HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract t � � FOIL 361tAG,E-.AIS 1«,• THIS AQ�NT trade and aroecuted this ^•rr day of � .a 1961, between the CITY OF RBNI'ON, a taunieipal corporal on of the State of shington, hereinafter referred to as the "City" and the MUNICIPALITY OF METROPOLITAN SEATTLE, a muniaipal corporation of the State of Kashington, hereinafter referred to as "Metro," WITNZS98THt WHEREAS, the public health, welfare and safety of the residents of the City and the residents of the metropolitan area require the elimination of emisting sources of water pollution and the preservation of the fresh and salt water resources of the area; and W OyRFJIS, growth of population, topographic conditions and preservation of water resources require that certain major sewage disposal works be constructed and operated and that the cities and special districts within the metropolitan area dispose of their sewage in accordance with a comprehensive plan for the metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, Metro was established by vote of the people in the metropolitan area pursuant to Chapter 35.58 RCM for the purpose of performing the function of metropolitan sewage disposal, has adopted a comprehensive plan for the disposal Of sewage frog the metropolitan area and intends to develop the facilities needed to carry out such plan and to issue revenue bonds to finance such development= and WHERM, to carry out the purpOSes of Motto and perform its authorized function and to provide for the disposal Of sewage from the City into the metropolitan sewage disposal system it is necessary that a contract be now entered into establishing certain rights and duties of the parties incident thereto; NOYI, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows: Section 1. Definition of Toros. The following words and phrases used in this contract shall have the meanings hereinafter set forth in this section: (a) The words „Comprehensive Plan" shall mean the Comprehensive Sewage, Disposal Plan for the metropolitan area adopted in Resolution No. 23 of the Municipality of :dotropolitan Seattle and as same may be hereafter amended from time to time in the manner required by law. (b) The words "Metropolitan Sewerage System" shall mean all of the facilities to be constructed, acquired or used by Metro as a part of the compre- hensive Plan. The Metropolitan Sewerage System shall generally includod sewage disposal facilities with capacity to receive sewage from natural drainage areas of Approximately one thousand acres or more. The Metropolitan Sewerage System shall thus include trunk or interceptor sewer facilities extending to a point within each tributarys and natural drainage area, where not more than one thousand acres remain to be served beyond the upper terminus of such trunk or interceptor sewer. (a) The words "Local Sewerage Facilities„ shall mean all facilities Ored or operated by the Participant for the local collection of sewage to-.be delivered to the Metropolitan Sewarago System. (d) The words "Metropolitan Area" shall mean the area contained within the boundaries of the Municipality Of Metropolitan Seattle as now or here- after constituted. (e) The word "Participant" shall mean each city, town, county, sewer die- .. triet.rounieipal corporation, person, firm or private corporation which s dispose of rtio- of its sanitary sewage into the Mctropoli- hall po any po tan Sewerage System and shKll have entered into a contract with Metro providing for such disposal. (f) The words "Residential Customer" shall mean a single family residence billed by a Participant for sewerage charges. *"Z� y� - t5- . ,.L'•r (.iy ,Y•,- and after July 1. --. ..w..,Lanee of a °• From � of the sewage Sect on tan Sewerage 3yst 1962, the City shall deliver to the Metropoli accept the sewage and wastes it and Metro shall tions as may be and industrial Wastes collected ttoo such reasonable rules and regula not directly delivered for treatment a ty the Metropolitan Council. Metro shall adopted from time to t�0 ration or governmental agency or Wastes from ate► persons firm, corporation into the accept sewage rtes of or is delivering its sewage bOUndA which is locateFatlsa of era► participant without the written consent of such Local sewerage participant• construct, acquire -t -'ion of Facilitis�. t2O °mil sal of ties required for the disposal Ac-the right to use all faeili nt and shall perform all or otherwise secure t to this pia d sha or isQr°vement of the sewage delivered to Metro aeration, repair, required for the maintenaneID, in alp► additions and betterments hereto. Hetropolitan Sewerage System, Section Co t o of local Sewn a Facyl ti s connected to the sewerage Facilities of the rtlon of the Metropolitan s�weraRn 9vstem. Local tea; at such time as Po such facilities. Metropolitan Sewerage 37s to receive se1491 collected by System shall be available Facilities of the Sewerage let its sole expsM°1 connect those Focal Sewerage accordance with or Metro shall, constructedolnthe lOtropolitan City which are not, inti��cetro prior to he availability litan the rules and re served by such Local ScwernBe SYaLem. LDS $°overage Facilities cons after thn MatroP° System shall have been made available to the rea 5 rage System at the Sewerage Sys be connected to the Metropolitan cations of Clot 0 Sewerage Facilities shall in accordance with the rules and regulations e�ense of the Participant srl of sewage Pavement fc, ` ER Disposal. For the dispoto Metro on or Section Lao City shall pry collected ty the City and delivered during Metro, eaant cormedod i before the last day of each ypnth during the terns of this erd d r provided in With the month of July. 1962. a sewage disposal charge determine this Section S• June 3p, September 30 and rinds ending March 318 rt to Metro 1• For the �Qr�pr4rticipant shall submit a written repo December 31 of each year every setting of the quarters (b) the total rysbor of forth (a) L1te n 10f °f Residential (Usto:.0 billed by sue? Participant for local sewerage chdrges as of the last day c the total cantor all customers billed by such Participant as of such day and such p*:ticipan`. other consur�tlon during such quarter for all customers biLod by than Residential Cuatomers• The qusrtorlY cantor cor.ule w to report shall be taken from water metal records and wy be adjusted to cxciujo cantor witch does not enter Where r,ctu'•.1 sewage fl"w =roe an individual the sanitarY facilities of a customer. crted in lieu of adjusted customer is metered, the metered sewage ww%ter con u..�ion rerl-t in cubic feet tion. The total quarterly uiva- caster conaump 2 700 to determine the nuenbar of POSidentin= Custur..or eq shall be divided by . nt1s custoc,:rn other than siz.:_e fumi�o^be^ 31, lents represented ty each Partieipa u-jr`.erly period ordling orts shall residences. The first report shall cover the q 1960 and shall be subritted err d therO thereafter anit ;hall•besautr.itt�d wig nthirty be made for each q�therendpof the .�unrtor. 1�'.etro shall rA'r-t r ' P° (30) dnvs followingerly custo:.ur rop�rts from finch Participant, record of the q sal charge to 2. To form a basis for detormining the monthly sewage disposal be paid by each Particlp+vat during any ps rticulnr quarterly period Metro shall with the 3uly-September ascertain the number of Residential Cuatomerao�� beginning Customer equivalents uarterly p the cum of Of each Participant for each such dotarrrninztion shall to made by tat day of the next quarter of Lho year 1962 orted as the actual number of Residential an Customers reP with said next to the last tarter and the average number of Residential Customrr oqui- to the last preceding q uartora ending valents par quarter reported for the four q Residential Customera or Residential than preceding quarter, adjusted to eliminate s�Y { sal outside of the Metropolitan nrar.. Customer oquivalonts whose sewage is delivered to a govortuaontal agency Metro or other than a Participant for disposal 1 1963, the canthly For the period from July 1r 1962 to Docambor 3 • vnlont of the City 3. sal charge to be paid btr rata far each Residential Cuat the �hly sewage diapo r charge shall be Two dollars Metro s be obtained by multiplying the number of Residential each Participant to Metro shall valonts of the Participant as dntoradnod in Customers and Residential tion by the rate of Two Dollars• subparagraph 2 of this $ection by the monthly Dow-'So d s- 4, For each calendar yeru' after the year 1963, poaal charge payable to Metro shall be dotormdnod as follows: ` . 