HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0993 ♦. �J � � .t r �. ��+ ..... r . 1 -_. or�iN�eE No.� AN ORDINgNCE AUTHORIZING T�i� �+i1�Y0R AND CITY CLERK TO ISSIIE A@VARRAIaTT, IN �� T� SUIV! OF �,�400.00 AGAINST THE CITY flF RENTON bOCAZ IMPROVE2WENT GUARANTEE F(TND F03 THE PURPOSE OF R��'DEEF�ING BONDS NUMBER NTNE TO TV'1E',�VE INCI,USIVE IN LOCAi, � II',I�t�OVE�NT DISTRICT P10. 169 EACH OF SAID BONDS BEING IN Tf� P�INCIPAL SU�d OF _ � �100,00. WI�REAS, Bonds, number 9 to 12 ineluaive in I,ocal Improvement District I� No. 169 matured on June 27th, 1936 said bonds being presented for pay- ment on their due date and there being no funds in said district to retire said bonds and said bonds being g°uaranteed by the City of Renton Local Im- provement Guaran�ee Fund, NOSY THEREFORE, . THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI� CITY bF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES OHIJAIN AS FOI,- LOWS: Section 1: That the 2dayor and the City Clerk be and they hereby are authorized to issue a warrant, in the sum of �400.00 against the City of Renton Local Improvement Guarantee �,inc� for the purpose of redeeming Bonds No. 9. to 12 inclusive, in I,ocal Improvement District No. 169, each of said bonds being in the principal awn of �100.00. Section 2: This Ordinance shall be in ftiill force and efPect five (5y days from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. �.PPROVEI? �this lst day of March, 1938. R PASSED this lst da,y of �+farch, 1938. CI Y-CLERK II �� Approned as to form: - i JOHN �'�. DOBS� City Attorney .' ��a�rJ�, / q 3 � ►� �