drains conveying runoff from other parts of the drainage basin back up onto the PACCAR site, and 2) when these drains bacic up, runoff generated on the PACCAR site is contained on-site, and there- fore contributes to site flooding. 9t029�0 Gardrr Av�Dra'na�Study M0.�3(t2-t8-9t) ��2 In the vicinity o( the PACCAR site, flooding occurs principaUy at the northwest corner of � ihe site, which is the lowest point on the property. For the 25-year design storm, it is � estimated that up to 16 acre-feet of water would be found on the PACCAR property. This water comes from both on-site and oif-site drainage. Some of this wate� comes out of the Nortti 8th Street storm drain. Currently there is a 24-inch diameter pipe con- , necting the North 8th SUeet storm drain and a drainage ditch in the narthwest comer of � the PACCAR sife. When ihe North 8t�i Street drain is full, water flows anto the PACCAR site through the existing ditch "outleY'. During the 25-year storm event, as much as 45 acre-#eet would be discharged from North 8ih Street into the PACCAR drainage ditch. Another source of flooding on the PACCAR site under existing conditions is the storm '�, drain crossing the site from subbasin 15 (located to the south of PACCAR) to the North ' 8th Street storm drain. Under low flows, runaff crosses the PACCAR site and enters the North 8th Street storm drain approximateiy midway between North Houser Way and Garden Avenue North. During high flows, stormwater in the North 8th SVeet drain backs up into the storm drain on the PACCAR site, causing flaoding. Flooding hom in- lets and manholes probabty Vavels as shatlow sheet flow across the site to the north- west corner. Flooding created on the PACCAR site under existing condifions promotes flooding on adjacent properties. As flood waters build up on the northwest cornef of the property. - - water begins to spill over onto the low-lying adjacent areas along Garden Avenue North (west of ihe PACCAR sitej. Street flooding is predicted along North 8th Street (the northern boundary of the ' _ PACCAR site) during the 25-year design storm. Approximately 4.7 acre-feet of flooding ' is predicted, with mosi of the flooding occurring at the intersec6on of North 8th Street and North Houser Way. Under existing conditions, no flooding is predicted for Garden Avenue North, down- stream from the PACCAR site. These predictions may not be representative if the low- er pond systems are not maintained. � INTERIM CONDITIONS Description The Interim Conditions case assumes that the PACCAR site exists as defined by the July 18, 1991 Grading Plans submitted to the City of Renton. Speci6c conditions in- clude: 1) the South Houser bypass is in place, carrying drainage from off-site areas (subbasin 15) around the PACCAR site before joining the Garden Avenue North drain- age system at the intersection of North 8ih Street and Garden Avenue North; 2) the easi-west interceptor is in place, carrying r.unoff from the southern h�lf o# the PACCAR site, north to the intersection of North 8th Street and Garden Avenue North; 3) runoff from the northern half of the PACCAR site is collected in iwo sedimentation ponds be- fore being discharged at the intersection of North 8ih Street and Garden Avenue North; and 4) the existing ditch "outlet" at the northwest corner of the site is removed and the site is regraded according to the plans. 97029�0 Garden aoe Orainage StudY Add./31�2-itl-9t1 �pO.J DrainagelFlooding Conditions The interim condition changes the existing drainage pattern primarily by eliminating some of the overflows from the North 8th Street storm drain. As a result, the extent of surface flooding on the PACCAR site is reduced. For the 25-year design storm, flood- ing on-site is approximately 8.8 acre-feei, approximately 36 percent less than that pre- dicted under existing conditions. Mosf of the flooding occurs at the northwesi corner of the site. The cause of tF►e ftood- ing is a backwater or reverse flaw condition created by high flaws in the N. Sth Street storm drain. During the peak of the storm, the outlet f�om the site reverses flow direc- � tion, diverting approxi�nately 1 acre-foot of runoff onto the site over a 2.75 hour period. During this period, stormwater in the South Houser bypass, the easi-west interceptor, and runaff from the northern hatf af the PACCAR site contributes to the flooding on-site (since it cannot be released inia the North 8th Street storm drain). A reduction of flooding on the PACCAR site coincides with an increase in flooding off- site at another location. Under the interim condi�ons, flooding in the vicinity of North Houser Way and Norih 8th Street (upstream from the PACCAR site) was substanUalty increased over existing condi6ons. Street flooding at this location increased from 3.8 to 7_5 acre-feet. The increase.in flooding may be caused primarily by eliminating cross - connections between the PACCAR site and the North 8th Street storm drain. Under in- terim conditions as described above, the only hydraulic cross connectian beiween the PACCAR site and North 8th Street occurs ai ihe intecsection of North 8th Street and Gardeci Avenue No�th. Under existing conditians, a cross connection exists for the storm drain carrying cunoff from subbasin 15 {the storm drain replaced by the Soutt► Houser bypass). If the cross connection between ihe PACCAR site and North 8th Street was retained (approximately midway between .North Houser Way and Garden Avenue Northj, the flooding at the intersection