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'_�• G��e-.� � G�"�E.' �/r�l��'C
- oxDar��c� �To. io�74 ����' �`� 3.s`�
,�! �
VIUL�'iTIUN HEREUF AND REPEALING (�R�C�.TANC�S NU. 6, 10, 11, ,.., a �o�s
17, 1�, 21, z2o, 175� 207, 256, 257, 264� 371, �.vl� 455� �5�� 32�a�
5b2, 5b4, 571, 733�, 74U, $18, 828, 852, 873, 905, AND 1035. I
3 r�-�
The City Council of the City of Renton Do Ordain as Follows: �f�iZ
SECTION l. This �rdinance shall be referred to and known as the"Renton
Penal Code."
S�CCTION 2. T+�RDS. Words and phrases used nerein in the past, present
or future tense shall include the past, present and future tenses; words and
phrases used herein in the masculine, fem3nine or neuter gender snall include
the masculine, feminine and neuter genders; and words and phrases �.sed herein
in the singular or plural shall include the singular and plural; un�ess the
context thereof shall indicate to the contrary.
SECTION �. DEFINTlvG PER�N. The werd "person�� hereby used.in this
�rcli.nance shall, when necessary, be held and construed to mean and include
natural persons of either sex, associations, copartnerships, and corporations,
whether a�ting by themselves or by servant, agent or employee; the singular
number shail, when necessary, be held and construed to include the plural, and
the mascu�ine pronoun to inciude the ferr�i.nine.
SECTIQN �.. CUSTS UF PROSECUTION. 'Whenever anyone is convicted of an
offense under any section af fh is Fenal Code, or section of any other City
Ordinance, in addition to the fine imposed he must pay the costs of prose-
cution. In defau].t of such payment h� sha11 be imprisoned until such fine is
paid or workec3 out on a basis of three (�3•�) dollars per each day of
Ordinance of the City of Renton, shall be deemed a misdemeanor and may be
prosecuted by the authorities of the City of Renton in the name of the people
of the State of Washington or may be redressed by civil action at the option
of sai� authorities of the City of Renton.
SECTION b. PUBLTC UFFTCER DEFINEII. A public officer as used Y:�rein
shall comprise: Police officers, City health officer, street and water
superintendent� and City engineer or their dL:l.y authorized deputies.
SECTIUN l. 1NTE�.F"�R.ING WITH PUBLIC UFFICER. Every person �io, by
means of ar�y threat, f orce or violence, shall attempt to deter or prevent any
executive or a,dministrative officer from performing any duty imposed upon him
by 1aw, ar who shall knowlingly resist by force or violence any executive or i
administrative officer in the performance of his duty, shall be guilty of a
SECTION 2. RESCUIidG Pt�I�P�R. Every person w�o sha11, by force or
fraud, rescue from lawfu.L custody, or from an officer or person having him
in lawfu.L custody, a prisoner held upon a charge, arrest, commitment, con-
viction or sentence for ar.y crime, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
SECTIOD� 3. TAKING PRGPERTY FRC�'I .AN UFFIGER. E4ery person who shall
take from the custody of any officer or ot�er person any personal property
in his charge under any process of law, or who shall willfully injure or
des�troy such property, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
SECTION !�, ESCAPED PRTSOI��� RECAPTURED. �very person in custody,
under sentence of imprisonment for any crime, who shall escape fron custody,
may be recaptured and imprisoned for a term equal to the unexpired portion
of the original term.
. - �� . , •
SECTIDN 5. AIDING YRISt7NER TO ESCAPE. Every person who, with intent to
effect or facilita.te the eGcape of a prisoner, whether such escape shall be
effected or attempted or not, shall convey or send to a prisoner any informa-
tion or aid, or convey or send into a prison any disguise, a.nstrumer t, �reapon
or other t�ing, or �.id or assist a prisoner inescaping or atterrLpting to escape
from the lawf�zl custody of a sheriff or ot,her officer or person, shall be
gu.il.ty of a misdemeanor if such prisoner is held upon a charge, arrest, cormiit-
ment, conviction or a sentence for any crime.
officer who, in violation of any legal du-ty, shal"1 willfully neglect or refuse
to receive a person into his official custody or into a prison under his charge,
shal.l, in a case where no other punishment is specia�?:Ly pronided by law, be
guilty of a misa.emeanor.
after having been lawfully com.manded by any magistrate to arrest another person,
shall willfully neglect or reft�se to do so; and every nersor_ who, after havir_g
been 7.awF'ully commanded to aid an officer in arresting any person, or in re-
ta.king any person who has escaped from l�.wful custody, or in executing any
lawful process, shall willfully neglect or refuse to aid such officer shall be
guilty of a misdemear.or.
SECTIOR� 8. RESISTI.�-G PUBLIC OFrICER. Every person who, in any case or
under any circ�unstances not otherwise special.ly provided f or, shali willfu]1y
resist, delay or obstruct a public officer in discharging or attempting to
discharge any legal duty of his office, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
SECTIaN 9. OBSTRUCTIT�TG YUBLIC UF�ICER. Every person,who, after due
notice, shall refuse or neglect to make or furnis:z any sta.tement, report o.r
information lawfully required of him by any public officer, or who, ir. such
statement, report or information shall ma�E any �rillfully untrue, misleadi:�g
or e�ggerated statement, or who shall wi7.Ifully hinder, delay or obstruct any
public officer ir the discharge of his official powers or duties, sha11 be
guilty of a misdemeanor.
