HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/26/2010 - Minutes CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION D c'�yof �"`' . � _��y""'� ���o� ��,�.. MEETING MINUTES Held on January 26, 2010 IN ATTENDANCEt COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Richard Fisher,Andee Jorgensen, Bill Larson,Jim Matthew, &Jim Phelan COMMlSSIONERS ABSENT: POUCE�EPT:Police Chief Kevin Milosevich,peputy Police Chief Chuck Marsalisi FIRE DEPT:Acting Fire Chief Mark Peterson,Deputy Fre Chief Bill Flora STAFF MEMBERS: Eileen Flott,CS Secretary/Chief Examiner, Lucinda Gibbon, HR Analyst Guest:Acting Deputy Chief Stan Engler, Fire Captain Mike Proulx, Firefighter Steve Winter CALL TO ORDER; Chair, Jim Phelan called the meeting ta order at 4:28 pm. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Review of the Navember minutes for the 22f 15/09 meeting. IMOVED BY: I 3im Matthew + SECOND 8Y: I Bill Larson � MINUTES APPROVEp � FIRE&EMERGENCY SERVICE5 DEPARTMENT: I)Unfrnished Business: None 2)New Business A.j BS/SO&Fire Captain Selection Process was changed from a written exam to a written assignment,which is to be inc(uded in the orai presentation. The weighted value wi1(remain at 40%of the total scare. Secandly,the oral interview(30%of total scare)wi(I be replaced by management skills exercise. ' MOVED BY: ( Richard Fisher � SECOND BY: � Bili Larson � MOTIDN CARR/ED � B.j Provisional appointments for Stan Engler to Deputy Fire Chief from 1/16/10—5J15j10, John Lecoq provisiana) appointment ta Deputy Fire Chief from SJ16J10—9J15J0,and Rich Marshail provisional appointment to Battalion Chieff Safety�ffice from 1j16J10—5J15/1d. � MOVED BY: � 1im Matthew � SECOND BY: � Bil) Larson � MOTIDN G4RR/ED � C.j Commissian approved the selection pracess for an Administrat'sve Assistant pasitian, reporting ta the Fire Chief. � Mt�VED BY: � Andee lqrgenSen ( SEC�ND BY: � 1im Matthew � MOT7ON CARRlEp ( Pt}I.ICE DEPARTMENT: 1)tJn�nished Business: None 2)New Business: A.j The tateral PoEice Officer Eligibility List,dated p1J21J10,was approved. The Lateral Police O�cer Examination Report was reviewed. ( MDVED BY: ( Jim Matthew ( SECOIYD BY; ( Andee Jargensen � MOTIOIU G4RRlED ' B.) The LateraE Pofice Ufficer Selection Pracess was changed to e(iminate the candidate's written report writing skills. This wi!! now be reviewed during the background rev'sew. This will provide the officer's true writing ski!!s. � MOVED BY. � Andee Jorgensen � SECDIVQ BY_• � Jim Matthew � MOTION CARRlEp � t.} The Police Services Specialist eligibility list was extended for a year. The List wil!now expire on 3/24(2Q11. � MQYED BY: � Bill larsan � SECOND BY: � Jim Matthew ( MOTlON G4RRlED � ' �,,,�,•r w.rr° OTHER BUSINESS/COMMENTS: Firefighter Steve Winter brought up a question regarding who certifies the qualifications of a candidate for promotional testing. There was a question as to one of the candidates'eligibility. Eileen Flott, informed him that in the Civil Service Rules the department is to certify the candidates eligibility. However, if there is a concern with the eligibility of a candidate,then the Civil Service Secretary can request a review. If it is determined the candidate is not eligible,the Civil Service Secretary will notify the candidate. The Commission agreed. The department will check on one candidate and provide the Civil Service Secretary with the results, and if the candidate is not eligible the Civil Service Secretary will notify the candidate in writing. It was noted that normally this did not need to come to the Commission unless there was a disagreement with the Civil Service Secretary's determination. Firefighter Winter apologized and said that it was just brought to their attention and since the Commission was meeting today,they would bring the question up at the meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 4:40 pm. I MOVED BY: I Bill Larson I SECOND BY: I Andee Jorgensen � MEET/NGADJDURNED � L,�it-�J �i��"� 01/27/10 Eileen Flott, Date Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner _ � FIRE AND EMERG�CY SERVICES D Q c�Tyof O ;�- , �ErARTMENT ���0� �'� M E M O R A N D U M DATE: January 15, 2010 TO: Civil Service Commissioners FROM: Mark Peterson, Interim Fire Chief/Emergency Services Administrator SUBJECT: Change in 2010 Selection Process for: Battalion Chief/Safety Officer and Fire Captain The Fire and Emergency Services Department will be conducting promotional examinations for the Battalion Chief/Safety Officer, Captain, and Lieutenant positions in 2010. I am requesting a few changes in the promotional process for the Battalion Chief/Safety OfFicer and Fire Captain Selection process. 