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ORDIVANC� N0. �'�r�-.�-+L.
AND REP�t�.LI1�TG ORDINI�IVCES N0. 21-i.3',, 25�, 262, 4�5, 525, 531 AND 1013•
The City Council of the City of Renton Do .Ordain as Follows:
SECTIOId 1. This Ordinance shall be kno�m and cited as �tThe
Building Coct� of the City oi Renton, ��ashington.rt
The purpose of this code is to �stablish and enforce minimum
standards of d�esign a�d construction for all structures hereafter
erected, altered, repaired or moved g�ithin the limits of thas
� mun.icipal.ity. The provisions of this Cod� apply to any asse�bly
oi material erectea in a more or less permanent location and
described b3� the use for which it is 3.ntencied. The rec�uire�nents
of the Cocie shai? be deemed to supplement tne laws of the State
and all ordinances, rules and resolutions for the reguiation of
use, occupancy, fire saiety and sanitation.
Any person, firm or corporation foun� guilty of violating any
provision of this Code shall� be punished by a fine of not more than
three h.undred (�3Q0.00} dollars or by imprisonm�nt in the city jail for
not more than three (3} months, or both, for each provision violated.
S�CTION 1. No structure or part of a structure shall hereafter
be built, altered or moved until �. permit therefore has been granted
by the C�ty Council or its designated a�ent and notice thereof
, • ., : , , . ' ' , , • ,
� ' °,
conspicuously posted on the premises. It sha11 be unlaj�rrful for any
person to commence such �n�ork before this requirement is complied
with. Excspt, no permit is required outside of fire zone for main-
tenanc� ar rnin.or repairs 'to existing structures that in n.o manner
alter the strength or plan of the structure or its mechanical
installations, but such ma�ntenance and repairs shall conform to
all other rsquirements of this Code.
SECTION 2. Application for a permit shall be f�led with the
City Clerk by the ov�mer and shall state the location, zntended,
use, estimated cost, designer and inspector and shall include plot
plan and dratwTings �.nd specifications in sufficient aeta.il to in-
dicate conformanc� with all requi.rements of the Code. V�Jhen the
design is prepared by a licensed architect or proiessional engineer,
the application shall designate the fee for inspection and super-
vision, in no case less than �10.00, or l� of the estima�ed cos�,
whichever is grea.ter. Before a permit is issued this fee shall be
deposited with the City Clerk.
SECTION 3 • �'hen the str�acture is ready for use the o�rner shall
notify the City Council to that effect and when the architect or '
�ng3neer has filed a signed statement certifying that all require-
ments have been compliea wi�h, the aforemention�d fee shal.l be paia
to �him and permission for use shall be granted to the o��aner by
written permit of the City Cl�erk, upon written approval of the
Building Inspector. Structures shall re used only for the purposes
for vahich permission is granted by the City Council. Use for any
other purpose is hereby prohibited until permission therefor
has been obtained by the o�vner and such u.se conforms to the
requirements of this Code.
SECTIOV /�. In case it mdy appear that any requirements or
C � � • • • � . '
. , ' , . . � , �
regulations have been violat�d, the City Council may eniploy the
necessary technical assistance to aetermine the facts, t�n.e cost of
vshich may be ded�acted from the deposited fee but in no case exceed
that amount. When assured . of iull compliance, perrnission for use
shall be granted and the u�.erpend.eci balance of the f�e �aid to
architect or engineer.
. ,�� 6 SECTIOiV 5. All structures or parts of structures, except
�p single unit d�ellings, multiple unit dwellings of one-story and
structures accessory thereto and habitatiors f or do�estic animals
or fowl, shall be desi�ned and inspected by a qualifiea arch.itect
or professional engineer licensed by the State of Vdashi�zgton,
Proviczed, however, that i�rhenever a contract is entered into by
the owner of real estate for the construction of any type of
building costin.g more than one thousand (�1,000) dollars, before
construction is initiated, the otir,ner of the real estate shall
apply for a permit as herein provided. S�id application shall be
accompanied by the contract providing for such construction and
three (3) eapies� of tne specifications to be used in the construction
of such building, such speciiications to be compl�te in detail.