SECTICN I0. �1ALICIOUS 1'lZUSECITTION. Every person who shall, maliciously
and without probable cause therefor, cause or attempt to cause another to be
arrested or proceeded against for any crime of which he is innocen t--(1) If
, such crime be a misdemeanor, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
SECTIObT 11, CRIT�IINAL CONTEI�'T, Every person wn.o sY:all commit a conter��t
� of court of an� one of the following kinds shall. be guilty of a misdemeanor:
(1) Disorderly, contemptuous or insolent behavior comm�i.tted dus�ing the
sitting of the court, in its i.•rimediate vie�r and pressnce, and directly t�nding
to i.nterrupt its proceeding or to impair the respect d.ue to its authority; or,
(2) Breach of the peace, noise, or other disturbance directly tending to
interrupt the proceedings of a c ourt, jury or referee; or,
(3) Cont�macious and unlaz�rful. refusal to be stiorn as a witress, or after
being sworn, to answer any legal and proper inter•rogatory.
SECTION l. xSSAULT. lin assault is an attempt in a rude, insolent and
angry manner, unlawfully to touch, stril�e, beat or t•rou.nd another ;�erson, coupled '
with a present �.bility to carry such attempt into execution, and every person
committing such assaalt shall be guilty of a inisdemeanor.
SECTION 2. ASSAUT,T Ai�TD �ATTERY. Assault and battery is the unlawful
beating of another, or a consumated attempt to unlawfully touch, strike, beat
or wound anot;ier person. Every person convicted of an assault and battiery
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
SECiIOR? 3. T'R�VOKING xSSAULT. Every person who sh all by word, sign or
�esture, willfully provoke, or attempt to provoYe, ano�her person. to commit
an assault or breach of the peace, shall be guilty of a mis�emeanor.
CHAP'Y'ER 1��.
SECTIUN l. UBSCENE LI'I'EP-u1TL'RE--OBSCyTIE ACT. Ever�r person who--
, (1) Shall sell, lend, or give away, or have in his possession with intent
to sell, iend, giva awa.y or whow aray obscene or indecent book, magazine, pamphlet,
newspaper, story paper, �,rriting, picture, draw:ing, photograph, or any article
or anstrument of indecent or immoral character; or, who shall design, copy, draw,
photagraph, print, utter, publish or otherwise prepare such a book, picture,
drawd.ng paper or other article; or write or print any circular, advertisement
or notice of any kind, or give oral information stating when, where, hoY� or of
whom such an indecent or obscene article or thing can be purchased or obtained;
(2) Shall lend, se.L:l., give away or have in his poss�ssion with intent to
sell, Iend, give away or show any book, pamphlet, magaz�ne, newspaper or otner
printed paper devoted to the publication, or largely made up of crimi.nal neti�s,
police reports, accounts of crimi.nal deeds, or pictures and stories of deeds of
bloodshed, lust or crime; or, I
(3) Sha1Z exhibit within the view of any minor any of the books, papers I
or ot:�er tn ings, hereinbefore enumerated; or, �
(f�) Sha11 hire, use or employ, or having custody or control of his per-
son shall permit any minor to sell, give away, or i.n any manner distribute any
article hereinbefore mentioned; or, I
(5) Sha"11 cause to be performed or exhibited, or engage in the perform-
ance or exhibition of any obscene, indecent or immoral show, act or performance;
Shall 'be guiZt� of a misder�eanor. '
SECTIOI� 2. GAN�LIP,G. rONIlUCTING �AMBLING. Every person who shall open,
conduct, carry on or operate, whether as owner, manager, agent, dea"ler, cler'.-�, -
or anployee, and whether for hire or not, any gambling game or game of char_ce,
played with cards, dice, or any other device, or any scherne or device whereby
any money or property or any representative of either, may be bet, wagered or
hazarded upon any chance, or any ur_certain or contingent event, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor.
SECTTUI�? 3. C�9.RIBLING. Every person whe shall bet, wager or hazard any
money or property, or any representative of either, upon any game, scheme or
device, opened, conducted, carried on or operated i.n violation of secti.on 2
of this chap°�.er, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
SECTIUI3 �.. POSSESSIOIv OF C��IBLIAIG DEVI�ES. Every person who shall have
in his possession or shall permit to be placed or kept in any building or boat,
or gart thereof, owned, leased or occupied by him, an�r table, slot machine, or
any other article, device or apparatus of a kind commonly used for gambiing, or ,
operated for the losing or winning of any money or property, or any represent-
ative of either, upon any ch2r�ce or uncertain or contingent event, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor.
SECTION 5. PGOLS�LLING AND BOOK-MAKING. Ever y person, whether acting
in his ot�n behalf, or as an agent, servant or employe;: of another person within.
or outsids of this City, who sha11 sell any pool, make any boolc, or receive, ',
record, register, transmit or forward an;� bet or wager, or any money or
property or thing of value designed or intended to be bet, wagered or hazar-
ded, upon tdle result of any c ontest ar trial of skill, st�eed or endurance
between men or beasts, whether such cor.test or trial take place wi.thin or
outside of this City, or upon the result of any lot, chance, casualty or uncer-
tain or contingent ever.t whatever, shal"1 be gui:lty of a misdemeanor.
SECTION 6. ALLt3ZrTING BUILDI�IG TU BE USLD. Every person being in posses-
sion or control of anv tent, building, f7.oat or vessel, ar part thereof, who
shall knowingly permit the same, or any part thereof, to be used for gambiing,
swindling, poolselling, or boo�c-maki.ng, or for betting, wagering or hazarding
money or property, or any representative of either, upon any game, scheme, or
device, or upon the result of any lot, chance or uncertain or contingent
event whatever, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
the duty' o� a11 �ool.ice officers to search for and seize all tables, slot
machines, or other articles, m.�chine, device or apparatus of the kind coramonly
used for ga�^bling, or operated for t�ie winning or losing of money or property,
or any re:p resentat�ve of either, upon any chance or uncertain or contingent
� ' . . ' • � I
event. If in the judgment of +�ne Yolice Judge any of such articles may be
useful as evidence in the trial of any case, he may order the same held for such
trial; otherwise, he sha11 order the same to be forthw:ith destroyed. After
the final hearing and disposition of any case in which any of said articles may
be held or used as evidence, whether such case result in a convlction or
acquittal, the Police Judge having jurisdiction of such case shall forthwith
order all such articles destroyed.
