HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/11/2008 - Minutes � � City of Renton Board of Park Commissioners Uti�Y �� � J � ��'N�S�� Meeting Minutes March 11 , 2008 4:30 p.m.— Senior Activity Center in Attendance The following were present: Members: Tim Searing, Cynthia Burns, AI Dieckman, Michael O'Donin, Ron Regis, Larry Reymann, Troy Wigestrand Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Sandy Pilat, Leslie Betlach, Jerry Rerecich, Todd Black, Kelly Beymer, Lisa McMartin, Sonja Mejlaender, Peter Renner, Shawn Daly I. CALL TO ORDER The March 2008 meeting was called to order by Chair Tim Searing at 4:31 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Michael O'Donin made a motion seconded by Ron Regis to approve the March agenda as written. All were in favor, agenda approved. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Larry Reymann made a motion to approve the February minutes as written. Cynthia Burns seconded the motion, all were in favor, minutes approved. IV. CONSENT There were four items of consent submitted for consideration. Sonja Mejlaender was present to answer questions regarding the Fourth of July and River Da�rs festivals. She explained we are working toward finalizing a sponsor for the 4t of July event and Casino Snoqualmie had expressed interest in sponsorship. River Days is scheduled for July 22 through July 27 and is requesting fee waivers and exclusive use of Liberty and Cedar River Parks, the Community Center, and Senior Activity Center for various festival events during this time period. Jennifer Davis Hayes, on behalf of the Farmers Market Committee, requested use of the Piazza for 16 weeks each Tuesday from June 3`d through September City of Renton irrr Park Board Minutes � March 11,2007 Page 2 of 3 16th from 3:00 — 7:00 p.m. with set up and break down time added. Ron Regis made a motion seconded by AI Dieckman to approve the fee waivers. All were in favor, motion carried. The Loyal Companions 4-H requested use of Riverview Park, the shelter and a portion of the trail on Saturday, May 10, 2008, from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. This annual dog walk benefits the King County Search and Rescue. They have secured insurance within the guidelines of the City's Risk Management Division. There was a discussion regarding waiver of fees and the criteria used to determine eligibility for such a request. One question to ask is what benefit does this event bring to the City and its citizens? Jerry Rerecich, Recreation Director, explained this group purchases supplies used in rescue efforts and trainers for the dogs and handlers. Ron Regis asked if we have waived the fees in previous years. He suggested we approve the event but not waive the fees. Cynthia Burns made a motion seconded by Troy Wigestrand to approve the event and waive the shelter fees. Motion carried, request approved. V. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Lisa McMartin, was present to discuss the recent upgrade in the Community Center's registration software, CLASS. This upgrade will allow participants to check availability of our facilities from their home. It will let them know if shelters are available, provide information on field closures, etc. Our goal is to have kiosks at various sites throughout the City that will also be accessible for visitors and citizens to check availability and register for classes. Currently we have 30,000 families in our data base. Shawn Daly and Jerry Rerecich discussed the Senior Activity Center. Next year the building will be 30 years old. Currently we close down the facility for one week each year for maintenance, this year we will expand that to two weeks. The banquet room floor needs to be replaced. Currently we serve more meals at lunch time then any other facility in the area. We ask for a $3 donation. The number of people being served is getting smaller due to all three meals being served in many of the retirement homes now. The Senior Center will face new challenges in the next few years as the baby boomers retire. We need to determine what services the citizens want and what our future is. VI. OLD BUSINESS Terry Higashiyama gave an update on the City Council retreat held last week. She outlined the key objectives including affordable housing, community planning, and code enforcement. Capital project funding, homelessness and the trail linkage were also discussed. Council and staff will continue to work on