HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0994 . '� � � .r , � -+J 'l 4 • ^ 11�, a'n. flRDIN9NCE N0.�� I i AN OR�IDTANC� OF THE CITY OF R�?TON, WASHINGTON DECLARIIJG �'HAT TH� EXISTS A PUBLIC E11�RGIIJCY OTHER THBN ONE OF TFiOSE ENUb�tATED IN $EI7QNGT�I+1'S / REt�ISED STATUTES, SECTION 9000-6 i�HCCH SAID �ERGENCY COULD IdOT REASONABLY HAVE BEEN FORESEEN AT THE TIME OF R�1B,KING TI� BUDG�,T F4R THE YEAH 1938 AND AP— PROPRIATING THE atTI�: OF T�YII,VE HUNDR�'ll DOLLARS FOR THE IP�PROVF��1.E`NT OF LIBER2�Y PARK BY INSTALI,IDTG A I,AV'lN—BOS'lLING Gt�EEN. The City Council of the City of Renton do ordain as follos+s: Section 1. CThereas 3t has become necessary and expedient, for the f�].1 use and improvement of I,iberty Park in the City of Renton, to install there— in a lavm bowling green, and C7hereas it has been estimated that the cost to the City for the instal— ling of said la�n bowling green �rill be the sum of �1200.00. Section 2, That there be and there hereby is appropriated, in addition to the amount of the btadget for the year 1938, the sum of �1200.00 out of the � general fund for the purpose of paying the cost of instelling a lawn bor�ling green in Liberty Park, Renton, tlashir�gton. Sect�on 3. The City Cauncil of the City oY Rent�n doea hereby declare � that they have found an emergency to eaist. aection 4. This Ordinance shall not be passed un�il one week after its introduction and it snall require the unanimous vote of the cou.ncilmea present , and the approval of the �a.yor. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effect�.ve five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. APP�OPED this 1st day of March, 1938. I�AYOR PASSID this lst day of I�arch, 1938, Approaed as to form: C Y—CLFRK � C�TY ATTOxNEY � �c�-- � 3, � R 3 � �R/