HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract �L/'��-",,.,�����/�`;�-035
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'�VHEREAS,the City of Newcastle desizes to have the City of Renton service and maintain its
equipment; and
WHEREAS,the City of Renton has the facilifiies for service and maintenance of equipment,
through its Fleet Maintenance Division,and servzce and main#enance of electranic equipment
through its Transpartation Maintenance Division;
NOW THEREFORE,the garties mutually a�ee as follows:
1. City of Renton agrees to service and maintain City af Newcastle equipment at the City of
Renton Fleet Maintenance Garage, 3555 N.E. 2nd S�reet, Rentan,Washinb on.
Equipment is described in Attachment A, entitled"Level of Service", which is herein
incorporated by reference. City of 1'�ewcastle may add or delete equipment to this list by
making a written request to Fleet Maintenance and Transportation Maintenance. AlI
additions must by approved by City of Renton Fleet Maintenance and Transportation
Maintenance in writing befoze any services can be performed. All requests for addition.al
equipn�ent to be added to this Agreement will be considezed on an individual basis.
Additional equipment will not be added if it will have a negative impact on the quality of
service now given to the City of Renton.
2. The City of Renton further agrees to provide the City of Newcastle a monthly statement
of costs incurred by the City of Renton for its service an.d m�aintenance of City of
Newcastle Vehicles. Upon receipt of the monthly statement, City of Newcastle agrees to
remit payment to the City of Renton within ten(10)days of the lst of the month
followinD the month in which the statement is received. City of Renton shop cost
information is contained in Attachment B, and is herein incorporated by reference.
3. Czty of Newcastle does release, indemnify and promise to defend and save harmless the
City of Renton, its officers, employees and agents from and against any and ali liability,
loss. damage, expense,actions and clainns, including costs and reasonable attorr;�ey's fees
incurred by the City of Renton,its officers,employees and agents in defense thereof,
asserting or arising direetiy or indirectly on account of or out of the performanee of
service pursuant to this Agreement; provided,however,this pazagraph does not purport
to indemnify the City of Renton against liability for damages arising out of bediiy
injwries to persons or damages caused by or resulting from tYie sol�negligence of the City �
of Renton, its afficers, employees and agents.
4. Either party may ternsinate this Agreement upon givina the othez party thirty(30)days
written notice or in the event of an emergency,twenty-four(24}hours written notice. this
contract should be reviewed annually by City of Renton and City of Newcastle.
c:\wordocslcantract�nainmce 1
5. Any notices sha11 be sent to the following addresses;
A. City of Renton
C/O David Hohn,Fleet Maintenan.ce
3555 N.E. 2nd Street
Renton, Wa. 98056 Phone(206)235-2640
B. City of Newcastle
c/o David Delph
13020 S.E.72nd Place
Newcastle,Wa. 98059�030 Phone (206) 649-4444 Ext. 110
6. This Agreement contains the complete and integrated understanding and agreement
between the parties and supersedes any understanding, agreement or negotiation whether
oral er w�itt�n r�ot set fo:#h�:erein;pzovi�ed,h�vre=.�e.,tkat�y ckar.�e(s)��rete d�.z�;r
executed by both parties sha11 be incorporated n written agreements to this Agreement
with the same formalities as are requixed for the execution of this Agzeement.
7. If any provision of this A�eement,or its application to any person or circumstance is
held invalid,the remainder of the Agreement or the application af the provisions to other
persons or circumstances shail not be affected.
IN WITNESS WHEREC)F,the City of Renton and the City of Newcastle have executed this
Agreement as of the date first above written.
Dated this /d`t�v day of G��� 1997
City of Renton Cifiy of Newcastle
Jesse'�a�nner,Mayar Andrew J. Takat�ity Manager
Attest by:
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Marilyn P�e�e , City Glerk Rod KasaQuma, ity Attorney
Attachment A: Level of Service
Attachment B: Shap Cost Information
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Attachment A
Level of Service
Services will be performed based on equipment mileage and date in accordance with
recomrnended manufacturers' procedures.
Each vehicle will have a Iabel or windshieid sticker indicating mileage and due date of next
service. Services may be requested by the City ofNewcastte when equipment is close to a service
miieage or date, or will be called in by the City of Renton Fleet Maintenance Division when our
computer maintenance system indicates a service is due.