of North Houser Way and North 8th Street is predicied to be reduced by 85 percent (7.5 acre-feet reduced to 1.1 acre-teet). However, flooding on the PACCAR site would increase as additional runoff from North 8th Street finds another point of entry inio the PACCAFi �drainage system. On-site ftooding would increase by over 8 acre-feet, with most of the flooding occurring along the east-west interceptor. Flooding along ihe easf-wesi interceptor probably would be due to the relatively low rim elevations of the manholes and catch basins. Reduced flooding on the PACCAR site appears to reduce the current amount of off-site ftooding expected along the western boundary of the site (Garden A�enue North). Esti- mated flood storage in this area appears to be reduced from over 6 acre-feet under ex- isting conditions, to less than 1 acre-foot under the interim conditions. The reduced flooding in this area is attributed to lower flood levels on the PACCAR site resulting in less water spilling over to adjacent properties located to the west. The interim condition had no noticeable effect on the downstream drainage system �, (Garden Avenue North). The maximum predicied water levels in the manholes along I Garden Avenue North were not substantially different from those predicted for the exist- ing candition (figure 1). 97029-60 Garden nve-Dramage StuAy AUd 13112-1d-9t) �OD`+ Concf usions/Recommendations The intefim candiGon proposed for the PACCAR site apparendy witl have the greatest effect on the floading occurring immediately upstream from the site, at the intersection of North 8th Street and North Houser Way. Removing or modifying some of the e�eisting eross connectians with the North 8th Street storm drain reduces the amaunt af fiooding on-site, but increases the amount of street flooding immediately upstream. On-site detention could be required to mitigate any increases in off-site flooding. De- tention woutd have to be designed to divert some of tfze peak flows from North 8th SUeet onto the PACCAR site. The volume required would need to be established for the 10-year design storm. For comparison, ihe volume of on-site flooding for the 25- year design siorm could be as high as 14 acre-feet_ Another option would be to retain the existing cross-connections and aitow the PACCAR site to flood du�ing the interim period—much as it now does. Provisions would be re- quired to hold the water on-site and not allow it to flood adjacent properties any more than ihey currendy are flooded. - - FiNAL CONDITIONS description The Fina! Condition case represents the recommended drainage atternative that wil! a!- low the PACCAR site to be developed in accordance with the drainage requirements of the City of Renton. The recommended solution is the extension of a 72-inch storm drain along Garden Avenue North, paralfe{ to the exis6ng storm drain. The 72-inch sto�m drain would extend from North 8th Street, northward along Garden Avenue North before crossing beneath Lake Washington Boulevard and the Burlington Northem Railroad (BNR) Uacks. On the north side of the BNR tracks, the storm drain � would be diverted east to rejoin the Garden Avenue North drainage flowing through � Gene Coulon Memorial Park. Existing storm drains crossing the proposed 72-inch pipe atignment were assumed to be joined with the new 72-inch diameter line. Cross con- nections are maintained beiween the 72-inch storm drain and ponds 1 and 2 in the vi- �inity of Gene Coulon Memorial Park. � Storm drainage ttom the PACCAR site (including the South Houser bypass, the east- west interceptor and the on-site detention pondj would be collected at the northwest corner of the site, then discharged direcUy into the existing 48-inch siorm drain on Gar- den Avenue North. Flows from North 8th Street would be diverted to the new 72-inch storm drain. A 48-inch cross connection woutd be provided belween the existing Gar- den Avenue North storm drain and the proposed storm drain at the intersection of North 8th Street and Garden Avenue North. Approximately 700 feet of the proposed 72-inch pipe is already in place along the north- ern end of Garden Averiue North. 97029-60 Garden Ave.Dramage S1uQy Add ►2 112-1N-9t) �p 0 rj Drainage/Flooding Conditions The proposed Finaf Condition solution helps to reduce fiooding along North 8th Stree� At the inte�seciion of North 8th Street and North Houser Way, the volume of street flooding would be reduced by 37 percent from exisbng conditians. As a result it ap- pears that the proposed solution compensates for any loss of flood storage on the PACCAR site as it relates to flows in the Nortfi 8th Street line. Flooding along the westem boundary of the site (Garden Avenue North) is reduced un- der ihe fina! solution. Poten6at off-site flood volumes for the 25-year design storm are reduced trom over 6 acre-feet (predicted under existing conditions) to less than 1 acre- foot (under the final solufion). The reduction is attributed to the elimination of flooding on the PACCAR site. Under this condition, no flooding was predicted on the PACCAR site for the 25-year de- sign storm. The maximum water surface elevation at the point of discharge (at North 8th Street and Garden Avenue nartfi),woutd be 23.7, which appears high enough to cause a tailwater effect, but not high enough to cause flooding on the site. Fgure 2 shows the.water surface e4evation over time at the point of discharge. _ Water levels along the existing Garden Avenue North storm drain are predicted