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8613 104tti I�venue S.L;,
� Renton, 4aashington 98056 '
� THIS INSTRUMENT, ►nade this�f.�:day of '�,� ]�O ;
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�p by and between a►�d C�� i .
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#zzreinafter called "�rantar(s��� , and �he CITY OF R�rd�O�l, a P9unici�al Corporatior�.
of Y.ing County, �Jashi�ngton, hereinafter called "Grantee" ,
That said Grantor(s} , for and in consideration of the sum of $ ��-�
.-- - aaid by Grantee, and ather valuable consideration,
do� by th�se presents , .grant, bargai n , sei i , convey, and warrant un ta the s ai d
Grantee, i ts successors a�d assi cris, an easement for p�b1 i c uti 1 i ti es (i ncl udi ng
w�ter and se��er) wi th necessary ap�urtenances over, throu�h, across and upon the
fo11o�•ring described pr��erty in King County, GJasl��ng�on, mare particularly
described as follows: � � .
The Sau.�h 15 feet of West 1.60 feet of East 285 feet o�
Tract 91, C.D. Hiilman' s Lake G�ashington Garden of Eden
Additian to Seattle Na. 2, as recordec� in Voluzne 11 of Plats�
� Page 64, Recards of King County, Washington. .
. . . � �
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Togethc�r with a ternporary construction easement described as: �
The Sc�uth 30 feet af �7est 160 fee� of East 285 feet of
said Tract 91. i
I �
! Sa�d temporary constructior� easeinent shall remain i►� �Force� during construction
and until such tii�7e as tlie uti' ities �and �ap��urt�n��n�:es I�ave t�een accepted for th�
�� operation and maintenance Gy tl�e� Gran�:ce but not later than,���.����`�-��
� La$ement No. ?_r 3-1C3
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• Sa�ct heretofare mentio���d grantee, its successors or assigns , sha11
have the rigl�t, ��i �:4�out �rio.� n�tice or �roceeding ��t law, a� such times as
.nay be nEcessary t�� ent�r u���n said above desr��ibed property for the purpose
o�F cor�str��ct�ng, m.lintainin��, repairing, altering or reconstructing said .
uti 1 i ty, �r ���aki ng any connELti ons therewi th, Gvi tho��t i ncurri ng ariy 1 egal
�` � ob1 i gatio��s or 1 i a!�i 1 i iy the refare, provi ded, ti�at such cons tructi on, maint-
. aini ng,repai ring, ��1 tering or reconstructian of such uti i i ty shall be accompl ished
' in such a ma��ner tt�at the private improven�ents existing �n the right(,)-af-�ray
shail not be distributed or damaged, or in �the event tf�ey are disturbed or' dam-
` ageci, they e�ri 1 i be re�?1 aced i n as good � candi tion as they �vere ir�medi ately be,'�ore
� the praperty was entered upa!� by the Grantee.
�� ,t� The- Grantar sf�al l ful Iy use and enjoy the afare descri bed premi ses , i nc1 udi ng ,
,D the ri ght to retai n the ri gh� to use the surface ef sai d r�i gh�-of-vray i f such use
,� does nat int�rfere ti��ith instaT�ation and nainter�ance of t��e utzlity line.� Nowever,
.!'J . the grantar shall r�ot erect bui l dings or s truc tures over, un der or across t he rig h t-
of-�ray du ri nq the exi s tence af s uch uti 1 i ty.
This easement, shall �be a cavenant running with the land and shall be binding
on the Grantor, his successors , heirs and �assigns. Grantors covenar�t that they
�are the 1 awful at,rners of the above properti es and that they have a good and 1 aw- ,
�� f�1 ri .ht to ececute thi s a:;,,eement. , ° * -
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STATE OF 1�lASHINGTOid } SS _ ' � 1
I , the undersigned, a notary, �ublic in and far the State af Washington, hereby
certi fy that on thi s�day of � 19�'� personally appeared
befare me ��b�
and ".��'�. .�L,C � �`��� l� �1:_.
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and-------____ � ; �o me l;nau�n to k�e i ndi vi duai des cri bed
in and who executed the foregoin in .trument, and ackna4vledged that __,_ � �
� signed and sealed the same as free and voluntary act and deed fo the uses �
and �urpases therein ir�entioned. ' y
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b,�, Q,ges � •. .�,•. raot�ry Public in and for e St T f '��
• i" ` Washington, residing at ''
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.�.:Y��':.•""�°y,"�" . ROBERT A. MOR�fS, Caunty Auditor
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