HomeMy WebLinkAbout03063 - Technical Information Report - Drainage _ �� ` ���`'���§�,���- � ����{�y����'� �`,�3� g. �' v - .v � '�,`�i� _ . - .��"":�;.dss - 2 `�8 �s.$�'��, i'' ��3HY�� �'�,.^�,� i�.. ` . � . ._. .,. " _ _ c.�- _ -. � _ - 3 -_ Yx � .= .� . :: - _ ,.,a .�,"` - - - .x�-'t �.z _- „z.: . . - � �3D�3 _ -�� ,� EIVGINEERING REPORT � r ��' , ��- Drainage Report � ��;<,. Renton Aqatatic Center ' �TY::= January 27,2003 �,''_ ' �� :� ; . � � � . " 4 ���� t., , ��" ,. , �_ , �- ,. . .: , � ,. � ,.��s > '�� �,� � >�t '�.~� " � . , ,. . � a �� �r� �� � ";,r�wc .- :�' ..'�, `'"��� 's � ;>:.".�s � �,� .�'� .. � � � �,�` � � ��� �� t"YSp,���� .�,.�` . . ,4�'r�#" : ���p -' ,�r} `�it . . . . ' � ...v .�.���.�. � . . . �' PREPARED FOR: Cihj of Renton (Parks Departrrient) 10�5 South Grady�-Vay Renton,WA 980�5 Contact:Dennis Kulp PREPARED THROUGH: Northzvest Architecturnl Compari� 2201 Sixth Avenue,Suite 1405 Seattle,WA 98121 Contact:Boris Srdar ��� C. AO PREPARED BY: _ :��A�;. � Coiigliliyi Porter Lzi�ideeli w4 ti�" "°��. l� ��,� � ��� ,� 217 Pine Street,Suite 300 � � 7d Seattle,Washington 98101 �, Phone: (206)343-0460 - _ .e �a,,,26577 r� �4 Contact: Mr.Stephen Porter,P.E. �o '`�=��=W`' w ��SSIDNAL�'�` 2'1�,�� � L` C E I V � � EXPIRES O1/23/2C04 '�^'" � � '-- �5 i ' ����3��..�� �,...,�.�. ,.�_,.. �,�����:. . DRAINAGE REPORT Renton Aquatic Center City of Renton and Northwest Architectural Company Coughlin Porter Lundeen Project No.CO21308-02 January 27,2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page IPROJECI'OVERVIEW...................................................................................................................................1 General Description Existing Drainage System Proposed Drainage System Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Summary II CONDTTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY..........................................................................3 Core Requirements Special Requirements Project Specific Requirements III OFFSITE ANALYSIS...................................................................................................................................5 c�rv o���=�:rc°. RECEIVE � JAN 2 8 2��3 ...I 1 i, _j�'.i`j';- '.. . . �: �''�. COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN P.entun Ayuatic Center i I. PROJECT OVERVIEW General Description The following Drainage Stud}'provides the technical information and design analysis required for developing the storm water drainage plan at the site for the proposed project. The design for the Renton Aquatic Center is based on the requirements set forth in the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM). ', The Renton Aquatic Center,located near the intersection of SE Maple Valley Highway(SR 169)and Bronson Way N in Renton,WA(see Figure 1)and is located in an incorporated area on the King County Flow Control Applications Map. The approxunately 1.6-acre site is in the Cedar Main Urban Basin plan. The project site slopes very gently towards the Cedar River located about 700 to feet to the southwest. The site was last developed in the late 1980's priar to any County code requirements that addressed the detention of storm water for flo�v control. The City of Renton is constructing a ne�v Aquatic Center on the 20-acre Renton Communit,y Center properi,y in an area that is primarily undeveloped�vith lawn and scattered trees. The development would indude a six-lane lap pool,several activity pools,a picnic area and building to support changing rooms,restrooms, concessions,and mechanical equipment. The majority of the site area(approximately 250 feet by 310 feet) will be either hard-surfaced or landscaped with grass. Existing Drainage System This entire Renton Community Center property is approximately 20-acres and is developed with impervious areas including buildings,parking lots,and sidewalks. The remainder of the site is predominantly landscaped areas including grass playfields. The existing storm water collection system across the property is generally a catch basin and piped system. There is no existing detention storage facilities installed on the property. From the area of the new Aquatic Center,stormwater is piped approximately 1400 feet to an oil- water separator before traveling another 220 feet to a pipe end that discharges