HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1002 � 1,: ..� - f � . r G1 ��e1 � � , " t ORDINANC3� N0. 1002. AN OR�INANCE OF. THE CITY OF RENTON, 1fdASHINGTON DEC7�A8ING T�i6T TH�RE EXISTS A POBLIC E�RG.II+TCY OTHER THAN ONE OF THOSE IIrTUlI�BRATED IN REMII�GTON'S � REVIS�D STATUTES, SECTION 9000-6 WHICH SATD F�BGENCY COULD NOT REASONABLY � �� HdgE BEEN FC3�?ESE� AT THE TIME OF MAKING T!� BUDGET FOR �'HE YEAR 1938 AND APPR4P8IATING TH� SUIiI OF F'IVE r�UNDRLD DOLI,AtZS FOR `�`'HE IMPROVL��NT OF LIBERTY PARK BY CONSTRUCTIIdG �FST ROOI� A,ND QTHE'R �1ISCE�OUS I�ItI'ROVl�'1ENTS. THE CITY COUIZCIL OF THE CITY OF RIIJTON DO OF�AIN AS �'OLLOWS: SECTION l. �REAS it has become necessary and e$pedient, fQr the full ttae anri enjoyment of Liberty Park in the City of 8enton to construct rest rooms and other miscellaneous improvements, and VYHEREAS it has been estimated that the cost to the Gity for the con- . � atructing of said rest rooms and other miscellaneoezs improvements �ill be the� sum of �500.00. ,•`� �PCTION 2. That there be and there hereby is a ppropriated, in addition to the amourit of the budget for -�he �ear 1938, the sum oY �500.00 ou.t of the ', general fund for the purpose of paying the coet of constru.eting rest rooms ' � , � i and other miscellaneous improvements in Liberty Park, Ren.ton, Washington. � SECTZON 3. The City Council of the City of Renton does h�reby declare that they have found an emergency to exist. � ' SECTTON' 4. 2�hhis Ordinance sha11 no� be passed untii one,razeek af'ter its introduction and it shall requ.ire the unanimo�zs vote of the councilmen present and the approval of the mayor. , , SECTIQId 5. This Ordinance s hall become effeetive five (5) days from , and after its pa�ssage, a ppro�al and legal publication. 2nd August APPROVED tlsi� � day of � 1938. 2nd da O� A YOR y ugus t 19 38. PASSED this I$�xac�r�����. , GI TY CI,ERK l�PPROVED AS TO FOR� This Ordinance was introdu�ed at the re�ular Council meeting CITY ATTOFtIJEY \ July 5, 1938.