disturb any r�ligious society or congregation, when met together for publi.c
worship� by making a noise or by rude and i.ndecent behavior within their place
of worship, or so near the same as to disturb the order or solemnity of the
meeting, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. I
SECTION 9. DRTJNKE�V�SS. Every person who sha:tl become intoxicated by ��,
voluntarily drinking intoxicating liquors, and who, while iritoxicated sha11
loiter abou� any place where intoxicatzng liquors are sold or kept for sale,
or cre�te any disturbance or use any profane or indecent Ianguage in any private
or public place, street or meeting, or commit any assault or breach of tne peace,
sh all be guilty of a misdemeanor.
shall drink any intoxicating liquor �n any public conveyance, except in a com-
partment or place where sold or served under the authority of a license lawfully
issued, shall be gu.ilty of a misdemeanor.
shall use in �he presence ot any person an�r indecent or vulgar language, or who
shali appear upon any public road or street or i.n any or upon any public place .
or conveyance in any indecent, drunken or ma.udlin condition or bois�erous manner
shal"1 be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof sh�.11 be
punished accordingly.
SECTI�N Z2. BAWDY HUUSE. Tnh�.oever sb.all, in the City of Renton keep a
bawdy house, or house of prostitution, or assignation house, or shall permit
any building house or tenement under his or her control to be used for such
purposes, shall upon conviction thereof be fined not less than twenty (�20.00}
doLtars nor more than three hundred ($�300.00) dollars, or imprisoned not less I
than ten (1(�) nor more than ninety days (90), or by both sucn fine and imprison-
ment. Prov:ided, that both the landlord who knowlingly permits his premises to I
be so used and the Manager of such,house sha11 be liable t'or punishment as here-
inbefore provided, for a violation of this ordinance.
S�CTIvN 13. IPu�ECEI�T E�USURy. Every person who shall know.i.ngly make
an i.ndecent and public exposure of his or her person, shall be guilty of a
who is an ir.mate of, or who solicits for, or who visits a Bawdy House shall be
guilty of a mis�emeanor, Provided, this section does not apply to those hatring
law�ul business in such a house.
SLCTT�_aN 15. STANDING STALLIUid; E'I'C. Any person who shall stand any
stallion, aacl�ass, bull or boar within the corporate limits of this town,
unless the same be concealed from public view, snd clear from any improper
exhibition, shall be subject to a fine of not more than ten (�10.00) dollars.
SECTIOTd l. PUBLIC RiUISAI�TCE. A nublic nuisance is a crime against the
order a.nd economy of' the state. Every building, place or premises
(1) Tnlherein any gambling, swindling game or device, bookmaking, pool-
selling, or any ager,cy therefore shall be condu.eted, or any article, apparatus
or devlce usefL�1 therefore shall be kept; or,
(2) Trdherei.n any fighting between men or animals or birds shall be
conducted; or,
(3} taherein any i.n-�oxi.cating liquors are kept for unlawtul use, sale or
distri�ution; or,
(l�) Where vagrants resort; and �
(5) Wherein cattle, hogs, sheep or other animals are slaughtered, and
Every act done and every ommission to perform a duty, which act or ommission
(1) Sha11 annoy, injure or endanger tk�.e safety, health, comfort, or
repose of a�y considerable number of persohs; or,
(2) Sha11 offend public decency; or,
(3) Shall unlawfully interfere with, bef oul, obstrizct, or tend to ob-
struct, or render dangerous f or passage, a pubiic park, square, street, ailey,
sidewaJ�c or high��ay; or,
(J�) S!�a11 in any way render a co3�siderable number of persons insecure in
life or tne use o.f proper�y;
Sha11. be a public nuisance.
Every person who
(1) Shai.l throw, place, leave, or cause or permit ta be throVm, placed or
left, any ashes, dirt, fi"lth or rubbish in or upon any street, avenue, alley or
sidewalk in the city; or,
(2) ShaLl permit such ashes, �irt, filth or rubbish to remain after notice
to remove the same b� the Street and ?�Tater Superintendent or Health Officer; or,
(3) Sha11 throw, nlace or leave or cause to be placed, thrown or left in or �I
' upon an�T street, avenue or a11ey or sidewalk of the City, any paper or card,
' hand-bill, dodger, advertisement, notice or �ta.ste naper.
Sha11 have committed a public nuisance.
' S�CTION 1-1 SPITTIl'TG IN YUBLIC YL.4CES. Every person who shall expec-
torate or spit on the floor of any public conveyance, public building or in any
hall or entrance or any place where entertaznmen ts or lodge meetings are held or
on any side*�a.lk in the City of R�nton shall. be guilty of a nuisance and upon
conviction shall be fined in� any sum not to exceed �25.00.
SECTI N 1�-�? NUISA�TCE--DETRZT�TvTAI, T{?.FiEALTH. Tt sha7..�. be unlawful for
an,y person �o ow or permit upon any prem7.ses owned, occupied or controlled
by them, any nuisance detrimental to health or any accumulation of filth, garbage
decaying animal matter or vegetable m.a,tter or any animal or human excrement.
Every person violating the provisions of this section sha11 be guilty of a
�ECTTON 1-3 l3ENALTY FOR FAILURE TO CU�PsLY t�ti'IT?-I IvTOTICE. If` within three
(3) days after receiving a proper notice in writing for the abatement of any
nuisance detrimental to �ealth, or source of filth as defined in section 1-2
hereof, such notice to be signed by the City Kealth t3fficer, the person o�ning,
oceupying or eontrolling such pre:�ises shall fail, negleet or refuse to remove
the same, such nuisancs may be removed or abated by order of the Heal�tn �fficer
of the City of Renton, and the person on whom such notice for the removal of
san:e wa� served, in addition to incurring tne penalty in this Ordinance provided
shall become indebted to the City of ftenton for the damages, costs and charges
incurred by the City in the removal of such nuisance. Such cos�ts and charges to
be recovered by a civil action brought by said City against said person so
served with such notice.
co�rnnit or mainta.in a pub:lic nuisance, for which no special punishment is pre-
scribed; or who snall willf,illy omit or refuse to perform any legal duty relating
to the removal of such nuisance; and every person �o shall let, or permit to be
used, any building or boat, or portion thereof, knowing that it is intended to
be, or is being used, f or committing or ma.intaining ar�,� such nuisance, shall be
gizilty of a misdemeanor.