Upon completion of such building, the contractor erecting such
structure or the architect in charge thereof, shall fil� an '�,
affidavit vaith the City Clerk ai the City, stating therein unaer
oath, that the plans and specif ications and requirements of this
code have been fully and completely confor�€ed to and complied
with. Any false .s.tatement in such afi idavit so filed as aforesaid
shall constitute a misdemearlor ana sha11 be punished as provided
3n this Ordinance. All applications for build�ng permits shall. be
approved in �tiTriting by the City �Engineer or Building Inspector
before perrni.ts are issued.
� ' a • � 1 • • • ' • • , • 1
� SECTIOItiT 6 . It shall be unlaz�Tful for any person to erect any
buildin� or ot�zer structure of an architectural design vrhich does
not h.armora.ize �ith the general design of other buil�ings or
structures in the district in �Jhich it is proposed to be erec�ed.�
The. Czty Engineer or �uilding Inspector, upon any ap�plicat�on for �,
a building permit for a building or structure of a design vvhich '
does not, in his opinion, harmonize with the general design of I
other buildings or structures in the distx�ict in which it is I
proposed to be erscted m�.y, without issuing such per�it, refer
the application to the City Property Com�ittee of the Council,
which Comr�ittee is h2reby appoiizte� to be the �ldvisory krchitec- ,
tural Control Board. The Board shall thereupon examine the �
plans and other material accompanying the said ap�lication and I
� shall aecide v�rhether or not a building permit snall be issued.
Such decision shall be made without delay and shall be fir�al.
. _�_
CHxP�'Efi. IT ZO�IE FtE(tiUIR��1���1TS
SECTIO� �.. USE 1�1�.� OCCUYS-�1VCY. Structures shall car.form to all
re�uire�ents restrict�.ng use �n.d occupancy a.nd c1�.ss of construc�ian
iar fire control appl2c�,ble to their locations.
Boundaries cf use and occupancy districts shall be aetermined
and defined �y the adopti.on oI' district zonin� m�ps shov�ing the
geographical ar•ea and location oi the various zones, v;Thich shall.
cansist of the following:
R-1 Resid�nce District, whicn allov�s the constrv_ction as
listea in Group 1 of Sect�.on 2 hereafter.
C-1 Cemmercial Use District, �otherwise known as Fire District,
tne uses permitted in sa�d distric�c �vre listed in Group TT,
Section 2, nerediter.
I-1 Industrial District, the us�s permi�tec�. herein are listed
i in Group III, Section 2, hereaf ter.
The uses listed in Group IV and Group V, S2ction �, hereaf�er,
shall be permitted in the Conmercia.l azzd Tndustrial Use Districts
�.s c3efined by the Ordinance, except that special permit r�ay be given
by the Council for Iocatin�; of public util�ties, high�vay structur�s,
sclzool or church in other• use districts under further regulati.ons
governing Residence District.
Grand Stands, bleachers, staaiums, amusement devices, signs,
and advert�se�ent �evices are prohibited in the Firet F�esidential
Di str3�t.__ . .;a '
Group I - Dvvellings.
a. Single Unit Residences
� b. T�ultiple Unit Residences of one story
Group iI - Commer�ial Building.
a. Retail Stores
b. Offices
c. FIotels
d. Personal Service, including Food �.nd Barber Shops
e. Mechanical Service, including Service Stations,
Garages, etc.
f. Hospitals, Tnfirmarzes, Jails, Dor�itaries
Group IIx - Tr_d.ustrial Building.
a. �anufacturing
b. WarehoUses and Freight Handling
c. Storage of Nlaterials, Coal, Lur�ber, Sand, and Gravel
Group TV - AssemBly Buildings.
a. Theaters
_ b. Libraries, Reading, �.nd Recreation Rooms
c. Ha1.ls, �leeting, Dance, Dril1, Gyrmnasivms
d. Stations, P�aiting Rooms, and Platforms I
e. Schools ard Chu-rches
Grou� V - I�Iiscellaneous
a. ToUrers and Poles
b. Tanks, Si�.os, �.nd Bins
c. I�onuments
d. Signs
e. Retaining ti'�alls
f. Trestles and Br-idges
g. Granastards, Bleachers, and Stadiuns
h. Amusement Devices.
�P `
$u�.lding materi�ls, units, and asserablies shall be classi£ied in
accordance v�ith the rating by z1Standard Specifica.tions for Fire
Tests of Building Constructian d.nd N?aterials" of the Ar�erican.