2 :el a) Prior to July let of each year Metro shall determine its total mono- tary requirements for the disposal of sewnga during the next succeeding calendar year. Such requirements shall include the cost of administration, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the Metropolitan Sewerage System, establish- went and maintenance of necessary working capital and resorves, the requirements of Air resolution providing for the 13suaroo of revenue bonds of Metro to finnnco the acquisition, construction or use of sewerage facilities, plus not to exceed 1% of the foregoing requirements for general administrative overhead costs. b) To deterndae the monthly rate per Residential Customer or Residential Customer equivalent to be used during said next succeeding calendar year, the total monetary requirements for disposal of sewage as determined in subpatragrnph 4 (a) of this section shall be divided by twelve and the resulting quotient shall be divided by the total number of Residential Customers and Residential Customer equivalents of All Participants ascertained in accordance with subparagraph 2 of this section for the Octobor-Docorber quarter preceding said July 1st; pprovided, however, that the monthly rate shall not be less than Two dollars 02.M) per month per Residential Customer or Residential Customer equivalent at Any time during the period ending July 31, 1972. c) The monthly sewage disposal charge paid by each Participant to Metro shall be obtained by multiplying the monthly rate by the number of Residenti^_1 Cus- tomers and Residential Customer equivalents of the Participant deto minod as pro- vided in Paragraph 2 of this section. An Additional charge may be made for owwage or wastes of unusual quality or composition requiring special treatment, or Metro may require pretreatment of such sewage or wastes. An additional charge m1y be made for quantities of storm or ground waters entering those Local Sewerage Facili- ties which are constructed after January 1, 1961 in excess of the rininum standard established by the general rules and regulations of Metro. S. A statement of the amount of the monthly sewage disposal charge shall be submitted by Metro to each Participa-it on or before the first dny of each month during the term of this agreement commencing with the month of July 1962 and payment of such charge shall be due on the last day of such month. If Amy charge or portion thereof due to Metro shall remain unpaid for fifteen days following its due date, the Participant shall be charged with and pay to Mctro interest on the amount unpaid from its due date until paid at the rate of 6% per annum, and Metro may, upon fail •W to pay such amount, enforce psymont by any remedy available At law or equity. 6. The City irrevocably obligates and 'binds itself to pay its sewage dis- posal charge out of the gross revenues of the combined water and sewerage system of the City. The City further binds itself to establish, maintain and collect rates and charges for water and for sownga disposal service which will at All tines be suf- ficient to pay all costs of maintenance and operation of the combined water and soworage system of the City, including the sewage disposal chargo payable to Metro hereunder, and sufficient to prey the principal of and interest on any revenue bonds of the City which shall constitute a charge upon such gross revenue. It is recog- nized by Metro and the City that the sewage disposal charge p•^.id by the City to M.:tro shall constitute an expense of maintenance and opemtion of t h:? combined water And sewerngo oyster. of the City. Tho City shill provide in the sssance of future s; mtor and sewer revenue bonds of the City that expenses of ma tonnnco and operation of the combined water and sewerage syste.r.. of the City shall be paid before payment of principal and interest of such bonds. It is further recognized that the City shall have the right to fix its own schadulo of water and sewerage rates and charges, provided that same shall produca revenue sufficient to toot the covenants contained in this agreement. Stiction 6. Reaponsibility of ParticiT+nnt. &ach Participant shall bo ro - ponsible for the delivery to the MntropoL't n Saworago System of soxsge coll:ct,d such Participant, for the construction, maintenruree and operation of Local Stw.,rng.: Facilities, and for the payment of all costs incident to the collection of a.x h sewage and its delivery to the Metropolitan Sowerngc 31stem. =s K##Stlon e Rnnord3e Permanent books And records shall be kept by Ha,.ro of the rates established, the volumras of 3owago delivered and discharged inn: the 3` Metropolitan Sewerage System whorever such volumes are measured And the number o! N Residential Customers and Residential Cuntumor equivalonts reported by each i- eipant, in addition to comploto books of Account showing all costs incurred :r connection with the Metropolitan Sowerngo System. Such records shall be rs1?:,t.t.r.:ci beginning with the commencement of operation of any part of the Motropolit;%a Sewerage System. z, Section 8. Develo�rent of}fetro oli'an Ce:acra�e System. It is contem- q; plated L`uL�e� � rea�° ��e devolope� stages and the nature of facilities to be constructed, acquired or used an the time of such ca�struction, acquisition or use 9:1all be dete rained di osaltservice gt2enton- _ { r plated that ::etro 'hall ultimately pro entire i;etropolitan Arsa. Section 9. Use of Facilities Owned or OF`-ratedthe Cif. Effective ` July 1, 1962, or such earlier Sy4i a9 m"aY be iw�ually agreed upon hereinafter b City called "takeover c eover date"), Metro shall have the elusive right to use we duty , to maintain, operots, repair and replace the facilities owned by the C City which are described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a cart hereof, subject t� the continued availabilit, of such facilities to recsiva, transport or treat savage delivered by the City. From and after the tak�ov^r- date ?Setro shall acquire, construct, asaintain, o: _r: , e-' =i: -.ac t:c Ci:i i.:^ `t• .::� ,i' w - ^t- ur arc rc:.t %c)._vrrcd by :.it i; Cis,:sal as -?.uvidt.t_ o. L?as _ �.a• x -a •• in Ezh ibit !IA" vile of using the facsi ,.ie3 described or the privilege :Metro shall pay to the Cite the total amount of One hundred twenty-Sour thousand sever. hundred sixty and Vo/100 Dollars (124,760.CC) (hereinafter called "amount of reinburserert"). If tae City shall construct i:nnrovenerts cr adi.1-tio;s to the facilities described in xhibit "n" wit:: the approval of :•:etro after the date of this AZroenent and prior to the takeover date, tt:e City shall he rei'bursod for the actual cost thereof in cash within thirty (30) days followir.- the said tako- ovcr date in addition to the a,:ount of ret-rburser-ent sot forth a`.ove. The right of :'afro to use facilities designated as "tenporary" shall expire six :.oaths following the date of completion as detomired b; Yctro of porwarcnt notropelitan facilities adequate to replace such tempora-r facilities. I%c City shall continue to a:•m the facilities described in this Section 9 and shall continue to pay the principal of and interest on any bonds iss.e-i to pay in whole or in Part the cost of acquisition and construction of such facilities, l.rovided that facilities . which are designated a.a "permanent" shall be cor.:cyed by the ,^,it;; to i afro by t quit claim decd upon payment of all presently outs riding re"t.-= bonds or general obligatior bonds of the City secixod by or issued to acquire or construct : said facilities. The City shall giro *rifles notice to Yctro prior to:+p~. 