SECTION 3. pBATII�tT OF NLISANCE. The magistrate before whom there may bs
pending any proceeding for a violation of section 2, except sucr. nuisance as is
defined ir sec�tion 1-2 hereof, shall, in adaition to any fine or other punish-
ment �ich it may impose for such violation, order such nuisance abated, and all
property unlawfully used in the maintenance thereof destroyed by the Chzef of
Police at the cost of the defendant.
SECTION 1t. KEEPING EX?l:,US�VES L�NLA��'[1I.�Y. Every person who shall. make or
keep any explosive or combustible substance in the City of �enton, or carry it
through the streets thereof in a quantity, or manner prohibited by 1aw, or by
City Ordinance; and every person, who, by careless, negligent or unauthorized
use or managem�nt of any such explosi�re or combustible subst�nce, shall injure or
cause injury to the person of another, shall be gui.tty of a misdemeanor.
as used in this Ordinance means any firearm with a barrel less than twelve (12)
I inches in length.
��Crime of Vio.tence'� as used in this Urdinance means any of the following
crimes or an attempt to commit any of tne same: Murder, manslaughter, rape,
ma�hem, first degree assault, robbery, burglary and kidnaping.
SECTIvN 5-2 COMMTT`PING CRIME ��-IEN ARI�IED. If any person shall. commit or
attempt to commit a crime of violence when armed with a pistol or other let�.al
weapon, he may be, in addition to the punishment provided for the crime, punished I
also as provided by this �rdinance.
person for commiti.ng or attempting to commit a crime of violence, the fact that I
he was armed with a pistol or other lethal weapon and had no Iicense or lawful
authority ta carry the same shall be prima facie evidence of his intention to
commit said crime of violence.
been convi.cted in this state or elsewhere of a crime of violence, shall own a I�
pistol or have one in his possession or under his control. I
SECTTJN 5-� C�RRYIIwTG PISTOL. DTo person shall carry a pistol in any vehicle I
or conceal on or about his person, except �n his place of abode or fixed placz of
business, without a license as provided by law.
SECTION 5-6 �.'XCEPTTON. The provisions of the preceding section sha11. not
apply to marshals, sheriffs, prison ^r jail wardens or their deputies, policemen
or other law-enforcement officers, or to members of the army, navy or marine
corps of the United States or of the national guard or organized reserves when
on duty, or to regularly eurolled members of any organization duly authori�ed
to purchase or receive such weapons fram the United States or from this sta.te,
or to regularly enrolled memb�rs of clubs organized for the purpose of target
shooting and affiliated with a national shooting organization: Provid:d, such
members are at or are going to or fron their places of assembly or target prac-
tice, or to officers or employees of the United States duly authorized to carry
, a concealed pistol, or to any person engaged in the business of manufacturing,
repairing, or deali.ng in firearms or the agent or representative of any such
person havi.ng in his possession, using, or carr�ring a pistol in the usual or ordi-
nary course of such business, or to any person while carrying a pistol unloaded
and in a sec:ire wrapper from the place of p-urchase to his home or place of busi-
ness or in raoving from one place of abode or business to another.
SECTIUN 5-7 ISSUE UF LICENSE TU CARI�Y. The Chief of Police shall upon
the applica��i.on of any person issue a Iicense to such person to carry a pistol
in a vehicle or concealed on or about his person within this state f or not more
than one year from date of issue, if it appears tha,t the applicant has good
reason to fear an injury to his person or property, or has any other proper
reason f or carrying a pistol, and that he is a suita,ble person to be so licensed.
The license shall be in triplicate, in form to be preseribed b�� th� state director
of 1.icenses, and shall bear the name, address, description and signature of the
licensee and the reason given for desiri.ng a Iicense. The original thereof shall
be delivered -to the licensee, the duplicate shal.]. within seven days be sent by
registered mail to the director of licenses and the triplicate shall be preserved
for six �rears, by tne authority issuing the said license. The fee for such
license shall be one (�1.OQ) dollar which shall be paid into the state treasury.
�CTIOI� 5-8 DEI,IU'-r;RY TO IxIII�fURS AND UTHERS FOr'�BIDDEIv. No person shall
deliver a pistol to any person under the age of twenty-one or to one whom. he has
reasonable cause to believe has been convicted of a crime of violence, or is a
drug addict, an habitual drun'-card, or of unsound mind.
SECTI�N 5-y SALES REGULATED. No seller shall deliver a pistol to the
purchaser thereaf nntil forty-eight nours shall have elapsed from the time of
the application for the purchase thereot, and, when delivered, said pistol shall
be securel;� wrapped and shall be �anloaded. At the time of applying for the
purchase of a pistol the purchaser sha11 sign in triplicate and deliver to the
seller a statement containing his full name, address, occupation, color, birth
�lace, the da.te and hour of applica�ion, the caliber, make, model and manu-
facturer�s number of the pistol to be purchased and a statement that h.e has
never been convicted in this state or elsewhere of a criirle of v�olence. The
seller shall �zi.than six hou..rs after such application, sign and attach his
address and forward by registered mail one copy of such statement to the Chief of
Police; the dupZicate duly signed by tY�e seller s:�all wi�hin seven days be sent
by him with his �.d�:ess to the director of licenses; the triplicate he shall
retain for six years. This sectian shall not ap�:ly to sales at wholesale.