1. A Written Assignment would take the place of the Written Examination (which was to be held on March 31, 2010), and will be a part of the Oral Presentation portion of the Assessment Center. This assignment will be provided to applicable candidates on the week of April 5, 2010. 2. The Assessment Center will continue on the assigned dates of: ■ 8/3/10&/or 8/4/10—Fire Captain ■ 10/5/10&/or 10/6/10 —Battalion Chief/Safety Qfficer 3. The Selection Process for both positions will change as follows: 40%of total score—for Assessment Center/Oral Presentation&Written Assignment 30%of total score—for Assessment Center/Incident Management Simulation 30%of total score—for Assessment Center/Management Skills Exercise •A combined minimum score of 70%will required to pass the Assessment Center,and be p/aced on the eligibility list. As a reminder, eligibility lists will be created ahead of time, however, the list would not become effective until the expiration of the current list. Additionally,the 11/12/09 Revised Resource Materials will remain in affect. Thank you for your consideration on the matter. c: File FIRE AND EMERG�CY SERVICES �p ci�.of ;>:-.� DEPARTMENT ���DO� '�' M E M O R A N D U M DATE: January 15, 2010 TO: Civil Service Commissioners FROM: Mark Peterson, Interim Fire Chief/Emergency Services Administrator SUBJECT: Provisional Appointments for: Deputy Fire Chief, and Battalion Chief/Safety Officer The Fire and Emergency Services Department is requesting a four(4) month provisional appointment as provided in Rule 13.02, due to an emergency staffing situation where both the Deputy Fire Chief and Battalion Chief/Safety Officer positions are vacant. Below are the requested appointments: Deputy Fire Chief: ■ Stan Engler—from 1/16/2010—5/15/2010(4 months) ■ John Lecoq—beginning 5/16/2010, but not to exceed 9/15/2010 (4 months) Battalion Chief/Safety OfFicer: ■ Rick Marshall—from 1/16/2010-5/15/2010 (4 months) Thank you for your consideration on the matter. c: File ' w i .: ,., `'11M'', ,::�.;:,.. �� _. .-:;: ,.. ... � .:........ .:.. . : - _ - - . : .:::.:� ,:_::-..::::.: .....::. �._:. :.. _..:::::_ : -:°;_. �::::�:::::.:::: :. .::,::::.., :.....' ..... ... :. .:.__._:.....:.:,.... ::. ,�:::._..:�._: :: ,: � _.:::_..:.::�:..:, ...-...::.:.. : .:. :: .... ... .. ..::.... ...::.>.::.:...,:: :. <..-:.:.: .�: : ::::::::::-:::.:.;:: :...,.....:. :.:::...:.:: ::.: .::.�.::. � o , :-::-::::::::::._°- ::: `::. ;..: .:. .:.:::. . <: : ;::. °.::....,..,.. ;, .. ..:::�..... ;:;.; �..;°.::,;;_':::;.:;:::,::= � �> .:::::::.:::.�::;: : .. .:::: -:.,..:: ;:.. . .. .� : ,::.:. 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Pt�. �1',rt. . , ( � , ., .._� .:, . ......:.:.::..�:.,_::-::_::::. Apgly at or obtain appiication frcim t6e City of Renton,Huma�t ResocErces&R�sk Management Department Phone Npmber(425}430-7650 Job Line 42 430-7652 T"T'Y 711 Web S'rCe www.rentonwa.gov . �r✓ `�'�„�" D Q c;ry of ,'"= CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION — — Q�,�O� <� DATE: January 21, 2010 TO: Chief Kevin Milosevich FROM: Civil Service Commission SUBJECT: Continuous ELIGIBILITY LIST for LATERAL POLICE OFFICER—January 2010 The following is a continuous ranked eligibility list of candidates for the position of Lateral Police Officer as established through a competitive examination process. This process was most recently conducted on 12/16/09, 12/18/09, 1/6/2010, 1/11/10, 1/15/2010, and 1/20/10. Names are ranked according to the final score and valid for one year. ILAST NAME I RANK I ELIGIBLE TO: Comments: Bagsby, Robert I 1 January- 2011 NEW I Kent, Aaron 2 I October- 2010 � I Greenwade, Christopher 3 January-2011 NEW I I Seimears,Tiffany 4 lanuary- 2011 NEW � Hoffer, Marcus A. 5 December- 2010 � O'Dell, Eric 6 August—2010 � I Lynch, Brian 7 (tie) January- 2011 I NEW I Holl,Julie A. 7 (tie) June—2010 ( I Vaughn, Lani 9 January- 2011 I NEW � I Pickrell,Jeff I 10 I January- 2011 NEW � I Campbell, Scott I 11 I September- 2010 I Skiles, Richard 12 November- 2010 I IBrandt, Andrew 13 August- 2010 r�,;�.,, �i�!