1, 1:61, setting forth the *Anner in which the anount. of shall be paid. Tho City may elect to receive all or any portion or thirty (30) days followinr t::.;t date of delivcrr of ruvonuu bonds issued by Notro for the purpose of providing :ands therefor :.nd, in any event, rot later than July 1, 1962 (hereinafter called "cash pay-mant ::.tc") and 1r y elect to receive r►m- portion which 1s not paid on said cash payncr.t dtto torcthcr w:ith.ir,tcract U%creen at the rate of L% per a::.1un fror. said d.'u, ir. Lhe fora: o- : credit 1 against the City's nonthly s_viagc disposal chari;a coual :.ort.!1:- a,.ourts sufficient to amortizo 7ac`i unpaid amount of rcir.burscnent anc i:turust thereon prior to July 1, 1977. The City tray at ary tin: :.ftcr the cas, pznncnt dato elect to receive any unpaid portion of t.hu =,O=t of rcir..bc r s :;nt in cash with E Syr_n vin written ' interest at the rate of 4% per ammo' to d.1tc of -i.1.:.i ^t h:• Sl s t: notice to ;intro at least one yu:r prior to the d•.to such finniti p-yrwnt is to be made. \ Section 10. ins and L3 bilit• for D an: each Participant 1 with a popu-attion of loss than C., s uc secure and r� t:in with rosponsiblo \ insurors all such insurance as is customarily rsintaincd with respcet to erarcago systems of like eharactur ag-last loss of or dam^ge to the rusncetivo suworaFc facilities of each ant. against public and othrr liability to the extent that such 1 insuranco a= be secured and m::intllnod at raanona�le cost. Any liability incurred by Metro as a result of thu operation of tho :•:otropolitan Soucrago sI.LcT shall be tho solo liability of :+etro and any liability incurred by the City ae result of the operation of the Local Sewerage F-cilitics of the City shall bo tt.c solo liability of the City. 3fCTION II. Assignment. Neither of thJ partiun hureto shall have. ::• right to assrr his hgreuixn or any of its rights and orli,cations hers u.:r ::c•. to tcrminato its obli ations horcundcr by dissolution or othoruisu witaout securing the written consur.t of the pa oth,;r rty :nd this F.,roamunt s::^l.l bo ing upon and inure to the bcn�flt of the respcctivu auecesoors :aid :.scions of the parties horoto. In the ovunt thzt the City should be dissolved, tho local scwor facilitios owned and oporatod by the City shall be such,act of dissolution be assigned and transfcrrod to Metro subject to any outstanding debts of tho City j incurred for the construction or acquisition of such fnciiitias sad subject to 7• tho obligation of Motro to continue to provido sewer strvicc to the residents served by such local facilities upon payment of the reasonable costs thoroof" , - 4o v: ' a'i ctiv;, r�•, of 'a 'xnct. i as r::.,ca sa:•11 3c:ction 12. r.. '1`.4 a':i:: '• - J.^. L. .'��. iOrT�S1C. U')O.f _.0 t.�7.. L'-.c .:yzc.tion �•. era ,.Ld c'LC11 co:;+r.:e = :un :.•)rcc -'se. c-_cct _or :. :):x'.:.o� =i:t;,• _� :rs rule prior to tee L.:error ctro :.:c _:'arci. •�)� -lc o: :•cvc.ntc 'a:.,;r. tea:: .c: ^r, ,:..,x, -or ;, .,a ,•reap.- co:a»:cntJ_ r Vic L - sair. aivc, .lan, t:)o: is sL:e: went on_y, :Lis .rrcer.c.:t wall U L r.0 ,a ci d:;Lc. .ctro a:::al rr:x ever- r ant-%I Jlc c__ort to uca.:. 3 .c:: .. co;:a'.: ..t ,r i or tj C-Ad dato. 3.;ction 13 --otic ':.Lenover in `::is rex:cr.L notice is rc,.Urcc: 4 �c ,c t, t:c s«ne s:L" roe b; .. a stxci. ..al ai s resc;:i: t: t':c r:spcctivc -v--rtics :.t t+a .011m'!--:, ac.iresscsc ..xm cimlit�: O: :.ci:ro;olit ) ;cai tic 1:' F-Cnny '!a .._;.t1c S, City of Kenton .1ca non, ashin!;tor. *> unless a different eddrsss s:t.'1 '-)c her=^ftcr dcs:Lpated in t:ritinr b cit: r o. :ac pasties. 1:1C a tc 7: •-it•i.:l•:, suc'1 -..cticC sh:-11 �JC t;ca.cO .,1` s TJ: d ;QY1--=ts of sc:-3o dizpor..l co:'.t:: JC t.-cr•co:. b} . :lar ::ail. Section 1L. :crtien of .:Jetatcnts. This '.rrce:.. a s..ell :)c xxcu.;d J-1 tcn c.L:ntor rts, a.:y oT + c:L ^h cc rc�:.rdcd :or a'_2 1 3�cs crc oriCinal. :.ac:L par ty a_-roes `h«t it :iU c:xcute ate• and a'_1 de.:ds, i"str.:r::::ts, doc:ments and resolutions or ordinances necessary to ;;ive of:_,ct ;,o the tcrras o: this 3rcc:zs:t. ';cctcon 15. 'biccry ,:o •-aver U; si; : ,�:•rc, o. a ; '.:r^ c' condition o�;",7 ccr..en t�1 'JC dcc:cd or e r.'a'.Mic :ve: o_ any other ter.•. or cond uc:., nor s't:?1 a trl: - ;f any '�:-Cecu be La.:.cc to c :stitutc 1 a giver of any au::caucr.v 'orceca ::::et'ter t;ic &a.c or - C_�_ ..c:)t .1rov:sion s of this ,zcem::t. ection '' cr.io .r. aCLit x. �J GUm S _.. ��• t:Lis A. reo:,enL s=l .ec_l:cca; citacr Section 17. .m.irvtYr. iris :;,rec::ent :xrges ..:.(.'. prior rcCoEIT93rs,represcr.ia" I ns anc+ a;rcc:':::.a ')wren ...ic kirtics hereto rolatin� to taa s•ai)ject :.t,tcr !:ereo: and c.nstitt tcs t':r ent .e ce .Lr:cL Uet::een Cie parties c�::carr.: � t.:e os�1 0: .... .c L sue:: sci=Cc by &ctrn for uiolos:'_. Lim )ortios croto ._:o _..r.c: cci't:.`_. roc:crt as of the da;• and y c:r fi.nt n.'xi c 1 r: .a.s,.,nt KcIric ,.canon Actisi,', gib,• ..l�r:. ,.l'�;iCI^.i,ii: �. ...::G:",.i'i... 5 ::'i'ii,.. q'. Cl rirrc �: c o.acil 1 r . rA ,:''.r« yn ulliv.in i Clcet of t:-:c Cut:ncil Oil, .,...rr•�' 1 � .1 N� � e . 1`: t et r3 •�R, ems' r YV^�"+ w.l M `k 'r '� h u��?�^rs c•..,.3h-e.,.-s � • _:3 ire' 1 s sa�j�' t ... f , a'y3x, a• ak^��ti<'A�tf ,. .4`:t Irv. .� S C tkt^�5 r,- � a Ss,•3}yrr '� 'Iy, i i ,���+,a T t't fls �"✓3 4t!,A�x fi.. }f L x .- .�-l.th..�t 8TATE Or WASffiCTON On this —_r�day of- --�-�L' 1 'befo y'r { .. �_ 961, r`o au personally d ALMW and MMIS NUJM, to as lcaw. to be the Mmor and Acting City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Renton, a mudeipal �. eorpeaation, and W mwl•dg d the rdthdn and foreleg instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes there- in mentioned, and an oath stated that they were authorised to execute said in- i' druweat and that the seal affixed is the oorporat• seal of said corporation. a k•:_E IN MT1 M VHffMW, I have hersur" set sy hand and affixed rq• r official seal the day and year first above written. ., MUM ftbUe in and f or lfaandngtcn, raiding at _'? y X ti ) h•r..t ay:•f.,s' c....' ty x .s STN 2 x ' y if 11 R`•*r M t�y wo tI 5a ,� p• t� / .Tj 7 t f ! • ..' hf ',`t. .0 -- WG 1r(� R.� j 1 jr Cp tMt •i�. a et ll�d r 1%lo: bs&o r p���apPve C CAIN!DON NARALIM 8tUMANr•to ms knmm to,'; be the Cbsimm of the Ocanail and Clark of the Ommoilr respectively, of the Un delpaliyy of Netropolttae g•atttle a andelpal oonporations and acknwledgod �4 +.,, y 3} �-O'oet said om retti�foorr theme us aid opusrpos a therein voluntary mentioned, and on oath Minted that they were authorized to execute Bald instruaeat and that the seal )%affixed to the eorporata anal of Maid oorporstioa: r'IN V1nI W WNW", I have hereunto set iW hand and affixed My . yt t I k, rw4 4 t' official seal the day and year first above witt•n. NOM7 FUWIG In and for the ate Of *; Washington, reMiding at 8eatt • ' �w `• �t s yf s• .. � 14 T h-Y' t Y{ . at•" { 'Z a e t s' t' 4�.; lr„`+ ,�'R ►. alt? � r � 't'. �t t ey?;.�•r).„ u;? • ,rant.,; fv.rf' --„,' y ,,-r �� �'t ) r v e ��; ',� ) r':✓x it } fpp,t'`yLf!r�^*= 4� sµ3�K�a��,•s��_ h M s1s Y 4 > a y pp A U C W N C 4 E .0 O• a) C O w aO+ y a0+ 0 ate+ $4 4) O � W cae paoo3 +0+++ ++ � CNN .a.a O .. ..d 4 C dl m � 9 w O tru yC m1drtocbu24y a 3M = ON AJ E d y�O N to .� O+O 4 C1�0 W N 0 t!'T1 4 Ow' 34CiV �w�O�O I Ap.Ci NOCxCCw .. ca+� 8� uC0 raig0aCOdNV au�ti .a ai 4 0 or N .+w o.0 W 0 41 C► 43 W A 8 rf iq tC i0 d M N C q fq 0 , O V�yNy 61 A� �D as a w E' Oy� u0uq >'w4M.+.>s�o1c+ W M dwy C: La OC Off+, C C w V m M d 6 w o y o C 0.a+ . 'U'D , - c sa++ y a+ A a+ u w m ar c,-a has C ash► c c Cno a .aa � o 3 c Ci w4qEA tyr o a y ai as 0 r .0 W-1 O a ar C= > C .a.� '0 Aj.a14C y n4j O'C0 %a A 70 n, auo a+ o > ya: - a+ ioa+ .00 a 2 0"4 f3 -v+ �a�O d �-ca c ' c� C tra o dn"G w > v � .OaaCiro3 uc- : Osw p4j Aj C�N C > I O 0 m a, 00 O C X C� 03! W .aA +Ci'L44ifacmNZV Nv �.0 CL MN 1U+ 0~ O�C y p.ry o >.o d fa 4 0 E...r w N a+ m N C C�M � G� c O N w^+ O H .a O .4 3mN c E o Mu O�b Caw 0 Aj 44 V y aF� w N� YIyN ;S� � a ��Y wri�w� Ifs �'�t�����1 ryk'f p-3.:f, '�j:}�y�.�yJ•+7�ki�� r�� 1 err• '1 � ro r t'''• '� t �1f 7 •,r � I}� r`• •.�`� " MV 9�,r,'•• - _ - i i:. t It t Y i t'}• '+.. 1 1 r 'r�F ltt- x r;t rSsJi t, ! .t�4 t £ t•;f ;.r r�y ;A y�«M�ti x• ���•l:i:'. .� :`i. �'' rt}r'k�F a��t roX .��fa ro1S 4 • ' ++^ i �'��etr'+. r< [r Frt t' s•!r '1 +r R 2.F«•r .+. �.' K+wT. �a F� p A ro • ;�v "� 'J � +it gh? .- y r^'�x`l Y f !w,�f�s"t;. . ,�„,•l t f�•.7 Y4.t �• A;� �'s'S_ ''•. 1, .T�. ri, • j.nr.} l v � :w ,..L •T'�.. a .f. 4? yct�l.O , • ;S •i`. ♦ + a.rq t ro:"tY.t �� � y�k! 3 f ' 6 t i S .. a +'1'Y rr bpi 'r«�*iri.a a ���"+t '1;� ` t � �y' a+Q •�. Q O N' � js r+' t (� 4� 'vv A�t A Sr�J�s��s rF•• Q.^M� L Q~ ' • r' µ3y a ��{�ti oq�4� .�, < S, � MM aa•�•� .r.y.So t r t v r tty 1r �����t F� : r O.r �. .j!$tl�Q�1 m i.. •'w ,�i� � i'r�r r t ro i P t'•�q>r �:k E1 . .t j, • G:� t .r..t ri a `t tt" tiri r "E«: '�. ✓ rry'4i°. 5 n �R' 1' N�i� {Y,"t•'4' }ir+ �"1 1 r • s;, hr't�''1'! �5 .,,�ii' _?,�, 4,v �.•y>:� �:.{ �jy� �;"� s �as f�i "'•�`., L.f � r • ., t y"Y w;��E i i et ( t£x,44 toy., t' .t-� ��Y to 3}C�.R�I Y',•1 °1'�.,} 1. Jr Executed in counterparts of • which this is counterpart No.