the Business Plan. Peter Renner, Facilities Director, discussed Space Planning issues. The goal was not to have double moves and look at possible needs that could occur if there are additional annexations. It was decided to utilize the fire stations for City of Renton �„r Park Board Minutes � March 11,2007 Page 3 of 3 office space for some of the fire inspectors that currently are housed at City Hall. They are frequently out in the field and the space at city hall could be better utilized. We also will be getting a new maintenance shop to accommodate our crews. We want to utilize all of our current office space efficiently. Michael O'Donin commented in the next decade it is inevitable we will need a new City Hall building. f ��e�rx�'�1a�le�r, Parks Manager, was present to discuss the Evergreen Cities Act. This program will recognize Cities that have met tree city USA criteria, developed their own, or contributed to the statewide inventory, adopted or exceeded model plan and met management plan benchmarks. Pilot funds are offered in the sum of$50,000. Update on Visioning Troy, Tim, Todd, Leslie and Terry will be planning a meeting to go over the visioning materials. VII. NEW BUSINESS Future agenda items to include: Holiday Lights, Off- Leash Task Force Updates, Capital Projects and annexation. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Troy Wigestrand made a motion seconded by Cynthia Burns to adjourn the March meeting at 5:50 p.m. All were in favor, motion carried, meeting adjourned. Signature NEXT REGULAR MEETING Rescheduled from April 8 to Apri� 22, 2008 Ca� 4:30 P.M. C� Hall-7#'' Floor Conferencinc� Center " _���Y G CITY C7�F RENT(�N �' $� �j- ♦y � �, �u COinmunity S�rvic8s - Terry Higashiyama,Administrator ,�j r' Denis Law,Mayor Nationally Accredited Agenc� f�;�l�r�,�'" , . , , , „ .� February 29, 2008 Tim Searing, Chair City of Renton Parks Commission 10�5 S. Grady Way Rentan, WA 98057 Dear Mr. Searing: Since 2QQ3, the City of Renton has organized and produced a successful Fourth of July event at Gene Goulon Memorial Beach Park. From 2003-2QQ6, the City of Rentan received partial event funding from Titls Sponsor Freddie's Club of Renton. In 2407, Reva225 was the Title Sponsor. At this time, staff is working diligently to secure sponsor funding for 2Q08. In 2Q07, an estimated 20,000 peaple visited Gene Coulon Msmorial Beach Park on July 4th for stage entertainment, free children's activities, and a�reworks show. This event provides a family enviranment while promoting the City's image in the community and region. The pubiic fireworks display will once again take center stage as the City has banned the use of personal firewarks within the Renton Cify limits. Qn behalf af this Ci#y event,we are asking permission from the Parks Commission to use Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park ta host the City af Rentan's 2008 Fabulous Faurth af July on Friday, July 4th, #rom 7:00 a.m. ta 11:59 p:m. The 2048 ever�t would be similar irt size and scale to the 2007 even�and include: o A variety af free activities for kids stach as inflatabl�s and face painting o Stage entertainment throughout the afternoon and inta the evening o A 25-minute professio�aa!fireworks display launched from a barge on Lake Washington at approximately 1Q:00 p.m. o An option for specialty food vendors, such as an espresso cart a Free off-site parking and shuttle service o Traffic control o On-site Police and Fire personnei fior the event If yau would Fike additionai information about the City of Rer�ton's Fabuious Faur#h of July event, please call me at 425.430.6514. Sincerely, � J ..�s��r"`� !� Sonja M ender ; � Community Services a _-----------•.` 1055 South Grady Way-Renton,Washington 98057. RENT �� . AHF.AD OF THE CURVE �This paper cantains 50%recycfed materia(,30%post consumer �� � �,, ; ��: _�. �'��`�� � � ; e - �� � � 1055 S.Grad Wa � Renton WA 48057�425-430-6528 � Y Y � �www.rentanriverdays.arg�Fax:425-430-6b03 dOARD OF DIRECTOltS �,��rt DATE: February 29, 2Q08 8anner8ank T4: Tim Searing, Chairperson f�,;�o�ctia;��, Parks Cammission ����� FROM: Sanja Mejlaender, Coordinator c�yoEe�ro� SUBJECT: IKEA Renton River Days 20p8 Jerry Karesh Renton Western Wear Festival�ceChair Uur 23`�Annuai Renton River Days is schedu(ed for Tuesday, July 22 through Sunday, July 27, Ma�k�cor�an 2��$• This year's festiva(will bring thousands of residents and visitors together who wi(I Dunn Lumber experience aur community