SECTION 5-l� DEAl.�i,R5 TU BE L-IC�1i �D� I�o reta�l dealer sha.11 sell or
otherwise transfer, or expose for sale or transfer, or have in his possession
with intent to sell, or otherwise transf'er, any pistol without being licer.sed as
provided by 1aw.
SECTIUN 5-ll CERTAII�i Tl?1kP�SFEFtS FURLIDisEN. No person ot.�er than a duly
licensed dealer sha11 make arzy loan secured by a mortgag:e, deposit or pledge af
a pistol. Any licensed dealer receiv�sig a pistol as a deposit or pledge �or a
loan shall ?�eep such records and make such reports as are �rovided by law for
pawnbrokers and second-hand deaZers in cities of' the first cl.ass. A duly licensed
dea.ler may mortgage any pistol or stock oi pista7.s but st3ali not deposit or pledge
the same �rith any oti�er person. �io person sha.il lend or give a pistoi to another
or otherwise deliver a pistoi cont,rary to th� provisions o� �.is urdinance.
SECTI�N 5-1.2 FAt,SE I:NFUR�3ATTuN Fi)ftB731DEN. No person �nall, in p�rchaszrig or
ot�erwise securing delivery o� a pistol or in applying �or a license to carry tl�e
same, give fal.se information or otfer talse evidence oi t�s identity.
� SECTIC71v 5-i3 ALTERATIOR OF �EI�T�FY�1G NiABKS YRUHIBI�D. No person shall
change� alter� remove, or obliterat,e ttie name ar ttle maker, model, marYufacturer's
number, or other mark o� ident�.fication oa ar�y pistol. Yossessi�n ot any pistul
upon which any suah mark sha11 nave been changed, altered, remaved, or obli#,erated
sha].l be prima tacie evidence tnat the gossessor has changed� altered, removed,
or obliterated the same,
�ECTIuN 5-1.t�. E%C�PT3UNS. Thi.s urflinance �a.i1 not apply to ant,ique
pi�tois unsui.table f'or use as firearms and possessed as curiosities or orna:
SECTION 5-15 IviACHINE GUluS---YRuHTBITIuDJ. Tha.t it sha11 be unlawful for
�any person to man�acttzre, own� bc�y, sell, 1oan, Yurnish, transport, or izave in
possession, or under con-trol, an�r machine g�n: r�rovided, ho�ever, that sweh
li.mitation sha11 not apply to ar�,y poi.iee o�ficer in the discc�arge of o�#icial
dut�, or� to any o�ficer or member a� tne armed forces of tiie United States or
th� ��Ga.te ot Wast�ington. , i
SECTIuN 5��.b MACHINE Gt�N DEFINID. For the purpose oi t�hi.a urdinance a I
machine gu� is defined as any tirearm or weapon kno�n as a machine gun, mechanicat !�
ri�se, submachine gun, and/or ar�y vtner tiaeapon, mechanism, or �nstrument not j
requiring that tne trigger be pressed for eaeh shot and naving a reservoir clip,
dise� drum, belt, or other separable mechanical de�i.ce for storing, carrying� or
supply3ng auununition �iich can be loaded into such w�apon, mechanism, or instru-
ment� and fZred there2rom at the ra�e af five or more shots per second.
HECTT�N �-1'l MACi�INE GU't�S �R Y1�R�S CciNTRABAND: .Ai7. machine guris, or parts I
ttzereot, illegaily held.or possessed are hereby declared to be contraband, and
it shall be the dutp o�' ai:l police officers to seize said �chine gun� �r par�s
thereof, wherever and �menever �ound.
SECTIuN 5-18 D9N�ERQUS �APE?NS--EVIDIIvCE. Every person �mo shall mar�u-
facture, se�..l or dispose of or have in his possession any instrvment or weapon
o�' the kind usually kno�m an slung shot, saz�d clnb, or met,al knuckles; sha11
furtively carry or concea3. any dagger, dirk, kn.ue� ar o�ther dangerous weapon;
or �ho shall use any contrivance or device for suppressing the noise of any tire-
arm, sha11 be guilty o� a misdemeanor.
SFCTIC]N 5-i9 DISCHAftGTiV�B F.LR:EA�tM 7.�t CITY, Ar�q perscm �ho shau �.thin the
limits o� the City of Renton� fire off or discbarge any gun, pistol or tz.rearncc d�
any kind �rit,tiont ia�ul authority, shall be guilt�r' of a misdemeanor.
SECTIu� '�. uB,S�'RUCTING F�. Every person wtiv at the burning ot ar�y
building shall be gu5.lty of any disobedience to tne lat�ul orders of a pub:lic
o�ficer or tireman or o� resistance to or interEerence with the law�ul efforts
o� anp Pireman, or company ui izrem�en to ext�.nguish the same, or of disorderly I
conduct 1ikely to in�-,erfere with the extinguislunent thereot, or who shall �orbid,
prev�ent or dissuade others rrom assisting to extinguish such fire, shall be guil.ty
o�' a misdemeanor.
SECTTON $. �'i�K1�Ti. TG, W'f�RE rBuHIBITED. Every person wno shall ligt�t a pipe,
cigar or cigarette in, or wno shall enter wit�h a lighted pipe, cigax or cigarette,
any mi11 or other bui].ding on �hicn is posted in a cvnspicuous place over and near
each principal entrance a notice in plain, legible characters, stating tnat no
smolsing is al].owed i.n such bui.lding, shal7. be guilty of a misdemeanor.