� m1c ZZN Wt POIL 831001 DISPOSAL tie AORMIMM made and executed this ay 1961, between the MY OF Rtlll S, '- 'r a wnnteipal tun of the state of Washington, heremas- `» aft" refer"d to as the -City and the Mt7lm=UALiW OP i ' XIMPOLMN sRA'!'ftN, a memsicipal corporation of the state J of Washington, hereinafter referred to as -metro,- ' � W : : MSSSS ? mi: 1 �i�.. t r•. Wm>f M, the publio health, welfare and safety of , r the residents of the City sad the residents of the netve- # ` politan area require the elimination of existing lassoes of water pollution and the preservation of the trash and salt sr water resou"es of the areal and .yY IOQUU, growth of population, tepogsapbio con- ? "tie" and preservation at water resources regaire that certain major sewage disposal works be constructed and r operated and that the cities and special districts within • the metropolitan area dispose of their songs is accordance ` with a coMpsehensiw plan tar the metropolitan area= sad r' ` WlaRSmis, Metro wes established by vote of the k rt t I people is the metropolitan area purassaat to Chapter 55.55 am for the purpose of partond" the fnaotlm of 0 tsepolitan ` sewage disposal, has adopted a Comprehensive play for the ,mot disposal of sewage ins the metropolitan arm and intends to { develop the facilities seeded to carry ant soft plan and to A• '`t' issue revenge bonds to fins=* such developnaat= had ;A Y;i ? ,:fix- n pp- �..,v o' OSa L1�41c��� .B�ry o-'-,p$= vR]: n _ t3 G -a - �• a c=n n °�' �.--� -il a�..dls.. vZT .Od', R$ tP a o .-i.' � P • a # a° a�. -' S # � ,' . F fib;' +X^ f s* �J' s� +� h i .d� v v y e o ° a 1iNE w, to carry out the purposes of Metro and perform a its authorised function and to provide for the disposal of sew- n o: age from the City into the metropolitan sewage disposal system it 0 p is necessary that a contract be now entered into establishing - .. pa „E. gip° certain rights and duties of the parties incident thereto; ° p yy „ NON, T>!N WORR, in consideration of the mutual covenants U a contained bersin, IT I9 HMMY AGRM ae followa: r a a sectiaR 1. AeLinitioR of Tarme. The following word ; O .Y s and phrases used in this contract shall have the meanings here- f,s tnafter sat forth in this section: ° ire (a) TL* words 'Comprehensive Plan' shall mean the Coa;,re- S r, *a ; heassvee Disposal plan for the metropolitan area adopted in Resolution No. 21 of the Municipality t•-+ il , of Metropolitan wattle and as same may be hereafter t ' V amended from time to time in the manner required by �� a �,,•��,A x r I!, law• , «�sy; $^¢ '. (b) -Me words -Metropolitan sewerage system` shall mean w a. all of the facilities to be constructed, acquired or 5. t used by Me Metro as of the Coal r ehensive D1aR. �+ z The Metropolitan sswsrage system shall generally include; ! �rx�. " ' b t* sewage disposal facilities with capacity to receive j E. sewage from natural drainage areas of approximately one ? u a v 3 Thousand sores or more. The Metropolitan ewesage X"It o a 9ysGna shall thus include trunk or interceptor sews kt6, �F. v V- facilities extending to a point within each tributary, fizz s:. ; . and natural drainage area, whore not more than oaa I pc�l thouaand acres remain to be served beyond the upper terminus of such trunk or interceptor sewer. =i � I ° p 9 y T hViY Cb , : n � A a' -. .•. � � - - ._ .�.� - _ .. ...tea: .. .:. �i O � � n W _ _ fir{m �''��ar,�,' „'�� r�"1�', -+�!" �r,,� � 4 '*' .` 4y rtT, ► a{�y sYi"""�"'s?�1,J 4 r„4pY+s,.,�y�„:�,, -a e a'- - fiK tJ'�i'.+y{••�, ->�, 1S'�'r+�.5� r.��K, bra i:^..�4 r,rw!� �- tY`�, yf�,aira»/��dr �.. •+ . :.of the Metropolitan Sewerage System, including any additions i J� e and betterments thereto s_ ;ra nx Section 4. Connection of Local Sewerage Facilities ' } ° to the Metropolitan Sewerage System. Local Sewerage Facilities x O of the City shall be connected to the Metropolitan Sewerage a o ° a System at much time as any portion of the Metropolitan Sewerage System shall be available to receive sewage collected by such 10, o " i facilities. Metro shall, at its sole expense, connect those Local Sewerage Facilities of the City which are now in existence a or which shall be constructed in accordance with the rules and t, regulations of Metro prior to the availability of the Metropolitan .' 'Sswrage System. Local Sewerage Facilities constructed after n' r the Metropolitan sewerage System sball have been made available r the area served by such Local sewer—, Facilities shall be f a connected to the Metropolitan Sewerage system at the expense of ti Participant is accordance with the tales and regulations O! :the ,.� MKtO x �r, x. t. r �jv ° �r ,• • ;�, section S. payment for Somas Disposal. For the ` disposal of sewage collected by the City and delivered to Metro,' - cad - ,... ., - rS•�:�. ,n the City shall pay to Metro on or before the last day of each t. '$ ° ° t,• month during the term of this agreement, coameneing with the month of"July, 1963, a sewage disposal charge determined as •- � r� �' { N, provided in this section S. r '° t t ti 1. For the Quarterly periods ending March 31, June 30, September 30 and 'December 31 of each year every Participant shall °a rti `.`.. +t�t s r submit a written report to Metro setting forth (a) the nusber> ' , `� !t of Residential Customers billed by such Participant for local sewerage charges as of the last day of the quarter, (b) ;d t x the total member of all customers billed by such Participant as of scab day and (c) the total water consumption during such � .? ►' t.3... r 4• r: w U u s Vr t •erfp x 0 \� 0 ° q � �: ;gyp.,s� ,- _ �. +►: !«. ..'�.t. n a ° -_-� o-- ° h `•t' 114"r • ®' c - °�s s ,-fir x; ., - "v��7+• r �F a � - - yy`1lr "'V - � lb i. rql p ( + ' a * - Y• .yri� r i r t .} P .6 4t F, , tom({"' a 8 t� , rxiA`' i •� § r ts�� '�`' , �4 k'cr f,i' S r,•a -.4 -.p bt r Y' n err. A. quarter for all customers billed by Such Participant other than Residential Customers. The quarterly water consumption r• port', ° shall be taken from water meter records and may be adjusted to ,p exclude water which does not enter the sanitary facilities of a �Q customer. Where actual sewage flow from an individual customer "f a is metered, the metered sewage flows shall be reported in lieu Y �' of adjusted water p � consumption. The total quarterly water can- � � e 0 � sumption report is cubic feet shall be divided by 2,700 to ".. v g�. determine the number of Residential Customer equivalents + ' t represented by each Participant's customers other than single , family residences. The first report shall cover the quarterly 1 a•'�3 p� a w period ending Deee2bes 31, 1960 and shall be Submitted on or ° r r before March 1, 1961. Succeeding reports shall be made for eacb quarterly period thereafter and shall be submitted within Il s> �{,�.. thirty (30) dap'i tolloxtaq the and of the quarter. Metro ,: �'�: �,• aha11 esaintain a pormnneat record of the quarterly customer ~+ y _r• t.;• seports trop each Partictpant. ;, •t t �`'�. •��;' b -� r 2 1b fermi a bas' . + . . .�q. . s for determining the monthly owe` �^ in9 s Y ge > `.s sal to be d each Partici t during Q di!po ahas9e psi by Pan 9 aen' part, z'w a t colas quarterly period Metre shall ascertain the number o1 $ �{ 1 �4 ro• Residential Custamrs and Residential Customer equivalents of + 't each Participant for each such quarterly period beginning with the July-September quarter of the year 1962. This determination t ( Shall be mind, by taking the mum of the actual number of r s C Residential customers reported as of the last day of the next Y , '. to the last preceding quarter and the average number of Real• �1�.• �. ''': •. +,:, �. ,�, �ski m' doatial Customer equivalents per quarter report ed for the tour x �'•� _' quarters ending with said next to the last preceding quarter,..r + '�� ,`4; {• ,t,., It t s sadjusted to eliminate say Residential Customers or Residential 4 Customers equivalents mbose•Sewage i. delivered to • govermmsntal ..{�• 4 ♦ I } X�_ tiY r ti• s +r?RY i �•rti� � d Qx- `' �._. _ i". aiyf� ..r u. rYii.. 'Ltyr{f•� < - ... W _+x 2 t- ��r ,h►:` r� ' Frr..7 '� F�`!.- � e c F. { aryr`Sw,�3'F+ ., ,.F.<. £� c t1 � i 2. �i:i(,,*i.e.. '.j... *''t , k.�� .. >. -X° #i .F t�'a.C'S��Ft � ,��.� �'�•5_ry�"l�,rri: `E��.��P�"'�• �� ` +. �+ RL, +etjF�t:, rx xF,'�,r"+r�j...k'`s '�' i ti,r' '� =FS �• G r. `2 a p � 3,.>� " t . _ � :s:; � _ 3'Lua JG:� •4, 'ri..��Jr .� °3a�.u.3u.� w�+N1WM4�s+"Y.