The following is a list of equipment listed as belonging to the City of Newcastle and the criteria
used for servicing. .
Year Vehicle Type Equip� Service �ervice Ti3aze
Mileage (In Days)
1996 Ford Crown Vctoria N003 4Q00 180
1996 Ford Explorer N404 4000 180
1989 Giti1C Suburban N002 4QQ0 180
I978 Ford F�50 Svc Truck N001 4000 180
The amaunt of work done at each service is based on the equipment's overall mileage, pzevious
repair history, conditian and age. For example,the first 4,000 mile service may require only an oil
change, lune and safery inspection; whereas the third service may consist o;Fnot only the oi1
change, lube and safety inspection, but also may require fuel injection system adjustment, air
conditioner servicing and wheel bearings packed.
All service intervats include a safety check, critical components inspection,vehicle appearance
check, clean engine oil and oil filter change, chassis lubrication, and check/fill other fluid levels.
Other services performed at appropriate intervals include: change air filter element, tires(rotate,
replace and baIance), emission controls service, transmission service, brake
uaspection/replacement, front wheel bearing service, engine tune-up, startertcha.rging system
checks, cooling system inspection and major component insgections.
Any service that cannot be performed in house, or is more casts effective to be done by a
commercial vendor, will be outsourced using cost competitive practices.
Vehicle emission testing is an annual requirement and will be done by the City of Newcastte.
Tests will be performed at the Washin�ton Station Vehicle Emission Testing Statian. Paperwork
received will be sent to Ciry af Renton Fleet Maintenance Division for f ling and reporting
requirements with Department of Ecology.
Our first priority is to provide for the operationat safety oF equipment at an economical price.
Interlocal Agresment 3
AYtachment A{continued}
Emergency rt�ad seruice is available within the Cities ofRenton and Newcastle by calling 235-
2b4{}. If unabte to repair, equipment will be tawed to the shop for repair. Tow bill will be paid by
the City of R.enton Fleet Ma�ntenance and added to the work order for Gity ofN'ewcastle's
monthly billing.Attachment A{continued}
Copies ofwork orders will be attached to monthly billings. Sevexat report�are avai�able from _
Fleet Maintenance Divzsion. For example, a detailed history ofall regair and fuel costs and
milea;e for curcent month and Iast twelve months. Request reports through Fieet Maintenance as
Any warranty negatiated wzth the manufacturer for City ofNewcastle will be credited to City of
Newcastie when received. Fleet Maintenan�e w�l need ta be znformed as to what warranty
packa�es City ofNewc�stle has on each vehicte seiviced by City c�fRenton Fleet l�aintenance.
Any work gerformed by Fieet iVZaintenance xhat dcres not meet manufacturers' standards should
be returned to Fle�t Maintenance#o be repaired. ,
Custamer Service
Equipment, after repairs have been rnade, will have a blue customer service card attached to the
rearview mizror. The purpase of this c,ard is for yaur use to provide any comrnents back to Fleet
InterIocal Agreement 4
Attachment B
Shop Cost Information
Billing rate for labor during normal operating hours will be the employee(s)wages and benefits
plus thirty(30) percent.
Overtime 1 1/2 times employee(s}wages and benefits plus thirty(30) percent. Overtune wilt be
used only if required by the City ofNewcastle. �
Call Back/Call Out Outside of normal working hours.
Nfizvmum of two (2} hours at two (2)times employee(s)wages and benefits plus thirty(30)
peresnt. CaII back/ca11 out will only be used if required by City of Newcastle. '
All after hours caIl back/call outs will be fonvarded trough the City of Renton Police to t�ie Fleet
Maintenancs Manger. In no instance wilt Fleet Maintenance mechanics be cailed directly.
Repair Parts & Lubrication Thirty(30) percent over City ofRenton discounted cost ptus any
appropriate taxes.
Fuel Ten(10) cents per gaIlon over City of Renton discounted bulk fuel drap casts plus any
appropriate taxes.
Staff Support/Fle�t Manager
Bzlling for direct services performed by the Fleet Mana�er wiIl be done at the rate of wages and
benefits plus thirty{30}percent. Direct services wouid include specification writing and any other
services that are related onIy ta City ofNewcastle.
Operating Hours
Monday-Friday 7:�0 AM-3:30 PM
Saturday-Sunday Closed
Interlocal Agreement 5