HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0991 ' � j- � . . • K ~ r w ` ORDINANCE N0. �991 AN OR�INANCE OF Tr�� CITY OF REN'I'ON, �ASHINGTON DECLA�ING 'i'HAT THERE EXISTS A PUBLIC EP.iERGENCY OTHER THAN ON�' OF TFiOS�,. ENU��RATED IN REP�NGTON'S r'�EVISED STATUTES, SECTIOId 9000-6 �lIiIGgi SAID El'�RGENCY COUT�D , NOT HAVE REASONt�BI,Y BEFN FORESEEN AT THE TIP.� OF �'�A Kf Nu T�L BU1)GET, 6ND APPROPRIATING THE SUT�i OF SIX THOUSAND �IGHT Ht7NDRED AND SEVFNTY-b'IVE DOI,LARS AS THE CI�'Y'S SHARE OF THF COST OF RIGHT-OF-ti'?AY FOR THE �r1IDERTiNG OF BRONSON l7AY BET"lEEi1 I.;AAIN STREET A�ID LiILL STREET IPl TAE CITY OF RENTO�t, t°JASHINGTON. THE CITY COUVCII, OF THE Cl'TY OF REIITON TU ORDAIN AS FOLLO'�lS: ' Section l. �'IF�REAS, it has become necessary to widen Bronson Fiay between �ain Street and 3�ii11 Street in the City of Renton and for that purpose it has become necessary to acquire additional right-of-way for said w idening. ,'THEREAS it has been estimated that the City's share of the cost of said right-of-�vay will be �6875.00. . Section 2. That there be and hereby is appropri�ted, in addition to the amount of the budget for the year 1938, the sum of �P6875.00 out of the � general fund for the purpose of paying the City's share of the coet of the right-of-way necessary for the widening of Bronson yfay between �,�ain Street and Mill Street. Section 3. The City Council of the City of �enton does hereby declare that it has found an emergency to exist. Section 4. This Ordinance shall not be passed un�il one week after �I its introduction and it sha11 require the unanimous vote of the Councilmen present and the aparoval of the I;ayor. Sec�ion 5. This Ordinance shall become effective five (5} days from and after i.ts pass�.ge, approval and legal publication. PASSED THIS 25th �ay of January, 1938. MAYOR PitB"'.�Z APl�BOVED THIS 25th day of January, 1938. �PP�OVED �,S TO F0�2: CITY GZE_RK � CITX ATTO�TEF ��,? 6�� �