HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/09/2009 - Minutes < • 'w�r �rw CITY OF RENTON Cit of Renton JUL 2 4 2009 y RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Board of Park Commissioners �� o � J � +��'N'�� Meeting Minutes June 9, 2009 Maplewood Golf Course—Alder Room I. CALL TO ORDER In Attendance The following persons were present: Members: Tim Searing, Cynthia Burns, AI Dieckman, Michael O'Donin, Ron Regis, Larry Reymann, Troy Wigestrand Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Sandy Pilat, Leslie Betlach, Jerry Rerecich, Kelly Beymer, Todd Black, Terry Flatley, Bonnie Rerecich, Jim Seitz, Shawn Daly Guest: Pete Maas II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was noted that Shawn Daly, Senior Service Coordinator, was not listed on the June 9, 2009, agenda. Cynthia Burns made a motion, second by Larry Reymann, to add Shawn Daly to the agenda. All were in favor, motion carried, the June 9, 2009, amended agenda was approved. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Michael O'Donin made a motion to approve the April 14, 2009, minutes as written, second by AI Dieckman. All were in favor, motion carried, minutes approved. IV. BOARD COMMUNICATION Shawn Daly was notified in January 2008 by the Law Offices of Dan Kellogg that the Senior Center was the beneficiary of 16.2/3% of the George S. Ikuta estate. In June 2009 Shawn Daly received further notification that the amount due to the Senior Center will be $596,320. Terry Higashiyama expressed her appreciation to Shawn and the Senior Center staff for caring for their patrons and treating them like family. � - '�rir�` w.r City of Renton Park Board Minutes June 9, 2009 Page 2 of 3 V. CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION A motion was made to reappoint both Tim Searing and Ron Regis for an additional four-year term. All were in favor, motion carried. VI. CONSENT ITEMS Michael O'Donin made a motion to nominate AI Dieckman to serve as Chairperson commencing with the July 14, 2009 meeting. Second by Ron Regis. All were in favor, motion carried. Terry Higashiyama thanked Tim Searing for a terrific job serving as Chairperson. VII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS The Henry Moses Aquatic Center opens June 20th. Jerry Rerecich displayed a drawing of the traffic pattern changes at the Renton Community Center designed to improve the safety of the pool patrons. VIII. ADMINISTRATORS REPORT In lieu of the August 11, 2009, Parks Commission meeting, a tour will be conducted — itinerary to be determined. The Budget Update was tabled until the July 14, 2009, meeting and will be discussed in length at that time. IX. OLD BUSINESS Leslie Betlach, Todd Black, Jim Seitz, and Connie Reckord gave a presentation on the Renton Trails and Bicycle Master Plan. Michael O'Donin made a motion to adopt the Plan, second by Larry Reyman, all were in favor, motion carried. It was noted that studies such as this, assist in obtaining grants. The Guide Map will be available for review. Leslie Betlach thanked both the Park Commissioners and the Non Motorized Transportation Advisory Committee for reviewing the plan. The Plan was presented to Council on May 11, 2009, for adoption. Kelly Beymer stated that as of May 20, 2009, Maplewood Golf Course became a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary. Maplewood is the second municipal golf course in the state and 12th statewide to earn this distinction. X. NEW BUSINESS Terry Flatley mentioned the City of Renton received the Tree City USA (TCUSA) award. Mayor Law received a letter from Chuck Turley, State Forester, thanking Renton for their efforts. H:�Boards and Corrunissions�Park Board�2009ParkBoard\6min.doc � City of Renton � � Park Board Minutes June 9, 2009 Page 3 of 3 Terry Higashiyama mentioned that a proclamation will be read at the July 6, 2009, Council Meeting, announcing July as Parks and Recreation month. Work is nearing completion on the City's first boardwalk located at the Springbrook Trail. The ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled for June 19, 2009, at 11:00 a.m. Todd Black gave a brief update on the Off-Leash Dog Park. A group of volunteers will install a cedar split rail fence the weekend of June 20 and 21. XI. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 p.m. All were in favor, motion carried. The meeting adjourned to honor Ron Regis for his 40 years of service on the Board of Park Commissioners. � � , Signature NEXT REGULAR MEETING July 14, 2009 City Hall 7tn Floor Conferencing Center , H:�Boards and Commissions�Park Board�2009ParkBoard\6min.doc