Society for Testing IvTaterials as der�onstrated by autroritative
Structural Fraraes Floors and �oof
Exterior Vualls Interior
Interior Eearin�V'��alls Partytions_and Courts
Class 0 No rating No rating
Class 1 One hour On� hour
Class 2 Tti�ro hours One hour
Class 3 Th�ee hours Tz�ro hours
Class� 4 Four hours Ty10 hours
The fire-resistive class oi a structure is that oi its least
resistant assembly. The rating of a floor, �aall or roof assembly
is th�t of its leas� resist�nt portion, including op�nings and
their coverings. Roof coverings shall be of non-combustible
m�.terials or m�et thE recuirements of Class k or B Specifications
of trie Und.ervdriters Laboratories, Tnc. for a.11 classes except Class
SECTICN 4. hRCHITECTURE. The a.rchitectural design and general
appearance cf a structure shall be consistent �nrith existing standard.s
in the zone of district.
SECTIOTv l. �IkT�RThLS. i�at�rials from which the princiz�al
components oi structures are fabricatecl shall passess Cualities I
and properties as defined a.nd determined by t�ie specifications
of the American Society for Testing ll�Taterials.
SECTIOIv 2. CQNSTR�CTI01 . The corapcnents of a structUre, the
connections a.nd attach�ents and the assembly as a var�ole shall be
designed, erscted and �aintained to provide �.de�uate strength �,nd
rigidity to properly serve the ��rposes for �Thich intended in
accord�.nce �rlith the design recvi�er�ents arld stres�es specified by
current speci.fications as follov��s:
1. 6`�ood; The National Lumber �Zanufactur�rs �?ssociztion
2. Concrete; Plain and Reinforced; �merican Concrete
� Institute
3. Steel; The ��merica.n Institute of Steel Construction
�. Clay Prodvcts; The National Cl�a.y Products Associ�.tion.
SECTION 3. DESIGN LOADS. �11 structures, in �,Thole or in part,
connections and attachments and foundat�.ens shall be designed and
built in accerdarce �rith the established usage and �.ccepted theory
to �F��ithstand v�ithout permanent deforn�ation or darnage, the actual
v�eight of the structure, permanent instC ll�.tions of machinery and
eGuipmPnt and the following sup�ri�pose� loads applied to all or
any part v�rith due regard for continui�y and stress reversal.
Rooms used for private habitation - - - - 40�/ Sr . Ft.
Offices and Assembly Rooms with fixed seats i - 50#/ Sc. Ft.
Publi.c Rooms with fixed seats, Corridors,
Balconi�s and Fir� Escapes - - - - - - 100#/ S�. Ft.
kll Flaor p reas, o�her th�.n the above sha11 be de-
signed for actval loaas, but in n.o case less tha,n 100�/ Sc; . Ft.
Pv.blic Thorough£are - - - - - - - - 200#/ S�. Ft.
���find and SnovJ
Exterior walls of buildings applied norr�al
either toward or at�ray from - - - - - � - 2Q�#/ S�. Ft.
Outlined horizontal projection of all
other exposed structures - - - - - - 30#�/ SG . Ft.
Nornal pressure to��ard or ati�vay from
ex�osed flat surfaces
Slopes 0 to 25f - - - - - - 44�/ S�. Ft.
25� to 100% - - - - - - 30�/ S�. Ft.
Over 100jo - - - - - - 20�/ S c. Ft.
All structures and components shall be des��n.ed to resist
horizontal force from any direction of one-tenth the ti�reight of the
structure and its e�uipm�nt applied at th� centers of gravity of
the principal cor�ponents.
Columns and Footings
Columns shall be designed for the actual v�eight of the s�ructure
and its ecuipment together with the above superimposed lo�ds except
th�.t the effect oi a floor lo�d may be reduced lOjo for each story
t�o stories or more belova the given floor level, but the reduction
may not exceed 50�0.
Foo�ing ar•eas shall be proportioned to provide for ecual and
t:n.iform settlement J:Tith due cansideration for non-uniform.�.ty of
fo�znda.tion conditions. Foundation materials for footing pressures
af over one ton per seuare foot shall be investig�,ted by borings
or test pits and� the design, based on the findings, sha11 insure
against excessive or non-tar_iform settlement af the s tructure.
