HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0996 � `, t�� . •� , • ` f ' • , - � ''� •�� • �. - • ` `' �1�.:,� " . . � . . . � . . . . .. , � ; • , , , . , ORDINANCE �0. � An ordinance granting to The Pa.cific Telephone and Telegraph Company, its �uccessors and assigns, the right, ; privilege and franchise to do e general telephone and telegraph business within the City oP Renton, State of Washington, and to place, erect, lay, maintain, operate, repair, remove or replace in, upon and under the streets, alleys, avenues , thoroughfares , public highways and public grounds in said City oP Renton, poles, conduits, wires, cables and other applianees and conduc- tors for the transmission oP electricity for telephone , tele- graph and other allied purposes of communication. . The City Council oP the City of Renton does ordain as � follvws : ` Section 1. That the C�ty oP Renton does hereby grant to The Pacific Telephone and Teleg�a�h Company, its successors � and assigns, the right, privilege and franchise to do a general j telephone and telegraph business within said City of Reaton, and to place, ereet, lay, maintain, operate, repair, remove or replace in, upon and under the streets, alleys , avenues, thorough- Pares, public highways and public grounds oP the City of Renton, poles, conduits, wires, cables and other appliances and conduc- tors Por the transraission of electrieity Por telephone, telegraph and other allied purposes oP commuuication. Such wires , cables and other appliances and conductors may be strung on poles or � other Pixtures above ground, or at the option of the grentes, its successors or assigns , may be laid underground in pipes or conduits or otherwise protected, and such other apparatus may be used as may be necessary or proper to operate and maintain the same. �, f• ^ � • + •u , ,' , � . F 't h�*J Y[•. . , .`n� � 1 . � . �•' i • .. . „ . � . * . . ,. � ' i ,r , . Seetion 2. Zt sha31 be la�rful for said The Pacif�.e Telephone and Te3egraph C4mpany, its successors and assigns, to make a.11 needful excavations in any oP the street�, alleys, avenues, thoroughfares, public highwaps and public grounds i�[ the City oP Rentan, Por the purpose of placing, erecting, laying, maintaining, operating, removing, repairing, replacing poles, conduits or other supports ar canductors Por said wires aad cables. Said work ahall be done in compliance with the neces�ary rules, regul.ations, ordi- nances or orders which may, during the COA'��.At1S71Ck3 af this fran- chise, be adopted Prom time to time bg the City of Renton; provided, however, that all additions �o or chan�es in the present location of granteets pole plant structure will be made only urtder permit by the Ranton Citg Counc�l or such official of the Cit�r cr� Renton as xnay be lawfully designated. Sec�ion 3. Whenever The PaciPia Tel.ephane and Telegraph Company, its successors or assigns, shall disturb any of the streets, alleys, avenues, thoroughfares,publie highways ar publie grounds for the pazrposes aforesaid, it or they shall restore �ame to good order and condition as soon as passible without unnecessary aelay, and failing ta da sa the City of Renton shall have the right to fix a �I time whieh shall. be reasonable, within which such repairs and restora- tion oP streets shall be eompleted, and upon Pailure of such repairs j being made by said The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Compgny, its I� �uccessors or assigns, the Citp of Renton shall cause such repairs to � be made at tha expense oP sai.d The PaeiPie Telephone and Telegraph Company, its successors or assigns. Section 4. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construsd I in any wise ta prev�nt the proper authorities of said Citp aP Renton from sewering, grading, plankin�, rocking, pavi.ng, repairing, altering or improving any of the streets, alleys, avenues, thoroughfares and � public highways or places within said City ot' Renton in or upan whiah � � the poles, wires, or c►ther conductors af s�.id The Pa.eific Telephone and Telegraph Compan3r, its successors or ass3.gns, shall be plaeed, � _ 2 _ �� • Y. �' � � � .. . . . _ . . � � . . . , . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . � . . . . , , , , .. but all such work or improvements shall be done so as not to inter- rupt the telephone or telegraph service being rendered by �!he Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, its successors or assi�ns , e.nd if possible, so as not to obstruct or prevent the Pree use of s8id poles, wires, conductors, conduits or other apparatus ; provided, however, that when in the prosecution or maintenance oP street improvements by the City of Renton it becomes necessary to remove, relocate or ehange any oP the grantee�s poles, conduits , wires, cables, Pacilities, appli- ances or conductors located in any of the streets, alle�s , avenues , thoroughfares and public highways or places loeated �aithin said City of Renton, the same shall be done by and at the sole ezpense of the � grantee, its successors or assigns. Section 5. Whenever it becomes necessary to temporarily rearrange, remove, lower or raise the aerial cables, �rires or other apparatus of the grantee to permit the passage of any building, machin- ery or other ob3ects, the said gran.tee will perPorm such rearrangement on not less than seven (7 ) days' written notice from the person or persons desiring to move said building, machinery, or other ob�ect. Said notice shall bear the approval of the engineer or such other ofPi- cial as the Council may design�te; shell detail the route of movement oP the building, machinery or other ob�ects; shall provide that the costs incurred by the grantee in making sueh rearrangement of its aerial plant will be borne by the person or persons giving said notice; and shall Purther provide that the person or persons givin� said notiee will indemnify and save said gra ntee harmless of and from any and all damages or claims of whatsoever kind or aature caused directly or indirectly from such temporary rearra2agement of the aerial plant oP the grantee. Section 6. Whenever it becomes necessary to trim trees in public streets or places for the proper operation oP the lines and conductors of the said grantee, such trimming shall be done by competent employees of the grantee upon the "granting of a permit by the engineer or sueh other official as the Council of the City of ' Renton may designate. - 3 - r� _ � , . ti, . .` �' .'' , . - ` - �: ' - : �,. � . . . Sectian 7. In consideration af the rights and privi- leges hereby granted, the City of Rentan shall have, and the said The Paci.Pic Telephoue and Telegraph Company, it� �uccessors and I assigns, hereby grants tc, it during the life of this franchise, the right and privilege to place and maintain, where aarial con- struction exists, a Pixture on the top of poles erected and main-_ ta.ined under this franchise, to which may be attached wires not exceediug four {4} , a.nd where it has underground eonduit avail- able Por �uch purpose, said The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, its suceessors and as�igns, shall Purnish to the City of Renton one duct in its main underground eonduit �y�tem Pree of charge ta the �aid City of Reaton ta be used for the C�.ty�s , '"'`,�. lo�r tens ion police and f ire alarm purposes, � prov�.�.ea, ho�ever, that when accepted in sueh �oint use as in thi� section provided the Cit�r af Renton shall ccrnstruczt and maiatai.n its circu3ts, wires and appliances in accardance with accepted safety and construction standards and in no event shall the said ei.rcuits, wires or appliances af the said City of Renton be exposed to power lines or circuits of over Pive thousand (5040� volts without formal notice to and specifie written approval of grantee herein ia each such praposed exposure, which approval shall be eontingent i upon the provisions by said Gity of Renton oP such safe�3r and protection measures with respect to it� cireuits, wires and appliance� as will zneet the �tandard� prescribed by auch public authority a� ma�r have jurisdiction in the premises, ar at the option of the grantse a� may be by it considered adequate. �.nd pr�avided further that in ease af rearrangement of sa.id plant the said City aP Renton will at 3.ts own expense care for its ' own figtures, v�i.res and construetion; and provided further � that said The Pacifia Tslephvne and Telegraph Gompany, its - 4 - � � , � , ,.' . �`� .' ` ' �� � . �' , � . . . • , . - , , , - - � � � . ' . „ � �- suCCB.s�aT�a aAd ass�,�s� �SSUm� IIQ liab�l�ty �ahatsCseVer Bi�he� t0 �a�.d Ci�y Qr t+� an� persc�z�, Y�.rm or aorpvrat�.on vaha�soever Par an�r dm►ma�e or aiai,m s�f a�a;� kind �.r�.�3.ng ou� r�� the eflnstru.o�lan, , m�ixt�saxa�r��e, ��e�a��dn� re�ava�, c,� p�eser�ee Qf the equipme�t herein deser�.be�. ar�d to b� us�d by the Gity sb3.e�.