to be lowered by the addition of a parallel, 72-inch storm drain. Figure 3 compares existing water levels to those predicied for ihe final solution fo� the exisGng storm drain. In the 72-inch storm drain, water levels are predicted to range from elevations of approxi- mately 21 at pond 3, uQ to 23.64 in the first manhole at North 8th Street The total flow through the lower ponds (in the vicinity of Gene Coulon Memorial Park) would be increased by approximately 25 percent by directing the 72-inch storm drain to pond 3 (north of the BNR tracks). Fgure 4 compares the flow out of the lowe� pands for the existing and final solution condition. Conclusions/Recommendations The proposed 6nal solution would improve drainage on the valley floor and permit grav- ity drainage from the PACCAR site. A rela6vely minor increase in off-site flooding would occur along the western boundary of the site, but it appears that this could be mitigated in the final design (if necessary� Direct discharge of the 72-inch storm drain into pond 3, immediately north of the BNR tracks, wou{d improve conveyance through the Iower ponds by as much as 25 percent. �- �e f„teru�e�1fs ���..�G�e n�o��el sv bse��en-f � 7-'�s 'rePo-rt shewed �l-c,a.t a.�ld���DNi1L f�D�:,�c,� �,,��/� �1 o t D c.G v r Ct S �Y'-2��'��e�. 91029�60 GarOen Ave.Ora�nage S�uAy�Wd r3{t2-�8�91� ��6 Figure 1 MAXIMUM PREDiCTED WATER LEVELS ALONG oasrwo a� � sro� cww � _ __..._ _ � � as � � _ � � , ; s� r � R v 31 � O � � < � � � OROt�D SIJRFAC£ � Zs _ � ZS 24 Z3 � , 21 1001 1107 1102 1103 1104 110d 1108 1107 110d 110� 1000 1Z01 1Z0� 1203 YOOFlm P!P£ JIJt�Cl10N (IAN�IOLES) + DOSTWC CONDRION � o WTIItIAi �Ctl Figure 2 WATER LEVELS AT N.8TH ST. AND GARDEN A. � �-,r� � � , � � �° f .. � � � W � � . C h � 3 � 22 � � m o.00 zoo �.00 �.no e.00 �aoo ts.00 ��.00 �aoo �e.00 so.00 rs.no z�.no � MouRs) 0 oQsnr�c ca�omohs + � soumor� �O 7 Figure 3 MAXIMUM PREDICTED WATER LEVELS ALONG � ousn�w �, �sro� �w s� � � . s� � � � � 31 z � o � � oRot�c su�x� � � � ze za u �s ri z� _ so 1001 1101 110Z 1103 liG4 110a 110d 1107 110Q 110� 1000 1201 1�OZ iZ03 LODEIFD PIP�.qlN�.'Ji0f1 (LAt�'i01-ES) + �c cat�amoN o w/7s—�rt c� � Figure 4 FLOW AT GENE COULON MEMORIAL PARK � (��cr� w�e sa--�x c�aH sro�) 300 zeo . zao 240 n0 Fwx. soumotr zoo F �ao 0 .. � tao t�o �1zD oosnHo c�oriomoa i� eo eo � � 0 o �o �.00 a.00 a.00 t o.00 t 2co �•►.00 t e.00 �e.00 so.00 rl.a�o s�.co � �� �08 0 H N � VUATER SURFAC� ELEVaTIONS-- 1 �0 YEAR STt�RNf � N wf 16 f�ch dTcRtster pond oudet o 28 °° � � . � 27 � N 0 � �. � � I 26 0 ... � N Z � a d 25 � �, C� � � � � 24 � � � � 0 � 23 � � � . � 22 y 1 � � O C�7 2� � x A 2U 0.00 2.00 �.00 8.00 B.Od 10.OD 12.04 14.00 16.00 18.00 2Q.4� 22.Oa . 24.00 ' ' I� �1ME (HR) � , C7 87H AND GARDDJ + ONSffE POND o • o N •+ ' S- '; � E N T R A N C O TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM TO: Gary Ostoe, PACCAR .. • ��, ��1 p. N}-rrs oF�v.�s y�ti O FROM: RaIpF� Neison, P.E. w c EnUanco •'� , 1=� � � y �l,y� � ,-,�g �-9 1 DATE: Juty 27, 1992 1 ' � Revised August 7, 1992 - ��.�._ ' .':� ,�.:-' �..: , ';� ' r���� r.) '.��5'�JY^• •.'' ♦'+`') � �._;.:'(�� SUBJECT: Addendum No. 4 -- Garden Avenue North Drainage Study � �-`a�R_� 6-8- �� EnVanco Project No. 91031-60 - � introduction Entranco has been retained by PACCAR to study the Garden Avenue Norih drain- age system in Renton, Washington. This memorandum presents the results of a two-- - part analysis to determine ihe impacts of storm drainage imp�ovements planned as mitigation (or developrnent on the PACCAR site in north Renton. The first part of the analysis consisted of modeling the proposed improvements us- ing an existing formulaiion of the EXTRAN modufe of the Environmental Protection Agency's Stormwater Management Model (SWMM). Using plans of the improvements provided by SSOE, the model evaluated the flows through the proposed system for the 2-, 10-, 25- and 100-year storm events afier development of the PACCAR site. Water� � levels and amount of flooding were also predicted at that time. The flows, water tevels, and flooding were compared with those for the same storms previous lo development on the PACCAR site to evaluate the change in function of the system. The second part of the analysis was an evaluation of the erosion potentiat in the pond/channel section of the system in the viciniry of Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. First, the site was inspected to determine any areas ot existing erosion, and the potential areas of erosion if flows increase. Then, the existing ilow velocities, deter- mined by the EXTRAN model, were compared with lhe velocities after the proposed up- grades to esiimate ihe potential for erosion in the pond areas. y11131-60 Tecl�_Mertw Ailai.II(tl�7�92Y a�n 1 . ; Project Background � The Garden Avenue North Drainage Study began with a steady slate backwater analysis of the Garden Avenue North storm drain as it relates to the p�oposed PACCAR site development. The steady-state analyses indicated that even design tlows as low as the two-year return rate were capable of causing wide-scale ffooding on the valley floor. Results of these initial analyses were presented in the Ga�den Avenue North Drainage Study (October 1, 1991). A second study was conducted to determine what drainage alternaiives were avail- able for the PACCAR site development. The study examined several potential alterna- tives, including enlarging the culverts tor fhe pond/channei system, bypassing storm flow down North Houser