SECTIuN 9. DFFOSIT vr� UIJ�IQLESUME SUBSTANCE. Every person wha shal.i deposit,
1.eave or keep, on or near a nighway or route ot public travei, on land or water,
a.r�+� unwholesome substance; or who sha1.1 establish, ma3.nta�.n or carry on� upon or
near a highway or route of public �travel, on larid or �a,ter, any business, trade
or manuracture w�aicn is noisome or detriment.al to.the public hea:lth; or who shall
deposiL or cast into the lake or rivers of RQnton, the otfal from or the dead
body o� any animal, sha]1 be gua.l.�y ot a misdemeanor.
SECTTON lu. AI,LVT�ICNG VI:CIvUS ANIl�AAL AT LARGE. Every person having the care
or cnstudy vt an,y an5mal kiiown to possess any vicic3us or dangerous tendencies,
�ho shall allow the same to escape or run at large ia any place or m�anner liable
to endanger the safety o�' aay person shall be gu:i.J.ty of a misdemeanor; and ar�r
person may lawfully kill sucn an�ma]. when reasonably necessary ta prntect hi.s ovn
or ths pub.ii.c safety.
SECTION 11. Dl"SEASES AI�ttII�ALS--DIS�k'uSAL uF C1RCA�SSES. Every per9o� o�ming
or having in charge any an.imal tnat rias died or been k�.11ed on account o�' disease,
shall immediately buxy the caxcass t,hereo� at :Least three feet underground, or
cause tne same to be conswned by �ire. No person enall sell ar otfer to sell or
give away the carcass o� any aninia7. Y,�aich died or was killed on �ccount os disease,
or convey the same along any public raad or land not hie o�m. Every �io.i.ation
� of any provision or this secta.on sha11 be a misdemeanor.
SECT10N 12. DciUR uF rUB1,IC BU3LD.CNG5 Tu SW�NG vU�i+�ARD. 2'he doors of a11
�eat,ers, senool bui].di.ngs, churcnes, public halls, or places used for pubiic
entertainments, e�ibita.ons or meeting�, which ara .used e�lusively or in part
for admission to or egress from the same, or any part thereof, ��a11 be so hung
and ax�anged as to open outward'ly, and during any ex�.i.bition� enterta.inment vr
meeting, shall be dept unlocked and unfastened, and iri sucti condition that in
case o�' danger or necessity, immediate eseape f�oan s��.ch bvilding sha11 nat be
prevented or delayed; and every agent or lessee of �.� such building wtio shall
rent the same or allow it to be used for any ot the aforesaid pu�lic purpos�s
without having the doors t�ereor hung and arranged as hereinbefore provided, shali
tor each violation of ar�y proviaion oi this section, be guil.ty of a mi.�demeanor.
SECTIUN l. DISTIJRBING I�TING. Every person �o, �ithout authority of' law,
stiall. �rilltul],y da.sturb ar�r assembiy or meeting not unlawsut in ita characfi�er,
shall be guilty oi a misdemeanor. ,
SECTIUN 2. RIUT, DEFINED. Wnenever three or more persons, having assembled
for ar� purpose, stzal.l disturb the pubiic peace by using f orce or violenee to any
other person, or to �roperty� or sha11 threaten or att,empt to commit such disturb-
ance, or to do any unlat,rru.l act by tne use ot rorce or vi.olence, accompanisd �d�tt�
the power o� innediate s�necu�,ion oi' such ttireat c�r attempt, they shall be guilty
of a ri�t, and the same is a misdemeanor.
SECTIuN� 3. IINLAI+�N'QL ASS�L3LY. Whenever three �r more persons sha11 ass�mble
xith intent---
(1 j To commi.t any unlaw�u.j. act by force; or,
(2} To carry out a�ay purpose in sucn manner as to disturb the pulic peace; or,
(3) Be:i.ng assembled� sf�alL attempt vr threaten any act tending toward a
breach of tne peace, or an injury to pera�s or property, or any unlaw�ul act---
sueh assembly is un].awtul, and every person participata.ng therin by� his presence�
aid or instigata.on� sha11 be guitty oi a a�i.sdemeanor: �'rovided, that prior
to mak� arrests an order to disperse be given, and a reasonable time allowec3
�'or suc� dispersion. ,
SECTION tt, uFFENSES :[N YUBLIC CONVEYANCES. Evexy person �ho sha11 wilfully
use profane, offensive, or a:ndecent ianguage or engage in any qnarrel in at� public
conveyance, or interfere with or annoy axty passenger therein, or� havirig reYused
to pay trie proper fare, shal3. rail to ieave any such conveysnce upon demand, ors
with inter�t to avoid �the payment of fare sha11 ride upon any car cr engine not
co�nonly used for �he carriage oi passengers, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
SECTIuN 5. DTSU.RDEftLY CONDUCT. Any �onduct not herein specif'icaZly des-
cribed which tends to ar �oes elisturb the public peace, provoke disorder, or
endanger the safety of ot,hers, shall be unla�ful, and any person guilty ot a
violatxfln o�' this section shall be fined not more than ane hundred (�1uU«00)
doliars. or confined n.ot more than thi.�r�ty {3U) days in, jail.
SECTION 1. LARCENY. Every person who, with intent to deprive or detraud
the o�mer thero�'--(i) Shali take, l.ead or drive away ttie property �t another; or,
(2) �tiall obtain �ram the owner or another ttie possession or title to ar�,y
propprty, real or pErsonal., by color or aid of any order for the payment or
deli�r�ry of property or money or any check or draft, kn�wing t�hat the maker or
drawer of such order, check or draft was not auth.ori2ed or entit,�.ed to ma.ke or
draN the same, or by color or aid ot ar�y fraudulent or Y�tse representation,
personation or pretense or by axiy false token or writing or by any trick, device,
bunco game or Yvrtune-telling; or,
(3) Having ar�y proprt3r in his possession, custody or control, as bailee, ',
Yactor, pledgee, servant, attorney, agent, emgloyee, trustee, executor, adminis-
trator, guardian or v�f'.i.cer of ar�y person, estate, association or c�rporatiun
or as a pubiic officer, or a person authorized by agreement or by co�npetent
authority to tzke or hold su�h possessi.on, custody or control, or as a �'inder
thereof, shall secrete, Withhold or appropriate the sa�e #.o tai.s own use or to
the use ot any person other than the txv.e o�ner or person entitled thereto; or, ���
(!t) Having rec�ived any property by reasan ot a mistalce� shall with l�ow- I
ledge of such mistake secrete, w�.tbhold or appropriate the same to his o� use '
or to the use of any person other than the true o�mer or person ent�.tled thereto;
{5) Every person saho, 2uiow�ng the saYne to have been so appropriated, �
snall bring int4? this City or buy, sell, receive or aid in concealing or w�.t,h- �
holding any proper�y wrongf'ull.y appropriated, whether wi.t�ii.n ar outside oY tt�e '
City ot Renton �n such manner as to constitute larceny under the provisions of
tha.s �rdinance---
Steals such pro�erty and shall be guilty ot larceasy.