spirit, enjoy beautiful city amenities, 8I1CI �3at"�ICi(3at� iCl a VaC'I@�/Of Toni Neison �V���s, ac#ivities, arks &crafts, recreation, stage entertainment and many speciai features just c�,mm���y,��,t�� for kids. Again this year, the festival is scheduled to avaid conflict with the Seafiair-Hydropfane �cagren Races and Blue Angels Show, August 1-3, 2008. ACcent Print BonnieReredch Renton River Days Board of Direc#ors is requesting fee waivers and permission to reserve �,yQ���,,�, Liberty and Cedar River Parks,the Renton Gommunity Center, Senior Activity Center, Cedar ���� River Trail, and Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park for festiva!events. There are no Renton R�vtt�I�dr�y River Days events at the Piazza tt�is year. festiKal rrcwsorer �,�,,,,��,�„ Requested use of City parks and facilities includes: Mclendon Hordwore o Gene Couion M�morial Beach Park, July 19-20, Cascade Canoe & Kayak Regatta o Liberty Park, July 23 for Kids' Day, and the main 3-day weekend, July 25-27 so„p rr�'�e�nd�r o Renton Cammunity Center, Seniar Day Picnic, Ju(y 24, and the Renton Annuaf Art ��d;� Show, July 24-27 o Cedar River Trail on July 26 far the River Days Fun Run &Waik, and Vofkssparts 5K, 10K, & 20K Fun Walks (utilizes part afi the trail} o Cedar River Park, Ju1y 26-27, free pony rides in the dirt infield o Cedar River Park on July 27, BMW Gar Club"Concours d'Elegance" o Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, July 26-27, Baatstock and the Wakeboard c���01'� Invitational. Boatstocic representa#ives wi!! be stabmitting designs to Gommunity ��� Services administration far approva! of portable docking layout. Mercer Island Marine ,�ya Patral will be infarmed that the event is returning again this year. ���E� If any additional information is required, please contact Sonja Mejlaender at 425-430-6514. M°`��"'� Thank au far aur continued su ort of the festival. President Y Y I�P Randy Cornwn Presrdent Pro-Tern Sincerely, Sincerely, ierri briere J � � �� King Parker ��'1`'�� J,�;�� Dan Perason � �ta� icki Hart Sonja . laender �!,zw;�k� Festiva! Chairperson Festiva! Coardinator ',�� � FIIiST SAYqrGS BlWK� R o��v'ro ��� y<£��� ��resT ia r�s:tsea���cs .. wwstirEr�ruaNnrwr e � � Hi Jerry- The Renton Farmers Market committee would like to make a request of the Parks Commission. This year, the Ren#on Farmers Market is scheduled to be held each Tuesday from June 3rd through September 16th, 16 weeks in aq. The market wili run from 3 p.m. ta 7 p.m., with set up and break down time before and after the event. We ask that you grant us use af the Piazza during the aforementioned dates and time and that you waive your Parks Use Fee for each event. Your assistance in this event will be greatly apprecia#ed. Jennife Jennifer Davis Hayes Community Development Project Manager City of Renton Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way, 6th floor Ren#an, WA 98Q57 425-430-65$9 (430-7300 fax} idavishavesCa?_ci.rentan.wa.us www.rentonwa.aovr t . � � '�,�'Y'A[ ��� �Q��'.d1t�t'���� Ciiy of Renton, Park Board 1055 5 Grady Way Renton 98055 F�brUc�ry Z�4� 200$ Renton Park Board, The Loyal Companions 4-H Dog Club is requesting the use af Riverview Park, shelter area and a partion af the Cedar River trail on 5aturday, May lOth, 2Q08, from 8:U0 AM until 3:00 PM. We are planning our 6�' annual dog walk �o benefit King County Search and Rescue Dogs, using the Cedar River �rail from the bridge to the gravel pit. One hundred peopfe are expected ta atte�d Our insurance through 4-H wilt cover the event. We would like to request that all fees be waved for our event; as the City o� Renton wi[I benefit from the proceeds of this walk. �ast year we raised approx�mately $1500 far King Caunty Search and Rescue Dogs, through this event over the last 3 years we have raised $8i100. This money is used ta purchase suppiies and trainers for the dogs a�d handlers. l.oyat Compan9ons is looking forward to hos�ing this event again for King County Seaech and Rescue Dogs. We hope you wil! grant our request. Sincerely yours, � -.�4— �/' ' �,,,�..