directly into the Cedar River. Proposed Drainage System Stormwater unprovement requirements for the site fall�vithin the incorporated area of the City of Renton and the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual(KCSWDM). To determine if detention is required for the new development,calculations were performed using the Santa Barbara Unit Hydrograph(SBUH) method. It should be noted that since the water from the proposed pools drairvs directly to the sanitary se�ver system,the area of run-off for the pools have not be included in either the pre or post developed conditions�vhich results in a more conservative analysis. The pools will maintain a water level at least four inches below the surrounding deck surface to prevent any spillover during a significant rainfall event. I��lodeling both the existing and proposed conditions for the 100-year,24-hour storm event,there is a net increase of discharge from the site of 0.39 cfs(0.89 cfs post-dev-0.50 cfs pre-dev)after deveIopment. The project falls under the exemption from on-site peak rate runoff control(1990 KCSWDM#1.2.3)that states if: "The proposed project site post-development peak run-off rate for the 100-year,2�-hour duration design storm event is calculated for each discharge location to be less than 0.5 cfs more than the peak runoff rate for the existing conditions' Therefore,no detention or peak rate run-off control is required for the new development. COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN Renton Aquatic Center 1 To convey stormwater from the site,a conveyance system will be installed including several area drains and trench drains connected by piping. Building roof dow�nspouts will be piped direcfly to the new conveyance piping. This system will then tie into an existing catch basin located along the curb at the southern edge of the site and will follow the existing conveyance system eventually discharging to the Cedar River. There will be no new pollulion generating surfaces including such items as metal roofing and asphalt/concrete paving areas for the site,therefore water quality improvements will not be required. There will be some chemicals for the treatrnent of pool water that will be stored on the site in chemical storage that will meet with all the requirements of the Aquifer Protection Area(Zone 1)requirements including a limit of 500 gallons of materials and a containment dike surrounding the covered storage areas. Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control During construction of the project temporary and permanent measures will be installed to minimize sediment laden runoff from discharge into the local waters. These measures include a stabilized construction entrance,interceptor swales,inlet protection and filter fabric fencing. For the period betw�een i November 1 through Mazch 1 disturbed areas greater than 5,000 square feet left undisturbed for more than �� 12 hours must be covered with mulch,sodding,or plastic covering. Finally,all cleared areas will be �evegetated after grading is completed. �'C�-i%�x-,F� summary Starmwater improvements include a new conveyance system with roof downspouts that will connect to the existing on-site system. Per the 1990 KCSWDM exception#1.2.3,no additional detention�vill be required for the project because there is a less than 0.5 cfs increase in the runoff rate for the 100-year,24-hour storm event between existing and proposed conditions. Also,since there are no new pollutions generating surfaces, stormwater quality control improvements are not required. COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN Renton Aquatic Center � � _, II.CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY This section addresses the requirements set forth by the Core and Special Requirements listed in Chapter 1 of the 1990 KCSWDM. King County Surface Water Management Design Manual Core Requirements: 1. Discharge at a natural location(1.2.1): All developed flows will be discharged at their natural locations. 2. Off-site Analysis(1.2.2): A preliminary Level l downstream analysis has been performed. 