(6) . T�oever ca�mnits 3.arceny is guilty o�' a misdemeanor.
S�CTIuiY 2. TAKING Mt�TuR VIIiICLE W.CTHuUT YER�iISSION. Every perso� who sn�i i
� withaut the permission oi the o�mer or per�ons entitled to the possession tnereo2
intentianally take or drive aWa.y any autc�abile or mo�,ar vehicse� whether pro-
pelled by� steam� electricZty or irlternal Eombustion engine, the property of anot,her�
shau be deemed g�il.ty o� a misdemeanor, aad every person voluntarily riding in
or upon said automobile or motor vehicle with knowledge o�' the ract that the same
t�ras unlawfuLly taken sha11 be equally o 7l i ty with the person tai�ing ar driving
said automobi..le or motor vehicle and shall be deemed g�uis.ty of a misdemeanor.
�hall �,rith intent to defrauct make, or dra�r, vr utter� or deliver �o ano�her person
a�,p check, or draft, on a bank or other depository� for the payment of money,
lrnow:ing at ttie time of such dra�.ng, or deiivery, that he has not sufficient tunds
in, or credit with said b�nk or depository, to meet said check, zn tull upon its
presen�t,ation, sha11 be gui.t.ty o� a misdemeanor. The word '�creditn as used herein
shal]. be constxued to mean ar� ,�rran�ement or understand�.ng witri the bank for the
pa�ment ot such caeck or draft, _and �he.:utter3ng or delivery of sucn a check nr
draft to anuther person� without such fund or credit to meet tne sarne sha11 be
pr�ma iacie evidence of an intent to defraud.
ALT�RED. Whoever knowingly buys, sells, receives, cLisposes of, conceals, or
has in his possession any motor vehicle or motor boat from which the manu-
facturer's serial number or any other distinguishing number or identification
mark has beer� removed, defaced, covered, altered or destroyed for t,he purpose
of concealment or misrepresenting the identity of said motnr vehicle or motor
boat shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
SEGTION 5. F'FiAUDS ON INT�EPER. Every� peraor� t�ha shall. obtain any food,
lodging or accommodation at arry hot�el, restauran t, boarding-house or lodgi.ng-
house �rithout paying therefor, with intent to defraud the proprietor or Manager
thereof, or who sha11 abtain credit at a hotel, restaurant, boarding-house or
lodgi.ng-house by color or aid of any false pre*�enses, representation, token or
writing, or s+�Y�i.o after obtaining board, lodging or accommodation at a hotel,
r�staurant, boarding-house or locig�ng-house shall abscond or surreptitiously
remove his ba�gage therefrom wi thout paying for such food, lodging or accommo-
dation, shall be gailty of a misdemeanor.
injure or defraud another by using, wi th knowledge tha� the same is false, a
false weight, measure or other apparatus for determining the quantity of any
commodity or article of inerchandise, or by know3.ngly mi.�representing the quantity
thereof bought or sold; or who shall retain in his possession any weight or
measure, knowing it to be f a3se, unless it appears beyond a reasonable doubt
that it was so retained �r.i.tnout intent.to use it or permit it to be used in
violation of the foregoing provisions of this section, shall be guilty of a
such manner as might, i� not discovered, end2�ger the safety of any engine,
motor, car or train, or any person thereon, shall. in any manner interfere or
tamper with or or obstruct any switch� frag, rail, roa.dbed, s�.eeper, viaduct,
bridge, txestle, culvert, embankment, s�cture or appliance� pertaining to or
connected with any railway, or any train, engine, motor, or car on �r�.y rail-
way, shall be guil.ty of a misdemeanor.
APPLIANCE. Every person who, with intent to injure or defraud� shall--
(1) Break or deface the seal of any gas, electric, steam or water met,er; or,
(2j Obstruct, alter, injure or prevcmt the action of any meter or other
instrument used to measure or register the quantity of gas, electricity� steam
or water supplied to a consumer thereof; or,
(3} Make any connections by means of a wire, pipe conduit or other�.se
wi.th any wire, main or pipe used for the delivexy of gas, electr3.city, steam
or water to a consumer thereof, in such manner as to take gas, electri�.ty,
steam or xater from said wire, main or pipe without its passage throught the
meter or other instrument provided provided for registering the amount or
quantity consumed; or use ar�y gas� electricity, steam or water so obtained; or�
{!�} Make any connection or reconnect,ion w�.�h such �,rire, main or pipe, or
turn on or off, or in any manner interfere with any valve, stop-cock or other
appliances connected therewi.th; or,
(�) Prevent by the erection of any device or construction, or by any
other means, free aceess to any meter or otner i.nstrument for registering or
measuring the amount of gas, elec�txicity, s�team or water consumed, or interfere
with, obstruct or prevent, by any means, the reading or inspeetion of such
meter or instrument, by the person, compar�y or corporation o�,ri.ng the same;
Shall be gailty af a misdemeanor.