�. ���;;;,•;�1� ,��CG�v-`)'/� � ,� �.. Loya! ComR�nions 4-N �.eaders: Betty Newman 425-227-$123 Na�line Webster 425-22f-567n i964iJ �E 150�' St. Renton, WA.98QS9 LovalcompanionsC�?comcast.net � •d d�*S �O i 80 trz �t�'� , � . � Evergreen Cities Act-- An Incentive-Based Approach HB 2844—Concerning Urban Forestry Negotiated with Cities and other stakeholders Monday, January 21, 2008 Inventory and Assessment of Washingtan State's urban forests is conducted by DNR to establish baselines of{DNR Agency request legislation) •`• °lo canopy cover, . �:� plantable spaces, and •+• forested public health. Modet Ptans & Model Ordinances compatible with GMA requirements of cities, are developed by CTED and DNR Locai Governments May C}pt* to become Evergreen Cities by adopting or exceeding models. Evergreen Cities Recognitian Program is developed by CTED and DNR that provides graduated recognition of Evergreen Cities that have: ❖ Met tree city USA criteria �:• Developed their own, or contributed to statewide inventory ❖ Adopted or exceeded model plan, ordinance ❖ Met management plan benchmarks Incentives to become an Evergreen City are pravided through ❖ Bonus points in public works praject funding for o Water pollution control facility finaneing o Water quality and habitat protection grants o Aquatic lands enhancement grants o Habitat acquisition funds ❖ Voluntary utility ratepayer contributions �:• Future state funding provided by DNR or CTED for urban forestry Evergreen Cities Pilot funds are offered in the sum of$SO,QU4 each to IU cities to participate in the development of the statewide inventory and assessment and to meet basic "Evergreen City" recognition criteria. *Nothing in the bill is required af lacal governments not volunteerzng to become Evergreen Cities. { � � � F38 2844-52.E - DIGEST (AS OF HQUSE 2ND READING 2l1$12008) Suppor�s city efforts to conserve, protect, improve, and expand Washington's urban forest in order to reduce storm water pollution in Puget Saund, floading, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, air pallution, and starm impacts ta utility infrastructure. Requires a prioritized statewide inventory and assessment of comznunity and urban forests. Requires the department, with the advice of the evergreen cities partnership task force created in this ac�, to develop the criteria for an evergreen cities recognition program whereby the state can recagnize cifi.ies and counties, to be designated as evergreen cities, who are develaping excellent urban forest management programs that include urban farestry inventories, assessments, plans, ordinances, main�enance pragrams, partnerships, and community invo3.vement. Requires the department ta, subject ta the availability af amounts apprapriated for this speci�ic purpose, coordinate with the department of natural resources in the development and implementatian of a needs-based evergreen cities grant and competitive awards program to provide financial assistance to cities, town�, and counties for �he develapment, adoption, or implementation of evergreen cities management plans or ordinances developed under this act. Requires the department to develop model evergreen city urban forest management plans and ordinances pursuant to this act with measurable goals and timelines ta guide local government plan and ordinance adoption or development consistent with this act. Allows a J.ocal jurisdiction ta adopt an evergreen cities ardinance and an evergreen cities urban farest management plan, including enforcement mechanisms and civil penalties for violations of �heir jurisdiction's evergreen city ordinance. � �l r s��f'e� a�� ��ron e�: �� ��� � � -� � � � I��s a�. exci�.�. �m� ir�. �.ento�. � � � _ _ � BY DEIVIS LAW � Specra!to The Times �� ""�- . ``` - �, � ESTERDAY marked my two-month � � ����` � �anniversary as Renton's mayor. .� � � ��' �:� I have taken my place in this community of "' V _ ": T - . extraordina leaders and laok forward to fos- � � � '� n' �' ��€�� � i tering a spirit of teamwark and coo peration � , �� � that vvill keep us working together for the next = - _ �� �`�• x - � • several years. ��� I took affice determined to strengthen basic . services, restore confidence in city govern- ment,and make a difference in people's lives.I �,, am commiteed to making Renton a safer place " --- for people to live� I�SITi� WOr�C� 211{�I12S�C�1�22 - DEAN RUTZ/ TE1E SEATTLE TIMfiS' families;expanding our sense of community so Renton cantinues to facus resources on efforts every nsighborhaod anc! every person feels ro reviraIize the Highiands and r�owntawn. � part of the city; helping businesses grow; and crea.ting oppartunities for a11. It has been an exciting two manths and we in their homes and out in the cammunity.We ; have already seen tremendous activity.Renton j^'ill develap crime-reduct'ron pians usrng