Avenue. and enlarging ihe existing Garden Avenue Norih storm drain. Results of a steady-state backwate� analysis demonstrated that a combi- nation of improving the capacity of the pond/channel system along wilh an increase in the flow capacity of khe valley storm drain system could help to reduce flooding on the valley floor. The results of the second study were summarized in a Drainage Study Ad- dendum (October 16, 1991). After the second study was completed, Entranco began lo analyze the valley tloor drainage using EXTRAN of the SWMM. The EXTRAN model offe�ed a more detailed � i analysis of the valley floor drainage system, a{lowing the dynamic routing of fu(I hydro- graphs through the storm drain system. The difierence between the EXTRAN modeting and ihe pre�iously used steady-state modeling is that the EXTRAN model•allows condi- tions to be tracked throughout the duralion ot a storm, whereas the steady-state analy- sis permits only a snapshot ot conditions at one flow rate and assumes that (low rate is maintained for an indefinite length of time. The EXTRAN model developed for the study represented over 115 pipes and 120 sUuctures (manholes or catch basins) for the principa! drainage system on the valley floor. Information used to define the system was obtained from a combination o( sour- ces including field survey, exisling plan sets, and the City ot Renton data base. A schematic of the modeled representation oI lhe system is included in the appendix of lhis memorandum, along with a model input tile. The EXTRAN model was used to evaluate and further define potential drainage al- ternatives available for lhe PACCAR development. A November 21, 1991 Addendum to the Drainage Study evaluated ihe need (or pumping stormwater off the site, as well as for bypass alternaGves. This potential solution was abandoned in light of new informa- tion that allowed a more viable solulion. 91UZt-60 TecA.Memo AOd./�(8�792Y�m 2 • °.' � Addendum No. 3 to the Garden Avenue Norlh Drainage Study (revised December } 19, 1991) described lhe results ot EXTRAN modei runs lo evaluate the impacts of plac- ing a 72-inch line along Garden Avenue North to connect with Ihe storm drain along I North Sth Street. This line was partially completed in the past. The resutts indicated I that this alternative would significantly irtcrease the capacity of the drainage system and would allow PACCAR to discharge the stormwater from its developed site via gravity drainage. ', The EXTRAN model developed for the Garden Avenue studies was turiher refined for the Draft Houser Way Regional Drainage Analysis tor the City of Renton (June 4, i 1992). The purpose of this study was to develop and analyze several attematives to I improve the drainage capacity far the city in the vicinity o( the proposed Houser Way I improvements. Model improvements included increasing the detail of the drainage systems along Houser Way North and the contributing basins on the hillside and further refinement of the in(low hydrographs. Information was gathered both from additional plan sets from the City of Renton and from further iield investigation. This repo�t is based on two sets of model information, both of which inco�porate the revisions determined in lhe Houser Way study. The existing conditions case uses the mode) formulation used in previous studies to represent the PACCAR site befo�e site improvements began. The outlall trom lhe PACCAR site is located at North 8lh Street and Garden Avenue Nonh, junciion �1.000 in figure 2 (see appendix). The tutu�e conditions case uses the representation of ihe developed PACCAR site with the 72-inch line down Garden Avenue North in place as well as the proposed pond/channel im-_ _ pravements. Fo� further details regarding the modeling analysis, see the above reports or the appendix of this memorandum. Results of Analysis Flows and Flooding The results of the EXTRAN modeli�g for various locations in the Garden Avenue North system are shown in tables 1 and 2. The imp�ovements to the pondlchannel system would result in increased capacity in the Garden Avenue North system. The other pipes which outlet into the first (south- ernmost) pond would continue at the same capacity, allhough the Park Avenue North system, which enters lhe pond/channel system farther downstream, would be slightly reduced in peak capaciry due to slightly higher tailwaters (about 0.2 toot) al its outiall, which coincide with lhe time of peak flow from [hat system. This reduclion in capacity was analyzed and tound to be short in duration (on the order of one hour) and limited to y1031�6D TecA.Me�no nJA •�Itli]i92y uin 3 . , .�. - the final two pipe sections. Flows further upstream in the pipe system would be unaf- ,� fected, and (looding conditions for the entire Park Avenue system would be unchanged. Table 1 Modeled Fiows for Existing Conditions in the Garden Avenue North Drainage System Existing Maximum Flows (cfs) Location 2-year 10-year 25-year 100-year Garden Avenue North 93.6 124.9 116 112.7 North 8th Street 59.4 61.3 62.1 62.8 Pond System 143.6 211.1 233.7 251.6 North Basin/Houser Way 60.2 99.4 107.2 117.6 Park Avenue North 21_8 36.5 40.1 43.1 Note: Assumes PACCAR site is undeveloped. Table 2 Modeled Flows for Future Conditions in the Garden Avenue North Drainage System � Future Maximum Ftows (cfs) Location . 