3. Runoff Control(1.2.3): A. Peak Rate Runoff Control:Modeling both the existing and proposed conditions for the 100-year,24- hour storm event,there is a net increase of discharge from the site of 0.39 cfs(0.89 cfs post-dev-0.50 cfs pre-dev)after development. The project falls under the exemption from on-site peak rate runoff control that states if 'the proposed project site post-development peak run-off rate for the 100-year,24-hour duration design storm event is calculated for each discharge location to be less than 0.5 cfs more than the peak runoff rate for the existing conditions.' Therefore,no detention or peak rate run-off control is required for the new development B. Biofiltration:Basic water quality is not required for this site. No new pollution generated surfaces will be added. 4. Conveyance Syste»t(1.24): Existing conveyance facilities will remain. This proposed project will incorparate an on-site conveyance system that will connect downstream into the existing storm system. The increase in discharge flo�vs is insignificant and will not affect the downstream conveyance system. The proposed conveyance rystem will be sized to convey up to the 25 year storm event. 5. Te�nporanJ Erosion and Seciirnentation Control(1.2.5): The project is installing sediment control , measures as required to address the specific conditions at the site. 'I COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN P.enton Ayuatic Center 3 King County Surface�tiater �lanagement Design Nlanual Special Requirements: 1. Critical DrainageAreas(1.3.1): This project is located in the Cedar River Drainage Basin and �.ill comply�vith any requirements the basin plan may im pose. 2. Compliance z��itlt«n Existin�'l�Ia�ter Drairu��c�PIarr f'2.3._'J: �I�h� project��oes not re�luire a master drainage plan. 3. Conditions requiriltg n:ll�zster Drairi«ge Pl«ri (1.3.3j: The project does not re�uire a master drainay� plan. 4. Adopted Basin or Cotmrrriliiti�Plar�s(1.3.4): The project does not lie�cithin an area «�ith an adoptec( Basin or Community Pla n 5. SpecialWaterQt[alfftjCn�ttrnI: rI.3.5�: t�l��� ;�r���F,,,����i }�;r��•��t ��ill n�_�t��.���,t:�ir; n� �._� tE�.ln �,n��,jr���;_,t impervious surface N, . water quality contro Project Specific Requirement�: This site does not abut a Class 1 or c COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN Renton Aquatic Center 4 III.OFF-STTE ANALYSIS Task 1 —Study Area Definition and Maps As-built plans for the Renton Community Recreation Center dated August 1989 were reviewed for an evaluation of the existing conveyance and drainage systems. Task 2-Resource Review a) Basin Reconnaissance Summary Reports: The reports did not indicate any conveyance problems. b) Critical Drainage Area Maps: The site is not within Critical I?rainage Area c) Floodplain/floodway(FEMA)Maps: Site is not within a FEMA designated area,see Figure 3 d) King County Soils Survey: Soils map,see Figure 4 e) Wetland Inventory Maps: See Sensitive Areas Maps,Figure 3 fl Sensitive Areas Folio: Site is not within any sensitive areas,see Figure 3 Task 3-Field Inspection One site visit has been made to the site to gather information to be used in the Level l Downstream Analysis and off-site conveyance system inspection. Task 4-Drainage System Description and Problem Descriptions We did not observe any off-site conditions or problems that�vould affect or that would be affected by the on- site storm drainage system. Upstream Analysis The site does not have any off-site areas contributing directly to on-site runoff. There are permanent drainage systems located in Maple Valley Highway(SR 169)and the private access drive southeast of the site that intercept and route drainage around the site. Downstream Analysis The existing stormwater collection system throughout the Renton Community Recreation Center is generally I a catch basin and piped system. There is no existing detention storage facilities installed on the property. ', From the area of the new Aquatic Center,the proposed storm water conveyance system connects to an ' existing curb line catch basin southwest of the new site. From the ne�v connection point through the existing system,the storm water travels 30 feet southeast in a existing 12-inch line befare traveling approximately 360 feet west in series of 12-inch lines. The system travels approximately 210 feet north in a series of 12" lines before traveling about 400 feet west in a series of 15-inch pipes. The storm�vater then travels 350 feet southrvest in a 15-inch pipe series before reaching a gravity