our � just welcomed the residents from the Cascade/ Speciai Operations Divisian, and emphasize� , Benson Hill area into our city.This annexation $����Y in downtown, the Highlands and other =; is the largest in Renton's 106-year history and neighborhoods. I arn committed to emergency:� overnight the ciry grew more than 25 percent. preparedness and aur readiness to respond to"`=` We are naw a 22-square-mile urban comrnuni- any emergency,be it an earthquake ar a starm. �; ty, home to 76,000 residerits and more than ��wiil strengthen our entire array af pubiic- ; 4Q,OQ0 jobs. safety ser�r-ices, With this annexation,we are working hard ta ��have several major improvements under- '_ ensure that we pravide the highest ievels of ser- W�Y for our roads and other infrastructure. In = vice to aur new residents while maintaining a caoperarion with BNSF Railway Company,we F high quality of Iife for all our residen�s and J�t campleted replacing the railroad hridges_`;= � businesses. downtown.Not only does this provide reliable �V Renton will experience significant changes �it service ta Boeing,we are alsa able ta take°:;,� , this year.We continue tp see strong eeanomic �dvantage of this oppartuniry to make severai-� development and several projects aze coming xmpravements ta our downtawn roads. - �� Last month we completed installatian af-�i to fruitian. Last month, the Federal Reserve -a Bank opened for business at its new state-af- �oncrete panels on Houser Way South, allaw-�;� � the art building in Rentan. We are counting ing us to improve safety for pedestrians, bicy-�" down to the grand opening of the Seahawks' �lists and vehicles while improving appearance ., new headquarters and training facilities. This ��access ta local restaurants and businesses.r>=, spectacular 240,000-square-foot waterfront fa- We did this project on budget and in record �; ciliry in the Kennpdaie neighborhood is one of ame—within a manth from start ta finish. �;� the largest in the NFL,and wil3 soon became an in the coming months, we knocv we have �h integral part of our comznunity. challenges but our strengths are great.We wil� `. Every day we see new stores opening at The wark to be effective,while emphasizing greater':� . Landing, a 46-acre retail/residential develop- accountabiliry and efficiency at Ciry Hali. . ment that wili employ more rhan 2,S00 peopie. I took forward to a careful review of our long- :' . Frantier Bank is building a new branch down- term financial planning so that we can con- ." town and several auto dealers will cut the rib- ��e to provide aur high standards of service . bons on new facilities. and sustain these during aIl types of economic '., In addition to all of this development,we will conditions. continue to facus resources on efforts to revi- i will work ciosely with the City Council and talize the Highiands and downtown.And,it is � °�r partners in the carnmuniry to ensure my goal to significantly advance otxr code-en- �at our city continues to be an exceptional < farcement efforts and make sure we are mov- PZace to live,learn,work and play. . ing forward with targering and eradicating problems negarively impacting our neighbar- ue�s�aw is the mayor of xencon. hoads. We have insrituted a new interdepart- mental code-enfarcement initiative to ensure measurable results. One of my priarities is keeping our neighbor- haod�,a�;d cz.ty s�#e,P�c�gle p���i,to fe�l,seci�'e . � � . - < . , . _ „ . ,, � � , � . . _� � � Pa rk Boa rd �tatus Report ����������� . � I�AR 1 7 2008 March 20a8 RECEiVEC} CITY CLERK'S OFFIGE PARKS AND TRAILS Neritaqe Park A(( work at Neritage Park is complete. Trails and Bikewavs Studv and Map A contract with MacLeod Reckord has been executed for Parks and Transpor�ation to jo'rntly prepare a non-mo#orized p(an which includes transportation routes for bicyclists; recreationai trails, including soft surface far hiking and multi-use paved traiis; trail standards; signage recommendations; a map; a p(anning docurnent; and the ability#o (ink a trai(s map to the City's website. Estimated time of completion for this project is the second quarter of 200$. Loqan Avenue Bike Lane, P.B.P.W. Transportation Systems Division is caordinating with Baeing (with Parks input)for locating a sauthbound bike iane on Lagan Avenue between North 6�' and the intersection of Park and L.agan. The project is scheduled to go to bid in February 2008. Burnett Linear Park Sidewalk lmprovements. Work is expected ta