2-year 10-year 25-year 100-year Garden Avenue North 133.1 205.4 206.1 214.9 North 8lh Street 80.4 85.0 85.0 85.5 Pond System 204.3 282.5 318.4 341.9 North Basin/Houser Way 60.2 99.6 109.3 117.4 Park Avenue Norti► 21.5 32.5 37.1 42.4 Note: Assumes developed PACCAR site, 72-inch storm drain added along Garden Avenue No�th, and increased conveyance belween ponds 1, 2 and 3. 91U71-60 Tech.Memo Add ��(N7N2�am 4 . l. . � The results of the tlooding anafysis indicaEe that there wauld be no noticeabie � increase in ilooding due to the pond/channe! improvements. The model does indicate a slight increase in flooding (0.03 acre-toot) along Garden Avenue North, but this appears to be attributable to numerical instability in the model: the events are short in duration and the wale� level flucluates more than one toat over 15-minute time periods. The impravements would alteviate ilooding which currentty occu�s on the PACCAR site and which subsequently affects adjacent prope�ties. For example, for Ihe 100-year storm, over 47 acre-feet ot tlooding would be reduced to less than one acre-toot. Water tevels in some paris of the pond/channel system (in the vicinity of Gene Coulon Park) would tend to increase due ta higher flows correspanding with the drain- age improvements. In the southernmost pvnd/channel, however. the water surface would actually be lower as a resutt of enlarging the capacity of the auUet flowing to the next pond/channet. Water levels in that pond are predicted to remain approximately the same, whife {evels in the remaining downsUearn ponds/channels would increase by up to 0.8 foot over the range o( tlows predicted for the 2-year up to the 100-year storm events. The higher water leveis would not appear to cause any flooding, provided the lower ponds/channels are maintained. It appears that all pondslchannels would still have more than one foot of freeboard (or the 100-year design tlow. The madel indicates that the maximum velocity of the flow would not increase in the first two pond/channe! secGons below the improvements; in the third pond/channel section the increase in maximum velocity would be around 0.5 foot per second for the three storms analyzed. Erosion Potenfial ' . Field investigation of ihe lower pond/channel system showed no current e�osion hazards. The banks are well vegetated, and the bank substrate appears to be erosion resistant. There is some siltation evident in khe channels, which may be resuspended and transported under high flows. The proposed improvemenls would not c�eate an additionat erosion hazard relaGve lo existing conditions. In all cases, the peak average velocities in the channels would be less than 5 cubic (eet per second, allowing a grass lining to be sufiicient tor erosion control (King County S�rface Wa�er Design Manual, 1990). Copies af the field evaluation sheeis are in the appendix. Per City oi Renton di- reciives, Ehe system was modeled as if the pond/channel system was maintained, al- lowing good hydraulic performance. The �eld observations indicate that currently the hydraulic capacity of two ot the pondslchannels is somewhat reduced by overgrown vegetation. 9I031-60 TeCA.Mrwnu Ad�l.���tll792y am 5 � . � Conclusion ; The proposed improvements woutd increase the maximum flow of stormwater through the Garden Avenue North syslem by 6U to 90 cubic teet per second tor the de- sign storm considered. Maximum water heights in lhe pond/channel system would in- crease by about one foot, but water leveis in othe� parts of the storm system would de- crease. Flooding on and near lhe PACCAR site would be significantly decreased. Water levels and flows in the lower pond/channel system would increase, but no flood- ing is indicated. The potenGal for erosion due to increased tlow velocities appears to be small. Although it bears noting that the assumptions used for this modeling require that the lower pondlchannel system be adequately maintained, it is apparent that ihis project would provide improvements in the function of the Garden Avenue North storm drainage system without major foreseeable adverse consequences. 9103t-60 TecA.Mrmo Add.��IB/JA2y mn 6 . . .� . ! . APPENDIX � Vicinity Map A.1 - Schematic of Pipe System Modeled with EXTRAN A.2 SWMM EXTRAN Modeling Assumptions A.3 EXTRAN lnput file A.4 Shoreline Survey Field Forms A_9 I •- n. � ;-��d ��.;,.� � ` � � c~i o' � .. ^ �o �p � ;,; r�.�� � Q I� s �d' Vf!^ L'J � W � Z 2 W •? . Z P 1 � � ' � ' � � � BN ^' uo�s . 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N _o ,� g � "' p ,�, ,n �n ,.� .�. .�,,�, � � I 30G I 8W Q o p $ I �� I b58 I 730 � GEDAR � — — - - - -- - - ia45 R��� � I j07 I 605 I b59 l 328 i 31 9 1 8oG I b47 t �G t � I 327 I 320 t a07 I 8G I 1 326 I 32 ( � � I bG2 I��� � VN.LEY � o _ N � o r FLOOR D15TRIBl1TED N � N `��' EQUAI.LY TO .R.NGT I R�tS � � � �^ - - - ( aG 3 - - - - $ o 0 0 0 0 o IN ViGiNITY. I 8L4 F I ��UI�E 2 . � �s SGHEMATIG OF PIPE SYSTEM '�' MODELED WfTH EXTRAN A.2 . . ,�. SWMM EXTRAN MODELING ASSUMPTIONS The F��TRAN model The formulation of the EXTRAN model used for these analyses has been deveioped from various data sets provided by the City of Renton, SSOE, WSDOT and Entranco fieId and survey invesdgations. Some of the data conflicted with other data sets, and in these cases the most recent data was generally used in the model. The source code for the model as well as a schematic of the junctions follow this section. The hydrograph cards appended onto the model are not inclnded, but they are available upon request. The hydrology for the model runs was determined by En[ranco for the original Garden Avenue Drainage Study report and was found from maps, aerial