oil/water separator housed in a 72-inch manhole with baffles. From the oil/water separator the storm water traveLs 250 more feet southwest befare discharging direcdy into the Cedar River. The pipe outlet into the river is a 12-inch line with a flapper valve. The pipe end penetrates a stone�vall with the pipe invert approximately 12 feet belo�v the top of wall. COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN Renton Aquatic Center 5 Task 5-Mitigation of Existing or Potential Problems There are no existing flooding ar erosion problems presendy on the Renton Community Center property. The new Renton Aquatic Center results in an insignificant addition of impervious area to the overall property. Therefore,there will not be any potential flooding or erosion problems created by the project. COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN Renton Aquatic Center 6 LIST OF FIGURES I Figure 1-TTR Worksheet Figure 2-Location Map ' Figure 3-Sensitive Areas Map I Figure 4-SoiLs Map Figure 5-Existing Conditions Plan Figure 6-Developed Conditions Plan APPENDICES Appendix A-Stormwater Detention Calculations ' i COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN Renton Aquatic Center ll King County Department of Development and Environmental Services TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND PROJECT ENGINEER DESCRIPTION Project Owner: Project Name: Cit of Renton Parks - Dennis Kul Renton A uatic Center Address: Location 1055 South Grad Wa , Renton WA 98055 Phone: Township: 23 N 425 430-6500 Range: 5 E Project Engineer: Section: 17 Ste hen C. Porter, P.E. Com an : Cou hlin Porter Lundeen Address/Phone: 217 Pine Street, Suite 300, Seattle,WA 98101 206 343-0460 Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS APPLICATION ❑ Subdivison ❑ DFW HPA ❑ Shoreline Management ❑ Short Subdivisian ❑ COE 404 ❑ Rockery ❑ Grading ❑ DOE Dam Safety ❑ Structural Vaults � Commercial ❑ FEMA Floodplain ❑ Other ❑ Other: ❑ COE Wetlands Part 5 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community: Green River Communit Plannin Area Drainage Basin: Cedar Main Urban Part 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS ❑ River ❑ Floodplain , ❑ Stream ❑ Wetlands '� ❑ Critical Stream Reach ❑ Seeps/Springs I ❑ Depressions/Swales ❑ High Groundwater Table ❑ Lake ❑ Groundwater Recharge ❑ Steep Slopes ❑ Other Part 7 SOI LS Soil Type Slopes Erosion Potential Erosive Velcoties Pilchuk loamy fine <2% Low Slow sand (Pc) ❑ Additional Sheets Attached Part 8 DEVELOPMENT LIMITATIONS REFERENCE LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT Ch.4—Downstream Analysis ❑ Additional Sheets Attached Part 9 ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AFTER CONSTRUCTION � Sedimentation Facilities � Stabilize Exposed Surface � Stabilized Construction Entrance � Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities ' � Perimeter Runoff Control ', � Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris '�, � Clearing and Graing Restrictions �I � Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities � Cover Practices ❑ Flag Limits of SAO and open space � Construction Sequence preservation areas ❑ Other ❑ Other Part 10 SURFACE WATER SYSTEM ❑ Grass Lined ❑ Tank ❑ Infiltration Method of Analysis Channel ❑ Vault ❑ Depression 1990 KCRTS, SBUH � Pipe System ❑ Energy Dissapator ❑ Flow Dispersal Compensation/Mitigati ❑ Open Channel on of Eliminated Site ❑ Wetland ❑ Waiver Storage ❑ Dry Pond ❑ Stream ❑ Regional ❑ Wet Pond Detention Brief Description of System Operation A new on-site conveyance system will be installed connecting area drains and building roof downspouts. Th new conveyance system will then connect back into existing conveyance system downstream of project which consists of approximately 1600 feet of piping before discharging into the Cedar River. Facility Related Site Limitations Reference Facility Limitation Part 11 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Part 12 EASEMENTS/TRACTS ❑ Cast in Place Vault ❑ Drainage Easement ❑ Retaining Wall ❑ Access Easement ❑ Rockery>4' High ❑ Native Growth Protection Easement ❑ Structural on Steep Slope ❑ Tract ❑ Other ❑ Other Part 13 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I or a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. ���� �lz�b3 Signed/Date COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN A CONSULTING STRUCTURAL AND CML ENGINEERING CORPORATION ����� �; g�: ;��= y,..