commence by mid-February 2008. Jones Park Walkwav Improvements Work is expected ta commence by March 2008. Ron Reais Park Staff is applying for one or two grants (number s#iil to be determined) through the State to help fund proposed improvements: synthetic turf far the two existing fields, two new synthetic turF fie(ds, two tennis caurts, restroom, shelters, playground, tighting, and additiona( parking. Design is expected to start in the secand quarter 2008, with construction in the first or second quarter of 2009. Skate Park Liqhtinc� Light poles have been installed and are now operational. Sunset Court Park (rriqation Work was campleted in January 2008. Teasdale Park Irriaatian A consultant wi11 start in March 2008 far a new irrigatian system and improved field drainage. N City of Renton • Park Board Status Report� � March 2008 Page 2 of 5 � Urban Forestrv Proaram The Urban Forestry Task Force, along with Steve Worthy& Associates, will commence work on the Urban and Community Forestry Development Plan in March 2008. Parks Division crews completed pruning over seventy-five Callery pear trees along S. 4th Street, Williams Avenue S., and Park Avenue N. These trees were planted in street improvement projects that occurred four to five years ago. City crews also pruned trees at Gene Coulon Memorial Park in the boat launch parking lot area. Contractors removed over a dozen high-risk trees from Teasdale Park and the Cedar River Natural Zone. The Parks Division is involved in a landscape project along Ripley Lane adjacent to the new Seahawks Headquarters and Training Facility that includes tree removal and pruning, brush removal, landscape design, and installation. Flower Proaram Kaleidoscope Services was awarded the 2008 —2010 Flower Program. Kaleidoscope Services will provide flowers and maintenance to the existing 120 hanging flower baskets in Renton's downtown, three flower beds at Renton City Hall, Veteran's Memorial Park, and Heritage Park, and the twenty-three pots and planters at Renton City Hall, Renton Main Library, and the parks shop on Park Avenue. Parks, Recreation. Open Space and Trails Visioninq Staff is currently reviewing the draft of State Resource & Conservation Guidelines for Park Level of Service (L.O.S). The L.O.S. formulas will be applied to Renton Facilities to complete a comparative analysis. The visioning document topics include policies, mitigation, partnering, L.O.S. Guidelines and Standards, Park Rules & Regulations, history, maps, and plans. RECREATION Renton Recreation's Special Olympic Basketball Teams played in the state tournament in Wenatchee on Saturday, March 1, and Sunday, March 2. Renton Wolves Juniors Division 1 received the gold medal (1St place in their Division). Renton Firebolts Juniors Division 2 received the silver medal (2"d place in their Division. The Annual "Flashlight Egg HunY' was held March 7 at Liberty Park. This event is held for ages 7- 10 years, and ages 11 — 15 years. The Annual "Hip Hoppin' Egg Hunt" will be held Saturday, March 15, from 10 am — 12:30 pm, at the Renton Community Center. This event includes a hunt for prizes, carnival games, and inflatables. � � City of Renton Park Board Status Report � � March 2008 � Page 3 of 5 The Summer Job Fair was held at the Renton Community Center on Saturday, March 8, from 10:00 a.m. — 11:30 a.m. City staff was on hand to talk to potential employees for summer work. New this year, will be information on how to fill out applications and how to interview. Renton City Concert Band's Annual Winter Concert will be held on Thursday, March 27, at 7:30 p.m. at the Renton IKEA Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. Tickets are available at the door. With all of the snow in the mountains this season, our snowshoeing and cross- country ski programs have been extremely popular. Over 164 participants have enjoyed the trips led by Dave Perkins, our Outdoor Recreation Specialist. The youth basketball program wraps up in March. Over 660 players participated, including over 100 girls. Preschool Information Night was held on Tuesday, February 5, at the Renton Community Center. Eighteen preschools presented their programs to prospective parents. Over 200 parents attended this event. VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Community Services received 2,347 hours of volunteer service in February 2008 from 291 community volunteers. Using the independent section indicator for a value of service