photographs and field investigation. Subsequent investigation resulted in minor changes which were incorporated into the rnodel. Hydrographs were created with Ehe Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph method, specifically vsing the King County 24-hour hydrograph. The actual hydrograph genera[ion was performed either on the King County HYD program or by usin� WaterWorks. In the case of basins which had multiple inlet junctions, the hydro;raph flows were split into equal portions and placed in the appropriate junctions. There are S I individual inlet goints in the system, wiEh 30 of those inlets resulting from such splitting of 5 larger hydrographs. The attached model code is for the post-developed condition with the progosed improvements. Among the features which differ in the pre-developed condition are the pipe system and condition of the PACCAR site, which was modeled to include a series of , storage areas for flood waters, the lack of a 72" pipe from junction 1605 to 1612 and smaller culverts between Ponds I (1001), 2 (2001) and 3 (3001). Among the critical assumptions re�arding the lower pond system is that the - - channels are well maintained to allow maximum flow. Currently, the ponds are not in a condition to allow such flow. Also, the level of Lake Washington is assumed to be at 15 feet above mean sea level. This tends to be a canservative estimate because the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regulates the lake water Ievel and in the winter, when the modeled storm events are likely to occur, the lake is closer Eo 13 feet above mean sea � level. i . A.3 436 1436 1435 1 2 �80 0.030 937 1437 1436 1 1.5 440 0.030 438 1438 1437 1 1.5 190 .030 j 439 1439 1438 1 1.5 150 .030 --- .��_,.r� ,.�� . � � ,�� ��� EXTRAN INPUT FILE o a e o a 1 2 IEX2RAN MODEL OF GARDEN AVENUE DRAINAGE CONFIRHATZON;2-YEAR i �3200 2 0 13 15 0 4 1 450 51 15 0.05 , 1203 1000 750 1101 1930 1401 1351 1700 1460 1461 1001 2001 3001 851 201 75 301 110 601 307 102 610 BO1 820 100 �30 403 150 700 1700 75Q 6 4 15 1600 0 0 .110 2.0 2.5 710 171U 1203 1 2 100 .012 711 1711 1710 1 2 480 .O1? 73 730 1700 I 3 SOQ 0 0 .017 790 1740 1203 1 3 500 .021 791 1741 1790 6 1 6 200 .045 1.0 1.0 �I 742 1792 1741 1 2 150 .030 75 750 1203 1 2.5 100 .009 100 1100 1001 1 4 235 .017 101 1101 1100 1 4 100 .010 102 1102 1I01 1 4.5 225 0 00.017 103 1103 110Z 1 4.5 200 0 .30.014 �� 104 1104 1103 1 4.5 200 0 00.01T 105 1105 1104 1 4.5 22D 0 U0.017 106 1106 1105 1 4.5 29Q 0 .30.017 II 107 1107 1106 1 4.5 120 0 OQ.O17 108 1108 1107 1 4.5 180 0 OQ.017 109 1109 110b 1 4 175 D 00.017 110 1000 1109 1 S 420 1.1 00.022 201 1201 1610 1 3.5 300 0 00.017 202 1202 1201 1 3.5 370 0 00.017 203 1203 1202 1 3.5 985 0 00.017 204 1204 1203 1 1.75 150 0.017 205 1205 1204 1 2 500 0.017 _ _ 206 1206 1205 1 2 150 0.01") 201 1207 1206 1 Z 182 0.017 250 1250 730 6 3 8 300 .080 1.0 1.0 251 1251 1250 6 3 8 300 .080 1.0 1.0 252 1252 1251 6 J 8 300 .080 1.0 1.0 253 2253 1252 2 2 40 300 .030 25� 1207 1253 1 3 100 1.5 .D07 301 130U 1301 1 I.5 385 0 0.420.017 302 1301 1302 1 2.5 100 0 0.021 303 1302 1303 1 1.5 100 0 00.025 309 1303 1304 1 1.5 225 .390.030 305 1304 1305 1 1.5 I35 0 0.030 306 1305 1306 1 1.5 270 0 00.030 307 1306 1307 1 2.25 3�6 0.017 30B 1307 1308 1 2 450 0 0.0.017 309 1308 1309 1 Z 140 0 OO.U17 310 1309 1310 1 2 147 0.45 0.017 311 1310 1311 1 2 277 0 00.017 312 1311 1312 1 2 133 0 ' 00.017 313 13I2 1313 1 2 150 00.017 314 1313 1316 1 2 169 0.58 OQ.017 317 1316 1317 1 2 2D0 0 0.017 31B 1317 1318 1 2 150 0.017 319 1318 3000 1 2 500 0.027 320 1319 1320 1 1 327 00.017 321 1320 1321 1 1 157 00.017 322 1321 1322 1 1 193 0 0.017 323 1322 1323 1 2 390 0 00.030 324 1323 1324 1 2 270 0 00.030 325 1329 1325 1 2 250 0 00.030 326 1325 1326 1 2 250 0 00.030 327 1J26 1327 1 2 270 0 00.030 328 1327 1328 1 2 270 0 00.017 329 1328 1316 1 2 380 0 OO.OI7 351 1351 1352 1 6 100 0.004 352 1352 1353 1 6 100 0.004 401 1401 1001 1 3 295 .30.017 402 1402 1401 1 3 100 0.028 403 1403 1402 1 3 220 .10.030 404 1404 1403 1 1.5 130 .017 405 1405 1403 1 3 200 .030 430 1430 1002 1 2•S ZqZ .017 431 I431 I430 1 2 100 .007 432 2432 1431 I 2 120 0.030 � i. . 750 34 34.5 1351 34 26.4 - 2352 34 26.9 �� 1353 34 26.4 1001 26.0 15.2 1100 40.0 16.4 1102 24.4 16.4 1102 25.3 17.1 1103 25.5 16.7 1104 25.3 17.0 1105 26.7 17.9 1106 27.9 19.7 1107 27.8 20 ilOB 27.7 19.4 1109 28.7 20.5 1000 30.4 20.7 1300 30.4� 21 2301 30 21.6 1302 28 21.4 2303 29 21.2 2304 29 21.7 1305 29 20 I306 29 20 1307 30.5 19.0 I308 27.8 18.5 1309 28.6 18.3 1310 ZB 18.0 1311 27.6 17.6 1312 27.2 17.3 1313 27 17 1316 26.6 16.9 1317 27.5 16.8 1318 27.5 17.2 � 3000 24 15 1319 28.1 23.1 � 1320 28.2 23.I 1321 28.9 22.9 1322 30 22.6 1323 30 21.5 1324 29.4 21.1 1325 28.9 20.6 1326 27.7 20 1327 26.9 19.4 1328 26_6 18.1 1201 30.6 21.5 I202 33.2 23.6 1203 37.4 28.8 _ _ . 1204 89.4 85.4 1205170.4162.2 1206186.4178.9 1207209.0195.8 1250 115 122 1251 138 135 1252162.9158.8 1253208.1204.5 L401 32.3 21.8 1402 5I.2 40.7 14Q3 96.4 84.4 1904121.3 110 1905 104 90.1 I430 28.1 20.5 1431 28.1 20.6 1932 31.7 22.2 1933 29.9 24.8 1434 29.8 25_7 1935 30.2 25.2 1436 31.6 26.8 1937 32.8 28.3 1438 33.5 28.7 1939 93 87.5 2450 28.7 20.6 1951 31.5 22 I952 33.5 27.0 1953 35.4 28.2 1454 31.5 28.5 1460 32.2 28.6 1961 31.5 28.4 1801 27.8 20.6 1802 27.0 20.9 1803 26_6 ZI.S 1804 26.9 22.1 A.6 . - � 1805 27.6 22.7 1806 27.4 23_3 � 1807 27.4 23.6 1808 27.9 23.7 1809 30 24.4 1810 31 25.0 1811 31 25.4 1812 31 25.8 1813 31 26.0 1819 31.5 26.3 1815 35 26.7 1829 28 21.3 1830 2924.25 1840 30 24.8 1841 35.3 30.1 1842 36 31.1 1843 37.2 32.1 2894 38.4 33.1 2895 39.8 34.1 1846 39.8 35.5 1847 40 36.8 1852 28.0 20.8 1853 29.5 21.5 � 1854 33.0 22.3 1855 34.7 23.0 1856 37.8 23.4 1857 38.5 24.1 2858 37.4 29.9 1859 38.0 25.6 1860 38.3 26.2 1B61 38.9 26.9 1862 38.4 27.7 1863 33.8 28.4 1864 36.0 29.2 1865 37.1 29.9 Z001 26 14.9 3002 29 15 3002 22.8 14.8 4001 Z2.8 14.8 4002 25.2 19.3 5001 25.2 14.3 5002 30 12.3 1601 24.5 16.0 1602 26.7 16.3 1603 24.8 16.4 1609 25.2 16.4 1605 25.4 16.6 - 1606 25.4 17.0 1607 26.4 18.2 1606 27.6 18.4 1609 27.9 18.7 161� 28.5 19.0 1611 29.5 19.2 1612 29.8 19.5 115U 26.0 18.1 1151 24.3 19.4 iis2 ze 2i.o 1153 29 22.