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,.p 7kiIS INSTRUME��7, inade this��f�day of � 196`�D ;
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by and between � � � and ;
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f��reinafter called "Grantar�s)" , and the CITY OF Rct��l"ON , a Munici�al Corporatian
of King County, �Jashington, hereinafter called "Grantee" .
That said Grantor(s} , far and in cansic{eration of the sum of � f� �} �
. ' naid by Grantee, and other valuab7e cansideration,
do� by these presents , �rant; t�argain , sell , eanvey, and warrant unto the said
Grantee, its successors and assicns , an easetnent for public utilities (including
w:ter and sewer} wi th necessary appurtenances oVer, thro�gh, acrass and upon the
� � fol l ot•ri ng des cri bed property ;n Ki rig County, Wasl�i n�ton, riiore part�cul arly
; d�:scri bed as fal�aws ; ' .
That� portion of Government Lot I, Sec�ion 32, Tac�nship 2� �3orth, j
� Range 5 �ast, F1.P4. , described as follaws :
f . .
Begi.nr�ing at the intersection af the South line of said Govern- �
rien� L�t 1 w:►.th th� East�rly line of .;1ake t�7ashington �3r�ul�va-rd: .
thence along said lot line South 88°48' 58" East 324. 29 feet; �.h�nce I
rdorth O1°12 ' 02" East 90 feet to the True Point o� F3eginning, thence I
continuing Nor�h 01°12' 02" East 16. 78 feet; thence North 51°03 ' S2"
��est 6 . 32 �eet; thence South O1°12' p2" ti{]es�. 20. 65 feet; thence
�. South $$°48 ' S8" East 5 fe�t mcare or less to the True Paint of �
Beginning. . .
Together with a ternporary construction easement described as:
That pc�rtic�n of said Govern,ment Lot 1 descrihed as foi3ows :
Beginninc} at the intersection of the South line of said Govern-
ment Lot 1 with the Easterly line of Lake �,7asha.ngton Boulevard;
thence along said lot line South 88°48' S8" East 324 . 29 feet; �.hence
� ivor�h �l°12 " 02" L^;a�i 90 fc�e� to �he Tru� P�inz o� iiegi.ntia.ng;
� thence cantinuing r�orth Ol°1.2 ' 02" East I6. 78 feet; thence Narth
51°03' S2" ��est 12.64 feet; thence South 01°12 ' 02" We�t 24 . 52 feet,
thence South 88°48' S8" East 30 fe�t more or 3.ess to the True Poin�
� of Beginning, ..
Said temporary construct�ion ease�nc�nt sha11 rc�main in �force durinc� construction
and until such time t7s tiie utilit�ies and a����urtcnances fi�ave i�een �acc;e�ted for the
operation and maint�n�ncc l�y thc� Gran��ce I�ui: not latcr, ti»n _ �`_�,____
' � L�s�men� i�lo. 263-16
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� Sai ci heretofore menti o���d grantee, i ts st�ccessars or assi gns , shal 1
��� �iave the ri ght, wi t��out pri o:� noti ce or proceedi ng at 1 aw, at such ti mes as
° - ;nay be n��essary t� enter u��n sai d above d�scri bed property for the purpose
, . of canstrtact=ng, m�intaininc�, repairing, altering ar reconstructing said .
• • uti 1 i ty, ar tnakzng any connections therewi t�, wi tha�.it incurri ng any legal
` :: obl i gati a��s or 1 i a!�i 7 i zy the�refare, provi ded, that such constructi on, mai nt-
ai ni ng,repai ri ng, a1 te ri ng or reconstructi on or sucl� uti 3 i ty shal i be accompl i shed
', in such a manner that �he pr�vate improvemen�s existing in the right(�)-of-way
shail not be distributed or damaged, or in �the event they are disturbed or dam-
agecl, they wi 11 be repl aced i n as good a condi ti on 4s they were i r�medi ately be,`ore
the property was e�tered upon by the Grantee.
t`- The Grantar sha11 fu1 iy use and enjoy the afore descri bed p►�emi ses , i ncl ud�ng ��
i~� the ri ht to retain the ri ht to use the surface of said ri ht-of-wa if such use
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p �oes not interfere i�rith installation and naintenance of the utility 1ine.� Nowever,
� the grantor shall not erect buildings or structures over, under or across the right-
� of-way du ri ng the exi s tence of s uch uti I i ty. `
� 7his easement, shail b� a cavenant running with the 7ar►d and sha17 be binding
� �n the Grantor, his successo�^s, heirs and assigns. Grantors covenant that they
are the lawful owners of �Ghe above pro�erties and tl7at tf�ey have a good and 1aw-
ful ri ght to ececute thi s a��,eement.
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I , the undersigned a notary ublic in and for the State of Washington, hereby ;
� certi fy that an thi s�'�day o-f ���,�,z, ____ 19�f.� personal iy appeared f
, before me n � ,
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and----------- ; �a me l:na�vn to b� i ndi vi dual �S des cri 6ed
in and wha executed the faregoin instrument, and acknaEv7edged that _
signed and sealed the same as ,�����J free and voluntary act and deed for the uses
and �urposes therein n�entioned. � ;
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�''.�'"��'�QiR�,'�.w������ PJotary Pub1 i c i n and for e State f ;
:� ;r+� c�r�,t, Wast�ington, residing at
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