�'� ,.�� `��� �� �; ,���. ;; ��� ; .� .. � --- __�. _.,. �_ , �y .�- � _ _ SNnds�r .� �, , W� .�___._���� � �-;_._ _ ��-- � t�? ' � ���. . 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V.- . ,�'.��. i r . , - � _ . . ,. 1 . . . .. , Figure 4 - Soils Map ' Project: Renton Aquatic Center Designed By:TPG Date: 12/�/02 Project No. CO21308-02 Client: NAC Checked By: SCP Sheet of P:\Renton Aquatic Center\T.I.R\Soils Map.doc 217 Pine Street • Suite 300 • Seattle, WA • Phone (206) 343-0460 • Fax (206) 343-�691 COUGHLIN PORTERLUNDEEN A CONSULTING STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING CORPORATION . . ; : �� �r : � � I�' / / ' - � ,Y . .y�l .x� .. ` � � i�1.:� I � /, � �a ;�T . ,�� �.,- � / ;'—--- ` --- *'�`���'' , � ----- I'' � �i � _ _ _ _ ` _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - .- � ,:�, �1�� � , �� J , i _; ��, . ' / _, , : , . I - - _ _ _ _ , �; � �' � � � - - , , I � � � - - - - - ' -, � I --- _F �3 - , , � � t-.:�i I � � r { .�' - ` ` / . , I ='`� jr r s�-, "� ��___'as. i � _____ . � r���. �--- — - = — -- _ ',� k,_ ;_ � '� �-- - — i,�;, _ T i ° ` i - -- . � _ —; - — � - � ,��� � �" - - , --._ '`_ - — _ �_ (-� ! � 3, � C.�. � I, �� �-- _._ . `•�� . 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' _ ._�° e.� --- '� �, :' �' � , ; � , , �� , � � : _ . � -- -- - �'- - �'� �--�.��'_. _ ,�_,�:,����� � _ , . t, - . j � � � - -= a ___— . ;� ' �a.� _ , :�_.4 _. _ _ �_ _ ` AL _ _- --� -- _ - —_ `� � � „ i li ' . ,� 1 . •�3� � �� .\ - s - �n_ O7 i i : � � e - - } / � �_ �� .. _ . : �a�- � � � -- -�� - y # � -� - _ �.;,� SC E 4 � > �`t�c:�;Y i �:: � � = . �-.� � .� ��_ ��� ' i i � ,. � I ! �� - ��� , �� . ` EXISTING CONDITIONS � _ � � - � �'130Jt:C f: RENTON A�UATIC CENTER Df_SIGNLD flY: TPG D�1 I E: 12-11-02 _ _ - ►�i30JECT NQ. CO21308-02 C�IF�uf: NACIRENTON C►IECKrn �Y: SCP SHE�T 1 OF 2 217 PWE STR�ET- SUITE 300 SEATTLr,�^!r.9&101 P: 206/343-0460 F: 206/343-5.59 I COUGHLIN PORTERLUNDEEN A CONSULTING STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING CORPORATION � �- - �.% _ _ ; - , _ �., �- ----- �- '�,;///yr ' - :i — — — APPENDIX A-Stormwater Detention Calculations COUGHLINPORTERLUNDEEN Renton Aquatic Center I'I 8 ����+�-3�1�9PORTER�U���E� STRUCTURAL • CIVI� • SEISMIC ENGINEERING �:;; F�t/j DRJ /��'l�A%1 L �-�d'U 1�� i=R-„ " sQ Uf-! �L�U.�=t---rant,���- ����� 2'��-� �A-��f'.�.� ���r s;�e�� c- /�,�o�o.���r.� �----- --- � f ' PJ.:+! � ;� " ' �^ i ,�� F.,. ,;:� ' G.� .r:a. ¢'f� j,�,rAG S' c'' .fi., -,�! j), �/ /�17�t''�'-st.:�dS �t;J �{; � �� C�?�r td 1;'d v a �€'',j',� _ .�'i�� /,. .�y ��h'1/�D u<� ij c%/"el _ �:�• )f �� 3`J �Z�D�- ;�j2�r;�''� - r'��� �� �''�.� . '_^.-. .- , c � -�' _ /. /�f- a4PcT1/ 57�� -�"^��:�'�J��� � /, z / s7� "'-� ? �' = ��t ='�_.. � /� � J,�I i'. 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Proiect No: CD Z 1 ? ��`; ��'�' Client: ��}}'°�' _ Checl<ed B,y: _�. _ Shaet of ____ 2U F'li'JE STR.�-T • S�.JITr=__ • ScATTLE,��',;�,9�fC� • o:2_:i3s3-0,�'? • -.���6'3��3-�59! 12/11/02 10 : 55 :49 am Coughlin, Porter, Lundeen Inc . page 1 RENTON AQUATIC CENTER 12-12-02 ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIN SUMMARY BASIN ID: 100-pre NAME : 100-year pre-dev ' SBUH METHODOLOGY TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1 . 23 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 1 . 14 Acres 0 . 09 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 86 . 00 98 _ 00 TC. . . . : 35 . 79 min 10 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . Q0 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0127 PEAK RATE : 0 . 50 cfs VOL: 0 . 26 Ac-ft TIME : 480 min BASIN ID: 100-pst NAME: 100-year pst-dev SBUN METHODOLOGY � TOTAL AREA. . . . . . . : 1 . 23 Acres BASEFLOWS : 0 . 00 cfs RAINFALL TYPE. . . . : TYPElA PERV IMP PRECIPITATION. . . . : 3 . 90 inches AREA. . : 0 . 32 Acres 0 . 91 Acres TIME INTERVAL. . . . : 10 . 00 min CN. . . . : 86 . 00 98 . 00 TC. . . . : 10 . 00 min 10 . 00 min ABSTRACTION COEFF: 0 . 20 TcReach - Sheet L: 300 . 00 ns : 0 . 1500 p2yr: 2 . 00 s : 0 . 0127 PEAK RATE : 0 . 89 cfs VOL: 0 . 34 Ac-ft TIME : 480 min ____ _ ..r_.._.-.,,.. ..�. ,x _ , � i� 1 . r•) ;� -' - O, � � •-- ;�, _= r! ��/^.. 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