SEC�ION 9. IN�NRING PROPERTY. AnY person �,rho sha11 cut, mar, injure,
deface, spoil� break or destroy an,y fence, sidewalk, house, building, tree,
plant, or other property of another, or public property within the City o�
Renton, whether real or personal property; or any person who shall deface,
mutilate, tear down, or destroy any signboard or post, or any mi.l.e-board or
post, erected or set up by the authorities of the City of Renton, County of �
King, ar State of 'Washingtan, within the corporate liraits of the City of Renton
shall be guilty' of a misdemeanor.
Any person convic#,ed for a violation of tnis section of the Penal Code
of Renton shall be pUnished by a fine not to e�ceed one hundred (�100.00)
dollaxs or imprisonment not to exceed thirty (30} days, or both such fane and
� S�CTION 1. VxGRANCY. Every-- '
(1) Person who asks or receives any compensation, gratuity or reward
for practicing fortune-telling, palmistry ar clai.rvoyance; or,
(2) Person who keeps a place where lost or stolen property is concealed;or,
(3) Person practicing or soliciting prostitution or keeping a house of
prostitution; or,
(1�) Common drunkards found in any place where intoxi.cating liquors are
sold ar kept for sale, or in an into�d.cated condition; or,
(5) Common gambler found in any place where gambling is conducted or .
where gambling parapherna]a.a or devices axe kept; or,
(6} Healthy person who solicits almsJ or, ''
(7) Lewd� disorderly or dissolute persons; or�
(8) Person who wanders about the streets at late or unusual hours of
the night without any visible_or .lawPul business; or,
(9) Person who lodges i.n ar�y barn, shed, shop, outhouse, vessel, car�
saloon or other place not kept f or lodging purposes� without the pexmission
oF the owner or person entitlea to the possession thereoY; or,
(10) Person who lives or works in a hause of prostitution or solicits
for ar�r prostitute or house of prostitution; or,
(11) Person who solicits business for an attorney around any court,
jai1� or hospital, or elsewhere; or,
(12) Habitual user of opium, morphane, mari�uana, alkaloid cocaine or
alpha or beta eucaine, or any derivation, mixture or prepara�ion of any of
them or any habit forrning drug; or,
(13) Person having no v�sible me?ns of supposrt, who does not seek
employment, nor work when employment is offered to him; or, �
_11_ �
- , •, , - . . �
(].!t) Person Who by his own confession thereto or prior conviction thereof
is kno�n to have been guilty of laxeeny� burglary, robbery or arr�,y- crime of
which fraud or intent to defraud is an el.ement, who shall be found in any
� drinking saloon or cellar, or any public danee-hal]. or musie=hall. where intoxi-
cating liquars are sold, or be found intoxi.cated, or who, except upon lawful
business, shall go about any dark street or alley or any r�;sidence section of
this city i.n the night-time� or loiter about any steamboat landing, passenger
depot, banking ins�itution or crowded street, shop or thoroughfaxe, or any
public meeting or gathering, or pZace �ahere people gather in crowds--
Is a vagrant, and is guilty of a misdemeanor. ,
SECTION 2. CURFEW LAW. No person or persons under the age of 7.� years
shall be permitted to r�ralk, ride, play, loaf, or lounge in any street, road,
a71ey or publie park or plaza within the City limits between the hours of
9 o�clock p.m. and 5 o�clock a.m. Any parent, guardian or other person in
autnority who s�a].l permit a ehild or children tc� �iola�te the provisions of
this section shall, when convicted, be c3eemed guilty of a mi.sdemeanar, and be
fined in any siun not exceeding five (�5.00) dollars. Provided, that the proei-
sions of this Ordinance shall not apply to any child or children �o are in the
company of a parent or other adult having eizstody of him or them as the case
may be, nor to a child or children who may be sent for medicine, medical or
other assistance in case of accident or sickness, or other necessary er�and by
a paxent or guardian, while in such service. i
SECTION 3. 2�PIOkS ON MOVIltiTG TRAINS. It shall be unlawful for any minor
to get on or off, to get on or catch hold of, to ran along side of or in front
of, or attempt to ge� on or catch hold of or a].ight from any rai].roa.d train,
railroad engine or railroad car in the City while the same is in motion.
unlawful for a,r�y person under the age of twenty-one (21) years to loiter in or
abou-t or be f ound in any tavern under a penalty of ten ($�10.00) dollars.
LIQUOt�S SOLD. It sha11 be unl.a�rful for ariy person to admit to allow to remain
in any tavern, any person under the age of twerity-one (21) years.
cx��: zx
S�TION 3. PENALTY. Except as atherwise specifically provided herein,
any person violating this Ordinance or any section or provision thereof, shall
be guilty of a misdemednor and upon conviction sha11 be punished by a fine not
exceeding three h�undred (�300.00} dol3.ars or by i�prisonment not to exceed three
(3) months or by both such fine and imprisonment.
S�CTI4I�T 2. That Ordinances No. 6� 10� 11� 17� 18� 21� 120� 175� 207�
256, 257, 26�., 371, �.Ol, �.55, �.�8, 562, 5b�, 571, 733, 7�t0, 818, 828, 852, 873,
90�, and 103�, shall be and they are hereby e�ressly repealed.
SECTION 3. PARTIAL INVALIDI3'Y OF ORDINANCE. That if any section, sentence,
clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional,
the invalidity or unconstitutionality thereof sY!all not affect the validity or
constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase o£ this Ordinance.
SECTION ?�. This Ordinan.ce shall be in full force and effect five �ays from
and after its passage, approva7. and legal publication. '�i
Approved this 5th da� of September, 1939.
G. W. Beanblossom _
Passed by the City Council of the City of Rento, Wn., this 5th day of Sept.,l°39
gpproved as t o fForm:Pa �. Tio r A�nes Edwards
�1ty ���ny Ci-t� Clerk
Date of Publication: Sentember 7� 1939
_ �