-�� Eileen Flott Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner (425) 430-7657 eflott@ci.renton.wa.us cc: DC Chuck Marsalisi Cmdr. Katie McClincy Sgt. Dave Skelton � �y D City of y�, ���0� ��� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION EXAMINATION REPORT LATERAL POLICE OFFICER—JANUARY 2010 1 DATE OPEN CONTINUOUSLY OPEN 2 TOTAL#OF APPLICATIONS RECEIVED Nine(9) 3 TOTAL#TAKING THE WRI7TEN EXAM Seven(7) 4 TOTAL#PASSING THE WRITTEN EXAM Seven (7) 5 TOTAL#FOR THE ORAL BOARD INTERVIEWS Seven(7) 6 TOTAL#PASSING THE ORAL BOARD INTERVIEWS Six(6) 12/16/09, 12/18/09, 1/6/10, 6 DATE OF ORAL BOARD INTERVIEWS 1/11/10, 1/15/10,1/20/10 7 TOTAL#NEW ADDED TO ELIGIBILITY LIST Six(6) EXAMINATION PROCESS: The Renton Police Department received nine (9) new applications for consideration. Candidates were interviewed on 12/16/09, 12/18/09, 1/6/10, 1/11/10, 1/15/10, and 1/20/10. Candidates who pass the written test proceed to the Oral Board Interview. (Ever since 11/27/07 the Physical Fitness Agility Test- PFAT was not administered as part of the Lateral Police Officer examination process.) The interview is weighted at 100%of the final score,with a passing score for 70%. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: Must have been a regular police officer for a minimum of one year of the past 36 months in order to be considered. Must pass the written test, and oral board in order to be placed on the eligibility list. EXAMINATION CONTENT: Written examin involves candidates watching a video of response to a 911 Domestic Violence call, and writing a report with findings. The written exam has a pass/fail rating. The oral board consists of a set of 15 structured questions, and the rating of five dimensions, developed for an experienced police officer. Passing score for the 70%or greater is required to be placed on the eligiblity list. ��'G.�.,,� �.�� Eileen Flott, Civil Service Secretary/Chief Examiner 1/21/10 Date ' '�r' '"�„"'' --- POLICE DEPARTMENT D o�'�'°f -�- ���0� ;l,`i; M E M O R A N D U M DATE: January 19, 2010 TO: Civil Service Commissioners FROM: Kevin Milosevich, Chief of Police �l SUBJECT: Selection Process Change for Lateral Police Officer Position The Lateral Police Officer written examination tests a candidate's report writing skills, with a pass/fail rating. This1has provided minimal benefit, as all testing candidates have passed this test. The Police Department is requesting the removal of the current written exam portion of the Lateral Police Officer's selection process. Instead, the Police Sergeant would view an applicant's actual written reports from previous/current employers, but only during the background investigation phase. Thank you for your consideration on the matter. c: File � . r�rr►' POLICE DEPA�TMENT D o�'�'°f � � Q���� ''�: M E M O R A N D U M DATE: January 20, 2010 TO: Civil Service Commissioners FROM: Kevin Milosevich, Chief of Police ��� SUBJECT: Police Service Specialist—Extension of Eligibility List for 1 Year The Police Service Specialist position will be expiring on March 24, 2010. As provided in Rule 10.05 (Duration of Eligibility Lists), "Non-commissioned lists shall be in effect for one year from date approved by the secretary-chief examiner. Before the expiration of eligibility list the Commission may extend the period of eJigibility for one year at a time for al!eligibles who ore available for employment." We are requesting that the candidates on the Police Service Specialist eligibility list be extended for 12 additional months,to expire 3/24/2011. , Thank you for your consideration on the matter. .c: File