� ' 1154 30 23.8 i 99999 1351 3490000 1352 3490000 1353 3470000 1830 2925000 1454 31.5 350 1460 31.6 5500 1461 31.5 5500 1001 26.0 500 1742 80.0 6500 99999 1000 1612 1 12.56 1 0 1000 1300 1 1.77 1 1 1307 1319 1 0.79 1 S.5 1104 1605 1 7.07 1 0 1351 1303 I 0.79 1 U.6 1351 1304 1 0.79 1 0.2 1351 1305 1 0.74 1 U.0 1351 1301 1 0.79 1 1.6 1351 1306 1 0.79 1 0.1 1351 1307 1 0.79 1 2.4 1830 1829 1 0.86 1 0 A.7 r . � , 1830 1829 1 l.08 1 1.34 �I 1602 1100 1 12.6 1 � 1460 1432 1 7.07 1 1461 1952 1 7.07 1 99999 99999 99999 5002 3000 99999 99999 Z 15 99999 1404 1405 1207 1301 1303 1305 1307 1309 1321 1313 1317 1321 1323 1325 1327 1808 1810 1812 1H1� 1815 1841 1943 1845 18�7 1865 115� 160� 1102 1109 1106 1108 1109 I 1001 1451 1431 1433 1435 1�37 I700 1712 1710 1�05 1452 1453 1454 1479 17�2 730 1792 1700 1Z52 / A_S � e , � ENTRANCO � _,) Time: I� � SNORELINE SURVEY FORM Date: � ►z ❑ Project: �s�o,��n �1�- P�oject No. �I03t- Z o Location: Sec Twn Rge County State Investigators: M.sc.��� Water Body: "���3 ` Tidal ❑ No�-tidal � Land Use: �'^a-�Q6-k � Sources ot pollution: 1��b4- st�-� � Precip.: Day: '—'�— Prev. Day: Prev. Week: I'� ❑ PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTtCS , Low water elevation High water etevaUon: ' Bank subsVate: ❑ silt % ❑ sand % ❑ clay % ❑ gravel '/o ❑ cobbie % ❑ boulder % ' � - inlet OutleE 3 cv►vc•rs � �°-�Y I Bank ang{e: Water bed angle: I Bank cover type: Woody debris: i � ❑ Aggrandization evident ❑ Degradation evident � 1 (Note wind and storm rain directions) '-�- _ �� -'� ; - b�5-'s o� _ ( --�.. -�. � F� ` i . �,, ' ---�-- .__ � ^ ---- . =� __ _ � r� . .-�,�� l - . ��e�/a�;� . ,� f - I�1 CJ � . ���. 4%• � : N C�'{ti w Q/ io � � � � ,�j`'t!plan Section % ❑ RESTORATION TECHNI�UES: ��L ❑ Rip-rap ❑ Log cribbing ❑ Willow staking ❑ Gabions (type) ❑ Revegetation ❑ Pile (plus) ❑ Terrace bank ❑ Matiing (type) ❑ Siope bank ❑ Jetties COMMENTS So„�. ov�.�,o..�,..� }`,c� �c 1��o�'�•a� r�.. �h��r 5��:�� r�ac;��. �5r,....� -na �♦ lo��r 4•1{ . A.9 y[UIC�IU�Irwrhns Swvey Fwm�61�Yyt}�a.n .� , � . � ENTRANCO . � , - Time: � •2b SNORELINE SURVEY FORM Date: � I7 4't ❑ Projec� ��''�e� ��� Project No. ����� Location: Sec Twn Rge County State Investigators: �� S�k� Water Body: ��P•�� �� Tidal ❑ Non-tidal� � � Land Use: ��-a.�►�c� {� Sources of pollution: s�`s"''�~� Precip.: Day: ^� Prev. Day: — Prev. Week: � ❑ PNYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Low water elevation � High water elevation: �— Bank subsUate: ❑ silt % ❑ sand 9'0 ❑ ciay % ❑ gravel 9'0 ❑ cobble % ❑ bouider �o ���V✓'�/Z''�/C,I�') ��! Vw� '��1 If`r+M,� II Inlet ae�,e►�r� Outlet Z e c�l �, i �- � 9 Bank angle: Z-�1 � Water bed angle: '`�`� �i s II Bank cover type: (s�i433��`' 3���5 Woody debris: �� I � Aggrafl�en evident �� '� �� ��---'� ❑ Degradation evident � _ (Note wind and sta'rm rain directions) �� ��,1� cc�.�� . .Q� - .-- f �L�vV �?� � �1 � , �- I fr� � � _ _�?.,�..'� �— - - ----.------ -____. -- " I�-��P� � � plan � Section ❑ RESTORATION TECHNI�UES: ❑ Rip-rap ❑ Log cribbing ❑ Willow staking p Gabions (type) ❑ Revegetation ❑ Pile (plus) ❑ Ter�ace bank ❑ Matting (type) ❑ Slope bank ❑ Jetties COMMENTS �1�� �' ��5�" �nt� � �4t�y 1 � 1`L�� CYQS�b�^ ��5 l�Sus�=j�n• � - �r Qo�:�o a -,� ►? (•..a.. :�1v+) '�^`O�.t�'- v+-o��F o�S Elb3f.e-r-i A.10 92u�o-�u S�,u.emw Su,vey Funo�6 t y.9tl..eu. i�' T • � \. ENTRANCO �� _ Time: 'oD SHORELlNE SURVEY FORM Date: 7 j �z � ❑ Projec� ��"d� �"`��`^� P�oject No. 9103� 20 , Location: Sec Twn Rge County State {nvestigators: �f•��'" Water Body: �"Tdt...'�fe�� �� :S� Tidat .� Non-tidal ❑ Land Use: �-- � Sources of pollution: Precip.: Day: � Prev. Day: �—! Prev. Week: �-- ❑ PNYSiCAL CHARACTERISTICS Low water elevation High water elevatian: Bank substrate: ❑ sitt % ❑ sand 9'0 ❑ ciay % ❑ gravei % ❑ cobbie % ❑ boulder % � I Intet Out�et Lk �v Bank angle: �—Z ' 1 Water bed angie: 3� � Bank cover type: S�wbs, �-M Woody debris: � ���x'`A� `�9 �q- k � Aggrandization evident of' �K l��' ❑ Degradation evident (Note wind and storm rain directions) �,---� ��— a..�.��� L�� '�'fl `. - -� ,. �� , �,� . , - � _ - , , � � \ , � N �{"a.� �-�-� *- �� ' • p(an Section ❑ RESTORATION TECNNIQUES: ❑ Rip-rap ❑ Log cribbing ❑ Willow staking ❑ Gabions (type) ❑ Revegetation ❑ Pile (plus) ❑ Terrace bank ❑ Matting (type) ❑ Slope bank ❑ Jetties COMMENTS �6��'ev 5�����4t� cv}�r�5 �Gr-ow �e� ��e��?c a _ � ;I � S;!-. �,a: c _ �sf 4 ►�,� ' ��sf �S' ho-f-�.-� �* / r � � , ,�I����-- �o;�,ble ��t� t.�o.1r� vp 7S � � � � \ A 1 r� ���' � 5C4�� ` y��10-ID 51�.,�rUnu S.irveY Fwn.laly.9ll..rea �1.