�•�_ � u I a �:}• n �vvf- ^ Ilk '�tr:;"+, n." ...t$ _ ' _ +6 .,N.7 A}tr"•!.,«'d�Yyr���''gy.^[as ems"✓t'j�,e�;,- ;i n� t�Y'" "'�''�tr'yAb.�t`t�', 7 a•'� -'f. �w?aY•"°'�•y µ t ` P-'t X.753" 111 s r t7•O xv _ •- < +C"• st x �• ..,. 4 ;a 'Si`1t "Fr �`� O [1 ap I 'a t. _ _ •. _ •,.ter agency other than matzo or other than a Participant lor.diaposal.' o° -outaide of the Metropolitan Area. u 3. For the period from July 1, 1%2 to December 31, ,► x a 0 1 963, the monthly rate for each Residential Customer and x' Rasidential Customer equivalent of the City shall be Two a r. dollars (52.00) and the monthly sewage disposal charge to be ' aw paid by each Participant to Metro shall be obtained by multiplying A � J.r 1 the nnaber of Residential Customers and Residential Cunt omer '+ ' I� 4 equivalents of the Participant as determined in subparagraph 2 , o9 this section by the monthly rate of Two dollars. "� x'1" , i 4 ' ��' " 4• Poe,each calendar-year alter the year 1 963, tha ,`y al0�mthly se Yditpoaal char" payable.to Metro shall'be detesmined as fO11dIPOSc N a. .x.. • t eSY. 44� ±a) Prior to July let of each year Metro shall determine its total monetary requirements for the disposal., of sewage daring the next succeeding calendar year. Such r� +, � _ regairementi shall include the cost of administration, Operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the L �' .r'e.•' �p,� P .h,, Notropolitan Beverage 6y stem, establishment and maintenance't of necessary working capital and reserves, the requirementa: Al 4 TS r W - t�tt' $ t �.+ • Of any resolution providing lOr.the issuance of ravonue 7 i h _ bonds of Metro to finance the acquisition, construction use of sawerage facilities, plus not to exceed 1% of the a k. x t�. �'+{•"`J t�s�a°� foregoing requirements for general administrative overtead •� � a• + ' �..-gin t y � QOOte. - .• .�.' t}l �7�}tL,r'� yRYY kxa[?,`�.{'�T' p' � ~rA .� *�'�"` <•.+� • b)',To detesmnae the monthly,rate per Aeeidentiai �•_ e �: +tYV �e ;i� + ,•:Customer Or Residential Customer equivalent to be used 'fl � * ig is t ., � yl,,!? 3' ' •' , .. 3'r: � qtr 4�i fit. during said next succeeding calendar year, the total mono, �,����� }�,{ `�•'�" ��^%,� '� °,. y .• 4 .a Q r! xH t� r>I i t 7 ?� { tary zeQulrommats for disposal of sewage ae determined in subparagraph 4(a) of this section shall be divided by- two Lt, lve and the resulting Quotient shall be divided by,the vtPti" � �rtti�� .,r.t74r ,•c 1 , i ' 'L ? >. tt 1•;`' tr• `•aK�"`i 3 ,� �P .!'!f � tfG I�.»'� .� ye e'�u'w �J?.+t`A x3.ru '!' L�w" �'�h •a' u - . ry, 1, :.." � +.t .rL t rj?yr.�r.;. �a r' 4° au"' .'•t a afdld � '+yi' •N. •.l�l,at' �'• 'c� �?'�T.•r"r/t i.ft.i`.�y :.:n`'i" _ a CO,d$��, �;. ._ •..., .. ,/. �.qtly J y ti - _ ,,, � _ ., n� _ o a A e a CP WI ..... ,.n7�.4 '-; +3 ✓:ae:.r...!a dl'. .+ .::,: .. ;A�._.n:. � ti -� .:.`4!" x.a. ct �5x ..:4�-? - ^c-_ ./�-.dlenP-dGu1�"s!rnS�.',.fir-•�•N,..,;'Ael! 1h 'crF.t�,� �.. f "ti LtA q' _ st ° @ 0"' ,,rA5.:•�' `.�yry�'.• ` i,a:; �4}•";®` -a: +-5+C �+ •; s '�,•� 'r,�" ,i f 1I jm 9` A. - a .?:�{ ,.'� �P�r.:��"S. i`t�l�°��}. •X.� !k r � `�Rx�..rp;F ,�'�i ����' 4 f e t f �u�p ♦�. °� .oo �u s: t r� .!'- 4�F `�7 � ;•y'8. t ��'tr�r��,,,�.; "' ,aS� �4r. ,, ��°�T'��i�`r'"��'�''�'�ly���+s.�i•vrat � ,. � /�- . n � a, -a-.,,.• x �,#+'�� .• f.. {6 . Lt R a }'t yK ,; z r k�:�n �� �°o oi 46,x.. - - a4u R,ym O�. :Zvi C'i'�� t .r. :'r i r' i *- �' °' $ -R• k 3 s d J -< '�, r ! ..r' ~ r �'.r,,.` t ny r.� �J`�•�'�. ..�,.s �• lr, ,,� �, 5 �y,y+. �''•x r M3,. -„ . '� , yw. ! •- .1'''x.{4 j x„� } .�� tho City irrevocably obligates,and binds itsel! to w 3 pay its sewage disposal charge put ot,the gross revenues ot,the `.a� 4 a IV combined Water and sewerage,systen of the City. the City further' binds itself to establish, maintain and collect rates and charges p c m a for water and for swage disposal service which Will at all times a n ° be sufficient to pay all coats of maintenance and operation of It n° the combined water and sewerage system of the City, including the o �' " sewage disposal charge payable to Metro hereunder, and sufficientm ` to pay the principal of and interest on any revenue bonds of the k -'R- constitute a upon such gross revenue. k Ci which shall charge � ,,�.... IL is recognised by Metro and the City that the sewage disposal I $' , char" paid by'tho`City.to Matzo shall constitute as expense of I �+ �� onaewo and operatioa of the combined water iud sewerage `" ''opoteoYot the"Cite: the City shall provide in the issuance of WaCar and oeWOr revenue bonds,of the City'tbat'expenser i Of,raiataaaace and operation of the combined water and sewerage aeyvtr6 of the Cit shall be paid pynt of pincipal and y id b ame 1 : r Jf s aa' '�iMOrost of such bonda:�,.n is further recognized that the City,r,+ 11 have the right to fix its.own schedule of water and sewerage ' f + rates and charge providod that rasa shall produce revenue ^ � sufficient to snot the covenants contained in this agreement , A' jj�t, a a .;r ,4 �; ' lt5t` Section 6. , ResoonaibilltY of Particioant. Each Participant rt .3< ;. �t4 v tin(shall be responsible for the delivery to the Metropolitan Sewerage = a' system of sewage collected by such Participant, for the construe �� ',.,'' ties,`rsaintemnce and operation of Local Sewerage Facilities, andi r ag } 'r °+"+5 J .r �r♦, lOr the payment of all costs incident to the collection of such3.� sewage snd'its delivery to the Metropolitan Serage system wa section 7. r Accords. POLmanant books and records Y �.� r '�.-.i� ). _r� �' '`• I tr� ,�{llv;r:� � .iJ 91 shall be kept by Metro of the rates established, the volumes - �, �4 of sewage delivered and discharged into the Metropolitan K ` Sewerage system wherever such volumes are measured and the , . ' a e Mir i. ' Y . 'number of Residential custmers and Residential Customer; "�> t' 4•�i a� f��t° "� ( � �, � Y I. i X'S ^,L � , a ���'�,k fit, ' : ��jJ)f N_v�' � =, A, " M�r - e k" - •: k' r 'r",,,L f���,,.��'''fir '�'R'Jr`;s 9,tfv�: a /ryy, ,,t......Y+.'e 1.�.S � i � R f 1 Xi, g,� l"'�. 'a.f �'�Sr,. S ti,i• - ° „ 4 r „ t`1 p r:,r "F'rfK-'.��`v tr { .r«R't y ���4'�YTrx�rtiti�3'�•,�! '+�i �Y.'4+,�,/' �7F4�yd+� .^'Ly. a Y j 3, ri ±v `i'a.;;,•f :n 4 i _ - �Syr � •t�r4s��.��y � - P'v tl a , r 'n a g .4W--J ° � °7 8 9 rr p�'z. ;U.? d e ! • 7 �oA• • ! ` 1+� }'�9r' • � } ,5�.•.if .9a�tKr+:.�^h., s "F�" .Y; n � �+ t !I ,n7� Y _':[?'I 5 A:_ •�, t Yt `r%°hc�';w+3 ,' r s�'"y t� F�ti �q t " >ti lsi�r' - t}'„ 4 +ti { J -.. '• e t rY}f'.�iQ.ry ✓h- �. s f. yYf,�..w,.,c - ;.t, i •w In `'{ v`n,6 - ;egalvalento rODOi6® by each parti0lpant,,is addition W x fix. r�s complete hooka of;acoonett showing all costa incurred in connection with the Metropolitan Sewerage System. Such fi ° ° a records shall be maintained beginning with the commencement w" of operation of any part of the Metropolitan Sewerage System. I $ection 8. Development of Metropolitan Sewerage �4L` Svstem. It is contemplated that the Metropolitan Sewerage a System will be developed in stages and the nature of facilities f °° to be constructed, acquired or used and the time of such i u 'ep construction, acquisition or use shall be determined by Metro, it being contamplated that Metro shall ultimately provide Rf; try DOW";disposal service for the satire Metropolitan Area. `� $eetion 9:1,'?:use o! Facilities Owned or operated by tho city.:4,Effecti, July 1, 1962, Or such earlier data as roy be cutually•agreed upon (hereinafter called *takeover date`), ` J Metro shall bave'tho exclusive right to use and the duty to ,l - � * cmintain, operator,repair 4ad replace the facilities owned by " n # t?; Zia the City which are described in Exhibit •A" attaehod hereto �; �, t sad by thin reference made a part bereof, subject to the ' r rf eontienod availability of such facilities to receive, transport ?- a t ( ' rrrer treat cowago delivered by the City. From and after the takcoves date Metro shall acquire, construct, maintain, opssata, repair and replace all facilities now or hereafter segairod for the treatment and disposal of sewage delivered by the City and the City'shall make payment for such treatment and'disposal an provided In Section S of this Agreement. 3Y� ,. a a I ,r For the privilege o!'using�the facilities described in Exhibit •A• Metro shall pay to the City the total amount of `rt One hundred twenty-lour thousand seven butdrod sixty and 80/100 ,r fi .� i0 -Dollars (9124,760.00)(horeinaftercalled mammmtOf roimbur'o entm)•, , ;r , ` ;� ' If the City shall construct improvements or additions to the ;.. •, � x'75. t�y...