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� THIS INSTRUMENT, made this,��,/�day of �Y1��.�'`u^.� 19�'O ;
� by and between ���f_�=�"�,�-�v_s�� � �
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h�reinafter calied "�rantor(s)" , and the CITY 0� RcP1TQN, a Munici�al Corporation
of King County, Washington, h�reinafter caiied "Grantee" .
That said Grantor(s� , for and in consideration of the sum of $
paid by Grantee, and other valuable consideratian,
do by these presents, grant, bargain , sell , convey, and warrant unto the said I
Grantee, its successors and assians , an easement for pubiic utilities (including '
w:ter and sewer) with necessary appurtenances over, thraugh, across and unon the
f�llo�ring described property in King Caunty, Washington, mare particular7y
described as fallows : '
W sterl 10 feet of the fo]lowing I'
A strip of land 10 feet �n w�dth over the e y ,
described property:
Tract 318, C. D. Hillman`s �ake Washingtan Garden of Eden Divisian #5,
according ta the Plat recorded in Volurr� 11 of Plats, Page 83, recards of King
County, Washington: l.ESS the Narttz 63 feet thereof; LESS the South 7Q feet;
LESS State H�ghway. �
Togeth�r wi th a ter�porary construction easement descri bed as :
The Westerly 30 feet of the above described property.
Said temporary construction easement shall remain zn force during constructian
and until such time as the utilit�es and appurtenances have been accepted for the
operation and maintenance by the Grantee but not later than
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Sair� heretofare mentior�d grantee, its s�accessors or assigns , sha11 °
nave the ri ght, wi�hout pri o:� nati ce or proceedi ng at 1 aw, at such times as
r� .nay be n�cessary t� enter u��n said abave describec? property for the purpose �I
;:4 �f constr«ct?ngy Ci13111�difi1lT1C', repairing, altering or recanstructing said 'I
� uti 1 i ty, �r maki ng any connevtions therewi th, wi thout incurri ng any 1 ega1 '
I ;� obl i gati o►�s or 1 i a�i 1 i zy the^efore, pravi ded, that such cons tructi an, mai nt- �
P.�t aining,repairing, ��] tering or reconstructior� of sucli �ttili�y shall be accampiished �
� r�= in such a.manner tt�at the pr�vate improvemer�ts existing in the right(�)-of-way '
:`�. shai1 not be distributed or damaged, or in the event the y are disturbed or dam- ;
aged, they wiii be repTaced �n as good a condition as they were immediately be�`ore ;
the property was entered upon by the Grantee. +i
.,� 7he Grantor shall fully use and enjoy the afore described premises , including �
the ri ght to retai n the ri ght to use the surface of sai d ri ght-of-way i f such use
� does nat i n terfere Gvi t!� i ns tal l ati on and nai r�tenance of the uti 1 i ty 1 i ne. Nawever,
.,� the grantor shal l not erect l�ui 1 di n s or s�ructures aver _ �
g , .�ander ar across the r�ght
� �� of-way during the existence of such uti]ity. � '
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Thi s easement, shal i be a covenant runni ng wi th the 1 and }and sha1�1 .be bi ndi ng �
, an the Grantor, his successors, heirs an.d ..assigns. Grantors covenant �hat� they '
are the lawfuI awners afi t�e above pra�erties and that they have a gaod and law- �
ful ri ght to ececute thi s a�.,eemertt. . ' ;
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� I , the undersigned, a natary public in an , far the State of Washington, hereby i
certi fy that on thi s���".day of ' i��1.� personally appearcd
before me� � :I
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��d----------- ; �o me known ta be individual described '
in and who executed the foregoing 'nstrument, and acknowiedged that I
signed and sealed the same as � free and valuntary act and dee for the uses ; �
and �urposes therein mentianed. ; I
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r �'+��� � �''�Y��, Washingtan, residing at _,���p� '� I
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