for 2006 of$17.77 an hour, this amounts to $44,053.00. Projects and programs receiving these hours included the Library, Specialized Recreation, Renton Senior Activity Center, Renton History Museum, Youth Athletics, Teen Programs, Housing Repair Assistance Program, and the Renton Community Center. In addition to the ongoing programs receiving volunteer service last month, the City benefited from the following projects: O Hoop Shoot received assistance from volunteers. O Eagle Scouts perFormed a drainage project at Heritage Park. O The Renton Youth Council volunteered to serve dinner and clean up at Renton Technical College. O Carco Theatre received technical assistance for Black History Month performance. O Housing Repair Assistance Program received help from Renton Rotary. O LDS completed a project at Thomas Teasdale Park. Upcomin4 Events LDS Washington Mission will be perForming an invasive plant removal on the banks of the Cedar River Trail. / City of Renton - Park Board Status Report � � March 2008 Page 4 of 5 . MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE Repair Drivinq Ranae Svnthetic Turf Due to design/engineering delays, this project will be completed in the fall of 2008. Drivinq Ranqe Stall Divider Repair The driving range stall divider repair project is complete. Contractors used "Trex" material which should extend the life of the dividers. Drivina Ranae Ball Dispenser The new ball dispenser has been installed. Software and promotional capabilities will be in use February 2008. Sand Bunker Repair New drain installation, re-shaping, and new "fill" sand in finrenty(20) of the golf course existing greenside and fairway bunkers, will begin in January and extend to completion in March 2008. Golf course staff will perform this project. Nine bunkers have already been repaired by staff during the 2005 season and will have some "fill" sand added. The project is ahead of schedule with the anticipated completion date of March 21, 2008. Buildinq Maintenance Items As part of the capital improvement budget, building maintenance items will be addressed in 2008. These items include; replacing door thresholds, updating aging bathroom fixtures, applying new sealant on banquet kitchen floor, to name a few. Audubon Cooperative Sanctuarv Proqram The program addresses five key environmental quality areas that must have a variety of projects implemented in order to apply for certification. Staff has completed Part 1, Wildlife and Habitat Management; and Part 2, Chemical Use Safety and Reduction. The next three components to complete are Water Conservation, Water Quality Management, and Outreach and Education. The goal is to complete the certification process by September 2008. In addition, the golf course applied and received a permit from the Department of Fish and Wildlife to stock the ponds with Grass Carp. Grass Carp help eliminate algae and plant material that overtake ponds. This is a major component to complete the Water Quality Management component. Twenty-five Triploid Grass Carp have been released into four golf course ponds in the summer of 2007. An additional twenty-five carp will be released in ponds in the spring of 2008 as part of the initial permit. Repair of Tsutakawa Fountain October 2007, golf course staff discovered a leak originating from the fountain drain. Repair of the drain lines is scheduled for mid-March. Completion date estimated for mid-April in time for the restaurant to open the patio for the summer season. � • City of Renton Park Board Status Report � � March 2008 • � Page 5 of 5 Facilities FS 11 fire sprinklers, lighting Contract awarded to ACE Fire Protection Systems, Inc. Utility portion of work completed by VLS Construction. Both contracts awaiting Mayor's si�nature. Police Substation expansion at Complete and police in place. An Municipal Parking Garage additional annexation-related expansion is in the permitting stage on the other side of the Parkin Gara e. FS11 Seismic retrofit FEMA grant application complete and in the process. Determination expected shortly. � Library furniture replacement � In pro�ress J New Maintenance Facility Purchase and Sale Agreement received. Agenda bill in process to acquire property. In Council Finance Committee 3/17/08. North Hi�hlands Center Furniture � Complete I.S. Cubicles on 6"' Floor � Complete � City Hall Annexation Remodel � Programmin� & strate�ic plannin� 200 Mill Buildin Annexation Remodel Pro rammin & relimina desi n