}.Y � -•A„ 9 `7' - }a r'+�v�g,.vt T t d j M f•. t * �n t�K.�V9 r a � Y 'l Y` +' {•Y''. . yr. 4 •..�J li, S Y + J.� Y yi�r ,+]. '4'.R, f 4.. K ' tj+l. �IIi.Y,j d.. 'l.. Yr�iC ri,'ki^ i 11. . ,.^�V. 1 A/ .rtix Jst-•y f .a 3,f` �4 ;; � 0�5 ,•+l;-.r" 1 pl+f,f�'a.'�=�+I.Y` uK-'�i y ,t�� �' 6 s p d s g ° �A -- 3=_4-,At'.K' v� a 4 A " l y - D 'fir ) 'Sk n ��'. .•°, sR`'z7�� �aF '�S,r .*., - � n a � "a A'�• "t' 4 �,xR.at • 1 • � °isT, •i�A zM�P T°s`•:g ��ti 4 h slT^ t �i& ,Ty" q p� •4i5 �r S.1 W+ p tl P' 14 - 1 '` ','"".''`tr.. •' t��'r' �Writ�: � � T_ ry: P 5{ �.� 1 •D. f *' ,: ,•, - `+, i t a:Z:.''['- ., T' i�,: �_L�"' .'4 - .-^ .r t'� _ � �.. �m": *`.facilities doocribed in`Md<lbit `A•'witb rho.ang6va),of a .. tilt t t t.. yap.- tt&jo'after tAo date of this Agsoarent nd a crier to`the take z « .ovor data, the'City shall be sairburaed'for the actual coat Qom, thereof in cash within thirty (30) days following the said °a ° b° takeover data in addition to the amount of re.icbaraement o A � set forth above. ftO right Of Metro to use facilities �.: v „ deal ted as • . 9m _.••�: shall fro six months... F, �• rY �p following c the date Of e:ocpletioa ea deta=Lned by Metro of permanent ! rmtropolitan facilities adoquate to replace such tcaporary + ►Y° r facilities. The City shall continue to own the facilities p deoesibod In this Section 9 cad "all continue to pay the :•�F a° yCieaipsi of and Interest on say bonds issued to pay in thole I s�' 5 tip os is.. 11 p3at 'coat of acquisition and construction of such 4' °o � F e • �.fadllties, provided that facilitiea which are designated *V==ft=t6 ohoI bo convoyed by the city t0 llatro by Quit ze. b Claim decd upon p%moat of all presently oatataeding revenue "'.bonda Of gone=& obligation bonds Of the City secured by or f`• c ff' Issued to acquire Or Construct said facilities. Fir r no City ohall give written notice to esotso prior �S. °� to JWw 1, 1961, setting forth the canner 1a whleh the ` 4 IN F x asnnnt Of rolebusaMOnt shall be paid. The City rsy elect to yr ` o .w rOe01v0 all Or say portion of said amount in each witlula. ISp ' 5 4 thirty (30) days following the date of.dolivery of revenue bold 41 _yt>>� issued by Metro for the purpose of providing loads therefor and 4 • as Q t•4 y C a in cup/ event, not later than July 1, 1%2 thereinafter called •each pnyeOat dat0•) and My Oloot to receive say portion wkUt to net quid On Gold oaeb P%ftaot date together with uAf laterost thereon at the rate of 40 � 11 N;` , r v, pas annuau frog acid date: I� r C-tx. An the torn of a Credit against the city's E7Gathly sawsga disposal eduargo in ""I coathly &counts sufficient to aeortiao 1 if CY t T GVQh HApaid a@OItOt Of lO1CbClaCount cad 1nteria thereon plies f2. ' fir "tt g.,:A. t t ,�3'.,s'A^ {: _ .t,, .e •` TTi.,Z '� TI T ? + ,e= '4df "�•r.. t-�wx '+ Ya.' r x, �� yyf'�'y �; '' S� n+ •f X14 ° ° o RS.tRi� �7.!•x'�"i,�+`t��,�y���j�'e 6..i y� ��+�i�$*'.ii r- fYfR3+��:5�1���kn' ti���� ,a 47 m•s w�.-."'J.r,Qi* i�d�"� +�i97�°�.Dtx-.zYt,;a ��."'�t -�.i,3:-v/ p� p .. -- a {may �� y�,,��j ��'�!^`d"_ __'s1�-tom..---' ��—:�3� ama. �L f���F•'�n-'�•.,...,E.-�h v-%v�•.'W�E;". t} o, a a �p t 9 ° p t � y x V � � x'x �� 'rir i n �e t'.. 'X ,fit�•W. � fi,, �t"�'�i, L t f+•�,�k�,,� fT fir'* SI >., 'to July 1, 1977:.Sbo City =Y at any t1w after the cash ` o y 4 f payment date elect to receive any unpaid portion of the amount of reimbursement in cash with interest at the rate of 4% per 4 ° n • ° a annum to date of final payment by giving written notice to a tlq a c �¢ Metro at least one year prior to the date such final payment ° 0 10 to be made. ° neetion 10. Inauranca and Liability for Damages. e Roe* participant with a population of less than 100,000 shall t cif b - secure and rslotaln with responsible insurers all such insurance r z as is customarily maintained with respect to sewerage systems of 1116 Character,Agaiaet LOGO of or damage to the respective ' oeworag6 facilitioo of each and against public and other ;{ ° Liability to the patent that Gash inousanco can be oocuzad and esintainod„At roaaonabIs coat. Any liability incurred by Metro jz wi result of the operation of the Metropolitan Sewerage System A'9 +Er shall be 00 Dole liability of Metro and any liability incurred r s`.by the City as a result of the operation of the Local Sewerage tacilities of the City shall be the 0010 liability of the City. u \ � Section 11. Assianmsnt. Neither of the parties °} : 'hereto shall have the right to assign this Agreement or any of ° %';f� f• its rights and obligations.bercundor nor to terminate its 4 r obligations hereunder by dissolution or otherwise without iv . . �, first oecarin9 the written consent of the Other party and Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit- l� Fx r of the respective successors and assign of the partl6s hereto. - 1 it In the event that the city should be dissolved, the local Oawes facilities owned and operated by the City shall by such act of dissolution be assigned and transferred to Metro oubject to any outstanding debts of the City incurred for the conatruetion , r ` • R g l r 'ir;Kj.re, s 't• rYip d .. _ � o Sr eSG 1,` ' .�.-. 't �4 .y, at'C 9 d (, .r., i I?fr`i s t� •j��i 9$c �i 1�'• +f.k."4'r,4 t� R .fT+l.�.�'•�r '�1?i.�'�� !Nr t�W.�,+n q" �y FIII'� f�"1 `'� .itpb�� M t€ @ ¢N " . } �'''�'.��rd�tX'"�. *Y o.' +� .+ �`n'Ks jr,.t ry,''�€�'+``•` '3-• i '�s R-:5� }�'. "3 .,r a �r Q u � N�.. t � - .. �,ri� _C•w`�. �, __t.>-: �6.. - - _ - -- r.: -mss._itSC"'��� _.-_ ._�. .�4 •t h}' v ra3ht 1 �,yy r t' y�k tV -u - �" :�`t�+ 1 •fSf�1- i R y . � c^1.'}' .". �? �.� t.;;..''�7y JpiocV s t ;�., +• # i Or acaniaitlon Of such tadliti a and Subject to the obligation {. of Metro to continue to provide sewer service to the residents served by Such local facilities upon payment of the reasonable *a,P,}• t. costa tbera 1. section 12, Sllectiw Date Sad Term of Contrast. pg 5- r.'i Zhla Agreement shall be in call force and affect and binding ,s ' upon the parties hertt0 Spam the eXeClitiOn of the Agreement srt. . j Sad ebsll continue in tall force and effect for a paricd of *.7b fub P!ca aaleaa prior to the t"OOVIC date Metro shall not hive entered Ante a tirm'oosmitment for the Sale of rename bonds to finance any portion of the OoMprehensive �' ;•� M` ,,:; run, than An Such event Only, this Agreement emu be st` �.�,.�=c, }t r;. I;•. .. , . 1. r`♦ terminated as at Said data. Metro shall make every ""on- ; Shim effort to Secure Such a commitment prior to said rCp: Ile, , R. 'date. s, section 13. fit. flhent"r in this Agreement notice is rel to be given, the Same shall be given by begistered !call, addressed to the respective parties at the S_ i:;R it 5 r c1r following addresses: ,- Municipality Of Metropolltan Seattle 132 Doony flay flaahingtOn City of Renton Washington { tiny unless a different address ahall be hereafter designated in y' � 41 Ar In g% ypY a.. s,+A�.a },•, ,' .. .,�, �fig. t{{ .. 1.2, 4...}''�.�:i' •iN!. Wrtw` t� � .�� ` T r 'i tY �' +t. Vv t ,3 4'� 4(j '4 �i y .✓' 4 Y , *tom.f 3 S f ry R R tfai e X �y y �z ; t.z A 14 J 4, ..t�,� ?`'•s�y�r� =� ���i.��, �1y� � � .ti � IQ�"�w�.+Lh"a'3�i.�'L"r� A�! s r • • • � t b,�a �,•, t r v `�� 4.YYt � ''«� Woo �4�:'(X'� ' 'y � �,�j� t:=}'� 'J evrvrir�^?Ki '�^Q`[rM�r" xaA•:y.1,fa "}t fl-,+a writing by either of the parties. The date of giving such notice shall be deemed to zy' be the data of mailing thereof. Billings for and payments of sewage disposal costs may be made by regular mail. i Section 14. Execution o! Docmeants. This Tgreement shall be executed in ten count f' erparta, any of which *ball ` , ��•. be regarded for all purpose* as one original. Bach pasty r •,i,�� r. o. .w agrees that it will execute any and all deeds, instruments, docromsats and resolutions or ordinances necessary to give F effect to the term of this Agreement, j Section 13 INIver b waiver by either party of any term or condition of this Agreement *ball be deemed or ' construed as a waiver of any other term or condition, nor ?+' shall a waiver of any breach be deemed to constitute a waiver , ' of any subsequent breach whether of the same or.a different b provision of this D Agreement. Station 16. Remedies. 