�1 ��G�.S �!1 r��{ (J�+ �.1� :� 4.0 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN � E —� 4.0 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 4.1 Existing Site Hydrology The project consists of an existing gravel parking lot at the south end of the Kenworth truck plant. This area drains north and west to existing trench drains in the existing parking area. 4.2 Developed Site Hydrology Under developed conditions, the existing gravel parking area will be paved and sloped toward the existing trench drains to the north and west. 4.3 Performance Standards All detention and conveyance standards for site calculations are included in the initial Drainage Report. %/ - .�4 Flo Con�System _ �= - ' ._----" _ - � -- �f----..-, The existing flow control system will not be modified for this development because it was / designed for the entire site being developed. � .5 Water Quality System �' , Water quality was addressed for the entire site during the initial drainage study. This existing ` '� � system will be used for the new parking addition. ���� �--�.__, - _� 11153.002.doc(KEH/tep] I� ,:� 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 5.0 CONVEYANCE SYSTENi ANALYSIS AND DESIGN No conveyance system is proposed for this project. 11153.002.doc[KEFUtep] 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES :� 6.0 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES Attached in Section 3 are the existing drainage reports and calculations that were done as part of the existing Kenworth Trucking development in the early 1990's. 11153.002.doc[KEHltep] � E"� � W a x w x N 0 0 � � -� 7.0 OTHER PERMITS The other pernuts required for this development are listed below and attached. 7.1 SEPA 7.2 NPDES 7.3 Hydrant Locations �� 11153.00Z.doc[KEHltep] 8.0 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION � CONTROL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN • 8.0 EROSION AND SEDINIENTATION CONTROL(ESC) ANALYSIS AND DESIGN � Grading limits will be specified such that no grading will occur outside the clearing limits for the entire site and these limits will be specified prior to construction. Temporary cover measures shall be installed if an area is to remain unworked for more than seven days during the dry season or for more than two days during the wet season. Any area to remain unworked for more than 30 days shall be seetled or sodded. Also perimeter protection in the form of silt fences will be installed around the boundary of the project site. Sediment retention on-site wili be instituted through the use of a temporary sediment trap such that it will be the first order of construction during the erosion control phase so that all runoff from the site can be d'uected to this pond. Surface water control shall also be installed in the form of interceptor ditches with rock check dams to convey I runoff into the sediment retention pond. Should construction occur during the dryer summer � months, then dust control will be utilized through the use of water trucks to keep dust to a I minimum. ' 11153.002.doc[KEH/tep] �--, Sediment Trap I SA = FS(QZNS) Area = 1.51 Acres CN = 89 i �I QZ = 0.34 cfs PZ = 2.0 inches PI� = 3.9 inches T� = 5 min. SA required = 708 SF SA provided = 806 SF VS = 0.00096 , So OK FS = 2 i Emer�ncy Spillway Broad Crested Weir Q,� = 3.21�L.H3�Z +2.4H5`Z� Q,� = 0.96 cfs I � L = Q10° —2.4H 3.21H3iz Use H= 0.2'(minimum L=2.86' Use 6'minimum t 1153.002.doc[KEH/tep) 10/7/03 9 : 13 :44 am Shareware Release page 1 KENWORTH TRUCKING - TESC CALCULATIONS BCE JOB NO. 11153 -�, FILE: 11153TSC.BSN � _______________________________________________ BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: A1 NAME: 2-YR TESC CONDITIONS SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1 . 51 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 2 . 00 inches AREA. . : 1 . 51 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 89 . 00 0 . 00 TC. . . . . 5 . 00 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 PEAK RATE: 0 . 34 cfs VOL: 0 . 13 Ac-ft TIME : 480 min BASIN ID: A2 NAME: 100-YR TESC CONDITIONS SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1 . 51 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 1 . 51 Acres 0 . 00 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 89 . 00 0 . 00 TC. . . . . 5 . 00 min 0 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 PEAK RATE: 0 . 96 cfs VOL: 0 . 34 Ac-ft TIME : 480 min � � I ii 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, � AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT 9.0 BOND QUANTITIES,FACILITY SUMMARIES,AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT I 1153.002.doc[KEH/tep] � 10.0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL ' � 10.0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL Site vegetation should be trimmed as necessary to keep the adjacent conveyance system free of leaves and to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the site. Slope azeas that have become barren should be revegetated and eroded areas should be regraded prior to being revegetated. The detention for this development is a large pond located above the basic water quality wet pond with a control structure on the downstream end of it such that the small pre-developed design storms are released through the orifices within the control structare to the downstream drainage course. Water levels will fluctuate continuously in this pond during the rainy season. To convey runoff to the detention pond, a catch basin collection and pipe conveyance system has been installed upstream of the detention pond and maintenance standards for the water quality pond and the pipe conveyance and catch basin system are attached herewith to the following pages of this report. 11153.002.doc[KEH/tep]