SECITON �_. PLUNIBITiG. t�11 ctvrellings and portions of other
structures used for hu�an n�.bitation or the prep�.ration or serving
of food shall be eGuipped v,rith plumbin.g . for the delivery of a suitable
supply of water and proper disposal of wastes in accordance with the
regul�.tions of the State Department of Health. Septic t�nks �.nd
drainage lines �herefrom shall be placed ti�4ithin and not less than
five feet from the bound�.ries of th� property served.
Roams or compartments in which toilets are installed shall be
separated fror� other portior_s of the structure by solid purtitions
extending from floor to ceiling vvith entr��nce �roTiided by �. solid
door. Such rooms or conpartments shall be separated from rooms
• used for tnestor�ge, preparation or s�rving of food by at leasL
tv�o solid doors and both toilet room and ante room shall be ventilated
to the outsiae by a windoti-� or an adeCu�.te mechanical device.
SECTIGN 2. A1�IIIt��xI., AND TI�ISECT PESiS. kll organic material and
refuse shall be removed from the grovnd �.rea covered by a structure.
The s�ace betv�een tne f�rst floor a.nd the ground beneath any
structure shall not be enclosed unless the �rea is entirely� surrovnded
by a concre�e or masanry wall e�tending from at least six inches
above the svrface of the graded ground to at least two feet below
the origin�l ground surf�ce unless the covered area is solidly
paved with not less than tvJo inches of concrete or lime mortar.
All spaces sa enclosed sriall be ventilated by doors and. v�indov�s
vuhich open or by at least tvao metal screeneci openings of a total
area of not less than 0.25� of the covered area.
f �� � SECTION 3. VEI�?TIL�TION tilvD LIGHT. Every room usea for habitation
�� t
(/ : sriall have openings to the exterior ti�ith an area through zvhich light
ra�.y pass of not less th�.n one-eighth af the floor area. Exterior
doors an� windov�rs shall open to the extent of not less than 5%
of the floor area.
Windot�rs shall face unobstructed, uncoverea, �ior3zontal areas
of a.t least the exter�t of ths glass area of alI ti�indows opening
thereon, but no dimension of which is less than five feet.
The ground area covered by dv�ellings and accessary structures
shall not exceea 35� of the area of the lot or truct. Dwellings
shall be placed at least 20� from the principal street or road
line and 5� or �Lore from all o�her boundaries. ��
� ��J6 SEGTION l. FIRE. The height of buildings measured from the
�� .
first flaor l�vel above the grouna is limite�. as follows, based
upon use group �.nd clas� of construction:
Class Stories or neight in Feet
Group I a - all classes _ 2 35 i
T b - all cls.sses - 1 20
Class Stories or . He�ht in Feet
Group II
and ITI cl�.ss 0 1 20
1 2 35
� 2 35
3 4 EO
4 No limit
Gro�ap IV 0 .l 20
1 2 35
� 2 35
� 4 60
4 No limit
The ground area occupied by build.ings is li.mxted by zoning
rssolutions and as follo�vs:
Class Area in Sauare Feet
Group I - all classes - 35% of plot area
Groups TI, IIT and IV 0 5,000
1 10,000
2 15,000
3 20,000
4 No limit
The clear unoccupied spaces beti�reen property lines, and the
exterior walls of buildings, in residence districts shall be 20�
fro� lot line on the principal street or raaa line and 5' or more
from all o�her boundaries. i
The clear unoccupied spaces between property lines a.r�d an
eyterior wall of a building not in �. residence di.strict, based upon ,
the fire resistance of the entire �+all including protections of
openings therein, shall be as follows: �
- � . . . . , _ . ,
Class Distance from propert.y�line �n feet
0 5
1 �
2 3
v � I
4 0 I
All exte�inr vralls in Commercial Use or Fir� Dastrict shall '�
be fa.ced with ir�can�bustible �aterial and, v�hen ttiso feet or less �
frQm property lines, sY�all e�ten� not less than 30�f above the
highest point of the roof svrface unless the roof surf�,ce is entirely
of incenibustible material.
. All stud v�alls shall be fire-stopped ivith materi�.l at least as
thick as the studs at each floor and ceiling level. Ce�.ling joists
shall be fire-stopped over each pdrtition. Ceiled rafters shall be
fire-stopped at in.tervals not over eight feet a.nd at p�rti.tions.