� in �ain�ain- ing �h� e��'iC�.e�,r�� c��' it� f�.re a�arm sys�em �d �o�3.ee �orc�. S�c���,an 8. �n �'��ther czom��r�erati.vn e� t�e rigb.t� and gri��.leges h�re'�p ��an�t�d, the said Th� P�.��Yfa Tel�ph�� and Tel�e�raph C�mpar��, it� sz��ae�sor� aa�d ass3.gna, agr�e� tv fu�nish, in�tall and ma�.n�ain c�uring ti�e term aP this franehi.�t� and v�ithr�ut ch�.r�e to the Gity� c�t �eritoA, �'or lacal �ervice, - �'c,ur ��} busix��s� i.ndi�idual line hs�a�d set telephoiies and three � (�} bus3.nes� ex�t�nsion telephr�nes, +�r �he equi�tralent value there- 4� in Qthex lacsal bu��.ne�s s�rvice msasurea b� th� giled aud au�hori�ed r�tes, �'or the e�e�lusiv�a us� o�' tb� s�id Ci,ty o�' Rentan Por str�.ctiy mu�a.��ipal pur�dses, at �uch lc�catians w3.thi� the a�rporate 1Smits a� may be desi�natec� bp the �otu�ci3� 02' the �ity dP Re�"�o�; �.d the sa�,c2 The Pacifit� T�lephons and mel�gragh Compan�, its su�ee�sc�rs a�d a�s�,�,ns, �`urth�r �,��ee� �c� pay �.r�nna�.l�r to the �aid City c�P Rer�tQn from a�d aPter the date ot' ac�eptan�e oP t�i�.s 1'raz�ch�.se an,d during the per�.�d 3.� sb�ll remain ia effect t�o pe� ae�t �2�y per a:nnum a#' i�t� gr�s� ex- aha�g$ serv�.ee r+saeipt� der3,ved �ram tl�e telepht�ne� lt�aated tvi.t�ia �he iimi'�s af said Citp c�f Rsntcrn. Pay�nent of �sid t�rn per eent �2�} �t�a11 be made on or befnr� the Pirst da�r c+f �areh t�f each and every year ior ths ca�,end�r yeer �rec�ding, v�3.�h the ,y e�c�p'�ic�n �hat in the year i939 paym�n� �ha1�. be znad� t�r�lq f or �he perioc� eommer���.n� on the d�te th3.s franchise beeom�s ��'�`ect3.ve +�nd �nd 3.n.g an ��e+�mbe r �l, 1938. • ,. �, _ ♦ , . , . .. . ✓5r'� • ' � ��� .�. .� . .,' . . ' • " . ' . . � . �eet3on 9. �he r�gh��, �T�4�.Z.Bg6$ and �'Panc�h3se he�e- by granted sh�il c�onti�t�e and be �.n i'c�rc� �or �he period ot � twentp-#`i�ve �25� gesrs Prom an� a.fter the dste th3s or8inan°ce be�c�mg� ePfea�iv�3.. Seet3.an 1Q. This ordi.nanr�e shall taks et'Pec�t ar�d be 3.n Paree Prom ax�.d atter its passage gzrd Pive �5j days ��'�er the same shall have been duly publ.is&ed, and the s�id grantee shall, wit�in t�ii,rty► (30) days after the pa�sage r�t' thi� ord�,�.anee, t'31e �rith the csl.erk o1' �he City oP Renton its wxittea aceeptanc� o� �ll ot th� t�rm� and r�na�d�.�ions of this ord3.nan�ee, Pas�e�. �his ,_ �1. �� day of_,_,���Q�� ( 2 � X. �pprovea th#.s ,�.� ' �.., d�,y` of., ��/Urq�� I � � � Att e�t: .,,� � �/. - � , C i ty C 1 e rk I�Zayo r Approved as to form �'� �l i ty Atto rney. Publishe . �larch 24, 1938. �. Sr I ,�- _� r:,� . . -'., . � .. , . , � � � �r; WRITTEN �f1CCEPTrA�TCE OF ORDINANCE N0. 996 OF THE CITY 4F RENTON, W&SHINGTON To the Mayor and City Couuei.l of the City of Renton, �Iashington: WHERE�S, on the 22nd day of March, 1938, the City Couneil of the City of Renton passed Ordinance No. 996 entitled: An ordinance granting to The Pacif ic Telephone and Telegraph Company, its successors and asaigns , the right , privilege and franehise �to do a general telephone and telegraph business within the City of Renton, State oP Washington, and to place, erect, lay, maintain, operate, repair, remove or replace in, upon and under the streets, alleys, avenues, thoroughfares , public highways and public grounds in said City of Renton, poles, conduits, wires , eables and other appliances and conduetors for the transmission of electrieity Por tele- I phone, telegraph and other allied purposes of communication; and, t�'VHFREAS, said ordinance was duly signed by the Mayor oP said City and attested by the City Clerk of said City on �Iarch 22, 1938; and, � WHERFAS, the fr�nchise granted by said ordinanee was granted upon the condition that the said grantee should , accept the terms and conditions thereof in writing within thirty (30) days after the passage of said ordinanee. NO��Y, THEREFORE, KNO�Y ALL IVIEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company does hereby aceept said Ordinance No. 996 and the franchise granted thereby, together with all of the terms and conditions of the ordinance. i � �� . � �►,. � � �, ' � i• � •i �• • � r ��i��y' • �' I ,+ IN '�VITNESS WflEREOF, The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company has caused this 1�ceeptance to be duly executed this 3lst day of March , 1938. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TEL�JGRA�I3 - � - C OMPANY _ - . By _ Pr ent � r ,, -/ \� Attest .��1�� � , ,, . � Secretary �,w��.� R � .�w��F '� �r,,..as�a+ . �� � � �� � � � s�? � � -�� .�-�3 � ��� � �� ., � , , � ::. � '��:3, -- ��.