2n addition to the remedies ,s^iF'ti Awe r., ..Provided by law, this Agreement shall be specifically enforceable by either party. A�,« `. Section 17, Entirety. This Agreement merges and > supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and agree- ;^#•'X ments between the parties hereto relating to the subject matter hereof and constitutes the entire contract between the parties concerning the disposal of sewage by the City.and. + � acceptame of such sewage by metro for disposal. 1mm Mm;lDltBi 1fm1EREOl, the Pasties bereft have executed « • ..! « f:, p � 4 :4, .,•,�,t,q} ' .�.' +.` �«4 sett Y,.. '}�� ���r(?�..�stL_rstti��7�,Ql..i� ,• .'s,.�•r<3 t:w C� aX� E '�tI"4 � Crt �kz �t# �ra t Est, i fit.fiw.yransL ' `t••'1a'.y,•���'4K6" • tt, � �,�5 ','', `u'� .. ire . , this AWeesrnt as of the day and year first above written. CVY Or AEMY ey rranX A t Mayor rV ;LF. AetuW City Clerk f by dr8� �'.,W+fi:'. ! � 4i.t �� M�.. - � �• tip it N C. Carty Donwor Chairman of the Council -' ��'� f '� �r.r � h �t �.(fr l.li LCD/tr.L•4i � ° �r 4 �t`' Clerk of the Council JA r� •''I e' •'� '•t� a• ��:rlr .t. ! '.F S,�r•fI, ,,6'j t-1~F t n,Y �� -/t i , ,� '' ,r 4 4�1�. ,1• T,,, `` ,r�if}I �F f,;Y'S �r11 � t q•*��i;'��� dx. }4th ''t flE_ * ,,� �iF,�, '"f,. }w ,i� y"x I. ` •�" Vr¢1i�, ' 3•yT,.uri tr 'sr `+ 7 y y ., -'s,}:fi s `f a ' 'y y 4 < �: 3 '`l�'.�,.! i'FC"'.�i-s ..t.."'�y ✓L.�M't.%K �rTr@'�1. � "; W.4 RF` .fir A s , +�j'�s`�r h. � !. h # +w.- 5 Y ,,c .��z Y rKw r}?�;. sx•Y.�:., �' uk t a e• p o dp' INS�*1 ..�, .£fr s :' r .... r x n r o a • o '•• � � n`+ i�'St4•y�""t. rP''� , " !, i"?'y+iiifit� f� �%a �wtl 9 r rj. +4""R/� ti oq^• �p.F� �•!Er}"( 7 "..r• nt °� �"S ���ti•��,1 t,f `,••e5��1�1+'n�t?� � �i.� e B +3 � j(i'��� r' 3 7 ..,F i' } 3. Y P ti!• 1.±y+,f � ���. '�� ll,, P(tS,�- .i' 4�j�a)T 4t:t i - `'r�,e :t i'd+'t/rt.e .. t'�C.�•WJ . T"j v-y� '�^ '� 3c C,{dr+"�� � �:.. •'fit ! ��7. _ .p :l•�, ��k"� V�i l ft, �i,t. �' • _ ! clt u�!• � �.i 1.'C 1• �xi + (y i -� ; ,1.91 �} T• o. ° �6 '��t Jry'^!.ilk .p� !' f .. ,• ,� t �.� � P T.• n ' i +K 1 • n 4. E t Fii'Y a S7F x - & 1:�� O v r!� n r�,J,r �t 1fJ(` < yQA~ �.4i qw�j����jN •�CMM`"e _ .� � '�v� _ � •c1 T .- _�¢4b �`j,,''f* ,r. '•�;. ! , .. ^� .. N wwl .i � ��t v-. -c" � ;t� �� - ♦u .e i, a� R.�G •��7 +� r - s � M M O v�1 HOP . aLb -F` _ '' s ' "`�' ?��•`'�"' - _ , - ,t,;�. is•,c a 1 .? � 1,! �'i a, .. ❑.o° A tia „t. + - •• r� RROQii ui N O peQQ r.' _-s,,"..' F�,, ,� ,.�,�,.� _ o._,. t`�: • a4 �. �i'a., �i q�� �!gOi� l�at�Na^��SSS���N 11� 5 �'=� . ,`��' C � ��v � �+m"..��:.. I A �ixa�u�e�RO�••rte$.rf0� 9. ! :a ..Q � • E II y''a } pprs i{d pcs y(/MM,O,w p,.� ` 1,•, ra , ; 1� a p A �!• Y 0 08^. M�0p6M�a N �+t y0 O g gs OfVri• �4 la ,.o a.,il .A_ o„�r ..,�pC ,mbis6o.�°iva�ilmag�oe$ s, f •, +r Q O � W M to !.. � XG � l� � ,f yi+•�•±. V sLt A,J, - L � '4•; � e�5' `��. '•'t JA t n a •i ✓k ' t1,f t ! •, t+Y i C4 �, _ tl yxr .�t+,4•b y`s.� 1�� t ti •L'a.� M, � ��}a,rey i f '•• - k"v ' ,• a 3° ,.� K+4r,�•v.1 x }*,��i:r - f�,,. xJ, �,'{°t'�m�•/. -+fYw� !A 4•xiw �t° .. + d,•E °, �' •..F" V...+''� � .•y l.,,i�nq +y^�`�,w� by9�»1 r 1iy*�� ,�,y �yJ t re: L� ;�y� ti. , _a - � r. s`fi } . �"A Y'`r 'q. °. +.(k.}c�� }��..�-�.'4t,#li�• X�!L 1 t��+k�,.�> Fs.r}i.d': 'Cy' i ci lmk 0 U[ e s ?A a o i, , :1• 'Cl-P.`J mil QTY O!ARM= MUNICUALM Or 1DZTAOPOLITAN SSATMi FM SZKA" DISPOSAL ?4� ,i M TBIS AXECKWr and* as of the day r 1 of if3 hetwon the City of "`' r Heaton, a municipal corporation of the state of Washington E (barainafter referred tj a the •City) and the lamioipelity of Notrvpolitan Battle, a metropolitan municipal Corporation of the State of Ua/hinglom (h•seinafter retars•d `� to as.aMetrOe)i a the pasties haw entered into a lamp term SI R Agreement for sewage Disposal dated%aY 2. 1941, as amended (hasrinatter saterrad to w the ■aaic Agseem•at.) and , an advi/Ory committee curve/ed at elected • amd appointed Officials im the .� metropolitan area was �,. •� { ` (.$. appointed by the Metropolitan Council to examine the 4 s ; rt tructury of Metros oharpa to Its pastioipamtat and "WM", said advisory committee, following extensive r•/a/rch, study and deliberation/, ha reoommand•d J`p OOrtaln chanoea in the /truoture of Metros cbarga to its u participant/ and implementation of said change/ requires amendment of tM saIO agreements and de r r}" "Mu". the parties have determined that the I e r"ORmandatians are in the bat public interest and t '•;` therefore desire to amaM aid Neie Agreement to implement ' said sacommandetiowl A. ti. 22323P0620 it is hammy as aW ea followas • A9Leamla=. ieotlon 5 Of the Basic Agreement Is hereby amended to read as follows e .a• $1seIIt ier sa.,wae cis=-• For the disposal Of sSVage bereatter collected by the city•and delivered to metro the City shall hey to metro On or before the last day of each seem during the term of this ►. „'�• aaWayo disposal obargs deteraished u provided ' In this iectiom s. 4 the VwLstasir periods sndisq march 11, 4;3¢ s.pta.ber 20 a4d June 20, Oecenber 11 of each year every s ��1 partialpant aball -bolt •Written z w �f char! to metro ttiag , Y tort!:: < (a) the number of mesidemtW tlsatcoara billed by Scoop"Wticipast for loom savezaga cher"s u Of the last day Of the quarter, i (b) the total nsober of all aw facers billed for local ea esa9e charges by such participant as of such day, and (0) the total Yates ,•' oe40u;sllea dosing such quazur for all custom*" billed for local covers � r• b ge Obasges 1 y ouch partial pasht oohs than m..la.ntial Castosera, The quarterly vetsr camuaptias report Shall be 1:,! �r•t take: from water set s Moor"smd Say he W .ck'• "lode Water Which does met enter the eanitasy lsoilitlu �;;�. •. of the castes". Ribero actual v.� sewage flow from an +ow individual customer la aSterad, the met6red 0evage flow "all be reported in lieu of adjusted Water consumption. ?err +' The total quarterly outer aeuwrption report in cubic feat ' ^ Mall be divided by 2,250 CO Oetermime the +;' number of Aesidential Customer equiva costs represented by each sastloipaat'e •� ',� customers other them 814910 family reaidames. ' '^'t:. - .fit 2 •'�+'���. w ' t • metro shy maintain a permanent neoesd�f the quarterly —tamer reports from each participant. ilia City'* first quarterly report shall cover the first ,:artarly period following the date when savage is first delivered to Metro and shall be submitted within thirty days following the and of the quarter. succeeding reports shall be made tar each quarterly period tMseatter and shall be submitted within thirty (30) days following the end of the quarter. ems. r. (a) 1'o torn a basis toe deteraininq the monthly mews"disposal charge to be paid by sad+ participant during any Particular quarterly period. metro shall ascertain the number of Residential Customers and Residential customer equivalents of each participant. aip.ne. shim • '} deterainatioa shall be aadm Iy taking the sum ot the actual r% number of Residential customer*reported as at the last"i.- S of the most to the last prsosding quarter and the awrags mmber of Romidentiml CnnmtON1C Mtgulvalants per quarter �. reported tar the tour quarters ending with said sect to the ;{144T; ,1 last preceding Waster, adjusted for each participant to r eliminate any Residential Customers or Residential Customer equivalents wbosi sewage is delivered to a government" i agency other than Matto or other than a participant. tar }r n disposal outside of the Metropolitan Area. (b) p0r the initial Varied until Us City shall ` have submitted six consecutive quarterly reports, the � q reported number Of Residential cwtcmar*and Residential Customer equivalents of the City shall be determined as _ r.. provided in this subparagraph (b). Om•or before the tenth i day of each month beginning with the month prior to the month In which swags trom the City is first delivered to Metro, the city shall submit a written statement of the saber of Residential Customers and Residential Wstemer ' `,»k'` �'" `°' 1 fit equivalents estimal.A to be billed by the City during the � IL ,r. c.fir.r.+i'fita�r;.•uxt.� .r.'a I r t fe sa T "'-'•Sri+_ •ti�1`1le"yi i�t.� ,+fti S"'4::` -+ '1 'r?'�V-W„ �'•�t'w.