Unfinished �.ttic spaces under vvood roofs shall k,e divided by full
partitions ir�to �.reas of nat over 2500 s�uare feet.
Chimn�ys, flues, aucts and i.nstalla�ions of r�echanical e�uip-
ment for heating, ven�ilation or power shall confor•n to tY?E specif'�.ca-
ticns of the National Board of Fire Under�triters.
SECTTOI� 2. ACCT�El�T. Every� structu.re shall. nave direct exit to
the ground and if occU�ied by r�ore tnan fifty people shall have at
least tv�o e�itN. Every story above oi belovv the first shall be
served by at least one stair�r�.y ior e�.ch 2500 feet or part thereof
of floor area. Exits sYlall be so located that no point in th� space
serve� is more than one Y��undred feet along line of travel. The rcini- �
mv_m unobstructed v�idtY�i of halls, corriaors a.nd exits for all bui_taings
shall not be less tha.n thirty-six inches for each groulo of 20 persons
or part thereof who �ay o�cupy the space servecl. Fxcept in the
Group I, all doors in stair�r�ys, corridors and exits shdll open outv:��.rds.
Stair�Yays z�n.d carridors sh��71 be a�e�u�.tely lighted. Stair
treads shall b� not less than 9 3/4 inches �.t any point v,�ith risers
I -12- I
of equal uniform height not e�ceeding 7 3/� inches.
� � Al1 air�ays and floor openin�s shall be guarded tivith suitable
rail�ngs or by substantial covers.
SECTION 3. ELECTRICAL. All electrical waring, equipment and
applian;ces snall be installed and operated in con�ormit.y vJith the
sta�utes of the State of til�ashington.
� )� � SECTIOI�T l. There is hereby established a Fire District or
/' { � �
U ! � Commercial. Use District, vJhich shall embrace that portion of the City
of Renton described as follo�vs: Beginning at the southeast corner of
Second Avenue and Burnett Street; thence east along so�zth line of
Second Avenue to the center of Bloc� 10, Tovvn. of R�nton plat; thence
south through the center of Block 10 and continuing south to the south-
east corner oi Lot 5, Bloc� 9; tnence west along south line of saic!
Lot 5 and continuing tvest to sou�thv�rest corner of Lot 2, Block 15;
thence south along the east �ine of V6'ells Street to southwest corner of
Lot �, in said Biock 15; thence �est to the southwest corner of I,ot l,
Block 20; thence south along the east line of Williams Street to the
north line of Fourth Avenue; thence VJESt along the north line of Fourth
Avenue to the east line of Burnett Street; thence north along the east
line of Burnett Street to the pl.ace of beginning.
SECTION 2. That it shall be unlawful for any person to use, conduct
or keep any lodging house, tenement house, hotel or any house or build-
ing containin; sleeping apartments or to allow or per�it persons to occupy
as sleeping apartments any room or place which shall contain less ti�an
iive hundred t7�elve (512) cubic f�et of air or space or l�ss than sixty I
four (6l�) square feet oi floor space ior each and every person over four-
teen (1/�) y�ars of age, lodgin� or slee�ing in any such sleeping apart-
ments, or less than three hundred (300) cubic feet of air space o-r 3ess
than f'orty (1�0) square feet of floor space for each child over fourteen
years of a�e, or which is not provi�ed, whil.e in use as such sleeping
apartinent, with a system of ventilation in continuous o�eration, so con-
. ' ` a ♦
structed as ta provide twenty five (25) cubic fe�t p�rr�inute of out�r
air for �ach occupan.t thereof, exclusive of air consumed by combustion.
SECTIOiV 3. It shall be unla?�vful �'or any person over fourteen (ll�.)
years of age, to voluntarily and continuously occupy or use as a
sleeping apartment, any roo��n or place in any lod.ging house, tenement
house or in any other house or building �rhatsoever containing 2ess than
five hundred twelve (512) cubic feet of air or space or less than
sixty four (6�.) sauare feet of floor space for eacn person occupying
or using such room as a sleeping apartment.
� ��� � SECTIOV �.. No building within the Fir e District as herein establish-
�1�P � ed, which cnay be damaged to the extent of 50� by fire, decay or other- .
v�ise, shall be repaired or rebuilt, nor shall any such building, when
the damage thereto is less than 50% of the value thereof be so repaired
or rebuilt as to be raised higher than the highest part left standing
after such damage shall have occurred, or so as to be in a better state
of repair, or to occupy a greater space than before the injury tnereto.
The extent of the damage that may be done to any such building by fire
or other casualty shall be determinPd by three (3) disinterested per-
sons, residents oz Renton, one of whom shall be selected by t�e oj�7ner
or agent of the building, the second by the Chief of the Fire Department
and the two so chosen shall select a third. The persons so chosen
shall be first duly sworn to fairl.y and imp�.rtially estimate such
damage, and their ciecision shall be final and binda.n� upon all persons
SECTION 5. Whenever any builaing shall be found to be aepreciated ,
more than 50f, notice of such finding in writing sha11 be served by the
Chiei of the Fire Department on t�.e owner or agent of said build3ng,
an.d tn.ereafter said building shall be an.d the same is hereby declared
a public nuisance and may be abated by the Chief of the Fire Department.
The cost of the removal of the same to be coll2cted by the Cii,y from
the ov�ner of the property by Civil action. Failure of the owner
or agent of' said buildin.g to remove the same within ten (10}
days after receipt of wri�ten notice of the finding herein
above referred to, shall. constitute a misdemeanor and upon
conviction thereof such ov��ner or agent shall be iined in any
sum not exceeding �100.00. Each aay the same sha11 be per-
mitted to stand after the. receipt of such notice in writing
and the expiration of said ten day period, shall constitute
a separate ofiense.
SECTION 6. No building shall be moved over or across any
City street v�ithout the oy�mer thereof having first appli ed
for and received a permit in �rit3ng for such moving. Before '
any permit shall be issued as aforesaid, the applicant shall '
exec�ate and Tile with the Ci�y Clerk a bond as herein provided.
Beiore any permit shall be issued ior the construction of any
building or for moving a building, the applicant shall execute and
file with the City Clerk, a bond with the City of Renton, in such
reasonable sum as may be iixed by the �J�ayor, with sureties to be
approved by the Mayor conditioned that said applicant will pay
any and all damages th�.t �nay be recovered against the City i�y any ,
• � � , , . - .
� - � .
• • • , . . ,. � .
persons on account of any injury to p�rson or prope�ty occasioned
by or �.n any manner resulting from, the occu�ancy or disturban.ce
of any street, alley, or side�ralk in saia City for the purpose of
or in connect2on with the construction or moving of such building
by the person engaged ther�in or by any person or persons in his
employ and also to save and keep the City fre�e from all such
damages and cost as m�.y be incurred in deiending against such clair�.
In the �vent of any damage occurrin� and an action being brought
against the City therefore, the City shall promptly notify th� said
contractor or person so giving bond together v�rith his or their �
bondsmen of the commencement of the suit and notify him or them to
take charge of the d�fense thereof.
SECTION 7. S���tER CONN'�CT�ONS. Before sewer connect�ons are
made between any building and ths. mai.n sev�Ter, an application shall
be made therefor, shov��ing the exact location and nature of the work
to be done. P�rmits for the construction of sueh se�aer connection
shall be issued by th� City Clerk upon approval of the application
by the City �ngineer. S�wer conx�ections between any building and
the main sev�er shall be of vitrified clay set�rer pipe, having a
minimum diameter of four (l�} inches. The se�zer and all work incidental
thereto, shall be approved by the street and water superintendent
before being covered or put into service.
SECTION $. FEES FOR PER�hITS. A builciing permit for a r���
structure costing �500.00 or more shall be �1.00. Fees for building
permits for structures casting 1.ess than �54�.00 shall be 25�• No
fees shall be charged for a sewer per�it.
SECTION 9•' That Ordina,r�.c es No. 2l�3, 25L�, 262, 445, 525, 531 ��TD
1013 shall be and the same are hsreby expressly r�pealed.
' � . . � .
, " ; . • � ' . � .. ' ,;� , j � `
S�CTION 10. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect
five C5) days from and. after its passage, approgal and legal
kpproved this 17th day of October, 1939.
I Passed by the City Coun.cil of th� .City of Renton, �tashington,
thzs 17th day of October, 1939.
City Clerk
, C y Attorn ,
Date of Publication: �
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