}Y q> '♦ ',-1';Y. € .Mk }�ri4Mi+tt°!ra�,r�''X' i'4w;k ear!anoflalag month. tae Ras pmrpose`- :dete,rmisiag the basis s+ayestae aaabar at Residestial Customers and Residential Customer equivalents at the City for euoh next 4. sucoeediaq month. Metro may at its disaratioa adopt either �u such estimatA or the actual member of Residential Customers { and Residential Cuatemer equivalents reported by the City as of the last day of the next to the lest preceding reported quarter. attar the City mhall have, furnished six •r oemse,omtive,guartarly teporte the reported member of Ramidentlal nastcmers and Residential Cnstemer equivalents f '< of the City shall be de,le,aiasd as provided in the pmg • ! t: immediately (a) •;r+� (a) zt the City shall tail to submit the required mcwthly aa4/or quarterly nposts WA6 dua, Metro may make :. its am estimate of the y #r:•r, � awe o!Iwsidential QvtaMSS and Residential CROUNIr equivalents at the City and seoh i ' estimate shall eometitatm the reported number for the pupo@e of detemiaiag sews"dispwa chages. F R. Us monthly swage disposal abarge payable to is 4 y?. Not—@ball be determined as tollwal ;. ' ' + • Y (a) prior to July lot of each year Matto shall ay •"„ s- d Karmine its total taae,tery requirements !ae the disposal ...✓'• of e@wge during•the a@mt suooeediag calendar year. itch regmisemaats shall lo""tae oset of adalalstratiom, operation, malaCe,nNaoe, repair and seplaosmsat at as .$ Metropolitan fe,@esage fystam, establish""and asintemance w- of amossary.voskiag most" a" reserves, the regnirow►ts 1 `'� �t,*^ui of nary resolution providing tar the iasuana,or reveans k : F bonds of Matsu to limance the acquisition, aowtsuctica oT �t,•' t r, use e9 severage facilities, plua mot to am*" it of the «�- '� toe "ing requirements ter general administrative,overhead a. r (b) !o de,tesmiae the monthly rate pe,s MsidAatial ,K Customer or Resideatisl antemar eguivalent to be used it r x' {�'k �� yx�, '. x .1� ���s�• . � ., `f�Sl�J.•�k�;,�, F.. {�5..�� y' aft, _. ' T�l�d � zf. dos ; during neat muooeed Calendar Ya Us g. ones"tpnisaaaat. tos i aLiPwel or sewage o determined iA nobPaXa9raPb 7(4) at thin section aAall be divided by twelve and the rwultLag Qwtiant shall be divided by tba •• w'` total mtabar of aesidant 4al Gameness and aesidentW Customer eguivalemte Of all PartloiPents for the October- Deoanbar :k : that therter ~�July latt Previded, bowvor� v, +tb1r ran shall not be lean them!tic Dollars +ti (i2.00) Dar north Par aasidaatial Qutomer or aenidantL►1 �: s P, Q.etamar equivalent at np time during the Period ending I .w ri'hs .7IIly 21. 1972. (a) the aw+tUY sawge dirposai Charge Paid by ~ohOi shsil b. Rant to Metro ebtaLrd by multiplying ° •'r t�mcmtbly rats by the number at Mesidantiel Customs"and . + " id'"" *rumor"alva"ate of the Partialpaet. &a Ci eddltienel Ohasp msy be ands tea saw""or wastes Or - .} `.�Yw11ty Or OeaOssltism so�1PL�special tswtMmt >' ° i ,S.Y` • Mstto my apOlsO partreetmsme of such sewage or wastes• '{ 1. the Parties vl !€ omoedge thtt, by resolution Of t "I w rstsopolit Council. Metro nay isPoee a charge �i - i •�• ��O�directly as the tatpp Customers Or O Pardo p 2 r, for pavoses at P"Ing tea oapaolty lm Metropolitan ti x" a : .,'.. ;. Paollitlee and that much w rg" ,hall +e+pg• 4 � this not oaaetltute .any ohatoe os OAat�ges It art tbae'aOt. '1Aa Proceeds ...Y,,`,, iced. aha11 ba urea Dal, for oaPital GXVGnditnrw or dateaeamoe t :' ry tFt ftvmw bonds prior to maturity. ?; ir t 2n the event suchl a out"or charges era Smpwad , f the City shall at Metros • J` r regngt, Provide such f regarding maw resldemtlai r aaetaeere and reeidsmtlal emu equivalent@ as may be reasonable and tower ePPrOPriate for .•� t s'� r`�-f5=, rMposes of iaPlem"UM such a ohasgs or charges. h statement of the amount at the l,y aespa dlsPwol Charge sh411 b•mubmltted by Metro t0 w n��r sa,• �,�, i • partioipe"�w or before the first day o:"ak moath and Payment of such char"shall be due on the last day of such f. Mouth. if any Charge or portion thereof due to metro shall t.,. remain unpaid for fifteen days following its due date, the - €v Participant shall b• vith and .ey ipan charged pay to Metro Interest •,air: • � � an the amount unpaid tram Its dos data until paid at the ,t rate of as per anms, and metro may, upon failure to pay "k{' much —to enforce payment by any remedy available at law tie Or equity. S. The City irrevocably Obligates and binds itself to pay its savage disposal charge out at the gross t • t ..`i Syr.. • revenues of the sever system of the City. The City further binds itself to establish, maintain and Collect charges for sever service which will at all times be sufficient to pay ( t a11.008h of aaintsasaom am operation of the saver slat" • rt "-v-et the t City, Including the tevage dlspessl aam psymblo to 1 ? ^ matso hereunder, and wltiolSnt to Pay al the primoip of and y+7 interest as OW iertlWe bonds at the City thick shall, ; OOnetitste a obarge 1Om'amok gross revenues. ft is seoognis"by metro and the City that the savage disposal ' ` °` �• �' charge paid by tba City to metro Shall constitute an ampense of the malatemanee and spesition of the never oystsm of the City. The City Shall provide in the issuance at tutu" sever revenue beads at the City that enMenses et maiatenance. " ' "?.d and operatiaa of On Sever °r system e!the City shall be paid• before payment a ipal and interest of mob bonds. Us My City shall have the ..gbt to fix its eve saboduls et rates f~� ; a"charges for smear service provided that same shall t produce revenue sufficient to nest the covenants contained in this Agreement. 4 �• "r � ?c;4,1. - aeetiee f. a—.......±.. et meatiee t et!we mae�e t• r �`r� yr� Y. f K mectioa a of the Meld Agreement to bereby ` e � ,� '•t!4. �'_�' rt .. C. S fSt•3.�a 1 ^� amended to read as follows A. $. � s • a•� ° �`Yt- `. F-Y n' :,,,.t� NL,• s.pw �. ��• �'1 �.A�M1 Per y,�i -'1S .°.+ "`C'" UM City shall be seaponaible for the douvery to the Motropolitm sworo" sy.-t s of sam"ooileoted by the City, for oomtz'o t oa. Mlatonamm and operation of Local sawrage ` racilitim. as tar the PW mt of all poets Imddmt to the oolleotim of snab swage and its daliwry to the r IMtrgpaitao 2--ow systm. t'ts In""time the City Will ondert&M continual -babliitatioa wd replaommt e! its 10oa1 sw ge h laoilities for pawpaws of prwaating. rednniag asd '•o , q elislaot "the mtry et eatraaeoue water Into such - t , facilities and r rill �anaaally, awsagod over tiw (s) `f years, es eaomt 89m" t*to t- (s) pmts per ino6 of diamtsr f per toot of its too" Sewage facilitieso owlu" ooahined !*. =.i. �.* aeaers afld faaoS aaias,'tar Mid J?ehabilitatian eJd ' v `" raplacaaent. as am=*of this espesditwo seq.1t..t M tt' " s he iaoge&@" !sm tlaa to ties by t"muvpoutm C M u y e O to"fioo!Ifteral inflatim• ubamutatio0 aJd k� Y= srilaoeaSJt!l�lsots mdartabm posmnt to this seotim 1a - ahail it aaeoaOaaoa rich criteria"C""by *� ✓, f the Notropouift Comoii sad twin"&in Matroks Mae@ am '• I ., Moyalatiemo In the wmt the City laps to oogly with the rebatatiaa and roplaoanant taro oac' ;':�. �•_ aapaadl seQniresenq .. '���i(j .ty,. dmwlbod L this @@oboe, the City shall pay Mob charge a�. My be detasalaod by Metre tog gaantities of stria es Craud " rater mtorLiq its L0oa1 BWAW laoilities In amoess at the t T e. >1Ai/K0 •II's � standasd established br the Ooaeral Ma1M and .rti'•' ; / r MellJlatimla of Metro. ..�' left I- to h asr ssotlm is shall he added to the Jlaslo -1 to rand es lollowJ a i j n� saeliea 1a_ me CUF agre" y, � y , .��•Y• >• to nand am hereby aoaoars In luw nmmSOat to this a x + agreaamt rhlob lneerperatee any dmw4Ms In tbs tarns for... a�"4+•A r ,y((4� l y d\7d -t{�rl 'i' ,i^. �•�•k"1 ,.3, tT�;^: ��.+,x y*`.�" �xf�, a +4 r, ., !•w.x�'. 1_?'�+�„'4it, .; s+ J Y�.- x �.,�$.,.isr:, J �._ ' ti�.��'?Cti�;��'�,rvy2'+'�i�rv,`��`"j'�4.�'` !�' �'�� .�•yC4f�3++��- iu k q. la eevaga ai»:veal awl ' wat Dann!—aaatoa'a`da vor be pupas" i. by 1Mtra and aIeaai to hr tenet Participants that aba11 sepeteest0 is total, sat use thaw fat of tke anlaowtial Castawere Ma assidentlal customer squivelents than served 'rc$ by the Notrapalitas deww"s lrstaa.• ;.�^' ,,. traeiiee •. afeeiiti d!e et lrr��el, �e I �`.7,' asendowt Beall take affect at the beginning of the first 1 4 quarter folloving the data first Britten above with quarters • begiamiaq Jaseary It April 1.Jaly 1, ant October 1. "a senllen e. trsie ferusre!Oir�LaeeeA, 1 as Otherwise praliaea is thin seseaeeAI all prwisiau of the ( ~' basic agreement email remain is fall fords and affect as written tbovela. tea ,iM y' -� . •s.. � LaN eaaOttl this � .v ; t? s Agresaest an of the OW ad per first written abaft. CM of 12rM .•y{�' 1µ f S`r t ' i t' 1 t• � I c XMC PAWTf a1 s rr f } iii f a Of WWI Common fly }�WOO -x',4 j3 r -I 4 .�• ., ti t� .e, f ( *"ash yr•'�•l ,°t,� ti}�'r �t�J I � t XS� �4.:r • _ d !^ T i.i� L,�'y 1 ..f�F '� '��A�+`F i�,,;;f f a;�C s � ' ' .• ^ �`t,�t .'a��dN�5`�'G''�°t',l�1 < '. c-